Thursday, July 19, 2007

Casey Post

Alright, alright. A Casey post.

I retained an attorney yesterday and it cost me $1500.

No sh¡t for brains. You spent $1500 of your creditors' and wifes money on a selfish attempt totry and screw someone who trusted you to live up to a signed contract.

I’ve done everything I can from my side to show good faith.

Except live up to EVERY freakin' contract you've EVER signed. Jeeez.

All I want is to be left alone.

Except for reading my blog, patronizing my sponsors, buying my book, listening to my 'casts, ...


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ha38349 said...

and murst?

segfault said...

I left a comment--not sure if it will be posted--to the effect that: Now that you've burned dozens of people, you want to be left alone? It doesn't work that way.

ha38349 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ha38349 said...

It seems that KC has grown tiered of people using the phase mortgage fraud and his name: Casey Serin in the same sentence.
I believe that is why KC wants the whole thing to just be dropped.

Eric said...

So Casey's new get rich quick is to countersue. That's how he will pull himself out of this mess.

A lawyer is his new shiny.

Unknown said...

Any chance this "lawyer" is actually some type of front to launder money right into Casey's hands? You know, anyone dumb enough to donate is given the name of Casey's "lawyer" (in actuality, a confidante who takes, say, a 20% cut). The "lawyer" then gives the rest of the money to Casey, who then hops a flight to Johannesburg as alleged in the previous post ;-)

Property Flopper said...

It will be easy enough to check if the lawyer is legit, the CA bar has a website where you can look up an attorney.

Relentless said...

Alright its "odds laying time"

what are the odds the lawyer (assuming he's real) will:

-Run Screaming when he reviews the situation

-Run Screaming (with Casey's money) withing 2 weeks after Casey fails to follow through on something

-Convinces Casey to shut up and take the blog down

-Blusters alot and in the end, Mark wins the suit this month.

-Delays the inevitable, but after many months the suit results in a loss for Casey (at which point Casy will likely owe the laywer ALOT more than $1500).

-Results in some kind of victory for Casey

Unknown said...

Casey wants to be left alone... with all the money he stole. He sounds like a little kid being picked on at the playground.

If you ever feel alone in the world, borrow a lot of money and stop making payments. Suddenly you'll have lots of new "friends" checking on you, concerned for your well-being.

John McKee said...

Given the massive amount of fraud that Casey has admitted to I doubt any competent lawyer would take on this case for a $1,500 retainer.

Really, when it comes down to his criminal proceedings, is there anything a lawyer can really do to defend Casey except trying to negotiate down a plea bargain? He has flat out admitted fraud in writing, audio, and literally taunted the authorities to come arrest him.

Eric said...

Judge: Mr. Hutz, are you aware you're not wearing any pants?

Casey's Lawyer: Uh, your Honor, can I call for one of those bad trial thingys?

Judge: You mean a mistrial?

Casey's Lawyer: Yeah ... that's why you're the judge, and I am the law ... talkin' ... guy.

Broward Horne said...

What are the odds that Casey's lawyer will join and go after Casey like Nigel, Mark, Duane and Marty have, thus released a new torrent of information and energy for IAFF?!

Hal F. Wit said...


4:1 -Run Screaming when he reviews the situation

3:1 -Run Screaming (with Casey's money) within 2 weeks after Casey fails to follow through on something

5:8 -Convinces Casey to shut up and take the blog down

10:1 -Blusters alot and in the end, Mark wins the suit this month.

2:1 -Delays the inevitable, but after many months the suit results in a loss for Casey (at which point Casy will likely owe the laywer ALOT more than $1500).

5:1 -Results in some kind of victory for Casey

Property Flopper said...

Broward Horne said...

> What are the odds that Casey's lawyer will
< some snipped>
> thus released a new torrent of information
> and energy for IAFF?!

Zero. He'd be disbarred for releasing the information.

Bette said...

Worm sign. There is a settlement agreement, waiting to hear terms.

JohnDiddler said...

"I just spoke with my attorney after he spoke to Mark and looks like both sides are willing to cooperate and settle this thing quietly."

Mark financed Casey's legal defense by being too verbally aggressive. In hindsight I wish he would have played it calm. But he had an unusually large audience, and wanted to show off. Now he gets to work a little harder.

BJ said...

Remember when I said about an earlier IAFF post w/respect to Casey having an attorney. Attorneys will call their opposing to feel them out and to get an idea of what they are up against. (this is also why I was certain that there was no attorney before).

Sometimes in the 'feeling out', the sides come to a compromise. Lets see what this compromise looks like.

Bets on: "Taking down the blog and selling the domain, proceeds going to Galina to cover the debt Casey ran up?"

BJ said...

What I mean by before, is before the Arizona trip (just to clarify).

Rob Dawg said...

"...both sides are willing to cooperate and settle this thing quietly."

Just like last time. This is real simple, Casey does something he's promised to do. Done.

Poor lawyer, doesn't know what he's defending because he doesn't know the truth yet. Does he even know what will happen to his reputation when his name is revealed?

Broward Horne said...

Zero. He'd be disbarred for releasing the information.

With Casey, it's not zero.

Wow, how long can this thing go on?

BJ said...

Poor lawyer, doesn't know what he's defending because he doesn't know the truth yet. Does he even know what will happen to his reputation when his name is revealed?

Probably nothing. Lawyer may have told Casey that the most inexpensive way to handle this is to honor what he signed. Anything else would get very expensive.. see below.

There were comments in IAFF that Mark wanted Casey to declare that he was unable to handle his financial affairs in the TRO. The settlement did not cover this, just selling IAFF and issues with book rights.
To defeat your signature on a document, you have to say that you did not know what you were doing.. or undue duress, which basically proves what may have been LossMitPro's initial request in the TRO. Kind of like a setup and hit the target action.

deeznuts4u said...

what if....this entire time casey was purposely trying to get loosemitpo to sue him

what if....casey knew he could get looseymoosepants to go overboard so he could have grounds to counter sue

what if....casey's comeback story was how he paid off 2.2 million in debt by counter sueing one of his blog readers?


BJ said...

Also not honoring an settlement agreement effectively blessed by the Judge also helps prove LossMitPro's possible TRO contention.

BJ said...

@deeznuts-4u AKA TROLL

2.2 mil buys a lot of attorney time. If I am going to loose™ to the tune of 2.2mil if I don't defend myself, I would spend a considerable money defending myself in court.

That means LossMitPro probably didn't pay anything.

deeznuts4u said...

At 1:48 PM, Rob Dawg Poor lawyer, doesn't know what he's defending because he doesn't know the truth yet. Does he even know what will happen to his reputation when his name is revealed?

if the lawyer isnt familiar with caseys background, and if he is only doing what he is paid to do, then why should the lawyer be concerned about his reputation?

the only one that should be concerned about their reputation is mark "the one man army."

Unknown said...

We all know the relationship with his attorney is doomed from the start, but when?
I put the over/under at 5.5 days.

