Sunday, July 29, 2007

Mission Failure Forward, Report To Follow

My "Mission to planet Earth" is a failure (forward). The inhabitants are on to me again. Access to lifegiving juices denied. Despite best efforts, none of their houses belonging to us. This Casey Unit intends to file a full report soon. I'll look into it. Requesting immediate escrow. Pick me up, I want to cahback... err... I mean go back to Caseyworld™. Make them stop being so mean mommyship!
And so it ends. Wimper snivel, point fingers, yadda, yadda. And just like last time the annoying dribble of edted last posts. Pardon while I don't hold my breath.


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Unknown said...

Can someone please post the 10 page Duane thingy somewhere? I don't want to have to bother with registering at ch.c

FiveFlat said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

@fiveflat - I know what his name is.
Just no point in spreading it more.

soem dood said...

A Luis re: 10 page diatribe

Hmmm. I hope the below is what you are looking for, if not, sorry. I feel comfortable reposting it in it's entirety, except redacting personally identifying email and IP, in case they are spoofed or in error, because it is clearly labeled as an OPEN letter to a party who is not likely to be able to ready CH.C, so this is hopefully consistent with the O/P's intentions to disseminate until received by intended audience.

[from poster "RayRay]

An Open Letter to Casey, Caseys Wussy Dad, JSM, and Someone that posts under multiple identities, He has posted here under David R.

Its been an interesting day to say the least. Around 2pm, my wife calls me to tell me she receiving a disturbing call from some lunatic. This wussy-lunatic didn’t have the balls to call me directly, instead he somehow finds my wife’s cell phone number, and begins to ramble about my unhealthy obsession with G. He apparently thought my wife knew NOTHING of my support of G. He is wrong. And she is pissed. I listened to the call… and it was weird to say the least. This pansy sounded like half boy half girl and sounded is if they wanted to cry any second. You wanna get pissed.. fine point your arrows at me and lets dance. You want to bring my family into it… your opening a can of worms that you will regret.

Long story short, (with assistance from some brilliant minds here) we traced the call to a relay company.. put two and two together.. and the wimp caller was none other than JustSillyMe.

JSM… in PM’s I have tried to make peace. I have even offered to give you my number to call with questions. You wont do it. Instead, you take the weenie way out. You’re a POS. I have your IP… and the fun with you will now begin.

So next I find out that the Father of the Year.. Konstatin Serin is running his mouth.. YES CASEYS DAD, saying I am only trying to get in between Casey and G for financial gain and popularity. You get that??? I have only been trying to do what that POS son wouldn’t, which is give her financial and emotional support. Someone tell me how I stand to gain? Popularity?? Gimme a break… My name has been smeared all over the internet.

Lemme tell you something sir, I will be in your neck of the woods next week, for the better part of the week. I don’t believe in saying ANYTHING to someone else that I wouldn’t say to their face… so if you wanna meet for tea and crumpets and let me explain to you in very simple terms what a crappy job you have done as a dad, provider and supporter, I will. I will also explain, that as much as you don’t want to admit it, Casey has walked in your shoes. You don’t hold your kids accountable. You make excuses. You wanna say crap about me?? Just know the HAMMAR is now on my radar. Why don’t you ask STEVE what he thinks of you parenting skills? You want me to go there?

Keep running your mouth you POS. Keep it up…

Why don’t you remind yourself how you TOO have thrown G consistently under the bus.. so MAYBE no red flags will some up with Law enforcement regarding Casey. To hell that he has abused her for years.. Lets protect Casey. TO hell that he has financial ruined her for the next 15-20 years.. Lets protect Casey. To hell with the fact that G is an emotional wreck because of Caseys lies and manipulations.. Lets protect Casey… What KIND OF MAN ARE YOU?

Ask Casey for my number you wanna CHAT>>> Lets do it..

Casey I understand you are planning to “respond” to me. You can say ANYTHING you want, as long as its true. You lie.. Youre done. You imply something.. Youre DONE. YOU give one of those 36% of the truth stories… YOUR DONE>

Any BS hit on me will result in a five fold response.. and you know I wont let up.

