Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Amnesty II

A man comes home from the store after purchasing a roomba. He walks in to find th back door jimmied and a greasy Frenchman there pockets bulging sweeping the floor.

"Oh monseiur! Good morning. Ahhh em Pierre. I was outside admiring your lovely home. It is, how you say,.. how I would like to live as well. Not to worry monsieur. I only took ze things lying around. For zee instance; your health care card. I notice you are not using et. I use et for my family non? To repay you monsieur I am sweeping your floor, so you can just take that silli robot thing back to ze store nes pas?

See also: http://exurbannation.blogspot.com/search?q=roombas


Sweet Cashback said...


Sweet Cashback said...

Got back from vacation....and voila ! As good as before....something you can't say about snowflakes blog.

Gordon Sanders said...


Lost Cause said...

Sputnik is not a french name.

kndmanz said...


R-Boy said...


That robotic vacuum cleaner that doesn't work? My friend bought one but he set it up and forgot to close the balcony doors, so it went right out and then down 3 floors

Rob Dawg said...

That robotic vacuum cleaner that doesn't work?

R-Boy, it's a "s-t-o-r-y." This isn't IAFF where everything is the whole truth and nothing but. This is EN where we deal in lies and speculation to advance secret agenda contrary to the public interest.

R-Boy said...


i got confudes.

M. SINGH said...


Pierre n'aurait pas besoin de voler la carte. Je suis sûr qu'il est très heureux avec celui qu'il a.

Je reste,


flailing forward said...

M SINGH, this is a thread about amnesty. Please speak AMERICAN. Are you an illegal immigrintz or something?

The Dude said...

"Sputnik is not a french name."

...that's because he's a Brit and works for the SAS

Sprezzatura said...

I'd just like to say that I utterly loathe the proposed 'guest worker' program.

They didn't work well in Europe and they are not going to work well here either.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Annon 10:25

Good things come to those who wait. Give the guy a break, he's not getting paid for this and already stated he isn't feeling well.

Besides, today, tomorrow... it's not like the saga is going to change drastically in a day.

Rob Dawg said...

I'm still not feeling well. Mostly blogging for entertainment and pulling up old material. Yuo want fast, accurate fact check loads of valuable content? Try IAFF. We here at EN have woven such an extensive tissue of lies and inuendo that it takes a long time to put together any additional web of intrigue and insult without being caught in an outright contradiction.

Anonymous said...

@10:16 AM, flailing forward...
M SINGH, this is a thread about amnesty. Please speak AMERICAN.

Vielleicht ist er Cajun American, die seit um 1812 als Amer... whoops, wrong language. Try again, lest I get a beating.

Maybe he's Cajun French. Those people were American citizens since 1812 (I think it was), but a lot of them didn't speak English until the "English" Americans started punishing them in the early 1900's for it. And they weren't immigrants; the country came to them.

Oh wait, I've actually heard Cajun French, and it doesn't seem nearly as grammatically Parisian as Singh does... never mind. :-)

Anonymous said...

Posted this at Casey's site. Thought I'd come here and post it in case he doesn't approve:

Ok Casey,

Fine, you get the $1K this week but there are three more weeks in the month. You are delaying the inevitable. Low lying fruit is one thing but wait until you have to WORK for more business.

Did you realize the IRS tracks Paypal accounts? Fun times if you decide not to report this income next year. Enjoy the "sweet" cash now but wait until you have to pay taxes and social security with it.

Do you think you won't get noticed? You will when the people paying for your "sweet" links issue you a 1099 at the end of the year.

No worries, the corporation will cover this? You do realize the state still charges you $800/year whether you lose money or not, right?

You say you aren't a California Corporation? No worries, they don't care since you do ALL of your business in this state. You still owe them $800 + any tax on profits.

If you pay yourself a dividend you have to pay taxes TWICE just for the corporation! Once for the profits, and second for the dividend! Fun in the sun right?

The IRS will argue with you if you write too much off. If you overvalue your sister in law's office, they will audit you. Too many miscellaneous write offs also get the audit treatment.

You are screwed kid. You have no idea that you are STILL robbing Peter to pay Paul.

The Dude said...

"Oh wait, I've actually heard Cajun French, and it doesn't seem nearly as grammatically Parisian as Singh does"

I speak it.....Cajun is just "butchered" French...call it French slang.

Anonymous said...


He *needs* to drag it out just to keep our interest, becaus IAFF isn't... and we need to feel engaged. If we get all the meaty gossip at once, what will we have to look forward to tomorrow?

Anonymous said...

It's a dialect, not slang.

Anonymous said...

Cajun is to French as Hillbilly is to English. LOL

The Dude said...


Dialect IS a more accurate description...my bad.

Anonymous said...

I'm a fluent French speaker; and God help me, if I'm standing in front of a Cajun french speaker, listening to him, I can understand nothing. That is much the case as well with someone from Quebec; I understand about 60% right off; the rest I have to decipher through context.

Rob Dawg said...

Ahs ah fahmer resident of New England Ah think youh awl tawlk funny.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I had a slight cajun accent when I first moved to NOVA. we lived in LA for the first 4 years of my life. Sucked big time b/c i couldn't pronounce R or L and had to take speech class from kindergarten through 5th grade. kids can be mean if you seem 'different'.

Rob Dawg said...

Pahdon granted. Shall we drink owah tonics on the veranda? Itsallgood == wicked pissah.

Anonymous said...

