Tuesday, July 03, 2007

10 Digit Ralph?

That wily Bloomberg again. This time a different hedge fund with a different strategy and a different outlook but the same damn results.
The two hedge funds that Ralph Cioffi managed were so hot that some investors had to call a friend at his firm, Bear Stearns Cos., to get his attention. Cioffi's employer and associates, dazzled by 40 consecutive months without a loss for one of the funds, invested at least $35 million of their own money with him.
::yawn:: Been there, done that, bought the movie rights.
Cioffi was convinced that the securities firms loaded up on new CDOs in late 2006 and early this year, expecting to sell them later when investor appetite improved. By the spring, after dozens of home lenders failed and the subprime mortgage market imploded, the Wall Street securities firms and other CDO underwriters started dumping collateralized debt, pushing their prices lower.

At the same time, those firms ended derivative bets on defaults of subprime-mortgage bonds used as hedges for the CDO holdings, pushing the values of those contracts also lower. That ruined both sides of Cioffi's trade, at least temporarily. Investors in his funds were upset, and they began asking for their money back.



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Anonymous said...

@6:40 PM Anonymous said (to Endgame):
Your argument is a perfect example of the logical fallacy known as the 'argument from authority'.

Points and arguments raised are no more or less valid because they come from someone called "anonymous" or someone "known'.

It is a logical fallacy in a perfect, lots of time world. However, when we have limited time, as in scanning through a nest of trolls, we have to discriminate. Some of us W-2 loosers can only grab a quick glance once every few hours, you know.

There is also, as Endgame noted, the building of reputation and its strength carrying through to arguments. This is what you are against, and I also agree that arguments should be weighed on their own merits. This works well in mathematics. Less well in politics. ;-)

But especially for cases where we have limited (or no) ability to verify arguments and facts in a reasonable time, reputation carried a lot of weight, a whole lot.

NoVa: "Hey guys, I might try this today... looks lucrative. Is it OK?"

Casey: "Sweet!"

R-Boy: "I handled a case dealing with this just two weeks ago, and it is definitely illegal."

Now, as I ponder whether to do this "action", but have no time to verify its legality beforehand, should I or not? Obvious answer, given the two sources who gave me advice!

Reputation means a lot in a case like this. No reputation means something, too, especially when you've got the same non-name as people who know not of what they speak.

Anonymous said...

Yum, you have an accent too.

Try to get out in the world more often.

I do have an accent, I grew up in Kilkenny Ireland. I think I may have expressed myself poorly. I meant to convey how much I enjoyed the way their speech sounded. My roomie, an Israeli felt the same.

Eric said...

screw it, I'll stick around a bit...the wife is working on some food for tomorrow and I have an audit report due I need to clean up.

I want to pass along my well wishes also. I offered to send Galina some money free and clear and it would seem either she declined the offer, or her former interceped. The offer still stands. Duane, you are free to pass that along.

In this little farce, we wear many masks...mine is that of a smelly mule from the great state of Dixie. G is very real, and is not wearing her mask.

Mouse And Pencil said...

We get masks? Since when?

Anonymous said...


Dump that chump. He is a legend in his own mind.

Sorry his brothers didn't knock some sense into him. If my brother pulled that stunt on his wife, I would beat the crap out of him.

Willing to help the cause once you get away from that rat bastard. Makes all us real men look bad.

Be strong. And stay the devil away from guys with murses..


Miranda Mayer said...

It's good to know *some* people are thinking about Galina; everyone except the person who matters most.

Li'l bastard.

Eric said...

M&P, Rob handed them out a few weeks ago, I think you were out to lunch or something ;)

Anonymous said...

At 7:00 PM, NoVa Sideliner said...

Now, as I ponder whether to do this "action", but have no time to verify its legality beforehand, should I or not? Obvious answer, given the two sources who gave me advice!

Reputation means a lot in a case like this. No reputation means something, too, especially when you've got the same non-name as people who know not of what they speak.

Of course when you're asking a question that requires expertise or specialized knowledge you need to know what qualifies the speaker as an expert. But that's not what we're talking about here. If someone writes a cogent, contained post that is critical of Rob or whoever, it doesn't matter who it comes from. It doesn't become a 'better' criticism because it has a blogger ID!

Too many people dismiss anon posts simply because they're anon. That's just as wrong as the people who actually troll anonymously and disagree for the sake of disagreement.

segfault said...


Keep your chin up during this ordeal. Things will be better a year from now!

Anonymous said...


I wish you much success in improving your current situation. It sounds like you are making the right decisions.

I am sure your family is offering a lot of support, but please also keep in mind that there are a lot of others pulling for you and willing to help.

Anonymous Casey-hater and Galina-supporter

Roger Hayes said...

Slightly off topic (ok, way off), but my feed died for about ten minutes during the discussion on Casey's prescence in Austrailia and asset protection havens (specifically, the Cook Islands). Can anyone post a capsule of that discussion?

Mouse And Pencil said...

Oh, great. I'll bet the Buzz Lightyear is long gone, too.


Eric said...

Probably, I know Steph got the Mardi Gras mask :)

Gordon Sanders said...

I have a great idea... why not fax every Jamba Juice in Seattle with Casey's Picture and what he has done in Cali, can you imagine the look on his face when he walks in to JJ and they say "Mr Serin, Can you please LEAVE!!"

Anonymous said...

How can G be totally innocent when she went to these real estate seminars (noted in the secret blog last year), she went on a couple vacations, and she also lived with Casey in Lake Tahoe on credit cards for a period of time (6-12 months). Maybe she wasn't involved in the cashback etc... but she had to of known that something was going on in order for her to sleep in with Casey for the past few years and somehow manage to survive.

Relentless said...

@Roger Hayes
the consensus give Casey credit for a scam beyond his attention span. He didnt have enough money to do it it, and almost not certainly enough followthrough. That the trip was just that..a trip, just like the tahoe trip, to go into reality ignore mode (RIP?)

Mouse And Pencil said...


You win this thread. Hands down.


Anonymous said...

Who wants to bet that KC posts pics of himself in Starbucks on Flickr this weekend?

Anonymous said...

Maybe Marty is floating him cash to hype up the blog/book? Gotta admit that Casey is good at coming up with money. He has a PHD in credit.

Mouse And Pencil said...

I hate to be a downer, but you-know-who just posted.

hey guys, stop hatin’ and give this poor woman some advice. Thanks to those who responded with sympathy. How am I ever gonna have people leaving foreclosure help requests on the site with this amount of hate? I will have to get rid of the comment feature or severly filter stuff for the environment to be friendly enough for these poor foreclosure people to have a place to ask questions.


On the Seattle topic. I’m here takin’ care of some biz. There is some potential opportunities here. And thanks to those who offered to buy me a meal. I will take advantage of those offers if I have time. I need to be in Portland tomorrow so time is limited.

Someone's angwey. Awwwww. Poor wittle wabbit. So much HATE™! How can he become a bazillionaire "helping" people when all you Haterz™ keep him accountable?

And Stephanie J - yes, that is the air raid siren. He's coming to your neck of the woods - lock and load!

Anonymous said...

Jesus Christ.

That "contract" that Marty and Casey put together is nothing of the sort. I'm not sure I'd even call it a letter agreement. It's more a vague term sheet and is not enforceable as a contract. Most legal agreements I've seen spell out explicit duties by both parties, responsibilities for revenues/expenses, legal remedies in the event of nonperformance, and basically how the thing works under most if not all conceivable situations that may arise. This has none of those and cannot even be termed a "contract".

And of course, the coup de grace is that the initial funding of expenses comes from Casey.

Quite a businessman, that Snowflake.

Roger Hayes said...

@ Relentless

Thank you. Asked because used to do offshore asset protection trusts for docs and lawyers back before the advent of LLPs. The amounts I dealt with were in the millions of dollars. Wondering how in the world Casey would have enough cash to justify setting one up. They aren't cheap.

Anonymous said...

LMAO!! He's going on a world wide tour like a rockstar.

Relentless said...

Love the new IAFF comment. could this be Casey's latest tactic?

So he wants to outsource the actual advice on foreclosure to the readers of his web page. While they probably have better ideas about avoiding it than Casey does, thats hardly a marketable tactic.

Gordon Sanders said...