Eric said...

so my dear legal eagles, what happens if the next settlement offer and acceptance is signed and authorized by Casey's lawyer and then Casey reneg's again?

Dolph said...

As usual, Casey's stubborn pride gets in his way. I believe Benoit has a valid claim here.

None of this makes any sense. Where is he getting all this money? Why not just shut the blog down? Who in their right mind would pay more than Duane was offering (and Duane was being very generous)?

He isn't going to pay his wife anything. He wants the money free and clear of Mark and Duane so he can spend it on himself.

Prove me wrong Casey.

lawnmower man said...

I'm with BJ: Casey's $1500 bought him the advice to "settle and shut up" and a representative to negotiate that settlement with Mark.

Casey's bluster about countersuits is just that -- he can't afford it.

BJ said...

Sorry, pigeon crept in again (when I type too fast).

I would spend a considerable money defending myself in court.

should be..

I would spend a considerable amount of money defending myself in court.

Dolph said...

if the lawyer isnt familiar with caseys background, and if he is only doing what he is paid to do, then why should the lawyer be concerned about his reputation?

Well, if Casey causes him more work than he was paid for, THAT could be a problem.

segfault said...

...both sides are willing to cooperate and settle this thing quietly and let everything go away into the night.

Again? He flaked out last time, why won't he this time?

BJ said...

so my dear legal eagles, what happens if the next settlement offer and acceptance is signed and authorized by Casey's lawyer and then Casey reneg's again?

Another brick in the wall. If the initial TRO claimed that Casey can not handle his own monetary affairs, renege #1 added to the proof against Casey, and if renege #2.. that only adds yet more proof.
If the initial TRO had this as its contention, Casey is handing LossMitPro all the proof he needs.

Unknown said...

"Does he even know what will happen to his reputation when his name is revealed?"

It will depend on the outcome how his reputation is affected. I mean casey is a f*ck up. But if this guy can get anything of a win it will be win-win for the attorney. What the attorney needs to worry about is getting hassled by the Haterz. I am completely certain it will be casey that will be to blame for the 'outing'.

Just when I thought the train wreck was ending, the train rounds another bend.


Bette said...

Casey's bluster about countersuits is just that -- he can't afford it.

You're forgetting the crackpot factor. Pink Lips sounded pretty determined to thwart LMP.

Relentless said...

I've never (knocks on own wooden head) never spent a day in court for anything. BUT $1500 for a lawyer seems awefully low for anything than as a mediator for settling the suit or a plea on the legal charges (which I would think would be different lawyers).

(yes I see the "we're settling...again" note).

Rob Dawg said...

so my dear legal eagles, what happens if the next settlement offer and acceptance is signed and authorized by Casey's lawyer and then Casey reneg's again?

This is when the lawyer's reputation gets trashed. He won't be able to get this client to perform and the -lawyer's- reputation for doing deals is tarnished.

Sprezzatura said...

Casey says: I’m yet to see what exactly this new “settlement” is going to be all about

So ... it's not really settled. As usual, he's jumping ahead and assuming that his expected outcome is going to match reality.

Unknown said...

At 1:42 PM, JohnDiddler said...

Mark financed Casey's legal defense by being too verbally aggressive.

I don't know how seriously judges take Dirty Hands into consideration these days but forty years ago it saved my dad from a huge lawsuit. The guy was a former business partner of my dad's and had a pretty clean case against him for misrepresentation (Dad bought out his partnership for a fraction of what it was provably worth). Unfortunately the guy was an alcoholic and an idiot. He called Dad's customers and friends telling his "side of the story" and warning, more like threatening, them to not do business with my dad. He actually got thrown out of a restaurant confronting my dad calling him a liar and a "son of a bitch" in front of business associates. Very smart!

The judge decided that these actions did not make him look like a man who only wanted a fair legal resolution to his suit. Instead it made him sound like a furious lunatic who wanted to rid the Earth of scum like my dad, kind of like how Mark sounded when he talked to Casey. The judge threw out the case because of lack of merit (boozy wasn't a "details" guy) but also due to his Unclean Hands.

My dad bragged for years that he did in fact take the guy "to the cleaners."

Unknown said...

"Well, if Casey causes him more work than he was paid for, THAT could be a problem."

If kc causes him more work atty can say that that work is beyond the scope of work we outlined. I get paid more or my job here is done. It happens all the time in the real world. nothing new here.

Relentless said...

Lawyers have reputations they care about?

This is the point that most of us keep trying to convice people about LMP, I want loudest biggest a-hole (with a history of winning) I can afford as a lawyer.

If he gets a settlement, even a LITTLE in Casey's favor, its no hit on him if Casey backs out..(again). In fact then he get Casey to pay him again..its Win WIN!.

I have to believe the new settlement looks alot like the old one. (although its possible LMP has backed off trying to enforce the everything short of Casey's ass is his settlement..which wouldnt make me very happy if it doesnt result in Casey being effectively shut down).

Anonymous said...

$1500 worth of attorney time buys a single court appearance, if that.

Supporterz had better apply for more credit cards if they want Casey to actually put up a fight.

Unknown said...

Does he even know what will happen to his reputation when his name is revealed?

Anybody can find and should be able to find an attorney that will defend them. It's at the core of our judicial system.

The attorney will likely be outted, especially if Casey countersuits. So, what are the haterz going to gain by damaging his reputation? Nothing!

In any case, I want to see what Mark has to say after the new settlement is signed. How is he going to come back here and keep his bullying act intact?

As I said before, I think Casey is scum and deserves to go to prison, but our justice system shouldn't be abused in the process.

Good news is Casey still thinks the FBI investigation is for real. If that's true, then it's just a matter of time before he gets his just deserts.

serinitis said...

1. If they go for a countersuit, Mark is the one paying Casey's attorney. If the case goes to trial, Casey's crimes will not be admitted, but Mark's harassment will be. The Casey's lawyer would be making is Mark did not have a valid original case and rather used the courts and stalking tactics to extort money from Casey.

2. Casey is defending what he believes is a considerable amonut of money. When he talked about selling the blog, someone said he had an offer for $35,000. I have no idea if the offer was legit, but Casey would think so. Mark also walked away with the rights to Casey's life story. There is a possibility of a movie and Casey would believe those rights to be worth $50,000 to $500,000. Mark also gave the impression he thought those rights were valuable.

BJ said...

This is when the lawyer's reputation gets trashed. He won't be able to get this client to perform and the -lawyer's- reputation for doing deals is tarnished.

I disagree with trashed. It may create some issues, but the Lawyer is not using any 'special contacts' to negotiate the settlement. All he does is advise his client on the law and help with defense. If the client decides to step outside of the bounds of the attorney's guidance, that is no reflection on the attorney.

However, if Casey then states that "The Lawyer stated he should sign the document, and the Lawyer said that the document was not really binding etc." Watch the fur fly. A Lawyer making the above statement can be disbarred. The Lawyer would definitely sue Casey.

