IMO the massively long sentence was a judge forcing the Administation to pardon in a political move. Anyone wish to point to a MSM timeline of this judges' political affiliations and promotions?
Housing Bubble, credit bubble, public planning, land use, zoning and transportation in the exurban environment. Specific criticism of smart growth, neotradtional, forms based, new urbanism and other top down planner schemes to increase urban extent and density. Ventura County, California specific examples.
Hi Schnapps!!
Reposted from last thread:
Considering how many bits have gotten used up here and elsewhere railing that lawbreakers like Casey do not get called to justice, it's mighty odd that you support forgiving a convicted felon.
You may not approve of the conviction but he had his day in court and was convicted by a jury. He should do the time.
Paris Hilton did more jail time than Scooter Libby will.
Every single one of you motherfuckers who voted for this asshole needs to keep that in mind.
"This decision to commute the sentence of a man who compromised our national security cements the legacy of an Administration characterized by a politics of cynicism and division, one that has consistently placed itself and its ideology above the law. This is exactly the kind of politics we must change so we can begin restoring the American people’s faith in a government that puts the country’s progress ahead of the bitter partisanship of recent years."
The judge and the prosecutor were both republicans, appointed by republicans.
He's guilty.
The prosecutor isn't registered in either party.
The judge is a republican, appointed by Bush.
Guilty of WHAT!?
not remebering a fact properly about something that wasn't even a crime?
Yeah, real justice there... the jury just convicted him because they couldn't convict cheney on some trumped up charge... they've as much as addmitted that.
Lying in a complex set of questioning to the feds about a crime that didn't exists, versus lying over and over and over and over (did I get to eight yet?) in writing in order to obtain money via fraud... hmmmmm.
Sure, I can see the crime that Scooter Libby is accused of, and how it needs to be dealt with (though I'm on Rob Dawg's side here, a tangential crime which was actually caused as part of investigating a crime that didn't exist).
However, that sentence was harsh by any means. Actually, now that I think of it, not by any means: It was at the same time a political punishment, a slap for not being contrite, and also to set an example of how one should and must grovel before the Inquisition if one is called.
Then again, what can we expect in such a case? Fitzgerald can't leave empty-handed after spending so much money and PR on his (failed) quest.
let me tell you, I worked in a law office back in a former life, and sometimes I was there at depositions. If we put in jail everyone who lied... better start building new jails.
Can we relate this to Snowflake? When's that court date? Maybe (perhaps likely) the suit against him would be groundless, but who KNOWS what kind of perjury Fliptard might commit if he were up on the stand. The mind boggles. He can win that suit and lose lots more than that if he doesn't keep his mouth shut. Like maybe Libby should have done?
Whoa! I was just reading some articles by our hero Declan McCullagh, and this blew me away!
Dark Side of Reputation Defending Service
Now that's a guy who must be stopped!!
I'm not surprised. With poll numbers so far down and his legislative agenda forgotten, it isn't like Bush has anything to lose. And to be perfectly honest, there is something to the argument that Libbey's punishment was overly harsh (I'm hardly a right-wing conservative).
You knobs.
They know who leaked the information that Valerie Plame was an agent that lead to her being killed... oops kidnapped..... ooops fired.... ooops getting on the cover of Vanity Fair.
That person was Richard Armitage. And he is facing nothing.
Teapot meet tempest.
Zintradi: guilty of lying
Y'know, that thing that got a previous president impeached.
It pisses me off that the "party of law and order" who believes in "enforcing the rule of law" get all weepy when one of their operatives is the person getting caught and punished.
It's pretty clear to me that, at least in some areas, a crime is only a crime when you don't like the person who committed it.
Sign me: disgusted with the lot of 'em
VERY disappointed in this - Outing a CIA operative is serious business. Others got away with this, but Scooter was guilty as hell of obstruction.
Should be held accountable. 30 months is light for outing a CIA operative for political gain.
Well, it appears we've stumbled upon an issue that could rupture the Haterz community.
Bush did the RIGHT thing.
No doubt about that.
Any one that protests to the contrary must have an axe to grind with Bush.
I wonder if Reagan would recall anything....well, that Ratbastard is dead anyhoo!!