Just saw your monopoly card, Rob Dawg. Had a bit of fun with the sign generator myself:

check it

Anonymous said...

Ahs ah fahmer resident of New England Ah think youh awl tawlk funny.
And too fast?

The Dude said...

"I'm a fluent French speaker; and God help me, if I'm standing in front of a Cajun french speaker, listening to him, I can understand nothing."

Growing up in LA, our schools said we HAD to learn French as part of our "culture", and at the same time Cajun was all but outlawed because the Gov. wanted assimilation. When the classroom came in contact with the real world of Coonass French, it was as you say....outside a few similar phrases, two different languages. Everyday life won out since Coonasses were not going to give up their way of life. Fast forward and the powers that be realized it was a good thing to promote Cajun Heritage so "Cajun" is back in style. There's a few of the old generation left where English is a second language, but few and far between.

Anonymous said...

Steph J,
You would understand my French. It's got a heavy English accent, despite the years I've spent here in La Belle Province. Quelle espece de tete carré.


Anonymous said...

Northern Renter:

My family are suburban Montreal expats living in Southern Ontario since the late 70's. As my father used to say, in order to speak Quebecois, one must "Ged da lips jus rite".

Anonymous said...


That makes them (and you?) what we used to call Westmount boat people back in the 70s.


My favourite French verb is foquer, as in "C'est tout foqué."

Anonymous said...

Casey is about to prove us all wrong. He sold out all that ad space to ensure him 1k a week income.

Anonymous said...

@ 12:23 Anon

Weird you say that because no where on his blog does he make mention of that. Thanks for checking in though Snowflake. Hope you can fork together the 1K next week.

Unknown said...

I'm anon 12:23...

He's made us all look like fools. One day he's making things up about being down to -$200 balance and now he's raking in thousands per month in ads.

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:23:

Ads are per month, not per week. I could see Casey missing that distinction though...

Seriously, if he sells all 10, good for him, that's a quarter of his nut right there. Add to that the rest of the ad revenue and he's got a good thing going.

KEEPING it going, however will be the interesting part. He hasn't posted anything worth going to the site for a while. He won't discuss the details of his "business dealings" (read scams), can't discuss family / relations and how this is impacting them... what will he blog about? "Oh, poor me, I need to concentrate more right after my nap"? It's gotten stale.

Unknown said...

Well as I can see. He has 10 ads and 1 premium ad sold which is $1500 month. He also gets some money from yahoo advertisements but don't know how much. The question is how long he can sustain this? Either way, Casey is going to blow through all the money now. He will probably buy a car/new laptop/etc... None of this will be going to his debtors.

Anonymous said...

Isn't anyone going to celebrate Happy Balloon Payment day with Casey???

Ah, the satisfaction he must feel, writing out that check for $22,000, knowing that he has finally started to turn the corner on getting out of debt!

Uh - what? What do you mean he's not making the payment today? He's "negotiating" with his lender? And the "negotiation" doesn't actually involve turning over any cash money?

How can Casey expect to attend future scam real estate "universities" in the future if he doesn't pay his debts from the earlier ones?

BTW, does anyone else get the sense that Casey's been played like a violin - "yeah, yeah, NRU "tuition" is $20,000, but you start getting paid back when you refer your third student for NRU. And lookie here - right here are the first two referrals you need! Get the third, and you'll start raking in the Big Bucks!" (Is that Scott Joplin music I hear in the background?)

Yet more proof you can't cheat an honest man...

El Gringo said...

@uzbecki Durak

I didn't look at the referrals out there, LOL, were they setups used dangled as carrots in order to sign him up. That would be too perfect.

In his podcast KC relentlessly defended these classes. He can't admit to us (or even to himself) that he got conned.

That's the irony, isn't it? He thinks he's so smart and the rest of the W-2, hard-working loosers are so dumb. But look who's getting conned!

Anonymous said...

I am not certain Casey was conned. If he was a moral person he was conned, but since he is a con artist wannabee, NRU fits him perfectly. It is a MLM with a high payback for finding a relatively small number of fools or con artists. Casey does have a high readership and should be able to sucker a couple more con artist wannabees into signing up

Anonymous said...

In his podcast KC relentlessly defended these classes. He can't admit to us (or even to himself) that he got conned.
I've already theorised about this. It goes like this:
I am special
I need special education
Special education is expensive
I need to go on expensive courses.
The fact that he could learn it all and more after a week or two on the internet doesn't enter into his little brain. Equally, these courses are sold partly on the basis of "join our secret society" members only, get rich quick club, something Casey falls for quite a lot.

Anonymous said...

@El Gabo Gringo

"I didn't look at the referrals out there, LOL, were they setups used dangled as carrots in order to sign him up. That would be too perfect."

As "The Sting" taught us, the perfect con is when the mark never realizes that he's been conned.

On the other hand, the NRU person didn't get $22,000, but a promise by Casey that he'd pay $22,000...

El Gringo said...


Yes, I remember your comments from an earlier thread (yes, I'm an EN, trainwreck-watching addict.)


So Casey did KC get conned or did he con the person loaning him money? It was probably just a big circle-jerk, which is mostly what clubs like those are.

On the topic of train-wreck... I want to watch a train-wreck. If KC quits serving that up, myself (and other content hungry websurfers) are going to move on to Greener pastures... So serve it up KC!!!

Anonymous said...

I find it interesting that Casey could not sell any ad space on his site until it came down to "buy my ad space or I kill the site".