Housing Bubble, credit bubble, public planning, land use, zoning and transportation in the exurban environment. Specific criticism of smart growth, neotradtional, forms based, new urbanism and other top down planner schemes to increase urban extent and density. Ventura County, California specific examples.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Undocumented Guest Workers
"Fortunately, the socialists now dominate only two of America’s major parties" - Vin Suprynowicz commenting on the sad state of US Immigration Enforcement.
What's the beef? Well contrary to what many people are assuming I dislike the current state of affairs because of the harm done in the donor countries for the meager to negative impacts here in the US.
socialism at its core believes in workers rights, and a livable wage, the complete opposite of why the illegals are allowed in the US. its capitalism with a socialist bent, privatize profits, while socializing costs.
"meager to negative impacts here in the US."
"meager", the working class has been decimated and is now the working poor. US citizens simply cannot compete with illegals whose low pay is subsidized the taxpayers through social services.
Back on topic, the oft sited story here is that "illegals" or workers from much poorer EU countries are willing to work for minimum wage or less and the unskilled resident population prefer to claim "welfare" instead.
socialize the cost and privatize the profits.... like walmart encouraging its workers to go on food stamps and medicaid.
lol. just remember those "low, low prices" are subsidized by your tax dollars.
me thinks by 2008, between the war and the imploding economy, a 3rd party will arise and one of the 2 major parties will come in 3rd in the presidential election (electoral college and popular vote).
13. Do you usually expect a negative response when you are subject to a credit investigation?
No. I know better than try to apply for loans with my awesome FICO score. (I wonder how low it is now..)
Wrong! The answer to this question is "Yes"! To "know better than to try to apply for loans" means that you anticipate a negative response! So add another to the score.
12. Have you ever borrowed money without giving adequate consideration to the rate of interest you are required to pay?
Um… not sure. I mean sometimes I took out short-term high-interest loans but there was always a good reason for it, meaning I believed it would make me money or help me accomplish something of value. If the interest rate is factored into the deal, who cares if it’s 7% or 36%.
You should care! If something goes wrong and you have to pay back the money out of your own pocket, then 7% is a whole lot easier to deal with that 36%. Further, business deals are predicated on the premise that one side is trying to save as much money as possible while the other is trying to get as much as is possible. If you don't see how the difference in interest rate affects the whole process, then you have a basic misunderstanding of the way deals work.
What I found interesting about that incredibly dull and obvious update was the comment that points out the number of "page not found" faults that have been mysteriously appearing as of late.
Because I, like others, try to reload the page when the error comes up.
Phil points out that each time this happens, it adds to the Alexa page count.
Sure, it will deter the unwary from visiting again, but Casey hasn't been in the news for a while. Only the hardcore trainwreck watchers are going to bother. But it may well be paying off for him in terms of clicks.
FYI: Illegal immigration essentially has no generalized impact on American citizen joblessness. There is some evidence that there is an impact on a highly localized scale in certain border localities. But, for the most part, they're taking jobs that citizens don't want to do.
A quick look at our unemployment rate (redonkulously low) kind of confirms this. Of course, we're redonkulously low because we have all these old workers getting ready to retire and we just don't have the body count to replace them 1:1, so that naturally drives the unemployment rate downward.
[quote] For some reason I always feel like I can land on my feet. Like a cat. And I don’t even like cats (at least not the one that live here with us… it belong to my sister-in-law… Galina seems to find a little too much comfort in petting it… which make me a little jealous, if that makes any sense.) [/quote]
R-Boy, You have it reversed. The only reason there are crappy jobs is because there are illeagals to fill them. This is not a pull situation but rather a push on the supply side. Start by reviewing this EN post.
My obvious conclusion is that these are mostly illegal immigrants caused by the sun.
