Housing Bubble, credit bubble, public planning, land use, zoning and transportation in the exurban environment. Specific criticism of smart growth, neotradtional, forms based, new urbanism and other top down planner schemes to increase urban extent and density. Ventura County, California specific examples.
Ready for my too-fast for fingers, slightly mis-typed, real-time commentary...
Hope Loss Mit Pro takes time out to make a guest appearance... or maybe even Pool-Boi hisself, since he has to be Jonesin' real bad about now for some Haterz™ action...
CHJ -- hey, he has been working on his con game since 14 yrs, funny thing is came here in '91, exodus, most worked -- don;t understand why this guy is allergic to work! Bipolar?
SINGH -- True. Unbelieveable frauds out there on net besidesCasey, with info, avail to everyone -- Robert Kiyosaki -- Reed debunked easily, why is this continuing?
i cant get it to launch either...i sign in, then click it..and as soon as it says it's launching it pops over to page cannot be displayed..any ideas? ____________ That is exactly what happened to me last week and so I called the number. Front row seat.
SINGH -- Well, with site closed "forever" maybe wont have to worry about that. Back to original point, the fact he HAS any advertiserst ... SEO...guy with rental vans... Serin talking wireless hookup in a vvan, and this guys is selling them...
CHJ -- one man show, no franchise... how many actual customers is he reaching... Casey is International, this guy is local, why not go to city you serve...I am not going to Phoenix @ 110 degrees to rent a van!
SINGH -- website if google discovers pay for links, will downgrade... 'oh, I've actually read all that'.... anecdotal reports without regard to google actually moddding the algorithm to prevent [gaming the system]why do these guys [advertiserrs] support him? Could be interesting if Casey gets to trial. Tyco -- went after execs, mentioned stuff they spent money on... one party did ice sculpture... urinating champagne... 50K shower curtain... jury was affected... mistrail...then ommited details, concentrated on issue at hand, then got convictions. The thing is, as soon as isssue shifted from mortgage aps to weird purchases... swissa rmy murse, jamba juice,,, many people see that as obviously overblown so side with him.. but if site went on... withdraw ads based on experience
CHJ -- okay, on the click fraud -- if it is against the TOS to sell ads on top, why does it take so long for them to stop on click fraud?
Well, doesn't matter now he is down...
Chief 100...not much to say... confused by whole deal..was monetizing site...paycheck...family pressure...mute me I'll listen...
Q: are you married?
Would you understnad if wife hated exposure, pressured you, can you see it from G view?
Nope, not with money coming in the door in this household. Don'rt know what crap she takes in day to day life.. kid was makin some money... the onye thing he did right, he went away from... its already out there!
CHJ -- Hey, went he met her, he lied to her, went from being taken care of to rock bottom... 9 mo of him sweet deals da da da... last week he made money, but BS piled up, she said enough! Would your wife put up?
Would not have made it to 3 monts. But she knew what she was into, should have quit 9 mo ago.... finally turning corner, that the problem... don';t totallly belive family story...
CHJ - Nigel offered, then sdaid no, Duane was interested... Duane looked into it, offers together... leg work... Duane said he coulda brought 6 figures, asked threshold, maybe 20K but he played duane and nigel against each other, that sent Duane to EN!!!
CHJ -- I've seen people for a long time... those that do it use sweat equity, live in homes... casey buys them.... maybe you have insight... NM property... lease back for 12 mo, plus mo lease.... 12 months to work strategy for exit... why wait to very end...
Becasue he is l;azy! Shown time and time again "Its all good" for casey
I can't listen to the talkcast from here, but I did manage to dig up this cryptic message from Casey himself regarding his imminet plans regarding his marriage, his debt, and the feds. Check it out! He obviously hasn't combed his hair out from this afternoon's passive nap, but he did buy a different shirt for the occasion! Huzzah!
Cheif -- thinks he can think his way to top... I purchased second house, remodded around wife and kids.. working around issues...moving up ladder...need to put sweat into it. it is NOT like TV shows!
CHJ - Not like shows! Casey paid thousands for free library stufff...
CHJ -- I used my self directed 401k to finance my deals... from there CRE material,,, research... crewated a land bank... using proerty. then pull equity out for next property.... also, can look at my window ands see my properties...
You went to penn state, what about Casey's W2 looser mentality... what if you did not have degree?
FMW -- Oh my Gawd -- he is pathetic! [laughs] Look, I',passive income myself, but you have to work it... I have just successed three months ago, but he sits and opines.... he is young and focused on biz...
FMW -- I see people asking who do we focus on next?
