As CEO of a major lender you can either spend some of the firms money in a PR prosecution against the "Worlds Most Blatant and Incompetent Mortgage Fraudster" or you answer some embarrasing questions at the next shareholders meeting about the "Worlds Most Blatant and Incompetent Mortgage Fraudster" while trying to explain why the company posted a huge unexpected loss that had nothing to do with fraud.
Damn, I missed it.
Where the hell did you find the pic of Dawg & Duane?
Is that a hint? A clue? Speculation?
A teaser of one of the "fireworks"???
I get it - is that the DawgWalrus in the pic? With Mark wielding the "hammar"?
Get the "poseurs", pardon my French.
No doubt about it.....lenders would like nothing better than for Snowflake to sink below the radar.
Anyone who brings this up at a shareholder's meeting will get my respect.
Silly lawsuits by caffeine addicts and "aww shucks" southern wisdom get no respect.
why does Mark have ass ears?
(sorry, answered it myself).
Today we find out whether lostmittens is full of shit and whether he follows though with all the legal gibbish he's spouting.
It still amazes me that duane and lostmittens got involved with an admitted fraudster and now cry foul DUH!
Compared to loses of $100MM+ per quarter, Casey's fraud is peanuts for those banking institutions.
I'm a haterz(TM) but also a realist. Even if Casey had cost losses of, say, 30% on the value of the loans (~$600K), that isn't enough to justify a lawsuit and the embarrassment of answering questions in open court:
* why doesn't your bank verify whether people will live in a house?
* why did you lend $330K to a 24-year old kid without enough money to buy shampoo?
* how many more Casey's do you have in your books?
* did you notice the appraisal was overinflated? Why not?
* do you do even a basic background check on your clients? Why not?
The picture is Rob Dawg and Duane.
The walrus is obvious. But look at the grey suit with the confederate hat. Obviously Duane.
The little popstick men are Casey and Nigel, caught in an unnatural sex act. Casey is running away, leaving Nigel behind to face the Haterz wrath.
Anagrams for "Casey Serin" -
That walrus's anthropomorphic limbs look like those of a Thalidomide baby.
That picture looks like Beavis & Butthead Meets Lewis Caroll
"Hey, watch me hit them on the head with a hammer! heh heh heh heh FIRE! he heh heh"
"That was COOL."
The Walrus and the Carpenter?
In 50 years, Rob & Duane will be dead and forgotten.
Casey will be dead, too (probably a lot sooner) but he'll have a permanent footnote in the history books as "Poster Boy for the Biggest RE Crash in U.S. History"
The reason the lenders don't make the referrals is probably because their own underwriting was so flawed it may actually reveal wanton negligence on their part for financing a guy with the IQ and apparent wherewithal of a lamppost.
Historically, when real estate markets heat up, underwriting quality heads south as lenders compete for the custom of a smaller active pool of investors. The later in the uptick cycle you travel, the lower the quality of the investor as more dreamy-eyed speculators show up convinced they can clean up in real estate. Serin is just the extreme cartoon version of this kind of greedy fuckwit.
Serin is free to lie on a mortgage application - though it is a felony. But a lender has a due diligence obligation to check out his claims about his financial situation and the value of the home he wants to buy. In reality, when the housing market gets into go-go mode, all caution is thrown to the wind as everyone rakes in commissions to fund the snakes who show up to feed off of temporary inflation of values precipitated by . . . their standards-free lending.
This website's denizens would do well to print out Serin's confessions and bring it to the relevant County DAs, the closer to election the better. Mortgage fraud is NOT a victimless crime. It leaves empty buildings in neighborhoods which are orders of magnitude more likely to be subject to opportunistic break-in, arson and squatting by drug addicts (shooting galleries) and prostitutes.
Reckless underwriting is a crime, too, but one that is usually dealt with by bank regulators through requirements for capital reserve increases and, in extreme cases in which the bank is holding onto piles of REO, closure and assignment of assets to a healthy bank.
Serin is such an obvious fuckwit that any originator who signed off on his note will be exposed as a negligent, greedy commission-sucking paper pusher.
Hint: other honest mortgage originators (they're out there; backbone of the industry; populated by a lot of straight-shooting veterans) will want to help squish the nasty johnny-come-latelies in the industry who finance felons like Serin. If you can get his mortgage applications, you could probably get a lot of these old guard originators to tell you why the asshole who cut the note ignored obvious signs of fraud.
Casey will be dead, too (probably a lot sooner) but he'll have a permanent footnote in the history books as "Poster Boy for the Biggest RE Crash in U.S. History"
If this crash plays out as bad as some think it will, Casey is the cartoon before the main feature, and will be long forgotten by next year.
Casey is just a tiny cog in a massive wealth hallucinating machine, which only works as long as no looks behind the curtain.
As people now start to look, billions of dollars are simply evaporating.
Nobody cares a whit about Casey Serin. Well, maybe CashCall - bottom feeders are just a fact of life in a slime pool.
There are people right now worried about the millions of dollars they were so richly rewarded for creating financially engineered products, working away in those 'warehouses' - they want to make sure their cash is safely buried in coffee cans, and care nothing about a tiny two bit failure of a con man.
Why do you think anybody at a company like Countrywide is worried about anything but their immediate future?
Which looks pretty damn grim, by the way - it seems as if hallucinating wealth leaves a wretched hangover when people start understanding what was going on - and Casey offers a glimpse into that world.
Punishing him just leads up a long ladder - time for a little of that old class warfare magic, when people start questioning why they have to pay on their mortgages at all, merely to satisfy the needs of a money manager's Christmas bonus.
Here is a quick test - were the foreclosed farmers who kept their properties defying banks during the Great Depression American heroes standing up to the unjust claims of financial exploiters, or where they merely people shirking their responsibilities?
Casey is slime - but when people start questioning the foundation of the system which claims the right to take their money and their home from them, certain scenarios start to appear realistic - ones which make Wall Street very, very nervous.
