Housing Bubble, credit bubble, public planning, land use, zoning and transportation in the exurban environment. Specific criticism of smart growth, neotradtional, forms based, new urbanism and other top down planner schemes to increase urban extent and density. Ventura County, California specific examples.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Endangered Species Act Extended to Cover Realtors®
Remember as a protected species do not approach and never ever feed.
Breaking news! An increasingly rare cousin Mortgagus Brokerus var. pleatherii axesmellus has been found in the wild and added to the list.
P.S. could someone put sunglasses on that poor thing. I'm tired of looking at the beady eyes.
My business partner, Bill, always used his given name, William for phones/addresses, etc. So a phone call for "William" meant telemarketer, and we had our fun with them.
So last week phone rings, mortgage company shows up on caller ID. Bozo asks for William. I told him William passed away last year. "I'm sorry, (Barely perceptible pause) So is there any body else I can talk to?"
Sounds like the mortgage sales people are experiencing tough times. Made me want to toss the bastard in a certain pool...
Dated this girl in college, i knew she was an animal lover - she had a PETA sticker on her car (ugh).
Well i go over to her place, and she has a ton of animals. One of them is a sugarglider, which is you dont know, is basically a flying rat with super sharp clothes. She takes it out of it's cage and it jumps on my face like the Facehugger in Aliens, strached the hell out of my nose and forehead.
We went out for a couple months. Now she's a vet! Good for her.
Someone posted this 18 minutes ago at Casey's blog:
"Great! Always look into new avenues! Revenue is desperately essential, sir! Maybe you can open comments knowing all lessons will, arguably, yield sales."
Will they never learn??
Looks like someone just tweaked Young Master Swaby's nips!
Looks like someone just tweaked Young Master Swaby's nips!
Naw, just a little pleather inflammation due to a recent hair transplant from chest to ears visible in the photo. Rub a little Simian AXE on the affected area and the swelling should subside.
Rob, you should be aware that I cannot see an AXE commercial without thinking of you. And then, in a round about way, pleather. Then after those thoughts, I think of Nigel.
Oh, and Sugargliders do have 'sharp' little togs. That's what makes them cuter than the all other rodentia. Their little glider suits are all stripey & cute.
I think it's really mean to keep those as pets. Though the image of it glomming onto Anon's face made me laugh.
Sorry, Apostate, wherever you are. Not even twenty minutes after I posted about it here, someone has deleted your post at that other site. Oh, well. It was just congratulatory crap anyway.
Rob, you should be aware that I cannot see an AXE commercial without thinking of you.
That's sweeet. Actually with three girls, two in their extreme cleanliness years personal grooming products would normally be a huge budget item. Luckily we coupon. We have shelves of free products from lip gloss to deodorant to powders to ointments to toothgels to floss to creams to ohmigawd. I've got years worth of "shower gel," "bath wash pour homme" etc. We use some but every Thanksgiving or so we box it all up and send "care packages" to troops [deodorant, toothcare, body wash], poor kids in Africa [essentials, plus bandaids, OTC antibacterials, crayons, pencils, etc.], and the like.
Me and pleather aren't friends. Cotton and performance synthetics are my style. I do have a nice tweed and leather jacket for motorcycle rides. Those AXE commercials are funny but I can't say exactly why. They ride that thin line of over the top and lottery ticket possible.
Tell me Rob. How do you manage THOSE years? My daughter, just yesterday, saw THE MOVIE in school. Came home with sample products. Worst day of my life.
"Tell me Rob. How do you manage THOSE years? I haven't survived yet so I may not be the one to ask. We aren't poor but we are on septic so it is hard to explain that you "can't" take 30 minute showers each twice a day. We are talking 5 bathroom sinks for 5 people and there's still territorial issues. My best advice is keep them busy. It's those down times when they get all entitled.
For those of you that don't know..yes, I am a Realtor...now that is off my chest, let me just say that I am NOT one of the weaseley whining lame assed whiney bitches. I bust my ass for my clients and the referrals prove it. Time and time again, I get clients come to me after dealing with one of the bartender/Realtor agents for a few days with horror stories..
Ever since I can back from vacation, I have been BOMBARDED by LO's and MB's..Five this week and it's only Tuesday..I tell them right up front that in order to be on my team, they send me referrals one-for-one. And not bullshit looky loos either..650+ $350 and up. And they go first! Guess how many call back? Uh huh...Lots of used Lexus, Porsche, etc in the Seattle area and a whole lot more coming.
Tony is too deep in "The Organization." Some people might not understand everything. I sahall attempt to translate.
Tony Soprano: For those of you that don't know..yes, I am a Realtor...now that is off my chest, let me just say that I am NOT one of the weaseley whining lame assed whiney bitches. I bust my ass for my clients and the referrals prove it. Time and time again, I get clients come to me after dealing with one of the bartender/Realtor agents for a few days with horror stories..
For those of you who don't know this is how the world works. We make fun at EN of realtors and agents but the ones that amtter, the ones that work know that it doesn't apply to them. We don't have to make lame "present company excepted" type excuses. They KNOW they aren't who we are talking about.
TS continues: Ever since I can back from vacation, I have been BOMBARDED by LO's
LO's == Loan Officers
and MB's..
MB's == Mortgage Brokers
Five this week and it's only Tuesday..I tell them right up front that in order to be on my team, they send me referrals one-for-one.
No "spagetti" clients where you try everyone to see if you can get one to stick.
And not bullshit looky loos either..
Prequaified applicants only.
650+ $350 and up.
FICO upper Alt-A and above credit quality.
And they go first!
You called me, you bring a client to the table to prove your chops. I'm not bring my client to your table.
Guess how many call back? Uh huh...Lots of used Lexus, Porsche, etc in the Seattle area and a whole lot more coming.
Hungry LO's and MB's with no experience whatsoever in a soft market. So young they save squat and so insecure about their value in a rapidly evolving market they compensated with toys like Lexii and Bimwahs. Worse, this time they drank their own kool-aid and are ALL in expirng pay option ARMs on neg-am neg-equity 125% mortgage neg-cashflow deals. "ALL" sounds extreme but believe me for everyone of them isn't hung out like this there is another with THREE like this. the net effect is that ALL of them are ankle deep in the manure pile. Only ankle deep because they jumped in head first.
Wow Rob, ankle deep?! That's funny but oh so true. I know of five agents I've worked with in the past year now working at Starbucks or Home Depot. Two of them have had their homes foreclosed upon. If only people could learn that it's everything in moderation.
