Saturday, July 28, 2007

Countdown Update

Okay, What's gonna happen this week. Casey is taking down the blog. For real, no more do overs. Second, he will be going out on a high note. He'll claim any number of victories and declare himself rehabilitated. Promises to return as a success and all that are sure to be included.

It will be all spin and the haterz™ are going to let him spin. Then Aug 3rd when the Caseyworld™ Reality Distortion Field Effect™ is diminished the haterz™ will disseminate the truth.

So sit back and watch the show then the adults will discuss what really happens.


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Sweet Cashback said...

He just can't stop can he. New editing:

P.S. I know you and other may see this as my usual “spin” or pressure or manipulation. Well, for what it’s worth - it is NOT. Rather a closing message from the heart. The underlying theme of this entire “foreclosure” story has really been my relationship with you. That’s why I want to end on this note. Thank you for your understanding and thank you for your companionship, wonderful moments and beautiful memories. I hope for a brighter future.

Anonymous said...

200 and murst!

Anonymous said...

a dingo ate my

TK said...

He will edit, and tweak, and edit, then pull it down. Then put it back up in a different incarnation with the words "I'm sorry", then come back in a week or so explaining that his legal team thought he should "come back to blog about what not to do" because the Feds might go easier on him.

Sidney Tasman said...

Let us not forget the Mighty Fliptards immortal words:

"What I did was Stupid!" which included "This blog was the WRONG kind of exposure. I APOLOGIZE...I DO NOT BLAME ANYBODY... and take full responsibility....After talking to a business associate this morning I realized I went TOO far...I turned something small into a big exaggerated mess... I crossed the line. I misused my ambition. I have damaged my reputation and I have damaged many good relationships through this. I never meant to hurt anyone. So to stop any further damage I am shutting down and laying low. I am sorry. Casey Serin." - Casey Serin, Sept 24 2006

It's like Deja Vu all over again. I'm sure this time he really, really, really, REALLY means it though ;)

FlyingMonkeyWarrior said...

@ Broward Horne,

Good Morning. I think it is really funny that your ran a meme diffusion experiment on the group a CH.c.

Did it confirm your theory?

Any way, pretty funny that you were studying the subjects and the subjects banned you. Do you find humor in that scenario? lol.

I think your idea is sound btw, and I think this thread demonstrates your ideas as well.

Seb said...

Don't worry, Broward. I got banned, too.

We can hold a meme-party together.

H Simpson said...

>>At 4:48 PM, Lou Minatti said...
Anyone else see The Simpsons Movie? I'm sitting there in the theater watching it and realized that Casey has based his life on Homer Simpson. Except that in the end Homer does the right thing.

I sure did. Especially in the motorcycle cage as he kept falling harder and harder on his head while being told how to do it correctly.

Trip to Alaska = Oz?

Pissing off the town to the point they come after him with torches and pitchforks.

Man, it has hitting me over and over as I watched that flick.

serinitis said...


Did they say why you got banned?

Your posts were normally a little off subject but they weren't the stalkishness that got the people Duane complained about banned

serinitis said...

For thos that don't go to ch.c, Duane made this post

An Open Letter to Casey, Caseys Wussy Dad, JSM, and Someone that posts under multiple identities, He has posted here under David R.

Its been an interesting day to say the least. Around 2pm, my wife calls me to tell me she receiving a disturbing call from some lunatic. This wussy-lunatic didn’t have the balls to call me directly, instead he somehow finds my wife’s cell phone number, and begins to ramble about my unhealthy obsession with G. He apparently thought my wife knew NOTHING of my support of G. He is wrong. And she is pissed. I listened to the call… and it was weird to say the least. This pansy sounded like half boy half girl and sounded is if they wanted to cry any second. You wanna get pissed.. fine point your arrows at me and lets dance. You want to bring my family into it… your opening a can of worms that you will regret.