Hell, maybe some sort of radical president will actually push for a 92% income tax rate for the wealthy, just like that noted radical, Dwight D. Eisenhower.
Um, didn't I read here how cheesy it was that Casey kept "teasing" his visitors about "secret" stuff that was going to be posted "soon"?
Just wondering...
Perhaps Casey has an Oedipus complex? But instead of physically screwing his mom, he chose to screw her financially?
I'm glad you guys finally started posting something that's busting my guts with laughter, I was getting bored with IAFF.
@Rob: Please put significant news and info in the post headers. Burying interesting tidbits down in the comments does not benefit those of us who are making efforts to be productive at work and spend less time on the diversions.
Keep Reading ->
BAD. No, I will not keep reading, I will find a website that gives its information up front, thank you very much.
Sounds about right. Your just as full of shit as Casey is. Such a troll. Where's the proof that your communicating with Galina? Casey's home now that kinda goes against everything that you've been posting. There's some new haterez in town. I'm calling BS.
So now you can't sue him? What a looser.
You've done decently filling in the gaps that Casey leaves out but if his blog ends than your blog will be nothing. You'll be miserable if Casey stops blogging.
where's the "family secret" you fat looser troll???????
The sun was shining on the sea,
Shining with all his might:
He did his very best to make
The billows smooth and bright--
And this was odd, because it was
The middle of the night.
The moon was shining sulkily,
Because she thought the sun
Had got no business to be there
After the day was done--
"It's very rude of him," she said,
"To come and spoil the fun!"
The sea was wet as wet could be,
The sands were dry as dry.
You could not see a cloud, because
No cloud was in the sky:
No birds were flying overhead--
There were no birds to fly.
The Walrus and the Carpenter
Were walking close at hand;
They wept like anything to see
Such quantities of sand:
"If this were only cleared away,"
They said, "it would be grand!"
"If seven maids with seven mops
Swept it for half a year.
Do you suppose," the Walrus said,
"That they could get it clear?"
"I doubt it," said the Carpenter,
And shed a bitter tear.
"O Oysters, come and walk with us!"
The Walrus did beseech.
"A pleasant walk, a pleasant talk,
Along the briny beach:
We cannot do with more than four,
To give a hand to each."
The eldest Oyster looked at him,
But never a word he said:
The eldest Oyster winked his eye,
And shook his heavy head--
Meaning to say he did not choose
To leave the oyster-bed.
But four young Oysters hurried up,
All eager for the treat:
Their coats were brushed, their faces washed,
Their shoes were clean and neat--
And this was odd, because, you know,
They hadn't any feet.
Four other Oysters followed them,
And yet another four;
And thick and fast they came at last,
And more, and more, and more--
All hopping through the frothy waves,
And scrambling to the shore.
The Walrus and the Carpenter
Walked on a mile or so,
And then they rested on a rock
Conveniently low:
And all the little Oysters stood
And waited in a row.
"The time has come," the Walrus said,
"To talk of many things:
Of shoes--and ships--and sealing-wax--
Of cabbages--and kings--
And why the sea is boiling hot--
And whether pigs have wings."
"But wait a bit," the Oysters cried,
"Before we have our chat;
For some of us are out of breath,
And all of us are fat!"
"No hurry!" said the Carpenter.
They thanked him much for that.
"A loaf of bread," the Walrus said,
"Is what we chiefly need:
Pepper and vinegar besides
Are very good indeed--
Now if you're ready, Oysters dear,
We can begin to feed."
"But not on us!" the Oysters cried,
Turning a little blue.
"After such kindness, that would be
A dismal thing to do!"
"The night is fine," the Walrus said.
"Do you admire the view?
"It was so kind of you to come!
And you are very nice!"
The Carpenter said nothing but
"Cut us another slice:
I wish you were not quite so deaf--
I've had to ask you twice!"
"It seems a shame," the Walrus said,
"To play them such a trick,
After we've brought them out so far,
And made them trot so quick!"
The Carpenter said nothing but
"The butter's spread too thick!"
"I weep for you," the Walrus said:
"I deeply sympathize."
With sobs and tears he sorted out
Those of the largest size,
Holding his pocket-handkerchief
Before his streaming eyes.
"O Oysters," said the Carpenter,
"You've had a pleasant run!
Shall we be trotting home again?'
But answer came there none--
And this was scarcely odd, because
They'd eaten every one.
(By Lewis Carroll, from "Through the Looking Glass and What Alice Found there)
Unless you're referring to beatles, rather than long-dead authors.
Galina is as guilty as anyone. It is a concern people are going to give her a pass and not take responsibility for her actions.
Is LMP at the courthouse filing that lawsuit he's be going on about?
Hi, my name is Jiggy and I am a former IAFF-aholic. I have been IAFF free now for 7 days. Somedays are hard...I find my fingers itching to type in the url just for a quick fix. But then I think about how "IN"organic IAFF is and I come here to EN for my "fix". One day I hope to be completely Serin-free, but for now.....one day at a time. Thank you EN for helping me beat my addiction.
I'll try to be a bit more massively focused by putting all the details up top. Legitimate point that I somewhat agree with but there are competing interests that like organic flow and NPR depth rather than the Fox NewsMinute style. And while i considered the Casey version; keep reading I decided not to do thet. He does it for click money.
Regards teasing. I'm having a little trouble confirming and/or getting releases for the last few tidbits. I'm also busy sorting and preparing for a big week.
Finally; anon 7:56. Your refund has been issued. Now kindly stop complaining about the same stuff over and over and over. Casey goes away? Itsallgood there's a lot more realestatefraudbusters action to pursue.
The trolls are out early...
Nobody wants to answer the hard questions do they?
So if Casey's gone back to the US, is he just sitting in a BestBuy parking lot, using their wireless?
Casey's being "back in the U.S." probably means he hopped a flight to Hawaii for another well-deserved vacation...