By the way, it doesn’t surprise me that you have to run back to mommy and daddy to have them fight your battles. You’re a WIMP.

There is another pansy poster saying that I stalked his wife on IAFF… todays post number 41. I have NEVER doen anything remotely close… THESE ARE LIES THAT WILL NOT STAND>

This puss has been active… posting under different aliases at IAFF and here.

I am sending your IP to the right people tomorrow. You’ve lied about the wrong person bud. So you know I am serious… I know youre Canadian.. I know you have posted here as DavidR, you registered under another name, but never posted, and you have used the following aliases at IAFF…

[redacted IP's and other personally identifying info, in case it is being spoofed and RR is making a mistake]

I will go after you, Casey (if he doesn’t take the lies down, AND EVERY FREEAKING MOD…

Just for fun…

All for now…

Unknown said...

LOL!! Comedy gold.

Dolph said...

I have mixed feels about all of this. Justice is not an internet lynch mob. Rob goes batshit insane when someone post a pick of one of his kids. Doowayne goes batshit insane when someone called his wife. Mark is just plain batshit insane(i mean that in a good way, don't sue me). Yet, none of them had any problem with the dirt-diggers finding out evey last nugget of casey's. The only one that seems to have walked out of this looking OK is Nigel. Nigel got a ration of poo and walked it off. Everyone else just started slinging poo like a cage full of monkeys.

Last time I checked none of the folks you mentioned are trying to get rich from shady deals. None of these folks tried to convince others to invest in a pyramid scheme (HIS FRIEND FOR GOD'S SAKE!). None of these folks decided to blog about their wrongdoing ways.

Sorry dude, I don't agree with exposing the family members in this (unless they get involved) but Casey sure didn't help himself by putting it all out there and expecting a sympathetic fanbase. Casey built this mess and it's unfair to excuse him because his own personal info got leaked.

As for Duane's wife, Rob's kid, Nigel and his wife and so forth, that wasn't cool. Why you ask? Because these folks aren't publicly taunting their audience with this bizarre sense of entitlement and lack of remorse. Casey admitted to fraud, MAJOR LEAGUE MILLION DOLLAR FRAUD!?!?!?!?!

Why is this lost on so many who seem to hate, yet sympathize, with the little fraudster?

Maybe it's time for me to leave for good as well (mean it this time). If people are going to compare Casey to those other folks, I am sorry but that isn't right.

Dolph said...


We get worked up because it's sad that this person could have worked the system so badly and gotten away with it. Sure, he's paying the price via his credit, marriage, family, etc. but to ask why people get so emotional is not being very objective (IMHO of course).

Casey is but one piece of the mess in the housing industry, but he's decided to thumb his nose at all of us and wondered why everybody was so mad when the end finally arrived.

It's not right and I find it quite sad (sad as in feeling down) that some think it's funny that many of us decided to be so vocal in response.

Oh well...sorry if you think I am so sad or I amuse you.

JohnDiddler said...

thanks for the excerpt, soem dood.

lawnmower man said...

@Butt: Stop baiting! You climbed in the monkey cage on your own accord. You went on the fraud cast and said "Come to Egg urban nation".

Point of fact: Rob has never been on any of the talkcasts.

Unknown said...

soem dood, thanks!

ratlab said...

Argh, my login to ch.c no longer works. I've only been there once and haven't logged in since. And all I want to do is read the 10 page Galina spillage I keep hearing about.

FlyingMonkeyWarrior said...

I plugged En on the talk cast and I am not banned anywhere.
I do not take it personally if people have dessenting opinions, based on the source and facts, these things usually work them selves out.
The personal attacks, for example, from Casey's sex life AKA Whatever, and such is what I do not engage in and very much dislike.
Blog on.


PS I though the Aussie shipwreck photo was real.

Zintradi said...

@ Ratlab
Ditto that

Perhaps they archive it at Caseypedia?

FlyingMonkeyWarrior said...

@ ratlab,
Me too. I just clicked on the 'forgot my password' feild and they mailed me a temporary pass word. I used that for both times I have been there.

BJ said...

