We've used the American Housing Survey here on Exurban Nation for more than a decade but for supporting specific topics. Time to recommend the latest version as a general resource.
Screen Capture of the AHS table generator. |
A "fun" place to poke around with sometimes surprising results. Try separating housing situations by age for instance.
I suggest you add another post.
CalI is supposed to get a couple more rainstorms.
ScI American has an article about how microbes drift through the atmosphere and may cause rain or snow.
It's also the issue of the futility if losing weight by exercising.
I understand nobody is m on in the mornings. But now??
Liz is sad.
>I understand nobody is m on in the mornings. But now??
They're probably over there musing about mud.
Hi Liz,
I'm working late, and don't care much about real estate.
Also I wanted to see if BlogSpot.com messed with my link yesterday of it I'm really getting dementia:
The point to me was that the more risky junior security, only available in the secondary market (viz. shares of stock) with a much higher volatility, now looks to be returning a lower return than the virtually risk-free (as close as mortal man can get) short-term T-Bill.
[changing subject] Will you be watching the pure-in-heart commissars prove to the world tomorrow that Gorsuch's ideological purity is actually contaminated?
There was a nice light moment today when a junior senator(R), reading his speech, called him Judge Grouch. He then paused, then realized just how his spell-checker had "helped" him. Everybody in the room enjoyed that, especially Gorsuch...everybody except maybe his wife.
I'm proud of him for not blaming the Russians.
Thanks dave. Stock can go up, and yields can go up, in fact I think they have to. But I get your point. I thoughtost thought Gorsuch was ok. I guess partisanship must come first. Nobody in Congress cares about the Republic nor their state either. Only getting reelected
The Russians just want to regain their empire, which is understandable, even if we should oppose it.
Editor note: I deliberately didn't edit psychodave's link so he could track the error if inclined. I also kept this top pst stub up for the same reason. Besides nobody but me cares all that much as long as I drop a pebble in the pond twice a day.
The point to me was that the more risky junior security, only available in the secondary market (viz. shares of stock) with a much higher volatility, now looks to be returning a lower return than the virtually risk-free (as close as mortal man can get) short-term T-Bill.
Sorry but getting all my 2017 money back in 2037 with a 2.5% kicker is not risk free but a lie.
Had to go exchange a blender for a Cuisinart food processor
The risk for some of us is living long enough to collect it...
Busy day, going to try laying locking laminate flooring over commercial carpet that is glued down. Lot of yeahs and nays on the idea but Armstrong says it's possible. 3 mill plastic then lay the laminate. Opinions?
Nay. Won't the carpet move up aND down?
I suspect that the commercial carpet has a short, think pile. Still sounds dicey
That's the worry but comments are if it's 1/4" and completely glued it will work. Not much thicker the padded underlayment.
I have never regretted stripping to the base. I have always regretted not stripping to the base. Anecdote In all cases but not without a history of success.
Where's the fun in playing by the rules. :)
Are you new here or something?
Have I ever posted the new floor in the dawghaus? Anyone care?
Extreme tinfoil prediction. The property bubble in Canada will result in North America becoming Mexico, US + western Canada, French Quebec and the Maritimes.
Me. Post away.
What. Is your reasoning?
Obviously an extreme outcome but their property bubble is getting so large it could financially cripple the nation. Not being a Reserve currency but sharing so much with the US which is suggests the way out is through tighter association.
How could this be accomplished? The colonists wanted to conquer. Canada, or parts of it.
NAFTA already accomplished tighter association... Perhaps that's part of the reason for their bubble... That, and Chinese money
"The current low unemployment rate compared with previous labor market peaks has raised some fears regarding whether the labor market has become too tight," write Barchinon and Mesters. However, their numbers suggest "the labor market may not be quite as tight as the headline unemployment rate suggests."
H/t BlackHalo
Okay... Don't complain about getting left on the blog alone again...
Oops! Down a slumdog...
Am at financial planners at present.
Raining here and in line at Target Pharm. back to the garden shed of spousal exile shortly. New post top priority then.
Cloudy but pleasant...50°s... At present here
New post for an hour now.
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