I’ve always hated clutter, found owning things stressful and parted with material items easily. It might have started as frustration with my parents always asking me to clean my room. A room with nothing, after all, is much easier to keep tidy. At the age of about 12, when I figured out that owning nothing was easier than keeping track of stuff, I began getting rid of everything I could, making piles of clothes to donate and tossing out soccer trophies before even bringing them across my room’s threshold.The previous from Winfrey's commencement address at Agnes Scott College in Decatur, Ga.
I was worried that my lack of interest in decorating might be a sign of laziness. But much to my delight, my philosophy of “less is more” — when executed properly — has actually become trendy.
This is her $100m Montecito estate:

Any questions peons?
Maybe there's nothing inside it.
I'm sure that she has "staff" to take care of the "stuff" there.
There's probably a security detail assigned exclusively to the shoe annex.
I wonder if Oprah checks Zillow every week.
Funny thing. Zguess says +$25k last 30 days but projects only +$6k for the next year.
Even stranger. Zguess has me down $6k from last May 2016.
> http://www.science20.com/news_staff/solar_plus_batteries_will_at_least_double_the_cost_for_electricity-225083
Filed under "Why I did not install a solar system at home".
So I should get rid of all the Oprah stuff and quit buying more of it?
Your roof? You think you own that? Well sure but SCE owns all the photons that fall on it. Unless you allow SCE to capture their product you will be charged for stealing.
And you get a lower quality of life and you get a lower quality of life and YOU...
> Your roof? You think you own that? Well sure but SCE owns all the photons that fall on it.
Wasn't it Colorado where the government claimed that they owned the rain that falls on your roof?
I don't like Oprah's house.
Yep! Calirado claimed the water captured in rain barrels was natural run off and did not belong to the property owners where if fell.
I dislike what her "house" represents. Doubly so since her commencement comments.
I'm telling you. California will find a way to wrest control of the sunshine on your roof. For the common good like the requirements for brush clearance.
Cognitive dissonance seems more likely than hypocrisy.
How about an air charge, for each breath.
What does the house represent other than extravagance and some greed?
I think the msm is now at war with Trump and vice versa.
MSM has always been at war with Trump. What kills them is that Trump won't rise to testing them as worth fighting. We've seen it subtle. We've seen it blatant. The media is not part of governance and they have yet to accept that after the last decades since Watergate.
"How about an air charge, for each breath."
Kali has what is called CARB California Air Resources Board. The intent is good and has been positive but Like what do you do after you save the whales? Things get extreme to continue their existence.
NBC's lead story tonight was nothing but trick worded and lacked fact but cited opinion. More then 10 minutes of not real news.
Yes but I've never seen them so united. The hub sez, even Fox. . . .
I said that after they got Nixon that would be the goal from then on. And that attitude would not be good for the nation. Nixon deserved to be got,.but Lordy, I wish I had him back again.
And that's really saying something. I really marvel that you otherwise sensible people can't see he's crazy.
Crazy or fox? He is the best of the worst.
People need to remember that Nixon was twisted by the 1960 election where TX and Chicago Illinois stole his Presidency and he decided to not challenge fir the good of the nation.
Nothing I have every witnessed personally has ever been reported correctly. I remember an expecially stupid sorry on mtg foreclosers. This is nothing new. But dawg, he contradicts him self with I n 10 minutes or so, and discovers health care issues are hard, who knew. Well, everybody here knew.
It is true people won't let you say anything osition. I say that I approve his positions on trade and get jumped on. Hey I say, I'll go along with you on most everything else,.but not trade. Being ugly and repulsive doesn't help his cause either.
Is that the one where they burned the TX courthouse down?
Anything positive.
Nixon was also very very very smart, as well as nuts, but in a merely as a paranoid sort of way.l
"'m telling you. California will find a way to wrest control of the sunshine on your roof. For the common good like the requirements for brush clearance."
THey won't go about it that way. You generate power on your roof that you sell back to PG&E and SCE. Both PG&E and SCE provide stable power whereas solar is not really power, meaning, it's really there only when the sun is angled such that you're generating power at times when you're mostly not using it and relying on the power companies when you are.
Selling power back to the grid causes load imbalances that raise costs. Right now, they're shifting more of those costs onto people who don't have solar. Once enough people shift to solar, they'll charge a fee for the load balancing or the amount of power they have to provide you during peak hours.
I would just expect power to become a lot more expensive like everything else in CAlifornia while the service declines.
Umm, what is Germany doing to have such,a big percentage of its power from solar?
Good morning.😀.
I dreamed of asparagus last nite.
Wakey wakey.
NBC said Home Depot is doing really well. Yep our store is always very busy and the service people are eager to help. And there are plenty of them. Macy's might want to look into that part. If I sit down to wait for the hub 2 or 3 walk up to ask me if I need help.
We spend much more money there than any other retailer except maybe Publix
I think I've cornered the marigold supply.
If I were queen of the wold, I'd reduce the number of pictures and videos of Trump by 95%. Also, I'd have some statesmen and women to be ready in both parties in 2018 and 2020.
World too.
Good Morning!
Almost 2" of rain last night. :)
Germany is playing a scary game and when things don't work they buy electricity from their neighbors. Demand energy is still in the game.
Lucky you. My garden I'd ok, since we water it, but the vast expanse of lawn (an acre maybe) we don't want to pay to water and is brownish. Rainy season is 1 or 2 weeks away.
The back yard is looking scruffy. Deciding if it is worth watering.
"We are seeing in the US a developing political schizophrenia," - Putin
Yeah, well nobody said Putin was dumb.
Grass. Won't grow where you want it, only every place else.
America 2.0 is just about here.
Got all your Dawgifornia emigration paperwork up to date? It's going to be a real mess when everyone tries to take the last lifeboat.
You will let ME IN Dawg, right? After all I'm special.
Liz, of course you are welcome. That part of the Constitution was amended years ago. Retired lawyers are no longer subject to extreme vetting. Keep in mind however that you are still prohibited from holding elective office in two of the four branches of government at the national level. ;)
Before we move on shorty. Did anyone laugh at the Steve Martin joke in the title of this thread?
There is another duper volcano to worry about, this one near Naples Italy.
Super duper!
Lawyers cannot serve in the national Legislative or Executive branches. The elective office in the Professional and Legal branches are available to the highest positions. Indeed, some are open only to lawyers. Prefectures have no such restrictions for any office but may enact them if so desired.
New post. You hubby will want to click trough to the article.
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