You don't understand. I'm not only uneducated and stupid but lazy as well. Your recounting of the cabbages and kings story makes it look as if I made some effort and was clever enough and worldly enough to make a subtle connection and then sophisticated enough to track down an obscure piece of art that contained topical subtext.
I'm just a dumb lying dawg who teases, trols and don't know sh!t.
Seriously, good detective work on the poem.
Lewis Carroll also wrote "The Hunting of the Snark". heh. How snarky.
Ehhh, thanks. But "Alice in Wonderland" is actually one of my favourite books. It wasn't a far stretch.
I'm thinking Casey should beware the jabberwock.
Wishful thinking Rob, to bad all of your traffic is here for Casey. Where was my refund issued?
So you the new police for the bubble world? You seem like a real looser. Equally as bad as CS himself. Please stop the BS about "doing it for clicks" you do the exact same shit!
I'm surprised that there are so many knuckle heads that believe that you and Mark are suing Casey. Your time to is runnig out. How are you going to spin this whole thing when the 5th comes and goes? Or when Casey continues to blog from home with his wife?
I think that Casey is a total idiot but his blog is obviously entertaining. You on the other hand are just a slimy looser. You don't even know this guy why would you take this so far? Because you think your the police? Fuck you Rob and Mark!
I saw a comment on IAFF that Mark would sue anyone who gave Casey money. heheheheheh. Fuck you Mark! Your an old man wrinkly balls looser. I'm gonna paypal some money just for that comment. This is america you fucken dick head. Your not the law.
I'll be laughing when the excuse is raveled on why your lawsuit wasn't filed. It'll happen guaranteed.
I'm guessing some CEOs and CFOs of the big mortgage companies (CFC, etc.) will give us the first real tests of the SOX certification provisions. These will be criminal, not civil, cases.
All of these guys have been certifying that their companies have internal controls that have been tested to be effective, while their companies were systematically engaging in fraudulent practices.
A while back, when we applied for a HELOC, the mortgage rep made a typo in our loan application so the draft application understated our mortgage expenses by a significant amount. When I asked her to correct the error, she tried to weasel out of redoing the paperwork and said to me "I wouldn't worry about it." I replied to her that "I wouldn't worry about it either if I were you, but you're not the one signing the application." After a few seconds of stunned silence she agreed to correct the typo.
This was from a reputable bank, not Countrywide or one of these subprime guys. I think the culture of fudging was/is pervasive and got to everyone, not just the bottom feeders. No way these companies had internal controls tested to be effective and still had these widespread loan problems. It will take a while for this stuff to become public, but I'm guessing investigations have already started. If not, SOX is a joke.
@Rob: Thanks, I appreciate it. Not trolling, just need the interesting bits up front. Trying to get some Massively Focused Action done at work, as the taxpayers deserve to see some Homeland Securitizing done for the money they're paying. And don't worry Rob, my personal views on various matters do not affect the unspecified work I do for an unspecified government agency.
The proof that Casey is back in the US is that he has freed up money to pay the anon trolls...
look at the walrus's limp wrist.
looks like he is angry because someone took his murse.
Anonymous (7:27 said...
> Today we find out whether
> lostmittens is full of shit and
> whether he follows though with all
> the legal gibbish he's spouting.
Follow through? He already filed, it's on.
The better question is how much will stand up? Depends on what Casey does. I'm betting (and I'd assume so is LMP) that CS doesn't bother to show up. Default judgement, move to seize assets - IAFF website, the book, etc. Check and mate.
If CS does show up, well... there are some tough questions that he would have to answer down the road... as has been said before, discovery is a bitch. :)
Of course, LMP is doing this without a lawyer, generally not a good idea. If Casey has half a brain (OK, but someone associated (read Marty) might), he could get parts of the complaint tossed immediately.
Is it illegal for CS and Marty to profit from crimes? Yes. Does LMP have standing to bring the case? Questionable (at best). He'd have to show that he was in some way involved - they were profiting off of his work, at his expense, etc. Just because it is illegal does not mean LMP has the authority to bring the case.
Would have to see the full filing and see if LMP supports his standing to be certain.
Liable and the other stuff? That will hold up, so CS may be able to get parts dismissed, but not the whole thing - it will continue. LMP used the shotgun approach, file everything you can, make the opponent fight everything and while they're busy with the unrelated, hit them with what you do have.
I still think Mark watched too much LA Law growing up, but at least he's trying...
This won't end it though - it will take months to play this out. In the end, if IAFF is shut down... well, IWasFacingForeclosure.com opens up. Or some other name - CS moves to a new name and starts again.
It will take prison time to stop him. That will take longer, but will occur.
At 8:09 AM, Anonymous said...
Nobody wants to answer the hard questions do they?
Especially not Casey. Here's a great list of questions he has yet to answer with any degree of honesty or depth:
is there a link somewhere to LMP's full complaint. I think i understand what he is saying he wants it to say, but I want to read it myself.
I am with Sputnick, p and realist on this. I don't think that LMP has a cause of action. I do pro bono work all the time, and if a client fails to follow my advise [sic] I withdraw my representation (I also do that if the client is paying). I do not have a cause of action, at least not under Florida law, to get the fees from my pro bono client that I would have obtained if I had spent the time with a paying client.
Anyway I'd like to see the entire complaint. I know from my own experience a judge will forgive a misspelled word, but you can't type "breach of contract" and then claim "oh, I meant Common Law Indemnity".
Also I have never heard it call "Pro Per" in either Florida, nor Alabama nor Georgia nor the Bankr. Ct. of SDNY ... maybe it is called that in California. (The old saying that a person who represents him self has a fool for a client and an idiot for a lawyer applies in all jurisdictions IMO) Anyway there is some talk here that hter is judicial prejudice against pro se litigants... well that's true, mainly because pro se litigants do things like confuse the words "libel" and "liable".