Scooter got a sweetheart deal for sure!!
The MSM did it's best to take down Cheney,and this is the best they could do?
Just another example to show Bush cares less about the Justice for the people, by the people.
He'll burn in hell next to Casey for sure!!
..and a hat tip to me for breaking the news in the previous thread ;)
Bush just ensured that he'll have to be buried next to a drainage ditch.
His rotting head will be soaked in piss for years to come!!
Actually, the problem was that it was impossible to determine if a crime had been committed because (wait for it) Scooter was lying.
Imagine, if he'd told the truth, he wouldn't be going to jail for obstructing justice. Especially since he did nothing wrong (except lie under oath of course)...
He was guilty because the jury decided to believe Tim Russert instead of him about an issue that wasn't illeagal...
Any other normal prosecutor would have dropped it, but at that point he was on a mission to convict somebody no matter what.
Hat tip to off topic!
Finally something interesting, it's a political dawg fight among the haterz! Will this splinter the coalition of haterz? Has the unifying hatred of casey been shattered by politics?
wow, didn't realize all the Bush haters among the casey haterz...
guess one goes with another
Akubi>FemiNazi Bitch
@Property Flopper
I think you will find that it came out that Libby did NOT out Plame. Someone else came forward to claim that honor.
Lying under oath? Bad idea. See what the wignutosphere fails to understand is that Libby was lying when he had sworn to tell the truth. He was caught lying. It doesn't matter what he was lying about (see also: lying about getting a blowjob). What matters is that he was lying, under oath.
Did I mention that he was lying under oath and that was what he was convicted for? Because that should be noted.
Inasmuch as Bush and Casey are both utterly incompetent and completely out of touch with reality, they do share a few common traits.
Well, it appears we've stumbled upon an issue that could rupture the Haterz community.
Yes. Sadly, yes indeed. Disagree strongly. You can't have it both ways, the rule of law applies to everyone.
I believe that you have hit the nail on the head. In fact, I believe that the behavior of the Republicans during the Clinton trial both caused the impeachment to fail and revealed their characters somewhat: instead of focusing on whether of not Clinton lied to investigators, they focussed on the sex.
The focus on sex was the wrong strategy. The watchword should have been: "it's about the lying not about the sex".
Rob Dawg,
The Judge and Fitzgerald were both Republican appointees. So they were forcing their own party to make a political move?
"the rule of law applies to everyone"
What part isn't being applied fairly again???
I'd say that the anti-immigration rantings of some of EN's resident xenophobic fascists were much more divisive than this small matter.
As I said earlier, fair-minded people should be able to agree that 30 months in prison for what he was convicted of (not what we think that we know he did) was excessive. A big fine and probation seems appropriate, particularly in light of his history of civil service. I strongly suspect that Libbey and others in the Bush administration collaborated to out the female agent in retaliation for Wilson's report, but no one has been able to prove that in court. So I'm not all that bent out of shape about this matter.
CSUB TOwers are DONE!
"I strongly suspect that Libbey and others in the Bush administration collaborated to out the female agent in retaliation for Wilson's report,"
That is the closest to the truth that I can glean from the reports I've read.
"Politics, it's a hell of a drug!"
-Rick James
carried up:
(BTW,what was that about asking "no-win questions...louder?"
"Just a refresher:
The Grand Jury was investigating Libby for "outing" the identity of Valerie Plame, analleged covert CIA agent.
Was he convicted of THAT?
"Mister Libby....did you lather?"
"Did you rinse?"
"Did you REPEAT?"
"You LIE! J'accuse! NOBODY REPEATS!...take him to prison and have him raped for years until convict spooge flows from his nostrils!...Valerie who?"
You Go Girl!!!
Sorry, I forgot, didn't Bush say something about anyone found to be leaking classified information would pay the consequences? I can't remember....or maybe I can...I don't remember if I remember.
i love sharky:
Hey Toby!...I'm outtatheCasey business, except as a bystander.
He's beyond my help now.
uhhh, maybe because nobody leaked classified info, because she wasn't a covert agent. and maybe becasue Richard Armitage addmitted to leaking her name to begin with, and he's is loved by the left, so that issue was dropped like a hot potato.
