Everyone has been assuming that all the leaked information has been coming from one person. Truth is there is more than one woman sharing his surname who has become alarmed at the potential consequences. Something about a lawyer ticking off a list of their possible exposure to the financial bomb Casey has set off in the center of the clan was very effective at focusing her attention.
New players will hopefully be introduced over the next few weeks. Not a tease, just get ready to add to the program. Can't tell the playerz™ without a program. We've talked about white knights and people above suspicion who have the resources and connections to chart out a happier ending than what Cap'n Casey has plotted for his family. Let's hope this week marks their nadir.
Addendum: I posted as much content as is possible under the circumstances.
It's an even bigger story now. I thought we were headed for an implosion with a mild pop at the end as the little werekoala ran out of options. Now the winds blowing indicate this story could be leveraged to move the entire industry to a higher more ethical and respectable place in the world. Wouldn't it be great if people could trust professionals in the distressed housing or real estate in general industry? Not the misplaced trust the NAR has been promoting but honest support and transparent motives.
1 – 200 of 258 Newer› Newest»Murst
Uh-oh. Sounds like Mama Serin is now a Haterz™.
Points for vocab (nadir - bravo) but minus points for no content.
Better wrap this up before the new Harry Potter is out, or you'll lose your audience. :)
What a summer - the Sopranos ends, Harry Potter ends...Casey _______....
Dawg, you TEASE.
Is 10am too early to mix up a pitcher of margaritas? Is it happy hour in Oz?
SO disappointed. Now I have to go through the dvd collection for entertainment.
Although, am glad is mom/sister/whatever has had her eyes opened.
So is flippy back in town?
- James Marks
Dammit...I take my nap and loose my chance at a 3peat.
She must be aware that there is something terribly wrong besides her own depleted finances. The guy is bipolor and is probably delusional in other areas of his life.
I'd just love to be a fly on the wall for that family reunion. And to think, CS needed to go to OZ because things were bad BEFORE. It will be interesting to see where he's sleeping next week.
At 10:11 AM, Mouse And Pencil said...
Points for vocab (nadir - bravo) but minus points for no content.
Better wrap this up before the new Harry Potter is out, or you'll lose your audience. :)
What a summer - the Sopranos ends, Harry Potter ends...Casey _______....
There is zero chance in hell the harry potter franchise will end. Rowlings herself has not ruled this out..she has simply stated she has no plans at this time to write another book.
There are litteraly thousand of different spinoffs of the harry potter universe that can be done and there will be boatloads of money throw at JK that she will not refuse.
She will take a couple year break from it...and I am willing to bet that around the end of the 7th movie (2 years from now)..she will announce the writing of the next book or have one ready.
It is going to be like superman, the spinoffs of that franchise are at times seeming neverending...or it will be like the star trek franchise or the Stargate franchise.
To Speedy -
Don't make stuff up. Duane isn't suing anybody and Mark is only suing Casey. Mocha isn't being sued. That would be a colossal waste of time and money.
Yeah Rob,
Have to admit, that was a troll post....Casey-like in every way.
Everyone has been assuming that all the leaked information has been coming from one person.
Why not write "Everyone is assuming that Galina is leaking the information about Casey. But I know that Anna Serin is now spilling the beans as the sh!t hits the fans!"
If you know the answer then why not just say it. Obviously Casey knows what the f@ck is going on, and you do, so why not tell.
Bottom line, we would really like to know that you can really apply misery to the foreclosure thief! Rather than play games like this!
Please help me and other understand what is going on.
I wonder if Casey will break down and tell his mum how sorry he is etc. or whether he is too delusional to even do that. Sad thing is i can just see him telling her to her face that "it's all good" and not to worry because "good things are coming".
The guy has a seriously blown gasket and from this point in i just cannot see this ending well now. I almost feel bad about watching the whole mess, it has got very real lately.
Do the Serins realize they've become the laughing stock of the internet?
They are like a gypsy clan, who's scamming were finally exposed. Nothing else for them to do but move onto the next village and look for new victims.
I'd like to thank the Academy for making this day possible, my looser W-2 job for having a quiet holiday week, and the Dude for enjoying a nice nap!
Rob, I'm a little baffled at the post, but if it's implying what it seems to be, Casey's m fraud might be the least of his concerns.
I've learned from this whole situation that, my credit rating seems to be something that was worth a whole lot more sold than it was as an asset. If not for the personal exernality of being a liar, I should have sold it.
I don't feel so bad i won't mock his tiny cock though, he deserves to reap everything he has sown. Just feel sorry for all the other players in this sad little drama.
Rob please post this as a new topic...I put it on my blog, but I think it is relevant to the exurbannation housing crisis bubble.
Okay so I am reading through the paper today and come across a Letter to the Editor in the East County Gazette (www.oregonsgazette.com).
I look online to see if it is there and it appears there publications are posted online a month behind.
So I will type it out here until I can link to it when it is online.
Dear Public at Large:,
I am a Sandy citizen and I would like to seriously warn the Sandy community of a really, really, BAD REAL ESTATE BROKERS that own PACIFIC PIONEER REALTORS. We have just finished years of the run around and then going to Small claims court with Mr. Greg Rosen, and MR. Dan Martin on May 30th, 2007 Case #SC70131 this is public record and you can order a audio tape of the trial for $10.00 by contacting Clackamas County Small Claims Court, at 807 Main Street Oregon City, Oregon 97045, or phone (503) 665-8447.
These two are indeed very crooked and dishonest people. Mr. Martin was asked to leave the court room stand by Judge Kranovich, on May 30th, who shouted at him, "Your credibility is absolutely zero, if you think your helping your case at all, you are not," as he lied non stop to protect Mr. Rosen. It was that obvious. Mr. Rosen constantly disavowed any and all contract work he had (in fact) done for us on our easement. Not only did Mr. Rosen lie to us for years and years about this paperwork telling us it was our legal protection, but then in the court room stated he had never seen it before, and could not understand how his signature was on it. Furthermore he stated or is that lied, he did not recognize what he himself had written above his signature. Mr. Rosen was paid to to obtain an easement on our property in Sandy, and the closing was contingent on obtaining the easement, as reflected in the closing document in notes. Currently Mr. Martin and Mr Rosen are under investigation by the Real Estate Board Commision. And after preliminary stages, are continuing under investigation. The court tapes will reflect the dishonest and contradicting testimony between the real estate board investigator Joyce Peirce and the fast one they tried to pull over on us in the courtroom. For further information you can reach me at Robynne Fauley at (503) 381-6937. Tha is for you protection that I mention this.
Robynne Fauley,
Are you saying no revelations coming today?
Actually, if we're talking about the use of "nadir" here, i would say that it is mis-used. The active element of the preceding sentance is the "white knights", so hoping for their nadir would seem to be a bad thing. Although i do get what you are actually saying.
I am a Sandy citizen ...
Somebody get this person a towel!
You may be right - I personally think it would be a shame to leave that world, it's so fun, you could write endless stories. Maybe she'll open it up to other writers, or delve into the history. I doubt it's money though, she has enough to buy Wales outright, and is eyeing large tracts of Scotland (nod to Doubglas Adams).
She did say she has other books in mind, but not in the Harry universe. Let her play with those for a while, she may be back, like you said. A lot of writers said they were done, and went back, just because it was so fun!
(Plus, she's GOT to enjoy the attention and secrecy)
Are you saying no revelations coming today?
I thought Rob was saying:
The revelation is that his mother is reaching out in her confusion and pain but sensitivity must be excercized at this time.
I posted as much content as is possible under the circumstances.
It's an even bigger story now. I thought we were headed for an implosion with a mild pop at the end as the little werekoala ran out of options. Now the winds blowing indicate this story could be leveraged to move the entire industry to a higher more ethical and respectable place in the world. Wouldn't it be great if people could trust professionals in the distressed housing or real estate in general industry? Not the misplaced trust the NAR has been promoting but honest support and transparent motives.
Mirrored above as an update.
This whole Casey mess is becoming like a Giant's Baseball game.
It's exciting that Barry Bonds will rewrite baseball history and we love to watch it, yet we know most of the record is filled with steriod pumped up performance!!
I should stay away for a while until I actually read in the paper that Casey is arrested and in jail.
Mouse if you look at all the spinoffs of star trek in books that have been put out.