Another thing--- the Ex Parte hearing, what is that. The caption of the Complaint seems to talk of legal causes, not anything that would allow Mark to get a TRO. And even if he gets TRO, I think he still has to serve Casey within a reasonable time thereafter... i don't think posting on a blog or sending e-mail counts as service, even in California. Now in small claims here in Palm Beach,Florida (called "county court") the court will issue a notice of pre-trial hearing along with the summons, but if the defendant isn't served by that date then it is reset by the Court, maybe that is what is going on here.. but my recollection is that Superior Court in Cali is equivalent to Circuit Court in florida.
Also I am aware that, as Rob says, Mark can sue anything for anyone. for instance I (personally and not as a lawyer) could file suit against Rob for not coming by and fixing Sputnik's keyboard and ask for a TRO, damages and discovery. Doesn't mean that I get any of them and I also have to get service on Rob. Then I have to prove that I am entitled to sue on behalf of Sputnik.
I guess my point is that besides the sun causing algae, I just don't think that LMP has a case against Casey based on what I've read. I wish that it were otherwise.
I just think LMP is handing Casey a "victory" in a battle that he (LMP) has no standing to fight.
But like I said the other day, I hope I am proven wrong.
One of the anon trolls is particularly dim and obvious. Sounds inexperienced and slightly desperate.
hey flea...
At 8:09 AM, Anonymous said...
Nobody wants to answer the hard questions do they?
What questions...
Thanks Hobbs, nice to see your analysis.
"One of the anon trolls... sounds inexperienced and slightly desperate"
Maybe Casey made another book deal with the remaining "sweet corporate cashback"?
The KoalaCode.
Yo yo yo. It am me. Bark.
At this point, I, a hater, have to say the following to Rob, Mark, Duane and all the rest.
Guys, you have issues. Casey has bigger ones that you do, and he'll hopefully land in jail. But you guys need to see a shrink, and pronto.
Rob, you are batshit obssesed about illegal immigration. The hatred you have for these people is surprising, given the fact that they (unlike Casey) somehow contribute to the economy. It seems to me you need someone to vent your hate upon, since the one you really hate is yourself.
Mark, Duane: you guys seem to be "doing the right thing"... but wait. You are doing such a thing because... why, actually? You do realize you are showing your true colors by using private information against an ex / would be client of yours? Why don't you just go to the proper authorities, and let them handle the case? At least one of you has children. Wouldn't you rather be playing with them, instead of trying to screw someone who didn't even hurt you?
You know what? I used to be with you guys, until I listened to the Special Haterzcast. You were all just laughing your asses off, like maniacs, thinking about all the unfortunate events that would happen to Casey. It was as unnerving as Casey's attitude when he lies. You guys think you are superior to him - guess what - you guys have serious issues, too. Just listen to yourselves, gloating, laughing and speculating about the future of two human beings as if they were pawns of your chess game.
You guys frankly make me sick, just like Casey. I wonder - when he decides to stop blogging or goes to jail or (gasp!) becomes succesful, what will you have left?
At 9:17 AM, Anonymous said...
what private information? His wife gives me permission to post something that directly disputes his public statements, so he lies about things especially her, she doesnt want the spotlight so she uses me as a proxie to get the true side of the story out.. you know the side about him lying, stealing, and abandoning his wife...
so are you saying that Galina shouldnt have a say? Or are you saying that you disagree with the fact that Galina wants the story to be told without her in the limelight?
So no one should refute Caseys lies?
What a freaking moron.
Or what about the other family members who are sick of Caseys crap.. should they have their reputations spoiled by Casey?
Wanna know something... I have tons of things on Fliptard... more than you will ever know... sitting on most of it...
Wanna know something else?? I have had conversations with MULTIPLE family members, some of which you may be aware, others that NO ONE is aware... and they are all coming clean...
LOL guys,
Can we just get Speedy's IP and slap a libel suit on him? It's easy. Just serve his IP # and if he doesn't show up to court, the judge will order the ISP to uncover his identity.
Anon, decent troll. I know it's a troll but I'll treat like an honest misunderstanding and reply.
Rob, you are batshit obssesed about illegal immigration. The hatred you have for these people is surprising, given the fact that they (unlike Casey) somehow contribute to the economy. It seems to me you need someone to vent your hate upon, since the one you really hate is yourself.
I feel compassion for the exploitation and social dislocation and family separations illegal immigration costs. I recognize the greater damage wholesale disdain for the rule of law cause the United States. I pay great sums to undo some of the harm caused by all these. There's nothing in what I've presented on the subject that even hints at hate. There is some anger at the people responsible for dealing with the mess but not hate.
Hi Duane, I assume you are talking to me.
Casey, as far as we all know, trusted you with private information, just as he did with countless other persons. You say you are willing to do the right thing by talking to Galina, or by letting her have her say, or by refuting his lies.
Question: Why on EARTH do you think you are the man to do it?
Wouldn't it have been a hell of a lot better to talk to Galina and let HER, and not countless other idiots, try to solve her life for herself?
Wouldn't it have been a lot better to contact the proper authorities and LET THEM DO THEIR JOB, instead of what you did (create a stir on the Internet, possibly to promote your name and make yourself some publicity)?
Do you think everyone is so dumb as to believe you are doing it as a labor of love? You want publicity. Robert Coté has severe hater issues. Mark wants publicity.
Had you done what a sane person would do (talk to Galina or anyone else PERSONALLY, keep things confidential, talk to the proper authorities) I'd have believed your story.
If I hadn't listened to the haterzcast, where you sounded like an inmature 5 year old brat with a new toy, I'd have believed your story.
As it is, you are a different sort of scam artist, but a scam artist nevertheless.
How does Mark suing Casey for Libel, Trade Libel, and Fraudulent Inducement help Galina?
I mean, we get it. You guys are manly men and you need to help the damsel in distress. I just don't think we fully understand how this lawsuit is supposed to be helping.
Can somebody shut these anons up with their obvious lies? We KNOW they love Casey and are somehow involved either through friendship, blood or Marty.
They feign their hate for Casey but hate the people holding him responsible for his behavior. Since nobody else is willing to do it, THANK GOD Mark, Rob and Duane are doing it.