This is the 10 page post that got all the people riled up? Its comparatively tame to other stuff, including stuff on the talkcast. No stalking here. Just covering a victimized persons back.

My only argument was that it came from Duane and Galina needs to learn to step up an yell that at the top of her lungs. I understand that it is hard, but TwerpAndTwit™ won't stop until it comes from Galina herself. And from someone with experience... it can be oh so liberating!

I also like Annie's comment too...

Maybe it's time for me to leave for good as well (mean it this time). If people are going to compare Casey to those other folks, I am sorry but that isn't right.
Just keep your cool. Some of these making those posts are internet trolls. Their stream of consciousness only lasts the length of a single post!!

BJ said...


PS I though the Aussie shipwreck photo was real.

I don't know if you are on the troll side with this or being real. The shipwreck was real. People like to say the image is doctored, but I took a close look at it (borders between background and Casey) using the highest resolution available. There is usually bleed-through of an underlying image where it is cut from or the edge is unusually sharp or stair-stepped if it is an assemblage. The reason why the lighting on Casey looks off is because the camera's flash fired. This also explains the reflection on the wedding ring.

Other facts to consider:
*Casey skilz are not good enough to carry off an assemblage. He has ripped off haterz™ assemblages. Casey also does not have the patience to do an assemblage.
*Where are you going to get a moderate to high resolution image of the wreck? News service images are not that high of a resolution.

BJ said...

Look up "Pasha Bulker" on google...

BJ said...

Looking at my prev post, I think a slight decoder ring is needed for:


Twerp = Casey Serin
Twit = Konstatin Serin.

FlyingMonkeyWarrior said...


I am for real and I never troll (I'm nice to pretty much everybody) and I thought it was real.

Didn't you and I discuss it in length, and you posted some "sample pics" with the same light differentials?

FlyingMonkeyWarrior said...


FlyingMonkeyWarrior said...

@ BJ,

From above, isn't this Rob Dawg saying it is a fake photo shop?

I am so confused.


At 2:11 PM, Rob Dawg said...

Butt has left a new comment on your post "Mission Failure Forward, Report To Follow":

Just for the record, I was banned from Ch.c for pointing out the Pasha Bulker(sp?) the Boat in Oz with casey posing gayly infront of is a photoshop. Was he in Oz? Probably. Was he there on the beach maybe not. Does it matter? Why photoshop a pic? I don't know.

OMG, people thought the "wreck" photo was real? NFW. There was almost nothing that indicated it was real. I always thought everyone understood that particular photo was an assemblage.

FlyingMonkeyWarrior said...

BJ said...

Look up "Pasha Bulker" on google...
*************** Yea, did that and then "search within results" Serin.

Rob Dawg said...

The wreck photo IMO is a fake.

FlyingMonkeyWarrior said...

@ Rob Dawg,
So your on the troll side on your own blog, heh heh.

lawnmower man said...

Why would the wreck photo be fake when the rest of his photos are (as far as we know) real? Casey's shown no great aptitude with Photoshop; blurring out account numbers is about as far as his skillz go.

I side with the "the flash makes it look odd" explanation. IMHO, the only thing fake about it is Casey's over-the-top expression.

But it's pretty unimportant now, no?

soem dood said...

It is absurdly unimportant, but IMHO the wreck photo is completely genuine, and I thought so from the start.

I am no expert, but have taken many flash photos myself that looked just as hinkey, when a bright or reflective foreground subject is framed against against a much deeper field with darker or indistinct features. It makes the subject pop to the front.

BJ said...


I am for real and I never troll (I'm nice to pretty much everybody) and I thought it was real.

Sometimes it is hard to tell who never trolls or sometimes trolls. Absolute trolls are easy to detect (no brain). The pics are real. One of the people even extracted the extent information within the image itself. The only discrepancy was in dates of picture vs date of post, which could be attributed to the clock on the camera not being shifted for local time(Aus. vs US/Ca).

From above, isn't this Rob Dawg saying it is a fake photo shop?

Rob Dawg sometimes trolls.. particularly when a subject has been covered exhaustively before.

@lawnmower man
I side with the "the flash makes it look odd" explanation. IMHO, the only thing fake about it is Casey's over-the-top expression.

