Friday, July 06, 2007

Big Fish Little Fish

I'm getting flooded with calls and emails about his lies! People are bursting to tell the truth. Someone is going to finally have enough and go first and then the floodgates will open. More on this later. Talk away.


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Unknown said...


Schnapps said...


Seb said...


Unknown said...

Shut up woman....gee what a whiny voice....she needs a Casey Murst injection.

Schnapps said...

Dawg, if you need help sifting those emails, I expect I can find an hour or two this weekend (damn contract work).

soem dood said...


I was gonna be Mursty, but then a shiney thing came along...

Sprezzatura said...

This entire Talkcast can be summed up in one sentence:

"Everything would have been fine if it hadn't been for those damn haters!"

Kerriella said...

reposting in the new thread, how long til I can download this talkcast and listen to it all?

soem dood said...

AS to this particular caller....

"She needed killin'."

(not for views, just for boredom quotient)

Sprezzatura said...

From the last thread:

At 6:45 PM, Honestly Wondering said...

I don't think she's going anywhere here, other than to defend Christianity.

I really do wonder sometimes if some of the Supporterz are just naive Christian folks who can't reconcile Casey's behavior with his religious identity. I've known more than a few of that crowd who would give anyone flying under the banner a free ride for damned near anything - the alternative being having to admit that not all Christians are decent people.

Amazing how this woman can talk for so long and say absolutely nothing.

Schnapps said...

Ya know?

Yeah. I know.

Damn haterz

JohnDiddler said...

he has medical insurance? wtf?

Anonymous said...

give us a taste. we are like a circling group of piranas. we need some blood!

Unknown said...

wtf ... she is babbling to fill out his time left for the cast. I am convinced she's a conspirator

Anna said...

Kerriella, it is normally available at least within 24 hours. Should be around tonight or tomorrow morning.

The Dude said...

Shit....a woman who talks for hours and says NOTHING....cut her off!

Unknown said...

I'm getting flooded with calls

Calls??! Jebus. EXPOSE, ROB, EXPOSE!!!! :-)

Unknown said...

pudgey with a dozen cats I bet

Seb said...

Wake me up when she's off the phone. He must be paying her.

Sprezzatura said...

I reposted Honestly Wondering's comment because I think it's really good.

Caseys Sex Life said...

Who the fuck cares if her ribs were showing - someone mute this broad!!!

Seb said...

Who cares about his calorie intake?!?!?!

Anna said...

WTF is this woman talking about her diet for?

Obviously stress doesn't affect Casey much.

FlyingMonkeyWarrior said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Siduri said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Schnapps said...

@The Dude

I work with about 30 menopausal women. Talk about talking about nothing except how hot/cold it is.

soem dood said...

Oh thank GAWD -- she is gonna spare us her medical particulars

"....weight loss... energy... ribs stickin' out... put on diet... got sick.... calories..."

Casey "Yeah,..... yeah.... yeah...."

Broward Horne said...

Casey is now a guru.

He just got his first acolyte.

Roger Hayes said...

This woman is making me punch kittens.

Seb said...

Nobody gives a fuck about her great grandpa!

lawnmower man said...

@Kerriella: it was usually available within an hour or so of it ending; the last one took about 6 hours, a delay which Casey blamed on TalkShoe.

The Dude said...

This woman is fucking NUTS.....cut her off!

Siduri said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

'friend who committed suicide' .. from having to listen to her voice ...

NotAnOptimist said...

I've been semi-transcribing and loading onto CaseyPedia as I go along, so for those poor folk w/o audio, check out fragments of transcript if you really really can't wait. Unfortunately I missed Mark and Duane =(

Schnapps, check your email.

FlyingMonkeyWarrior said...

Not drinking. Just had a Dad that was really funny, and a very hard worker.
Oh and honest to a fault.
He made me "naturally born funny", I reckon.
Disclaimer: I am not an Attorney or a Party to anything.
te he
Okay, she is much too delicate to be a haterz!

Kerriella said...

That long?!?! Holy Crap! I was thinking an hour. *Sigh* Oh well I will just reread all the posts and glean from there until tomorrow.

And what really sucks is that I finally get back to it for this crap! What the heck is she even talking about?

Elizabeth said...

I think now's a good time to actually start reading the 200 page assignment I have due for next Thursday eve. Yawn.