BINGO.... we have a winner http://www.complaintsboard.com/complaints/homeq-servicing-c13227.html

HomEq Servicing
Posted: 2007-06-10 by Cindy Koehler

casey's letter post!!!

BelowTheCrowd said...


The Cook Islands, which are a NZ protectorate, are a liability protection haven and one of the many places in the world where asset protection trusts are commonly set up. Most of the reputable financial institutions that run these trusts are headquartered in Australia or New Zealand, and pretty much always are without any sort of US presence.

That doesn't mean you need to go there to set one up. If you're doing it legitimately -- which is to say for reasons of protecting yourself from future lawsuits -- then you can use a lawyer in the US who is knowledgable about such things in order to do it.

However, no lawyer is going to touch a situation where he believes the purpose is tax evasion, or if he recognizes that the liability already existed before the trust was set up. The key to such things is you need to set up the trust and shelter the money BEFORE you get sued, get into debt, etc. Otherwise a judge is going to call it a fraudulent transfer.

M Singh speculated that Casey wanted to hide money. Obviously, if he were trying to do it illegitimately, going in person would be easier than working through intermediaries who are subject to US law. But even so, it's unlikely that anybody reputable would deal with him. Since 9/11, most countries have cooperated with the US on this stuff.

And either way, the cost of setting these things up runs into the thousands, and sometimes tens of thousands of dollars. Rarely worth the trouble unless you have seven figures to protect. And part of the deal is giving up direct control of the money, and usually putting in intentional rules AGAINST taking the money out except in specific situations. Commonly it is done to protect an estate for your heirs. That way you can get sued and the money you set aside can't be touched.

Of course, that leaves open the possibility that Casey was getting ripped off by somebody who wasn't legitimate, wasn't really setting up a legitimate offshore entity, and will disappear quickly as soon as he has the money.

Or, more likely, Casey went becuase somebody called him up and said "it's really cool here." I think we sometimes give him too much credit for thinking up complex schemes.


Eric said...

are you f'n kidding me? I know I should be surprised but Casey lifted that dribble?

Lou Minatti said...

Where's Casey?

Endgame said...

@6:40 anon

Your argument is a perfect example of the logical fallacy known as the 'argument from authority'.

Points and arguments raised are no more or less valid because they come from someone called "anonymous" or someone "known'.

There is no good reason why you can't consider what's said rather than who says it.

I just lost a looong answer to you when my broswer timed out. Uggh. Short version:

- I never used the word 'authority'. A word and concept I don't like at all.
- 'Credence' means credibility and also reputation. Don't think it means authority.
- My point is that in an anon & troll infested forum, I'll likely never even see your post to consider if I agree or not.
- Good reason for not considering = waste of time reading 20 anon troll posts to catch the 1 that's intelligent.
- Did I say that I never used the word authority and that I hate the concept ;=)

You sound like a smart enough person - unsolicited advice: don't waste your keystrokes in a forum where people ignore anons.

Roger Hayes said...

If there is a Haterz in NoCal with a little time on his hands come Thursday, Mark's complaint can be retrieved and copied and posted. Thank you.

Instructions: http://www.saccourt.com/civil/status/status.asp

Anonymous said...

Gordon, altho I hate Casey that doesn't prove he "stole" her letter. I bet she's sent out copies to loads of people.

Unknown said...

Wow, Gordo™, nice find :)

Guess Casey/Marty/ghostwriter du jour "juiced" the comment with the suicide troll. Perhaps we should e-mail the real letter writer (Cynthia) and ask if she gave Casey permission to post her letter on IAFF...

Gordon Sanders said...

What I didn't post was her full contact info that is listed at the bottom of that link. Maybe someone that is more involved than I am in this would want to chat with her and let her know what to do if Casey calls her. The letter isnt identical, but we might want to protect her from Casey.

Anonymous said...

I never used the word 'authority'. A word and concept I don't like at all.
I never said you did. :) That is the name of the fallacy you made--the "argument from authority". We can name it "Melissa" if that makes you feel better.

Thanks for a civil reply, btw. You're free to ignore posts by anonymous people....just as we're free to keep making them.

An. Anon.

Eric said...

2 things

1) Casey isn't looking for free wi-fi, he's using other ppl's computers and/or net cafe's. His laptop ain't doing so well these days heheh

2) Casey's attempt to make his site legit is sad. Casey can't be an "internet celeb" and a "brand" and try and help people at the same time. He's fed the trollz to often and built his haterZ too hard.

In other words, he tried to make money with yahoo/adsense by fueling traffic from all ends. By selling out, he's both hurt any chance at going straight and/or getting the $100,000,000 he wants for his blog.

segfault said...

"...or severly filter stuff..." LOL.

OT: Anyone know of a good, automatic network calendar and contact list synchronizer for Microsoft Outlook (without setting up an Exchange server)? Yahoo Intellisync is no longer supported and isn't automatic, and the OsaSync Pro plugin is just awful.

Anonymous said...


Zintradi said...

Wait wait wait...
so casey has to cast the net out to OTHER sites to gather content and then act like it was just e-mailed to him?
Just who does he think he's kidding?

If anything, we're stopping a shiester in the making.

Endgame said...


I hear the Seattle Space Needle is for sale and that there's an eleventy-3 gazillion dollar finder's fee.

That's why you're there, isn't it?

I'll send you $.05 if you post a Flickr pic of your greasy-headed self on top of it. (Observation deck OK)

You remember what I said to you on last Friday's fraudcast? If I ever meet you, I'll greet you like a brother :=)

Gordon Sanders said...

crossposted and is interesting :

Casey, you might want to verify this link since she says that she DID order it, but then wanted to return it. That does not sound like what she wrote above. It sounds like she is twisting the truth a bit.


Fraudulent business practices!

Complaint Rating:
I had a telemarketer sign me up for a web design course I never order and put it on an MBNA charge account. This occurred during a time I was on painkillers recuperating from major surgery. The company refused to refund or allow me to return the course and MBNA would not answer phone calls, letters or emails. Beware!
she wrote to casey...

was deep in debt from the medical bills and credit card debt. At the same time, I became fodder for identity theft. While I was on pain killers. A telemarketer from a software company, Smart Certify billed me for $3,000 for a web design course I did not authorize on an MBNA credit card. Smart Certify and MBNA would not remove the debt and it went on my credit report. Before the surgery, my FICO score was 710.

is the truth somewhere in this??

ha38349 said...

At 7:13 PM, KC said...
How can G be totally innocent when she went to these real estate seminars (noted in the secret blog last year), she went on a couple vacations, and she also lived with Casey in Lake Tahoe on credit cards for a period of time (6-12 months). Maybe she wasn't involved in the cashback etc... but she had to of known that something was going on in order for her to sleep in with Casey for the past few years and somehow manage to survive.

First you must realize that these so called seminars are just sales presentations in disguise. Watch the ads on late night TV some time to see how convincing they are. So attending the seminars is no indication of her involvement. As far as how things were paid for; why would she suspect anything was wrong while KC was able to cover the bills and show $90,000 in the bank? Think about it for a minute, if your SO told you that they were a big time RE investor and produced cash to pay the bills why would you question that? This was a deception from the start of the marriage. Should Galina have noticed something wasn't right and taken action sooner? Maybe, but hindsight is 20/20 as they say.
So give the girl a break.

Endgame said...

@Gordon Sanders,

A fine example of Haterz Investigative Powerz.

Very difficult to believe MBNA doesn't answer their phone!

As with all things Casey-related, probably just enough truth to give it a bit of initial credibility.

Maybe a scammer seeking help from our scammer. More likely she's got a scam in mind that gullible KC will fall for.

Mouse And Pencil said...

Guys, relax. The letter he posted is different from what's posted on that site - this woman is obviously googling sites to send her letter to, and Casey probably thought he is the only one she's turning to.

I'll laugh my ass off if she turns out to be a crank with a grudge - there's a little too much bad things happening to her, I think she's either being a drama queen to get attention...or she's a nutjob.

I just read the contract on Caseypedia.

Good lord, Marty is beyond a hack. That's the *worst* contract I've ever seen - he threatened to sue over that? WTF? A paralegal would destroy that contract in court, after they got done laughing hysterically. Who in their right fucking mind puts in a contract 'We will do A, but hey, things happen, so you never know!"

If I submitted a contract like that to a label or publisher or manager or agent or art director, I'd be laughed out of the state and halfway across Idaho - and then they'd sign it and take me for everything they could get.