Stop enabling Casey anons. It only makes him think he's legally untouchable. He's not.
You do realize that if this actually gets to the criminal proceeding stage it's likely that Galina will be charged with conspiracy, don't you?
Frankly, I hope this ends up in federal court, and the lot of you find out how wide a prosecutors net will be cast.
Rob, as for your comment - think about what I've told you. Quite frankly I believe you aren't as bad as Mark or Duane, who seem to be Casey's all of their own.
Why do you hate Fliptard so much? He's an asshole, but really, truly, do you need to devote almost 75% of this blog to him? What's in it for you?
Why do you post so much about illegal immigration? What's in it for you? Is it really doing any sort of benefit? Could you channel your efforts somewhere else?
Can't you really see the fact that you are hating an idiot you've never even met? Do you even realize how dumb that sounds?
Your blog is a nice resource for foreclosures and stuff - why the need to hate?
Casey gives LossMIT his contract with Butters. Butters feels a need to pack it full of really shady shades of gray (at least the one paragraph revealed so far points there).
Casey is already done for at least the next decade, he does need the face some sort of black & white consequences though in my opinion...
Marty, however, seems to be up to even more shadier stuff and was on the road to bringing our hero into a very shady shades of grey world. Hope that stuff gets revealed too.
How come it's not all that difficult to see what Mark is trying to do here. Seems the same anon troll(s) who keep ripping up Mark's reputation (albeit anonymously - pussies) are way too close to this issue to stop posting their lame questions.
You don't get it do you? It doesn't take a faux 131 IQ to figure out what the fuck is going on here. It's time to hold the little dork responsible for his crimes and keep him from doing more damage with that "book".
Look, anon's gone through EN and figured out how much of the blog is devoted to Casey.
" Caseyisms dijo...
Can somebody shut these anons up with their obvious lies? We KNOW they love Casey and are somehow involved either through friendship, blood or Marty.
They feign their hate for Casey but hate the people holding him responsible for his behavior. Since nobody else is willing to do it, THANK GOD Mark, Rob and Duane are doing it. "
You are crazy, dude. I can't like Casey. I denounced Casey to the FBI and the IRS - obviously, they couldn't be bothered with a small-time con-man.
You people are BATSHIT obssesed about a man you've never known.
I became involved in this (I'm even a Caseypedia editor!) as a joke, but after listening to the Haterzcast I now realize this isn't a joke for most of you. It's a way of life.
Tell me something - have you listened to the haterzcast? Those people (annie, duane, etc) are as mentally unstable as Casey. Listen to it and THINK.
I do not hate Casey or Rob or Duane, etc. I just find it deeply troubling how much they seem to care.
Anon @ 9:31:
Really now, it's quite simple. We are holding a mirror to a kid that doesn't want to accept blame for anything. He wants to become FAMOUS for playing the system. It's not good and if it's allowed only further devalues our society.
Please get a clue.
"You don't get it do you? It doesn't take a faux 131 IQ to figure out what the fuck is going on here. It's time to hold the little dork responsible for his crimes and keep him from doing more damage with that "book"."
Do it via the proper authorities. Stop destroying Galina, Yulia and everyone elses innocent lives by dragging this shitload through the Internet. They don't deserve this. You people should be ashamed of yourselves - Can you imagine how "proud" Galina must feel about hundreds of total strangers knowing every single detail about her personal life with the Village Retard?
" Anonymous dijo...
Anon @ 9:31:
Really now, it's quite simple. We are holding a mirror to a kid that doesn't want to accept blame for anything. He wants to become FAMOUS for playing the system. It's not good and if it's allowed only further devalues our society."
So, you need the feel to obsess about said person all over 4 or 5 hater blogz, because... I dunno. because it's like a reality show where you actually matter?
Get a clue. If you really cared, you'd have gone to a real authority, and you wouldn't be posting on a third rate blog.
Compared to loses of $100MM+ per quarter, Casey's fraud is peanuts for those banking institutions.
Thanks to Casey, stealing from banks has never been more appealing to me. I used to think that lying on forms was bad. Man, when I took out a mortgage fifteen years ago I had to hand them bills, bank statements and pay stubs for the past two years. Times have changed!
Now I don't want to be as greedy as Casey. I'd be happy with say... $40,000 in sweet cash. Compared to $100 million in bank losses, what difference is that going to make? If they won't go after small fish like Casey, why would they go after a tadpole like me?
So I think during lunch today I'll go out and look for the scummiest bank I can find, lie on a few forms and pick up my free $40K. My credit ratings are 750-780 so I don't expect any problems.
I'm far from batshit, dude. Don't assign your insecurities to me. I spend, at most, an hour or so a day on this. Reading the blogs, writing or calling the IRS, FBI, Sac DA, etc. I don't want the little criminal to win! Do you not get it? What kind of man would I be if I told MY SON it's okay...go ahead and ignore all the morals I've taught you. I can't be an example to him if I ignore somebody who has LIED and CHEATED and used every shady angle to make a living.
Since when did we become a society that turns away from fraud? Why the fuck did we waste time prosecuting Clinton? Why the fuck is Ebbers, Rigas and that Enron guy in jail? It's bullshit and you know it.
Am I batshit? Fuck no and I resent you even saying this! Are you really an editor on the Caseypedia? I have a hard time believing that. Why even be involved in the 'pedia then?
Fuck, get over yourself. Duane and Mark are doing what they can to right a wrong. Why do you get so worked up over this?
DO NOT lump me in with an anon. I am NOT an anon.
Holy shit Anon...you are whack. NOBODY is dragging G through the mud BUT CASEY. Stop blaming US for HIS problems.
I only post here. Get over yourself if you think this is my life.
Guess what guys...I am going out today to borrow 2.2 mil from 5 different banks. My credit is pretty good, it will be easy. Once I do, I will take some money upfront and not pay a dime back.
Seems fine by me since Casey says it's okay!