CHJTS - Hey, we will swing around... Hey, for you, as a women, if you were married to KC... don't throw up in mouth... how would you take it if you wereG Tolerate it?
FMW - NO! Long gone! Say see ya!
CHJ - Final question -- if they have kids. would KC attitude change
FMW - No. G would be breadwinner and care giver. The guy has addictive behavior and he fed the addiction with RK and gooroos.
CHJ -- Looser W2 job...why aren't YOU a millionaire like KC?
RB -- when I went to DC to work for Gov... looked at homes... they offered me option arms... I'm an economist... I though how many newbies really understand this, as not a good product?
whatgives, many people take their place in society seriously, and once family, needs, are taken care of, and they see people like casey dirtying the water everyone bathes in...
CHJ -- assignment of beneficial interest... tax write off people do a wrap [see Caseypedia] some people get 20-30 houses this way! Now coming under scrutiny by gov if you don;t do it right, see jail time.
get home, wrap around mort, accumulate 20 or 30 homes and get away with it. some get away with it some go to jail KC did not do it right. te he A lot of people made a lot of money on KC KC could turn state evidence to maybe get a break, if he has all the paper work. lol
No Plans. You are a late nigher, because of caseypedia time stamps? Q. KC's sight was up a five am did you view it this am? No, I did not see the time, but it was around 9:40am.
LMP was LAST! Both read all comments in the wee hours this AM Comments were not of any value from the stad point of the blog going down. Swaby secondary blog; G's doing, but who knows. What broke the G contract? KC borrowed the money Was it really the pay pal money?
They are analizing the money timeline verses the amount. All KC had to do was take out 400 a day to get 1600 dollars Q how much on the table? it was 8 hundreds and the rest 20's
Hello's all around did KC pay capitol gains on the first condo sale? Owned it less than two years and lived in it for one year. Assume it is on tax return, but he could have 'conveniently' left off the capitol gains if you put money in kc's hands it is gone
Ck burned his and G's own bridges. now he is using friends and mom. Corp credit is hard to get. they require personal guarantees and an astute business does not put himself out there. bad business decision. poor kc's mom
kc ran up credit card debt for wedding G's parents with drew and cut G off from family money because they saw kc for what he was russia has closer families to survive. in usa you can go it own your own. so, they must have seen kc for the looser
Jump to m singh wonderful talk cast how wou8ld google combat click fraud? It is possible that google informed kc that he was under investigation for click fraud, and blog is pulled. only 2% of google clicks are fraud, google wants to change the clicks. They would use algorithms to seeif you really read the advertisers page. They would audit the advertisers page in stead of count clicks. This is way in the future.
can kc blame someone else for the fraud?
KC has many addresses to use and he could put the google ad in someone else's name as a scam.
He did not actually go in to commit a sophisticated fraud, but with the people around him and the realization that the GF exists on the net, he will use simple methods to exploit these people. Google can not search every anme petitioning for an ad sense account and cross reference with the address.
Yes, KC can not claim un sophistication any longer.
M sing KC flaunting law enforcement, judgment proof.
talking about Casey's REAL education being his dumb moves... openly flaunting and calling himself judgment proof... realizes he is not arrested yet...Hammar can go to pot...if he was honest at start... or induced... by gurus... you'd think he would name names... [ah but that assumes he is ready to repent his wrongs soem dood]
So, in theory if he was honest and induced, one would thinjk he would name names and details, as a reasonable persons fico went down, you would make it painful for the perps that did this to you. LMP gave him 30 days. no money went to bills, except to cash call which was the begged money.
Both sides were not equal, This was a Duane charity case. All money was to go to debt and if he had followed the agreement and allowed duane to post, kc could had gone somewhere
FWM -- yeah, but it's fun! Like listening, but hard to reduce to few lines... if I knew no one cared, I would not even try, since MP3 will eventually come out, but I know some are in traffic with web appliance getting text feed and laughing...
No limit Ladies, would have had a claim on any money that did not go to debt. if he had paid creditors off he would have been successful enough to write a book. kc think people just want to give him money. lol lmp verdict is still out. there is more to that story too. Speculate that lmp wanted to buy the IAFF blog.
G makes eye contact but is subservient because she is probably afraid to confront KC in public. For KC to be successful he would have had to get the message to G the magnitude, good things are not coming, no sweet deals, they may have not been able to extricate themselves from this mess. KC left them an out. The entire family need a LMP type of guy. g brainwashed by kc and she guilty but association.
m singh thoughts.....why is it that mr serin needs the blog? Deep experimental electric shock discussion; getting a person to believe things as an individual is easy, but a group is difficult. KC's Seminars verses internet for example, ergo the internet was a rude shock with economics professional and other intellectual types picking him apart bit by bit.