At least the CISSP book is more interesting than this rambling woman. **sigh**

Unknown said...


Siduri said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Her cat
Her dog
Her story
Her Stress
Her advice

Comment on his body, she wants him.

wagga said...

Chickster - Go Away - Bring on Annie

Mouse And Pencil said...

God, his Supportz™ suck.

Elizabeth said...

Did Casey just sigh in annoyance with his only sympathetic caller?

Rob Dawg said...

As soon as Casey realises it is about "her" and not "him" she's history.

Someone, anyone ask him what the ending balance was on the joint checking account that just closed.

He's sucking on foccacio and basil pizza while family is paying for lawyers?

Sprezzatura said...

She is praying for him. How sweet.

Caseys Sex Life said...

dear god she can make a sex tape with her great grandpa

who cares if she and her gay husband are praying - I HATE THIS LONG WINDED BROAD!

Anna said...

I refuse to believe this woman is married.

Schnapps said...


I have a phone number for you to send the photo to. Email me at to get it.

FlyingMonkeyWarrior said...

How much can a PERSON TAKE!!!
Michael tell Casey to get rid of this sick person.
Oh, well it is a good match they 'may' both be sick.
May is my disclaimer word.

soem dood said...

"My great granpah..."

I am gonna drive across the coast to muzzle this caller myself...

She is psycho jus' like Casey!

"I thought I was perfectly fine... impressed with how much stuff I got done..."

We get it!!!!

Okay. You are a manic/depressive pseudo-Christian freakazoid.


Now. Put the phone down. Back away from the computer....

Anonymous said...

her grandfather.. her "calorie diet".. her status as a newlywed.. the high stress weight loss program.. working at 7am.. blather blather blather..

Somewhere in the mountains of Colorado, this woman tonight is hobbling the legs of a badly wounded bestselling author..

Unknown said...

This woman, Tavington, and Mocha need to have a Casey love-in threesome. Blecch

Schnapps said...

@NOA - got it. Thx.

lawnmower man said...

the joint checking account that just closed.

Bravo, Galina. That needed to be done.

Rob Dawg said...

Remember, don't get mad at Casey!

Anna said...

He isn't going to have Annie on? Goddamnit.

Hyper Fart said...

Hey, lady that just called. Thank you for FINALLY shutting the fuck up.

Better late than never.

Lou Minatti said...

I predict this will be Casey's last talkcast.

Lou Minatti said...

M Singh!

Seb said...


Unknown said...

Buck Dharma = M. SINGH.... he's headed for a ban!!!

soem dood said...

Honestly Wondering envisioned:

"Somewhere in the mountains of Colorado,"

OMG!!!! I lawled!

"I'm your biggest fan!"

Hey, it's Singh!

Sprezzatura said...

I think you are right lou.

Caseys Sex Life said...


Annie said...


We need a haterz call this weekend to respond and speak to all of Casey's one sided love himself.

Schnapps said...


Mouse And Pencil said...


Murses said...

Msingh got muted right away

Unknown said...


Lou Minatti said...

M. SINGH is zeroing in, Casey dumps him!

Sprezzatura said...

He needs to "finish it up with some love"

Santa Flipper Clause said...

Ho Ho Ho - It's Santa Flipper Clause

We want Annie!!!!!!!

Santa F. Clause

Nigel's Guest Blogger said...

That woman's husband wasn't praying for Casey, he was praying for his own death.

Annie said...

M Singh!


I knew it was you the minute you started speaking......

And then he goes and mutes you.

the little troll

Relentless said...

Ban on name/reputation alone..I'm impressed

Mouse And Pencil said...

$100 to the first person to make him cry

wagga said...


Is Annie officially banned or are just slathering butter all over the place?

Sweet Cashback said...

He just said he has HEALTH INSURANCE. Now where is that coming from?? I guess one more lie doesn't matter right? Is never black and white....

Mouse And Pencil said...

Whoops, another hater! LOL

soem dood said...

New caller very nuetrally and nicely asks "Did you open the family door..."

Casey, of course, over reacts, blows a gasket... hmmm... why would that be?

Oh, I know. Guilt.

Lou Minatti said...

BTW M. Singh, "Buck Dharma" was a good one.

lawnmower man said...

Side note: for those coming in late, NotAnOptimist is doing some sterling live-transcription work on CaseyPedia. Amazing and impressive.

Unknown said...

