Housing Bubble, credit bubble, public planning, land use, zoning and transportation in the exurban environment. Specific criticism of smart growth, neotradtional, forms based, new urbanism and other top down planner schemes to increase urban extent and density. Ventura County, California specific examples.
Monday, July 02, 2007
Monday's Score: 1 Forgiven 0 Accused

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I got a first.
Will never happen again.
I'm just glad I was there. [ducks] ;-)
LOL! That was cute, Rob.
So is Mark required to give Casey (and Marty, the Wonder Publisher; and the various other named parties) notice after filing and before the hearing date?
Come to that, Anna Serin is specifically named on the complaint, but Mark's email addresses only Casey and Marty: is she required to be given notice? Has she been?
Mark is a creepy freak!
I must be dense but I'm not gettin the double entendre in this post. Would someone be kind enough to enlighten me?
Forgiven? Who was forgiven?
Anybody else anticipating browsing to IAFF in the next few days and finding it closed down?
Rebecca @7:16 - Thanks! I am wondering too!
Fenway Park's third base field wall is called the green monster. The green monster is also a phrase used to describe jealousy. Double meaning.
Libby had his prison sentence erased by the Prez.
Dunno about expecting him to go down it may soon be the only thing in his life that is (in his mind )positive. He's going to keep it up as long as he can
Besides, I'm more interested in seeing fliptart twist in agony a little as caseyworld gets invaded by the evil reality.
Heres to hoping he doesnt get off the hook in any of the various areas hes in it (family, creditors, legal).
Turbo - I would not count on IAFF closing down until the day someone puts young Casey in restraints. Handcuffs, leg-irons and or a straight jacket would work for me. The BLOG is his drug, his fame, one reality.
Dawg - thank you.
I have a feeling Casey will somehow beg his way out of this court thing
I thought double entendre was a sexual position.
Whew! Skipped that thread. Thanks Dawg. Got nervous there for a second that little snowturd was worming his way back into various affections.
I think Mark should do a comment tonight - has he forgiven someone other than Casey in his suit?
And since I have some idea of what that entails: what was the cost of forgiveness?
In a purely legal sense of course.
I am posting this here and on IAFF. I know Casey reads this board so I figure if it's here, he may read it.
Consider this a warning from a friend. It's not what you want to hear.
Casey, you are on the verge of a total collapse. We all know there is a disconnect between you and reality, but if you don't get a grip real soon, you're going to lose everything. Everything.
In your crazy little head, you only made some mistakes. To everyone else, you're a confessed fraudster, eight times over.
You write things like hey, I'm allowed to eat at Macaroni Grill and swill wheatgrass shots even though my business is failing. Everyone else sees a guy who doesn't work and think he's somehow entitled to spend other people's money (i.e. mine).
Remember when you posted that a homeless dude was living on YOUR property in Sacramento? That was funny! Your property??
Despite the warning of lots of very well intentioned people on your blog, you proceeded to borrow still more money from a sham corporation. I believe that you lost the chance that any future judge might have shown you some leniency when you moved beyond fraud into still more fraud.
And what did you invest in? Eight houses, at the peak of the real estate market, on terrible loan terms you could only get because you lied. You lost money on every single property. You bought thousands of dollars worth of penny shares from a worthless fraud like yourself. You've gotten in and out of how many partnerships now? You're not a businessman.
We actually have a name in this society for lazy people who borrow from everyone to get rich quick, lie, cheat and steal. Criminals. What you do is nothing better than stealing jewels for gambling money, except you somehow think it's okay to steal from banks? Why do you think interest rates go up?
Do you really wonder why people hate you?
Remember, Casey, we're your jury.
Come to that, Anna Serin is specifically named on the complaint, but Mark's email addresses only Casey and Marty: is she required to be given notice? Has she been?
California Rule of Court 3.1203(a) says: "A party seeing an ex parte order must notify all parties no later than 10:00 a.m. the court day before the ex parte appearance, absent a showing of exceptional circumstances that justify a shorter time for notice."
.....but if you don't get a grip real soon, you're going to lose everything. Everything.
He's lost everything already....just too delusional to realize it.
BTW, it's "loose everything"
Well lostmittens said last night he would file today. I said this morning today was the day we would see if he was full of it and HE IS!
What I have never understood about duane and mittensman is why they put their supposed reputations on the line to get involved in business relationships with scamtard when he had already admitted as much.
Really now, how does one "stop" casey? These half assed shady "business associates" aren't going to do it. The only people that can are his family. They are the ones that have to stop the enabling and lock him out. Filing or threatening to file silly assed lawsuits isn't going to put a stop to fliptard.