"I'm far from batshit, dude. Don't assign your insecurities to me. I spend, at most, an hour or so a day on this."
Yeah, that's what we all say. "I only spend 10 minutes reading this stuff, then I'm a succesful entrepreneur!". Get real.
"Reading the blogs, writing or calling the IRS, FBI, Sac DA, etc. I don't want the little criminal to win! Do you not get it? What kind of man would I be if I told MY SON it's okay...go ahead and ignore all the morals I've taught you. I can't be an example to him if I ignore somebody who has LIED and CHEATED and used every shady angle to make a living."
I agree 100% with you. NOBODY wants Retardo to win. We all want to see him behind bars. BUT - have you listened to the haterzcast I told you? Have you seen how fucking crazy everyone sounds in there? Casey believes he's Donald Trump - these guys believe they are Dick Tracy. It's not all good.
"Why the fuck did we waste time prosecuting Clinton?"
I Know this one! I know this one! Because Republicans hate sex, and he got a blowjob!
"Am I batshit? Fuck no and I resent you even saying this! Are you really an editor on the Caseypedia? I have a hard time believing that. Why even be involved in the 'pedia then?"
Yes, I am. I go by the name "James_Marks" on Caseypedia and Fliptardo's blog. Want me to make an edit with my name on it? Go ahead and ask for it.
"Fuck, get over yourself. Duane and Mark are doing what they can to right a wrong. Why do you get so worked up over this? "
They are doing it for their own selfish motives, dude. If they didn't have anything for them, they would stay quiet. Also, we all like to watch a car crash on the side of the road. It's in our nature (sadly).
" Anonymous dijo...
Holy shit Anon...you are whack. NOBODY is dragging G through the mud BUT CASEY. Stop blaming US for HIS problems."
Sorry, but you are wrong. The second you start talking about Galina's future as if she was a character in one of your stories, YOU are dragging her through the mud. Let the woman solve her issues in privacy.
You (and I, at one time) people are the Jerry Springers of the Internet.
Been reading your exchange and I see some of your points, but not everybody is as obsessed as you think. I have done a lot behind the scenes and I don't hate Casey. I don't post any of my findings outside of that email exchange with Ramit.
Believe me or not, but I feel you are generalizing us all. I don't think that is quite fair. Do you hear me on the hater casts? If I did call in, it would be to vent, but I did that on the Casey call and if you heard me, you'd know I was being VERY fair to the kid.
Are we all Springers? Nah. We are trainwreck watchers. Sorry you feel that way but please do not assume we are all evil people.
Can you imagine how "proud" Galina must feel about hundreds of total strangers knowing every single detail about her personal life with the Village Retard?
And whom is to blame for the world knowing "every single detail" about Galina's personal life? The Haterz or the retard?
Please. As Duane and Mark have indicated, they were approached by family members and posted information with the consent of those individuals. Did Casey do the same? They are using those statements to dispute the posts made by Casey. And from what I can gather, they are not posting any information pertaining to family members that was not authorized. Once again, has Casey exercised the same consideration?
So with all due respect, please stop chastising Duane or Mark. They have acted professionally. Casey has not. And regarding your continued statements as to "why are they obsessed"? They have their reasons. And since when does any action taken by an individual to stop the conduct of an idiot on a self-destructive path warrant needing a "reason"?
I have a better question: what "reason" does an anonymous poster have in continually questioning the veracity or intentions of individuals who clearly have far more information pertaining to a situation than you do?
If anyone needs to get a life, its you kind sir.
I agree with your comment. Not everyone is as involved. Most people (I believe) are in it for the laughs. And it's a funny thing - until you consider how many people have been hurt by Asshole Casey.
My point is - there are some people who have taken the whole Casey thing to an unhealthy degree for all of us. If we believe in our criminal system, then we have to believe he'll get whatever he deserves... but the public scorn has surely hurt Galina, and I don't feel that's fair.
That's all.
Question: Why on EARTH do you think you are the man to do it?
Well, I didnt approach Steve, I didnt approach Galina, and I didnt approach... well youll find out.. THEY CASEYS OWN FAMILY asked me to.. I bet that irks Casey to no end..
"Wouldn't it have been a hell of a lot better to talk to Galina and let HER, and not countless other idiots, try to solve her life for herself?"
Galina NEEDS help she has ASKED me for help.. she is innocent and FLIPTARD has buried her in every way imaginable. There are MANY people helping her... you just dont know - and WONT know who they are...
"create a stir on the Internet, possibly to promote your name and make yourself some publicity"
Ahh yes.. like nigel, I have put out many a press release touting my deeds...
"Do you think everyone is so dumb as to believe you are doing it as a labor of love? You want publicity"
Im sorry, I am doing what I am doing because it is the right thing to do. wheres all my publicity? If I had a pr person, I shouldve fired them.. maybe I should get one since no articles have come out about my support for Galina.. or maybe you are just grasping at straws..
This last one.. you are stepping over the line... I will come after you for sport if you keep this kind of BS up... everything I say.. can be backed up.. NOTHING i have ever said has been proven untrue.. You want to play in this arena with me... keep it up...
"As it is, you are a different sort of scam artist, but a scam artist nevertheless"
"So with all due respect, please stop chastising Duane or Mark. They have acted professionally. Casey has not. And regarding your continued statements as to "why are they obsessed"? They have their reasons. And since when does any action taken by an individual to stop the conduct of an idiot on a self-destructive path warrant needing a "reason"?
I have a better question: what "reason" does an anonymous poster have in continually questioning the veracity or intentions of individuals who clearly have far more information pertaining to a situation than you do?"
1) It remains to be seen whether Mark or Duane acted professionally.
2) I'm not questioning the veracity of whatever it is they are saying. We all know their intentions. If you'd be OK with dealing with these persons after all that has happened, that's your problem. Not mine.
I have never said any of this will help Galina. But what it will do is make al the issues that Casey has buried surface, and Galina will walk away having wasted 3 years of her life with an idiot..