{That was deep, I think I got it} Swaby, will spend end of his days in bars making lewd comments to hookers.lololol Mortgage brokers will go the way of dodo birds. lol and become just so much trash in America.
singh - not a home owner... worked in academia... found could afford one... realtor tried to sell him on it...did not fit for him... was an ARM... at end of day, thought was a one-off-odd person, but may be more of an archetype...endemic.
Academia research assistant, not very well paid but was surprised he could afford a house. M Singh was very suspect. ARM was too expensive and he thought that the real estate sales person was an anomaly and the rates were too high.. KC's sigh showed him it was endemic. At the end of the day, what is un- ethical with realthors and brokers is "how much due diligence should people do to make these kinds of purchase, answer a lot.
Not the sales person that represents himself as the research expert.
Friday night Fraud cast, weather talk, beed, crab cacks, frugalosity.com?/// Ways to get out of debt. Shamless plug if interested. lol Does wheat grass juice give you the sh!ts?
What has KC gotten you into. Growing weeds??? Calif it is easy to get med pot. you can throw out your back with murses and get a script for med weed.
Serious now, does KC have compulsive behavior with bi polar disorder. KC does nothing ALL DAY Boring!@! We are missing something, another addiction? Wayyyy toooo much time on his hands to do nothing.
WHAT DOES HE DO ALL DAY that he accomplishes nothing but naps???? KC never answered this on IAFF.
Hey ,those that aren't finding this too useful (most! he he) one good thing is should be able to google for key words, then look at time stamp, then go to proximate place in MP3... kinda use this as loose free form index... maybe?
What is in your murse was trolling. Nigel and KC sat around thinking about trolling subjects. Now KC is out of material. KC has nothing left..... Sweet deal take. Money partner financed Utah trip. KC and Nigel went to look at homes, in the end Nigle's Boss shut the train wreck down, just speculating. The money man crapped out at the last minute.
1 – 200 of 225 Newer› Newest»First!
Everybody asleep right now? Must be on the talkcast. Sweet. First and Murst.
Enjoy guys. ::smooches;:
Well, I am still at the office for a few more minutes, can I hear this thing over the net?
I'll listen to the recording later.
i keep getting page cannot be displayed when i click the link to the talkcast..help!!
back at cha Steph.
Oh, I'm one of the girls.
smooches any way.
I are here.
Ready for my too-fast for fingers, slightly mis-typed, real-time commentary...
Hope Loss Mit Pro takes time out to make a guest appearance... or maybe even Pool-Boi hisself, since he has to be Jonesin' real bad about now for some Haterz™ action...
soem dood,
yes, speed and details, as I-we are depending on you.
So what up? Is anything going on????
all I hear is a lot of people being called cheap bastards.
Hey -- on NPR today -- the story of a SacTown vector control guy pouring in mosquito lavae fish into an abandoned pool.
I am a cheap bastard too!
Gettin' started now...
I'm waiting for Bob Dawg to call :)
Isn't anyone going to call in?
EPISODE 1 chjts Talkcast Episode 1
Ah... singing is tune for Casey...
"Prison B**** I am..."
Now into talk
SINGH -- You wonderful erudite bastard, you!
a while back, ppl were wondering what church casey went to....it's called Bryte. It's the Russian Baptist Church of West Sacramento.
Major audio drop out...
CHJ -- Casey smarmy... cheap 100...
Singh -- hmmm don't see anything...
competing audio? Other anti-Casey group? Or just EN?
SINGH: Did you expect the pull down of the blog?
CHJ - sure, he is a habitual borrower... he was probably vorrowing even with thousands coming in in income
SINGH - I told him in Sept to stop blog, go BK, no sweet deals for 10 yrs... didn't listen.. hand was forced...
Talkshoe site is not coming up for me. :-(
Are we haterz that numerous??
CHJ -- what about Earth blog
Do you think he is working a deal that would not require credit check
SINGH -- might be. Keeps changing farewell message!
Did you read last letter of his (Great voice characterizations) HAve you read it
Yeah, don't know what to think of it
Lost Cause, try this direct link...
SINGH -- sac gov press releases, saw police info on interstate ponytail bandit....may 10, foreclosure spec take advantage of homeowners...10 MM
i cant get it to launch either...i sign in, then click it..and as soon as it says it's launching it pops over to page cannot be displayed..any ideas?
CHJ -- hey, he has been working on his con game since 14 yrs, funny thing is came here in '91, exodus, most worked -- don;t understand why this guy is allergic to work! Bipolar?