The prosecutor couldn't get at the truth of who revealed national security secrets because Libby wouldn't tell the truth. He was 'obstructing'... something, let's call it 'justice'. And for that he was convicted.
To watch the flailing about by the right is... fascinating. What did Clinton lie about? Getting a blowjob. What was the underlying crime that he was lying about? Getting a blowjob isn't illegal. And yet he was impeached for it.
Was someone convicted of giving Clinton a blowjob?
Do you homework, she was undercover and it was classified information.
I served in military and I do understand our classification system. Just because the information becomes public knowledge, does not declassify its status. The status must be reviewed first.
"Plames status was later verified by a document showing her employment history at the CIA, verifying that she was in fact covert. The report states "she traveled at least seven times to more than ten times." When overseas Plame traveled undercover, "sometimes in true name and sometimes in alias -- but always using cover -- whether official or non-official (NOC) -- with no ostensible relationship to the CIA"
"What did Clinton lie about? Getting a blowjob. What was the underlying crime that he was lying about? Getting a blowjob isn't illegal. And yet he was impeached for it."
The taxpayers were not paying Clinton to get blow jobs.
Nor were they paying Lewinskyto give blow jobs.
The Oval Office is supposed to be a place of state business, not monkey business.
Clinton's impeachment was entirely correct. It was the Presidential version of a negative employee review.
Rob, you are no better than Casey.
I wait two days for that piece of crap post?
That's it?!?
What a waste of time you have become.
Here's some tips
- if you don't have information you can share, don't bother telling us 'hints'.
- if that information is something we already know or suspect, then don't try and make it something big.
Why isn't armitage in jail then since he addmitted to doing it???
is this exurbannation, or the daily KOS?
"a document"?
Whatd ocument? Written by whom? The DCI gives out written testimonials?
Who knew?
Those folks usually neither confirm nor deny.
Moot point, anyway, since Libby was not convicted of that.
You all remind me of Hitler!
Sharky, you are the biggest fucking douche hypocrite, I'm amazed you can even sleep at night.
We (the American Public) are not paying Scooter Libby's salary so he can lie about the events inside the White House. Fuck him, and fuck you.
10% daily price chop since $5 opening auction price with 0 bids
down to $1937 today after 10% chop
10% for fishy treats
10% for Galina's divorce fund
CASEY still wants 100K+ for his blog??????
never happen,
ill keep chopping daily!
on google - look at "more videos from this user"
he's got a bunch of the NRU scaminars listed
Ad hominem Ad hominem Ad hominem Ad hominem Ad hominem Ad hominem Ad hominem Ad hominem Ad hominem Ad hominem Ad hominem Ad hominem Ad hominem Ad hominem Ad hominem Ad hominem Ad hominem Ad hominem Ad hominem Ad hominem........
will get you nowhere!
you are right he was not convicted of that. But the House Oversight Committee did confirm from a statement approved by CIA director Gen. Michael V. Hayden that her status was classified information via EO 12958 and she was undercover at the time of the leaks.
Did a crime occur? The CIA contacted the Justice Dept to the belief that a crime occur.
"We (the American Public) are not paying Scooter Libby's salary so he can lie about the events inside the White House."
I'm not sure Libby's office is IN the White House, chum.
He was, after all, the Vice-President's Chiefof Staff, NOT Bush's.
That aside... that's why he was tried, convicted, and will pay the fine (we get some of his money back),and do the probation...pending appeal.
"Fuck him, and fuck you."
He doesn't care what you think, and neither,really, do I.
You're just a piss-lick with a PC...same as any of us.
You sure seem to have a lot invested in seeing this guy do time.
Careto share why?
The obvious "sleezy" side of this event is the fact that the Administration waited until after the daily news-cycle to post the press release. Yeah, it will be front page in the morning, but they could have done this earlier today...oh, wait, Putin is here making nice with Bushy, whatever the hell...
Bush's re-election was a huge mistake...not unlike Casey's birth.
@1000 a week
That's a good way to advance the public discourse through civility. To which school of rhetoric do we owe such brilliant debate tactics?
Sharky is a dumb redneck.
okay I'm dumb with this thread, all Marty has to do is get his pay per post people to get political then apply personal attacks to the thread. I'm not feeding these trolls anymore.