Massive series and a ton of different authors.....
Just like james bond..with how many movie and different actors and different directors.
She has done a pretty good job with setting up the harry potter universe...and eventually she will just sit back and let other people do the work and just collect the residuals.
Either way..her family will not have to work for many generations to come...hell we might even see some spoiled rotten great grandchildren that turn out like paris in our lifetime.
@Anon 10:17: Mark is only suing Casey. Mocha isn't being sued.
*cough* From the complaint:
“Mocha,” sued herein as DOES No. 3
Of course we don't know what Mark's actually going to file.
One other thing we may have missed from the complaint:
IAmFacingForeclosure.com, an
Internet Publication and Partnership
If you guys can turn this around so Snowflake gets his just deserts, the real estate industry and all it's parasitic professions are exposed (like mortgage brokers, loss mitigation specialist, etc) AND... the so called GURUs are exposed as well and held liable for what they promote....
Then I think it would be worth it.
P.S. The Serin clan should get deported for their crimes. I still don't buy it that Galina was innocent. She had fun on that Hawaii trip... which was paid with stolen funds.
Rob Dawg,
The suspense is killing me! Enough trolling and give us the goods!
Perhaps the famility is scared they will have to pay back debt they cosigned for!
Co-signers never imagine that happening, to them it seems 'wrong' to pay back debt cuz it didnt go thier way.
I hear Gary Coleman himself is on the case, calls twice a day!!!
"Wat chu talkin bout, Casey!?!"
Of course IAFF is a partnership. We all know someone else is writing it.
Probably one of Marty's virtual assistants.
CHJTS, will do. Today. This is an example of why I'm "pimping" realestatefraudbusters.com
There's good and bad and there needs to be a place to find the truth.
Will 'Discovery' be the vehicle used?
It's an even bigger story now.
No it isn't.
The story is getting boring. There are only so many times you can say "omg, this is going to be so interesting!" The number of false endings is starting to rival The Return of the King.
Jail the fucker and be done with it. The story needs to end. We don't want more characters. We don't want things drawn out anymore. We want it to end.
thanks rob.
yes we need that site up so people can post this stuff.
this week I am going to try and get out to oregon city and get that tape and then upload it onto talkcast.
oh and rob.....will you be calling into the haterzcast tomorrow? I think your email is broken again.
So the Casey Serin story can trigger off the investigation of Mortgage Industry fraud across the board?
Damn, is the level of Casey bullshit that deep?
Damn, another Savings & Loan debacle in the making!!!
I've noticed I'm starting to see a lot of this kind of language in the MLS..
**Selling agent must attend all showings, including inspection, or SOC is 1%.**
Sounds like a big "Fuck You" to Redfin eh?
Speedy Villagonzales said...
If you guys can turn this around so Snowflake gets his just deserts, the real estate industry and all it's parasitic professions are exposed (like mortgage brokers, loss mitigation specialist, etc) AND... the so called GURUs are exposed as well and held liable for what they promote....
Then I think it would be worth it.
Careful Speedy, you may wake up one day to find yourself one of the haterz™. It won't be worth it to us personally. I can speak for all that this all is sucking time and treasure like I never imagined.
P.S. The Serin clan should get deported for their crimes.
This isn't a communicable disease. You can't pick your family. Think mine is happy that I'm a fat dumb internet wanna-be with some deep dark ulterior motive and filled with real hate? Still my family but they don't deserve to visited for my numerous shortcomings.
I still don't buy it that Galina was innocent. She had fun on that Hawaii trip... which was paid with stolen funds.
The Hawaii trip is currently not a subject for discussion. All we have is his word as to what went on. You ready to accept that as the absolute truth?
Can any of these upcoming revelations be attributed to the sun, koi or algae?
Interesting story Re: Sandy.
1000 a weak said...
It's an even bigger story now.
No it isn't.
Yes it is. Have I ever lied when I've telegraphed stuff like this?
The story is getting boring. There are only so many times you can say "omg, this is going to be so interesting!" The number of false endings is starting to rival The Return of the King.
That's the way these real to life stories go. Why do you think LOTR is such an enduring work?
Jail the fucker and be done with it. The story needs to end. We don't want more characters. We don't want things drawn out anymore. We want it to end.
Yeah, six months ago that was me too. That was like wishing for ponies is my current perspective. Life is messy. I still sense opportunity. Residential asbestos removal is a messy and highly lucrative business. No respect, suspicions of crooked dealings, etc. etc. BUT an absolutely vital job. I see the equivalent for toxic financial product removal.
What do you guys make of the drop in IAFF's Google rank for the search term "foreclosure"?
I could swear Snowflake's site was coming up in the 5th position as little as a week ago, but now it's 9th. Could the complaints to Google about him selling links be having an effect?
It was probably the koi, you never can trust those little scum suckers.
PLEASE TELL ME!! I have been waiting ever so patiently. I haven't speculated, I haven't feed the trolls, I looked up nadir, I read the encrypted message about time travel, mama and daughter and what else. Can't I have just a nugget? PLEASE!!
OK i read stuff like this:
(lates mortgage fraud fluff from fbi)
is casey not the most visible mortgage fraudster in the WORLD?
Would trying him not scare people into thinking 'hey they really do go after people'.
Its like Bin Laden is living in new jersey and blogging about it! and they do nuthin, can u imagine?!?!
(ok, thats a stretch....hehe)
The sun sun cause algae. Koi feed off algae.
Serin Radiation causes media over exposure. Nigel feeds off media.
The unamed are not part of the bottom feeding food chain we have grown used to observing.
BTW, Nigel has been self controlled and forthcoming of late. I'm not one to hold that most people cannot change. Casey cannot change. Casey is harwired for all this. It was there 10 years ago with the pryamid scheme. It was there 3 years ago and 3 years of beatings hasn't moved him one inch. Sure it moved him 12,000 miles but only so he wouldn't have to change.
Think "The Toaster" in Red Dwarf. [Been a long time since a good obscure sci-fi reference.]
Boring, boring, boring. I used to like coming here, but I've had it with the constant trolling. Constant posts going up by Rob claiming some big revelation is in the works, and then it's dragged out for days. I know you want to keep your traffic up, but really.
Oh, and let's not forget the posts that go up that supposedly DO have info in them...but they're actually just some kind of innuendo and heavily veiled hints and babble. I don't have time to read a 200 comment thread for the single nugget of info Rob eventually deigns to drop somewhere in it.
Hell with this, I'll stick with other Haterz sites. And btw, you missused the word nadir.
Sweetie. You forgot "White Knight." There that should help fend off the barbarians at the gate.
And btw, you missused the word nadir.
I did not and you mispelled misused. The #1and #2 reasons there is any boredom at all is that trolls don't bother to read and trolls keep posting they are bored.
Boring? Last weekend was anything but boring. I was working away in Silo on a 3-d project reading it all listening to haterz and scammerz and had the tv off. Great fun!
OMG. Gary Coleman really is a spokesman for CashCall.com.
Damn it, Casey, you could have had that endorsement.
Just got back from the stormy state of Georgia...first off Sonny Lied :) Second, holy poop, I'm gone for a weekend and look what happens.
I hear Green Peace will be filing charges against Casey for the fecal trail across the Ocean.
I saw an ad for Cash Call on tv. They disclosed 99% interest at the bottom at the end of the loan!
is that even legal? I guess so.
Did Casey go to Oz because he was escaping or because he had a maniac attack after getting his hands on some of the corporate credit and wanted to do business down under?
Methinks the latter is far more probable than the former. His business opportunity went away when the credit was yank up from him by momma Serin.
Maybe this kid is indeed bipolar, a medical condition, and not necessarity a crook per se.
Stick it up your Ass, Rob. Casey is in the States now, and your bitch ass Marshals were no where to be seen. Fuck ass.
I did not and you mispelled misused. The #1and #2 reasons there is any boredom at all is that trolls don't bother to read and trolls keep posting they are bored.
Sorry, not a troll. I'm tired of you drawing stuff out all the time unnecessarily. I'm tired of all the posts without content, and most of all, I'm tired of having to skim the comment threads looking for information.
Seriously Rob--look at your last several Casey posts. The content always gets dribbled out in the comment threads after numerous posts that are basically unintelligible.
Sorry, but that's how I see it. Good luck to you; I'm not coming back.
