Fnny thing about trols, they don't stop when defeated. Thus they accumulate. Here is the Troll list taken from Markcentral command:
: Attack the person not the content.
: Post, post, post.
: My penis is huge.
: See above, anything except the topic.
: Ask no win questions. If the no win questions are ignored asdk louder.
: Repeat.
First murst
My murst is huge!
Apparently, not as big as I thought. Damn your eyes. Damn them all to hell!
The problem with having a day off work, a back that has decided to become my worst enemy and no good prescription drugs?
The troll feet seem to be stinkier than usual.
From Bruce D. Collins webpage... and there is more-
...A month and a half ago, I advertised on Iamfacingforeclosure.com. Although in terms of bringing new people to my site (which was good), I did not consider the full picture. I regret now having advertised on a site that has so much controversy and with someone that has had questionable actions in the past (and now present)... http://brucedcollins.blogspot.com/2007/06/i-regret-having-advertised-on.html
Bruce, come on. You couldn't see that coming? Nothing good can come of working with Flipturd.
Even if I wasn't aware of the Flipturd story, I'd analyze the site and pass just reading Casey's excuses.
im over leveraged, i will need to do some domain arbitrage
10% daily price chop in effect
10% will go to fishy treats!!
10% will go to the galina divorce fund!
Trolls to Casey Connections
Trolls are stinky
They're stinky 'cause they have stinky troll feet
Hobbits have big hairy stinky fee too, like trolls
Casey is a Hobbit.
Therefore: Casey is a Troll
It's a little early, but:
Happy 4th of July to everyone.
Remeber to take off your hats before viewing.
Hi Everybody!!!
Once again, I'd like to remind everyone that "Pagedaddy" Marty Stewart (who hates the limelight by the way), isn't too thrilled with CaseyPedia being the 3 link when doing a Google on Pagedaddy/Pagedaddy.com
To the poster 'bruce's conscience' at 2:40 PM:
Thank you for directing our attention to Bruce's message. We had read previous remarks with some speculation as to their validity, but there is no longer any doubt. I will forward his comments to Casey's other advertisers.
As always,
Not every anon commenter is a troll; not every criticism of EN is unfounded (or meant cruelly).
That is all.
I beg to differ, Anonymous 3:02 -- as you can see the cruelest of all Anons is the one that steals FIRST and MURST. There is nothing more evil than that.
Bahstahds! Have the decency to give a name if you claim first, Man!
Me thinks the Dawg doth protest to much about the trolls.....
I beg to differ, Anonymous 3:02 -- as you can see the cruelest of all Anons is the one that steals FIRST and MURST. There is nothing more evil than that.
Bahstahds! Have the decency to give a name if you claim first, Man!
:) It's the cruelest act of all, isn't it?
I believe this is the part where we accuse each other of all being the same person.
Do we know where Casey is?
Link to me, Marty!
Link to me, Casey!
I'll help boost your ratings!
Bruce D. Collins, was that the Maverick Mistakes guy?
There has been no trustworthy post that claims to know Casey's current location.
@Anon 3:09
You mean we're not?
Me thinks the Dawg doth protest to much about the trolls.....
Methinks thou readeth too mucheth into-eth it-eth. Don't-eth flattereth thyself-eth.
Once again, I'd like to remind everyone that "Pagedaddy" Marty Stewart (who hates the limelight by the way), isn't too thrilled with CaseyPedia being the 3 link when doing a Google on Pagedaddy/Pagedaddy.com
That's the "Nigel Swaby" syndrome. Bruce D. Collins however seems to have pulled the emergency brake early enough that his entry only comes in at number 4.
Yes indeed. The Dawg is only irritated at the people who point out that he himself is a troll, posting filler and teasers over and over.
As for the rest, he encourages it.
@mejustme: no, Bruce D. Collins was the wrestling promoter turned God-and-UFOs internet radio show host.
SmellyPogoStick said...
There has been no trustworthy post that claims to know Casey's current location.
Don't worry Casey has a way of outting himself every time!
Is it possible to display the IP addy of anonymous posters? Like next to where it says "At XX:XX PM, Anonymous said..."?
It wouldn't compromise anyone's privacy, but it would help everyone to tell the anons apart and identify the most useless / abusive posters.
Just a thought.
How much does a sweetlink cost?
I'm having a hard time keeping my links in the public eye.
Trolls often post how boring it is in here.
Hey wewantthefuk
This is Robs attempt to woo the trolls. EN gets boring when it's jsut rob-ballz suckers in here.
I mean how many times can you post that Casey's 15 minutes are almost up.
yes rob god say unto thee.