Relentless said...

I know people here would just love to see LMP beaten bloody, but a countersuit isnt going to happen, not for $1500.

FBI caseis real, too many people have confirmed it. The mystery of how/why they called and why they didnt just have the MIB sitting in the judge's chamber waiting to put Casey in cuffs instead is still as odd as it was last week.

Unknown said...

"This is when the lawyer's reputation gets trashed. He won't be able to get this client to perform and the -lawyer's- reputation for doing deals is tarnished."

Casey is a F up. How many people now say they couldnt get a deal done with kc? So just add an atty to the long list.
For the atty to have his reputation damaged it will have to be something more than just kc's actions. He'd have to do something stupid on level with what Mark Villasenor did when he threatened to choke kc. Which I understand it is what kc needs but its a calculated risk to make that threat. Mark lost that risk.

serinitis said...

If a countersuit is filed it will not be for $1500. It will be about the pain and suffering Mark's stalking has caused.

BJ said...

If they go for a countersuit, Mark is the one paying Casey's attorney.

wrong. This is only if they win and the court feels that Casey's side has enough justification to ask for attorney's fees.

serinitis said...

If they go for a countersuit, the lawyer will know Casey can not pay and will believe they have a good enough case that Mark will pay attorney's fees.

Unknown said...

Casey's business Sense in Action!

Under plan A Casey is out at least $1500 so that he can be left alone to sell his blog, pay his wife’s bills, and get a job.


Under plan B Casey is out $1572.59, having a web blog sold for $20,000 + 50% revenue for a year to pay off wife’s bills, and give him plenty of free time to find work.

Good move Casey you stand to save at most $72.59!

serinitis said...


You forgot Plan B also includes giving up the rights to Casey's story ($50,000) and Casey does not get any money for the blog

Plan A nets Casey somewhere between $20,000 and $100,000

lawnmower man said...

Warning: preg_replace_callback() [function.preg-replace-callback]: Empty regular expression in /home/18810/domains/ on line 32

Heh. I think he just noticed what Benoit did.

Anonymous said...

CHc still down? That's some funy shit, HAHAHAHAHA FRIGGIN' HAHAHOHOHOHO!!!

crimekate said...

@ Scott: "The judge decided that these actions did not make him look like a man who only wanted a fair legal resolution to his suit. Instead it made him sound like a furious lunatic who wanted to rid the Earth of scum like my dad, kind of like how Mark sounded when he talked to Casey. The judge threw out the case because of lack of merit (boozy wasn't a "details" guy) but also due to his Unclean Hands."

Yeah, and Casey doesn't look like a furious lunatic with his 5+ posts declaring LMP a "big, big, MEANIE!"

Unknown said...

fackENers said...
"Casey is a F up. How many people now say they couldnt get a deal done with kc? So just add an atty to the long list."

That is so true. Each time Casey runs out looking for an ally for his defense or business he burns them and converts them to a bitter enemy hell bent on his destruction. What is great is Snowflake always gets a bigger and tougher ally then the last. He is like the nursery rhyme about the old woman that swallowed a fly, that then swallowed a spider to catch the fly, that then swallowed a cat…

Keep making friends Casey!

lawnmower man said...

You're forgetting the crackpot factor. Pink Lips sounded pretty determined to thwart LMP.

Good call Anita -- the last moderation wave, just before Casey broke the blog by mucking with his badwords.txt, had a Pink_Lips comment saying she'll donate if he countersues.

serinitis said...

Any woman that wants Casey, probably spent all her money on her last death row prison boyfriend. I doubt he we get $5 from Pink Lips. Eating a bug on the other hand might be able to get him a decent meal

BJ said...


If they go for a countersuit, the lawyer will know Casey can not pay and will believe they have a good enough case that Mark will pay attorney's fees.

Now you are just trolling. If you want to do a better troll, you need to use a stronger/trickier argument. Casey and Mark are not litigants on the same side (under which the above might happen). They are on opposing sides, under which the above never happens.

serinitis said...


If Casey wins money, The lawyer will take his fees before Casey sees a dime.

BJ said...


Gotta like that name for the filter.


Unknown said...

@ Lawnmower Man --Heh. I think he just noticed what Benoit did.

Accént marks rûlé :-)

Akubi said...

We have a 6 Degrees of Casey Serin to Jason Voorhess win-win winner!

Unknown said...

10% daily price drop

lawnmower man said...

I think he just noticed what Benoit did.

Apparently not.

badwords.txt is back, with the additions of "queuetrac" and "".

The sweet irony is, though: the correctly-accented version of Mark's surname is still uncensored...

BJ said...


If Casey wins money, The lawyer will take his fees before Casey sees a dime.

Important emphasis above.

Alternate character set problem on php code? or just Unicode?

Unknown said...

@ BJ -- Alternate character set problem on php code? or just Unicode?

huh? I just used Windows Charmap program to insert accented characters to get around the dopey badwords filter. Straightforward. :-)

BJ said...


Sounds like alternate character set then. I would have to read through the post code on his website to verify.

::Nerd on::
Posts can be done in a variety of character sets. Most of it uses 8 bit ascii. But when you start handling Unicode, you are handling 16 bit values (2 bytes). People often screw up because they try to use 8 bit processing code directly, which will not work. In some cases, the upper 8 of a Unicode character can be 0 which matches a string termination code in 8 bit ascii.

::Nerd off::

BJ said...


Try the num trick for ™, but use the number 160 (without the leading 0).

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Yeah, you get the "a with acute accent" character. I did the same thing just clicking on it in charmap, then pasting it into the comment box to spell out a certain 10-letter last name. No big deal either way. :-)

BJ said...

Doesn't he have a 'tilde' over the 'n' in his last name? (code 164).

Mark Villáseñor ?

Unknown said...

Yes, I purposely omitted it because I thought the tilde would be noticed by Casey or whoever's moderating his blog... :-)

Althea said...

This was rejected over at IAFF three times. There is a reason...

If I were to call the Sacramento Court 916 874-5487 and ask them when this was taken off the schedule, what would they tell me? case number 07am06649

What would they tell me about the most recent ex parte motion?

Relentless said...

You seem to be suggesting something, what is it?

I know part of what you are talking about.
(As pointed out on IAFF, the OSC hearing for tommorrow has been removed from calendar.)

SmellyPogoStick said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
BJ said...


Yes, I purposely omitted it because I thought the tilde would be noticed by Casey or whoever's moderating his blog

Yep, but I wonder if the person is smart enough to figure out how to filter something that does not appear on the keyboard.

On another note: Since the comments are stored in some form of DB, this almost hints that the filter is being used to remove Casey's comments on LossMitPro, but the comments have not really be removed from the DB. DBs do not like 'delete' operations (rows have to collapsed in the DB). Using a filter or altering an attribute is easier.

BJ said...

Šō, ĩţ ãpþęāŕŝ ţĥăť śńôŵfĺåķë ċāń'ť řēåĺľŷ fịŀŧệř "Vïĺļāşèńőŕ".