"At 9:29 AM, someotherpersonaltogether said...
How does Mark suing Casey for Libel, Trade Libel, and Fraudulent Inducement help Galina?
I mean, we get it. You guys are manly men and you need to help the damsel in distress. I just don't think we fully understand how this lawsuit is supposed to be helping."
It was that haterzcast that changed my impression of Mark, Duane, and that woman on the call.
It's obvious that Duane and Mark feel the pain of rejection from Casey. Like scorned lovers, they lash back with venom.
What deals did you guys have with Casey? What plans and schemes did you hatch with Casey, only to have snowflake move on to shinier things?
You guys are psycho.
And as for Annie, were you ever abused as a child, or with other men in your life? You seem like an abused woman, who takes her hatred for men out on young boys.
Of course, that's just my observations based on your writings and your Haterzcast.
"At 9:31 AM, Anonymous said...
Duane, You do realize that if this actually gets to the criminal proceeding stage it's likely that Galina will be charged with conspiracy, don't you? Frankly, I hope this ends up in federal court, and the lot of you find out how wide a prosecutors net will be cast"
2 things.. your wrong, Galina wont be charged, and the second thing is I hope the net widens AS much as is needed...
"This last one.. you are stepping over the line... I will come after you for sport if you keep this kind of BS up... everything I say.. can be backed up.. NOTHING i have ever said has been proven untrue.. You want to play in this arena with me... keep it up..."
Jeez, now you are going to sue me? Good luck with that.
BTW, Duane, you sound like a madman on the telephone. Did you get a hard-on talking about Casey?
Not destroying Galina at all.. what part of the fact that she is tired of getting run over by the idiot do you not understnad? Casey drug her the mud, not me.
Do it via the proper authorities. Stop destroying Galina, Yulia and everyone elses innocent lives by dragging this shitload through the Internet. They don't deserve this. You people should be ashamed of yourselves - Can you imagine how "proud" Galina must feel about hundreds of total strangers knowing every single detail about her personal life with the Village Retard?
Duane, seriously - did Galina tell you to tell everyone on the 'net about her marital problems?
I'd be surprised if she did.
Fair enough. I'll wait and see what happens.
Oh, nevermind. Rob just posted a new snippet. I, like everyone else, will just go, read about it, and become immersed in the Casey Serin Reality Show.
hey punk.. wheres my rewards?? my publicity? my money? my pot of gold at the end of the rainbow..
Isnt it pissing you off that the only reason I am doing this is because I want to? I have no other motives.. now or in the future??
"They are doing it for their own selfish motives, dude. If they didn't have anything for them, they would stay quiet. Also, we all like to watch a car crash on the side of the road. It's in our nature (sadly)."
If Duane and Mark were serious, they would sue Cashcall, all the lenders, and the mortgage brokers and real estate agents involved in Casey's schemes.
Of course Duane and Mark aren't serious. That's why they limit their lawsuits to the Serins (stupid immigrants) and Mocha (a crackwhore). They go after the people least likely to fight back.
Wow... what bwave wittle men those Duane and Mark are.
And whom is to blame for the world knowing "every single detail" about Galina's personal life?
Lost Mittens, is that you? Please don't tell me we now have two people misusing "whom" here!
It's one thing that you left the apostrophe out if "it's." That's a very common mistake, or could just be a typo. But you are (mis)using "whom" to try and sound educated, and it has the opposite effect. Come on, this is basic English.
I'm not going to give a grade-school grammar lesson here, but if you can tell the difference between "he" and "him," and "I" and "me," even you can learn how to use "who" and "whom" correctly. However, if you say things like, "She gave the clap to my friend and I," you may be beyond hope, in more ways than one.
Please remember this, it was Casey that dragged G into this. I don't know her, but I do know this...she's a tough gal, she'll be fine. If anybody should be scared here, it's Casey.
Sorry you feel the way you do...I don't agree with your assessment of Duane and Mark but we can agree to disagree and still get along.
I am seriously thinking about setting up a 'bot to delete any Anonymous posts containing question marks.
It isn't even mildly entertaining to be reminded there are people with no life (about 1/5rd of the anons). no ethics (2/5ths) or jobs that pay them to disrupt (another 1/5th responsible for 4/5ths of the wasted electrons).
'There's nothing in what I've presented on the subject that even hints at hate.'
Which is in good taste, of course. But anger - well, yes, there seems to be a bit of anger, related, for example, to how unfair it is that other children are taking resources away from your own. Understandable, of course - if there were just a reasonable number of children like yours going to school, with parents earning money like you (with the free time to blog and travel, without breaking the law to do field labor), escaping the burden of any excess taxes draining off resources which could be better used providing a superior education for those who deserve it. And really, it is never your fault that some other people's children will end up with an inferior education merely because their parents choose to come to California to break their backs for a pittance wage so you can discuss your latest culinary creations.
You should really move to Virginia - Fairfax County has truly excellent schools, in part because in Virginia, revenues are not shared among school districts. Strange how that works - so unlike California. And some Virginians don't let themselves get pushed around by the federal government or political correctness, either - you may find the link at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Massive_resistance fascinating.
'To implement massive resistance, in 1956, the Virginia General Assembly passed a series of laws. One of these laws forbade any integrated schools from receiving state funds. Another of these laws established a three-member Pupil Placement Board that would determine which school a student would attend. Of course, the decision of these Boards was based almost entirely on race. Another facet of these laws was the creation of tuition grants which could be given to students so they could attend a private school of their choice; again, in practice, this meant support of all-white schools that appeared as a response to forced integration (the "segregation academies.")'
Even better is this example -
'When faced with an order to integrate, Prince Edward County closed its entire school system in September 1959 rather than integrate. The county kept its entire school system closed until 1964. White students were able to get educated at the Prince Edward Academy, which operated as the de facto school system, enrolling K-12 students at a number of facilities throughout the county.'
Imagine how much money Prince Edward County saved by not overcrowding its schools.