Yawn. Some noobs think they are the first to ever tthink of the Nigerian Bank scam or the Internet Tuff Guy persona. Hey noob; First you don't go right off with the big money. Try the "I'll buy you a beer if..." kinda tack. Dropping a big k just tells everyone you are bluffing. Also, this is an open blog, you can pick a name. A good troll picks a name and works in. Jumping up in a Gun Club waving a knife isn't the way to pick a fight. Third, "ugly" don't cut it no more. That was last year when you were in the fourth grade. Try, something a little classier next time; "the econometric trends driven by demographics indicate your vocal tract is clogged with bovine fecal matter." At least we won't suspect you are still in grammar school.
That said. Accepted. Put up or shut up. How do you want to escrow the $1000? Come on, a "man" of your means, able to drop a grand on a boast must have a reputable bookie to take the hold. Pardon while the adults don't hold their breath. Sad.
Wow Rob, ankle deep?! That's funny but oh so true.
You don't know it but it is a joke about 150 years old. In the mid 1800s there was a large Lutheran Nordic migration to the Upper Midwest giving rise to "dummy" jokes. Later they were adapted to any number of ethnicities. Call them; Ole & Clem jokes.
Ole and Clem were a fixin' da barn roof when Clem knocke over the ladder. Ole dun tolde him to find a waydown fer sure while he finished da roof. Soon Clem called out; "Ya Ole! I found a waay down. Jus' jump here there's a pile of cow manure to break your fall." Ole is suspicious. "Ain't dat to depp Clem?" "Naw, only up ter my ankles!" You get the rest. It only reinforces the old saw; "Those who fail to learn from history..."
Of course, there's also the classic about the two Uzbeks™ who are driving to their favorite hunting grounds, when they see a sign saying, "Hunting Grounds -- Bear Left".
Man, you NAILED it. Most of these looser MB's and LO's have drank their own kool-aid and are in DEEP SHIT. The desperation is rank! I have three guys that I refer out to. All have 15+ years in the business and NONE of them are ARM'ed. These three are the ones that will be in the business 15 years from now. All of these other loosers pounding on my door and calling at all hours already have gotten the NOD in the mail. I never put a whole lot of stock in HP but for some reason, this week it has become obvious even in the Seattle (We're special...) market. One odd thing is my place in CA has two offers and it isn't even listed yet...WTF????
@ Sharky Good point about the CL boats. I was thinking about picking up a Melges 24 to race but I'm in a holding pattern waiting to see if the Flying Tiger 10 shakes out well.
To annon @ 4:45 Is that anyway to treat a Boss? Go get a suit and come heavy next time finook.
I'm the opposite. Lots of relitters around here driving their leased Jag around looking for part-time gigs. I'm just as busy as I was this time last year. Lots of people out there looking to buy/sell FSBO, without a relitter, err..Realtor. I pre-qual them, tell them I have a great realtor that can speed this up for everyone and pass them. The relitter doesn't get another one until s/he sends me a client. Guess how many get repeat business? Very few. Why? Because out of 10 I send business to, 3 try to shop them to homes outside my pre-qualed limit, 2 try to weasel them to their "preferred lender" only to have me bust their chops and 4 that are part-time realtors. That doesn't leave many.
So just as many LOs as you have calling, I have just as many broke relitters. It goes both ways. Luckily, you seem like you know what the hell you're doing, and me, well my Lexus is an '05 and paid for.
Speaking of strange species I just heard an odd story involving a friend of a friend of a friend (urban legend?) finding an enormous dog-like rodent in the bay (and it ate their cat), but other than references to Indonesia the details of the species were vague. Perhaps an astute EN observer might know...?
off topic...but, I just came across an article where Duane had a quick mention: http://money.cnn.com/2007/05/22/real_estate/subprime_melltdown_yielded_fast_changes/index.htm?postversion=2007052215
The only requirement is I need to feel good about your product or services to be able to recommend it to people in foreclosure (or people looking to buy foreclosures)
Because we all know there are NO SHARKS AT ALL IN THOSE WATERS.
So now that Snowflake has sold all his sweet links, how long until his advertisers realize that the traffic his site brings them isn't paying off? The chances of people who click of your link via IAFF actually purchasing your service is highly unlikely. You're better off using that $100 and placing an add in the local penny saver. Granted, it's only $100, but a poorly invested $100.
Re: >>...an enormous dog-like rodent in the bay (and it ate their cat), but other than references to Indonesia the details of the species were vague. Perhaps an astute EN observer might know...?<<
Rat Monkey of Sumatra. Featured in two Peter Jackson movies. First, it was the zombie-virus-bearing creature in DEAD ALIVE, made when Jackson produced satisfying XXX gore movies. Later, a prop in Jackson's wonderful 2005 KING KONG remake was a cage labelled "Rat Monkey of Sumatra". All Peter Jackson movies are true stories, even MEET THE FEEBLES.
All the weird hairless fleshy hybrid creatures and rare twitching zoological oddities on this blog recently are kinda freakin me out, man. Take 'er easy on the old noggin, at least before breakfast, guy. Lotta threads to keep up with here. Lotta strands in the old dooder's head. The least you could do is avoid freaking me out and harshing my mellow with all the far-out biological textbook shit.
You are already fat and ugly. Tony talks a big one and is full of it-if he had real success he would not have to harp on about it- WORD. He probably looks A LOT LIKE YOU. Fat and FUG but with dark hair and no porn stash.
anyway, i can't wait for Casey to update us on how many of those dirty pennies he uses to pay off his creditors. We should run a book on it but since i thought of the idea i'm the only one to get to bet 0. Anyone wanna take me on? lol
Kudos Casey, i bet you are unbearable around the dinner table for the rest of the week. Still, just a dead cat bounce so don't worry - normal service will be resumed soon enough.
Dead Alive blew my mind when i watched it as a kid but don't worry about missing king kong, it pretty much sucked.
I'd just like to misuse this forum for an administrative message: the mursemaster had a lousy day yesterday (Tuesday) - a bad attack of this "work" thing people sometimes talk about - and has not been able to respond to any emails (even the ones containing gold nuggets).
BTW, I was distracted by whales, but the 8:17 reference was to Google eating posts. Actually, I haven't experienced lost posts (like a special Award Winning blogger), but the lost comments link (note: initial link to comments not removal of previously existing comments bug) is extremely annoying.
So, after a year of trolling, we now know what the true purpose of IAFF was- Snowflake monetizing the blog. The kid's been a con man his entire life. Much like every other con, he planned this one out well in advance. Except this time, I think it's going to work.
He's on track to con over $100,000 from "sponsors" at the present run rate. Of course it will all go to the coffee can slush fund of $200,000+ of illegal cash back money.
No creditors will be paid. No taxes will be paid. Its off to Uzbekistan he goes with major money.
He is going to pull of the biggest troll I've seen, unless he is arrested SOON. Each passing day, I lose faith in the "system", and that Snowflake will be held accountable.