Damnit M.Singh he cut you off before you could go off on him again!

The Librarian said...

This may be the person to do it. Boy, someone has a short temper tonight....why in the HELL did he do a fraudcast?

Mouse And Pencil said...

"People are trying to sue me, for one little thing I did"

Suuuuuuuure, Casey.

The Dude said...

That woman's husband wasn't praying for Casey, he was praying for his own death.


He's probably "at the church" schtooking a babe

Anna said...

He's PARTIALLY responsible for it? Partially? Who the hell else is responsible for his situation other than him? UGH. Hater for life!!!

lawnmower man said...

He just said he has HEALTH INSURANCE.

He's mentioned that before; it was I think one of the line items on his spreadsheet.

Mouse And Pencil said...

He's going to partner on the blog to pay off his wife's credit cards?

What happened to Marty?

Sprezzatura said...

He's trying that "sell part of the blog but retain control" thing again.

The Librarian said...

This lady is sharp. Now he's muting her because she's getting too close.

This will probably be the last fraudcast, folks; he's getting too hip to the fact that folks have dissected his conversation methods;he's using the mute button like a little dictator; and the next fraudcast will be us listing to this asshole drone on. It's over.

Elizabeth said...

"...start paying some of this debt..." WTF? Partnership on the blog... Is some looser really going to waste money on fliptard?

Schnapps said...

Blog partnership???

He's sounding stressed. And unhappy.

soem dood said...


Annie said...

What a waste of my long distance dollars ---


Casey is scared of Annie......

Hyper Fart said...

Wifes credit card bs,

I haven't told anyone that, this is the first time I'm telling anyone that.

That's because it's a lie, and you just pulled all of that out of your ass. Except the partnering on the blog thing. You are stupid enough to attempt that at this point, so that is probably true.


Mouse And Pencil said...

Last call, are you seeking out psychological help?

Why not?

Silence from Casey.


Anonymous said...

"Why not? I don't think I need that."

soem dood said...

Have you sought out psychological help?


Why not?

Sprezzatura said...

Good last caller there.

Schnapps said...


"Why not?

"What does your wife think?"

He's kookoo for...what's that cereal?

Mouse And Pencil said...


Pull the cord.

Just do it.

Pull it.

christiangustafson said...

I had breakfast with Casey in Seattle on Wednesday. Really, I did.

The Librarian said...

And here we go with the natural organic hypochondriac bullshit.


soem dood said...

He thinks getting checked out by a doc is "unnatural"?

He speaks volumes and does not even know it.

Anonymous said...

sounds like he actually turned it off this time around.

Rob Dawg said...

There is N.F.W. that the scammer playing Casey as a mark is ready to pay $50k for "part" ownership of the blog. This is more fantasy than the casino deal.

Ending on a call to seek professional help for his problems.

I doesn't think he needs it!

Organic brain surgery!

My God I'm two hours older and stupider than when we started.

Elizabeth said...

Well, that ended abruptly. What say there won't be any more of these things from his end?

JohnDiddler said...

he can't ban everyone who keeps a job. there's too many of us.

Mouse And Pencil said...

LMFAO! It cut off in the middl of his URL!!!!!!!


Murses said...


Broward Horne said...

What a downer ending.

I feel a little ill.

Sprezzatura said...

He thinks getting checked out by a doc is "unnatural"?

Yeah, I caught that too.

Snackle said...

Sprezzatura, thanks. I thought it was a valid question.

Unknown said...

LOL, Casey cut himself off while trying to end the show. :-)

Haterz - 10, Supporterz - 0. Big surprise.

lawnmower man said...

it was I think one of the line items on his spreadsheet.

He's deleted the spreadsheet.

He told CashCall's Mr. King: We have health insurance that we pay and that's 200 dollars a month. That's for self employed health insurance.

FlyingMonkeyWarrior said...

Do you think I'm a cookoo???
He has heard it many many many times before.

YA Think????
He needs to
talk to an Organic Doctor and check for food allergies.
There, it is not the haterz fault at all.
SO happy.

Annie said...

I'm on the phone for 90 minutes and he never calls on me....

I have some venting that needs to be done.

Any Haterz cast this weekend?

If not, its all good. I'll turn off the computer and go for a hike.

Anonymous said...

Can we take up a collection and buy the fliptard a vasectomy? I'd chip in for that.

Anonymous said...

"I think I'd want to do something natural, without all the pills.."