Long story short, (with assistance from some brilliant minds here) we traced the call to a relay company.. put two and two together.. and the wimp caller was none other than JustSillyMe.

JSM… in PM’s I have tried to make peace. I have even offered to give you my number to call with questions. You wont do it. Instead, you take the weenie way out. You’re a POS. I have your IP… and the fun with you will now begin.

So next I find out that the Father of the Year.. Konstatin Serin is running his mouth.. YES CASEYS DAD, saying I am only trying to get in between Casey and G for financial gain and popularity. You get that??? I have only been trying to do what that POS son wouldn’t, which is give her financial and emotional support. Someone tell me how I stand to gain? Popularity?? Gimme a break… My name has been smeared all over the internet.

Lemme tell you something sir, I will be in your neck of the woods next week, for the better part of the week. I don’t believe in saying ANYTHING to someone else that I wouldn’t say to their face… so if you wanna meet for tea and crumpets and let me explain to you in very simple terms what a crappy job you have done as a dad, provider and supporter, I will. I will also explain, that as much as you don’t want to admit it, Casey has walked in your shoes. You don’t hold your kids accountable. You make excuses. You wanna say crap about me?? Just know the HAMMAR is now on my radar. Why don’t you ask STEVE what he thinks of you parenting skills? You want me to go there?

Keep running your mouth you POS. Keep it up…

Why don’t you remind yourself how you TOO have thrown G consistently under the bus.. so MAYBE no red flags will some up with Law enforcement regarding Casey. To hell that he has abused her for years.. Lets protect Casey. TO hell that he has financial ruined her for the next 15-20 years.. Lets protect Casey. To hell with the fact that G is an emotional wreck because of Caseys lies and manipulations.. Lets protect Casey… What KIND OF MAN ARE YOU?

Ask Casey for my number you wanna CHAT>>> Lets do it..

Casey I understand you are planning to “respond” to me. You can say ANYTHING you want, as long as its true. You lie.. Youre done. You imply something.. Youre DONE. YOU give one of those 36% of the truth stories… YOUR DONE>

Any BS hit on me will result in a five fold response.. and you know I wont let up.

By the way, it doesn’t surprise me that you have to run back to mommy and daddy to have them fight your battles. You’re a WIMP.

There is another pansy poster saying that I stalked his wife on IAFF… todays post number 41. I have NEVER doen anything remotely close… THESE ARE LIES THAT WILL NOT STAND>

This puss has been active… posting under different aliases at IAFF and here.

I am sending your IP to the right people tomorrow. You’ve lied about the wrong person bud. So you know I am serious… I know youre Canadian.. I know you have posted here as DavidR, you registered under another name, but never posted, and you have used the following aliases at IAFF…

| E-mail: | IP:
E-mail: | IP: | IP: | IP: | IP: | URI: http://itsallbad/ | IP: | URI: | IP:

I will go after you, Casey (if he doesn’t take the lies down, AND EVERY FREEAKING MOD…

Just for fun…

All for now…

H Simpson said...

I cannot wait for fliptard to get into a jail cell and learn what real time consequences are all about.

First time he lies and wakes up in the infirmary within half a breath of his life after a good beating he is going to get his reality distortion field adjusted big time.

CNN had a program on about cocaine in the 80s in Fla last week. One of the fliers who did 8 years in prison said "It was the best thing that could happen to me, as it got me out of that environment".

I hope the same will happen for Snowflake and he lives to come out and change his life.


Seb said...

Wait, so I was banned because I was critical of Duane?


FlyingMonkeyWarrior said...

Hey CH.c guys, Seb and serinitis,

What gets Dude and T so mad that they kick people out of the party for life?
I understand Trolldumb, but there are EN regulars that are okay, imo, who are banned.

Did they just disagree on Casey stuff?

@ Seb,
Honestly Wondering was coming to the Orlando Meet up. Ha ha ha, that could have been really interesting had you both been there.

@ serinitis,
Thank you for the Duane up-date.