Re: >>Casey Fannnn, perhaps you know the answer to this query: M. SINGH mentioned 3 Casey songs earlier today. Where's the third?<<
I has a admission to make: I don't read all the EN posts. They have gotten too numerous. I hits F5 a LOT, but I don't always consume every word. Life unfortunately gets in the way, specifically the making-a-living part. I run in, skim, post some damn stupid thing, then leave. I did not see the SINGH post and I don't know what it's all about. The third song is probably CHICK A BOOM by DADDY DEWDROP.
I'm having some fun with Caseypedia today. You guys who are more technologically advaced feel free to add referencxes. I suck at it. But copy? I can bang that out.
Benoit™, I'm aware of those two, but where's the third? BTW, all of you (non-trolling pleather-axe-oriented) folks are awesome and I believe I'm addicted to the laughing therapy you provide.
Schnapps, your login is on its way (just working down the list - in EarlyRizer™ mode today - it's early am Wed. where I am, and I am dealing with people in S.E. Asia where it's already midday. It's a Global World™).
Casey Fannnnn, I was busy eating dinner and missed 8:48 post prior to 8:50. Also suffer from excessive F5-ing and missed threads, but I gather there isn't an mp3 for Chick a Boom? Lately, I've been "exploring" clearly broken code at work so I have a bit more time to check in whilst waiting for the predictable results.
Can anybody point me to an award winning blogger named Nigel Swaby? I saw his headshot and feel he would be perfect for my planned sequel to The Planet Of The Apes. I swore I wouldn't make another one of these films but seeing Nigel Swably's (Swarby? Smarmy?) headshot made me want to make this movie. I read he's an award winner? As you all know, I've won some awards in my time and I feel we will get along brilliantly.
Check this out...I see him as the Monkey President of the USA. Mark Wahlberg is on the run in modern day America and Presidential Ape Smarmy is after the last human. Did any of you see my remake of Willie Wonka? I cast one midget as the entire Oompa Loompas! I am thinking Mr. Smarmy would be a great digitized apeman. He's got the look, the pleather outfit works and those ears....they are perfect for simian characters.
Folks, I want to meet this man who gives me visions of apey-goodness.
my planned sequel to The Planet Of The Apes. I swore I wouldn't make another one of these films but seeing Nigel Swably's (Swarby? Smarmy?) headshot made me want to make this movie.
He wears that pleather stuff that the Apes were so fond of...
Something's not right here. I just looked at Caseypedia, and there are nearly as many supporterz™ as haterz™. That seems to play into the theories of a certain pleather-clad, BMW driving, koi (a kind of fish) raising, award-winning blogger and mortgage broker from Salt Lake City.
It doesn't bother me he finally made some normal money. In fact, the $$ is almost a good thing. Natural dictates this train wreck will continue, but the money will help ensure it gets blogged for at least a couple weeks more.
I'm just curious about the math. Where it came from, etc.
I will add, however that if IAFF taildives into a 24/7 begathon, it's not gonna be that interesting. So that part bothers me a bit.
Ditto. Of course, he needed scrap paper, calculator and an hour and a half for it. I managed to get through the whole thing in 20 minutes without paper or a calculator. I wouldn't doubt if our little motard used Google a few times in there too. Anyone's a genius with that kind of help...
Bruce D. Collins said "There’s actually a blog called “what Casey means to say.” You mean to say that someone spends their time critiquing this website because…(?!?)… they desparately need a girlfriend, perhaps? Bruce Collins wrestling promoter author book reviewer on nationally syndicated radio program (50 markets) internet radio program, The Big Finale
PS. Dream big"
Yeah ok buddy, we've been to your pathetic website, the one with the 90's theme, we've also seen your loser mug staring out the window trying to look intelligent, in a neanderthal type of way..if anyone needs to find a girlfriend, it's you." Nationally syndicated book reviewer eh...spending the megabucks on advertising arent'cha...what is that, a whole 125 dollars a month? Slow down there big fella, you're gonna use up your annual advertising money in 2 months. Never heard of your dumb ass either, until you decided to jump in bed with Casey.
Wrestling promoter? Now who is cerebrally challenged? Or do you just like young men in tights?Please...Don't forget, you are now critiquing a blog critiquing a blog.
As for your quote "Dream Big" I bet you do fella, I bet you do....here's a little secret for ya, THE SECRET doesn't really work, so get used to "tiny' ok?
Bruce D. Collins' has a certain Heavens Gate or Serintology (please see Stephanie J's awesome site - too distracted to link) element. Casey sure has a knack for attracting out-to-lunch loosers.
...that is why I keep my Casey Serin a secret. Shhh.
"Er Hello, this is my first time here. Er, my name is Arthur and I'm....I'm a Casey Serin Trainwreck Watcher. There, I've said it. I admit it! I fell a lot better just for saying that."
For christs sake don't go through that ad-whoring shit stain of an IQ test on snowflakes site. Apart from it being the lamest IQ test I have ever seen (despite being "phd certified" - whatever the hell that means) it requires you to give an email and many other personal pieces of information about yourself at the end before you get the results.
I didn't get my results but i'm smart enough to know i got exactly 2 wrong out of the 43 pratically identical questions - so no wonder even snowflake managed 131 IQ (although i think he proably lied lol)
I repeat, do not waste your time unless you want to play count the adverts.
So I’m look at at over 22K at this point. Need to call and negotiate something one of these days.
As I start developing more of a stable income that I can count on, I will have some ammunition for when I go to my lenders. As you say in my CashCall example, it’s kind of hard to work out a payment plan if you don’t know exactly how much money you’re making.
.....Though I haven’t checked mail in a while… hopefully there are no suprises.
I still need to get my 2006 taxes done since I got an extension.
What else am I missing? Someone's already quoted this back at Casey. I'm not going to bother to reply on IAFF as I think it may get moderated soon. So, in reply to the above: Just like you Casey, you need to do something "one of these days". "one of these days" Cashcall will be getting an order on your PayPal account or catching up with you when you wave your $1000 about. "when you don't know exactly how much money you are making" Cashcall don't mind, after all, you told them it was $1500, or $2000 or $3000, so as far as they know you've got enough to make those payments. Taxes, don't worry about them, you've got months to do them. Why do them now when you can put them off until tomorrow? "What else am I missing?" A functioning brain?
If any recent Casey Supporterz are reading this, come back in a week or two and check how well fliptard is doing then. Traffic might be up now because of MSN but it will fall back down soon without some seriously good trolling by fliptard.
Pretty sure Galina hasn't issued this $1000 ultimatum to him.
Cashcall gave him a 2-month moratorium on payments about, oh, I dunno, about 2 months ago.
I think it's a good bet that this $1000 isn't about Galina making him shut down the blog, and is more about making sure that Cashcall doesn't come knocking with a sheriff to cart away all of Yulia's stuff as payment. It's not like they're going to know or care that the contents of the house are mostly hers rather than his, right?