SINGH -- True. Unbelieveable frauds out there on net besidesCasey, with info, avail to everyone -- Robert Kiyosaki -- Reed debunked easily, why is this continuing?
If the first link didn't work, try this one.
If that doesn't work, I give up :-\
Anonymous said...
i cant get it to launch either...i sign in, then click it..and as soon as it says it's launching it pops over to page cannot be displayed..any ideas?
That is exactly what happened to me last week and so I called the number. Front row seat.
SINGH -- PG urban legend
CHJ -- yeah, cigarettes logo "^^^"
S - why do people belive
[NOTE good book -- why do people believe weird things, shermer]
Why don't you call in? Also, Sprezz is seeking your e-mail address.
SINGH - besides Jamba juice... [Casey] going from victim to victimizer
CHJ -- Can you belive the wqrestling promoter ad guy -- funny to me that they have to actively participate in the train wreck...
SINGH -- Well, with site closed "forever" maybe wont have to worry about that. Back to original point, the fact he HAS any advertiserst ... SEO...guy with rental vans... Serin talking wireless hookup in a vvan, and this guys is selling them...
Also, Sprezz is seeking your e-mail address.
Sprezzatura, leave me your e-mail addy first on Aspeth's blog or something, and I'll reply :)
I might call in later after getting "juiced" up listening to others...
CHJ -- one man show, no franchise... how many actual customers is he reaching... Casey is International, this guy is local, why not go to city you serve...I am not going to Phoenix @ 110 degrees to rent a van!
[Major audio loss]
SINGH -- website if google discovers pay for links, will downgrade... 'oh, I've actually read all that'.... anecdotal reports without regard to google actually moddding the algorithm to prevent [gaming the system]why do these guys [advertiserrs] support him? Could be interesting if Casey gets to trial. Tyco -- went after execs, mentioned stuff they spent money on... one party did ice sculpture... urinating champagne... 50K shower curtain... jury was affected... mistrail...then ommited details, concentrated on issue at hand, then got convictions. The thing is, as soon as isssue shifted from mortgage aps to weird purchases... swissa rmy murse, jamba juice,,, many people see that as obviously overblown so side with him.. but if site went on... withdraw ads based on experience
[Guys this is too hard to try to be both accurate, fast, and follow a stream of consciencness dialog... i'll try...]
CHJ--- when will he have conswequences and actions... he is a CON man. He needs to go to jail. difff in him and bankl robber is use of pen versus gun
Next caller on click fraud
CHJ -- McKen, then casey's sex life, gonna auction something off
[Major audio issue...]
CHJ -- okay, on the click fraud -- if it is against the TOS to sell ads on top, why does it take so long for them to stop on click fraud?
Well, doesn't matter now he is down...
Chief 100...not much to say... confused by whole deal..was monetizing site...paycheck...family pressure...mute me I'll listen...
Q: are you married?
Would you understnad if wife hated exposure, pressured you, can you see it from G view?
Nope, not with money coming in the door in this household. Don'rt know what crap she takes in day to day life.. kid was makin some money... the onye thing he did right, he went away from... its already out there!
CHJ -- Hey, went he met her, he lied to her, went from being taken care of to rock bottom... 9 mo of him sweet deals da da da... last week he made money, but BS piled up, she said enough! Would your wife put up?
Would not have made it to 3 monts. But she knew what she was into, should have quit 9 mo ago.... finally turning corner, that the problem... don';t totallly belive family story...
Cheif -- were ther offer to buy blog"
CHJ - Nigel offered, then sdaid no, Duane was interested... Duane looked into it, offers together... leg work... Duane said he coulda brought 6 figures, asked threshold, maybe 20K but he played duane and nigel against each other, that sent Duane to EN!!!
Wow talkcast is over already??
Can't log into the podcast. I give up, too.
CHJ -- now the divulgance.... don't know if I agree. but understand more... according to duane 20K...thoughts?
Shoulda took the money if was an issue with G. If he is serious, go do that, if G needs divorce, parents will cover school, etc
We know what HE wants!
Chief -- Does CA have free state tuition?
CHJ -- maybe like AK with pipeline, you get a stipend?
cheif -- if you go to UCLA... maybe they pay most... if he is so good... I'm a web developer... I tink he has no web skillz!
CHJ- where will he be in 5 yr?
Chief - same place.
People who do this bust their Azz to be successful.
CHJ -- I've seen people for a long time... those that do it use sweat equity, live in homes... casey buys them.... maybe you have insight... NM property... lease back for 12 mo, plus mo lease.... 12 months to work strategy for exit... why wait to very end...
Becasue he is l;azy! Shown time and time again "Its all good" for casey
Talkcast has no scheduled episodes
Past Episodes
Time: Duration: Title: Recordings:
it's over??