"Did a crime occur? The CIA contacted the Justice Dept to the belief that a crime occur."
Exactly so.
The belief.
So,did Armitage confess? (really?).
Then if that's the case, there's your crook.
What's Libby?
A guy who said he "REPEATED",at this point.
Unless there's other indictments...that ain't a lot of light for all the smoke and heat generated.
Maybe because this case got started 3 years ago, when the Dems were so desperate for ANYTHING to discredit the GOP with?
I'm not sure Libby's office is IN the White House, chum. He was, after all, the Vice-President's Chiefof Staff, NOT Bush's.
Spin, spin, spin, you sanctimonious fuckhead. How does it feel being in the 27% minority of lizard-brained morons?
You sure seem to have a lot invested in seeing this guy do time. Careto share why?
I have no more invested in this than you do, whenever you spout "B..b..but Clinton!"
Scooter, is that my dog with worms?
Everyone understands it isn't a crime to reveal an agent but only to knowingly reveal an agent (or secret)?
This is two abstractiond removed from even that. Scooter was convicted because a jury didn't believe he didn't remember details of events that never happened. Got that? Did aliens land on the White house Lawn? I don't remember that happening. You damn well would remember if aliens landed on the White House lawn. You are lying!
Okay. That works for me. Now. Do you remmeber at the time if you knew VP was a covert agent AND at the the time her status was classified and that all the numerous other conduits were irrelevant to the question of blowing her cover and... I don't remember that happpening.
Come on. Don't like Bush, don't like Cheney, don't like hardly nobody these days claiming I support them. Even if this drone did the very worst he is accused of a commutation is the smallest of any possible rewards. Cripes I like Bush even less now for not manning up and forgiving him.
"Exurban Nation: You sure seem to have a lot invested in seeing this guy do time. Careto share why?"
1000 a weak-
Go home to mommy and tell her about all the big ideas you learnt about during your first year away at University.
I luvs the Shark, but I gots a crush on the Dawg now too!
Anyone who lies to a grand jury should do time...no?
Hey! This is good stuff! let me get this down:
Not bad,and in only two posts!
I like you, 1000, we could be chums!
"whenever you spout "B..b..but Clinton!"
Ahhh,if you will go back and reread the thread, I think you'll see that I responded when one of your fellow "lynch Libbyers" spouted:
",,,cocksucking C-C-Clinton!".
I was, and am, quite happy to let Bill Clinton sink into the ignominy and obscurity he has so richly earned.
Other folks, however,have a habit of resurrecting the cad as some kind of martyr.
"I have no more invested in this than you do"
Oh of course...I've often noted your propensity for cyber-Tourette's Syndrome in your posts.
BTW,when you're done gnawing on that Karastan,I have some Berber remnants over here that you're welcome to chew on.
If he didn't have a stupid whiteboy nickname like "Scooter" this never would have been an issue.
What you get, if you look behind the odd time line of all these leaks, is a much more interesting picture.
Its like the old British sit-com "Yes Minister"- the shadow government of career civil servants have been trying to subvert the policy of the elected government.
Bush had been trying to reform the DoD, CIA and State and make them more responsive to the real world threat we face.
That got sidetracked in this 2 year investigation in to... nothing. No one was ever in danger from this allegedly horrible leak.
Ask yourself where all these leaked documents and tips in the NYT come from- State department lifers trying to hang onto their turf, and resorting to political dirty tricker to do so.
This is usually where someone chimes in with "Ron Paul."
So there. RON PAUL.
I used to suffer from faux moral outrage when it comes to politicians. Then I got tired of it. "Republicans suck because x is corrupt!" Democrats suck because y is corrupt!" So back and forth it goes.
Pols are inherently corrupt. I limit my genuine moral outrage to greedy little pols who attempt to silence critics by passing unconstitutional laws that limit and/or regulate political speech. That's where the real danger is.
1000a weak:
"Spin, spin, spin,"
Oh...the facts, you mean?
Let me see if I can getthem through that roaring in your head.
Scooter Libby was the Vice-President's Chief of Staff.
NOT the President's.
This is a FACT.
The Vice President's residence,(that's Cheney, NOT Bush),lives at the Naval Observatory, NOT the White House.