Seb said...


Are you doing another Orlando get together? I'll try to swing by next time one happens.

serinitis said...

JSM and at least one other person where banned after this came out. If they did a sweeping ban of everyone critical of Duane, you probably were caught in it. Broward may also have been caught in it, though he was in no way associated with the stalkers

serinitis said...


The particulae action appears to be JSM calling and harrassing Duane's wife. She did deserve banning for that. INHO a mass banning was wrong.

FlyingMonkeyWarrior said...

There is a real internet Meme war going on now. I can not believe that Duane can find people by their registrations.
Pretty cool.
I saw the 'Duane stalked my wife' post.
Maybe this is why IAFF went silent a tad early.

Seb said...

I had absolutely nothing to do with the people who were stalking Duane, and I think it's really disturbing what happened.

With that being said, it's probably for the best I got banned. I was spending way too much time there, and real life is calling.

FlyingMonkeyWarrior said...

@ serinitis,
Yea, that is scummy.
How do these people find each other? My mad blogging skillZ are in the dark ages.
One does feel invisible on line, but I reckon it is a false sense.

Anonymous said...



serinitis said...


It looks like several people not associated with the stalking got banned.

I would have to get banned here and there before I might join my real life

FlyingMonkeyWarrior said...

yes Seb,
Especially with a new wife and all.
My 16 year old thinks I am out of my mind, but I do follow global finance blogs, Real Estate/Stock Markets, and the oil biz as well through blogs, which is where I know Edgar from.
This blog came onto my radar because it was so fun and funny back in the day before the Meme Net Wars.
Love Bloggers!

serinitis said...

IAFF changed again

serinitis said...

Duane just posted this

I woke up this morning and checked my email and the boards. I must say I was shocked that Casey has decided to shut down early. And for once, I think he is doing the right thing. I must say that Casey has finally done one thing that I consider just-- but I cant go there now. Just know that some of my goals have been met.

I have enjoyed meeting a lot of you, reading your posts, badgering back and forth. And with that, I will say goodbye to the public arena. No more DL, no more RayRay. (I must say i loved my handle) I had told the Dude 3 days ago that this would happen this weekend. I didn’t know of the fireworks that would take place or Casey accelerating shutting down the blog. These are all coincidences.. but amusing from a timing stand point nonetheless.

To Dude and T, you guys run a GREAT ship here. Thanks for the support. To M&P, Spree, TK, Annie, Dolph, Lawnmower, Honestly, Endgame and a few others I have gotten to know either personally or through PM.. Its people like you that will make me miss this place!

To Benoit!Period. siurng osndv&%&($BNF)*#HCB)*H# V(J
(Lets see if you can decipher that message using your "mad skillZ". :-) You’re an ACE!

No more post detailing G's thoughts. Or background. No more exposing the truth about fliptard. (funny how he would spin things.. but its hell spinning the truth.)

I will not say anymore about any family member, CASEY - the entrepreneur, Casey - the international traveler (I said that twice in case he has a split personality.. couldn’t resist) or anyone else.

Now, I will go quietly into the night... Today is it... I may respond to a few friends... but at midnight, I turn into a pumpkin..

The only way you will see me resurface is this...

Casey swings at G in public... Casey swings at G from a legal perspective, or a few other type of things of that nature. I don’t think it will happen... but KC, if you’re reading.. and for once in your life you do the right thing.. you will have no more worries from me.

Many of you have offered to help G. I have saved all emails and offers of help. If that time comes, I will “come a knockin..”… but in the meantime.. she has a long road to travel. Please keep her in your thoughts…

With that said.. G'Day mates...

Its been REAL.

FlyingMonkeyWarrior said...

Well, not for me. I will still hang out here at EN.

FlyingMonkeyWarrior said...

Looks like Duane won the Meme Net wars.

wagga said...

Just in:

Over story is no longer online. Earlier than I thought but for the better.