But anyway, I was just talking with my CADDY at the EXCLUSIVE public COUNTRY CLUB about debtors anonymous and we concluded that debt is generally when you owe someone else money. We also discussed TRUFFLES, which are EXPENSIVE, and KOI, which are FISH. The latter would typically be found in ponds of the 28000 gallon variety, one of which I happen to OWN. Like other nouveau RICHe folk, I am also a big fan of CRICKET matches and GREY POUPON, and this gives me a unique perspective and authority that the non-RICHe enthusiast cannot provide. Just ask any of my 2759 adoring yet completely silent fans. Now if anyone needs me, I'll be in the WEST WING of my 2 bedroom MANSION in my 14 volume STUDY.
We could argue chicken and egg all day. Does supply create its own demand or does demand create its own supply? We know the latter is true, and the former is also true, but not in as many cases as the former. But still, both are there.
In your push/pull piece (amazing that we engage in debate by actually reading background material) you make the correct assertion that production will use inputs based on their costs and returns.
In economics, we solve these problems via lagrangian multipliers. Set a production function along with a budget constraint.
Optimize Production(L,K) dependent on Budget(wL+rK=budget), where w=wage and r=rent on capital. We can thusly see from this basic formula that the costs of the inputs (along with their producivity), will drive production. However, since we have to optimize within a budget constraint, the CHEAPER unit of production is likely (not always) to be the predominant component of production.
Anywho, when America gets desparate to solve its demographical crisis, we'll pull a germany and legalize the illegals and tax em, thereby saving our skin whilst ticking off alot of folks. Don't say I didn't predict it!
In honor of Casey's newfound pussy-envy, let's review Casey's competition:
"We spend the first part of the day at Yulia’s place (our new place) waiting for cable guy to show up. I work on ripping the NIV Bible on CD onto my computer, finally got a chance to start on it. Its a big task and I think I will write an article on how to do that in the future. Galina plays with Yulia’s cat with a laser pointer. The cat takes a dump and smells up the whole place. Not fun." Earth Mission 4/21/06
That makes two pooping cats in Casey's life. Sadly, Galina prefers hanging out with feline fishytreats poopers over fliptard wheatgrass expungers.
R-Boy, First, thanks for reading the backgrounder and second thanks for keeping it economics without the racial overtones.
But the factor you are not including is the way we have been bringing the cost of production down and quality of jobs up with efficiency and technology. We onlt pick strawberries by hand because we've disincentivized captial investment.
Now, I don't know if technology brings the quality of the job up. I'm working on a good case of carpal tunnel, and I plan on achieving this goal by age 35 (SWEET! WIN WIN!) .
Sorry, I had to snark.
Do we say we've not provided incentives to capital investment? Or is it that the incentives for capital investment are higher in other industrial applications? I'd argue the latter, but I have no familiarity with the costs involved in mass-scale farming (I could pontificate on small-scale home gardening for days, as my plot is VERY capital intensive (for a small plot).
Given a cheap source of labor, capital investment may not be necessarily desirable. Granted, that's your point. Now, if that capital investment is going somewhere else where its more valuable to society, no harm, no foul, right?
"But, for the most part, they're taking jobs that citizens don't want to do."
I VEHEMENTLY disagree with this.
I am tired of the "lazy American" thing coming up with illegal aliens - and yes, they are aliens, not "immigrants".
Try getting a job on construction crews. I knew two talented construction workers in my family who lose jobs constantly to the Mexican crews, they cannot compete with them. These are middle class - or USED to be middle class workers.
Try getting a job in a restaurant, in the kitchen. Try and get a job in fast food. Try getting a job in a lot of factories and warehouses - traditionally the jobs of the lower class and lower middle class. There have been reports of illegals being found working at airports, on army bases, they are everywhere doing jobs that legitimate citizens are locked out of because the employers want cheaper wages. Try and get a job cleaning anything. Not all aliens work in lansdcaping or digging ditches or working in the fields, they are everywhere, in every state, and once any company hires them, anyone in competition has to eventually hire them too to keep competitive, or they fail. It's exploitive labor, and I'm sick of companies using them for profits, and fobbing the healthcare and services they should be providing onto my W-2.