Cashcall gave him a 2-month moratorium on payments about, oh, I dunno, about 2 months ago. Did they? They offered it but Casey went away for a week and didn't return the paperwork IIRC. So he's probably 2 months behind on payments again. Perhaps he's due another phone call soon? Maybe next time he does a Podcast Cashcall will phone in? That would be sweet!
He's on track to con over $100,000 from "sponsors" at the present run rate. Of course it will all go to the coffee can slush fund of $200,000+ of illegal cash back money.--No, he's not. Those are MONTHLY ad rates. So he's on track for 2K a month, or 24K.
That, and the value of the links will degrade, and we're now past any mainstream media coverage he'll get. That's it, press is over for him.
Each passing day, I lose faith in the "system", and that Snowflake will be held accountable. --That just makes me whittle away more time to call Mr. V again. That will be done this week, I need to get my notes in order. Aside from Hammar, and the new talkcast, and the cnet article which was on everywhere, what else should I inform our friend about?
Those are MONTHLY ad rates. So he's on track for 2K a month, or 24K.
That, and the value of the links will degrade, and we're now past any mainstream media coverage he'll get. That's it, press is over for him. So next month's trolling will be "Why won't my advertisers renew?" "I ...." fill in any Casey type excuse followed by Casey blaming the advertisers for whatever reason for being wrong in not renewing.
IAFF was working for me recently but did stop once or twice. Look at Fliptard's flikr pages and there's one showing his recent traffic. Anyone care to work out what his bill is going to be for this month? I think it's going to be a bit more than $20.
If there's one thing that we've learned about Casey, it's that he'll find multiple ways to simultaneously self-destruct. It's his gift--he's very creative that way, almost magical.
"The image of that 2nd critter is just begging for a photoshop with Nigel's mug..."
Yep. At first glance, I actually thought that it was Nigel superimposed! Seriously.
Just been trying to work out when the Cashcall payment is due each month but can't see it. What I did spot on his Jan 2007 spreadsheet is that $4000 a month is just enough to live on (by his standards) and pay Galina's creditors. Co-incidence?
@ mr bubbles You haven't got up to speed with the workings of Fliptard yet, it would appear. The answers are: 1. No he won't return the money he'll make a lame excuse to keep it. Besides he hasn't had to make a decision on that situation yet. 2. See 1 3. Might be, but he's not a "detail guy" so it won't worry him. 4. See 3.
I didn't get my results but i'm smart enough to know i got exactly 2 wrong out of the 43 pratically identical questions - so no wonder even snowflake managed 131 IQ (although i think he proably lied lol)
He admitted to using a calculator, which I'd have thought defeated the purpose of an intelligence test to some extent.
So 131 is the theoretical maximum - his actual IQ is presumably lower.
Look everybody, it's NIGEL in his native habitat!
What are you talking about?
It's much cuter than Nigel.
Aww, I hope that is not Nigel in his native habitat - because that thing makes me want to huggle it.
Mortgagus Brokerus var. pleatheri axesmellus don't have that much hair.
And mortgage brokers, too:
My business partner, Bill, always used his given name, William for phones/addresses, etc. So a phone call for "William" meant telemarketer, and we had our fun with them.
So last week phone rings, mortgage company shows up on caller ID. Bozo asks for William. I told him William passed away last year. "I'm sorry, (Barely perceptible pause) So is there any body else I can talk to?"
Sounds like the mortgage sales people are experiencing tough times. Made me want to toss the bastard in a certain pool...
I may have to stop reading CaseyPedia.com (all things Casey Serin) at the office. The coworkers keep wondering what's so funny.
Akubi, some of this stuff is far too funny to read in front of others. They just don't understand...
Dawg, you owe me a keyboard!
Tat is NOT Nigel Iswabiot!
HIS leather coat is genuine.
And btw, there ARE good and honest realtors.
Just sayin'
Awww. and Ewwww.
Random story, the top pics reminds me of this:
Dated this girl in college, i knew she was an animal lover - she had a PETA sticker on her car (ugh).
Well i go over to her place, and she has a ton of animals. One of them is a sugarglider, which is you dont know, is basically a flying rat with super sharp clothes. She takes it out of it's cage and it jumps on my face like the Facehugger in Aliens, strached the hell out of my nose and forehead.
We went out for a couple months. Now she's a vet! Good for her.
super sharp CLAWS, i wear the sharp clothes
Yes, the humor is a bit difficult to explain out of context.
Akubi, that is why I keep my Casey Serin a secret. Shhh.
Someone posted this 18 minutes ago at Casey's blog:
"Great! Always look into new avenues! Revenue is desperately essential, sir! Maybe you can open comments knowing all lessons will, arguably, yield sales."
Will they never learn??
Looks like someone just tweaked Young Master Swaby's nips!
Looks like someone just tweaked Young Master Swaby's nips!
Naw, just a little pleather inflammation due to a recent hair transplant from chest to ears visible in the photo. Rub a little Simian AXE on the affected area and the swelling should subside.
Rob, you should be aware that I cannot see an AXE commercial without thinking of you. And then, in a round about way, pleather. Then after those thoughts, I think of Nigel.
Mad props to the authors of Caseypedia. There is some really funny stuff in there.
Do you have a Leesance for yore minkeys?
Caseypedia's not allowing me to create an account. :( I can't add my name ot the contributing members list nor add my own 2.5 dirty pennies.
Oh, and Sugargliders do have 'sharp' little togs. That's what makes them cuter than the all other rodentia. Their little glider suits are all stripey & cute.
I think it's really mean to keep those as pets. Though the image of it glomming onto Anon's face made me laugh.
First! Oh, wait...
Sorry, Apostate, wherever you are. Not even twenty minutes after I posted about it here, someone has deleted your post at that other site. Oh, well. It was just congratulatory crap anyway.
Rob, you should be aware that I cannot see an AXE commercial without thinking of you.
That's sweeet. Actually with three girls, two in their extreme cleanliness years personal grooming products would normally be a huge budget item. Luckily we coupon. We have shelves of free products from lip gloss to deodorant to powders to ointments to toothgels to floss to creams to ohmigawd. I've got years worth of "shower gel," "bath wash pour homme" etc. We use some but every Thanksgiving or so we box it all up and send "care packages" to troops [deodorant, toothcare, body wash], poor kids in Africa [essentials, plus bandaids, OTC antibacterials, crayons, pencils, etc.], and the like.
Me and pleather aren't friends. Cotton and performance synthetics are my style. I do have a nice tweed and leather jacket for motorcycle rides. Those AXE commercials are funny but I can't say exactly why. They ride that thin line of over the top and lottery ticket possible.
Zeeze are NOT my mikneys! Zis ezz my cousin Neigealll. And dis... dis... iz my... ohhhh I do not know who dis iz, take it away!
Tell me Rob. How do you manage THOSE years? My daughter, just yesterday, saw THE MOVIE in school. Came home with sample products. Worst day of my life.