But it's pretty unimportant now, no?

You can duplicate the flash effect. In cloudy dusk like environment (eve around 5:oopm during spring, probably around 6:30/7 now), camera needs to be on full auto and have flash capability. Use a point and shoot. Flash should fire when you take the picture (most will automatically do this). I figure Casey does not have much more skill in the area than to run the camera in full auto.

One thing that helps make the difference significant, is that flash strength falls of by order of inverse square. If you want the flash to go twice the difference, you need 4x the strength of flash. You can use this to actually darken a normal background (with a sufficiently strong flash), or take picture of someone while pointing into the sun at the same time.

BJ said...

And yes, it is very unimportant now.. all OBE.

FiveFlat said...

So, what would the point be, behind photoshopping Casey in front of the shipwreck?
What the hell does it matter with regards to what all the haterz claim they really hate Casey for?

I've participated in photoshop contests on the internet and really, looking back, yeah, some crap can be very funny. Otherwise most of it is clear irrelevant.

JohnDiddler said...

it would be a testament to the man's legend. cuz yo i was fooled. i never really wondered if he'd faked it, as it's too damn easy to get real. then again, australia's huge, i hear.

soem dood said...

C'mon people, take a look at the pic for this thread.

Notice anything unusual? Like the lighting... same effect as the Casey foto.

This is Dawg's way of telling us he intends to make a point about it later.

And it's an alien.... Casey was an alien in Aus, and an alien here... so he is telling us that Casey will be going somewhere new.

And notice that there is a bluish tint... very cold... Scandinavian ice is very blue...and very cold.

This is Rob's way of telling us that Casey will be visiting a glacier, on a "vacation" to Norway.

It is all quite simple if you just connect the obvious dots, folks.


JohnDiddler said...

i've never gotten into rob dawg's deal. just spill the beans, sporko.

Akubi said...

I dislike divides
Yes I do
Fava beans are awesome
like gold lame shoes.

Unknown said...

If we're reduced to discussing the authenticity of a photo I guess it really is over. Fun while it lasted.

FiveFlat said...

The blue alien dances at night.

I repeat:

The blue alien dances at night.


Akubi said...

There is a goose on the loose
found in a purse
with a moose.
Blue aliens are sweet!

Broward Horne said...

I am the one that posted under the name "Pyscho-freak-girlfriend"

Dang it. I thought you actually WERE my psycho-freak-girlfriend stalker that I invited to Las Vegas this weekend.

Oh, the woe.

Dripped said...

For what is worth,
I had lunch with Casey in Brisbane a couple of days after he posted the Pasha Bulker picture, and he mentioned how he was getting a laugh out of people trying to prove a real photo was photoshopped. It is simply a point & shoot camera that flashed and over exposed him. Thats what the ship really looked like.

soem dood said...

@ fiveflat:

Hey, careful, you are supposed to EOM with "This is not a drill" unless...

OMG. OMFG. Let me get my boots.... I need my my car keys... no my bag... OMFG....

FiveFlat said...


"The artic cat boxes the kangaroo"

I repeat:

"The arctic cat boxes the kangaroo"

This is not a drill

FiveFlat said...


serinjustice said...

Has anyone spotted GYPSY Casey?

Has he found his nuts, or is he still searching for them?

Unknown said...

Raw Do9 You won

JohnDiddler said...

Duane Legate empowered Galina Serin against a filcher. Not against Joe Random, against a hoodlum. In the city we call it street justice and in the country they call it country justice, but it’s the same stuff. What do you think it looks like when you screw a professional on a deal? How about screwing two? Both men provided and offered to provide substantial legitimate service and value to Casey Serin. Casey’s immaturity, and frankly poor judgement, caused him to betray the deals with both men, causing various damages. Eventually people get tired of a rat. Especially one who talks smack on the internet about it. The voice of justice has a nasty side. That doesn’t make it wrong.

Unknown said...

So it was all true, he left never to return and the story just dies.

CH is the only place that seems to be active but I had never signed up for an account and it seems that they don't allow people to sign up anymore. Anyone know why that is?

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