Friday, May 18, 2007

Go Go Gadget Beg-A-Thon!

Post "stream of tard" observations here. No points against for getting anything wrong. Just spill it here before itr passes.


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ratlab said...

First, Murst!

ratlab said...

Duane is on!

Anonymous said...

ooo duane with a 1000 dollar challenge if he comes up with any real win win situation in the last 6 months

Anonymous said...

Casey can't come up with one. HAHA!

Anonymous said...

I may call in after 9:00 PM EST if no one's asked any of the following questions (my username will be "notbugme" -- leeched from the bugmenot site):

1) When are you planning to get a haircut?


3) Was your marriage arranged by a third party?

4) Are you a closeted homosexual? Your appearance and mannerisms strongly suggest so.

5) What did you tell your mom to get her to back the shell corporation?

Anonymous said...

Duane told him he is a criminal

Unknown said...

He REALLY wants that $500, but he can't come up with ANYTHING successful since he bought these houses.

Duane thinks that Casey is a criminal.

Anonymous said...

ohhh man Casey is still trying to win that 1000 dollars. What a schmuck..the guy is telling him that he is a mess and all Casey hears is "did you say 1000 dollars?"

Ooooo and now Duane told him he is in danger of criminal consequences.
Lol he tried to use the contracts with his wife as an example of a win win that deserves 1000 dollars. what a shithead.

Unknown said...

Th..Thanks for that feedback.

Casey really wants Duane to shut up.

Anonymous said...

Oooo Casey is getting testy....

Unknown said...

This is like a dad yelling at a kid that got straight Fs on his report card.

Anonymous said...

Casey is such a little schmoo. He is laughing and seems creepy

ratlab said...

Man, fliptard reminds me of people (mostly little kids) that don't know when is the right time to laugh.

Anonymous said...

Please tell me this will be up for download later!

Anonymous said...

You're awesome. Are you by any chance Dan Rather? Keep up the commentary!!!

Anonymous said...

Please tell me this will be up for download later!

Yes, TalkShoe archives their material. All of Casey's previous talks are archived as we speak.

Anonymous said...

"Ex- uber - nation"

Unknown said...

No, not Dan Rather...not even close...just amused by this ass reaming administered by Duane.

Now KC is pissed about Duane revealing "private conversations".

ratlab said...

Someone needs to save the eventual mp3 and host it somewhere else, like before. Fliptard gets a cut each time someone downloads the mp3.

If I ever think doing stupid things to do, I'm going to listen to Duane talking sense into fliptard.

Unknown said...

Duane is trying to explain something, and Casey doesn't understand basic storytelling...he keeps interupting to "correct" fictional stories.

Unknown said...

"I can't just make a decision on my own without checking with my wife...I'll get in trouble for that"


Anonymous said...

Duane is really tearing him a new ass.

KC jsut said he can't make a decision without his wife..yeah right...

Anonymous said...

Im recording it... can someone recommend a good file sharing site i can upload it to?

Anonymous said...

haha Duane laughs at Casey when he has to check with his wife

Anonymous said...

Casey is mad.

Anonymous said...

Over quarter mill!

Congrats. Dawg!

Anonymous said...

Admits to trolling

Anonymous said...

"Hex-Huuber Nation" RULZ!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

"you're more interested in the attention than you are making a living."

-Duane to KC

Unknown said...

"You overpaid for every single house"

Anonymous said...

"would you pay for something that wasnt worth anything?"

"Casey, you have over paid in every house you have ever purchased, so in your case, yes"

Anonymous said...

Dawg's right re: HfH donate time or money. do not give casey any money

Anonymous said...

@anon 5:51


Anonymous said...

Now I see how Casey gets away with so much shit. He is like a lawyer, rephrasing and asking questions in a way that you are fucked no matter what you say.

Anonymous said...

Ex- Uber - Nation?

(parses to: used to be the ultimate nation?)

Soem sort 'o Russian slang thang?

Anonymous said...

He can't answer a question without asking a question.

Anonymous said...

Casey Serin-
-> idiot savant without the gift <-

Unknown said...

Casey is claiming that his $100 Text Ads are a winwin situation, capable of releasing Duane's offer of $500 for a success.

Unknown said...

Duane is "slamming" Casey against "rock bottom".

Anonymous said...

Duane is spankin' the boy!