"Tell me Rob. How do you manage THOSE years?
I haven't survived yet so I may not be the one to ask. We aren't poor but we are on septic so it is hard to explain that you "can't" take 30 minute showers each twice a day. We are talking 5 bathroom sinks for 5 people and there's still territorial issues. My best advice is keep them busy. It's those down times when they get all entitled.
For those of you that don't know..yes, I am a Realtor...now that is off my chest, let me just say that I am NOT one of the weaseley whining lame assed whiney bitches. I bust my ass for my clients and the referrals prove it. Time and time again, I get clients come to me after dealing with one of the bartender/Realtor agents for a few days with horror stories..
Ever since I can back from vacation, I have been BOMBARDED by LO's and MB's..Five this week and it's only Tuesday..I tell them right up front that in order to be on my team, they send me referrals one-for-one. And not bullshit looky loos either..650+ $350 and up. And they go first! Guess how many call back? Uh huh...Lots of used Lexus, Porsche, etc in the Seattle area and a whole lot more coming.
Anonymous, please don't whine.
Great! Now it is going to take LONGER because you keep asking!
I just got an email from Snowflake. All Sweet Links are sold out, and have been paid for.
I wonder, if he earns more that $1000 in a week, does that carry over, or does he start fresh??
Tony Soprano:
"Uh huh...Lots of used Lexus, Porsche, etc in the Seattle area and a whole lot more coming."
I personally use the Craigslist boats for sale as my "expendable luxury good economic indicator tea-leaves".
It's particularly pitiful to see a shit-wit trying to sell a 5 year-old boat for MORE than a brand new one would cost.
Why do people insist on thinking that their valyooable possessions will appreciate in value?
Haven't they ever been to a pawn shop?
Bouncing Blue Ball Blessings upon you.
I believe he clarified that it carries over.
Shut your beer gut. $1000 says you are fat and ugly and not nearly as successful as you claim to be. Nice try.
Please STFU....
The Dude
Tony is too deep in "The Organization." Some people might not understand everything. I sahall attempt to translate.
Tony Soprano: For those of you that don't know..yes, I am a Realtor...now that is off my chest, let me just say that I am NOT one of the weaseley whining lame assed whiney bitches. I bust my ass for my clients and the referrals prove it. Time and time again, I get clients come to me after dealing with one of the bartender/Realtor agents for a few days with horror stories..
For those of you who don't know this is how the world works. We make fun at EN of realtors and agents but the ones that amtter, the ones that work know that it doesn't apply to them. We don't have to make lame "present company excepted" type excuses. They KNOW they aren't who we are talking about.
TS continues: Ever since I can back from vacation, I have been BOMBARDED by LO's
LO's == Loan Officers
and MB's..
MB's == Mortgage Brokers
Five this week and it's only Tuesday..I tell them right up front that in order to be on my team, they send me referrals one-for-one.
No "spagetti" clients where you try everyone to see if you can get one to stick.
And not bullshit looky loos either..
Prequaified applicants only.
650+ $350 and up.
FICO upper Alt-A and above credit quality.
And they go first!
You called me, you bring a client to the table to prove your chops. I'm not bring my client to your table.
Guess how many call back? Uh huh...Lots of used Lexus, Porsche, etc in the Seattle area and a whole lot more coming.
Hungry LO's and MB's with no experience whatsoever in a soft market. So young they save squat and so insecure about their value in a rapidly evolving market they compensated with toys like Lexii and Bimwahs. Worse, this time they drank their own kool-aid and are ALL in expirng pay option ARMs on neg-am neg-equity 125% mortgage neg-cashflow deals. "ALL" sounds extreme but believe me for everyone of them isn't hung out like this there is another with THREE like this. the net effect is that ALL of them are ankle deep in the manure pile. Only ankle deep because they jumped in head first.
Thanks for the translation, Rob.
Wow Rob, ankle deep?! That's funny but oh so true. I know of five agents I've worked with in the past year now working at Starbucks or Home Depot. Two of them have had their homes foreclosed upon. If only people could learn that it's everything in moderation.
$1000 says you are fat and ugly and...
Yawn. Some noobs think they are the first to ever tthink of the Nigerian Bank scam or the Internet Tuff Guy persona. Hey noob; First you don't go right off with the big money. Try the "I'll buy you a beer if..." kinda tack. Dropping a big k just tells everyone you are bluffing. Also, this is an open blog, you can pick a name. A good troll picks a name and works in. Jumping up in a Gun Club waving a knife isn't the way to pick a fight. Third, "ugly" don't cut it no more. That was last year when you were in the fourth grade. Try, something a little classier next time; "the econometric trends driven by demographics indicate your vocal tract is clogged with bovine fecal matter." At least we won't suspect you are still in grammar school.
That said. Accepted. Put up or shut up. How do you want to escrow the $1000? Come on, a "man" of your means, able to drop a grand on a boast must have a reputable bookie to take the hold. Pardon while the adults don't hold their breath. Sad.
More people fronting Casey money:
S. Laguana (2 sweet links!)
B. Collins
R. P. Teuscher
Pledge to them your undying support! :-p
Wow Rob, ankle deep?! That's funny but oh so true.
You don't know it but it is a joke about 150 years old. In the mid 1800s there was a large Lutheran Nordic migration to the Upper Midwest giving rise to "dummy" jokes. Later they were adapted to any number of ethnicities. Call them; Ole & Clem jokes.
Ole and Clem were a fixin' da barn roof when Clem knocke over the ladder. Ole dun tolde him to find a waydown fer sure while he finished da roof. Soon Clem called out; "Ya Ole! I found a waay down. Jus' jump here there's a pile of cow manure to break your fall." Ole is suspicious. "Ain't dat to depp Clem?" "Naw, only up ter my ankles!" You get the rest. It only reinforces the old saw; "Those who fail to learn from history..."
Of course, there's also the classic about the two Uzbeks™ who are driving to their favorite hunting grounds, when they see a sign saying, "Hunting Grounds -- Bear Left".
So they drove home.
@ Rob Dawg
Man, you NAILED it. Most of these looser MB's and LO's have drank their own kool-aid and are in DEEP SHIT. The desperation is rank! I have three guys that I refer out to. All have 15+ years in the business and NONE of them are ARM'ed. These three are the ones that will be in the business 15 years from now. All of these other loosers pounding on my door and calling at all hours already have gotten the NOD in the mail. I never put a whole lot of stock in HP but for some reason, this week it has become obvious even in the Seattle (We're special...) market. One odd thing is my place in CA has two offers and it isn't even listed yet...WTF????
@ Sharky
Good point about the CL boats. I was thinking about picking up a Melges 24 to race but I'm in a holding pattern waiting to see if the Flying Tiger 10 shakes out well.