Ĥδŵ ұệřỷ şẵđ fổŗ ħỉm!


Spent some time with the charmap capability.. eh?

BJ said...

Smiley is 257 (☺)
Black Smiley is 258 (☻)

NoDebtWhatSoEver™ said...

:: pedant mode on::
Posts can be done in a variety of character sets. Most of it uses 8 bit ascii.

Err, many character sets including ASCII use 8 bit encoding (though to be really pedantic, ASCII only uses 7 bits).

But when you start handling Unicode, you are handling 16 bit values (2 bytes).

Depends on the coding system. Could also be e.g. 4 bytes (UTF-32), or anything between 1 and 6 bytes (UTF-8).

People often screw up because they try to use 8 bit processing code directly, which will not work. In some cases, the upper 8 of a Unicode character can be 0 which matches a string termination code in 8 bit ascii.

ASCII (7 bit!) merely defines 0 as NUL. Some programming languages (C and derivatves) do treat this as string termination code.

:: pedant mode off::

Alas, I don't think Benoit™'s crazy accented characters had anything to do with the glitch; IAFF is delivered as UTF-8 anyhow, and his browser would have submitted them as such. More likely Casey's tech guy borked the file.

Althea said...

I am suggesting that people find out information for themselves and not rely on others to feed it to them.

lawnmower man said...

@BJ: On another note: Since the comments are stored in some form of DB, this almost hints that the filter is being used to remove Casey's comments on LossMitPro, but the comments have not really be removed from the DB.

Yes -- it's filtering when the page is rendered, the database has the full uncensored comment.

If you view source on a censored comment, you can see the bad word in an HTML comment after the bowdlerized version.

@nodebt: More likely Casey's tech guy borked the file.

Yep: Casey mucked up the addition of the 2 new badwords and, for a while, badwords.txt was an empty file instead of a wordlist. His "found it on the web someplace" plugin was choking on it.

BJ said...

re: Char codes. I didn't want to get too nerdy.. (pedantic nerdy)..

Alas, I don't think Benoit™'s crazy accented characters had anything to do with the glitch; IAFF is delivered as UTF-8 anyhow, and his browser would have submitted them as such. More likely Casey's tech guy borked the file.
Based on the recovery of the page, still displaying the á, I would have to agree with you. I didn't want to go through the code to find out how he was doing the post.

Unknown said...

From IAFF:

I’m yet to see what exactly this new “settlement” is going to be all about but I don’t want to talk about it yet until I confirm with my attorney.

My suspicion is that it will look very much like the old settlement. Except this one will cost Casey an additional $1500 bucks.

My attorney told me to hold my tongue, so I’m trying hard to do that.

Am I the only one that finds that statement absolutely hysterical?

lawnmower man said...

@Althea: I am suggesting that people find out information for themselves and not rely on others to feed it to them.

That's not going to play well here...

Relentless said...

My guess at the new settlement

-Mark still gets his $1500

-The blog is still to be sold (I can only assume this was a stipulation of the settlement), Casey cant access the cash directly.

-Whatever "you will not post about this" clauses existed before still do.

Probable changes:

-Casey gets his story/book rights back

-Casey may have some ability to use blog sale for lawyer bills.

Relentless said...


I'm just going to let him/her go, I'm not about to call cross continent to bug a legal entity for info based on a vague comment on the internet.

If they know something and dont want to say..fine I'll live.

serinjustice said...

Hey Mark V.

You problably already did this, but if not, don't forget to call IAFF sponsors and let them know you now have legal ownership of IAFF and stop paying Casey.

SmellyPogoStick said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
serinjustice said...

Can we start a wager how long before Casey throws his new layer Under-DA-Bus?

I can see Casey busring at the seams and finally blabbling legal things out and his lawer screaming to keep quiet!

I say 1 week.

NoDebtWhatSoEver™ said...

FWIW, this is the plugin source: Merely a regex filter. Looks like every comment get put through the filter every time the page is accessed... no caching... no wonder IAFF burned through so many hosters.

Relentless said...

Depends what happens

Settlement, less than 1 week when someone tries to make him live up to the settlement terms or he decides (figures out?) he didnt need to give the guy $1500.

Court? first time something doesnt go his way or the lawyer asks for more money.

serinjustice said...

So how long regardless of the reason?

BigDaddy63 said...

Follow the bouncing Serin

I am Facing Foreclosure .com
Learning to Sell my Houses Fast, Avoid Foreclosure, Get Out of Debt, and what NOT to do in Real Estate.
I'm a 24-year-old aspiring real estate investor from Sacramento CA. After going to few seminars I bought 8 houses in 8 months across 4 states with no money down. I fixed and sold 2 and then ran out of cash. I am now facing foreclosure on 5 houses. I'm learning my lessons, finding solutions and blogging about it. Comments appreciated!

I am Facing Foreclosure .com
Real Estate Investing, Shady Loans, Getting Overleveraged, Selling Fast, Facing Foreclosure & Bankruptcy
I'm a 24-year-old aspiring real estate investor from Sacramento CA. After going to few seminars I bought 8 houses in 8 months across 4 states with no money down. I fixed and sold 2 and then ran out of cash. I am now facing foreclosure on 4 houses. I'm learning my lessons, finding solutions and blogging about it. Comments appreciated!

Casey Serin: I'm a 24 yr old real estate investor from Sacramento CA. After going to a few seminars I bought 8 houses in 8 months in 4 states with no money down looking to fix 'n flip. I made some mistakes and fell flat on my face - millions in debt and facing foreclosure on 4 houses. Trying to avoid foreclosure, sell quickly, repay everyone, and blog my lessons to help others in trouble. Comments appreciated!

Casey Serin: I'm a 24 yr old "would-be real estate mogul" from Sacramento CA. After going to a few seminars I bought 8 houses in 8 months in 4 states with no money down looking to fix 'n flip. I made some mistakes and am now millions in debt, trying to avoid foreclosure, sell quickly, repay everyone, and share my lessons to help others in trouble. Comments welcome!

Casey Serin: I'm a 24 yr old "would-be real estate mogul" from Sacramento CA. After going to a few seminars I bought 8 houses in 8 months in 4 states with no money down looking to fix 'n flip. I made some mistakes and am now millions in debt, tried to avoid foreclosure, still trying to repay everyone, and share my lessons to help others in trouble. Comments welcome!

Casey Serin: I'm a 24 yr old "Would-be Real Estate Mogul" and "World's Most Hated Blogger" from Sacramento, CA. Tried to flip 8 homes no money down, made "10 Mistakes", tried to stop foreclosure, looking to repay debt and share my lessons.

Casey Serin 24 yr old "Would-be Real Estate Mogul" from Sacramento. In flipping 8 homes, made "10 Mistakes", with $2.2 million in debt, tried to stop foreclosure, looking to pay off debt, openly share mistakes and help others avoid foreclosure.

