From the SacBee:
The main spillway at Oroville Dam is riddled with design flaws and so
badly damaged that an independent panel of experts hired by the state
has concluded it’s probably impossible to repair the structure
completely before the next rainy season begins in November.
panel of four engineering consultants, in a recent memo to the state
Department of Water Resources, said it believes the concrete spillway
can be made functional enough to release water from Lake Oroville during
the next rainy season. But the panel noted it’s “questionable” whether
the state has enough time to replace the badly damaged lower half of the
48-year-old spillway. The bottom of the structure is now split from the
top by a gaping chasm that extends into the neighboring hillside.
Read more here:
Screen shot of the video at the link. |
And the rock roses came out this morning. |
By "lengthy" the consultants mean "expensive."
Hopefully the spillway was the last to be built and cost over runs lead to the inadequate construction. Better they built the dam right the first time. Crosses fingers.
Good points. Pretty hard to build an earthen dam "wrong." The base of the dam is thousands of yards behind the rim.
I'm just pissed because I see the "bill" being padded early and hard.
another thing that pisses me off is the failure to expand -existing- capacity for not only free but for profit. We should have been de-silting and re-countouring the lowered reservoirs. That's some valuable dirt. Or at least it was. Opportunity lost no doubt to eco-concerns.
Hmm, why not follow the chasm it naturally made and then build one straight? Johns Hopkins college built a new bldg some decades ago but no sidewalks. They built sidewalks later where the students trod down the grass. And it was not an orderly X which architecture ctects would have designed.
Wait a gol darned minure. The house doesn't have to vote just because Trump sez so, right?
Florida has a provision that laws are limited to one subject.
Serious connectivity issues please be patient.
What flaws were discovered?
I'll be patient.
Not "flaws" so much as advancing of understanding and improved materials and sophisticated modeling and accumulated experience.
I wouldn't build a plane the way I built them 30 years ago.
My connectivity is too spotty to use. Talk amongst yourselves. Sorry.
Florida also had a "government in the sunshine" law, or at least it did...
No, they don't
I'd think about implementing an energy dissipation chasm rather than a concrete sluice. It wouldn't have the same throughout, but there'd be a lot fewer problems at the base under heavy overflow conditions
Breaking! House tables healthcare vote
Argh... Throughput
Fwiw, I think this is good news for the repugs, despite what the pundits are saying... Now move along to our things
Letting Obamacare die in its own poison is probably best. By best I mean not worst.
>Not "flaws" so much as advancing of understanding and improved materials and sophisticated modeling and accumulated experience.
Yeah, that's my take on it.
In February, people were claiming there was no rebar in the concrete, but it's obvious from the photos, rebar was used. Then people questioned whether enough rebar was used. Apparently by 1960's standards there was enough. Experience and knowledge gained is how building codes are developed and improved over time.
I'm sorry, I think it. Means that the extreme conservatives, will scuttle anything that isn't perfect and prevent the rest of Congress from governing. Not that they were doing much of that anyway.
Apparently they read it and there for won't pass it. Palosi is shocked!
They now have a study model to get it right. The lack of rebar maybe part of it but from photos it looked like the concrete thickness was a factor as well.
Nancy Pelosi said this was a great day for America.
Then she turned it over to the "Majority leader" -- oops not majority leader.
I'm sorry, I think it. Means that the extreme conservatives, will scuttle anything that isn't perfect and prevent the rest of Congress from governing. Not that they were doing much of that anyway.
I don't think much of anything will happen under Trump's watch.
He will say it has.😱
We replaced a President not the ship of pirates. Not surprised we will have grid lock the Lobbyist will be still control.
>I'm sorry, I think it. Means that the extreme conservatives, will scuttle anything that isn't perfect and prevent the rest of Congress from governing.
I think that's the reason John Boehner is now retired.
Exxon Valdez?
[Testing if connectivity is back.]
Enjoy the new xeriscape addition:
"Thread Agave."
Cinco will enjoy this:
He's in a worse drought than the dawghaus. Funny.
Maybe Trump is mean enough to try and get these absurd conservatives.
Perfect by their standards, which could mean FUBAR by anyone else's standards
Could be... We went 38 months with below average rainfall, and what we've been getting isn't enough to recoup all that. Still, it's not exactly a dessert here. We've got a foot or so of snow on the ground at my place
Desert... DYAC
Desert dessert. No big deal. This isn't the old sites where a DYAC would be weaponized fir abuse. I kinda like Liz's pErcoSEt moments. ;).
If it is consolation I have a foot of grass in places and it isn't going to melt.
Where is everybody?
Finishing for the week with Lazy Dog reservations at 6. The boss insists I engage in personal hygiene and preferably burn my yard clothes beforehand. Like I said it has been a busy time.
Did you like the rock rose? They don't last.
It bothers the grammar Nazi in me... Glad there's no yogi here now, though he was a bit of a grammar Nazi himself
Ya... The nice thing about the snow is that I don't need to worry about ticks yet, though that is coming soon enough too
so we have a "Liz" and an "Elizabeth" on the board..both from Florida..and both dislike Trump?? hmmm..I'm
Are you implying they're sick puppies.. Oops, I mean sock puppets?
ha ha ha..if so...that's the worst job of trying to disguise it I've ever seen...
I said I was the same person. Humpfff
I said I was the same person. Humpfff
oh I didn't see that..why do you use two names??