To annon @ 4:45
Is that anyway to treat a Boss? Go get a suit and come heavy next time finook.
"NONE of them are ARM'ed"
Now I'm not that clever, but somebody PLEASE take advantage of this...
Tony said "looser"....
Wait till he writes a contract and sez "You will loose the deal..."
@ Tony Soprano
I'm the opposite. Lots of relitters around here driving their leased Jag around looking for part-time gigs. I'm just as busy as I was this time last year. Lots of people out there looking to buy/sell FSBO, without a relitter, err..Realtor. I pre-qual them, tell them I have a great realtor that can speed this up for everyone and pass them. The relitter doesn't get another one until s/he sends me a client. Guess how many get repeat business? Very few. Why? Because out of 10 I send business to, 3 try to shop them to homes outside my pre-qualed limit, 2 try to weasel them to their "preferred lender" only to have me bust their chops and 4 that are part-time realtors. That doesn't leave many.
So just as many LOs as you have calling, I have just as many broke relitters. It goes both ways. Luckily, you seem like you know what the hell you're doing, and me, well my Lexus is an '05 and paid for.
Speaking of strange species I just heard an odd story involving a friend of a friend of a friend (urban legend?) finding an enormous dog-like rodent in the bay (and it ate their cat), but other than references to Indonesia the details of the species were vague. Perhaps an astute EN observer might know...?
how the fuck am I supposed to create a google account so I can start my own blog?
I tried to use an email account via Yahoo.com and it wont take it.
I wont use my real email address.
where do I sign up for a damn google account
Umm...at Google.com
Here you go, boo.
@ myself
off topic...but, I just came across an article where Duane had a quick mention: http://money.cnn.com/2007/05/22/real_estate/subprime_melltdown_yielded_fast_changes/index.htm?postversion=2007052215
YAY I started my own blog..
and benoit gets the first post mention too.
Stephanie J will be next.
chjts you little slut.
Sweet Links Sold Out - $2,255.99
And not one cent will go to his creditors. This ass needs serious jailtime.
Get this, I posted a snarky comment at Casey's blog alleging that his FICO score was lower than his IQ... I used caseypedia as my website.
Casey, or whoever was moderating, let the comment through, but changed the URL to www.haterzinbabylon.com (????). Doesn't even work. Weird.
BTW, CHJTS, very tastefully done as always :-)
So I followed the directions for getting an account at caseypedia and I have yet to hear back.
Are you guys all hanging out at jamba juice followed by naps?
Hey, Dawg, how much is in the tipjar? Enough to buy the domain "haterzinbabylon.com" and redirect to caseypedia? :>
You seem to be the sort who would know the large Indonesian rodent "dog" species that puzzles me.
Oh LOOK! Casey has ethics:
The only requirement is I need to feel good about your product or services to be able to recommend it to people in foreclosure (or people looking to buy foreclosures)
Because we all know there are NO SHARKS AT ALL IN THOSE WATERS.
None. At. All.
And my ASW was "looser"
::wipes tear::
So now that Snowflake has sold all his sweet links, how long until his advertisers realize that the traffic his site brings them isn't paying off? The chances of people who click of your link via IAFF actually purchasing your service is highly unlikely. You're better off using that $100 and placing an add in the local penny saver. Granted, it's only $100, but a poorly invested $100.
Akubi, you lost me. Apparently my brain cells are dissipating like so much dandelion fluff in the spring breeze.
The quality of IAFF continually deteriorates. Perhaps Casey ate your brain cells :).
Now, now, now, Akubi - play nice or I shan't help you with your rodent problem
You aren't talking about a Nutria, are you?
I always play nice ;).
Lost Cause,
I pondered Nutrias, but they don't seem to reside in Indonesia...
>>...an enormous dog-like rodent in the bay (and it ate their cat), but other than references to Indonesia the details of the species were vague. Perhaps an astute EN observer might know...?<<
Rat Monkey of Sumatra. Featured in two Peter Jackson movies. First, it was the zombie-virus-bearing creature in DEAD ALIVE, made when Jackson produced satisfying XXX gore movies. Later, a prop in Jackson's wonderful 2005 KING KONG remake was a cage labelled "Rat Monkey of Sumatra". All Peter Jackson movies are true stories, even MEET THE FEEBLES.
wow. crime pays.
Shakes head.
This will all end very, very badly.
All the weird hairless fleshy hybrid creatures and rare twitching zoological oddities on this blog recently are kinda freakin me out, man. Take 'er easy on the old noggin, at least before breakfast, guy. Lotta threads to keep up with here. Lotta strands in the old dooder's head. The least you could do is avoid freaking me out and harshing my mellow with all the far-out biological textbook shit.
You are already fat and ugly. Tony talks a big one and is full of it-if he had real success he would not have to harp on about it- WORD. He probably looks A LOT LIKE YOU. Fat and FUG but with dark hair and no porn stash.
Fat and FUG but with dark hair and no porn stash
Of course, this leads to the question -- is it better to be "fat and fugly with dark hair and no porn" or albino and emaciated with blond highlights and a large, immoral, against-your-religious-views porn stash?? :-)
Casey Fannnnn,
I did see Dead Alive and Meet the Feebles, but missed King Kong. Perhaps that's why the story freaked me out so much...
google just ate my damn post...
anyway, i can't wait for Casey to update us on how many of those dirty pennies he uses to pay off his creditors. We should run a book on it but since i thought of the idea i'm the only one to get to bet 0. Anyone wanna take me on? lol
Kudos Casey, i bet you are unbearable around the dinner table for the rest of the week. Still, just a dead cat bounce so don't worry - normal service will be resumed soon enough.
Dead Alive blew my mind when i watched it as a kid but don't worry about missing king kong, it pretty much sucked.
BTW, Casey Fannnn, perhaps you know the answer to this query: M. SINGH mentioned 3 Casey songs earlier today. Where's the third?
Nigel's Publicist,
Don't worry they feel your pain.
Are you kidding? He's not going to use it to pay off creditors.
That money was for Galina, dontcha know.
3 more roses and another card.
I'd just like to misuse this forum for an administrative message: the mursemaster had a lousy day yesterday (Tuesday) - a bad attack of this "work" thing people sometimes talk about - and has not been able to respond to any emails (even the ones containing gold nuggets).
Good Things are Coming though.
@ Akubi -- Casey's third song, which hasn't been released yet, will be a new rendition of "I Fought The Law And The Law Won". ;-)
BTW, I was distracted by whales, but the 8:17 reference was to Google eating posts. Actually, I haven't experienced lost posts (like a special Award Winning blogger), but the lost comments link (note: initial link to comments not removal of previously existing comments bug) is extremely annoying.
Has that been entered in CaseyPedia.com?
I anticipate your response, Mursemaster.
I sincerely hope in your work attack you at least found the time for a wheatgrass shot for nutrition.