God, i'd LOVE to turn some of the folks I know loose on marty, in a business context - they'd have the keys to his car and all the money from his bank account before he sat down.

Granted, this *is* the guy who came up with "Foreclosure Code" for $4000.

What a deal.

And he was stupid enough to put tax evasion in writing. Dude. Marty, you fucking IDIOT. That's like asking for a receipt when you buy an 8-ball at your local crack house. AND your bright boy broke his non-disclosure agreement with you (which is also written at the 9th grade level of legal knowledge) *without even being asked to*.

Dumb and dumberer. I swear, how anyone can support Tweedleduh and Tweedledumbass over there...

LossMitt? Shooting fish in a barrel.

segfault said...


Damn, that was fast. To paraphrase M. SINGH, I must commend you for your excellent customer service. I think I can convince my client to live without the contact sync, especially if it means their calendar doesn't get corrupted on a semi-regular basis.

Anonymous said...

You know, i took a contracts course in college 15 year ago, and even i could see that Marty's "contract" is completely unenforceable. I think Marty went to Wikipedia, typed in "contract" and didnt read the entire entry, just skimmed it.

Roger Hayes said...

The contract with Marty is up! Happy 4th everyone!


Mouse And Pencil said...

I work in publishing, and freelance in the music biz. This "deal" requires an ironclad media contract, which are best written by specialists in the field - when dealing with copywritten material, you have a lot of bases to cover, and this contract barely specifies what the end resulting products will be.

That Casey used this piece of crap contract to start the blog again, against his promise to his wife...I can see why Duane and Mark and Rob get so angry. I'm beginning to wonder if there even *was* a threat, or if Casey lied abut that, too, to keep his "baby" alive.

Galina, don't read this.

God, I want to curb stomp that little fucker sometimes.

Anonymous said...

M&P, that makes the two of us. The little creep needs to get a taste of his own medicine. Creep.

And Galina, we're behind you 100 percent. Stay strong!

Anonymous said...

Poor Ralph,

From Wunderkind to Blunderkind in such a short timeframe.

No doubt he can use the stacks of cash he reamed from investors to soak up his tears.

Mail Guru

Anonymous said...

Please, the woman is a nutter:

"I have asthma and a sensitivity to perfumes and chemicals and other toxins. In 2003, my then employer ignored my needs. As a result, I breathed in some toxins sprayed at work. I could not breathe and catch my breath. I was left writhing in pain on the floor for 45 minutes in front of a room full of people before an ambulance was called. By the time I got to the hospital, my stomach had perforated resulting in emergency surgery and a $15,000 bill, which the employer or its insurance company refused to pay."

Perfume = perforated stomach?

Casey, falling for yet another scam.

lawnmower man said...

@Endgame: My point is that in an anon & troll infested forum, I'll likely never even see your post to consider if I agree or not.

Put another way:

By posting anon, you're choosing to swim with the turds. That's fine. Your choice. But don't then get bent out of shape when we complain about the smell of shit.

Anonymous said...

I had a telemarketer sign me up for a web design course I never order and put it on an MBNA charge account.

Gee, I wonder how the telemarketer got the account number.

I'd almost believe her and feel sorry for her if she didn't lay it on so thick.

She's another one so worried about her credit report and FICO score. The only people who seem obsessed by these things are people who love to borrow.

Anonymous said...

I was left writhing in pain on the floor for 45 minutes in front of a room full of people before an ambulance was called

This is the bit that really flashes "psycho" or "victim complex" to me.

I can't think of a single place on earth where your coworkers would stand around while you "lie writhing on the floor in pain for 45 minutes." How could that happen?

If you were in a hostage situation and you were shot, maybe. :D

Eric said...

So the question is:
For someone who has never been scared over a threat of a law suit (unless of course he checked in to it), why would Casey beleive or fear Marty's contract.

ha38349 said...

At 8:02 PM, Anonymous said...
You know, i took a contracts course in college 15 year ago, and even i could see that Marty's "contract" is completely unenforceable. I think Marty went to Wikipedia, typed in "contract" and didnt read the entire entry, just skimmed it.

I don't think so! I typed "joint venture agreement" into google and found several sites with documents that would have been better than this one. This seems to have been a creative work by someone, possibly using a napkin to record the details.

lawnmower man said...

Where did the text of the contract come from? Backchannel from LMP to BTC and then onto CaseyPedia?

Roger Hayes said...

Snowflake had to pay Marty $4-5K upfront, which he was to recover from the proceeds of the "book". Now if Marty is getting paid upfront, why in the world would he care if the website was up or not?

Hmmm, that's a head scratcher.

Anonymous said...

can't think of a single place on earth where your coworkers would stand around while you "lie writhing on the floor in pain for 45 minutes." How could that happen?

I imagine you never worked with someone like her, eh? I can just see it:

"You wanna help her?"
"No way, not me. She sued the last guy."
"Well I ain't helpin' her."
"Me neither."
"Call the ambulance."
"You call the ambulance..."

Anonymous said...

Hi Galina:

I hope you are well and staying strong. Anything you need, just let me know.

In the meantime, you are doing the right thing, setting a course for your life free of the drama, lies and manipulation you've experienced over the past couple of years.

If you've not already started, keep a diary or journal. Set some goals - short and long term - and take a small step each day to accomplish each. I know things are hard now, but trust me, six months, one year, two years, three years, you'll find yourself happier than you've been these past 10 months.

Don't listen to those who distract you from staying the course. Know in your heart you are on the right path for making your life better and stronger without the person who has lied, cheated and manipulated you, your and his family, busiess associates, and countless others. If anyone encourages you or tells you it is better to stay married, remind yourself that they don't have to live with that person 24/7.

Have a great 4th of July


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

8:25 PM, NoVa Sideliner said...
I can just see it:

"You wanna help her?"
"No way, not me. She sued the last guy."
"Well I ain't helpin' her."
"Me neither."
"Call the ambulance."
"You call the ambulance..."

You're probably right...it kind of does indicate something about her if true, doesn't it?

I can imagine people ignoring the crazy coworker lying on the floor of her cubicle moaning, especially if she did it once a week.

Anonymous said...

From CaseyWorld:

"Only spent about $400 or so but made a thousand or two over $3,000 in extra income - money to send home and money to live on and be able to make a turn-around."

??? Interesting accounting logic.

So the $1000. received from the Canadian 'supporter' and used for airfare wasn't real money? Nor was the money from another 'supporter' which funded the return ticket? That's gotta be about $2,000. in travel expenses right there.

But I'll bet that "$3,000. in extra income" he crows about includes the money received from 'supporterz".

I don't believe people send him $1000. a pop. It just seems too far fetched. Unless you consider Cash Call, Wells Fargo et al to be unwitting 'supporterz'.

Typical CaseyLogic...money spent doesn't exist, money recieved does.

Mail Guru

Mouse And Pencil said...

I just reread Cindy's letter - I skimmed it before.

The woman is a loon.

Word that sums up her letter: Painkillers.

'nuff said.

Anonymous said...

@anon 6:40

re: Argument from Authority

Points and arguments raised are no more or less valid because they come from someone called "anonymous" or someone "known'.

That would be true if there was only ONE person posting as anon. When there are several voices posting with the same name and having differing viewpoints and styles, it's referred to socratically as 'discernment from noise.'

Let's shorthand that to anononoise.

Anonymous said...

Below the Crowd

At the end of the Haterzcast you compared Snowflake's arrogance with that of Bernie Ebbers, Jeff Skillings, Kolowski etc.

Sorry, but those guys have spent 10-30 years making quick decisions on a daily basis. They got where they were because most the time they were right. That made them self confident and yes arrogant.

Snowflake HAS NEVER BEEN RIGHT. Let me reiterate NEVER!!!

What the devil does he have of ocupational experience that would allow him to be arrogant?

Snowflake is just plan delusional


Roger Hayes said...

Look, you people criticizing Marty need to take note, he has a "huge rolodex of high profile marketers".

Beware his might! It's like Optimus Prime and Batman all rolled into one.

Mouse And Pencil said...

Okay, folks, let's save a lot of time, and agree on one simple thing:

If Casey posts it, it's probably a lie.

Ruminating on his finances is an exercise in futility, it will *never* add up...because he lies. As Rob said, he's in full liar mode.

If Casey says the sky is blue, look out the window and verify it.