The way to handle trolls is to set up a forum (like spreebb or such). Registered users can then set their preferences to ignore certain posters and all anon posters.
Insall haloscan. You'll be able to see IP's and ban them if required.
Seems to me Casey's Moderator is MIA as well. Don't think Casey's letting anything through for a bit. I'll be surprised to see a post from him for a little bit. Although he may try to do a damage-control-everything's-it'sallgood it's not as bad as it sounds post.
Meanwhile Marty's trolls will troll. Fuck em.
At 3:28 anon
And small numbered too, poor thing.
Yeah Rob why do you not ban the trolls?
Because he's keeping it organic.
Look. I'm sorry. Trolls are a fact of blogging. Yes, the infestation is higher than normal but remeber it is still much less than most places.
Sweet merciful moses on a pogo-stick. Those are two videos that are painful to watch.
Casey Serin truly is the turd that won't flush.
Today's headlines-
"Bush Commutes Libby's Prison Term in CIA Leak Case"
That's the Bush I voted for.
This guy's bubble has burst.
And then hisengine seized.
Whatcha think that boat's name is?
The "Floating HELOC"?
Re-posted from last thread to the people that questioned my about my home purchase...
I'm not a bubble denier, but I really don't think that it hit in Louisville, KY nearly as bad as it did other places. When I bought, home prices had not doubled within the last decade (much less the last year, like in CA). I bought in a neighborhood that was built in the 70's, my house was recently remodelled, and several other houses in the neighborhood were in the process of being remodelled. Granted, this could be considered as flipping, but these people were really buying crappy houses, and adding value to a rundown neighborhood.
I think that even right now, I would be able to sell at a small profit, but with minimal equity, it isn't worth it. I probably won't ever pay off either of the mortgages on this house (except when I sell), but I also will not buy another house until I have 20% to put down. That isn't because I think I made a mistake by buying with 100% down, but I bought this house with the expressed interest of building home equity that I could "roll over" into my next home.
When I started the buying process by getting pre-approved for loans, I was definitely exposed and I would say pressured into taking the "creative" loans. The loan officer actually said that she was required by the bank to tell me about interest-only and other ARMS. Then, they pre-approved me for $50,000 more than I wanted to spend (and I ended up spending less than I planned on). I did not fall for their exciting claims, and ended up with my conventional fixed-rate loan. Even though the ARM wouldn't have changed until my planned time to sell, I didn't want to take the chance. If the bubble did indeed hit Louisville, I didn't want to have an ARM reset and still have negative equity in my house.
So, my point in that last post was, I am perhaps the most conservative buyer of real estate on the planet, so all of this bubble talk doesn't interest me that much. I do enjoy watching KC go down in flames though.
Not all anons are trolls. Some make some good points. And I highly doubt marty has anyone on the payroll.
Hi Dan,
After reviewing your detailed post,you appear to be in a good situation there.Don't let the Bubble-heads grind you down :)
I set up a placeholder forum at spreebb, if Rob wants to set up a way to allow readers to exclude troll/anon posts (exurbannation.spreebb.com). If not, I'll kill it.
"Marty Trolls" is a red herring.
Trolling a blog does nothing for SEO,so why would Marty Stewart @ pagedaddy.com do it?
These trolls be Dawg Haterz.
I think my ip is that might be my home address. DoN'tforSure.
Looking at the 'Recent Readers' on the MyBlogLog on IAFF I see that prlinkbiz is reading. "Hello Ladies!"
And in 'My Latest Photos' Casey still is showing pictures of Galina. Or should I say G. Good job respecting her wishes 'tard . . .
@anon: And I highly doubt marty has anyone on the payroll.
I've always been skeptical about this. It makes a good conspiracy theory, but the cynic in me suspects that "roving idiots" is somehow more likely.
I suspect Marty's more interested in keeping Casey's money than in spending it.
Alternative conspiracy theory: it's Mocha and her clique in the computer lab between classes. Which is why it goes quiet at weekends.
@roger: Personally, I'd prefer to keep the EN discussion here rather than splintering it across multiple sites and forums. JMHO.
Marty hates Haterz - he is trying to make this inhospitable and unreadable. Two weeks ago he nearly succeeded, but he will fail again. Keep posting bitches.
@I'm English: Ahem.
Duane pointed out that, at that time, her "Hot in My Communities" list included IAFF, Casey's Australia pics, the Friday fraudcast, and queuetrac.com. Nice to know the NLL keep track of their little murse-boi.
"So, my point in that last post was, I am perhaps the most conservative buyer of real estate on the planet, so all of this bubble talk doesn't interest me that much."
It interests me. I'm pretty "down" with your approach, since I, too, was buying my "Home"...not some fix n' flip crapshack.