I have several good freinds starting out looking for entry level work in a wide variety of fields, and they say typically these days they find themselves in a room being the only one who speaks English - and getting turned down for the job.
As for the employment rates, I take anything the Fed says with a grain of salt, especially since they change the definition of "employed" at will.
Sorry to hijack your post Rob, but there are some delightful tidbits from the latest incoherent ramblings at That Other Blog.
For some reason I always feel like I can land on my feet. Like a cat.
Tobias: "Ah... the clumsy adolescent. It’s a phase we’ve all been through. Except for me. I was like a cat. I always ended up on all fours. (Long pause.) Like a cat."
And I don’t even like cats (at least not the one that live here with us… it belong to my sister-in-law… Galina seems to find a little too much comfort in petting it… which make me a little jealous, if that makes any sense.)
Uhh, yeah, that makes sense. You painted a pretty clear picture there--the cat's getting more attention than you are. Oh yeah, and it has free rent, and it can nap all day. Sweet™.
Also, her newfound backbone and all this “boundary setting” is really different than anything in the past.
"Boundary setting"? I'm not a married man, but together with the comment on the cat I've got a pretty good idea what that means.
To think about it, in all my prior business ventures and entrepreneurial attempts, I have NEVER had a detailed written business plan!
A long, blow-by-blow analysis of his debt addiction, and his conclusion is . . . the main problem is that he never wrote a business plan. I've got a pretty good idea where this is headed--another "business trip" to get away, and to "focus", to put together a plan. Because it's not the debt or the fraud that's the problem--it's the lack of a plan!
First, I can't get in to IAFF. Can anyone copy his latest post here, pls?
... "illegals" or workers from much poorer EU countries are willing to work for minimum wage or less and the unskilled resident population prefer to claim "welfare" instead.
And then when the illegals are here for a generation, they become the unskilled resident population who prefer to collect welfare.
Anonymous is correct about being unable to get entry-level jobs. It's not only the companies wanting to pay low wages; a lot of natives are willing to take minimum wage jobs in the U.S. and could get hired, but they are being told they must speak Spanish because the rest of the crew doesn't understand English.
It's not even that they prefer bilingual. Monolingual is fine, as long as it's Spanish.
There is a black guy named Terry Anderson from South Central LA who has a weekly radio show on this topic. He sees immigration hurting his community because of both jobs and housing (the immigrants will pay more for rent because they'll load 20 people to a house). I believe his Web site is theterryandersonshow.com.
Try getting a job in a restaurant, in the kitchen. Try and get a job in fast food. Try getting a job in a lot of factories and warehouses - traditionally the jobs of the lower class and lower middle class.
This is a very complicated subject, with a lot of facets. Illegal immigrants have taken jobs from regular Americans in many instances, but especially in areas that were previously dominated by unionized labor. Look at formerly unionized workplaces, like factories and meat packing plants, and you will find them full of illegals, with the former unionized workers out on unemployment pay or out on the street. It's very real, and it definitely affects Americans.
On the other other hand, there are increasingly large classes of jobs that Americans simply won't do, no matter what. How many people do you know, personally, who would be willing to do manual labor at minimum wage for a landscaping company? How about picking fruit? How about janitorial work?
During the debate over welfare reform, there was a lot of cricism that the welfare class were not willing to do menial jobs--the "I want a job but I won't work at McDonald's" mentality in the inner city. While that's not a strictly true characterization, there is a little bit of truth in that, although it's much more prevalent in the suburbs.
Suburban teenagers, in particular, have far fewer jobs than in the past. When I grew up, nearly all of my friends had jobs--now, it's a minority of suburban kids who have a job. With parents who through money at them and who want them to focus on education, young people are getting a later and later start on working, and at the same time are acquiring a mentality that certain work is "below" them.
As for the employment rates, I take anything the Fed says with a grain of salt, especially since they change the definition of "employed" at will.