This is alsoa FACT.
To thebest of my knowledge, the VP's CoS would prolly maintain an office atthe OEOB,(Old Executive Office Building).
That is conjecture on my part.
Carry on.
I guess I tend to see all politicians in the same light as Casey. They play games with the truth, manipulate everyone they meet (vote for me), and they flip BS everywhere they go.
I lived in NE Wyoming in the 80's, Cheney was our rep. He was as smooth as they come, making you (the voter) believe he was your best friend at those regional town-hall meetings. In hindsight, I can see the BS now.
Excuse me while I go into cardiac arrest. I had no idea that so many of you supported this administration. I just can't believe what some of you are saying.
"I lived in NE Wyoming in the 80's,"
Were you being punished?
Just out of curiosity, his suaveness aside, how did he do for your district?
Is that the oil region up there?
Don't be shocked Shocked.
We knew you would be coming by soon, so we saved some Kool-Aid for you.
Take a little sip,it's cool AND refreshing :)
"Today's decision is yet another example that this Administration simply considers itself above the law."
Gasp -- snort -- coffee -- nose -- spray --
Die UberFrauFuehrer sprechen!
("Hillaryous"---bumpersticker I saw this morning).
So did LossMitPro file today, or what?
No, NE Wyoming is coal country (think Gillette/Moorcroft), it was the only work many of us could find at that time. Where were you in 1982? Probably a sparkle in your Mom's eye?
District? WTF are you talking about? Wyoming only has one congressional district, are you asking what did CheneyFuckTard do for the entire state of Wyoming?
A bunch of new comments released on IAFF.
So anyway, I go to San Antonio for a few days of family vacation. I used my own funds and didn't use corporate credit. I am gone 3 DAYS and a shitstorm erupts. I STILL can't keep up with all that's transpired these past few days.
Is it confirmed that Casey is back? I said last week that I doubted he'd return.
Anonymous said:
"District? WTF are you talking about? Wyoming only has one congressional district, are you asking what did CheneyFuckTard do for the entire state of Wyoming?"
-Jules Winnfield
Apparently you dont...
Hey Haterz,
Given recent Fliptard and Bushtard developments, this FemiNazi Bitch :) is providing a special bonus 6 Degrees of Casey Serin to Scooter Libby Reloaded game. Win-Win!
Pretty much for sure.....
He alluded to "The Return of the Fliptard" a few days ago so the timeline fits.
We'll just have to wait and see. We're wondering, if he's home, what kind of "Welcome Home Hero" reception he's received.
Clinton pardoned hundreds of people.
This is not new.
" Where were you in 1982? Probably a sparkle in your Mom's eye?"
No...I was a number in a big computerin the basement of the Pentagon.
"No, NE Wyoming is coal country (think Gillette/Moorcroft), it was the only work many of us could find at that time."
Okay...I was honestly asking. anthracite,rather than bituminous,I imagine. Idon't know about out your way,but coal has picked up here in the East.
You have some kind of shame about being a miner?
I'm related to a one-time Stopes-clearing-man and a one-time Stringer.(Hard-rock both of 'em).
The Stringer made $20 an hour...in 1959 dollars.
"Wyoming only has one congressional district, are you asking what did CheneyFuckTard do for the entire state of Wyoming?"
Well...yes.I am. He wasYOUR Congressman, not mine.
It's soft coal out west. Bituminous/sub bituminous.
"It's soft coal out west"
huh...I always thought that was backwards...soft in the East, hard in the West.
Ick...by reputation, nasty gassy stuff to work.
Earn your money mining...blood money.
Some holes more 'n' others.
It was right to commute his sentence (heck, I would have backed a pardon), and I'm a dyed-in-the-wool Bush-hater. I think he was guilty of lying, but using criminal justice to advance political goals is a dangerous space to play in.
(Note to Republicans: hope you feel like right idiots about impeaching Clinton for lying, because he was lying, but you were still idiots for criminalizing a sploogy blue dress. Same shoe, other foot, you idjits.)
Let's leave the courts open for the Caseys and bash each other politically at the ballot-box.
The big anthracite deposits in the US are in Eastern PA. (Like the mammoth).