Of course Casey is Bipolar. You don't need to be a fucking doctor to see that. I am and I know one when I fucking smell one. It is a medical condition, and yet he still runs amok (like me). there is just no bloody money in the social systems to bring people to task anymore for this kind of stuff. People would rather spend money on wars and shit.
At 11:19 AM, Call A Spade A Spade said...
Stick it up your Ass, Rob. Casey is in the States now, and your bitch ass Marshals were no where to be seen. Fuck ass.
Strawman of the Day award. Care to back up your claims of what you think I said?
Isn't it obvious?
I believe that the RealEstateFraudBusters.com site is going to turn into a commercial venture between Rob Dawg, Duane, and Mark.
While I wish them luck, I doubt they will have the ability to leverage free research from people throughout the country for future cases.
The simple fact is that not many people are as good as inspiring hatred as Casey is.
Sorry, not a troll. I'm tired of you drawing stuff out all the time unnecessarily. I'm tired of all the posts without content, and most of all, I'm tired of having to skim the comment threads looking for information.
Seriously Rob--look at your last several Casey posts. The content always gets dribbled out in the comment threads after numerous posts that are basically unintelligible.
Sorry, but that's how I see it. Good luck to you; I'm not coming back.
If it helps; I'm tired of drawing stuff out all the time necessarily. Wish I could Do a MWF Casey dump and get on with my life.
Besides Mom and Galina, how many women have the Serin last name?
Are Steve and Marine Brother(Tim?) married? If so, there's two more Serin women right there.
How old is Casey's sister? Is she 18? If so there's a three more other than Mom and Galina.
Could be some aunts as well.
Didn't Casey make reference to numerous uncles?
I've got it. Rowlings is doing a Harry Potter spinoff named "Casey Potter & the Mortgage of Doom", and there will be massive spinoff products?
It's true, I'm part of the 1/5th that has no life but it's only temporary until I find sex & work.
White Knight? Has the hookah smoking caterpillar given you the call?
Tie goes the blog-runner in the "nadir" case. Looks like Dawg was referring to Casey's family, not the white knights.
Yes - check into White Knights & Russkies...there's meat on that bone...just needs some chewing...
I like the way Rob gives little and not so little hints, I love all the 'in' jokes and most of all I like that he respects certain people enough to only give out info with permission.
And then, I like to open my presents one by one and savor each completely.
RealEstateFraudBusters.com is a great idea, as long as it's legal, go for it - their first target can be NR. Get a mole to sign up for classes and expose anything illegal.
Guy named Paladin on Ben Jone's blog was starting up something similar. Might want to contact him, guys, if that's what you're planning.
You have no idea how much public hatred for scammers and scheisty mortgage folks is coming down the pike the next couple of years.
I believe that the RealEstateFraudBusters.com site is going to turn into a commercial venture between Rob Dawg, Duane, and Mark.
Thanks. I'll think about it. There is a need and IAFF sure ain't the place to fill that need.
Rob Dawg wrote:
"Now the winds blowing indicate this story could be leveraged to move the entire industry to a higher more ethical and respectable place in the world."
Does this mean the Serins are suing Casey's mortgage brokers? Or there's a plea deal in the works with the DA to go after the bigger fish? Inquiring minds want to know.
WAIT A MINUTE!!! I now know the true story. I have to do this to poor little snowflake but I must now out him.
Casey got popped by the FBI two years and they flipped him to work for them. He has been working undercover for them and collecting evidence to blow the whole RE SCAM wide open. His book deal is all about what he did, he is going to be famous just like Donnie Brasco!!!!!!
(I hope I can play Rob Dawg in the movie)
With all the bloggers who read EN, I wonder if any of them signed up for Yaro's $47/month "mentoring."
It would be interesting to see what Casey posts there in the forums and in the questions to Yaro.
At 11:32 AM, Tony Soprano said...
Tony you magnifcant b@stard. I had seen that once before (lost it) but I swear I could smell the Castrol.
BTW, I am following the MLS attempts to exclude nonrealtor transactions. They gonna find themselves losing any anti-trust exemptions/free passes IMO.
"At 11:24 AM, WINEX said...
Isn't it obvious?"
BUSTED.. thats been the secret plan all along.. all we need is an investor.. anyone know anyone that would like to make - not a 5- but an 8% monthly return? We might even buy a small parcel of land and claim it to be a goldmine full of riches...
There has to be someone out there who is smart enough to see this as a cant miss opportunity.. but WHO?
White knight (business)
From Wikipedia
In business, a white knight may be a corporation, a private company, or a person that intends to help another firm. There are many types of white knights.
The first type refers to the friendly acquirer of a target firm in a hostile takeover attempt by another firm. The intention of the acquisition is to circumvent the takeover of the object of interest by a third, unfriendly entity, which is perceived to be less favorable. The knight might defeat the undesirable entity by offering a higher and more enticing bid, or strike a favorable deal with the management of the object of acquisition.
In short, if Company T (target) is going to be acquired by Company H (hostile firm), but Company A (acquirer) can acquire ownership of Company T, then Company A would be acting as the white knight.
The second type refers to the acquirer of a struggling firm that may not necessarily be under threat by a hostile firm. The financial standing of the struggling firm could prevent any other entity being interested in an acquisition. The firm may already have huge debts to pay to its creditors, or worse, may already be bankrupt. In such a case, the knight, under huge risk, acquires the firm that is in crisis. After acquisition, the knight then rebuilds the firm, or integrates it into itself.
Some fun while we are waiting...UNGH-UNGH!
Duane LeGate, another Rob Dawg cock-sucking fuck ass.
At our weekly office meeting, this issue came up. I oersonally haven't run into it but those in the office that had said not to worry, that it wasn't aimed at Realtors, it was simply to keep away RedFin agents. Much discussion ensued. Quite interesting.
Where is Dad in all of this??
And of course, the classic! Turn it up!
Think "The Toaster" in Red Dwarf.
(jauntily) "So... does anybody want some big juicy deals?"
You forgot to use the magic word "guaranteed" before mentioning the 8% monthly return.
Duane LeGate, another Rob Dawg cock-sucking fuck ass.
Yeah months later, uncountable accusations refuted, no evidence whatsoever, massive geographical, social, background separation and you think anyone cares beyond crying for the poor innocent electrons that gave their all to transmit your dreck? Marty isn't getting his moneys' worth unless you are so pathetic you are doing for free what others are getting paid to try. Man. Talk about sad. Trolling a trollproofed blog for free and too stupid to realise there are paid trolls doing the same thing and equally so stupid that you imagine there's anything here for your type.
So if I understand the way EN works, basically anyone who voices criticism at Rob or the other leaders are automatically considered trolls?
Granted, there are some junior-high school kids, retards and virtual assistants being paid by Marty to troll this board, that much is obvious.
But to label everyone who disagrees with the pack or points out some level of hypocrisy is instantly labeled a troll. WTF!?
So, in keeping up that ludicousness lets hear it...
yes, I must be a troll too, right?
The pack mentality here is laughable. I HATE what casey has done and cannot stand how he abndoned his wife and always plays the victim. He is ridiculous.
Tony, don't take this personally but more and more the NAR looks to be becoming a religion than a professional association.
Next I can see them "limiting" the number of Realtors® and doling out permission like NYC taxi medalions.
So know I'm really confused.
1. Are Casey's parents currently aware of his illegal activities?
2. When did they find out?
3.Are Casey's parents blowing the lid and spilling the beans about Casey's fraudulent activities (as they know it)?
4.What types of actions are they demanding to help clear this up?
5.Who are they speaking to right now to make sure they don't go to jail or pay heavy fines?
6.Is Casey on the sidelines laughing at the moment cause he knows that Rob Dawg, Mark and Duane are all bullsh!t?
7.Is Casey shitting his pants right now because it's now time to face the law? (Other than the court steps during foreclosure sales.)
8.Can you answer these RobDawg?
It would clear more things up (since you brought up this story anyways!) than to continue telling the Casey using riddles and words that you really only see on the SAT and GRE tests!!
Youre right.. lemme re-do..
Winex is NOW GUARANTEEING an 8 % monthly return for our new venture. Its foolproof. Its Casey Proof.. and its backed by Winex.. :-) (that'll bring em in)
At 11:51 AM, WINEX said...