Very true. The employment numbers have been heavily distorted by the increase in semi-sort-of-employed people, especially in the real estate industry. Every aspiring real estate agent and mortgage broker is counted as "employed", even if they haven't turned a single deal in the last year.
Yes, I know that there's distrust of employment figures. There are measures other than federal records and they're all showing near full employment for the nation. This does not mean localized pockets of problems (like umm, Detroit). Also, in general, illegal immigration is not taking jobs. Yes, some folks will be harmed. some folks will have their jobs taken. But OVERALL, its not having an effect. I know this because Ive read about 10 studies published in journals over the last few months, and they all conclude the same thing.
Anyways, it doesnt matter. Amnesty is going to happen, not for any altruistic reason, but to save our collective asses when the baby boomers retire and the tax base shrinks.
And of course, those with low skill sets will be more likely harmed by increased competition from those with low skill sets.
What's the lesson. Get skillz. Because short of building the Death Star, they're going to keep coming over here illegally, because as bad as it is here for them, its that much worse over there.
... "illegals" or workers from much poorer EU countries are willing to work for minimum wage or less and the unskilled resident population prefer to claim "welfare" instead.
And then when the illegals are here for a generation, they become the unskilled resident population who prefer to collect welfare.
A lot of EU citizens don't stop and claim welfare though, they come to the UK to work for a year or two or three because the minimum wage here is like 5 times their minimum wage. They can go home in 3 years and put a 50% deposit on a house in their home country. Look at it like this: One state has a minimum wage of say $6 an hour but another state has a minimum wage of $26 an hour. It's obvious people will move and do any work available.
"FYI: Illegal immigration essentially has no generalized impact on American citizen joblessness. There is some evidence that there is an impact on a highly localized scale in certain border localities. But, for the most part, they're taking jobs that citizens don't want to do."
ummm, this is complete bullshit. they only reason why americans dont want these jobs anymore is because theyve decreased to pay enough to the point where no-kne can live off it unlessn they also collect some sort of public assistance. at my last company, they have 14 year old illegal aliens making parts to jey engines for commercial aircraft, these jobs 20 years ago paid a living wage, now they pay under 48 an hour.
but hey, thats ok, keep regurgitating what youve been told to believe. fucking moran.
Everyone stood up and cheered the very marginal "pass through" savings to the consumer when maritime re-flagged to Flag of Convenience nations.
And everyone cheered the marginal "pass-through" savings when the electronics industries and consumer products industry went east and south, respectively.
And then went steel, and aluminum and the other raw-materials to supplies industries.
And everyone shopped at Wal-Mart and K-Mart and goggled at the low, low prices.
But Agribusiness wasn't so happy. Nobody wanted to subsidize THEM, and THEY couldn't very well move their farmland to a 3rd world nation.
So, our government,(both parties, or the one party with two faces, as you wish), fixed it so that the 3rd World could come to the farms.
But who wants to spread manure and pick grapes in the sun all day long? So restaurants and retail cashed in too, and again "passed through" the minimal amount of the savings they realized to stay competitive. You can buy an entire meal at Taco Bell for less than the cost of a can of dog food...think about it.
And hey, NOW, through the wonders of modern technology, even service and consulting jobs can be performed by lower-paid workers in countries without reliable indoor plumbing.
So, gee, now it's starting to really bite deep, those fangs of "Free Trade" and "Globalization",huh?
Into YOUR rice bowl.
Well, ace, you'll get extended unemployment benefits and "worker retraining", while I'll cheer how reasonable the prices are NOW for the services that you USED to perform.
What was that?
Jobs that Americans won't do?
Well, not at the prevailing wages when the labor market is loaded with illegals...no.
"Free Trade" what a great theory! Too bad that in practice it means "Free Labor"...yours and mine.
Eep.. first?
How is the timestamp of the first comment 13 minutes before the timestamp attached to the new topic...?!?!
THIRD is the new first.
socialism at its core believes in workers rights, and a livable wage, the complete opposite of why the illegals are allowed in the US. its capitalism with a socialist bent, privatize profits, while socializing costs.