Picture of $3000 in Oct 2006 that he “borrowed”

Looks a lot like the $1000 he laid out on the table in May 2007 to show Galina he "earned" money.

White board pic 2/06

Able buyer

Relentless said...

@serinjustice, well since you already took 1 week(my real guess) I have to take 72 hours.

Unknown said...

I'm in for 5 days.

NoDebtWhatSoEver™ said...

To quote myself:
Looks like every comment get put through the filter every time the page is accessed... no caching... no wonder IAFF burned through so many hosters.

Worse, it reads the badwords.txt file on every page hit. OK if you have like 10 visitors a day, but doesn't scale at all well.

(I presume there's a more recent version of this plugin available, because this one outputs differently to what the one on IAFF seems to do).

Anonymous said...

Just a quick opinion-

America (despite its many faults) rules. One reason it rules is because we are all innocent until proven guilty. Another reason it rules is because we are all entitled to legal council, no matter how horrible we are.

This lawyer has nothing to fear. As LossMitPro said awhile ago: we are ALL entitled to the DUE PROCESS of law...even KC. The lawyer is not responsible for KC's past behavior; his only job is represent KC's interests within the legal system. John Gotti and Ken Lay had lawyers too, and despite the quality of their clients, those lawyers were able to charge top-dollar thanks to an all-star rougues gallery of past clients.

I *believe* that KC's countersuit is based on a copyright violation; the contract between Marty and a few Mp3s that were "stolen" from a public server. However, IAFF has NO COPYRIGHT NOTICES on it- KC doesn't have grounds for a DMCA takedown notice, much less ground for recovering any damages.

If KC makes a case based on slander or liable(tm), I assume he will use the hater blogs as evidence. However, I know of no law that prevents people from spouting hate on the Internet. Half of the hater blogs would be protected as satire anyway.

If KC makes a case based on harassment, and cites the infamous "go for the throat" podcast, he might have something. Best-case: a restraining order against LossMitPro, and a legal nullification of all past business. If I were KC, I'd demand a restraining order as a part of any settlement accepted. Not because LMP is dangerous, but because it makes the future spinning of this story far easier.

If I were LMP, I would take a page from the book of Duane and just walk away. I also think Duane's offer of $20,000 was more than fair. However, to be fair to KC, I would not have transferred the domain w/o payment in escrow either. Also, I'm not sure where someone gets $20k liquid on a Sunday- my ATM caps me at $300.

Also- one final question for the archives. How did LMP run up $1,500 of expenses during an Ex Parte? What were the filing fees? Surely not more than a few hundred bucks! I assume he's pulling the ole "I bill at $x/hr, this wasted Y hours of my life, I deserve ($x * Y) in compensation" scam. As a freelancer myself, I am extremely interested to know if that really works. I have an "enemies list" a mile long of people who wasted my time, and would love to get a boat.

Enough blather. Your thoughts?

Sprezzatura said...

2 days.

Rob Dawg said...

Casey has already thrown his lawyer under the bus. The lawyer was smart to tell Casey to STFU and Casey is still talking about details before things are worked out. My guess is that by the end of the day we se some wholesale deltions on IAFF. Too late.

If this ends up one penny less to relieving his wife's debts there's no one who will let him forget it.

Pleather Murse said...

Heh. Just having some fun with "view page source" and doing a find for the "badword" tag . . .

badword: ass
badword: shit
badword: queuetrac
badword: tit
badword: asshole
badword: Stewart
badword: douchebag
badword: Galina
badword: Villasenor
badword: whore

and so on.

Broward Horne said...

Casey might actually have a lawyer. He's removed all his "inline" comments.

I'm fairly sure that one of his comments mentioned "loss of income" from his advertisers but I can't be sure since all his comments are gone.

Unknown said...

Mark not showing up for court and then keeping his trap shut the last couple days does not bode well for him.
But we'll see. I hope the casey-train explodes brilliantly...

...and soon because I got to get back to work.

Anonymous said...


Actually that makes perfect sense. This way, if KC later decides to change the censor list, the comments will reflect the change. If edits were made to the MySQL db directly, it would be impossible to make changes.

Also, cacheing is a separate issue. Most plugins (like wp-cache) cache the whole page as static HTML. Compared to the 12-25 MySQL queries per generation, a REGEX function is nothing.

/end rant

p.s. can you guess what I do for a living?

Unknown said...

I can't wait for the inevitable KC post, where he says he dismissed the lawyer for telling him to do the smart thing, then tries to ask for his money back. Then goes on to say how the lawyer was smart to ask for the money up front, oh well ITSALLGOOD.

segfault said...

Nah, the new settlement will be exactly the same as the old one. It will just have "this time, I really do promise" added to it.

Sprezzatura said...

There's a few possible scenarios, and which one turns out to be correct will mostly have to do with Casey's lawyer.

If the lawyer thinks he can get more than just $1500 out of Casey (or Mark) then I'd expect a real countersuit and/or protracted wrangling over this agrerement.

If the lawyer thinks that $1500 is all the blood he can get from this particular stone, he'll negotiate the settlement and walk away.

Broward Horne said...

Okay, I must have clicked the wrong entry, Casey's comments are still there, including this one,

"I’m not making any more advertising dollars"

I guess he's referring to the closure of his blog?

Relentless said...

Yep, he still believes the blog is going down it looks like. Which is the funny thing in this whole (re)settlement deal, which I have no doubt includes provisions to ensure that.

I'm still betting he will post he was forced to keep it up past two weeks, at which point he will be soliciting ads again.

Dolph said...

I love how Casey begs for money. It's a joke that anybody wants to give him one dirty penny, let alone more.

NoDebtWhatSoEver™ said...

p.s. can you guess what I do for a living?

Probably pretty much the same as me (thoug h I don't deal with PHP much and have never used WordPress).

If WP is cacheing the output, then everything's find and doody. Wouldn't surprise me though if something, somewhere in Snowflake's setup is wasting several magnitudes of CPU / IO bandwidth more than it should...

Sprezzatura said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

$1500 won't get you out of a DUI.. Let alone breach of contract..

I hope Snowflake keeps us all in the loop.. Gotta find out how this all ends.

I doubt itsallgood at the end..

Unknown said...

I am glad to see you internet nerds finally have a blog to discuss your internets stufts.


lawnmower man said...

@NoDebt: Wouldn't surprise me though if something, somewhere in Snowflake's setup is wasting several magnitudes of CPU / IO bandwidth more than it should...

Given his mad skillz and his long history of outstaying his hosting welcome, that's pretty much a given. I'm surprised we haven't heard him bleating about his MediaTemple bills yet.

I still remember the "ooh, comment rating plugin! Shiny! ... Oops, crushed the server" experiment.

@zaphod: can you tell from outside if he's running wp_cache? I fumbled my way to his badwords.txt with a bit of View Source and judicious Googling to identify the plugin, but WordPress is not my thang...

He's changed, or added to, the anti-spam words recently, too.

segfault said...