I have deja vu - did we not cover this scenario in a Celeb Death Match talk-through just the other evening?

"Casey on the mat from Duane's tough love!"

Anonymous said...

I dunno, I'd still like to see him get his ass kicked.

Oh he is mad at Duane for publishing private emails..

What about all the shit you exposed about your wife and your finances shithead?!?!!? What about her privacy?!!?

Unknown said...

Oh shit...he gave the wrong

Anonymous said...

What a hell of plug! Duane is my hero. Screw george washington.

Unknown said...

Dammit...he did it again. Rob Duane and get him to give the right address.

Anonymous said...

@soem dood 5:55

Duane's a Haterz™ now so it's more like 'tough hate', lol.

Anonymous said...

This is LOL. Its Duane vs Casey for the past 30 mins

Anonymous said...

Nigel's gonna break his trust too?

Oh man...the homo stories are gonna be flowing...

Anonymous said...

Ah... Casey is gonna start on Nigey-pooh!

No, apparently just a feint...

Unknown said...

Heh...Duane just plainly told Casey to "Shut up!".

Anonymous said...

this is fascinating

Anonymous said...

Oh man Rob did you pay Duane to mention your blog so many times!!! Lol!!!!

Anonymous said...

Casey doesn't like the ref to Haterz Heaven here!

Please, not therre!!!!!!!

ratlab said...

Ex - Super (Uber) - Nation?

Anonymous said...

Mother f'er this is funny.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like Casey is going to lay a Nigey-poo in his pants

ratlab said...

Fliptard is soooo pissed Duane is mentioning exurbannation so many times.

Anonymous said...

Duane offered to give him bandwidth... job offer... get straight on debt... sell blog...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Casey..the last thing you should be complaining about is how your trust has been broken..what about the trust with your lenders, the utah buyers, your credit cards, cashcall....shut the fuck up already you whiney bitch.

Anonymous said...

Duane keeps saying "" ...

Casey keeps saying "" ...

This is better than watching the super bowl ..

Anonymous said...

"an internet slap across the face" - Duane


Anonymous said...

Somehow I don't think Snowflake was expecting DUANE tonight.

Karma is a BITCH.

Anonymous said...

Casey: "I appreciate your offer to whip me around and hurt me... and that's fine..."

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?

ratlab said...

Duane was willing to offer fliptard a job as late as 2 weeks ago as long as fliptard's behavior changed.

Fliptard doesn't see how the episodes with his wife show how he hasn't changed.

Fliptard also doesn't understand that changing his behavior is akin to doing a job interview with Duane.

Unknown said...

I like how Casey's call-in talkcast has turned in to a private conversation between Duane and Casey broadcast to the world.

Anonymous said...

As much as I'm enjoying this, I hope some other Haters get the chance to call in.

Most important un-asked question: THE PENNY STOCK.

Anonymous said...

10 to 1 Casey off the record asks duane for the 1000 dollars.

"C'mon Duane, you put me down, give me some money"

Anonymous said...

duane: "You need to stop this ...crap!"

Anonymous said...

Snowflake: "That's pretty harsh!"

Unknown said...

"I don't think you can live up to it"

Unknown said...

Shit, T had to pay $250 to lay an ass-whoopin' on Casey like this.

Anonymous said...

Pool boi: " Gotta wrap this up, I'll get back to you, appreciate your more than two cents..."

Anonymous said...

IAFF is done, this was a slap in the face and turning him around and taking him from behind.

Anonymous said...

What a shithead, Its me Casey is Duane moron..he said so

Anonymous said...


That was awesome

flailing forward said...

Sure sure.
Sure sure.
Sure sure.
Sure sure.
Sure sure.
Sure sure.
Sure sure.
Sure sure.
Sure sure.
Sure sure.
Sure sure.

Anonymous said...

[next caller lost i nthe crap -- did Casey set up the call DNS hisself ... BWAHAHAHAH]

Anonymous said...

after he was done with duane who has the nick (its me casey) then he selects itsmecasey next.

Anonymous said...

Oh brother another Casey apologist asswipe...

Anonymous said...

'Copyright your emails, dude!'

'You aren't claiming to be licensed attny, so I don't think you have anything to worry about...'

Unknown said...

Damn...this talkcast has jumped the shark. Anything will sound mediocre at best after that Duane call.

Anonymous said...