"meager to negative impacts here in the US."
"meager", the working class has been decimated and is now the working poor. US citizens simply cannot compete with illegals whose low pay is subsidized the taxpayers through social services.
As long as they look like Galina I'm fine with it!
Snowflake has just put up another post saying Galina thinks he's a compulsive debtor.
Sorry the only bit of that which is news is that Galina thinks that, half the planet knew that already.
Back on topic, the oft sited story here is that "illegals" or workers from much poorer EU countries are willing to work for minimum wage or less and the unskilled resident population prefer to claim "welfare" instead.
socialize the cost and privatize the profits.... like walmart encouraging its workers to go on food stamps and medicaid.
lol. just remember those "low, low prices" are subsidized by your tax dollars.
me thinks by 2008, between the war and the imploding economy, a 3rd party will arise and one of the 2 major parties will come in 3rd in the presidential election (electoral college and popular vote).
you heard it hear first.
@ King ft13
Where in the political spectrum though? Left of the two main parties or ultra-right?
Casey's latest is his dullest yet.
It's like "Galina says my socks smell!"
Pay attention to me.
Unfortunately I can't read the rest of the post due to Mad Skillz Syndrome.
Now he just puts up Ad Ridden trolls. Maybe that's his idea for a new site? Looks like he's following the DHC model. Sad really...
13. Do you usually expect a negative response when you are subject to a credit investigation?
No. I know better than try to apply for loans with my awesome FICO score. (I wonder how low it is now..)
Wrong! The answer to this question is "Yes"! To "know better than to try to apply for loans" means that you anticipate a negative response! So add another to the score.
12. Have you ever borrowed money without giving adequate consideration to the rate of interest you are required to pay?
Um… not sure. I mean sometimes I took out short-term high-interest loans but there was always a good reason for it, meaning I believed it would make me money or help me accomplish something of value. If the interest rate is factored into the deal, who cares if it’s 7% or 36%.
You should care! If something goes wrong and you have to pay back the money out of your own pocket, then 7% is a whole lot easier to deal with that 36%. Further, business deals are predicated on the premise that one side is trying to save as much money as possible while the other is trying to get as much as is possible. If you don't see how the difference in interest rate affects the whole process, then you have a basic misunderstanding of the way deals work.
What I found interesting about that incredibly dull and obvious update was the comment that points out the number of "page not found" faults that have been mysteriously appearing as of late.
Because I, like others, try to reload the page when the error comes up.
Phil points out that each time this happens, it adds to the Alexa page count.
Sure, it will deter the unwary from visiting again, but Casey hasn't been in the news for a while. Only the hardcore trainwreck watchers are going to bother. But it may well be paying off for him in terms of clicks.
Frickin' Casey.
FYI: Illegal immigration essentially has no generalized impact on American citizen joblessness. There is some evidence that there is an impact on a highly localized scale in certain border localities. But, for the most part, they're taking jobs that citizens don't want to do.
A quick look at our unemployment rate (redonkulously low) kind of confirms this. Of course, we're redonkulously low because we have all these old workers getting ready to retire and we just don't have the body count to replace them 1:1, so that naturally drives the unemployment rate downward.
Casey's jealous of Y's cat!!! It gets more action from Galina than Casey does!
(I feel like StephanieJ)
For some reason I always feel like I can land on my feet. Like a cat. And I don’t even like cats (at least not the one that live here with us… it belong to my sister-in-law… Galina seems to find a little too much comfort in petting it… which make me a little jealous, if that makes any sense.)
You have it reversed. The only reason there are crappy jobs is because there are illeagals to fill them. This is not a pull situation but rather a push on the supply side. Start by reviewing this EN post.
My obvious conclusion is that these are mostly illegal immigrants caused by the sun.