You forgot to use the magic word "guaranteed" before mentioning the 8% monthly return.
Ummm, wait a minute. You're supposed to guarantee me the 8% returns...
Wouldn't you want others to profit like Casey promised in his letter to Ramit (below)? Funny how others want to paint you as some self absorbed greedy SOB, yet, I don't see you pulling crap like this:
Do you have money that's sitting in an account somewhere earning an embarrassing 1-3%? Are you comfortable with your retirment money sitting in a volatile stock-market?
Maybe you're not investing at all. Are you comfortable trusting social security to take care of your retirement?
Invest your money with us and get 24% fixed return secured by real estate.
We need to realize Duane and Mark aren't the problem here. CASEY is.
You aren't gauranteeing EVERYONE 8% monthly returns? Haven't you ever watched "The Prducers?" Springtime for Casey in Alcatraz... ;-)
Trust me, lots of Realtors not very happy with the NAR right now. Most of my co-workers would prefer that the NAR either STFU or take the lead, come out and tell it like is. But that ain't gona happen now. They have too much invested. The way they see it, it's better to "Stay the course" and swear it's all good. Wonder where they got that idea?
If Duane can't guarantee me 8% monthly, then I am going to resort to gold nuggets I mined from my email this morning.
Should I go with the Chinese Solar Goldmine? (500 shares per penny!)
Or would the new herbal rogaine/viagra combo be a better buy?
Take the rogaine/Viagra trial...it's only $90/month to get started..and you are supposed to get screwed!!
Mr. Unbelievable,
Nobody is asking you to like any of us regulars. All I ask is that you debate my points with refutable facts of your own. Not doing so is where the troll tag gets pulled into this.
How many times have I posted facts only to have some anon call me an ass or a whiner or whatnot. Do you understand where that comes from? Nobody and I mean NOBODY cares if you question my opinions or facts. It just helps if you have a counterpoint that doesn't digress into name calling or hatred.
I will say it again, I don't hate you or anyone. I hate unaccountability. If I f-up, I admit it and make amends where possible. I am far from perfect. That is how I live my life.
Just sayin'...I am by no means dictating how you should post. But trolls do tend to be anons who call others names.
@ Anon.. I know this is directed at Rob, But I will answer as I can..
1. Are Casey's parents currently aware of his illegal activities?
2. When did they find out?
They found out the whole shooting match last week.. not the fluff stuff Casey was telling them.
3.Are Casey's parents blowing the lid and spilling the beans about Casey's fraudulent activities (as they know it)?
Time will tell... but they may be shifting away from enabling mode...
4.What types of actions are they demanding to help clear this up?
Dont Know
5.Who are they speaking to right now to make sure they don't go to jail or pay heavy fines?
I know of 2 people that have spoken to.
6.Is Casey on the sidelines laughing at the moment cause he knows that Rob Dawg, Mark and Duane are all bullsh!t?
Hardly... the conversation was probably.. MOM..DAD.. IM Home.. WHOS BEEN LEAKING? TheSerin family... one by one... is turning on Casey... and Casey doesnt even know who they ALL ARE.. yet... :-)
7.Is Casey shitting his pants right now because it's now time to face the law? (Other than the court steps during foreclosure sales.)
I bet Casey thinks its no big deal.. he doesnt know the cards are being shuffled by other people that area close to him..
8.Can you answer these RobDawg?
Hi Everybody!!!!
@Bakersfield Bubble
I could never figure that outfit out. How the hell do you make a profit if you fly clients on jets, buy a Rolex and an Armani suit on credit and lease a Ferrari? I wear Dockers, a nice Orvis shirt, and maybe a Filson jacket, (along with an STI .45 hehe) and drive a 2000 4-Runner.. And WTF did he need bodyguards for? Man, that guy is toast..
Is a lawsuit going to be filed by LMP this week, as mentioned during the fraudcast?
Duane, can you confirm where Casey is staying?
@Anon @12:04
$90 a month? Obviously you don't have as good of a source on herbal rogaine/viagra as I do!
At 11:54 AM, Mr. Unbelieveable said...
So if I understand the way EN works, basically anyone who voices criticism at Rob or the other leaders are automatically considered trolls?
Nope. There's your problem. You misunderstand the nature of criticism and debate. I'm like everyone else, imperfect. What I'm not is patient with laggards. There are no "leaders." That implies organization and hierarchy. Dawg pack was not a whimsical choice for analogy.
Granted, there are some junior-high school kids, retards and virtual assistants being paid by Marty to troll this board, that much is obvious.
Think about the bigger picture with that. Why are there paid disruptors? Why is there no smoking gun to accuse the EN crowd of subterfuge?
But to label everyone who disagrees with the pack or points out some level of hypocrisy is instantly labeled a troll.
There you go again. It takes much more than disagreement or criticsm. Persistence in bringing up old facts that don't move the discussion forward. Refusal to learn. Refusal to pick any name except anon.
Oh, and notice that the better critics are steadily becoming haterz™? Why is that?
What is your personal opinion, is Casey ill with something like Bipolor or is he an amoral sociopath?
I know it doesn't much matter, he is hurting people period but I'm curious what your thoughts are.
Dougal = KC enjoy
This is bad news for Casey, but good news for Bubba. Casey's rear end is in for a world of hurt...
Are the Serin's and Suprun's cooperating with each other. Please answer even if only I can't say or I don't know.
Posted on IAFF:
Honestly, boy wonder, who cares?
This blog is dying so fast it's not even funny anymore. So...are you reporting your "blog revenue" to the IRS as required? It's a quarterly filing, you know. But then again, your "CPA" would have told you that along with FILE YOUR 2006 TAXES. BTW - you are gonna get hit hard with penalties, but you don't care because it's all good right?
At 12:10 PM, Anonymous said...
Is a lawsuit going to be filed by LMP this week, as mentioned during the fraudcast?
Unless he gets hit by a train... YES
At 12:12 PM, Anonymous said...
Duane, can you confirm where Casey is staying?
I cant confirm he is back, even though he says he is. I dont doubt it, I just dont have knowledge of it... I can tell you ONE place HE IS NOT...
Thanks Duane,
You cleared many things up right now. I can rest at the moment knowing this swindler is taking the heat from his family.
A nadir is the point of the celestial sphere that is directly opposite the zenith and vertically downward from the observer. So if I'm looking at the North Star, the nadir would lie on the same line, equidistance from the earths core as the North Star but in the opposite direction (in line with my azzhole!)!
Hey Rob, I took physics as an engineering student too!!! But I can see why you didn't write the definition of that damn GRE word!!
You mention 'the whole shooting match'. Is there more to this story than has been presented thus far? Beyond mortgage fraud, spousal abandonment, and putting his mother's credit at risk, I mean.
Does Casey know what he is doing or is he naive?
Remember Bill Clinton.. "It depends on what your definition of IS is. Kinda the same thing.
"At 12:17 PM, Anonymous said...
Are the Serin's and Suprun's cooperating with each other. Please answer even if only I can't say or I don't know."
1. Are Casey's parents currently aware of his illegal activities?
Most if not all of the recent ones.
2. When did they find out?
A lawyer seems to have been involved in -cementing- what many have been telling them. Sometime since he fled to Australia.
3.Are Casey's parents blowing the lid and spilling the beans about Casey's fraudulent activities (as they know it)?
They have many competing interests to weigh out. Mu guess is yes, one or both will want to start fresh by throwing out the garbage. It really is just a guess.
4.What types of actions are they demanding to help clear this up?
I don't even know if they are past the shock part of shock and awe. Demanding isn't the right word at this time. Still too many questions.
5.Who are they speaking to right now to make sure they don't go to jail or pay heavy fines?
These are some of those questions. Their support network doesn't know so they don't know so we don't know so there is nothing here yet. Too early.
6.Is Casey on the sidelines laughing at the moment cause he knows that Rob Dawg, Mark and Duane are all bullsh!t?
There is a thin yellow-green trail of whetgrass transecting the Pacific as we speak. While there might be bullshit even that has a purpose. 4.5lbs of prime weed free BS in 5lb sacks commands a premium at the garden store. 5.5lbs like Casey has been serving up is sure to spill over and cause several innocent bystanders to slip and fall.
7.Is Casey shitting his pants right now because it's now time to face the law? (Other than the court steps during foreclosure sales.)