Joe said...

He's lost anything and everything good and wortwhile in his life. His own mother has probably cut the ties to him she had. I'd feel unhappy too.

Murses said...

He has heard it 'many many many times' that he should seek professional help because he might be coo-koo?

That speaks volumes!

The Dude said...

After that pyscho woman in MN, my head won't stop hurting...she's as bad as Mocha

Sprezzatura said...

Annie -- next time (if there is one), use Skype, don't waste your money on the landline.

Caseys Sex Life said...

Well, I burned up minutes and he wouldn't let me on either. Dumb fuck - I just wanted to ask him if his dumbass is looking forward to being Bubba's bitch!

in reality - how can he listen to Duane say that Galina called bawling less than an hour earlier and he blew it off??? Pitchforks united!

Rob Dawg said...

Hyper Fart said...
...Except the partnering on the blog thing. You are stupid enough to attempt that at this point, so that is probably true.

Yep. One of the tiny things waiting for release.

soem dood said...

At 7:02 PM, Orson Buggy said...

" Can we take up a collection and buy the fliptard a vasectomy? I'd chip in for that."

Nah, I can't go there 'cause he might blow the money. What I will do, though, is volunteer my boss set of garage tools and my labor to do it. No experience, but I'm a quick learner.

The Dude said...

Annie.....and all other Haterz who want to call in....

Download's FREE

wagga said...


It was real, it was good, it was real good, but it wasn't Annie!

I vote we reimburse Annie for her one hour long distance call from the Tip Jar.

And grant her "Honorary Banned" status, too.

Santa Flipper Clause said...

Ho Ho Ho - It's Santa Flipper Clause

"Can we take up a collection and buy the fliptard a vasectomy? I'd chip in for that."

Maybe with a dull spoon.

Santa F. Clause

Mouse And Pencil said...

So,w hat have we learned.

1. He thinks he can get Galina back.

2. He has'nt talked to a lawyer.

3. He still thinks he can make a comeback

4. He's scared of Annie and T.

5. He thinks he's famous.

6. His fans are boring as hell.

7. He cannot open his mouth without lying.

Elizabeth said...

@ Joe

He probably should have thought of that before defrauding her of $23K... The first time I read his blog, I was somewhat sympathetic, but by reading #3 when he'd left for Oz, admitting he left Galina penniless while denying it in the same breath, I became a full-on hater. I have absolutely NO sympathy for him at all anymore. And I'm actively wishing bad upon him, which is something I only do for the worst of the worst on this planet. He's a messed up little psycho who needs institutionalization, not compassion.

Rob Dawg said...

Can we pay extra for a Vasecotomy from a doctor with Parkinsons?

Anonymous said...

In case no one caught the reference and thought the ending of tonight's call was a bit anticlimactic..

.. the guy in the Members Only jacket came out of the bathroom and shot him.

Murses said...

"Can we take up a collection and buy the fliptard a vasectomy? I'd chip in for that."

Maybe with a dull spoon.

Or a spork?

Joe said...

8. No concept of reality for Casey.

Unknown said...

I'll reiterate the months-old offer of $1000 for Casey to juice his own testicles.

Anonymous said...

Maybe we can set it up so we pay the sawbones directly. Sort of like a gift certificate that can't be cashed in, non transferable, and only redeemable for one thing.

I have no problem if the urologist has the shakes.

soem dood said...

At 7:03 PM, The Dude said...

"After that pyscho woman in MN, my head won't stop hurting...she's as bad as Mocha"

This is not original to me, in fact, a recent thread made reference to the phenomena, but there is something in the offbeat that attracts certain psycho women. That dude Dennis Radar (BTK killer) -- over weight, middle aged, serial killer, sexual sadist without remorse.. had chicks diggin' on him, wanting to hook up.

Now that, my friends is very sick, and yet that is EXACTLY the type that Casey has attracted as his few real 'supporterz™', IMHO.

Murses said...

6. His fans are boring as hell

They are either drug addicts or Fundies.

Fundies are never, ever good.

Joe said...


I'm a hater too. I'd kill myself before I did what he did to his parents. My point was to imagine what life was like if your own Mother hated you.

lawnmower man said...

@christiangustafson: I had breakfast with Casey in Seattle on Wednesday. Really, I did.

For the love of God, man: why?