I can't listen to the talkcast from here, but I did manage to dig up this cryptic message from Casey himself regarding his imminet plans regarding his marriage, his debt, and the feds. Check it out! He obviously hasn't combed his hair out from this afternoon's passive nap, but he did buy a different shirt for the occasion! Huzzah!
Cheif -- thinks he can think his way to top... I purchased second house, remodded around wife and kids.. working around issues...moving up ladder...need to put sweat into it. it is NOT like TV shows!
CHJ - Not like shows! Casey paid thousands for free library stufff...
hey thanks for direct link...whew..finally in
I really hope Homey, Rob, or Steve Serin call. :)
CHJ - Why spend that? Its a down payment on home!
Cheif - Penn state, I owed 27K , but for 2 weeks? That's insane.
You've heard of fat wallet? They talk lease and rent...
CHJ -- I used my self directed 401k to finance my deals... from there CRE material,,, research... crewated a land bank... using proerty. then pull equity out for next property.... also, can look at my window ands see my properties...
You went to penn state, what about Casey's W2 looser mentality... what if you did not have degree?
Chief -- Hey, Im a 75K cube monkey...
Cheif -- (kids in background) hey, my wife's a waitress... she made 16k, thanks for taking call
Some kid needs a spanking.
And I'm not talking about Casey.
: )
Cheif -- why not do this weekly? Scan for Casey sightings?
CHJ - I'll talk to Rob! I'm not good at modding... maybe duane...
haha, she made 16k on paper..i'm a waitress too.."on paper" i made about 15k.... love the waitressing thing!
[Guys, I am trying to be true to actual dialog, but I'm going to slow down and paraphrase to try to make sense...]
Flying Monkey Warrior IN THE HOUSE!!!!!!
FMW -- Oh my Gawd -- he is pathetic! [laughs] Look, I',passive income myself, but you have to work it... I have just successed three months ago, but he sits and opines.... he is young and focused on biz...
CHJ -- Yeah but pie in sky or biz?
FMW- Well he loves the pie...
do i count?
SoemDood, rest your fingers and just type in who's called in ;)
Just IMO!
FMW -- I read EN and am laughing out loud...
CHJ-- I'm picking up sweert
FMW - OMG-- I almost said win-win to major broker... caught myself!
Flying Monkey Warrior on the line.
I really wish you or Flailing would call in! Rob, where are you?? I wanna hear what you have to say!
lol @FMW & "win-win"
I totally have "itsallgood" on the tip of my tongue all the time, ah, the caseyisms.
FMW -- I see people asking who do we focus on next?
CHJTS - Hey, we will swing around... Hey, for you, as a women, if you were married to KC... don't throw up in mouth... how would you take it if you wereG Tolerate it?
FMW - NO! Long gone! Say see ya!
CHJ - Final question -- if they have kids. would KC attitude change
FMW - No. G would be breadwinner and care giver. The guy has addictive behavior and he fed the addiction with RK and gooroos.
R-BOY in Que!!!!
CHJ -- Looser W2 job...why aren't YOU a millionaire like KC?
RB -- when I went to DC to work for Gov... looked at homes... they offered me option arms... I'm an economist... I though how many newbies really understand this, as not a good product?
CHJ -- many people don't know ARMS - adjustable rate mortgage, jumps, might have to take a 2nd job..
RB - I called in 'cause duane can't call in... on vacation.
CHJ -- what about the idea of keeping this going weekly? Duane?
RB - would be interesting. We obviously did accomplish something with Casey. Feel bad, he believed hype/drank koolaid.
Homey and R dawg e mail each other
lovers homey!
fbi was contacted
CHJ -- Are you in contact with Homey D clown
well, I *can* talk to him... he or she likes being anon..
CHJ - I love Homey!
[review of Badjer Jim and FBI calls]
Law enforcement was interested in the KC situation.
Laundry List of law enforcement and regulators in the loop and working through the mortgage fraud deluged
Does this guy R-boy have a life? Why is he spending his days contacting people about Casey? Unbelievable!
FMJ -- keep doing good job of synopsis! I am thinkin' writin' listenin' -- not doing too good at all of it!
He he he
IRS will be most likely to make move unless KC pays and deadline is reached next tax day.
mortgage fraud takes years to prosecute and develop.
They take their time.
whatgives, many people take their place in society seriously, and once family, needs, are taken care of, and they see people like casey dirtying the water everyone bathes in...
@ s dude,
keep on, together we get more.
I'm here... will try to catch up and get the main points.
Used car salesman was prosecuted for consumer mort fraud to the tune of millions.