It is always so much fun discussing real American history on these forums - maybe you are a bit more familiar with a burning bus or two in Boston? Certainly another proud moment in America's history, valiantly preventing school children from overcrowding schools which had never been overcrowded that way in the past.
Of course, we can discuss who actually has more problems with anger, though mine tends to be the nostalgic sort - America, love it or bla, bla, bla.
Dolph, :)
"hey punk.. wheres my rewards?? my publicity? my money? my pot of gold at the end of the rainbow..
Isnt it pissing you off that the only reason I am doing this is because I want to? I have no other motives.. now or in the future??"
No, I'm actually glad someone is doing something to hit Fliptard where it hurts the most. I just don't agree with the methods you are using. I'd have kept it private, dude, for Galina, Retardo's mom and everyone involved. But that's just me.
As Dolph says, let's agree to disagree and move on. The Caseysaga isn't over, anyway.
James Marks
1) It remains to be seen whether Mark or Duane acted professionally.
If you have evidence to dispute that assertion, now is the time. Blanket statements filled with nothing more than your "opinion" hold little weight.
2) I'm not questioning the veracity of whatever it is they are saying. We all know their intentions. If you'd be OK with dealing with these persons after all that has happened, that's your problem. Not mine.
I don't see any reason why I would have difficulty dealing with either Duane or Mark. They have demonstrated their desire to help a family in need as well as exercise their right as citizens to see justice served. Perhaps I have missed something.
@Anon "but the public scorn has surely hurt Galina, and I don't feel that's fair."
Casey has not spoken to Galina since he abandoned her. I speak to her 4-5 times a week, sometimes at great length. We also exchange an average of 2 emails per day. You dont know what I know. Its that simple. Galina feels SUPPORTED. You wouldnt believe the number of emails requesting to help her. All of those emails are being saved and will be brought out as needed. The only things that are being shared about Galina now are the things to refute the criminal - sometimes with her blessing... sometimes with her INSISTENCE.
"Casey has not spoken to Galina since he abandoned her."
GOOD for her.
"I speak to her 4-5 times a week, sometimes at great length. We also exchange an average of 2 emails per day. You dont know what I know."
"Its that simple. Galina feels SUPPORTED. You wouldnt believe the number of emails requesting to help her. All of those emails are being saved and will be brought out as needed. The only things that are being shared about Galina now are the things to refute the criminal - sometimes with her blessing... sometimes with her INSISTENCE."
There's no reason for me not to believe you.
These are things that were never mentioned.
I do know Galina needs help. I just didn't felt she needed this kind of help. If that's it - so be it. Fuck, I'll be the first in line to donate to her defense fund if she decides to divorce fliptard.
Apologies if you felt insulted. The Haterzcast put me in a bad mood. Maybe it's just me.
Galina wanted it known that she had filed for seperation.. so yes..
"At 10:10 AM, Anonymous said...
Duane, seriously - did Galina tell you to tell everyone on the 'net about her marital problems?
Actually, at this point I have a very favorable impression of Mark aka LossMitPro. He is the only person I can find who has spoken to the family and warned them of their legal jeopardy.
I have never commented on Casy's blog because it looks to me to be in part a criminal enterprise. He is reeling in suckers for $$. I bet he gets a referral fee for some of them. How about the fees for "phone consultations"? Remember Casey talking about his "tips and tricks"? Why is he always trying to get people's emails?
How about the fact that, if Casey got his mother to guarantee the LOC for the corporation, she could be considered an accessory to a crime if Casey used the money to scam? Does anyone here truly believe that he won't? She could also be considered an accessory to loan fraud. The stupid nitwit commented earlier that his mother read his blog. Does she have a legal claim of innocence that she can support? I doubt it.
It seems to me that Mark has tried to really get Casey on a path that will lead him out of a hole he can't deal with himself. OK, it's pretty clear if those recent Caseypedia transcripts are correct that Casey doesn't want to go straight and that he becomes very angry with anyone who tries to get him to do it.
As for Duane and Nigel, both clearly realized that they couldn't be active partners in an enterprise with him unless Casey developed an honest way of covering his current expenses. Otherwise they were in the same position as being liable to, in essence, being accessories to another round of fraud.
A bunch of people have tried to help Casey, but all have been defeated by Casey. Now it's down to trying to limit the collateral damage. And if the lenders were willing to offer decent settlement terms to get the blog shut down, and if Mark offered to that to them and then Casey went back on his word, Mark may actually have some standing. The lenders have a very good reason to want the blog shut down. They can verify income, but what Casey did was exploit some holes which are hard to plug. Anyone willing to risk a nice long federal prison term can do the simulataneous application/cashback scam, and plenty do. It is not in the banking system's interests to leave his blog out there.
As to whether Mark's action has a chance of success, I think it depends on whether some members of Casey's family are willing to show up and tell the judge that they were roped in by lies and that they have a reasonable concern that others may be as well. I think Mark's intent here is to try to put pressure on Casey to sign something clearing others that he can use to at least bail Galina and the mother out.
No one seems to spare much compassion for Casey's mother, who is now on the hook for some money. I recall Casey commenting last year that he had to take one of his "private lenders" to the hospital one morning because he was elderly and in bad health. I immediately guessed that it was Casey's grandfather, and I remember thinking "you low-life scumcrawler!"
Mark is clearly trying to put enough pressure on Casey to get him to at least cover the family as much as possible. In the process, Mark may or may not be able to get Casey to interrupt his criminal career, but at least Mark is limiting damage.
If Duane and Mark were serious, they would sue Cashcall, all the lenders, and the mortgage brokers and real estate agents involved in Casey's schemes.
Of course Duane and Mark aren't serious. That's why they limit their lawsuits to the Serins (stupid immigrants) and Mocha (a crackwhore). They go after the people least likely to fight back.
Wow... what bwave wittle men those Duane and Mark are.
And how would you go about "discovering" all the information you'd need to go after the big dawgs? Jeeez.
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