But anyway, I was just talking with my CADDY at the EXCLUSIVE public COUNTRY CLUB about debtors anonymous and we concluded that debt is generally when you owe someone else money. We also discussed TRUFFLES, which are EXPENSIVE, and KOI, which are FISH. The latter would typically be found in ponds of the 28000 gallon variety, one of which I happen to OWN. Like other nouveau RICHe folk, I am also a big fan of CRICKET matches and GREY POUPON, and this gives me a unique perspective and authority that the non-RICHe enthusiast cannot provide. Just ask any of my 2759 adoring yet completely silent fans. Now if anyone needs me, I'll be in the WEST WING of my 2 bedroom MANSION in my 14 volume STUDY.
In conclusion, I have a POOL and I play GOLF.
Rob Dawg,
We could argue chicken and egg all day. Does supply create its own demand or does demand create its own supply? We know the latter is true, and the former is also true, but not in as many cases as the former. But still, both are there.
In your push/pull piece (amazing that we engage in debate by actually reading background material) you make the correct assertion that production will use inputs based on their costs and returns.
In economics, we solve these problems via lagrangian multipliers. Set a production function along with a budget constraint.
Optimize Production(L,K) dependent on Budget(wL+rK=budget), where w=wage and r=rent on capital. We can thusly see from this basic formula that the costs of the inputs (along with their producivity), will drive production. However, since we have to optimize within a budget constraint, the CHEAPER unit of production is likely (not always) to be the predominant component of production.
Anywho, when America gets desparate to solve its demographical crisis, we'll pull a germany and legalize the illegals and tax em, thereby saving our skin whilst ticking off alot of folks. Don't say I didn't predict it!
In honor of Casey's newfound pussy-envy, let's review Casey's competition:
"We spend the first part of the day at Yulia’s place (our new place) waiting for cable guy to show up. I work on ripping the NIV Bible on CD onto my computer, finally got a chance to start on it. Its a big task and I think I will write an article on how to do that in the future. Galina plays with Yulia’s cat with a laser pointer. The cat takes a dump and smells up the whole place. Not fun." Earth Mission 4/21/06
That makes two pooping cats in Casey's life. Sadly, Galina prefers hanging out with feline fishytreats poopers over fliptard wheatgrass expungers.
First, thanks for reading the backgrounder and second thanks for keeping it economics without the racial overtones.
But the factor you are not including is the way we have been bringing the cost of production down and quality of jobs up with efficiency and technology. We onlt pick strawberries by hand because we've disincentivized captial investment.
Now, I don't know if technology brings the quality of the job up. I'm working on a good case of carpal tunnel, and I plan on achieving this goal by age 35 (SWEET! WIN WIN!) .
Sorry, I had to snark.
Do we say we've not provided incentives to capital investment? Or is it that the incentives for capital investment are higher in other industrial applications? I'd argue the latter, but I have no familiarity with the costs involved in mass-scale farming (I could pontificate on small-scale home gardening for days, as my plot is VERY capital intensive (for a small plot).
Given a cheap source of labor, capital investment may not be necessarily desirable. Granted, that's your point. Now, if that capital investment is going somewhere else where its more valuable to society, no harm, no foul, right?
"But, for the most part, they're taking jobs that citizens don't want to do."
I VEHEMENTLY disagree with this.
I am tired of the "lazy American" thing coming up with illegal aliens - and yes, they are aliens, not "immigrants".
Try getting a job on construction crews. I knew two talented construction workers in my family who lose jobs constantly to the Mexican crews, they cannot compete with them. These are middle class - or USED to be middle class workers.
Try getting a job in a restaurant, in the kitchen. Try and get a job in fast food. Try getting a job in a lot of factories and warehouses - traditionally the jobs of the lower class and lower middle class. There have been reports of illegals being found working at airports, on army bases, they are everywhere doing jobs that legitimate citizens are locked out of because the employers want cheaper wages. Try and get a job cleaning anything. Not all aliens work in lansdcaping or digging ditches or working in the fields, they are everywhere, in every state, and once any company hires them, anyone in competition has to eventually hire them too to keep competitive, or they fail. It's exploitive labor, and I'm sick of companies using them for profits, and fobbing the healthcare and services they should be providing onto my W-2.