Ultimately, I probably think no one can save casey. He will be scamming his whole life and there are always plenty of suckers to fall prey to a sociopath.
I don't think his blog, traffic or no traffic is going anywhere. It's his only outlet for his spin b.s. and he still believes the spin.
That legal filing isn't happening any time soon, unless someone on the Haterz side actually sprung for an attorney.
But we can't wait to see what happens.
I'm guessing the pre-filing ex parte hearing could end up being embarrassing for all concerned, so I'm betting this set of legal threats quietly disappears.
Anon & anon.
The filing was and always was this WEEK. Grow up, stop the baby stuff.
I dont know the statutes but LMP seemed to indicate the notification requirements were taken care of by emailing (and if doubting that calling into the fraudcast) Casey. Casey also posted the fact that he had been notified so its going to be damn hard for him (or someone on his behalf) to argue that he wasnt informed.
However until LMP files the start time (9a or 2p if I recall correctly) isn't set (which seems to be important).
Despite what some trolls here seem to think, LMP does know what he's doing. So hang in there, if there is no litigation this week then you can try again.
Almost didn't recognize the Green Monster without a Yankee homer in mid-air over it. [sticks out tongue and ducks]. I was a Yankee fan by birth, and the father of a college friend actually works Yankee games (or used to) as a member of the NYPD.
so who is the "green monster" in the serin saga?
There you go again, RobDawg, using the "GRE" words to confuse us further. Spit it out and tell it like it is!!
So basically, LostMittens didn't file petition for a court hearing? All this controversy and then nothing happens.
Are you all catching caseyitis or something? All hype but no action!!
"I'm guessing the pre-filing ex parte hearing could end up being embarrassing for all concerned, so I'm betting this set of legal threats quietly disappears."
Well yes, I'm not sure lostmittens really wants the world to know his agreement with casey. I think the endgame was blackmail to seize the blog. I'm suspecting the agreement was to share in google fraudclicks. I don't know for sure, but that would be a logical guess. lostmittens said he would usually charge scamtards like casey $10K for his services, yet offers them up for free. If lostmittens was in it for free advertising, surely he would be smart enough to know his reputation just went down the toilet getting in bed with a mortgage fraudster and thief? Right?
So like I said the LA Law legal jumbo was more a threat then had any actual teeth. I listened too long admittedly to lostmittens rambling on the haterzcast about his "case". Two things. 1. I think he's been watching too many legal shows. Sure you can get a judgement, but that don't mean jack to someone like casey. 2. Why the hell is lostmittens talking about it? A true pro just files the damn papers and doesn't need to prostrate themselves in public to gain support. Public opinion don't mean shit in a courtroom dummy.
"Despite what some trolls here seem to think, LMP does know what he's doing. So hang in there, if there is no litigation this week then you can try again."
Okay fair enough, but why wait if he has such a watertight case? What exactly is he waiting for? Everyone is salivating to nail caseys ass to the door and if this is the silver bullet then let's get it moving.
Just listened to the last IAFF podcast. Mark is such a jackass! You guys are funny with this law suit bullshit. He's gonna call your bluff. Oh BTW great reveal today. Your just a fluffer. Marty fuck you you pussy! Your full of shit! hahahahahahahahahahahah
I think Casey IS gonna make some money from this.
Lossmittens is full of crap. He's a bitter, little man, who's trying to get a little publicity from all this. He was probably picked on as a child and has now taken to bullying a retard. I don't see what there is to gain from his silly lawsuit. Law enforcement needs to put Casey away. Some frivolous lawsuit isn't going to do crap. Who cares if he files or not. If anything, he's only going to end up helping Casey with more PR. Stupid little man.
"The Foreclosure code/Casey/etc legal enjoinder wasn't going in today and surprise no it did not go in today. Even if it goes in tomorrow as scheduled..."
Sounds like the plan was always tommorrow..
Don't know, I didnt get my subscribtion to the inner circle mailing list.
If LMP is bluffing and there is no legal movement by end of next week I'll admit I was duped..but having listened to him the past month or so..I believe he intends to go through with this.
Is it a holiday in the US today too?
The Management and Staff of EN
That's almost as pompous as Nigel calling his blog an "Award winning blog"
It's like you're asking for a Walrus joke.
"If LMP is bluffing and there is no legal movement by end of next week I'll admit I was duped..but having listened to him the past month or so..I believe he intends to go through with this."
Well I hope so then if it is really legitimate. If it doesn't go through then lostmittens street cred is crap and sure as hell don't want to hear his bleatings again.
I'm still wondering if scamtard is really back in the USA or if his post was really a cover while he runs.