Casey has NEVER faced the consequences of his irresponsible actions. After a decade of shady deals he just plain old cannot concieve of consequences.
8.Can you answer these RobDawg?
@ 12:18 PM, Dolph said...
Posted on IAFF:
...are you reporting your "blog revenue" to the IRS as required? It's a quarterly filing, you know. But then again, your "CPA" would have told you that...
No, it's not.
Self employment income is reported once a year, on your 1040.
It is wise (but not required) to send in a payment every quarter. Otherwise you can get hit with interest and penalties. As somebody else noted here recently, those don't add up to much on the small amounts that Casey is likely dealing with from his blog. Still, stupid to get stuck with even a small penalty when you're as broke as he is.
If you are paying yourself salary from a seperate legal entity, then of course the salary payer (employer) has to file state and federal employment tax forms. And you have to make monthly payments unless the amounts are really small. Typically you'd use a payroll service that would take care of all of the above. I don't believe this applies to IAFF though.
Is a lawsuit going to be filed by LMP this week, as mentioned during the fraudcast?
Unless he gets hit by a train... YES
So you're telling me that there's a chance? Sweeet.
Time to go to JJ to celebrate!
OMG! Thanks Duane shame to see the competing interests here.
Something about getting involved with Casey's family reminds me of my friend who used to work in domestic violence.
A lot of people try and get in between the victim and the abuser. They talk about the bad things the abuser has done. Maybe even convince the victim to walk away.
Then they get bit on the ass when they get back together. Then the sympathetic friend becomes the bad guy.
His wife and family may get mad at Casey, they may yell or throw him out or cut him off or file separation (why not divorce if she's serious about ending it?) but odds are that Galina and his family will patch things up with Casey. Maybe sooner, maybe later, maybe never.
The middle is not a good place to be in these situations. The frustration is high and it's quite draining. So don't get yourselves invested emotionally in their decisions.
Ya know?
Tony Soprano:
"(along with an STI .45 hehe) and drive a 2000 4-Runner.. And WTF did he need bodyguards for? "
An STI, huh?
WTF, guappo? Why bother to impress the bunny?
He'll only be impressed for a few seconds at the most, until he bleeds out.
If you're turning him off, he don't care if you use throwaway or a $1200 gatt.
"Yuppie" Wise Guys...what would Anastasia say?
There was no reading between the lines there.. The serins found out how deep Casey is in... Casey had been telling them the aw shucks its all good story.. they heard serious fraud issues..probably for the first time ever.. from someone they trust
"At 12:19 PM, someotherpersonaltogether said...
You mention 'the whole shooting match'. Is there more to this story than has been presented thus far?"
@ Duane
Cool. Thanks.
Who is this Casey character and how can I meet him?
Is there a way we can invest in his corporation? It sounds like, how do you say it, "It's All Good!".
Let me know cause I'm pretty pissed about the 2% i'm getting from my bank at the moment!!
Nadir. Rob Dawg blushes. Sorry, my mom was an English teacher (of sorts). My dad could explain eccentric bearing thrust to 7 year old because he understood things like that so well and he had the language skills. Nadir was just a word I always knew. Didn't realise I was bragging.
@Father Ted: Dougal = KC enjoy
I realise that's probably a throwaway gag, but: no.
That's the spin that Casey wants to put on it: he's not a con-man, he's a childlike innocent whose impressionable and trusting nature got him into hot water.
Casey knew his actions were "shady": the cashback, the primary/secondary residences and the lying letters to lenders justifying same, the shotgunning of deals to get as many as possible through with a clean credit report. He knows for sure the corporation stuff was shady because damnit, we told him so. LossMitPro's comments suggest that Casey has serious doubts about Marty.
Casey knows right from wrong. He just doesn't believe he should face any consequences for *his* wrongs.
Rob Dawg Said responded to me
"...Nope. There's your problem. You misunderstand the nature of criticism and debate. I'm like everyone else, imperfect. What I'm not is patient with laggards. There are no "leaders." That implies organization and hierarchy. Dawg pack was not a whimsical choice for analogy."
*** Agreed. We are all imperfect. When I said 'leaders' it may not have been a good phrase to use, as it implies hiearchy. I do think this site and its followers (better word?) do have some hiearchy, as Duane, CHTHS, T, and others have built online personas (not in a negative sense - just a word) around this site and the KS saga. They are leaders in a sense they have been here for a while, and their comments form somewhat of a community. And if they don't like where a newbie is going, they let the newbie have it - I rememeber back to Nigel's first few run ins as an example. I believe LossMit was the same way - but I don't remember exactly.
Rob Dawg responded...
"Think about the bigger picture with that. Why are there paid disruptors? Why is there no smoking gun to accuse the EN crowd of subterfuge?"
There are paid idiots trolling this site because they are paid to. marty and idiot-boy must see some type of victory in that. I see it as a waste of time.
Someone like KC who is hundreds of thousands in debt is more worried about his online 'reputation' than paying back his debtors speaks volumes about his character.
There is no smoking gun about the EN corwd as this group has done nothing wrong, except maybe be overzealous in pointing out KCs flaws.
Rob Dawg responded:
"There you go again. It takes much more than disagreement or criticsm. Persistence in bringing up old facts that don't move the discussion forward. Refusal to learn. Refusal to pick any name except anon."
Be careful with the line "Persistence in bringing up old facts that don't move the discussion forward...there are those doing the same thing to KC. If not a good thing here why is it okay to do it to KC?
Don't get me wrong - I love the fact those pesky little details keep coming up and hounding idiot-boy (status of missing Utah payment, taxes, speeding ticket, etc. etc. etc) but the sword is sharp on both ends...
Rob Dawg responded:
"Oh, and notice that the better critics are steadily becoming haterz™? Why is that?"
Because KC is a freaking idiot.
Sometimes i wonder if this all is not an elaborate troll perpetuated by many of the parties involved. Too much, too soon, too fast, too weird.
In 2002, California's version of the "Son of Sam" law, which
targeted expressive materials, was struck down in Keenan v. Sinatra
by the California Supreme Court.[38] In 1963, Barry Keenan, acting
with accomplices, kidnapped singer Frank Sinatra's 19-year-old son
from a Nevada hotel room.[39] Keenan and his two accomplices were
later apprehended, tried and convicted for the kidnapping.[40] In
January 1998, Keenan was interviewed by a writer for the Los Angeles
tabloid New Times for an article titled "Snatching
Sinatra."[41] Subsequent reports indicated that Columbia Pictures
had purchased the movie rights to Keenan's story.[42] Frank Sinatra
Jr. commenced action against Keenan under California's "Son of Sam"
law for any storytelling proceeds.[43]
The California statute was very similar to the New York law examined
by the Simon & Schuster court. It targeted proceeds from expressive
materials "based on the story of a felony for which a convicted felon
was convicted."[44] Sinatra argued that the California law avoided
the overinclusiveness of the New York law by 1) only applying the law
to persons actually convicted of a felony and, 2) expressive
materials that include only a "passing mention of the felony, as in a
footnote or bibliography," are exempt from the law.[45] Keenan
argued that despite these diversions from the New York law,
California's anti-profit statute was still overinclusive and did not
meet strict scrutiny.[46]
The California Supreme Court held that the statute was facially
invalid under the First Amendment. It reasoned that although the
California law was limited to convicted felons, such convicted felons
might still have valuable stories to tell in a way not directly
connected to exploiting the crime.[47] The court mentioned works
that could warn about the consequences of crime, evaluate the
criminal justice system, and describe conditions of prison
life.[48] The court also stated that the exemptions for passing
references to crime still included "within its ambit a wide range of
protected speech, discourages the discussion of crime in no
exploitative contexts, and does so by means not narrowly focused on
recouping profits from the fruits of crime."[49] California's "Son
of Sam" law would effect those same works mentioned in the Simon &
Schuster opinion, such as The Autobiography of Malcolm
X.[50] Therefore, the California Supreme Court overruled lower
courts' ruling that the law did not infringe on the First Amendment,
and the law was struck down.
my note:
Even to this day in California the "son of sam" law still faces an uphill battle. One of the big obstacles is that the person must be CONVICTED first.
I personally support "son of sam" laws, but it is not as cut and dry as many think, especially in California.