Most likely the money he's bragging about is the money locked up by Yahoo and Google pending investigation (which he keeps sniveling about taking so long - it's taking a while because they think you're a cheat, Casey), and whatever is left of the 23K of his Mom's money.

Repeat after me:

Casey is a liar. I do not believe anything he posts.

Okay, off to other things!

No koi were harmed in the creation of this post.

Eric said...

Wow, Marty lost $400,000 due to his business associate...wow...looks like he should have learned then.

Also, ya know it's pretty easy to purchase some type of, "Legal Form Software" which can do a tid bit better than a 3 year old's contract.

Anonymous said...

Friends, can I get a recap and avoid reading 200+ posts? Casey's where? How? Galina did what?

By the way, I am the real YouSoSpecial. All others are imposters.

Anonymous said...

Just when I can't believe how stupid people are, I read a something that blows me away.

The Marty/Casey contract will keep me laughing through next year.

I hope a few colleges and law schools use this as a teaching tool.



ha38349 said...

At 8:34 PM, Anonymous said...
Typical CaseyLogic...money spent doesn't exist, money recieved does.

Welcome to the wonderful world of KC accounting.
First rule is:
liabilities - assets == sweet cash back.
Second rule: interest expense is always zero.
Third rule: cash in hand == income.
Forth rule: when it doubt, take a vacation.

lawnmower man said...

I'm a little disappointed. I expected the contract to be juicier; but it seems to me that the extract that LossMitPro already posted -- the asset concealment -- is the only real smoking gun.

In particular, there doesn't seem to be anything there to support the accusation of "perpetrations of fraud and manipulation of Google search engine systems" made in LossMitPro's email to Casey.

Anonymous said...

Perfume = perforated stomach?

Casey, falling for yet another scam.

A perforated stomach can be a very acute manifestation of an allergic reaction. So possible, but highly unlikely. You usually only see it happen with people with weak immune systems, such as those who are really old or really young.

Anonymous said...

Look, I love y'all and everything but tonight's haterzcast was boring. These things should happen only when bombshells are dropped.

If I want a bitch session I'll hang out at the dive down the street at happy hour.

Anonymous said...

Can someone with actual legal knowledge explain in baby words why the contract is so funny? I would appreciate it. TIA!

Anonymous said...

Seattle "opportunities" = Big-dicked supportorz with "free" place stay.

There is always a cost, Casey. Nothing is free. It's about 9PM PST right now so I'm sure you will be figuring it out in the next few hours...

Use lube and start slow! Enjoy!

Does Galina know you are back yet?

Anonymous said...

I just read the contract on Caseypedia.

Good lord, Marty is beyond a hack. That's the *worst* contract I've ever seen - he threatened to sue over that? WTF? A paralegal would destroy that contract in court, after they got done laughing hysterically. Who in their right fucking mind puts in a contract 'We will do A, but hey, things happen, so you never know!"

Do you have a link of this contract? I wanna read!!

Anonymous said...

The contract is un-everything (unenforceable, unbelievable, etc…). It is a total joke.

I do believe those who have taken it upon themselves to immaturely write contracts [with Casey] are as desperate as he is.

I don’t honestly believe that could be called a contract.

Anon: If you want to view _real_ contracts then look at the SEC website and use the search work “contract” or “agreement”. I doubt you will find Casey’s legal language in them.

Zintradi said...

usually when someone is writing a book, they get an advance... at least when you hear about some big book deal...

It seems it is Casey that PAID the advance to marty....

Heh Heh, that's funny.... he just keeps getting scammed and scammed.

Endgame said...

@At 8:56 PM, bobcrane said...
Look, I love y'all and everything but tonight's haterzcast was boring. These things should happen only when bombshells are dropped.

If I want a bitch session I'll hang out at the dive down the street at happy hour.

That's what I like so much about the "X" Close Button that Windows has - I finished mowing the grass, opened a beer, got on Talkshoe late, listened awhile (tail end of Mark, Shark's recap of Mark to Duane, then most of Duane), then hit "X" to close Talkshoe, then got out the weedeater and blower. :=)

Anonymous said...

I found it..


Anonymous said...

Dawns on me that we haven't heard "it's all good" for quite a while.

Anonymous said...

Perfume = perforated stomach?

Casey, falling for yet another scam.

Lots and lots of people have streaks of bad luck and ill health. I know people whose stories would be ridiculed as improbable by this group. True or not really isn't the point.

Even if we take the letter at face value:

- What would Casey have to offer this woman? His experience is in participating in and ignoring actual foreclosures. He go ZERO experience in avoiding them!

- Why would he ask his disloyal and hatin' readers to give this woman advice. He has ignored everything we've asked him to do. Why should he ignore our advice and then ask someone else to follow it?

- Very simple resolution.....This woman needs a lawyer. Losing the house will be free. Keeping it will be costly. If she does not get a top notch lawyer, she better start looking for an new crib today.

- Casey is a Moron. After reading his site, WHY would anyone ask him for advice? I simply do not understand. Maybe he can offer some valid marital advice, too.

Anonymous said...

Hi Galina:

I just read the Casey/Marty contract.

I offer the following advice:

1. Hire a good attorney
2. Have your attorney write the following into your settlement agreement:

a. marital debts: Casey Serin, as a sole individual, will assume all debts of the marriage, including credit cards, credit lines, mortgages, CashCall. (See attached list.)

b. corporate debts: Casey Serin, as a sole individual, is responsible for all debts resulting from XYZ corporation. (See attached list.)

c. community property:
Casey Serin, as a sole individual, will retain 100% ownership of the following property:
* Blue Ball
* Laptop XYZ
* Digital Camera
* personal clothing

Galina Serin, as a sole individual, will retain 100% ownership of the following property:
* Volkswagon Jetta (to be delivered to Galina Serin in good working condition with a clear title and registration for ownership)
(have your attorney list any and all property, including computers, jewelry, furniture, etc., etc.)

d. Marital Property
* Internet Blog: During the course of the marriage, Casey Serin established an internet blog which has shown to have monthly revenue of $3,000 with a possible projected revenue of $6,000+ per month. Revenues of the blog are to be split 50/50 between Casey and Galina Serin for no less than 3 years or the life of the blog, whichever is greater.
If the blog is sold, Casey Serin has indicated the purchase value to be $100,000, Galina Serin is to benefit from 50% proceeds from the sale.
* For a period of no less than five years, Galina Serin is to receive 50% proceeds of authored books and other developed content and media resulting from the joint venture agreement between Casey Serin and Marty Stewart signed on April 25, 2007.

e. Protection of Privacy: At no time is Casey Serin to disclose via any media (print, video, audio, internet) or in the course of press interviews any information regarding Galina Serin, including the couple's courtship, marriage, divorce, intimate discussions or disclosures. Violation of said privacy will result in a payment from Casey Serin to Galina Serin in the amount of $5,000 per occurance.

f. Spousal Support: it is agreed by both Casey Serin and Galina Serin that no spousal support will be paid by either party to the other with the exception of payments made by Casey Serin to Galina Serin outlined in paragraph d.


Have this all spelled out in the divorce papers and settlement agreement. Have your attorney deliver it to Casey for his review and signature. He will probably sign it without having an attorney review it.

Anonymous said...

It seems it is Casey that PAID the advance to marty....

'Flake is so certain that he is overlooked and that his story will sell a million and create a lifetime of passive income that he will go to almost any length to create the buzz.

He thinks the media hype is good, that any press is good press. He simply does not see that he is being portrayed as a hapless, lazy, do-nothing, stupid jerk.

He paid $4k and more, to keep his ego intact. It's all he has left.

Anonymous said...

The stupid azz dropped another $5k into another swindlers hands for like the 10th time in a year?

And now Casey's begging for people to put him to bed and feed him?

Casey needs his azz kicked now! I'll be the first one to do it if I ever see him!!

Anonymous said...

Hee hee! What a load of rubbish! So the contract states that the "New Entity" will be created "when cash flow permits"! Bwahahaha! What kind of contract is that?

All over the page, that thing is vague as hell! They even mention that specific books, videos, etc. etc. will be created and then do not list them specifically.

I love this part: "Any of Casey’s past financial problems will have no effect on this new joint venture and entity." yeah, he can guarantee that. From jail, can he?