CHJ -- assignment of beneficial interest... tax write off people do a wrap [see Caseypedia] some people get 20-30 houses this way! Now coming under scrutiny by gov if you don;t do it right, see jail time.
OK, I'm on hold ... don't exactly know what to discuss, but will go with the flow...
get home, wrap around mort, accumulate 20 or 30 homes and get away with it.
some get away with it some go to jail
KC did not do it right.
te he
A lot of people made a lot of money on KC
KC could turn state evidence to maybe get a break, if he has all the paper work.
RB -- if Casey can give up a bigger fish...documented... if not buried under the mail [laughs]
kc has a problem of denial and had a pollyanna attitude
ya think!!!!!!!!!1
kc needs to fade into obscurity to make the horrible things happening STOP
wish his family best
his financial consequences will last 10 years
[gist] 'The Casey show is almost over...will be no more IAFF'
kc walks away, aside the 1099, scott free?
No internet will always be there forever and archives/web sights will be haunting him some time.
He is looking at being scott free before 30...
Well, the internet retains information... Casey Serin will be on Wikipedia...archives...[Internet Wayback Machine]
Topic - Nigel...
Douche bag... scum... on koi pond.... (that's a fish, BTW) he he
Nigel is a douche bag caly pond bottom feeder scum.
rides coat tails of KC.
lol don't insult douche bags
Nigel chases shiny objects too much like KC minus youth and impulsiveness
So compare/contrast Nigel to Casey...
similar... not same...
Nigel older wiser...
He will slide into the void sooner than KC!
Nigel needs rogain and needs to sell ad space on his ford
Nigel's forehead [snark!]
WE did something good in spite of critics
CHJ - seen my blog?
Benoit - Hell-OOOO? the one comment you have is me as sock puppet
CHJ- he he he
i have a life =)
kudos yall keep it up
People are mirroring and google will cash this stuff.
Benoit - I am doing no mirror or backup
CHJ - some people are... lots of info to assimulte... someone talked about it
Oh, there's more than one.. Google... cache... Wayback Caseypedia
Casey is screwed!
Does not care about KC just wants to out people and make fun of them.
Why would someone be obssed to get onto Big Brother.
DOn't know.
Don't like the show
CHJ - What's the obsession with Big Bro? POS...Ishtar-waterworld level
"May have prevented another Guru from getting started"
I think this is a very good comment from R-Boy. There has been discussion about the next villian to love.
Are we ready to take on someone bigger than Casey. e.g. an established Guru?
Just a thought
Massive awesome outing tacts by this hater.
When you outed the local rich dad, are you working about outing anyone else right now.
Out Greg Swan
CHJ -- Big Lebowski!
Ben -- Dude complemented me...
[BTW Soem Dood luvs the classic! Really ties the room together!]
homey emailed me a few times, not r-dawg =)
Cant log into talkshoe!!
[talking about particulars of when IAFF went down for the last time]
No Plans.
You are a late nigher, because of caseypedia time stamps?
Q. KC's sight was up a five am did you view it this am?
No, I did not see the time, but it was around 9:40am.
Casey's sex life ,we need you on there! Don't give up logging in!
Both read all comments in the wee hours this AM
Comments were not of any value from the stad point of the blog going down.
Swaby secondary blog; G's doing, but who knows.
What broke the G contract?
KC borrowed the money
Was it really the pay pal money?
[Benoit has great insight.. talking about probable causes of take down... Galina...ad revenue... pay pal transfer mechanics]
You can got to ATM and take out 400 dollars a day or wait three or four days for the money
They are analizing the money timeline verses the amount.
All KC had to do was take out 400 a day to get 1600 dollars
Q how much on the table?
it was 8 hundreds and the rest 20's
Why not earn more and keep going. be a man.
we both know he is not a man and his balls are in his wifes purse.
I love the mix of CHJ coarseness 'good ol boy' persona and Benoit more urbane snark-monster...
he he he
lol, G made him stop.
he can not stay away, he changed his goodbuy message every hour.
haha Rob Dawg snuck a new post in while everyone was sucked into the talkcast and this thread..sneaky, sneaky dawg
Benoit shout out to lawnmower man [great caseypedia editor]
KC is good at loopholes, had an out with a new blog?
confidence man
shout out to caseypedia editors.
7 callers waiting
buy benoit
les webster? next
So we goin' to new thread, or staying here?
Cap gains question on gains ie condo sale
Hello's all around
did KC pay capitol gains on the first condo sale?
Owned it less than two years and lived in it for one year.
Assume it is on tax return, but he could have 'conveniently' left off the capitol gains
if you put money in kc's hands it is gone
Less than one year in initial condo... short term cap gains...