The "Austrian Economics" in your profile rings a distant bell: were you a previous talkcast caller, perchance?

NotAnOptimist said...

I just have to say, trying to transcribe nonstop means listening really intently... and now I just want to throw up. UGH. And that JakeMN lady? OMG. I think I lost brain cells.

Caseys Sex Life said...

Thank the Dude - Skype it is from now on. That long winded mealy mouthed wench stole my buzz- who the hell cares about her and her grandpa???

Mahk (your new name unfortunately)- I need a conjuction junction, what's your function, against that WOMAN!

The Dude said...


Get this! When I went back to my old home town, a chick I knew from years gone by was working for our Congressman. She was using the Gov. computer to correspond with Scott Peterson!!!!!!!

The Dude said...

Sorry....that's Soem

Bette said...

Again: he is so clearly a sociopath. I don't know about anyone else but the notion of redemption comforted me.. but clearly he is not capable of it.

If nothing else Casey made me grow up. I'm still looking for the lesson here..

Anonymous said...

@soem dood,

I think it's an "I can save him... He just needs love" sort of thing.

Schnapps said...

What happened to Michael?

@Wagga - I second that motion to reimburse Annie from the tip jar.

The Dude said...

Is there anybody who can get some of his recordings together, his documentation, and send it to a Psyche Dept. at some U and have them do a study on him?

lawnmower man said...

Rob, Duane, Mark, Galina &co: pull the trigger. Pull all the triggers.

Joe said...

The whole Casey phenom is worth a book.

Caseys Sex Life said...

That is the sad thing about this whole debacle - it made me realize how much of a responsible adult I am.

Unknown said...

The best line is when he admitted to being "partially" at fault.

soem dood said...

soem, some, sum, hey, it's all the same to me what you call me -- just don't call me late for dinner, and...

PLEASE PLEASE DEAR GAWD-- Just don't call me if you are a female MN supporter™, or I'll scratch my eardrums out if I have to hear that again (laugh)

Akubi said...

Can someone please post a link to the follow-up cast where M. SINGH speaks?!!

Jake said...

I'm really sorry guys for being so boring. I won't call in again. I didn't really expect him to pick me.

Sprezzatura said...

If you'll notice, Rob had 4 graphics lined up for tonight's fraudcast, and the 4th has not been used yet. That might be for the post-call ambush.

Anonymous said...

@ CSL 7:13

That's another reason to hate the sumbitch!

Rob Dawg said...

If money isn't the issue email me with what you wanted to say and I'll give it a top post. - Dawg

Murses said...

Yes a link to the follow up would be appreciated.

Skip E. DaMann said...

How about a "West Virginia" vasectomy? This is really a sight gag, but I can try it here.

Give Casey a beer can and an M-1000 and tell him light the fuse and count to 10
He will look at left hand (holding beercan in right) and count off fingers one, two, three, four, five.....
Looks even more confused than normal... places beer can in lap....looks to right hand and counts off fingers.. six, seven.....Pow, cheap vasectomy

soem dood said...

At 7:12 PM, lawnmower man said...

"Rob, Duane, Mark, Galina &co: pull the trigger. Pull all the triggers."

"Hello Almighty, Almighty, this is PBR Street Gang -
radio check, over."

"Street Gang, this is Almighty, standing by, over."

Snackle said...

Someone needs to front him the money for some auditing sessions with the $cientologists. I bet he would jump off the Ft. Harrison Hotel!

Caseys Sex Life said...


He cut the majestic M. SINGH off at the start!

wagga said...


Annie gets hour and a half, plus hourly billing rate.

Last time I imbibed schnapps (Peppermint) was after a '70s F1 race at Long Beach & we all followed the bag piper around the racecourse. Rest is kinda hazy, though.

Schnapps said...

Ok, this is getting confusing: there's Annie, Anna and Anne now

Relentless said...

Follow up

Akubi said...

What about this one I can't find: 41311?

Nyt said...

Sorry, gang, I was hoping that he'd admit exactly what his responsibilities were, but no such luck. Foiled by the mute button. I thought I was being polite, but I guess someone thought I wasn't...

Murses said...

YAY! Thank you Relentless!
It works!

NotAnOptimist said...


Scroll to the bottom for M. SINGH's brief appearance

The Dude said...


Don't worry about it....he's had a lot of experience NOT taking responsibility and tap dancing around serious questions. He's a hard play.

Murses said...