It's a joke that anybody wants to give him one dirty penny, let alone more.

From what I can tell, if one were to give him exactly one dirty penny, in exactly one dirty PayPal payment, it'd cost him 29 cents to receive it. If someone were really mean, they could lather/rinse/repeat. But, I'm sure that won't happen, because I don't think anyone dislikes him all that much.

NoDebtWhatSoEver™ said...

I am glad to see you internet nerds finally have a blog to discuss your internets stufts.

well, I'm trying to dissect Snowflake's mad programming () skillz rather than a debate on WordPress internals in general... He reminds me of a PHP "programmer" I once worked with who was similarly "gifted".

Entertained said...

Casey's average business-relationship-to-lifetime-hater cycle has been getting shorter of late. I expect that by Monday morning, his new lawyer will join the haterz. Maybe it'll be yet another lawsuit waiting to happen!

king friday the 13th said...

The apocalypse is here -- Google missed their earnings number. Big miss.

sigh. carry on.

Caseys Sex Life said...

Yikes! Did the site to which I "was not welcomed to in this lifetime" go up in flames??

And a shout out to FMW - thanks for the invite to the parte, I am up in the Panhandle though. You little minx - I bet you wanted us all to do jello shooters and go skinny dipping didn't you??

Hmmm, Orlando really isn't that far of a drive.....

lawnmower man said...

@CSL: it's looking remarkably like it so far.

FlyingMonkeyWarrior -- I added the Orlando hatefest to the CaseyPedia current events page. Drop a comment here (or email the mursemaster) if you need to change/add anything.

serinjustice said...

Funny to see Casey come up with $1,500 bucks while he leaves Galina behind holding the bag of shit.

CashCAll is on Galina's tail, amoung many other lenders wanting money and Casey left her high and dry.

Amazing to see how he can come up with $1,500 when he needs it.

From that 300,000 or so Cash Back he stole from the banks, I am sure he stashed away a good amount somewhere.

Rob Dawg said...

king friday the 13th said...
The apocalypse is here -- Google missed their earnings number. Big miss.

But eBay crushed theirs. The markets are trotally divorced from reality... oh no... you don't think! We are doomed.

Anonymous said...

I kinda wished Galina posted here.. It sounds like she got the short end of the stick, but since we only hear from snowflake, who knows whats really going on.

I can't really imagine her fielding Cashcall phone calls.. "My soon to be ex did all of this.."

Zintradi said...


you're giving the fliptard WAAAAAAY too much credit to think he could think far enough in advance to draw off some of that cash and bury it under a rock by a tree in a field somewhere as a 'Getaway' fund.

NoDebtWhatSoEver™ said...


looks like he is running wp-cache, as the source code reveals:

<!-- Dynamic Page Served (once) in 0.926 seconds -->
<!-- Cached page served by WP-Cache -->

(Note to self: must d/l WP and have a poke at it one of these days)

Sprezzatura said...

@drifter -- I hope that Duane (or someone) helped G find some decent legal advice for dealing with that mess.

@zin -- agreed. He either hit the bank of Mom & Dad, or juiced the last of his corporate credit. Maybe he even sold that crappy penny stock, who knows?

Zintradi said...

well, i'm about to take a complete week off from this whole thing.... (going on vacation to a remote location)
what i hope to see when I get back (complete with bullet points...

-Galina has file for actual devorce, not just separation.

-Fliptards lawyer finalizes "settlement" with lossmit.

-Fliptard initiate a counter suit on lossmit simply for the entertainment value

-FBI act on charges filed? (a long shot, but I can hope)

-Domain actually sold, and Galina pays off CC's (if she accepts the money, that is) It would be cool if she would let Robdawg post a pic of the statements with a zero balance.

Anonymous said...

@zin: I don't see those things actually happening but hey, I'm thinking positive..

The show must end at some point.. I think the fat lady is due to sing.

Bilgeman said...

I wanna be a fuckin' lawyer!

Imagine...getting paid to think about Fliptard.

Cost/Benefit for Casey's "Legal Eagle":

$1500 for reading Serin's previous settlement...(maybe half an hour?)...a half hour local phone call to LMP...("Yes, Mr. V.I'm representing The Dipshit, your terms? That he'll honor the previous settlement,pay your $1572.50, and you'll then let him keep his lousy life story and won't drag him anywhere NEAR a courtroom? Sounds good to me!").
Draw up and notarize the new agreement, set Caseyroo to sign it.

Total time...2hours,(maybe?).That's $650-700 an hour,minus expenses.

Cost/Benefitfor Serin's "Legal Beagle";

$1500 upfront from client dipshit.
15 minute call to LMP telling him that he'll be countersued or"poopyheadedness". 45minute call to MC Drone to blow smoke up his ass about stupefyingly wealthy LMP...another $1000 upfront.
Research best Canadian Rockies Trout order with Cabela's.
Learn which attorney is representing lunch,at Ruth's Chris.

After lunchtime consultation with opposing counsel,(sweeet billable hours!),research lorida tarpon-fishing charters...

2 hour call to Fliptard's Rich Mommy to blow smoke up HER ass...she sells extra kidney...

Which kind of attorney do you think Casey will get?

Rob Dawg said...

I think Galina has better things to do than blog for our entertainment. There may come a time when things need to be clarified or whatever but for now I can't imagine why anyone would throw themselves to the dawgs. She was treated poorly from the misleading info Casey dribbled out, the mistrust is already planted and there are people who wish ill on anyone who is identified.

Bette said...


I'll say it again:

You are stark raving mad.

bohica said...

"Life is tough, but it's tougher when you're stupid." - John Wayne

I just posted this quote on the flake blog.

anonymous said...

Is CHC down for good?

walt526 said...

"Is CHC down for good?"

Who cares?

lawnmower man said...

A lot of us care, Walt.

But anyway: sweet new wormsign at IAFF. Sprezz has provoked Casey to new heights: he now sees himself as Gladiator.

Anonymous said...


Isnt sharky fun? Creativity is clearly a gift of Sharky's from the God's of mental illness.

Rob Dawg said...

You are stark raving mad.

But it is the good kind of stark raving mad we like around here. If we loose a few fingers petting our friends...

Broward Horne said...

"Google missed their earnings number. Big miss"

I told you. Google's alexa traffic has been falling for the past year. In fact, most of the larger site traffic has stalled out. The Internet has inflected, probably part based on the ongoing real estate crash.

Internet State Change

This is one reason I don't value Casey's site as much as Duane. It's tied intimately to Google ratings and current keyword rankings. Don't think it will last with Casey driving it.

Anonymous said...

Th egood kind you refer to Dawg is apparently where Sharky says he could shoot some haterz in the face. Seriously mental illness is no joke, dont encourage the monkeys.

Anonymous said...

Galina is better off remaining silent. Anything she says will probably come back to haunt her..

But I get the feeling there is a huge other world of Casey (truth is stranger than fiction) that would make for a hell of a book.. And I doubt anyone has a better handle on that story than her.