Western PA, W.Va Ohio are high volatile bituminous though. (And far bigger coal fields). That's probably what you are thinking of.
Anybody else anticipating browsing to IAFF in the next few days and finding it down...?
"Note to Republicans: hope you feel like right idiots about impeaching Clinton for lying, because he was lying, but you were still idiots for criminalizing a sploogy blue dress. Same shoe, other foot, you idjits"
Hey...what kind of jail time was Clinton looking at, had he been convicted?
The impeachment and conviction process, despite havingtheChief Justice presiding,is really no more than a personnel action.
It's just so convoluted becuase it involves an elected official,and in this instance,the Chief Executive.
If there's no fine or incarceration involved,then it's not "criminal".
It's the Constitutional way to dismiss an elected bum.
Harold Saxon:
"Western PA, W.Va Ohio are high volatile bituminous though. (And far bigger coal fields). That's probably what you are thinking of."
Yup...that's it. Thanks.
I wonder how many folks realize that the US is the Saudi Arabia of coal.
makesyou wonder, huh?
Jesus! I take one day off from work, come back expecting some juicy Casey posting, and a bunch of NeoCon Imperialists are defending one of Cheney's drunken frat buddies. I don't understand this whole "but Scooter wasn't lying because he didn't do anything wrong!" Dude! He's the FALL GUY. The FALL GUY goes to jail so his superiors don't get in trouble for retaliating against somebody who revealed that the whole yellow-cake uranium thing was a bunch of crap. Remember, that WAR we're fighting right now? The one where Saddam was supposedly building WMD? Oh wait, that's ANOTHER pack of lies!
"It's All Good" though because Bush is going to pardon him anyway, so quit your bitching! Then, when Bush is out of office, that whole pack of good old boy frat brothers is going to be sipping piña coladas on some private island laughing at how retarded the American public has gotten. SWEET!
Oh and vote for Ron Paul.
....somebody who revealed that the whole yellow-cake uranium thing was a bunch of crap.
Who makes up your opinions for you?
You need to look into it yourself. Wilson did a crappy slipshod job investigating, which he admitted was done from the hotel pool, never submitted a written report and the Senate concluded that he was wrong about the attempts to buy Uranium.
You need to look into it yourself. Wilson did a crappy slipshod job investigating, which he admitted was done from the hotel pool, never submitted a written report and the Senate concluded that he was wrong about the attempts to buy Uranium.
True, but the fact still remains that Cheney et al were extracting revenge because somebody in the system who had access to intelligence was revealing the yellow-cake evidence was bullshit. It was ham-handed damage control, and by outing an undercover agent, they committed a crime in the process. Oops!
". Remember, that WAR we're fighting right now? The one where Saddam was supposedly building WMD? Oh wait, that's ANOTHER pack of lies!"
Saddam WAS building WMD's a certain impeached former President said so in 1998.
You calling the Blow-jobber a liar?
And there were WMD's...one was even used here in this country.
And Americans died from it.
(God..the memory hole!But boy,can some people remember their "neocon imperialist" buzzwords).
One Wyoming mine, Black Thunder, produces more coal than all the mines in West Virginia, combined! Fully 10% of all coal production in the US. Yes, this is Dick Cheney's back yard.
Wyoming coal is "interesting" because it has a much lower sulfur content that eastern coal... remember acid rain?
"Fully 10% of all coal production in the US. Yes, this is Dick Cheney's back yard."
Are you the same anon who posted this?:
"No, NE Wyoming is coal country (think Gillette/Moorcroft), it was the only work many of us could find at that time."
Then, if that's the only work up there, I'd say that that would be a Cheney "plus" for Wyoming,right?
It beats starving, doesn't it?
"Wyoming coal is "interesting" because it has a much lower sulfur content that eastern coal... remember acid rain?"
Yep...that ole devil sulfur!
Problem with acid rain is that our ground water would be acidic anyway.
In the Green East there are billions and billions of deciduous trees.
They drop their leaves every autumn.
The rain soaketh the leaves and maketh "tea"...which yields tannic acid,granted, it's not sulfuric acid, but it's acidic nevertheless.
Saddam WAS building WMD's a certain impeached former President said so in 1998.
You calling the Blow-jobber a liar?