I touch myself when I think of Casey
I won an STI Single Stack a while back, started shooting Single Stack division this year and well, it just fits nice. I agree that it's kind of silly to ever have to use the thing and possibly donate it to LEO but oh well, it's the only .45 I have at the moment. I can't believe I'm saying this but I'm buying an XD 9mm at the end of the month to shoot Production divison. Next up on the shopping list is an AR-10 to shoot He-Man 3-gun.
Hey, I just saw my name and credit on urbandictionary.com for 'Murst'.
I'm gonna be heading up to Boom City this afternoon. 4th of July is my favorite holiday.
"unless he get's hit by a train". Lol.....
At 12:34 PM, Mocha said...
I touch myself when I think of Casey
How far can you reach? The third roll of blubber under your arms or and further?
Is this why Casey carries a murse full of survival supplies in a murse when he goes looking for some sweet mocha in far away places?
I don't have any kids. I realize I can say anything I want I about how I think I would react, but again, I don't have any kids.
Just wondering at those who have kids - if Casey was your kid, what would you do?
Did Casey post any other comments about "dealing with the crap" that he made?
@Jerry.. good question..
"Just wondering at those who have kids - if Casey was your kid, what would you do? "
In the beginning you reason, and after the kid keeps getting into trouble despite your warnings.. you have to show tough love and make them pay the consequences... anything less is an unspoken endorsement of their activity.
Some parents these days try and be friends with their children. Its more about being buddies with them. Thats also why kids dont have respect for anyone... its sick.. Enabling only adds fuel to the fire...
Back in the day, my coworker bought an AR-15A2 HBAR at a gun show in Norfolk, Virginia. That thing was a tack driver.
@Jerry Mander
Just wondering at those who have kids - if Casey was your kid, what would you do?
That is a brilliant question.
Would I leave him to flounder? No. Would I open the door for further infractions? No.
Rein him in, offer help but only under the condition that he takes responsibility for problems. If he strays, then huck him to the curb.
It's like that Intervention show.
We love you; but if you don't do something to fix your problem, we're done with you.
@Rob: [re: Casey's parents] My guess is yes, one or both will want to start fresh by throwing out the garbage. It really is just a guess.
My guess is no. I'm sure Casey's parents are shocked and hurt -- and I'm sure Casey is going to see some tough love from them that'll put his complaints about Duane into sharp perspective -- but will they throw him under the train? Would you?
More likely, I think, is that the family will close ranks. Now that they're aware of the full story, they'll realize that there's no benefit to them in conducting this in public. Sources will dry up; resentment may build against Duane &co for opening their eyes and forcing a confrontation.
Galina will end up exposed and alone if she holds firm; if she gives Casey another chance, she'll be sucked right back into the madness. I hope she makes the right choice, because if some of the speculation about Casey's mental state is correct, he won't ever change.
Just my guess; and obviously I'm not privy to any inside scoop not revealed here. There may also be cultural differences at play that I'm unaware of.
I may be reaching here, but the NAR reference would seem to indicate that in an effort to extricate herself from the mess that Casey got her into, that at the urging of several lawyers, the Serin clan has chosen to pursue the RE industry including lenders and the NAR itself for promoting the biggest ponzi scheme in the History of America. Just guessing. Read between the lines people.
We don't have kids like this. Wait. No one "thinks" they have a kid like this. That's part of the problem.
We don't put up with BS. It sometimes gets pretty "mean." "We know what you were going to say to say/do but stoppeed it before you said/did it." "But I was going to say instead..." "No, that's not true. Don't make this worse."
The family wasn't even able to get straight talk until the Caseyworld reality distortion field was half a world away.
I don't *have* kids tho... but it seems like the right thing to do. They all have to become their own person at some point; take responsibility for themselves.
You know, it's funny...I like this blog for the content about Casey, and the sporadic discussions about Apple products and now guns. I'm mildly interested in some of the economics discussions. But the thing that I have absolutely no interest in, is the purpose of this blog...housing and the bursting bubble.
I'm currently in my first house, purchased 2 years ago with a 30 year fixed-rate conventional loan and a 20 year fixed rate home equity loan (80-20, 100% financing). I don't plan on selling before I have 5 years of equity in there, and I've never considered investing in real estate.
So, keep up the interesting side discussions, and I'll try to tolerate the serious discussions.
If Casey was my son, he would be getting a hard dose of reality. At a minimum, I'd slap the cuffs on him, turn him over to the 5-0 and let the courts sort it out. My dad had to do teh same thing to my younger brother when he was fucking up. Not pretty but it had to be done.
I'm really surprised his Marine brother hasn't stepped up to the plate or had some buddies take care of it. The Marines I know are usually stand up guys that don't put up with fucking around.
On tonights haterzcast:
:}Casey calls in from his new digs at sacremento jail. "It's all good", free room and board and is already working "sweet deals". Haterz can't stop him now.
:}Annie calls in and expresses her desire to harbor galina, a co-conspiritor with casey serin in multiple counts of mortgage fraud and theft.
:}Lostmittens calls in to discuss his exparte discovery and recovery legal jimbo janggo, but is silent when it is discovered the suit is a shady attempt to share in google fraudclicks with casey. LM recovers quickly and humbles the 5 year old annie with big legal words learned from reruns of law and order. Lostmittens goes on to describe his love for casey despite the fallout and expresses a desire to continue business relations with an admitted mortgage fraudster and thief.
:}Duane calls in to speak for 5 minutes. However after 25 minutes of rambling, he reveals galina is recently pregnant. No one knows who the father is. hmmmmmmm.
:}Conversation continues when everyone realizes they have no life because they spend 15 hours a day posting on exurban nation about some half assed retarded gypsy con man.
XD 9mm...
Welcome. Surgeons use scalpels.
BTW I grew up a few miles away from the original location in Western Massachusetts.
I noticed that there are no Caseypedia entries for either "Caseyworld" or "Casey Reality Distortion Field"
Jesus fucking Christ! Rob, this is what people are talking about.
Make the WHOLE FUCKING POST just the 12:24 response.
Boom. Done. No more going to lunch, coming back, and having to wade through the bullshit to get the real information.
Give Duane posting rights, take a month off, and the flow of information will be much better.
What can you do when your 24 year old still acts like he is sixteen and knows everything? Casey, technically, is a man. He's got to take his lumps. A lot of people do get their asses kicked for no good reason. It's a tough world. But sometimes the ass whooping you get is the ass whooping you deserve.
I have a Springer 1911 9mm. It's hardly a scalpel. The lock up is shit. It's also highly finicky about OAL. With the Rob Latham designed 9mm mags, it runs ok. Some .38 super mags work so-so. Sadly, Single Stacks are not allowed in Production.
@Mr. Unbelievable: I do think this site and its followers (better word?) do have some hierarchy, as Duane, CHTHS, T, and others have built online personas (not in a negative sense - just a word) around this site and the KS saga. They are leaders in a sense they have been here for a while, and their comments form somewhat of a community.
Yes, I think that's a very fair assessment.
There's more to it, though: the online personas built by regulars here have *credibility*. We know they're long-time followers; we know their viewpoints; we know their areas of expertise; and so we can judge how much weight to give their comments.
New commenters, and particularly anonymous commenters, lack this history; so each time, we face a "why are they saying that? are they new? are they for real?" learning curve. The trolling hasn't helped matters; now new anons and pseudonyms face a further uphill struggle to prove they're not trolls.
I think the community is still receptive to new, intelligently-argued viewpoints; but at this point, and with this much history, there's going to be a lot of "oh no, another troll" and "oh no, do we have to go through all this again" responses.
(Case in point: our anonymous friend above's reiteration of "gypsy". "Oh no, not again.")
I don't have kids either but I can tell you pretty much what the problem is today:
Too many chances, too much leniency, too many warnings without consequences. I see it every day with my friends.
Too much backtalk like the kids are talking to a member of their peer group. The parents just laugh it off as 'oh how cute'.
I can't be sure since I'm speculating, but I'd like to think I would put the Hammar (sic) down.
lawnmower... HERE - HERE.. well said
1000 a weak :
Jesus fucking Christ! Rob, this is what people are talking about. Make the WHOLE FUCKING POST just the 12:24 response.
...Give Duane posting rights, take a month off, and the flow of information will be much better.