I think scamtard is going to do one of two things.
1. run
2. be in total sociopathic denial
Anyone that thinks he is going to roll over and suddenly become a fine citizen is deluded.
All I know about this stuff is what Mittens has told us (or at least the parts I've read/heard), but if he's filing this because of some imminent danger, is it really in his interest to wait a couple of days?
If I were the judge, I'd be like, if this meant so much to you to get a restraining order, you should have done it your first chance, not sometime later in the next week or two.
Just sayin'.
looks like scamtard has a little myspace site
Honestly, after reading Lossmittens posts and hearing him on the talkcasts, people think he is a stand up guy??? Who the hell would do business with this looser? If I was a potential client, I would run like hell from him. He is totally unprofessional and if he was a real lawyer, instead of a wannabe, he would be disbarred.
"If I were the judge, I'd be like, if this meant so much to you to get a restraining order, you should have done it your first chance, not sometime later in the next week or two."
Exactly, assuming imminent danger, then I'd been at the damn courthouse first thing monday. What is he doing farting around with it.
eek said (2 threads ago)
"A conservative buyer puts in at least 20% down, not zero. They also tend to get a mortgage that's 2.5x their annual gross income, and some go as far as purchasing a home that's 2.5x their gross income.
If you were to rent a house similar to what you own right now, would the rent be comparable to your mortgages?"
I know that 100% financing is not good, but by the time I saved up 20% of a house, inflation would have reduced that to 15%...never ending cycle. This way, I can have a house while building equity that will eventually help me put 20% on a future house.
The rent on the apartment I was in before this house was comparable to my mortgage (total, both loans). Plus, it was 900 sq. ft. vs. 1700. Like I said, I don't think that the bubble has hit *as hard* in L'ville as in other places, but even if it has, I'm secure with my loans.
Where O Where has our Snowflake gone?
Back in Sac, flop house in Hollyweird..or maybe up in the hills with Paris...hard to tell.
It's almost like, where's Waldo!
Git Er Done, Mark!!
By putting it off further, you are risking your cred here. I mean the only one who has the right to make up excuses is Casey - he's a well know fraud. Don't be a Casey!
We put 25% down. 5.35%. Payment is about $300 more/month than the rent was, and over double the space.
And central heat and air.
Now if I could just get rid of the mosquitos that are flying around the last couple of days. Perils of living close to a river.
He'll be blogging from uzbek soon.
Why, exactly, is Lost Mittens looking for a TRO anyway? Casey has nothing, so I don't see what irreparable harm Lost Mittens could suffer if injunctive relief isn't granted until after his motion has been fully pleaded and decided.
I don't think it will be granted, courts don't like to issue orders on ex parte. Something about due process.
It further doesn't make sense because he's been talking about this for a week and sitting on the papers. It would be quite reasonable for the judge to deny it on that basis alone. After all, if it could wait this long, it can wait until both sides have had a chance to present papers to the court. (Not to mention it's been treated as a settlement tool).
He's better have all his motion papers ready to go as well. (Notice of motion, memo of law, affidavits and such).
Bingo Harold. The whole deal is bullshit. Mark sounds like a total pussy "you wanted a war you got a war". The guys just riding the coat tails Casey.
You guys are fucken stupid. Not to mention your totally wrong. Mark dosen't have a pot to piss in.
Rob all you do is tease and tease. Just shut your fat no tooth mouth unless you've got something to tell us.
Fucken jackass! sheesh!
Better hope for continued inflation and not deflation. Housing prices are falling around the country. Every city will be affected by a drop in housing and asset prices. There is no "it's different here". The pain will just be worse in some locations more than others. If you can swing the payments and don't plan on moving for a long time, then nothing to worry about. If interest rates rise and deflation sets in, you could be looking at housing prices dropping for much longer than five years.
Where O Where has our Snowflake gone?
Has anyone tried calling his cellphone?
Why do you think Lost Mittens has refused to post the case numbers of prior cases he has won as pro per?
Could it be because, er, well, there aren't any? Sorry to burst you bubble, but he is probably just another looser.
Something else. Notice the conspicuous absence of any description of recently closed mortgage loans on Nigel Swaby's website? Could it be because he has not done any loans in, like, over a year or something?
Get a CO2 skeeter gitter....they work. Runs on propane and produces CO2. The gas attracts the skeeters and the device traps them. A $300 unit will keep a min. 1/2 ac clear.
Breaking News: Is Lostmittens a publicity whore or a internet superman trying to save the world from Casey Serin?
Neither, just a small bitter man who has no life.
Casey doesn't want to go to court...even if Mark's case is bogus. This all opens a big can of worms for Casey's fraud.