- Casey Serin

Lou Minatti said...

I give him 36 hours. Meanwhile, look for tweaks to the "final" message.

Unknown said...

Casey was to turn himself in on Aug. 3rd. Apparently his lawyer got word that they want him to surrender tomorrow or they will come and get him.

Given the humilation of being rounded up and cuffed and stuffed in public. I think he's doing the right thing.

He will quietly walk into the Roseville PD tomorrow morning and surrender with his lawyer at his side (this is much better for Casey since he'd probably spill his guts the the interrogators after being Merandized if left to his own devices). If he can flip bail he will be out by dinner time. If he can't he will have to wait until Tuesday to see a Judge who will probably OR him since he's not a violent criminal.

It's win-win.

Unknown said...

I guess I've missed something ... how are you guys figuring out about KC turning himself in? when did this happen?

soem dood said...

@ Doug re: MurseBoi turning hisself in;

1. Spill -- is this speculation, or informed info?

2. If it is real, for the love of all that is holy, we MUST get either the MSM or else our own special assignment reporters out there to paparazzi up some good fodder. For Gawd's sakes, the Boi has lived his entire adult life thrusting his pelvis into the camera, we owe it to the 'story', to 'hsitroy' to continue to record this to the bitter end!

H Simpson said...

who in their right mind would bail him?

Serial liar
Propensity to take off.

Hopefully he will take off to Hawaii. I want to see Dawg the bounty hunter get him on tv...


ps No cheering, no gloating like 2 weeks ago.

Anonymous said...
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soem dood said...

Paging Declan.... paging declan.... please pick up the red courtesy phone for a potential upcoming scoop. Bring fotog.

Rob Dawg said...

[link removed]

Edgar said...
Broward Horne sed:

Wow! I got banned at CH.C.

Join the club. Man I had some fun while I was there though. I used a lot of bandwidth too. Trolling, tons of pictures, You-Tube videos. That Tracy is one hypocritical beatch, let me tell you. I can't put my finger on what exactly got me banned. Probably duane, or Tracy, or inciting fights, or bukkake or whatever. They are liars too, even the dude. They said they give warnings, myazz. I spammed the hell out of 'em though. That was fun too.

FlyingMonkeyWarrior said...

@ Edgar,
New post at HP and Peak OIL, Mexico is out of oil, and they are the number 2 importer to the US.

Back to CH.c, I only just figured out how to work the sight! I have been registered since 7.07.07 and have not Had Mad IT SkillZ enough to get in trouble yet.

The Pool and my 'bikini tan line' demarcation skillZ beckon,

Anonymous said...
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Unknown said...

yeah, rob, why are you removing edgar's posts? they're funny.

Anonymous said...

Hi FMW! Yeah, funny, we were the lunatic fringe back in '05 when everybody rolled eyes at the mere mention of peak oil. Let's see how lunatic they think we are when gasoline hits $20 a gallon and the bankers cut up their credit cards. LMFAO!

Rob Dawg said...

All I did was deactivate the live link to bukkake. Edgar took down the other one himself. BTW, new post for the morning up.

There is still no such thing as peak oil. What Mexico has is a failure to invest in infrastructure. Aka right on schedule after nationalizing the industry. Look, oil can't go over $100 because at $100 everything else gets economic and pushes demand for oil down below the price of alternatives.

IdleObserver said...

" At 7:20 AM, Doug said...

Casey was to turn himself in on Aug. 3rd. Apparently his lawyer got word that they want him to surrender tomorrow or they will come and get him.

Given the humilation of being rounded up and cuffed and stuffed in public. I think he's doing the right thing.

He will quietly walk into the Roseville PD tomorrow morning and surrender with his lawyer at his side (this is much better for Casey since he'd probably spill his guts the the interrogators after being Merandized if left to his own devices). If he can flip bail he will be out by dinner time. If he can't he will have to wait until Tuesday to see a Judge who will probably OR him since he's not a violent criminal.