Would not surprise if 'forgot' to put on taxes... running to Hawaii...
If you put the money in Casey's hand, it's gone -- i.e. 'Wells Fargo stole from me'
Will he partially refund the advertisers money?
probably closed pay pall, sez les.
Paypal should be able to take the money directly out of casey's bank account that he has linked to the paypal acct.
KC will never get a bank account or get approved for a rental lease,
he will live hand to mouth cash in hand for years.
speculation on what Casey and G are gonna do for next several years...
Any greater fool than Casey?
Oh yeah there is!
The guy who loaned him 3G's, and others getting money to him!
not will get any more credit, period.
Who is a GF?
Anyone a GF than KC?
les sez YES!
HE borrowed money for scaminary tuition, gone.
What about corp credit... the whole mom guarantee question...more people involved...mocha with good credit [he he he and a bottle of ripple]
[BTW, I love listening to this live. Folks, this is good entertainment!]
Ck burned his and G's own bridges. now he is using friends and mom.
Corp credit is hard to get.
they require personal guarantees and an astute business does not put himself out there. bad business decision.
poor kc's mom
Galina history...mystery... great enabler... what about her parents... her college... cut her off?
Loving parents step out of support....
kc ran up credit card debt for wedding G's parents with drew and cut G off from family money because they saw kc for what he was
russia has closer families to survive. in usa you can go it own your own.
so, they must have seen kc for the looser
(tm) that he really is.
[uh oh audio interruption]
SINGH is back
Singh - combating click fraud... perhaps he was informed he was under investigation... [speculating]
CHJ - with 2.2K, if he looses ™ some, could that be why he pulled blog?
S - definitely.
SINGH - [talks about possible google click mechanics... PERL script...]
much speculation on aliases... addresses... confederates...
Jump to m singh
wonderful talk cast
how wou8ld google combat click fraud?
It is possible that google informed kc that he was under investigation for click fraud, and blog is pulled.
only 2% of google clicks are fraud, google wants to change the clicks. They would use algorithms to seeif you really read the advertisers page. They would audit the advertisers page in stead of count clicks.
This is way in the future.
can kc blame someone else for the fraud?
KC has many addresses to use and he could put the google ad in someone else's name as a scam.
SINGH way out on limb wondering if Casey did not intend fraud at outset [Soem Dood spilt soda into keyboard...]
He did not actually go in to commit a sophisticated fraud, but with the people around him and the realization that the GF exists on the net, he will use simple methods to exploit these people. Google can not search every anme petitioning for an ad sense account and cross reference with the address.
Yes, KC can not claim un sophistication any longer.
M sing KC flaunting law enforcement, judgment proof.
talking about Casey's REAL education being his dumb moves... openly flaunting and calling himself judgment proof... realizes he is not arrested yet...Hammar can go to pot...if he was honest at start... or induced... by gurus... you'd think he would name names... [ah but that assumes he is ready to repent his wrongs soem dood]
So, in theory if he was honest and induced, one would thinjk he would name names and details, as a reasonable persons fico went down, you would make it painful for the perps that did this to you.
LMP gave him 30 days.
no money went to bills, except to cash call which was the begged money.
money in did not go to bills and obligations... except cash call with money given by others... not at all forthcoming...
soom dude, this is hard!
Duane is topic:
compensation of 6,500 a month m singh sez kc foolish not to take the money.
What about the Duane Legate offer?
[Casey] Very foolish not to make that work...
this was along the lines of charity!
money was to go to debt.
Both sides were not equal, This was a Duane charity case.
All money was to go to debt and if he had followed the agreement and allowed duane to post, kc could had gone somewhere
FWM -- yeah, but it's fun! Like listening, but hard to reduce to few lines... if I knew no one cared, I would not even try, since MP3 will eventually come out, but I know some are in traffic with web appliance getting text feed and laughing...
No limit Ladies, would have had a claim on any money that did not go to debt.
if he had paid creditors off he would have been successful enough to write a book.
kc think people just want to give him money.
lmp verdict is still out. there is more to that story too.
Speculate that lmp wanted to buy the IAFF blog.
Thanks for typing guys, it allowed me to catch up:-)
G credit and Mom credit backed his investments. Flowery description of Hot peace of A$$, G was over the top for a business environment.
Singh very thoughtful on this. you know if we are such terible haterz, why are so many people trying to analyze and work through this?
Much talk today was about "if this guy turned the corner, I'd love to cheer him on"
I hope he someday really does appreciate that. People really do want to belive best in folks, but get PO'ed when taken advantage of.