We all know that slick-willy is a liar, and used to time missile launchings to new press releases regarding Monica Lewinsky. What of it?
And there were WMD's...one was even used here in this country.
And Americans died from it.
Huh? When did Saddam use WMD's on the United States? Memory hole indeed! I'll bite. What was it?
yeah bitch ass mother fucker HTC here. Hey Duane i'l really love to come over and lick you flee infected puss balls. How does tonight sound? I just want to thank you from all americans for busting Casey. Your a tough guy duane real tough. Just hop ethat no one looks into fucking with you...............yeah bitch
"When did Saddam use WMD's on the United States?"
I did NOT say that Saddam used WMD's on us. He may HAVE,but I don't know that.
But a WMD WAS used against us, a week after 9/11.
And you have apparently COMPLETELY erased it from your "doublethinker".
"Memory hole indeed! I'll bite. What was it?"
Open your mail recently?
ANTHRAX, you slobbering half-wit!
Did you FORGET that some party,who has NEVER been identified, sent a biological weapon through the mails?
The Senate office building, American Media Building, NBC News,and two post offices.
17 sickened,and 5 people murdered.
It was in all the news...
A week after 9/11, and you just "blanked" it out, huh?
Well...I didn't.
Do I need to draw you a chart?
Can you figure out the 3' of separation between Saddam's labs, a mega-terrorist attack by al-Qaeda, and weaponized anthrax in your Publisher's Clearing House sweepstakes?
From the Administration's POV when trying to assess who hit us, and from where?
Jesus Wept! You fuckin' people!
Slip back into your coma so that you can repeat your Party slogans.
Ghads, don't get so worked up Sharky, kinda hard to figure where your coming from here.
Yes, I wrote both messages, and those mines were there long before Cheney came along, he didn't do a thing for the miners. Wyoming coal was and is popular because it burns cleaner. That makes it more valuable. This one of those strange instances where the flaming liberal-retards created more jobs for some coal miners...Dick Cheney had nothing to do with that. Yep, acid rain, and the resulting fall-out and legislation gave a bunch of us poor Wyoming miners jobs, no thanks to Cheney.
Congress-critters like Cheney like to ride-the-tide to get some political benefit from whatever comes their way. What? Do you have a reference showing where Dick took credit for allowing the expansion of some mining claims? I would not be surprised, he is an ass-hat if there ever was one.
Sorry Sharky, thanks for playing, but you lose no definitive link was found between the anthrax scare and Saddam Hussein. You'd think with the war and all that it would be a priority to prove that we had the "smoking gun", but no dice.
"Congress-critters like Cheney like to ride-the-tide to get some political benefit from whatever comes their way."
Well...that's part of the landscape, ain't it?
At the very least,I'd think credit would be due him for not fucking it up.
"Do you have a reference showing where Dick took credit for allowing the expansion of some mining claims?"
No,none.Mining ain't my gig, dude.
It would just seem that he was part n' parcel of that "sell-off of public lands" that got the tree-huggers all a-flutter back in the 80's.
(They bugged out over the logging leases,but I suspect there were some mineral claims on public lands quietly let also...a forest and it's fauna is photogenic...a hill full of clean coal isn't).
Allright, it was fun playing political thumb wars, but I'm going to celebrate the 4th of July by exercising my god-given right to set off massive explosions of illegal...
wait for it.
good night folks, and hopefully EN won't have developed a schism and jumped the shark by the 5th.
At the very least, you people could get your facts right.
He was not pardoned. His sentence was commuted. In other words the president has said, yes, you're guilty, but you don't need to be punished like anyone else would.
"You'd think with the war and all that it would be a priority to prove that we had the "smoking gun", but no dice."
Oh for God's sake.
You didn't even REMEMBER a fatal WMD attack here in this country until I reminded you of it, and you're now going to argue about it?
Wow...you wiki'ed it!
Did you read this at the bottom of the opening para, o mastermind?
"The crime remains unsolved."
So, since you're a fuckin'expert now, can you tell me WHEN it was determined that Saddam's labs were NOT the source of the weaponized spores?
We were at war in Iraq in March of '03. The Anthrax attacks petered out by October of '01.