This case will induce many mortgage fraud investigations..Casey doesn't want it to happen.
Bottom line, Casey is scared at the moment. We all know that!
If I had called somebody out in public, talking big and telling them that they would have to appear in Superior Court on July 5th, I'd make sure that I got that case filed in time for a July 5th hearing.
Its like Casey talking about getting in his paperwork for a short sale before the foreclosure date, and then having him tell us two days before foreclosure that he is about to submit the packet.
Everyone gets hit by the blast if they get near Casey. Mark probably started out at the top of his game 4 months ago, and now he is already being assimilated.
We have worm sign on IAFF:
Actually now that I check my PayPal account and the money I put into our bank account I made over $3K while I was gone, that’s after the $400 or so of expenses.
Thanks to the supporterz who paid for the airfair there and back as well as those who put me up. It was a great trip.
Now it’s time to get back into solving this mess.
OK, he's ready for some Massive Focused Action! Everybody better stand clear......
Then, in a few days he'll say "I shoulda, coulda, woulda."
No sadly I don't think casey is likely to ever be indicted on anything. For that to happen it will open a whole can of worms up with his lenders and that will expose other cases of shady lending.
A friend of mine has a daughter in California. 27 years old, was selling sub prime mortgages. Was making $450,000 a year. That's all gone now, company under investigation. Do you she or anyone else involved in that racket wants to be asked hard questions on why they were handing out loans to any jackass on the street?
I want to know why Nigel's been so quiet on this
I was bored.
Now it’s time to get back into solving this mess.
Get BACK? Since when was he trying to "solve this mess" in the first place?
the money I put into our bank account
Yeah, we know all about that, you fucking ape.
Speedy Villagonzales said...
The Management and Staff of EN
That's almost as pompous as Nigel calling his blog an "Award winning blog"
It's like you're asking for a Walrus joke.
Too late. That WAS a joke.
Trent said...
Breaking News:...
We may have fun and stuff here but we don't wave a picture of red meat in a pack of hungry dawgs. This is not breaking news and is not funny.
Breaking News:
Just found out the identity of the federal agent already assigned to Casey's case. The guy is from the DEA--to find out why, see http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AmRN00KbCr8
The feds know what they're doing. Just be patient.
I love these morons:
MexicanMike said...
Are you all catching caseyitis or something? All hype but no action!!
You come for the free show then complain when you don't like what you get. That sounds like a BIG case of Caseyitis to me.
Anonymous said...
Well lostmittens said last night he would file today....Really now, how does one "stop" casey? These half assed shady "business associates" aren't going to do it.
This argument sounds specious to me. Attack the people, ask unanswerable questions, provoke unwinable arguments, use epithets where proper descriptions would do.....
How does when LMP files affect you? If you want to see the script, you should become part of the production team.
Anonymous said...
Well yes, I'm not sure lostmittens really wants the world to know his agreement with casey. I think the endgame was blackmail to seize the blog. I'm suspecting the agreement was to share in google fraudclicks. I don't know for sure, but that would be a logical guess.
Logical guess? Did that say logical guess? I'm not sure eggzackly where logic comes anywhere near this post. I see blatnet misdirection, and logical flaws and supposition based on wishful thinking. I do not see any logic.
Anonymous said...
Everyone is salivating to nail caseys ass to the door and if this is the silver bullet then let's get it moving.
Do it yourself, moron. Like free speech, this free show comes at a price. Don't like the pace? Stop watching or nail him your self.
Associated Press - July 2, 2007 10:23 PM ET
WASHINGTON (AP) - Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald is disputing President Bush's assertion that the 30-month prison sentence given to former White House aide Lewis "Scooter" Libby was "excessive."
That was 1 of the reasons the president cited in commuting the sentence hours after a federal appeals court ruled that Libby could not remain free while fighting the case.
Fitzgerald said in a statement that Libby was sentenced under the same laws as other criminals. He also said "It is fundamental to the rule of law that all citizens stand before the bar of justice as equals."
@The Dude
Thanks for the advice on the mosquitos. I'll have to check with the strata and it'll have to wait til work settles down.
Ok, I'm done. I think I made my point about Lossmittens and will sit back and see how this turns out. Maybe I will be proved wrong. I just have as much a problem with idiot, self-righteous assholes, as I do with manipulative, conning, lying, superficial, shallow little fliptards.
eat me.....eat me.........eat me.....please eat mee......
Johnny B. A Jackazz,
You're an idiot! Trying to blast us for blasting Mark on this blog!
Didn't he not say he would file papers in court today, and apply the suction again on the podcast?
Again, you're an idiot.