Casey will be available "at least" 2 to 3 hours per day to answer questions! Vague! And every day? Christmas, too? You gotta love it. That one is made to default on.

For you who asked above, these are just a few glaring examples of a rubbish contract you should not be caught dead signing, much less have a hand in creating.

Nor should you pay $4000 to $5000 (again vagueness!) up front for the services! Snowflake got snookered again! Hee hee.

Anonymous said...

I just listened to tonight's Independence day haterzcast & feel the need to chime in....

Best wishes to Galina. I've been married 21 years and the mutual promise to "Love and to Honor..." should never be taken lightly by anyone. As it stands, Casey has broken those vows time and again. I don't believe in divorce, but in your case I make an exception. Casey didn't marry you, he pillaged you.

May this be a true independence day for you. You deserve better. Everyone does.

Anonymous said...

Well, at least Marty was smart enough not to have Snowflakes fingerprints on any of the cash accounts!!

Holiday Inn said...

"Now if Marty is getting paid upfront, why in the world would he care if the website was up or not?"

The way I read the "contract," Marty gets the first ~$5k of revenue from the JV. The rest gets split 50-50. Marty doesn't get cash up front.

"Can someone with actual legal knowledge explain in baby words why the contract is so funny?"

Not that I claim to have some special knowledge here, but one thing you can ask yourself with any contract is: what are the obligations that are undertaken, or what are each party's rights with respect to the other? The way the contract is written, it sounds to me like they essentially agreed to work together on a book and split the revenue 50-50 after the "initial direct expenses" (whatever those are), and Casey agreed to an NDA. Everything else looks like fluff that might as well not be there or actually does harm. So, they're not really obligating themselves to anything--if they want to work on this, they do, if they don't, they don't. Also, key terms are missing, for example terms related to IP. For example, have they thought about what it means that each of them owns 50% of the copyright rights? I don't think so. This is just one example. The "contract" looks like it was written by a stoned 8th grader.

Anonymous said...

God, Casey is going to be in Portland tomorrow? I'll keep my eyes peeled...

Anonymous said...

Annie, No offense but Galina needs to talk to an actual divorce lawyer, not you.

Anonymous said...

From how I read it:

Casey -

Will pay for initial direct expenses surrounding product creation (estimated to be $4000.00 to $5000.00). This money will be first money paid back from any revenue generated.

Meaning Casey fronts the $5k and will get it back once they get a return from sales.

Basically meaning he got jewed for another $5k.

Anonymous said...

CHJTS & Steph:

The OSP have been called. Road blocks will be posted at the I-5, I-205, Astoria, Longview, Bridge of the Gods, Hood River Bridge, The Dalles, etc.

These road blocks will be to inspect all vehicles entering the state from the North. No one wearing a murse with a bad haircut and smelly clothing will be allowed to enter and turned back.

Oregon is the Casey Free Zone

Anonymous said...

@ Annon @ 9:30

My posting to Galina says:

1. Hire a good attorney

A good attorney will make sure she is well represented and walk away with as little of the Casey mess as possible while also protecting her interest should any money result from the blog or book.

Anonymous said...

Here's the real kicker on the Marty/Casey agreement:

With regards to the “Confidential Information”, CS herby agrees:

1. Not to use the information therein except for evaluating its interest in entering a business relationship with PD, based on the product. Will keep all business with PD 100% completely confidential, and never reveal the relationship with PD in any way possible.

Casey leaked this document to Mark the same day he signed it!!! What a stupid shithead!!!

Holiday Inn said...

Annie wrote:
"a. marital debts: Casey Serin, as a sole individual, will assume all debts of the marriage"

I'm not a family law attorney but I suspect it's not up to Casey and Galina alone how the debts are divided--the rights of creditors are affected here.

A quick Google search got me this link:

Galina needs an actual lawyer.

Anonymous said...

Three hundred and MURST!

Anonymous said...

For those of you folks that might be interested, here is a link to a site on joint venture agreements and what they should contain to be effective.


Not all joint ventures are "contracts" in the classical sense.

This one falls apart in spelling out HOW TO navigate through troubled times as well as those items/behaviours that would void the agreement and how things would be split up should the agreement go south.

I personally thinnk Mark is making a stretch on a couple of items. I personally think he is grasping for evidence that they are hiding assets rather than acknowleging that being connected with Casey would be a risk. ( We both know what they are doing and know what type of person Casey it, but the law is funny when it comes to proving things of that nature. (although it will be great evidence of intent if MArk or investigators actually can uncover specific actions to hide money/ assets etc.

All in all a very interesting story. I remember watching the blog right as Casey was talking about having a raffle to sell the New Mexico house. Who would ever imagined back then that hthe story would take so many twists and turns.

One thing I will have to give to Casey has been his ability to turn this into one hell of an adventure and ride and capture so many peoples attention via this reality show..He is still a mentally ill person that is out of control, but we have millions of those folks that can't harness what Casey has.

What a trip. Good luck Galina in sorting through this and coming back. I have no doubt that you will end up learing and growing the most out of all of this...

I'd hate to be Marty now, as there are many embaressing statements within the agreement that I'm sure can be fact checked and shown to be a load of crap.

Does MArk have an agreement that is sighned by both parties?

Anonymous said...

What really get me is all the facts that proves that Casey is a thief - some people choose to egg him on with support for his fraud!

It's a wicked/dumb world out there!!

Anonymous said...

Annie, Holiday Inn @9:30 beat me to it. A few things in what you wrote struck me as probably wrong. I'm not a lawyer but just went through my own divorce--though the laws vary from state to state.

The main thing is H's point about the debt and the rights of the creditors. I really am not sure that Casey can sign something "after the fact" that negates their right to collect from Galina.

She needs a real lawyer, and though you only mean to help anyone but a lawyer giving her any 'legal advice' can only hurt.

Anonymous said...


I doubt very much that the Marty/Mursey contract falls under the statute of frauds, so whatever they've written there isn't actually the contract.

Also, lost mittens should realize that for the purpose of his little ex parte experiment, it's probably not evidence either (as he can't authenticate it).

Anonymous said...


Schnapps said...

There is no need to shout. We can hear you just fine.

Anonymous said...


That you snobs always assume someone is shouting? Did it ever occur to you that maybe just MAYBE i forgot the caps was on until after I finished typing?

Anonymous said...

Is there more incriminating evidence in the MP3s between Casey and Marty?

Does Casey spell out what he did in detail?

The contract is a joke, but only one sentence is incriminating. We know Casey thinks his creditors and the IRS can't touch him.

As it stands I can't see the government get that worked up over the contract. Lost Mittens will be granted his injunction/TRO. Will the IRS or anyone else finally take action on Casey? They've already got his words, via the blog, to use against him. They've done nothing so far.

Anonymous said...

So let's get a run down of events:

Late April - $5K to Marty for book deal

Early May - $8K for NRU classes in Phoenix

Mid-June - $2.5K for trip to Australia.

Casey, just flushed through $15.5+ and hasn't attempted to payback the "dirty pennies" to any single lender!!

You are truly an asshole, Casey Serin!!

Anonymous said...

I'm laughing so hard I'm spitting on the monitor.

From the contract:

"It should be understood by both parties that things don’t always go as planned."

I guess both parties can live up to that one...

Anonymous said...

Is there a transcript or summary of the Haterz Cast anywhere?

Anonymous said...

Mister B....

It has been tried before to use internet postings from an entertainment site for prosecution. To an extent it can easily be argued as part of someones defense that admissions and baiting were for entertainment purposes and revenue.

Although if it easily correspondes to facts I dont see how he could use that but we dont really know how much of what he says is actually true.


Additionally has anyone noticed how Nigel has gone so quiet after his last posting? He was so forthcoming then suddely NOTHING.

I think he is smart enough not to make it obvious by removing all postings if he has rejoined CampCasey and is drinking the Kool-aid again but it kind of looks that way.

Anonymous said...


I agree - Galina needs an attorney. And a good one. There are various means and ways a good attorney will make it possible for Galina to leave the marriage with far less than 50% of the debt that has been acquired.

It won't be easy, but it is possible.

So, Galina, if you are reading this, please see a good attorney who specializes in family law and divorce.

Anonymous said...


Are you the trunculent woman that went off on Casey a few months back? The lady with the nice boobs?

I'd like to know!

Anonymous said...

There is only one Annie that I know of who posts....

