Camarillo police on Friday announced the arrest of a dozen contractors they said were working without a license.
Police said the arrests occurred Wednesday and Thursday.
Agents from the Contractors State License Board together with Camarillo police investigated the allegations, authorities said.
They said a sting operation was set up at a commercial property in Camarillo where agents posed as potential customers. Agents found the contractors through advertising local print and online media for contracting services, police said. The contractors were asked by phone to provide bids for various types of work, police said.
Of the 17 contractors contacted, 12 were found to be unlicensed, police said, adding that hey were arrested, cited with contracting without a license and released. Another contractor was found to have a contractor's license that had expired about one month earlier. He was issued an administrative citation, police said. Four contractors were found to be legally licensed and released, police said.
So many aspects. Where to begin? First the four contractors who were licensed. They were detained then released. WTF? They did no wrong. Were they compensated for their trouble? Their illegal detention? Can they sue for responding to an offer of employment that was false?

And no, not all cops are donut addicts.
RD:And no, not all cops are donut addicts....
Just the ones that aren't strippers?
Too bad the story did not contain more detail. It sounds like they may have rounded up some handymen, but we don't know because the story didn't say what the nature of the jobs offered was.
For someone whose is handy, but whose life is messed up in some way, the handyman route is an option, but it does not support operating as a licensed contractor.
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