It's win-win."

Why would he turn himself into the local police department if he is facing federal charges? I think you are speculating.

Arthur Wankspittle said...

Over story is no longer online. Earlier than I thought but for the better.

- Casey Serin

Had a little laugh at the lack of detail. The Copyright says 2006.

segfault said...

who in their right mind would bail him?
Serial liar
Propensity to take off.

Who in their right mind would co-sign on a loan for him? Mama Serin, of course! And from what Duane has said, it looks like Papa Serin would be right behind her.

lawnmower man said...

@broward: Wow! I got banned at CH.C. Not that I care. I purposely used my account as a litmus test for the level of intolerance and irrationality of the posse.

Translated from memespeak, I assume this means "I was deliberately acting like a dick?"

JohnDiddler said...

i was banned at CH.C yesterday. i have not posted in weeks there. the access kept coming and going. specifically, a summary post had hyperlinks to unaccessable content. what's that all about? so i asked The Dude if access was a game over there. I believe this may well be true. First of all, compulsive obsession with a notorious debtor is, at its heart, a freaking game. But apparently I struck too close to home, as someone there banned me. Oh, check this out: He offered some suggestsions about how to authenticate an account, and then he banned me. He even closed with "hope this helps" before banning me. I used to run a bbs in junior high and this is how it was. I emailed him to clarify why he did that, or if he did it, because the software itself seems to be unpredictable, but he has not replied. I have concluded that he's wierd. I intend to mock him here. Moreso I intend to strongly discourage hyperlinking to his site. Please, please, please excerpt. I'll be fine if you simply excerpt.

Dicks who get banned there can go away but I encourage additional banning of reasonable people, because it cements EN's position as the only place to really discuss our saga. Our GAME.

Anonymous said...
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JohnDiddler said...

there's nothing actually wrong with being a dick and a troll, edgar. just don't be surprised when people call you out and encourage your shunning. shunning has worked for thousands of years to discourage antisocial behavior.

Anonymous said...
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Rob Dawg said...

I'll be surprised if what you are trying works here.

Lost Cause said...

Now, I will go quietly into the night... Today is it... I may respond to a few friends... but at midnight, I turn into a pumpkin..

What a self-important creep. Good riddence to bad rubbish.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Rob Dawg said...

When no one decides to play you are left playing with yourself.

Anonymous said...
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soem dood said...

None of us is real. We are all just meme-fodder in Broward's little S&M fantasy-world, spilled out into the blogosphere.

FiveFlat said...

This is possibly the dumbest things I've ever heard. Arrows wouldn't be flying if he'd keep is selfish attention addicted ass offline with these very personal issues. I thought Haterz™ only hated Casey for the legal issues... I guess they are "lying"

At 8:10 PM, Duane LeGate said...
simple answer ...
when the arrows fly.. they hit me instead of her...

My point exactly:

At 9:07 PM, john said...
What's all this bullshit about "getting her message out?"
Why doesn't scene queen Duane simply take care of matters privately?

Like I said, it's all about class and being a gentleman. Which he must be neither. He's simply looking for attention as well.
At 12:41 AM, john said...
So fucking what! Look numb nuts, if our resident scene queen had any class at all he wouldn`t be blabbing details all over the internet regardless of what the wife wants.

Move your sorry ass to Iraq and live over there then, you sorry POS
At 2:10 AM, Akubi said...

Fuck Exxon
Fuck Dick Cheney
Fuck George W. Bush
Fuck Arnold Shithead.
I am thoroughly embarrassed to
A. be a Califucktard
B. be an Ameritard
Actors make POS politicians. As do nutty supposed "Christians".

I very much agree with this:
At 1:52 PM, Lost Cause said...

Now, I will go quietly into the night... Today is it... I may respond to a few friends... but at midnight, I turn into a pumpkin..

What a self-important creep. Good riddence to bad rubbish.

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