Just like there is only one T/Nacho and one Stephane J.... Only difference is that I'm not as cute or popular.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, but you had the balls to go off on Mocha!!

I forgot what you called her, a woman with a swinging dick and a beard..or something like that!! Funny!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, and mexicanmike

I hope your description of trunculent woman is intended to be a compliment. :)

lawnmower man said...

@Me: I think Nigel's trying to move on. Less rejoining CampCasey -- I doubt Casey would take him back after he became a "betrayer"; more going into Casey Ignore Mode.

Anonymous said...


I'm sure it's true that Casey and Marty are hiding assets.

Casey is so dumb that he probably thinks this is OK, or at least a grey area. Marty as well.

I just don't see enough for this to be a slam dunk in getting the government to sit up and take notice. The contract is such an amateurish-clown-hack job that I can see the judge laughing off the one incriminating sentence. Just because a crime is being committed doesn't mean that it is going to get prosecuted. If we have to rely on the judge/prosecutor sitting up and actively combing through Casey's mess I don't think it's going to happen. We need more bullets in fired from the smoking gun.

Just because a crime has been committed doesn't mean it's going to be investigated and tried.

PS- I'm not a Supporterz. I'm a Haterz, which in Caseyland means I'm a Supporterz of Lost Mittens. I've been waiting for Casey to be perp walked and the rotten tree he's been living under shaken to see what shit falls out.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, it was!! :}

Anonymous said...

I think you've confused me with StephaneJ.

Schnapps said...


It is commonly accepted that typing an email or a message in all caps is the equivalent of shouting. My apologies if I have offended your delicate sensitivies to leaving your caps lock on. :)

Oh, and by the way, that was T who went off on Mocha.

lawnmower man said...

No: he has you confused with T.

But anyway Annie: I wanted to thank you for supporting Galina -- and for offering concrete support as well as just talk.

lawnmower man said...


Anonymous said...

Thank you Schnapps...

for recognizing my gentle sensitivities and not man handling me. :o)

Anonymous said...

Here is a thought. He's most likely taking the train from SEA to PDX tomorrow. Maybe everyone should email Cash Call and let them know? If I wasn't busy with the family, I'd be tempted to hitch a ride and have a burger at Higgins.

Lou Minatti said...

A favor: Can the insiders please stop referring to Casey as a "kid"? Most of us have parents or grandparents who participated/supported violent warfare via the US military, mustered out, married and started families by the time they were 24. Casey is pushing 25 now and is by no stretch a "kid." Thanks.

lawnmower man said...

Good point, Lou.

"Naive kid led astray" makes a good story, but it's not accurate.

LossMitPro said...

@ Lou Minatti

Excellent point, I’ll try to keep that in mind. But here’s my take on the “kid” thing, which isn’t a comparable to the folks you referred to (which I respect VERY much).

One can be 100 years old and still ACT like a child, chronological age does not necessarily equate to maturity. The greatest generation I think you were referring to were, by and large, far more MATURE younger than today’s youth. Perhaps the lack of techno ease, push-button appliances, and a more producer focused society made that so?

When I refer to Casey as a “kid” what I mean is, in my mind at least, regards his lack of maturity in many areas. My use of the word is not meant disrespectfully toward anyone one group, but only as to the lack of maturity known in one; hence, the “kid” (child = immature).

...Just my view.

(Off to bed. Night all!)

Anonymous said...

You are small bitter jackass Mark. Who cares what you have to say.

BelowTheCrowd said...


I agree with you. I don't think he had any real reason for being in Seattle other than the fact that flights between Australia and the US are kind of booked right now, and that may have been his only alternative in the immediate term at the right price. Now he's slowly working his way home, claiming that it's "all business."

Yet another bullshit excuse.


BelowTheCrowd said...

I agree with Lou.

He's an adult and needs to be treated like one.


Anonymous said...

I'll be at one of the large fireworks displays in the PDX area tomorrow so if I spot/smell a waif-like most-hated-blogger-type in the crowd I'll give him a good old kick in the crown jewels for everyone. Unless Steph J beats me to it.

CHJTS said...

I would like to thank everyone for participating in the haterzcast.

Lossmit, awesome as usual.

BTC, What can I say, your insight always teaches me a thing or two and is irreplaceable.

Duane, You complete me, you always put things in perspective and keep us grounded when we start to get hare brained ideas about caseys intellect.

MSING, Damn good to have you back, the cayman islands was golden information (especially with the expansion from BTC)...I heart M singh was starting to go through withdrawls while you were gone.

SPecial props to gordon and the others.

All of the other stuff to me has become secondary.

While I was sitting there gorging myself on barbecue....I couldnt help but think of annie's segment.

I had no idea that Galina listened to the haterzcasts and the main part of asking annie to contribute week after week was to get advice to galina from someone that actually did know her and for other battered spouses that may be in situations that parralel hers.

And with that, I am ecstatic with glee that annie brings solid ideas, comments, suggestions, and advice to the table and that galina heard it directly.

CHJTS said...

Lawnmower man.

Nigel has posted on stephj's blog that he was stepping back..about the time that I was taking a break too.

He was supposed to be on the haterzcast tonight (I confirmed it twice), but unfortunately he had a last minute scheduling conflict.

He will more than likely be on the next one.

Itsallgood either way.

I have been trying to move the haterzcast away from just straight hours of bitching to more substance, even though we like to keep the bitching on there too.

I have been trying to move it to the mechanics behind.....to actual advice and more understanding of why something is wrong and how it is wrong.

On some levels I think this has been attained (annies segments) (lossmits segments) (duanes segments) and (btc's segments).

But I try to keep it organic and semi-vegan with some humor mixed in.

Anonymous said...

If I see him in the villages anywhere, he'll have a permanent shoe-waffle imbedded on his forehead.

What the hell could he possibly be doing in PDX? Rich Dad seminars ended after June 10.

Is he coming to look at the overpriced/overcrowded developments in Happy Valley?

I can't even stomach the idea that he's here and I don't know where he is; thus denying me the pleasure of shoving him in front of the TriMet light rail.

God Damnit

Anonymous said...

Calling Mark creepy or evil was a mistake and gives him too much credit. After listening to him on the talkcast, he is just a stupid moron. The guy is a fraud, just like Casey. Who takes the time to put together a frivolous, ridiculous lawsuit against a former client, that is just going to get thrown out. Who would choose to be a client of this unprofessional ass clown, after listening too him, is beyond me.

Anonymous said...

Maybe you can have two casts, a HaterzCast with all the content, and a Complaino-Cast where it's a free for all we hate Casey-a-thon.

BelowTheCrowd said...



As I've noted, I find Casey fascinating because he is so similar in so many ways to the larger frauds off of whom I've made quite a bit of money over the years.

Somewhere out there, there's a "FraudSter Code" (apologies to Dan Brown, none to Marty Stewart) that could be applied to everybody from the most pathetic fraudster to the most accomplished. If I can find it I'll be rich someday.

In any case, I keep thinking that I've seen and thought all there is to see and think about Casey, and he keeps giving me new things to be amazed at.


Anonymous said...

@ Steph J

My guess is he is making his way back to Sac after landing in SEA

Anonymous said...

I know it has been posted before but havent seen it in a while, please tell me what the address is for Stephs blog. So many Haterz it is hard to keep up now days. lol

Anonymous said...

At 9:11 PM, Endgame said...
That's what I like so much about the "X" Close Button that Windows has - I finished mowing the grass, opened a beer, got on Talkshoe late, listened awhile (tail end of Mark, Shark's recap of Mark to Duane, then most of Duane), then hit "X" to close Talkshoe, then got out the weedeater and blower

Hah, I showed up about the same time you did. Was in and out of the room up until M. Singh showed up and didn't stay much past that. Bid everyone so long and went out for sushi with the wife.

BTW, the boy wonder is in Portland? As a Portlandian I am required by law to state that I hope gets bit by a beaver.

Anonymous said...


BelowTheCrowd said...


I'm with Tony. He ended up in SEA because that's where he could get a ticket to. Now he's working his way home, by whatever means possible. Look for him at the train station. Then maybe sleeping under the Burnside Bridge with the rest of the runaways.


Anonymous said...

LOL... Maybe he'll post for a ride on Craigslist..

CHJTS said...

I hear ya steph.