I've learned to trust Duane in the issues we have discussed. Duane has learned to trust me on the same terms. One of the trusts here is my instinct for pacing and release of information and maintaining a semblance of order if not civility.
People are already losing track and you wonder why I am slow to go to multiple tracks.
Sure people want to skip forward and read the last page. Newsflash, it isn't written yet. Anyone unhappy here can come back in a YEAR (yes, year) and read the Caseypedia wrap entry.
IAFF is down from an average of 14K visitors a day to 6K in little over three weeks.
Today, he's at 4600 as the East Coasters start heading home from work
Its over.
Mark Duane and Rob Dawg are in it to win financial. I am out of here and will not be back. I recommend all you not in the dawg pound to not click these pricks again.
Anyone unhappy here can come back in a YEAR (yes, year) and read the Caseypedia wrap entry.
But, can they come back in ten years for coverage of KC's parole hearing?
Actually, we can probably already write that episode, but I digress...
Tony Soprano has left a new comment on your post "Days Late the Family Secret":
I have a Springer 1911 9mm. It's hardly a scalpel. The lock up is shit. It's also highly finicky about OAL. With the Rob Latham designed 9mm mags, it runs ok. Some .38 super mags work so-so. Sadly, Single Stacks are not allowed in Production.
Okay. Confession time. I like to hit the "clay" thingies high/low when they get flinged out over the pond. Or shoot the bullseye from the prone position with the 22 long made in Switzerland 30 plus years ago. Skeet we still use clay (pressed dirt) because of the pond and we don't use lead because of the pond and the environment. Every time we miss it is the damn EPAs fault, everytime we hit is despite the damn EPA.
@Anon.. please dont leave (I am kinda overstepping my bounds here) But I will speak for Mr. Dawg and Mark, we will split EVERY CENT that we have all benefited from financially off of EN if you just stay... STAY... PLEASE...
give us one more chance..
I am out of here and will not be back.
The eleventyseventeenth time "Anonymous" has promised to never return.
At 12:55 PM, Dan said...
"I'm currently in my first house, purchased 2 years ago with a 30 year fixed-rate conventional loan and a 20 year fixed rate home equity loan (80-20, 100% financing). I don't plan on selling before I have 5 years of equity in there, and I've never considered investing in real estate."
One question for Dan the Bubble denier:
What equity do you expect to see in five years? 80/20 100% LTV ? This is a serious question and the only reason that you should research this RE Bubble more than you have.
If you are trolling,your comments would get a better response on a true Bubble Blog,not at EN which rarely makes direct references to the RE Bubble.
I know for a fact, and by fact I mean I just made it up after drinking moonshine and buying party liquor in Colombus, Georgia; that you guys all get paid per post. So in effect, the Anony's are make rob, duane, and mark very rich. :)
12:55 Dan said
>>I'm currently in my first house, purchased 2 years ago with a 30 year fixed-rate conventional loan and a 20 year fixed rate home equity loan (80-20, 100% financing). I don't plan on selling before I have 5 years of equity in there, and I've never considered investing in real estate.
The underlying issue is the illegal schemes that have been going on with the easy money have a lot implications that can even hit you in your wonderful world you work so hard to keep.
1. Interest rates are going to go up to eat the losses. Next time you shop for a car or an ATV, you are going to be paying for these excesses.
2. Whole neighborhoods could be affected. If you live in one of those places that have shot up in value the past 7 years, you could see several houses foreclosed and not kept up affecting your original home value. Look at the blight in Detroit as an example.
3. As the deadbeats flee, you could see your property taxes go up to make up for it. Or they may make cuts at the schools that could affect current or future children you have.
4. In 5 years, you could find yourself with negative worth on your home because of the crash and that could make it hard for you to move to a bigger house or a different location. That could suck if you really had found a perfect job.
5. When it hits, some of us believe it will spark the next rescession. If you are in services, retailing, or mfg, you could find yourself without a job because of cutbacks since people are not buying because their houses have become money traps sucking every last dime before they finally go under. Lose your job when nation is is tough times, how are you going to make those payments?
Your five years of equity could take 20 years to build.
So even though you have been conservative, you have a vested interest to watch what is going on. At a minimum it may give you clues as to when to reshuffle your 410K so as not to get whacked like folks did in 2002..
Mortgage companies going belly up left and right.
Major Wall Street players being bloodied and broken.
CFOs destroying documents, FBI investigations.
This is turning into the next S&L/Enron swindle (hummm, they all started in California???).
Myself, I love the discussions as it is not Ra-Ra BS from relators, or constant whining from renters who don't put the money away for the deals that are coming, or doomday theories from folks trying to hustle some suckers into gold futures. And it is easier reading than the geek economists on some web sites.
Casey is more like the cartoon section of the newspaper in my book. I have a feeling in 6 months he will be nothing more than a seldom remembered footnote in internet history along with acoustic couplers.
I asked Casey on one of his fraudcasts whether he was booking income made from the blog under Hammar or for personal reasons. His response was "I haven't decided." I posted that because if Hammar is booking this revenue he needs to report it (if he's making a profit).
I also dog him on not filing 2006 Fed/State taxes. THOSE will have massive penalties if he keeps procrastinating.
You are correct. If he is taking money out of Hammar as a form of salary the company needs to file quarterly as well.
I don't have kids either but I can tell you pretty much what the problem is today:
Too many chances, too much leniency, too many warnings without consequences. I see it every day with my friends
Might I add that the current "MTV Culture" as I like to call it also has a massive sense of entitlement and is seemingly oblivious to the concept of real work. And then they wonder why we have to import all our technical expertise from the likes of India and China. But then again, that would relegate someone to the "W-2 looser" role.
Years of bling bling on MTV and copious "get rich quick" scamminars have produced a young culture who is all ambition and no drive.
Hopefully, if it was my kid (b-22, g-24) we would have been having conversations about this from the very beginning. Such as, whether it was a good idea to quit the day job. How much debt is manageable? What are the risks and potential pay-offs. What exactly would you do if you had 5-10k in "passive" income per month. Hint: be passive....
The fact that CS never had these honest conversations with his family emphasizes the pathological quality of his obsession. Now, getting rich quick is as American as apple pie. The gold rush mentality is part of our history. I would say that it is not our best trait as a people. Our best trait is the ability to be creative and add something of value to this society and the world. But if my children got infected by the gold rush bug I'd urge them to be careful of their companions, work hard, keep an eye out for other opportunities and to keep a journal. These kinds of stories are fun to read....
This may be a bit premature, but has Galina & Company given any thought to selling their story to a legitimate publisher? If there was ever a candidate for the Oprah Book Club, this has got to be it.
Aside: who's that listed in the MyBlogLog "Recent Visitors" widget on IAFF? MurseMaster's blue ball is obvious. Gordonsanders. Schnapps. And -- oh look: PrLinkBiz. Sweet.
FWIW, my situation is about the same as Dan's.
I'm in my first home, purchased in 2005. I put about 5% down, 80% on a first mortgage, and 15% on a second mortgage.
My first mortgage is a 30-year fixed, and the second is a 15/30 fixed balloon. I'm paying the second so it will be paid off when the balloon is due.
It was time for me to buy a house; since then I've filled it up with a wife and child.
As an aside. What is up with IAFF's alexa ranking starting the second week of May. Is that when Marty started trying to do his magic?
LawnMower... funny... I clicked on the link and saw in the upper right hand corner...
"MY communities" of which one was Casey AUS pics, one was TalkShoe (foreclosure Fridays) and one was Marks sites..
Lets not forget that Casey has ignored the contract.. as invalid as it may be... it still could be trouble..
On a contrary note: If I had a 24yo in 2002 asking advice on chucking everything in favor of hyperagressive flipping of residential real estate I would have said no and been wrong to the tune of millions of dollars. Face it there's an anti-Casey out there who got in early who is also an anti-Crisp and got out in time. Statistical certainty.
I am reminded of the the CNBC stock challenge or even some old classes in statistics. A group of 30 some odd students flip coins. 16.. 7... 5(!)... 2, 2 "winners?" Why are stock advisors or real estate gurus not treated this way?
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@R-Boy: IAFF is down from an average of 14K visitors a day to 6K in little over three weeks.
While EN continues to overtake IAFF; now winning on both pageviews and visitors. The story is now completely out of his hands.