[last post were my own thoughts, not the dialog - sorry to confuse... will use square brackets for snark and personal comment...]
G makes eye contact but is subservient because she is probably afraid to confront KC in public.
For KC to be successful he would have had to get the message to G the magnitude, good things are not coming, no sweet deals, they may have
not been able to extricate themselves from this mess. KC left them an out.
The entire family need a LMP type of guy.
g brainwashed by kc and she guilty but association.
talk about G and KC family situation... sit down.. KC trying to influence G versus family...
Hey, who's the guy on now? I just got home.
talk about prison guard and stockholm-syndrome experiment type stuff... what will an individual do under control of externals (gooroo... training...)
CHJTS is mod - grainier voice
m singh
thoughts.....why is it that mr serin needs the blog?
Deep experimental electric shock discussion; getting a person to believe things as an individual is easy, but a group is difficult.
KC's Seminars verses internet for example, ergo the internet was a rude shock with economics professional and other intellectual types picking him apart bit by bit.
Nigel talk... fake accent? speculation on final chapter for him...
{That was deep, I think I got it}
Swaby, will spend end of his days in bars making lewd comments to hookers.lololol
Mortgage brokers will go the way of dodo birds. lol and become just so much trash in America.
singh - not a home owner... worked in academia... found could afford one... realtor tried to sell him on it...did not fit for him... was an ARM... at end of day, thought was a one-off-odd person, but may be more of an archetype...endemic.
How much due diligence should people do to make proper purchase? Appears you need to do a lot.
CHJ -- Well, more than casey -- out of state, unseen!
Academia research assistant, not very well paid but was surprised he could afford a house.
M Singh was very suspect.
ARM was too expensive and he thought that the real estate sales person was an anomaly and the rates were too high..
KC's sigh showed him it was endemic.
At the end of the day, what is un- ethical with realthors and brokers
is "how much due diligence should people do to make these kinds of purchase, answer a lot.
Not the sales person that represents himself as the research expert.
Basuclly "Buyer beware"
opps gtg.
Thanks for co-piloting FMW!
SINGH -- do think about doing this weekly.
CHJ -- yeah, sounds like worth giving a shot... maybe Rob dawg or Duane can help
[Singh, you are such a pleasure to listen to - real radio or lecture (natural) type voice.]
Hmmm CSL sounds like T
Casey's sex life on live?
"Casey's Sex Life" sounds like a man talking through a voice modulator. That's my guess, I used to have one.
okay, lots of uncomfortable humor attempts... virginity auction talk...
raffle.... [didn't casey try this with homes?]
Galina cookin' up some rice 'n beans... he he he
lurker on live just to hear better...?
Back to FMW!
CHJ -- to sound like Casey, ya gotta tighten that jaw and fell the rage deep down that you are hiding!
OK, Shark wanted me to call back so I'm on hold. Apparently I'll be the last caller.
Rob, you've disappointed us all :-( Next time perhaps!
Steph J had to come up... enfatuations abound (chick with ajeep and a gin, what's not to like IF you keep her happy he he popcorn w/hole...)
I am back.
My 36c's aren't sure about the man remark!!
Friday night Fraud cast, weather talk, beed, crab cacks, frugalosity.com?///
Ways to get out of debt.
Shamless plug if interested.
Does wheat grass juice give you the sh!ts?
They are really silly
wheat grass...
speculation on if Casey is doin' da ghanga too in the VDubs...
How can Casey be so idle without boredom... something there we are missin... drugs... alcohol... some addiction... way too much time unaccounted...
[good point!]
What has KC gotten you into.
Growing weeds???
Calif it is easy to get med pot. you can throw out your back with murses and get a script for med weed.
Serious now, does KC have compulsive behavior with bi polar disorder.
KC does nothing ALL DAY Boring!@!
We are missing something, another addiction?
Wayyyy toooo much time on his hands to do nothing.
WHAT DOES HE DO ALL DAY that he accomplishes nothing but naps????
KC never answered this on IAFF.
Hey ,those that aren't finding this too useful (most! he he) one good thing is should be able to google for key words, then look at time stamp, then go to proximate place in MP3... kinda use this as loose free form index... maybe?
[oops last comment was me, not transcribed]... discussion about nigel, property trips... money man speculation..
What is in your murse was trolling.
Nigel and KC sat around thinking about trolling subjects. Now KC is out of material.
KC has nothing left.....
Sweet deal take.
Money partner financed Utah trip. KC and Nigel went to look at homes, in the end Nigle's Boss shut the train wreck down, just speculating. The money man crapped out at the last minute.
Got your back dude.
[I second the thought, Good moderation Sharkenhiemer!]
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