So between the end of the Anthrax and D-Day on Iraq was a time span of 18 months.
So...when, in that time period, was Saddam removed from the list of suspects?
He wasn't...the case is UNSOLVED
"thanks for playing, but you lose"
There ya go....keep yammering your rightthink for the day...I think your eyes are already glazing over.
"You need to look into it yourself. Wilson did a crappy slipshod job investigating, which he admitted was done from the hotel pool, never submitted a written report and the Senate concluded that he was wrong about the attempts to buy Uranium."
True, but the fact still remains that Cheney et al were extracting revenge because somebody in the system who had access to intelligence was revealing the yellow-cake evidence was bullshit. It was ham-handed damage control, and by outing an undercover agent, they committed a crime in the process. Oops!
You really need to reconsider the facts again. After Wilson's article they said the press asked the administration what is up with Wilson's trip. Cheney asked people to look into why Wilson was selected as the one to go. It turns out that Wilson has been unemployed for a couple of years and had been out of government and was trying to get back in and that his wife had suggested him for the trip. Wilson has lied about this several times but it is clear that his wife was involved in selecting him. Is this not relevant for the public to know when assessing his OpEd in a prominent paper?
Anyway he does an half assed job, doesnt write up a report and that is that. President Bush gives the State of the Union speech in January (which includes more information than Wilson's article). Wilson does nothing until *July*. Why did he wait from January to July?
He wrote the article then because he could see that he was not going to get an appointed position in the Bush admin and he was soliciting a job from the Kerry camp- which he got as a result of the publicity from the article.
The unemployed hack Wilson has played this whole thing up into a book and a movie deal.
You can see the real story here:
Mr. Armitage was one of the Bush administration officials who supported the invasion of Iraq only reluctantly. He was a political rival of the White House and Pentagon officials who championed the war and whom Mr. Wilson accused of twisting intelligence about Iraq and then plotting to destroy him. ....
Nevertheless, it now appears that the person most responsible for the end of Ms. Plame's CIA career is Mr. Wilson. Mr. Wilson chose to go public with an explosive charge, claiming -- falsely, as it turned out -- that he had debunked reports of Iraqi uranium-shopping in Niger and that his report had circulated to senior administration officials. He ought to have expected that both those officials and journalists such as Mr. Novak would ask why a retired ambassador would have been sent on such a mission and that the answer would point to his wife. He diverted responsibility from himself and his false charges by claiming that President Bush's closest aides had engaged in an illegal conspiracy. It's unfortunate that so many people took him seriously."
Libby was attorney for Marc Rich,
a billionaire commodity trader. He fled the USA in 1983 for tax evasion, and trading with Iran. Libby made $2,000,000 off Rich.
"Libby was attorney for Marc Rich"
Would that be the same millionaire fugitive from justice who was pardoned by Bill Clinton?
(Hadn't forgotten that 'un either)
The Apprentice
Libby's Homoerotic/Beastiality/Incest Book
The book tells of travelers, caught in a blizzard and stranded in a remote mountain inn in Japan, circa 1903. Setsuo, the apprentice, is a male virgin inn-keeper pursued by Yukiko, who is a nymphomaniac. The wayfarers include a dwarf, children, homosexuals, and a pedophile, whose stay includes murder and deviant sexual acts.
The book is laced with scatology, drunkenness, and torture. Subjects like urine, turds, armpits, pubic hair, bestiality, and menstrual cycles, flow from this literary trash. Libby describes quivering inner lips, arching backs, firm breasts, and everything is moist.
One Scene:
"At age 10 the madam put the child in a cage with a bear trained to couple with young girls so the girls would be frigid and not fall in love with their patrons. They fed her through the bars and aroused the bear with a stick when it seemed to lose interest."
Another Scene:
Libby describes how one of the males entices a deer, stranded in a barn, by urinating in front of it's mouth, hoping to arouse it. Then we have the brothers of a dead samurai have sex with his daughter. The other guests discuss if they should f*ck the deer.
In This Scene:
Setsuo describes how the female plunges her head between his legs and devoured him in front of the other guests.
Picture Libby's Daughter Walking In
I have to imagine that Mrs. Libby put Scooter's literary den off limits to all the children. And how about that keyboard?
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