JohnDiddler said...

It's vaguely interesting that Casey's attorney wants $1,500, the same sum Mark specified as his own legal expenses.

Relentless said...

My favorite part of the new comment

"yes I'm still shutting down on the 3rd, 15 days
I can't wait for this drama to be over"

just..can't..bring himself to just stop can he.

Zintradi said...

just..can't..bring himself to just stop can he.

its like like Cartman
" can't... possibly... have... any more... cake... arh mffff (as he eats more cake)

serinitis said...

Casey following good advice to hire a lawyer?

Casey going to Phoenix to look for a job (possibly indicating he realizes it is over between G and him)?

Casey post hinting that there are real consequences to his actions?

Is the real world intruding on Caseyland?

August 3rd is a Friday. I am guessing the FBI told him to report in the following Monday and he should have all of his affairs in order by then.

BJ said...

Cross-posted at CaseyWorld™
Instead of “looking over the shoulder” I like to use the idea of the collesium and the Roman times. I’m being fed to the lions with only a wooden stick to defend myself and tens of thousands of people are watching and rooting.

Casey, those are lions of your own creation.
Lions in the form of Mortgages not paid, credit bills not paid. Amazing how hungry they get when they don't get their monthly payment(food).
Lions in the form of deceit. Amazing how hungry they get when the deceit is uncovered.
Lions in the form of broken promises, amazing how hungry they get when the promise is broken.
Amazing how the lions remember all of this. Did you assume the lions would forget your trespass?

The straight and narrow is very boring, probably because there aren't as many lions.

waiting_for_the_fall said...

"But I get the feeling there is a huge other world of Casey (truth is stranger than fiction) that would make for a hell of a book.. And I doubt anyone has a better handle on that story than her." what do they really do with that blue ball behind closed doors?

Zintradi said...

August 3rd is a Friday. I am guessing the FBI told him to report in the following Monday and he should have all of his affairs in order by then.

Yeah, I wonder if there is a REAL Reason for the 24 day limit apart from the CSRDF. Or if it really was just an arbitrary number.

Any thoughts Rob?

Rob Dawg said...

My post to IAFF:

Instead of “looking over the shoulder” I like to use the idea of the collesium and the Roman times. I’m being fed to the lions with only a wooden stick to defend myself...

And who were the people that forced you out of the Septizodium and onto the arena floor? You are NOT the victim here.

I have no idea why the Aug 3rd deadline seems so absolute to the 'tard.

BJ said...

Wasn't Aug 3rd the date mentioned in the original settlement with LossMitPro? (for when everything was to be settled).

Relentless said...

Neither Casey nor Mark have said if the 3rd (or 4th) was stipulated in the settlement, among most of the terms of the settlement.

I'd say its a reasonably safe bet that the 3rd ISNT arbitrary, not sure if I can believe that the FBI has anything to do with that (although I hope its something like that).

Rob Dawg said...

I wrote that I had no idea before I saw your question. My only comment is that just like Casey says he is anxious to stop blogging and he can stop anytime. Yeah right, more Caseylies™.

Eric said...

Rob, looks like your comment made it.

BJ said...

@Broward Horne
I told you. Google's alexa traffic has been falling for the past year. In fact, most of the larger site traffic has stalled out. The Internet has inflected, probably part based on the ongoing real estate crash.

From personal experience, I would not say it was due to the real estate crash. It has more to do with relevance of searches. I think Google over commercialized its link rating system. When I do searches on research papers, standards documents or general information, it is now very hard to find anything of relevance through all of the crap/paid for links.

Anonymous said...

walt526 sed:

"Is CHC down for good?"

Who cares?

I do, I hope it stays down. It is run by Nazis, and whatever hacker took them down is my champion. The great white buffalo.

BJ said...

@walt526, Edgar

CHC seems to have imploded..

All that left is a singularity.

Zintradi said...

@ bj All thats left is a singularity

can we use it as a power source???

sorry, been watching a little too much Stargate SG-1

Rob Dawg said...

I'm watching SG-1 right now on Sci-Fi channel. They are caught in a time loop. Just like the Casey story.

Zintradi said...

Is that the groundhogs day epi where oneil and t'ealc are caught in the time loop and oneil ends up laying a fat one on carter?

walt526 said...

I'm watching SG-1 right now on Sci-Fi channel. They are caught in a time loop. Just like the Casey story.

Me too. Crap, I'm on the same wavelength as Rob. Scary, scary stuff.

BTW, my wife thinks that this might be the best episode of SG1 ever. I think that she might be right.

Zintradi said...

Or the Morbious loop season 8 ender?

that should have been the series finally IMOH..

Sprezzatura said...

Holy **** he actually responded to my comment. That hasn't happened before.

He almost sounds as if he might have learned something in recent weeks. Definitely on a downswing.

Anonymous said...


The blue ball is simply a methaphor for casey's lack of a sex life.

That being said, I suspect it's probably worth something on eBay..

I think Galina's family is about to disown him and his own might be close to doing the same.. I can only imagine what the dinnertime conversation is life...

At this point, I can only speculate.

BadjerJim said...

My take on all the latest drama?

The reason that KC had to "meet with an associate last Saturday? He called Galina and begged BEGGED begged her to take him back, now that he was going to give her $20K for her bills. She told him to fuck off, would never happen, and KC spent the next time realizing that he may as well keep the money for himself, 'cause he could't buy his marriage back.

His current "opportunity?" "Hello this is Casey Serin for NRU. Ever heard of NRU? Well I was a real estate investor and I screwed up big time because I didn't know about NRU... Hello? hello? .click."

The only reason he's playing in court right now? Book and movie deal down the line, now that he's keeping all the money for himself.

Rob Dawg said...

Does everyone get the joke that whenever the time paradox resets on P38639 O'Neill (2 ls) is eating "Fruit Loops"?

Yes, the kiss. Yes, one of the best.

Unknown said...

Maybe 8/3 is a wedding counselor agreement.

Zintradi said...

One thing they did that irked a lot of people with the Carter/oneil shipper thread is they always showed them getting together in an alternate universe, but never for real.
I guess thats a way to show that happening without permanently saddling that character with the relationship.

Zintradi said...

Also I loved how T'ealc had to begin every loop getting plastered in the face with a door...

Bilgeman said...


"Th egood kind you refer to Dawg is apparently where Sharky says he could shoot some haterz in the face."

Was anyone around for that little comment exchange between myself and a fellow-Haterz that would like to enlighten the Shrinkster-Doofus before he blows a fuckin' gasket and soils himself?

As much as I enjoy the spectacle of a nimrod parading up and down the boards in the splendor of his or her context-free and ignorant opinions, I'd like to keep the shitstains off of Rob's carpeting when "Piss-Lick with a PC,MD" implodes from his self-induced 'clong'.

The exchange actually ended with my observation of how much fun it would be to burn certain people to death.

serinitis said...

If 8/3 was a wedding counselor, it would indicate G has not ruled him out of her life forever. It is possible, but I think she has come to her senses.