I would like to stake out the 2 jamba juice stores in portland and wait for that little miscreant to come get a wheatgrass shot...but who knows if he will even go to one..and I am extremely impatient and would go nuts after about 5 minutes of waiting.

In the end, he will get what is coming to him via COURT (THANK YOU MARK), there is nothing I could do to him that would leave a lasting impression ..hell even your boot mark on his ass would fade in time..whereas a prison rape will stay with his psyche forever.

Anonymous said...

Knowing Casey, he'd learn to monetize his ass in jail.


I hope you enjoyed your BBQ. It sounded nice.

Anonymous said...

In the previous thread, Rob Dawg said @ 2:26
"...Remember firecrackers are bad because people cannot be trusted with such powerful objects. $2.2million in loans are good because no one ever gets hurt.

As a caution, most of the financial specualtion so far is way off base and nowhere near as bad as the truth."

So is Casey more in debt than even we Haterz dare to think? I can't wait for the embargo to be lifted so we can find out more, even though it's going to make me sick to my stomach. (BTW, there must be a good German word to sum up that feeling -- Krankheitfroh perhaps? OK, maybe not. My deutsch isn't all that good these days.)

Galina--my best wishes and thoughts are with you. You will be so much better off in the long run without this pathetic excuse for a husband to drag you down.

Anonymous said...

If anybody will be selling their ass on Craigslist, it will be Galina. Not Casey.

Joshua Druce said...

I remember KC mentioning an offer(read scam) he had to invest in a hedge fund. I know it would be more than improbable but I think it would have been romantic if KC had bought into securitized mortgages that included the ones that he did with Countrywide, so that he would in effect end up ripping off himself.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

You know I am hesitant like a few others who post here to believe that Galina is totally unknowing of Casey's shananigans. Then again I have to take into account that maybe she was really fooled, but then I counter with her ACCOUNTING major that Casey has mentioned a few times. Accounting majors are no dummies, but I will give her the benefit of the doubt at this point if only to keep the peace.

Anonymous said...


I don't think he came to SEA because HAD to, I'm thinking he landed in SEA because he was worried about what was waiting for him in LAX or SFO. It hit me the other day. If I was in his shoes, I'd head to Hawaii, clear customs there and then head to SEA and take the train south.

Anonymous said...


You suck as a host. Don't quit your day job. Why are you fantasizing over KC getting raped in prison, you sick pervert? Leave your fantasies out of the blog discussion. You are disgusting and perverted. Now clean up your keyboard and stop telling us about your rape fetishes.

Anonymous said...

Why is there an assumption that lost mittens experiment with the courts will end up in a criminal case against casey?

And if it does, you can be 90% sure that Galina will be charged along side him for all this for the simple reason that she did sign some documents, and she was overseeing some of the 'rehabbing'. Whatever one may feel about her personal guilt or innocence, it's hard to deny that the elements for a conspiracy charge aren't there.

Still those are the waters I suppose.

Anonymous said...

Tony Soprano...

I do not think that is likely, surely Casey is smart enough to realize that if the Fed's were planning to arrest him they would know in advance his flight schedule.

Tony Soprano said...

ok, I finally reg'ed.

Anonymous said...

"Any of Casey’s past financial problems will have no effect on this new joint venture and entity. Casey is solely responsible for any issues created as a direct result of his actions. This will not affect Marty or this new business joint venture."

Anonymous said...

BTC said:

As I've noted, I find Casey fascinating because he is so similar in so many ways to the larger frauds off of whom I've made quite a bit of money over the years.

I don't remember hearing about this. How do you make money off of frauds, may I ask?

Tony Soprano said...

@ me

I don't think he was ditching the feds. I think he was ditching CashCall or some other servers

Anonymous said...

I shudder to think what type of BBQ CHJTS was enjoying tonight, with the rape fetish and all. What was on the menu? BBQ'd raped boy loins with a mango peach chipotle sauce?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, CHJTS sucks pretty bad as a host but at least he quit saying "so" between EVERY sentence.

BelowTheCrowd said...


He has talked about the infamous "private equity" fund that pays 5% a month.

Nigel revealed this "opportunity" to be a common scam in Utah. http://donthatecasey.blogspot.com/2007/06/real-reason-for-salt-lake-trip.html

Anybody who knows anything realizes that Reg D requires any investor in a hedge fund or other private partnership to have a net worth of at least $1m or an income of $150K or more, and that those requirements are actually going up. Casey doesn't qualify. Any fund that offered him an opportunity to invest is, by defintion, a scam.

Still, I agree that it would be poetic justice if Casey had somehow taken all his cashback at close and put it into Mortgage CDOs...


Trio Jeepy said...


Here are the problems with the contract.

First of all, your typical contract isn't 2 pages long.

Second, the point of the contract, and contract law in general, is to be clear enough so that both parties know what they are required to contribute, what they will get out of it, and what will happen not only when things go well, but when things go bad. Therefore, the contract has to contemplate a variety of different situations.

The contract should've been very specific about who is going to provide what, when, how much, and what happens if he doesn't. The point of the contract is to AVOID litigation, because it will be extremely obvious who is and isn't doing what he is supposed to be doing.

Based on that standard, this "contract" is exceedingly vague, and frankly, its difficult to see how any competent corporate attorney could've drafted this.

Anonymous said...

Hey Bubba,

I do not think anyone is extremely fond of the "rape" suggestions especially with the inevitable visual that comes to mind but your continued comments about it make it especially disturbing.

Anonymous said...

Lossmitunpro better watch out, seems like CHJTS has crush on him. Yuck.

Anonymous said...

I too hope Casey gets azz raped constantly in prison by a big black dude too!

Can you imagine the sweet deal as he is rushed to the infirmary with a torn bleeding rectum. Sick, yes! Disgusting, yep! Deserving, Oh Hell Yeah!

It's all about the Hate that Casey made!!

BelowTheCrowd said...

@ 11:47 PM, mejustme said...
BTC said:

As I've noted, I find Casey fascinating because he is so similar in so many ways to the larger frauds off of whom I've made quite a bit of money over the years.

I don't remember hearing about this. How do you make money off of frauds, may I ask?

Being short Enron was a pretty good way. Being short Enron and Worldcom would have been even better, but that would make me Jim Chanos, and I don't claim for a second to be that good.

I thought I'd mentioned that somewhere here at some point, but it's possible that it was on some other blog.

I spend a lot of time looking for BAD companies, BAD managements, EVIL CEOs. They can be very profitable.

And no, there's no way to make money off Casey. Not honestly anyway.


Anonymous said...

Trio Jeepy.

Casey and Marty's contract is not covered by the statute of frauds. There is no requirement then that joint venture agreement has to be a fully integrated writing. All kinds of other parole evidence - emails, testimony about conversations between them - is needed to actually determine the intent of the party.

Anonymous said...

@ Me,

I don't feel that prison rape is just punishment for Casey and almost anyone else(child molestors and killers being the exception). So it's my pleasure to provide the visuals for you.

Yeah, Casey screwed over his wife and committed all sorts of fraud, so he deserves to be ass raped??? Just prosecute the little bastard and give him some jail time along with a judgment to make him pay back all the money. It just kinda sickens me to hear some of the haterz on the talkcasts. Some of them sound very sick..

BelowTheCrowd said...


While it's not a requirement, it's exceedingly stupid for a relatively simple deal NOT to be covered by a single contract. In fact, every deal I've ever been in has had a single contract, at least one clause of which disavows any other discussions, emails, oral promises, etc.

The point, of course, to succinctly state in one place what is expected, so there is no need -- and generally speaking no ability -- to go outside the contract to try to determine intent.

I would be very hesistant about entering any deal which did not explicitly state such things in one place.


Anonymous said...

CHJTS sounds like a fat, giggling, little doofus on the talkcasts. He sucks.

Tony Soprano said...

I'm listening to Steph J on the haterzcast. OMFG!

Where do I sign baby?

Anonymous said...

LOL. CHJTS likes barbecued boy loins! That's hysterical.

Anonymous said...


I understand the point of memorializing the agreement. I'm just pointing out that absent some very specific language to the contrary - and just saying that emails and such won't be considered doesn't usually do it - then the ability to go outside the contract during litigation is always there.

And you can be sure that once this is in court (and therefore in the nasty grumpy stage) if either party can gain an advantage from doing so, it will.