I don't. The tablet uses my name OF course I don't understand why.
Just finished working on my stuff. Very productive day for me. :)
Apparently they cannot count in Kentucky seeing as they are spending weeks under the UCLA basket.
Refs are Common Core grads....
Lol! The announcers are praising UKs offensive rebounding. Turns out there is a reason.
I'm trying to remember the last time I've seen a 3 sec violation called in a game (college or pro)..and I honestly can't.
Exactly. I am not really complaining so much as pointing it out. It isn't a violation if they aren't calling it.
Alfords on fire...that's the coaches kid..right??
Yup. These aren't the same teams from the previous round.
UCLA has no fast break.
Blast friom the past:
I just found out my congressman is one of those awful super consevatives. For which, I am temporarily grateful since he helped the Repubs shoot themselves in the foot.
Good morning all.
Does this mean he won't get his tax proposals through either? The hub is for lowering Corp taxes. Why can't we tax the rich? Trickle down has been shown to be false. And raise the SS cap? Ans raise the date of full payment by say 6 months. And the 63 to 64. Problem solved or close to it.
Gas prices went up, why?, and are now coming down again. Consumer spendING dropped, because it was warm in Feb, and use of heating oil dropped. Why is this bad?
Interviewees About O care only were reported on their own interests. Not one mentioned how it would help or harm someone else. Or, if they did, it wasn't reported.
The blog is minnne!!!! MINE!
Brevard county unemployment went down from 5.3 to 5%. Not great, but not a kick in the pants. Florida's the same, but the labor force increased by 300k.
When Ryan was leaving after the loss, he looked just terrible. Crumpled. And he's a handsome man.
In fact most of Florida's congress persons were in that category. Oh, well bad is good for once.
Don't let it go to your head
I just have a problem feeling sorry for those folks
Well he did one good thing, preventing the govt from shutting down. He will eventually get blamed by Trump.
And I think he knows it.
Will the tax bill go under because rich people are not benefitted enough as per the hard right?
Good Morning!
At least it wasn't strictly a party play. We have no idea of what the bill had in it and it may not have turned out well. This maybe is the best move.
Trickle down works only if you work.
The tax bill? Only the lobbyist know for sure. ;)
>We have no idea of what the bill had in it
Ok, I'll say it: they would have had to pass it to find out what's in it.
I think we knew enough to say it was a bad bill
I assume no Dem voted for it either. The new party of no cooperation. Congress still dysfunctional.
Rs don't know how to get to "yes." Only consolation is they won't own it next year when it gets really bad.
Good morning all.
The for sale signs are going up all over the hood. Age related I believe.
The back benchers didn't know all that was in it, but I think they had some idea. I would be a good think if the leadership couldn't just ram things through.
Prices reasonable? Silly me.
Over 40 years ago the hub was cured of cancer. I wonder if it ewould still be viewed as a preexisting conotion by the insurance coompany.
Rental moving season is on here the project house rent 2 days after I finished it, that leaves one that's not quite ready, a few days away. The other good news are rents are back to normal RR is bring some people back. :)
I would think after 40 years it would be in the cured category unlike mine that reoccurs.
Ok what achievable unemployment rate would make you happy? I read hours woked is going up. How about u-6? For me, 4.2%, and 7.7%. Anybody?
He gets little skin cancers, completed different kind. Chopped off every 6 months.
RR is Rail Road, Union Pacific here.
UE numbers mean little to me but wages and hours worked do. The other 2 parts of the Delta.
I think you're considered cured if you've been cancer free for 5 years, but don't take my word for it...
Aren't they both going up too?
Do you think they should mhave cut off maternity?
I don't think a raw number like that accurately reflects the modern labor market. I'd like to see additional increments of annual GDP distributed to the lower quintiles. That would be an improvement. Having lower income people work the jobs instead of two is not an improvement
Hours worked still lagging last year and below peak a couple of years ago. Wages are not significant when you work less hours. Job quality sucks with out manufacturing for many. They can't and should not make a living flipping burgers and holding 2-3 jobs. Now Technology is their next battle. Let's import more poverty, that will fix it!
Maternity should be an optional expense like it used to be. I am a traditionalist and my wife was a stay at home mom. People need to step up and not be rewarded for little or no effort. IMO.
The recommendations also advise Russians not to confuse Canada with the United States. "Although foreigners are often difficult to distinguish one from another," the Ministry writes, "a Canadian citizen may be very offended for comparing his country with the United States."
Curious... Mexico number one
Maybe some go to buy drugs
Didn't the R's pass something like 80 different bills to repeal O-care during O's tenure?? Why not just take one of those and run it thru again??
Interesting census bureau study on fastest growing metros (July 2015 thru July 2016)...with a break-out of Domestic and international net migration
One of the repugs suggested that, but given current public opinion, it might not be possible to pass that either right now. Just let Obamacare die on its own and worry about other things for now
Dawg, I sent you some charts...
They really didn't mean it.
Hause went up 100$. Wheeee. I know it doesn't mean any thing, but it's fun.
Paperwork for son's clising, yes, yes, it's a gift not a loan, oh underwriter.
Just let Obamacare die on its own
sounds good..but how is Fed Gov shoveling money to the insurance companies as they continuously raise their premiums ever going to die??
Mike, thanks for the census link.
New Post.
When you find yourself in a hole, the first thing you need to do is stop digging
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