Drink - "good things are coming"

This guy isn't a Haterz

Anonymous said...

I'm waiting on the line as "notbugme"... I'll ask about the penny stock and whatnot. Won't be nearly as aggressive as Duane.

But Duane... seriously -- WELL DONE! :-)

Anonymous said...

Wasn't he not supposed to talk about Galina anymore?

Anonymous said...

Snowflake: "I've been telling her good things are coming...Haterz diggin' up dirt... I've been trying to shield her, but only so much I can do..."

What a jerk.

total Casey.

Anonymous said...

Benoit, dont forget to plug EN with the correct URL

Unknown said...

"People want instant success these days"

Uh, yeah Casey...people like you?

Anonymous said...

A guy who over-leveraged himself and bought 8 homes almost at the same time strikes out against those impatient people who want things immediately.

Anonymous said...

Wheatgrass addict "PEople expect instant results... I have an audience... I have traffic...something I can do with it... to drop the whole thing would be really stupid..."

"Uh, you gotta convert it to sales..."

Anonymous said...

I would bet dollars to donuts that Casey does not appreciate Duane's call as much as I do.

LOL! "Haterz digging up dirt and posting all this crap." Sorry 'bout that Casey. Too bad there was just so much dirt and crap to dig up and post about.

Anonymous said...

WHo is this moron on right now?

Anonymous said...

I'm at work so I can't listen in, but man, this play-by-play is friggin' awesome! Please keep it up!!

Unknown said...

Yeah up the Exurban traffic. We need to slap Duane across the face with the URL for this place.

Anonymous said...

I thought it was 1000 dollars a week, he just said month

Yeah, funny how all this crap we dig up is true.;

Ohj I see, this guy is one of those .com morons, eyeballs is so 2000

Anonymous said...

This whiny guy might be Nigel

Anonymous said...

I am diggin' this!

Whut a tool he is!

Remember a couple years ago that kids would buy a tub 'o' snot? It was gross, they would run their fingers through it, it was disgusting, but captivating...

That's liquid Casey.

Anonymous said...

Casey is absolutely delusional. He just can't give up the dream of money for nothing.

I hope he gets mauled in prison.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Shit, Duane's 12 year old can make 1000 dollars a month.

this guy on right now is a total asshole.

Anonymous said...


Ask him:

1. About his taxes
2. About Hammar
3. About money man G
4. About the missing Utah wrap money
5.About his coffee cans of money
6. About his mother cosigning on the corp credit card
7. About the illegal cash backs at closing
8. His trolling

Anonymous said...

Legion, he said $1,000 a month at least twice! Already backing out!

Anonymous said...

Someone set this idiot who is on now straight

Anonymous said...

Man I see a new Nigel in the making from "marty' damn moron.

Unknown said...

This has potential. "What are your skillz?"

Anonymous said...

ooooo, another web developer just asked him outright what he can do.

flailing forward said...

Vegas Dude is the most boring caller EVAR.

Anonymous said...

Does someone have a good site for me to upload the mp3 to when this is all done?

Anonymous said...

Jetta resident sez: "john 67... gonna skip down to Chief 100!"

"What IS your skill set on web development?"

"Haterz will laff, 'casue they think I gotz noes skillz.... but I wrote PhP repoting classes... formatted tables...."

(Ohhh.... I runz away skeered at the mad skillz

Anonymous said...

Experts knows it's pronounced My-S-Q-L not My-Sequel. What a dork.

Anonymous said...

Why would gambling be an issue? He really must have gambled in Tahoe.

Anonymous said...

Murse-luver sez: "I am allowed to do ebooks, consulting, contract work... I can drop some hints... ideas for generating money next week...."

Anonymous said...

He got google adsense back

ratlab said...

Fliptard did a few tricks to get Google Ads back. Wonder what those tricks are and if they're legal.

Anonymous said...

DNS-expert noted: "Ah, some people say they were fraud clicks, but I got 700 dollars waiting to be reviewed right now..."

The Dude said...


My wife drags me off shopping and I miss the Beg-a-thon and stuff.

Probably been posted, but since I've got several hundred comments to sift through..let me post this. Sorry if it's a repeat.

Can anyone take Snowflake's "pledge" to a professional handwriting analyst to see what they can glean?

Back to reading and getting caught up......

Unknown said...

He got AdSense...but he had to "pull a few tricks" to get it.