I have several good freinds starting out looking for entry level work in a wide variety of fields, and they say typically these days they find themselves in a room being the only one who speaks English - and getting turned down for the job.
As for the employment rates, I take anything the Fed says with a grain of salt, especially since they change the definition of "employed" at will.
Sorry to hijack your post Rob, but there are some delightful tidbits from the latest incoherent ramblings at That Other Blog.
For some reason I always feel like I can land on my feet. Like a cat.
Tobias: "Ah... the clumsy adolescent. It’s a phase we’ve all been through. Except for me. I was like a cat. I always ended up on all fours. (Long pause.) Like a cat."
And I don’t even like cats (at least not the one that live here with us… it belong to my sister-in-law… Galina seems to find a little too much comfort in petting it… which make me a little jealous, if that makes any sense.)
Uhh, yeah, that makes sense. You painted a pretty clear picture there--the cat's getting more attention than you are. Oh yeah, and it has free rent, and it can nap all day. Sweet™.
Also, her newfound backbone and all this “boundary setting” is really different than anything in the past.
"Boundary setting"? I'm not a married man, but together with the comment on the cat I've got a pretty good idea what that means.
To think about it, in all my prior business ventures and entrepreneurial attempts, I have NEVER had a detailed written business plan!
A long, blow-by-blow analysis of his debt addiction, and his conclusion is . . . the main problem is that he never wrote a business plan. I've got a pretty good idea where this is headed--another "business trip" to get away, and to "focus", to put together a plan. Because it's not the debt or the fraud that's the problem--it's the lack of a plan!
First, I can't get in to IAFF. Can anyone copy his latest post here, pls?
... "illegals" or workers from much poorer EU countries are willing to work for minimum wage or less and the unskilled resident population prefer to claim "welfare" instead.
And then when the illegals are here for a generation, they become the unskilled resident population who prefer to collect welfare.
Anonymous is correct about being unable to get entry-level jobs. It's not only the companies wanting to pay low wages; a lot of natives are willing to take minimum wage jobs in the U.S. and could get hired, but they are being told they must speak Spanish because the rest of the crew doesn't understand English.
It's not even that they prefer bilingual. Monolingual is fine, as long as it's Spanish.
There is a black guy named Terry Anderson from South Central LA who has a weekly radio show on this topic. He sees immigration hurting his community because of both jobs and housing (the immigrants will pay more for rent because they'll load 20 people to a house). I believe his Web site is theterryandersonshow.com.
Try getting a job in a restaurant, in the kitchen. Try and get a job in fast food. Try getting a job in a lot of factories and warehouses - traditionally the jobs of the lower class and lower middle class.
This is a very complicated subject, with a lot of facets. Illegal immigrants have taken jobs from regular Americans in many instances, but especially in areas that were previously dominated by unionized labor. Look at formerly unionized workplaces, like factories and meat packing plants, and you will find them full of illegals, with the former unionized workers out on unemployment pay or out on the street. It's very real, and it definitely affects Americans.
On the other other hand, there are increasingly large classes of jobs that Americans simply won't do, no matter what. How many people do you know, personally, who would be willing to do manual labor at minimum wage for a landscaping company? How about picking fruit? How about janitorial work?
During the debate over welfare reform, there was a lot of cricism that the welfare class were not willing to do menial jobs--the "I want a job but I won't work at McDonald's" mentality in the inner city. While that's not a strictly true characterization, there is a little bit of truth in that, although it's much more prevalent in the suburbs.
Suburban teenagers, in particular, have far fewer jobs than in the past. When I grew up, nearly all of my friends had jobs--now, it's a minority of suburban kids who have a job. With parents who through money at them and who want them to focus on education, young people are getting a later and later start on working, and at the same time are acquiring a mentality that certain work is "below" them.