My FBI hypothesis does not fit well with him looking for a job, but Casey is Casey and he may be thinking he can convince them he has changed.

Broward Horne said...

"From personal experience, I would not say it was due to the real estate crash"

It's not just Google. Wikipedia, the big social networking sites, blogspot, youtube... there's just a finite amount of time that people will spend online.

serinitis said...

Personal experience before EN. I agree, a finite amount of time online. After EN 24/7 online

Bette said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Siduri said...

The SG-1 series ending was a bit of a let-down for me. It was cute, in that it makes fun of the audience for actually thinking there could be a reasonable end that we would be satisfied with.

Perhaps I just missed any sort of follow-through with O'Neill/Carter. They'll probably show up in Atlantis, though.

Broward Horne said...

"Book and movie deal down the line, now that he's keeping all the money for himself"

I guess it's time to cycle Marty Stewart back into the storyline.

Marty, this time insist on full pre-payment!

Broward Horne said...

"After EN 24/7 online"

Still finite. :)

That means growth rate enters an inflection point sometime.

serinitis said...

I have tabs for EN, CH.C, jeepgirlj, etc. What happens if each of us opens an infinite number of tabs

Bilgeman said...


"I like to use the idea of the collesium and the Roman times. I’m being fed to the lions with only a wooden stick to defend myself"

No,'re a thief. The Romans crucified thieves, and there wasn't much "to-do" about it,either...kinda like your fraudcasts,come tothink of it, happenned every Friday afternoon, and only the interested or the involved would bother making the trek to see the show.

They nailed you up, you croaked in a few hours,then they pulled your carcass down and tossed you onto a dung heap so that they could recycle the valuable nails.

"...tens of thousands of people are watching and rooting. Some are rooting for the lions, some are rooting for me."

Yeah,well, I'd be the smiling guy with the pliers who rips out your toenails before you kicked it....(the kids collected 'em,they were the"Plodz"of their day).

But,hey if you want to imagine gakking it in the coliseum to a SRO crowd,then by all's your execution."

Anonymous said...

"...tens of thousands of people are watching and rooting. Some are rooting for the lions, some are rooting for me."

I'm guessing more of the former than the latter. Especially in your case.

kdella said...

Didja see what he's posted NOW?!?!?

Anonymous said...

KC sez:

...So if you’re as pissed off as I am at this circus, feel free to donate. All the money will go towards putting this guy away and any excess will go to my other defense fund or you can tell me what to do with it. I’m very flexible and appreciate your help.

Bilgeman said...

Oh,sweet Jesus have pity!

"Serin and Garfunkel"

Music to slit your wrists and sit in a warm bathtub to.

R-Boy said...

If you IP is, please stop messing with wikipedia. I reverted you edits involving Mark because they violate NPOV issues, among other wikipedia policies.

Your only edits are on the serin page. Leave it be

Thank you

Unknown said...

Book and movie deal down the line, now that he's keeping all the money for himself

Correct me if I am wrong, but in regards to the book deal, didn't Marty indicate on the last fraudcast that Casey has no ownership of his portion of the book due to violations of the NDA?

My suspicion is that Casey is actually more concerned that Marty will sue him over this snafu with Mark and the signing over of the book deal. So he will likely vie for getting ownership "back". But in the end, won't it be moot? If he violated the NDA (which Marty indicated he did with that long post on the foreclosurecode website), then Casey's share of the profits is a big, fat zero anyway.

And what is this shit about a movie deal? Are you fucking kidding me? I thought people were being facetious! Who in their right mind would make a movie based on the fliptard?
Then again, they did make two Deuce Bigalo movies. And Rob Schnieder would be a good choice to portray Casey. Just has to dye his hair blonde.

Bilgeman said...

Hello Failure my old friend
You've come to kick my crotch again
Because I committed Mortgage Fraud
And I blabbed about it on my Blaaahg
And Cashcall won't stop ringin'on my telephone
(Tell'em I'm not home)

Sweet Deals...Good Things...are Coming!

I need to make some more cashback
To pay for shit I clearly lack
Buy another used V-Dub
To the envy of the Real Estate Club!
They're all just loosers workin' at their dreary w-2 jobs
Those stoopid slobs!

Sweet Deals...Good Things...Are Coming.

I ignore bills cuz I'm no fool
Foreclosure auctions are kinda cool
Watch my future and all myplans
Get sold atop a court trashcan
Borrow more money from Galina's credit card
It's not that hard...

Sweet Deals...Good Things...Are Coming!

BigDaddy63 said...

R Boy,

CustName: Comcast Cable Communications
Address: 3 Executive Campus
Address: 5th Floor
City: Cherry Hill
StateProv: NJ
PostalCode: 08002
Country: US
RegDate: 2004-01-15
Updated: 2004-07-02

NetRange: -
NetHandle: NET-24-16-0-0-2
Parent: NET-24-16-0-0-1
NetType: Reassigned
RegDate: 2004-01-15
Updated: 2004-07-02

OrgAbuseHandle: NAPO-ARIN
OrgAbuseName: Network Abuse and Policy Observance
OrgAbusePhone: +1-856-317-7272

OrgTechHandle: IC161-ARIN
OrgTechName: Comcast Cable Communications Inc
OrgTechPhone: +1-856-317-7200


Tracing route to []...
hop rtt rtt rtt ip address fully qualified domain name
1 0 0 0
2 0 0 0
3 0 0 0
4 0 0 0
5 0 0 0
6 36 36 36
7 49 49 50
8 54 53 53
9 53 53 53
10 54 * 54
11 54 54 54
12 * * *
13 * * *
14 * * *
15 * * *

I'll stop here....

Unknown said...



Anonymous said...

R-Boy what do you give a crap about Mark Villapudwhacker's wiki file?

Old said...

"no idea why the Aug 3rd deadline seems so absolute"

It is probably the date on which he is not obligated to run anymore ads.

Akubi said...

I thought Absolut was shitty vodka?

Akubi said...

It is Froot Loops!
The infinite sunshine of fruitfully fuitful mind.

Akubi said...

So there's a cartel in Nova Scotia behind all of this?

Akubi said...

We infinite loosers of the cereal-less mind want to know.

Route this, route that, it is all meaningless in the end.

You have now entered the Casey Zone!

whatthefuckever said...
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Akubi said...

K, I'm not all that familiar with the Harry Potter references yet I do see some interesting interconnections nonetheless.
Akubi who doesn't give a f-ing rat's ass whether I am perceived to have a "life" or not.
P.S. My "life" is in my imagination. Consider finding that...?

Akubi said...

Why was the above 10:02 post removed by the blog admin? I still have a copy of it! Hee Hee!

whatthefuckever said...
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whatthefuckever said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I was right. Casey is going to win this lawsuit thing. Mark is an idiot. Score one win for Casey Serin against a well known hater .

Broward Horne said...


Casey's advertising for a co-host.

That can't be good.

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