@ Not an Optimist

There is an after hours haterz cast

soem dood said...

Thanks for the wind-down cast... listening in now.

NotAnOptimist said...


Which caller were you? (for CaseyPedia completeness)

wagga said...

And why is the damn trashcan following me around like a trailing cloud of glory?


NotAnOptimist said...

@ murses

Thanks! I was completely unaware. =]

Snackle said...


I'll go in and edit my profile to snackle.

Schnapps said...

Who's the other guy on with M Singh?

Nyt said...

Thanks for that...I'm usually better at that...somehow I'm feeling slightly ....Unfulfilled....

soem dood said...


he he trash can came with forced log in -- let's you delete or edit your post for a while.

I used it on other sites, but here it is seat of pants, and I figure everyone can can take my dyslexic typing or just ignore me... laugh

Murses said...

somehow I'm feeling slightly ....Unfulfilled....

Me too.

Anonymous said...

At the risk of sounding like a broken record..

Casey is NPD. Every time I listen to one of these things, it becomes more obvious. It's not BPD, nor is it ASPD. He's a narcissist. Unless you understand what that means, none of this makes any sense.

That means he's an utterly hopeless validation junkie. The man (a term I use loosely) literally has no sense of reality, beyond his perception of other peoples' perceptions - like two mirrors facing each other. He actually believes everything he's saying, folks, even though it flatly contradicts things he's said in the past.

The core of NPD is this: if Casey doesn't feel bad about it, it's not a problem. If someone makes Casey feel bad about it, that someone is the problem. If someone prevents Casey from manipulating his way out of the situation, they're creating the problem. He has an inherent right to feel good about himself, and that's the root axiom of his logic.

Casey will *never* change. This will *never* stop. He will behave like this for the rest of his life, constantly in search of people willing to play along and to give him rope to hang himself. It's part of the NPD package.

The hell of being close to an NPD is that they trick you into thinking that, if only you can truly understand what's going on in their head, the abuse will stop. So there's the temptation to play along with the bullshit. However, if you're foolish enough to do it, the abuse gets a LOT worse.

This is NPD.

I'm saying this as a guy who grew up with an NPD parent, who is still dealing with the multifaceted consequences of this person.

The natural long-term reaction is frustration that turns into ingrained anger, coupled with a sort of guilt.. because you know that they can't help it. So you have no outlet except to repress the anger, which only comes out in other ways.

The only ultimate strategy that works with an NPD is containment, isolation and self-protection. An NPD is and always will be a mortal threat, and must be treated as such.

Nyt said...

I'm ChicagoBroad66. But I didn't do the south side justice this evening...

soem dood said...

Honestly Wondering on NPD:

Wow, well-said.

Mouse And Pencil said...

You did fine, Lisa. Welcome aboard!

T said...

Honestly Wondering said...

I'm saying this as a guy

Eek! All this time I thought you were a woman!

Murses said...

@ Honestly Wondering

I understand.

soem dood said...

To me, all callers did as well as could be expected tonite, given Casey's quick trigger and other peccadillos.

Even MN probably meant well, but just was a'frayed' in her logic/thinking/thread...

I was sad that Singh got the fickle finger and that he never got annie on...

christiangustafson said...

@ lawnmower man

Why? Why not? It was a chance to meet this fellow we're following so closely.

I took him to the Market, had breakfast and a nce chat, then dropped him off at the airport.

I did not bust his castinets or otherwise give him a hard time. I knew he was going home, and figured he could have one last nice visit before returning into the eye of the storm.

I sent Rob Dawg a couple of pix as proof, he can post them if he likes.

Anonymous said...

Nope, T. Happily male, single, mid-thirties, working writer, Orlando Florida.

Nyt said...

Thanks for the welcome.. I figured I'd de-lurk for the finale.....

MercurialMe said...

Is Michael still here? I want to know how Casey left!

I would assume KC is no longer in possession of VDubs?

Unknown said...

Fraudcast after hours is boring boring boring.

Move it along guys.

Lou Minatti said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mouse And Pencil said...

Duane, I'm really worried, that he thinks he can fix things with Galina.

He's really starting to creep me out.

This is how stalkers are created, if he won't give up his percieved power over her, it could get ugly.

Sprezzatura said...

@M&P -- I don't want to think about that.

Unknown said...

@ Lou -- Timmeh!! Nice find :-)

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