I can't locate the mp3 over at Nazipedia, but I hope it is of the Dead Kennedys variety. When I was a little kid I thought they were Awesome.
Has that been entered in CaseyPedia.com?
The dance remix is covered here, but Flailing Forward's "Hey Casey" isn't up yet. Maybe Flailing can sign up, hint hint :)
"So I’m look at at over 22K at this point. Need to call and negotiate something one of these days."
"Though I haven’t checked mail in a while… hopefully there are no suprises."
Troll, troll, troll...
So, after a year of trolling, we now know what the true purpose of IAFF was- Snowflake monetizing the blog. The kid's been a con man his entire life. Much like every other con, he planned this one out well in advance. Except this time, I think it's going to work.
He's on track to con over $100,000 from "sponsors" at the present run rate. Of course it will all go to the coffee can slush fund of $200,000+ of illegal cash back money.
No creditors will be paid. No taxes will be paid. Its off to Uzbekistan he goes with major money.
He is going to pull of the biggest troll I've seen, unless he is arrested SOON. Each passing day, I lose faith in the "system", and that Snowflake will be held accountable.
>>Casey Fannnn, perhaps you know the answer to this query: M. SINGH mentioned 3 Casey songs earlier today. Where's the third?<<
I has a admission to make: I don't read all the EN posts. They have gotten too numerous. I hits F5 a LOT, but I don't always consume every word. Life unfortunately gets in the way, specifically the making-a-living part. I run in, skim, post some damn stupid thing, then leave. I did not see the SINGH post and I don't know what it's all about. The third song is probably CHICK A BOOM by DADDY DEWDROP.
I'm having some fun with Caseypedia today. You guys who are more technologically advaced feel free to add referencxes. I suck at it. But copy? I can bang that out.
I'm aware of those two, but where's the third? BTW, all of you (non-trolling pleather-axe-oriented) folks are awesome and I believe I'm addicted to the laughing therapy you provide.
Schnapps, your login is on its way (just working down the list - in EarlyRizer™ mode today - it's early am Wed. where I am, and I am dealing with people in S.E. Asia where it's already midday. It's a Global World™).
It's all coming together. Links I added simple copy to are looking fantastic on Caseypedia. Thanks to the savvy.
Casey Fannnnn,
I was busy eating dinner and missed 8:48 post prior to 8:50. Also suffer from excessive F5-ing and missed threads, but I gather there isn't an mp3 for Chick a Boom?
Lately, I've been "exploring" clearly broken code at work so I have a bit more time to check in whilst waiting for the predictable results.
Sweet Google-luv for Caseypedia,
"the leading semi-satirical wiki about foreclosure blogs"!
Akubi: I'm aware of those two, but where's the third?
In all seriousness, I haven't the slightest clue to what "third song" M SINGH is referring. :-(
Perhaps M SINGH has the 3rd eye or third ear for the third song the rest of remain unaware of...
Put down your furry Pom-Poms™ and make some snarky edits on Caseypedia :o)
Tim Burton here...
Can anybody point me to an award winning blogger named Nigel Swaby? I saw his headshot and feel he would be perfect for my planned sequel to The Planet Of The Apes. I swore I wouldn't make another one of these films but seeing Nigel Swably's (Swarby? Smarmy?) headshot made me want to make this movie. I read he's an award winner? As you all know, I've won some awards in my time and I feel we will get along brilliantly.
Check this out...I see him as the Monkey President of the USA. Mark Wahlberg is on the run in modern day America and Presidential Ape Smarmy is after the last human. Did any of you see my remake of Willie Wonka? I cast one midget as the entire Oompa Loompas! I am thinking Mr. Smarmy would be a great digitized apeman. He's got the look, the pleather outfit works and those ears....they are perfect for simian characters.
Folks, I want to meet this man who gives me visions of apey-goodness.
You know where to reach me.
Tim Burton
Award Winning Filmmaker / Cartoonist
Hollywood, CA
Of course Casey got the money. I will bet he shot his wad and will not make the final two weeks.
my planned sequel to The Planet Of The Apes. I swore I wouldn't make another one of these films but seeing Nigel Swably's (Swarby? Smarmy?) headshot made me want to make this movie.
He wears that pleather stuff that the Apes were so fond of...
So what's the breakdown on Snowflakes $$? $125 for 10 links is $1250, where did the other $1000 come from?
Something's not right here. I just looked at Caseypedia, and there are nearly as many supporterz™ as haterz™. That seems to play into the theories of a certain pleather-clad, BMW driving, koi (a kind of fish) raising, award-winning blogger and mortgage broker from Salt Lake City.
Guys, guys, guys! Have you seen Casey's latest post? He claims to have an IQ of 131. I am shocked -- shocked! I thought 120, tops.
(At least mine's higher. Whew.)
"Still, just a dead cat bounce so don't worry - normal service will be resumed soon enough."
...a dead cat bounce
Quote of the Day!
-to Nigel's Pubes
(and a good evening to all of you soon-to-be-converted savages!)
$2200 bucks. I'm surprised. He'll definitely find a way to fuck it up and soon. It's in his nature.
It doesn't bother me he finally made some normal money. In fact, the $$ is almost a good thing. Natural dictates this train wreck will continue, but the money will help ensure it gets blogged for at least a couple weeks more.
I'm just curious about the math. Where it came from, etc.
I will add, however that if IAFF taildives into a 24/7 begathon, it's not gonna be that interesting. So that part bothers me a bit.
"(At least mine's higher. Whew.)"
Ditto. Of course, he needed scrap paper, calculator and an hour and a half for it. I managed to get through the whole thing in 20 minutes without paper or a calculator. I wouldn't doubt if our little motard used Google a few times in there too. Anyone's a genius with that kind of help...
Bruce D. Collins said
"There’s actually a blog called “what Casey means to say.” You mean to say that someone spends their time critiquing this website because…(?!?)… they desparately need a girlfriend, perhaps?
Bruce Collins
wrestling promoter
book reviewer on nationally syndicated radio program (50 markets)
internet radio program, The Big Finale
PS. Dream big"
Yeah ok buddy, we've been to your pathetic website, the one with the 90's theme, we've also seen your loser mug staring out the window trying to look intelligent, in a neanderthal type of way..if anyone needs to find a girlfriend, it's you."
Nationally syndicated book reviewer eh...spending the megabucks on advertising arent'cha...what is that, a whole 125 dollars a month? Slow down there big fella, you're gonna use up your annual advertising money in 2 months. Never heard of your dumb ass either, until you decided to jump in bed with Casey.
Wrestling promoter? Now who is cerebrally challenged? Or do you just like young men in tights?Please...Don't forget, you are now critiquing a blog critiquing a blog.
As for your quote "Dream Big" I bet you do fella, I bet you do....here's a little secret for ya, THE SECRET doesn't really work, so get used to "tiny' ok?