But...that home you're in that was built in the70's...what did it sell for when it was brand new?
THAT'S why this interests me.
The ONLY way that I can see us avoiding a MASSIVE FOCUSED ECONOMIC SHITSTORM is by lighting the "inflation orbital booster rocket"...devaluing our currency.
(What did your digs sell for when new, again?...same house, huh?)
If the interest rates rise, speedboats ain't the ONLY things folksare going to be unloading...people gotta eat, and they need a place to live.
Those items are non-negotiable.
But our economy runs on things that ARE "frivolous".
So interest rate hikes are out.
Devaluing the currency would also tend to boost export trade-reliant jobs,and as others observed during our immigration debates, would even make Americans cheaper to employ than the heretofore "low-wage usual suspects".
(Yes, you can, YUCATAN! But Buffalo is CHEAPER!).
Folks without jobs ain't going to buy much of anything...MFES!
And frankly, the economy is so over-leveraged,that if we don't pay off yesterday's durable goods with tomorrow's cheaper dollars, we're fucking SUNK.
Last time that happenned, a lot of strange things happenned to the Economic overlords and their political lackeys.
Trotsky, (IIRC),wrote:
"You might not be interested in strategy, but strategy is interested in YOU!"
Speaking of trolls
Scooter scoots
"So, my point in that last post was, I am perhaps the most conservative buyer of real estate on the planet, so all of this bubble talk doesn't interest me that much."
A conservative buyer puts in at least 20% down, not zero. They also tend to get a mortgage that's 2.5x their annual gross income, and some go as far as purchasing a home that's 2.5x their gross income.
If you were to rent a house similar to what you own right now, would the rent be comparable to your mortgages?
This place is getting worse than Yahoo Message Board during the elections!
Still, the Repubs got their azzes for the plain fact they are swindlers like Casey!!!
Dear American people and your hallowed legal system:
Fuck you!
All best,
George W. Bush
You are entirely accurate in your assessment of a conservative buyer. Saving up for a down payment is exactly what is keeping me from purchasing real estate. I would love to live in the Bay Area, but I mean, seriously, it would take me like 3 lifetimes to pay off my mortgage. *shudder*
Good Ol Bush,
Lifted Libbey's 30 month jail sentence; now that is a load of Shit right there!!
Scooter was forgiven for being convicted of being unable to remember correctly an event that never happened. Everybody who wants to go to prison for being unable to recall something that didn't happen raise your hand.
Well stated Sprezz.
Hmm, at some point we'll have to replay the 6 Degrees of Casey Serin to Scooter Libby game.
At 4:12 PM, Sprezzatura said...
Dear American people and your hallowed legal system:
Fuck you!
All best,
George W. Bush
It's hard to talk about justice when you watch it get thrown out the door. What a sad day.
Well if it never happened then why did his good buddy George leave him to pay off a $250,000 fine.
You would think your friend would protect you from the fine as well, if nothing ever happened and you had done no wrong. Doesn't sound like foregiveness to me,,,just a deal.
Could you repeat the question please?
"Dear American people and your hallowed legal system"
Political trials beget political verdicts which beget political commutations...and political martyrs.
This is why the Law, to be the Law, must be enforced, if necessary, with violence.
When it isn't, it becomes a plaything...a wink, a nudge and a nod,and a pimpstick that gets used by whoever is in power at the moment.
Hobbit is the end result of this kind of thing.
If you're not willing to spill blood over it, don't pass the law.
Dawg -- considering how many bits have gotten used up here and elsewhere railing that lawbreakers like Casey do not get called to justice, it's mighty odd that you support forgiving a convicted felon.
You may not approve of the conviction but he had his day in court and was convicted by a jury. He should do the time.
And to add to Sprezz, he also has an appeal to exercise.
Saving up here as well. Got a few years to go since I got out of college not that long ago (I'm KC's age). Just enjoying renting right now and watching real estate melting down.
I'm assuming Rob Dawg was being facetious. Dawg?
Awesome, I'm about the same age as well. Good to see another GenY-er dispelling the mythos that we are all Snowflakes. =]
The trolls here are so incredibly lame I can't believe anyone here notices or is bothered by them. Where have you folks been posting most of your lives? Honestly, the kids use adolescent sexual references and the prolls are hardly making a dent in changing the dialogue...both are pathetic. Get a grip, people.
Rob has better things to do than babysit his blog.
"...you support forgiving a convicted felon."
You need to get your facts straight before you post.
Libby was NOT "forgiven".
He was NOT pardoned.
He is STILL a convicted felon, will still pay his 250k fine, and still do probation.
Pending Appeal.