As for the employment rates, I take anything the Fed says with a grain of salt, especially since they change the definition of "employed" at will.
Very true. The employment numbers have been heavily distorted by the increase in semi-sort-of-employed people, especially in the real estate industry. Every aspiring real estate agent and mortgage broker is counted as "employed", even if they haven't turned a single deal in the last year.
To All,
Yes, I know that there's distrust of employment figures. There are measures other than federal records and they're all showing near full employment for the nation. This does not mean localized pockets of problems (like umm, Detroit). Also, in general, illegal immigration is not taking jobs. Yes, some folks will be harmed. some folks will have their jobs taken. But OVERALL, its not having an effect. I know this because Ive read about 10 studies published in journals over the last few months, and they all conclude the same thing.
Anyways, it doesnt matter. Amnesty is going to happen, not for any altruistic reason, but to save our collective asses when the baby boomers retire and the tax base shrinks.
And of course, those with low skill sets will be more likely harmed by increased competition from those with low skill sets.
What's the lesson. Get skillz. Because short of building the Death Star, they're going to keep coming over here illegally, because as bad as it is here for them, its that much worse over there.
... "illegals" or workers from much poorer EU countries are willing to work for minimum wage or less and the unskilled resident population prefer to claim "welfare" instead.
And then when the illegals are here for a generation, they become the unskilled resident population who prefer to collect welfare.
A lot of EU citizens don't stop and claim welfare though, they come to the UK to work for a year or two or three because the minimum wage here is like 5 times their minimum wage. They can go home in 3 years and put a 50% deposit on a house in their home country. Look at it like this: One state has a minimum wage of say $6 an hour but another state has a minimum wage of $26 an hour. It's obvious people will move and do any work available.
"FYI: Illegal immigration essentially has no generalized impact on American citizen joblessness. There is some evidence that there is an impact on a highly localized scale in certain border localities. But, for the most part, they're taking jobs that citizens don't want to do."
ummm, this is complete bullshit. they only reason why americans dont want these jobs anymore is because theyve decreased to pay enough to the point where no-kne can live off it unlessn they also collect some sort of public assistance. at my last company, they have 14 year old illegal aliens making parts to jey engines for commercial aircraft, these jobs 20 years ago paid a living wage, now they pay under 48 an hour.
but hey, thats ok, keep regurgitating what youve been told to believe. fucking moran.
Illegal Immigration:
Well, kidz, it's like this.
Everyone stood up and cheered the very marginal "pass through" savings to the consumer when maritime re-flagged to Flag of Convenience nations.
And everyone cheered the marginal "pass-through" savings when the electronics industries and consumer products industry went east and south, respectively.
And then went steel, and aluminum and the other raw-materials to supplies industries.
And everyone shopped at Wal-Mart and K-Mart and goggled at the low, low prices.
But Agribusiness wasn't so happy.
Nobody wanted to subsidize THEM, and THEY couldn't very well move their farmland to a 3rd world nation.
So, our government,(both parties, or the one party with two faces, as you wish), fixed it so that the 3rd World could come to the farms.
But who wants to spread manure and pick grapes in the sun all day long?
So restaurants and retail cashed in too, and again "passed through" the minimal amount of the savings they realized to stay competitive.
You can buy an entire meal at Taco Bell for less than the cost of a can of dog food...think about it.
And hey, NOW, through the wonders of modern technology, even service and consulting jobs can be performed by lower-paid workers in countries without reliable indoor plumbing.
So, gee, now it's starting to really bite deep, those fangs of "Free Trade" and "Globalization",huh?
Into YOUR rice bowl.
Well, ace, you'll get extended unemployment benefits and "worker retraining", while I'll cheer how reasonable the prices are NOW for the services that you USED to perform.
What was that?
Jobs that Americans won't do?
Well, not at the prevailing wages when the labor market is loaded with illegals...no.
"Free Trade" what a great theory!
Too bad that in practice it means "Free Labor"...yours and mine.
Here Endeth The Lesson
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