Will someone please start a blog that provides information. This place is chalk full of Robs, Marks and dooanes bullshit.
Who's the troll now?
Bit late here, but... what would I do if it were my kid?
Ha! No co-signing on any loans, that's for sure. My parents emphsasized to me over and over that co-signing is a very dangerous tool, and you shouldn't be doing it unless you're willing to pay for ALL the obligation ON DEMAND.
As such, they pretty much discouraged me from even asking them to cosing, even for apartments.
Perhaps if I'd had an excellent business use for the money/loan, and a lot of my own skin in the game, then I could have seen it, but Dad would have gone over every tiny detail with a fine-toothed comb. I'd have ended up wishing I'd gone to a banker instead. (Especially in recent years when bankers wre rather profligate with the money.)
Unfortunately, where Fliptard is now, his hole is so deep that simple guidance like I mentioned and others mentioned above just won't cut it. He's got too many years of continual shyster behaviour, and I can't see any other way to handle it than to make him pay the consequences. Otherwise, it's just delaying the inevitable.
Would I even give him a plac e to stay? Even that's debatable. As long as he was my house boy and not only took out the trash but did the dishes and lawn and washed the cars, then yeah. And I'd be on his day to day finances like flies on manure.
The one chance he'd have: Work a crap W-2 job. Hard work. File bankruptcy, and pay the fees out of his own pocket. No Jamba Juice, no cell phone. And after BK is done, keep working STILL. Till you can afford your own efficiency apartment and a car only half as valuable as the Jetta.
But if he didn't agree to that or keep up his end of the deal, it's "so long kid, I've got more behind you to carry the flag". Reap what you sow, if not as an example to yourself, then as an example to others around you.
God, I'd hate to tell my friends my kid was homeless somewhere with a laptop. But better than telling them I gave in to a worthless layabout sleeping in the guest room, while subpoenas and bill collectors arrive daily at my door.
where is the hidden text?
Agh! The suspense is killing me!!!
Rob, can you tell us when the big news will be coming?
Shut up, Mocha!!
At 1:32 PM, Roger Hayes said...
This may be a bit premature, but has Galina & Company given any thought to selling their story to a legitimate publisher? If there was ever a candidate for the Oprah Book Club, this has got to be it.
I don't think theres much story there. Galina pretty much sat on her ass as long as possible. The only reason things are moving now is because the 3 dawg amigos are trying to capitalize and monetize Caseys story. I doubt they are in it to 'help' Galina. They have shown they will throw peeps under the bus if need be.
Gotta love the Tanfoglio Witness Compact in .45.
Double Action, "wonder finish" and shoots quite tame for the short barrel.
More accurate than I am, and entirely acceptable for a chop-bob .45...which, if it gets used, is going to stop a threat.
That invariably means it'll spend months or years in some Poh-leece evidence locker without getting cleaned.
And that's why the < $400 retail price makes it a hands-down winner.
(Although the Beretta 8045 Cougar WAS a strong runner up).
Hey rob dawg, throw the EN jackoffs another bone will yeah. Us EN-faithful wanna chew on your meaty balls. We dont much like having to share with Duane and Mark. Especially Mark he gets slobber all over your nuts.
where is the hidden text?
In the freakin' HTML source code. Pick up a copy of "HTML for Anonymous Dummies" if you still don't get it.
Can one of you regulars tell me if sue-tard ever responded to my question about posting actual case numbers of cases he had represented himself in and won?
TIA - I don't feel like wading thru 100's of comments to find out.
Anonymous said...
At 1:32 PM, Roger Hayes said...
This may be a bit premature, but has Galina & Company given any thought to selling their story to a legitimate publisher? If there was ever a candidate for the Oprah Book Club, this has got to be it.
I don't think theres much story there. Galina pretty much sat on her ass as long as possible. The only reason things are moving now is because the 3 dawg amigos are trying to capitalize and monetize Caseys story. I doubt they are in it to 'help' Galina. They have shown they will throw peeps under the bus if need be.
Casey, how about instead of trying to dent the armor of those helping your wife, you try and help your wife by FN TALKING TO HER, PAYING YOUR DEBTS, AND UNTUCKING YOURSELF AND BEING A MAN?
Just a thought...
right it will stop a threat. it is more likely to be used against you or your family. good luck with that.
I just got around to reading the transcript for the Friday FraudCast. That Annie is a wonderful thing. She made me smile. I was a bit confused by LostMit's stuff... Is there anywhere I can go to read up on the legal legs that LossMit is standing on?
"The story is now completely out of his hands."
Which is why I'm prolly done with him.
Cruelty for malice is Sadism
Cruelty for survival is Justice
Cruelty for education is "Boot Camp"
Amazing. Me thinks Marty should hire funnier trolls. Talking about balls and posting untruthful stuff about others is neither funny nor interesting.
If you are short or fat there is a higher probability that you own a gun.
Nice stat there fatty.
the 3 dawg amigos are trying to capitalize and monetize Caseys story
Ah, give it a rest, troll.
Count the number of ads on EN.
Count the number of times that LossMitPro has linked to QAS.
Count the number of times that Duane has linked to any of his businesses.
If they're out to "monetize the story", they're doing a pretty bad job if it so far.
at Dope At 1:59 PM, Dolph said...
Amazing. Me thinks Marty should hire funnier trolls. Talking about balls and posting untruthful stuff about others is neither funny nor interesting.
Why did you respond then? Where you offended that rob ballz were mentioned without you.
(oh rob dawg save me I am getting picked on. delete his post)
ps dolph don't be such a little bitch.
At 1:51 PM, Anonymous said...
The only reason things are moving now is because the 3 dawg amigos are trying to capitalize and monetize Caseys story.
Yawn, why are these always Anon? Want in on the double secret dealz anon? Want to share the costz to date?
Is everyone paying attention? Hints, accusations, assertions without fact and all from anons. Sorry, but the realestatefraudbusters EN Haterz™ bit is for real and the real estate frauds are scared.
"...it is more likely to be used against you or your family. good luck with that."
Yeah,I've heard of that.
Funny thing though, I know dozens and hundreds of folks who own firearms, and I've never SEEN that.
Jeeze,you'd expect military bases, where everyone has access to REAL,(as oppsed to "media designated "assault rifles") to be absolute slaughterhouses compared to prisons, where only trained Law Enforcement Officershave access to firearms.
Where would you prefer YOUR family to stay?
We all know fliptard is a crook. No question.
I think what concerns me having listened to the haterzcast and read most things here is that few people that are injecting themselves a bit too much into this whole drama. And why are they doing it? What are their motivations? Just out of being nice guys or do they have another agenda?
waaaa. marty bots hurt my feelings.
If you are short or fat there is a higher probability that you own a gun.
And if you are tall and lean, then it is likely that own several. :-)
Whar yew from, lil' city boy?
Duane said:
BLah blah blah BLah blah blah BLah blah blah BLah blah blah BLah blah blah BLah blah blah BLah blah blah BLah blah blah BLah blah blah BLah blah blah BLah blah blah BLah blah blah BLah blah blah BLah blah blah BLah blah blah BLah blah blah BLah blah blah BLah blah blah BLah blah blah BLah blah blah BLah blah blah BLah blah blah BLah blah blah
It's hard to agree with the 3 dawgs assertions without knowing their motivations. What is their stake in this?
Swishing in the bole....
Dan & Pogo,
How are your areas holding up where you purchased in '05? I found this whole mess via the bubble blogs when I was about to dip my toes in last year.
I do have some friends who bought near the peak who are starting to fear what's going on.
I wish you luck, but i'm a little worried for you Dan, it might be a bit longer than 5 years if things keep going the way they are.
It's why I hope Casey faces consequences. His kind (30%+ in my area for the past 3 years) were "investors" who ran prices up that people who just wanted a house might be the long term bagholders.
Yep, looks like the remedial summer school classes are letting out for the day!
Doesn't matter, they can't help Fliptard, nor can they do anything to hinder people who want to, er, UN-help him.
Yeah, I still poke around on IAFF. Its getting slower and slower to load though and getting to be a bit of a pain. And I have to purge the spyware just about daily.
Do you like my cat's antlers? :)
Yep, looks like the remedial summer school classes are letting out for the day!
They'll stop when they realize they are being lied to and the paychecks stop.
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