And let the shitstain make money, it just makes him a bigger target and WORTH going after for all the people he owes money too.
Here's a screenshot that shows Casey's bookmarks. Shall we speculate on what all the abbreviations stand for?
Agreed, Legion. He'll be a more worthwhile target with Cashflow.
Bruce D. Collins' has a certain Heavens Gate or Serintology (please see Stephanie J's awesome site - too distracted to link) element. Casey sure has a knack for attracting out-to-lunch loosers.
Not to be a downer or anything, but the last name "Teuscher" reminds me of someone who committed suicide many years ago.
...that is why I keep my Casey Serin a secret. Shhh.
"Er Hello, this is my first time here. Er, my name is Arthur and I'm....I'm a Casey Serin Trainwreck Watcher. There, I've said it. I admit it! I fell a lot better just for saying that."
For christs sake don't go through that ad-whoring shit stain of an IQ test on snowflakes site. Apart from it being the lamest IQ test I have ever seen (despite being "phd certified" - whatever the hell that means) it requires you to give an email and many other personal pieces of information about yourself at the end before you get the results.
I didn't get my results but i'm smart enough to know i got exactly 2 wrong out of the 43 pratically identical questions - so no wonder even snowflake managed 131 IQ (although i think he proably lied lol)
I repeat, do not waste your time unless you want to play count the adverts.
So I’m look at at over 22K at this point. Need to call and negotiate something one of these days.
As I start developing more of a stable income that I can count on, I will have some ammunition for when I go to my lenders. As you say in my CashCall example, it’s kind of hard to work out a payment plan if you don’t know exactly how much money you’re making.
.....Though I haven’t checked mail in a while… hopefully there are no suprises.
I still need to get my 2006 taxes done since I got an extension.
What else am I missing?
Someone's already quoted this back at Casey. I'm not going to bother to reply on IAFF as I think it may get moderated soon. So, in reply to the above:
Just like you Casey, you need to do something "one of these days". "one of these days" Cashcall will be getting an order on your PayPal account or catching up with you when you wave your $1000 about.
"when you don't know exactly how much money you are making" Cashcall don't mind, after all, you told them it was $1500, or $2000 or $3000, so as far as they know you've got enough to make those payments.
Taxes, don't worry about them, you've got months to do them. Why do them now when you can put them off until tomorrow?
"What else am I missing?" A functioning brain?
If any recent Casey Supporterz are reading this, come back in a week or two and check how well fliptard is doing then. Traffic might be up now because of MSN but it will fall back down soon without some seriously good trolling by fliptard.
Pretty sure Galina hasn't issued this $1000 ultimatum to him.
Cashcall gave him a 2-month moratorium on payments about, oh, I dunno, about 2 months ago.
I think it's a good bet that this $1000 isn't about Galina making him shut down the blog, and is more about making sure that Cashcall doesn't come knocking with a sheriff to cart away all of Yulia's stuff as payment. It's not like they're going to know or care that the contents of the house are mostly hers rather than his, right?
The image of that 2nd critter is just begging for a photoshop with Nigel's mug...
Cashcall gave him a 2-month moratorium on payments about, oh, I dunno, about 2 months ago.
Did they? They offered it but Casey went away for a week and didn't return the paperwork IIRC. So he's probably 2 months behind on payments again. Perhaps he's due another phone call soon? Maybe next time he does a Podcast Cashcall will phone in? That would be sweet!
to mr bubbles
He's on track to con over $100,000 from "sponsors" at the present run rate. Of course it will all go to the coffee can slush fund of $200,000+ of illegal cash back money.--No, he's not. Those are MONTHLY ad rates. So he's on track for 2K a month, or 24K.
That, and the value of the links will degrade, and we're now past any mainstream media coverage he'll get. That's it, press is over for him.
Each passing day, I lose faith in the "system", and that Snowflake will be held accountable.
--That just makes me whittle away more time to call Mr. V again. That will be done this week, I need to get my notes in order. Aside from Hammar, and the new talkcast, and the cnet article which was on everywhere, what else should I inform our friend about?
of course, you can always report to cashcall that casey has money now.
WellsFargo sure visits casey's site alot.
Those are MONTHLY ad rates. So he's on track for 2K a month, or 24K.
That, and the value of the links will degrade, and we're now past any mainstream media coverage he'll get. That's it, press is over for him.
So next month's trolling will be "Why won't my advertisers renew?" "I ...." fill in any Casey type excuse followed by Casey blaming the advertisers for whatever reason for being wrong in not renewing.
IAFF is down again.
Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage
Must be due to all the traffic.
Hehe, Arthur, yup.
Oh, IAFF is down for me.
Can't be traffic now that he has his grid hosting.
I call either mad IT skillz(TM) or unpaid billz.....
IAFF was working for me recently but did stop once or twice.
Look at Fliptard's flikr pages and there's one showing his recent traffic. Anyone care to work out what his bill is going to be for this month? I think it's going to be a bit more than $20.
Heheheh. One day after getting over $2K from advertisers, the site goes down.
Scam? Troll? or just breathtaking stupidity?
Looks like a technical problem with the fantastical "Grid Servers". Other sites on the same IP aren't responding either.
Found this during an act of random surfing:
High roller of home loans.
"Scam? Troll? or just breathtaking stupidity?"
D. All of the above
If there's one thing that we've learned about Casey, it's that he'll find multiple ways to simultaneously self-destruct. It's his gift--he's very creative that way, almost magical.
"The image of that 2nd critter is just begging for a photoshop with Nigel's mug..."
Yep. At first glance, I actually thought that it was Nigel superimposed! Seriously.
Just been trying to work out when the Cashcall payment is due each month but can't see it. What I did spot on his Jan 2007 spreadsheet is that $4000 a month is just enough to live on (by his standards) and pay Galina's creditors. Co-incidence?
So,, what if Snowflake doesn't raise the needed $1000 a week... suppose he only raises $900.00, does he have to return the money, or does he keep it?
Also, does he need to reimburse them for all of the down time?
Third, isn't this whole sponsor scam a TOS violation?
Finally, this is now considered reportable income, of which Snowflake will not report.
@ mr bubbles
You haven't got up to speed with the workings of Fliptard yet, it would appear. The answers are:
1. No he won't return the money he'll make a lame excuse to keep it. Besides he hasn't had to make a decision on that situation yet.
2. See 1
3. Might be, but he's not a "detail guy" so it won't worry him.
4. See 3.
I didn't get my results but i'm smart enough to know i got exactly 2 wrong out of the 43 pratically identical questions - so no wonder even snowflake managed 131 IQ (although i think he proably lied lol)
He admitted to using a calculator, which I'd have thought defeated the purpose of an intelligence test to some extent.
So 131 is the theoretical maximum - his actual IQ is presumably lower.
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