His prison sentence of 2.5years was commuted.
He was convicted,btw, of lying to a grand jury and obstruction of justice...4 counts.
Yes...citizen Libby had his day in court.
Citizen Serin? We'll see.
For his multiple admitted frauds,I doubt if he'd do any time at all.
But spouting off half-cocked like that, and misstating the facts tends to discredit everything you say.
Holy shit! CNN is reporting that "worlds most hated blogger" commits suicide. Turn the channel.
I'm sure there are a lot of people in jail who forgot many things concerning their crime...but George Bush never will release them!!!
Don't play dumb here!!
So basically Libbey got his sentenced reduced from the azz raping prison he deserves!!
I wonder if mr. serin is using the "i'm back in the usa" post to cover for the fact he's actually off to cambodia? Or uzbek?
And now we learn who the TRUE "Haterz" really are...
Just a refresher:
The Grand Jury was investigating Libby for "outing" the identity of Valerie Plame, analleged covert CIA agent.
Was he convicted of THAT?
"Mister Libby....did you lather?"
"Did you rinse?"
"Did you REPEAT?"
"You LIE! J'accuse! NOBODY REPEATS!...take him to prison and have him raped for years until convict spooge flows from his nostrils!".
Valerie who?
Been gone for a few days and I come back and YAAAAWN. More Casey.
Why not just change the name of your blog to reflect your Casey obsession. Anyone looking at your technorati tag cloud knows this blog is all about your infatuation with Casey.
Oh, yeah, I posted as anonymous just because I could.
True HATERZ? Do you mean those on the left of the political spectrum?
Not everywhere is quite as crazy as CA, and there are those who forget that. We bought last year, too - 95% financing, using our state's first time homebuyer program... we got a 30-year fixed at 5.3% and a big grant/loan to cover closing costs. If we hold 10 years (our plan) we don't have to pay that back... Of course, we had to provide DNA samples and the SSNs of all our great-grandparents. If I'd only known we could have walked in and claimed to have been making three times as much!
I ran the numbers on the house we bought, and it appreciated about 5% a year through its last 3 sales over the last 15 years. The rest of the neighborhood is up about the same amount--not insanely bubbled. And our payment is a bit less than what rent would be on a house this size in this neighborhood. Maintainance will cost us more, and yeah, the market might well go down, but with a growing family and only skanky apartments or more expensive houses on offer, we weighed the pros and cons and made the jump...
You reads the signs and takes your chances...
I just don't get how this is in accord with what so many of you have expressed about the rule of law.
I feel so surprised and saddened by your interpretation of this.
It just doesn't pass the smell test.
I wish I hadn't known who supported this. It makes me feel differently about your judgement. Not that it matters to you but it does to me.
The people you label trolls mostly have questions about the motives of Duane and Mark and didn't drink the EN Koolaid. I think Duane's made a good case for himself, that he really is just trying to help. He really seems like good hearted dumb old hick.
Mark is acting like a spurned lover. He seems very creepy and almost evil. I'm willing to speculate that Casey turned down Mark's romantic advances, along with his advice. Now he wants more than just piece of Casey's ass.
LMP has made it clear he has no problem with being considered "creepy"
He's pretty close to a lawyer (and is very clear he isnt't a lawyer") Lawyers are evil which I guess makes him Diet Evil.
Sometimes it takes a different kind of evil to fight evil, so I'm fine with it.
I can admire someone who fights for what is right, even if people are giving him crap about it.
Casey's getting uppity. He deleted my comment seeking to purchase a sweetlink for my oppressed organization.
Oh, the woe.
Relentless said...
LMP has made it clear he has no problem with being considered "creepy"
Let's make this clear in case any of the adults are so bored the concept was missed.
LMP probably does not care that anon trolls try to use hyperlow ranked blog comments to try and get a single carefully crafted word "creepy" put close to his name TIME AFTER TIME to boost search results. The Dawg doesn't care about the fat walrus crap or the stupid crap or the drunk crap for many the same reasons. We do care that the world is so full of idiots that there are some that imagine we don't know what they are trying to do. Register the RCS domain (available) and see what that buys you sport.
hey rob your a Fat walrus drunk piece of shit! I'd really love to throw a big pile of shit on you that would be fun. Casey is gonna kick your ass you fat drunk.
Hey Mark your so smart! I'm sure your really successful. I'm also sure that women find you actractive.
hey rob your a Fat walrus drunk piece of shit! I'd really love to throw a big pile of shit on you that would be fun.
Accepted. Do you need directions or an appointment for a specific time when you wish to try pussy? It would be best if you could arrange your own law enforcement and media as mine will likely be busy.
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