So there is no point in sweating about what casey's JV actually says, since it really isn't all that dispositive insofar as the agreement between marty mursey goes. Provided they never sue each other, it's all vapor anyway.

I'd also like to add that most contracts are hideously vague anyway once they get to the litigation stage. Just look at Airline Cargo handling agreements.

BelowTheCrowd said...


I don't disagree.

The interesting points to me have been:

* They were stupid enough to suggest in writing that they were trying to avoid creditors and tax authorities.

* That despite Marty's claims of meetings with lawyers, etc, he doesn't appear to have the money to spend on a paralegal to draft something that at least conforms to some legal norms. (I take it for granted that Casey's "power team" is a fiction.)

In short I see this as evidence of generally cluelessness by both parties.

Or to put it in other words: it's evidence that Casey and Marty may very well deserve each other.


Anonymous said...

Shark, you're killing the Haterzcast. For the love of Horus, let the people who have something worth saying do the talking.

I agree with the Anon poster @ 4:23...

I think Duane should host the haterzcasts. He has the best radio voice. If not, it would be cool to see him selling swords on the home shopping network.

That would be cool. Five bucks says Duane already knows how to do the sword hand-flip-thing, and can say "only $19.95" in a kick-ass Australian accent...

Trio Jeepy said...


This contract, perhaps more than anything else, makes it clear that Casey and Marty together comprise, as we had thought, amateur hour. While I take it as assumed that many of my perceptions of reality may end up being completely wrong, and that its always possible for fuckups to miraculously recover, its still always nice when your initial judgments of people turn out to be completely on target.

BelowTheCrowd said...

Trio Jeepy,

Agreed 100%.


Miranda Mayer said...

G'nite all.

Happy 4th.

Anonymous said...


You'll get no argument from me that the pair of them deserve each other. And, most likely, the contract was never reviewed by a lawyer. (Though anything is possible, some attorneys just don't care, or do things well out of their zone of competence).

But I'm not sure that you can actually read it as an attempt to avoid the taxman and creditors per se. The way I read it - and I only skimmed - was the future joint venture, if any should come to exist, would be structured so that its financial assets could not be frozen or attached by the IRS or casey's creditors. Not that it was an effort to specifically hide assets.

It's actually not unreasonable, depending upon the structure of the proposed venture (which they don't specify). Say, for example, they form a corporation. You wouldn't expect a corporations bank accounts to be frozen because one of the major shareholders ran up personal debts. And given that there are rules about how a corporate director can dispose of corporate property (said rules I believe casey will find out about at some point owing to the fact that this sort of thing makes district attorneys and banks very grumpy), the creditors/irs are still protected - more or less. After all he's going to be fifty percent owner, so they can come after that if there is any value to be had from it. Also, note, that none of casey's creditors have actually come after him at this time, and are probably unlikely to do so for the most part. (Unless you count lost mittens, but frankly, that just strikes me as a nuisance suit because what his actually damages are is unclear to say the least).

It's all speculative anyway, since no such venture exists, and is probably never will.

I'm of the opinion that there is no actual point in trying to go after casey anyway. He's his own worst enemy. I'm pretty sure he's on the mortgage blacklist for the rest of his natural life, and the corporate credit scam will do for him and his family.

Anonymous said...

Casey does not have a car in Seattle.

Anonymous said...

Go Greyhound!

Akubi said...

Do those Green Turtles still exist?

Anonymous said...

Casey does not have a car anywhere, not any more.

I do not like him on a bus
I do not like him with a Vdubs.
I do not like him here or there
I do not like Fliptard anywhere.

Anonymous said...

unprofessional ass clown

I am of the considered opinion that:

1) The term ass clown is a unallowable mixed epithet. By mixing these words the whole meaning is unnecessarily clouded;

2) were 'ass clown' acceptable, ALL ass clowns would be unprofessional, therefore the statement is redundant.

Trent, please work on these issues before posting again.

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

At 2:43 AM, Johnny B. Good said...

unprofessional ass clown

I am of the considered opinion that:

1) The term ass clown is a unallowable mixed epithet. By mixing these words the whole meaning is unnecessarily clouded;

2) were 'ass clown' acceptable, ALL ass clowns would be unprofessional, therefore the statement is redundant.

Trent, please work on these issues before posting again.

Thank you.

I reject 1. 'assclown' is a perfectly fine portmanteau.

2=point taken!

Carry on.

Anonymous said...

I am a professional assclown, and I take great exception to amateurs like Casey Serin muscling in on my territory, especially as he doesn't have a license to practise assclownery in the state of California.

He should stick to something simple, like offering legal and financial advice to people facing foreclosure. After all, I've read a contract that says in writing that he's an expert, so it must be true.

Akubi said...

I fully support Ass Clownery and am a card carrying and super politically correct member of that sort of thing;).

Akubi said...

BTW, what was up with Rob Dawg's Dadaist reference?

Akubi said...

I like Dr. Seuss but should try to sleep now.

Anonymous said...

Casey is smarter than me. It wasn't until I entered my forties that I realized I was deluded. Casey realized the true value of women and friends early on...

The biggest problem with not dating is that you're stuck with masturbating... but I must admit, it bothers me less and less each year.

I can masturbate for hours if I want. I could never do that with my ex-wife. I can fantasize about anything instead of groping and grasping around in the dark for vibrators or screwdrivers or cucumbers.

And those fricking cats. They'd always be milling around, wanting to jump on my head or my back in the middle of sex. God, I'm so glad that most of them finally died. Now I can masturbate for HOURS without having a fricking cat jump on me. This is real freedom.

No doorbells or phone calls (except for the harassment calls I get from Dominique's friends [Dominique being my fake on-line girlfriend that shook me down for a couple of $K]). Now I can masturbate to Dominique's pictures but not pay an on-going fee for her attention. One of the true blessings of the Internet is free (or almost free) porn, it's so much better than anything I ever got in real life.

I sit here, masturbating to kink.com and I wonder... why did I ever bother with real women? It was such an annoyance. It cost so much. And it was never as satisfying as my right (and sometimes left, holding screwdriver or cucumber) hands.

Akubi said...

Perhaps it's time to switch to dogs or balloons per Steph J's current suggestion? All I know is that I did not get a _decaf_ macchiato last night or I wouldn't be up.
However, I do like the poetic elements and cadence of your comment, broward horne 345.

sid_finster said...

Aren't we close to the 400th comment on this thread? Wasn't RD supposed to give us forums months ago?

Akubi said...

Guess he's been doing that massive focused action.

sid_finster said...

Most U.S. residents are probably engaged in similarly massively focused actions right now.

Akubi said...

Yeah, I need to focus on that, but they did NOT provide a decaf macchiato but passed it off as such - AND it's a Twilight Zone marathon.
Broward Horne, once again I like the prajna paramita redux. However, (A) I have not reached my forties and (B) I realized I was deluded (among many others) a couple decades ago.

serinitis said...

400 & Murst

Sweet Cashback said...

Too early!! 400 & Murst goes to meeee!

Anonymous said...

Perhaps in the way the separation agreement is written Galina can't make Casey own all the debt.

But she can make him agree to indemnify her against all creditors' claims. That way, if CashCall wants anything from Galina, Casey has to pay.

Anonymous said...

The contract posted on Caseypedia has Casey's signature on it. But this is a contract which came from Casey.

Has Marty even executed it? You'd think that if this contract were executed that Marty would hold the one signed by Casey and Casey would hold the one signed by Marty.

Talk about a pair of jokers.

FlyingMonkeyWarrior said...

@ Annie,

I was not going to post because there are too many comments, (have read every word) but I was moved by your advise to G.
"If you've not already started, keep a diary or journal. Set some goals - short and long term - and take a small step each day to accomplish each. I know things are hard now, but trust me, six months, one year, two years, three years, you'll find yourself happier than you've been these past 10 months."
In this regard, any dated and documented material, Diary, journal and day planner will lay out the sequence of events for the divorce or separation proceedings, and are admissible as evidence (if needed).
I think she will need this for protection, in that all the "written words" on this, as btc called it, "debacle" are in Casey Spin.
She needs to keep the records for the legal depositions etc., because of the, "if it's not in writing, it did not happen", theory.

So, good advise for many reasons, personal healing, and a shield for her attorney to exploit on her behalf.

Disclaimer: I am not an attorney or a party to anything, just:

Been there done that, twice and now I am a happy confirmed bachelorette .


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