And of course you don't see logic if you don't try to understand it all!
Now shut the hell up since you're just here to talk sh!t.
Johnny B. Good @ 9:24 PM:
”I love these morons…”
You too??
Seriously though, just thought I’d pop in here and say thanks. Read your responses with a healthy laugh, shaking my head at the Casey-fix withdrawals. Apparently, some folk THINK I’m obligated to do or share or act according to THEIR misplaced and uninformed notions. And ”I’M” called creepy?
Anyway, appreciate your thoughts Johnny.
(Slithering back into my hole now.)
"This argument sounds specious to me. Attack the people, ask unanswerable questions, provoke unwinable arguments, use epithets where proper descriptions would do.....
How does when LMP files affect you? If you want to see the script, you should become part of the production team."
Hey if the shoe fits....
Doesn't affect me at all. In fact I really don't give 2 shits in the south china sea for it.
I don't think there is any "script".
"Logical guess? Did that say logical guess? I'm not sure eggzackly where logic comes anywhere near this post. I see blatnet misdirection, and logical flaws and supposition based on wishful thinking. I do not see any logic."
No it is straight up speculation as said. What are their motivations? Seems odd to me, they don't have any explanation why they knowingly involved themselves with a scammer. It would be LOGICAL to assume they have some motivation behind it? THEY'VE been the ones that put themselves out there and if they have a problem with critcism for their involvement with scamtard, then too bad. Don't bleat on about filing court cases if you are full of it. File the damn thing and shut your yap.
"Do it yourself, moron. Like free speech, this free show comes at a price. Don't like the pace? Stop watching or nail him your self"
To me it's not a show and that is the problem with some. They and you think it is.
At 9:36 PM, Mark's wifes...
Wow, somebody can't read. The cover page of his lawsuit said he is "an unmarried man..."
If LMP is bluffing and there is no legal movement by end of next week I'll admit I was duped
You are pretty funny...you are following Casey's story and you have the gall to publically worry about being duped?
Just go along for the ride. If you don't like there the trip takes you, try driving yourself. Still unhappy, get out and find somewhere else to go. Just stop complaining.
Hey guys sorry for the lack of responses. My finger was stuck up my butt thole for the last two hours. You see I was pleasuring myself when all of a sudden I felt a bowl movement coming on. Well before I knew what happened everything kinda wedged together and I found myself stuck with my finger up my asshole. Go figure. Anyway I reached for my cell phone with my free hand and called up Rob Dawg. He immediately came over drunk as hell and puked on me. That was enough to cause me to just pull my hand out of my ass. So now I'm back to respond to all of your questions. A big thanks to Rob Dawg
for the blow job after he puked on me. I'll get ya back dawg after I settle this whole important Casey mess.
Lets get a count of people who think mark needs his ass kicked...Anyone?
Sounds about right.
I am actually starting to hope Casey fights back.
I still want to see him go to jail, but LossMit, Rob, Annie etc all sound like losers. Duane is about the only one I still have some respect for.
To me it's not a show and that is the problem with some. They and you think it is.
Now we have a point for a discussion!
It is a show; Casey has made it a show. It's entertainment, or perhaps irritainment. Casey has put himself out there as the dancing fraud monkey. Casey has written the intro for the who-dun-it, but we all gotta know how it ends. Casey has a book in the pipeline
So, it's not a show for you...What is it? Why do you give a rats azz about what happens to CS, or LMP, or Nigel, or any of the other Haterz?
Is it educational or bawdy humor.
And why should anyone here care enough to read what you or I have to say?
Serious discussion?
Oh, by the way, pick a name. It's uncivilized to argue with so very many anons.
Hey guys sorry for the lack of responses....I'll get ya back dawg after I settle this whole important Casey mess.
OOPS, sorry I asked. I guess serious and civilized is beyond you guys.
The problem is that all the people with negative view points get lumped into the catagory with fakemitpro. Even if you have a really good argument, it gets tossed in with the 'finger-up-the-butt' choler.
Finally something truthful from you.
No takers?
Oh, right! 10:30's about bedtime on a school night. Summer school's a bitch, ain't it. Well if you study harder in 11th grade and don't troll all night, you won't have to take summer school again next year.
Who are you argueing with? The voice in your head?
You, if you want a stand up argument.
Otherwise, it seems the blog is empty...No takers.
You need to really stop acting like mr tough guy with your stupid opinions.
No one cares.
Oh, alright, mr anon. I'll take your advice! I will start acting like mr nice guy with all my great opinions.
Thanks for the help! It's all good.
AH, 30 minutes and not a troll to argue with. Are they cowardly or asleep?
test test
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