This guy is a haterz.

Unknown said...

Yay...we can all [not] buy Casey merchandise.

Anonymous said...

Damn... I think he's allotting too much time to each person. Bleh. No one other than Duane and CHJTS has asked any hard-hitting questions...

If I'm let on ("notbugme"), I will attempt to plug the proper URL for this blog after the GSPG question... I'm also going to ask about the balloon payment :-)

Anonymous said...

Oh fuck you Casey...this guy is telling him everything he wants to hear

Anonymous said...

The Juicer opined: "I'll [let users] vote... top ten [shirt] designs... take a small cut... community effort... you think I could feature him [Nigel]... no cut necessary?"

Unknown said...

I wonder where Galina is during this session of Casey verbal vomit. If she heard some of this shit, she probably whack him with a baseball bat.

Anonymous said...

Negative 200 in the bank -- but he's "only" overdrawn the account 2-3 times in the last couple of months.

Anonymous said...

Why does Casey always think there are so many people that want to work for him for free? Yeah Casey, people have nothing better to do then to create a t-shirt with your website solely so they can get a mention on your blog. Fuck you casey.

Anonymous said...

Galina's boy-slave murmured: "I need to do a tho' a month... ooops week...."

Zewg said...

Try uploading the mp3s to the Zewg Phile Dump

Anonymous said...

Gaysey may purposely attempt to be choosing users who he recognizes from previous talk-casts as being sympathetic to him...

ratlab said...


Ask him why he's pissed about Duane putting up info when Swaby outted a bunch of haterz.

Unknown said...

Gag me with a fucking spoon. I wish this guy would take KC's dick out of his mouth.

Anonymous said...

Gee 3.9 avg. computer science he mentions an indoor pool and a BMW and he's Nigel.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Benoit is on.

ratlab said...

Benoit is ON!

Unknown said...

Jackie Treehorn is going to be on here.

Sweet...Benoit's on!!

Anonymous said...

hey chief100 go fuck yourself...asshole. go buy one of Nigel's t-shirts.

go BENOIT!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I really want to call in and just play the "hey Casey" theme

Zewg said...

Here is the upload link:

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Private-Blonde-Pleather-modeler wheezed: "How do you spell that? What's your favorite think on the blog?"

Benoit!!!!!!! has arrived!!!!!!

"Can I ask you a question first? How about the stock - did you buy it?"


flailing forward said...

No fair. I'm getting about a 2 minute delay. You bunch of cheaters.

Anonymous said...

This thing goes thru the roof? MAn it's crashing thru the floor.

Anonymous said...

What a tool! Own up to the stock purchase! But he doesn't bait us!? Gimme a break.

Unknown said...

So, what you're saying Casey, is that Silver is the next "Shiny Thing"...literally!

Anonymous said...

Time to short MYNG

Anonymous said...

Penny stock speculator said:"I'll have to wait til it goes up to tell you... some guy doing silver trading has been giving me tips... watching how he does...MYNG... Let me tell you about how to get into gold...."

Anonymous said...

I'm lagging, too, Flailing forward.


Anonymous said...

yeah, yeah, yeah. Nobody wants your advice. Just answer the question!

Unknown said...

C'mon, Benoit. Toughen up!!!

Anonymous said...

Declan wasn't really good, you just won't shut up Casey.

Anonymous said...

Baiting troll boy asked: "Do you think I bait alot... slick report starbuked me, wined and dined... he was slick...good tactics... wasn't even writing it down... he was good... didnt realize he talked to my wifer...."


Anonymous said...

Sounds like Declan could've gotten Casey into bed if only he sprang for Macaroni Grille.

Declan must've been recording it. It's so hard to get direct quotes otherwise.

ratlab said...

Fliptard said he looked at a variety of gold/silver stocks, listing a bunch including GSPS. That tells me he didn't buy it.

Anonymous said...

He called Rob Dawg CHEAP!

Unknown said...

YES! Correct URL.

Rob Dawg is too cheap to have his own cheap bastard.

Anonymous said...

rob dawg is cheap!

Anonymous said...

Looser #1 whined: "Robdawg is too cheap to have his own domain..."

"Uh, it is already owned."

Casey continues to try to make Rob look bad [unsuccessfully!]

Anonymous said...

More like Rob Dawg didn't BORROW the money to have his own blog, it's not that he's too cheap.

Unknown said...

Needs to work up a payment plan for the balloon payment...he's going to end up screwing them.

Anonymous said...

Dawg is obviously a real big thorn in Casey's side. Whenever he talks about Rob you can hear the vehemence

Unknown said...

Hey, whaddya know, I made it on the talkcast anyway.

Thanks Benoit!

Anonymous said...

Go Benoit!!!!!!

You be urself! You dfon't haff to bee tuffer than you want to be.

flailing forward said...

Rob Dawg's cheap ass blogger site wasn't the one that's been down off and on for a week.

Anonymous said...

Isn't he worried about ruining his relative's credit??

Anonymous said...

Rob. I heard that you are CHEAP! And you LACK FORESIGHT! LOL. I'm laughing so hard there are actual TEARS!

Casey is such a dipshit.

Anonymous said...

Hey Guys!

Go Benoit!!

Anonymous said...

Mom ruiner said: "I'm not sure why my mom is a topic... I tell people what they are getting into...."

Corp card given back from Galina to Murse boy!!!!!

Anonymous said...

You're doing fine, Benoit.

Anonymous said...

Okay, since I can't listen live, can anyone tell me if Fliptard's Russian accent is coming through when he's cornered as thickly as last time? That was effing hilarious! :)

Lou Minatti said...

He sounded like he was gonna cry when he talked about G taking his credit card.

Anonymous said...

145 lbs of crap blathered: "Do you think I have a good chance of winning?"

Benoit" Uh...."

Anonymous said...

Ask where he went after the Cashcall call, during his anniversary, when he had the Begathon money burning a hole in his pocket!

Anonymous said...

Lou, I thought the same thing. His voice definitely changed for a moment.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, the Russian lock-jaw slur is right in there irritating the heck outta me

Another BEGATHON, but not considered begging? Whatta looser!

Unknown said...

Methinks Benoit is nervous because he knows we're all listening.

Anonymous said...

How can he call Rob Dawg cheap when he got free hosting from Heekee then left Heekee hanging for a $180 server !!??!!

Anonymous said...

KAYCEE noted: "Hey, hungry Bear"

(Great radio voice for hungry bear!)

Unknown said...

National Enquirer...priceless.

Anonymous said...

Casey asks the dumbest questions. Does he think he's some kind of talk-show host?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

"Do you think it is legit, or made up?"

"I think you are making a lot of it up"

"Baiting aside..."

interuption in service

Anonymous said...

Go to jail, that will convince everybody that it is true.

Anonymous said...


Pin him down on HAMMAR, RES-COM, and his phony companies he used to funnel the illegal cash back at closings to.

Unknown said...

I think Casey does have a list of premade questions that he is asking each person. That is getting old.

Anonymous said...

Yup, getting s-l-o-w

Anonymous said...

THis guy talks so sloowwwwwwwww

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

6:18 Dan

Might be fun to make some CDs from Duane's talk to our hero and send them to G, Y, and Casey's parents.

Just in case they couldn't attend his begathon

Anonymous said...

Methinks Benoit is nervous because he knows we're all listening

Yeah, I said I wasn't going to be as tough as Duane. And I know I let him ramble on too much... it's nervousness, I'm your typical semi-introverted engineer. heh.

He basically dodged all questions. Meh. I tried to ask at the end if he was going to do this on a regular basis, but got hung up on. :-(

Unknown said...

heh...he ain't quick, but he's funny.

Scaminars are a "waste of money".

Anonymous said...

"I haven't made up anything on purpose."


Anonymous said...

Is the Dawg on?

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

I have to qualify your background.

Who makes Casey qualified to qualify other real estate investors?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Oh joy, now it's become a learning experience.

Unknown said...

Here comes the Casey v. College debate.

Anonymous said...

I earned eight figures...
floppy flipper flailed: "would'nt you say it is pretty much common sense..."

"Uh college... excel... cash flow... econ 101... accounting... college... good foundation..."

Nigel's Guest Blogger said...

I think the old-timer should host a foreclosure avoidance site.

Anonymous said...

Casey's still trying to learn RE investing. How sad.

Hungry Bear might be low-key but I like how he's coming across!

Casey, he didn't say 'basic arithmetic.' They don't teach arithmetic in college.

Anonymous said...


Bring on Treehorn!!!!!

Anonymous said...


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