Casey Serin: "I’m really feeling down today… too much stress and pressure.
Son, you ain't seen nutin yet.
CS: "Plus I have about 753 email in my inbox (most of them unread) that have been piling on for months. I’m sorry if you’re email is one of them. With the media exposure and the traffic I get way too much email."
Son, these ain't none uv yer concern. Move past this.
CS: "Also all the different opportunities that are presenting themselves are really exciting but there are too many of them coming at me all at once and some are conflicting."
Son. this be evidence that you don't undersatand opportunity not that you are overly blessed.
CS: "At the end of the day, all this stuff is causing some serious “paralysis analysis” and lack of focused movement due to being overwhelmed."
Blame the tide for the wet. Yeah, that;s rational.
CS: "At the end of the day, I don’t have any money to show for all this activity (or lack there of."
End of the day, week, month, year.
CS: "I must get focused. I can’t afford to be scattered anymore."
Never could dandelion.
CS: "My patience with the comments, negativity and the hate is also running very very low. It would be one thing if people were respectful in how they say it. It’s OK to criticize as long as its done constructively for the persons good. I can learn from that. That’s all I ask. Be respectful. Show some courtesy."
LOL. Imagine that. Robbed and beaten the criminal is upset that the victims are negative.
Miniey miney miney! First!
Good job on the first.
Absolutely incredible post by KC. And I loved the link by a poster to their law offices
inwhich he has a link to casey's site and recommends visiting the site.
I smell an upswing a-comin'. Stay tuned for the inevitable post on his new great idea, financing the purchase of Petronas Towers or some such idiocy, rife with excited nonsense and giddy anticipation.
I love that there are 753 emails unread in his inbox. Gee, hope none of those belong to anyone paying $39 to get email answers to their problems.
He let my comment & the link to Flylady through, but I get the feeling he's not even reading the comments, just approving them in bulk.
Didn't you use that photo once before?
I'm sure your right. It would be incredible, possibly even a day to be celebrated if he actually learned anything and tried to do better because of this bout of "depression" (trolling?) but in true CS style I also expect him to come up with a post in the next day or so talking about his next "can't fail" scheme.
I might have had a fractional amount of sympathy if that photograph wasn't so horribly staged. But it will make good PS fodder, so I am grateful.
The email paralysis is predictably Caseyian; Obviously, I would turn to him if I was in a crisis. I bet I'd get an answer back in less than a month, depending on vacations.
Mostly, I am interested to learn what he has been spending his money on. He can't find the Utah payment. He is lying about his rent, but appears not to have paid it for some months.
He paid Cashcall, but screwed that up.
Yet he and G were "out of town" last week.
Whether he's trolling or not, something is definitely fishier than usual. Which is to say, very fishy indeed.
Casey reminds me vaguely of a character in one of the less popular Hitchhiker's books (the last one, I think) who was a hideous and ancient old woman who lived in a cave.
Travellers would come to see her and she would give them a manuscript of her life which detailed all the mistakes she made that along a life path that brought her to her current miserable existence, in the hopes that they would learn what she did in order to do the opposite.
As the darkness closes around him, you see but the most gaunt angles of his face; a chin with the grizzle of unshaven beard; the normally golden wheat coloured skeins of hair falling limp over the sunken, darkened holes that are his eyes.
And then dawn breaks. And Casey, lifts his head to watch the rays catch the bottom of the clouds, colouring them a soft cotton-candy pink, and as the growing light begins to reveal his face, he feels his heart swell... and he bursts into jubilant song:
"The sun'll come out
Bet your bottom dollar
That tomorrow
There'll be sun!
Just thinkin' about
Clears away the cobwebs,
And the sorrow
'Til there's none!
When I'm stuck a day
That's gray,
And lonely,
I just stick out my chin
And Grin,
And Say,
The sun'll come out
So ya gotta hang on
'Til tomorrow
Come what may
Tomorrow! Tomorrow!
I love ya Tomorrow!
You're always
A day
Heh heh heeeh.
I thought everyone needed a good dose of cheese to end their week.
I think everyone needs a dose of my custom Key Lime infused Stoli with fresh lime juice shaken and served in a chilled martini glass to start the weekend off:)
Oh wow, I got first on an IAFF post. I feel so blessed. I'm Amused Onlooker now that he's got the register-comments thing.
I don't comment enough to be a fun character though. Sad day.
This is sort of like saying "the sky is falling," but, if KC starts acting mental (whether real or fake), he could be sent to the funny farm for inpatient treatment... Debt, finances, blog, etc., are no longer a worry, he has a roof over his head, food to eat, and a captive (and probably supportive) audience for his crazy ideas.
Galina is left to find employment and deal with the creditors.
Sweet RESCOM bomb by Flailing Forward. Let's see how long he lets that one stand.
With Casey he is always on the verge of making it big or on the brink of disaster. He's a Con-Artist, and that's how he operates. Luring people in with either this great deal or that great deal, which is ever so close. Then conversely comes the sob story of how he's tried so hard but forces beyond his control have kept him from succeeding, making the uninformed feel sorry for him.
His game is to make it continually seem like it's 2 out, bottom of the 9th, to heighten the drama. When in fact it is no outs, bottom of the third. He's a lousy pitcher with no stuff who has already been rocked for 4 runs and the bases are still loaded. Pretty soon the booing will start in earnest from the home town haterz. Problem is, he's got no bullpen to save him.
Maybe he'll come up with a miracle, but the meat of the batting order is due up again with Law Enforcement batting clean-up. If LE ever gets a hold of one, it's game over! Otherwise, it's singles hitters going station to station and this plays out for at least another year.
That sounds nummy, Tony.
Indeed. From his spreadsheet (which he hasn't updated since January--how can you attempt to run a business or manage your personal finances if you don't know how much you have and how much you owe?):
"Terms: IO w/ 6 mo baloon due on May 22, 2007 plus fee (included)"
love the pic. perfect.
Respect? Courtesy? Snowflake, you havent fucking earned either.
Fuck you. Sincerely.
You think this is stress? You havent seen SHIT yet.
@007 2:29
Agree. This is just more of KC's bullshit. I don't know why so many people latch his most recent post, as though THIS time, he's finally seeing the difficulty of his position and NOW finally he will begin to see reason.
It's a nicely composed photograph, as befits a guy whose whole being lies in carefully managing his appearance to the outside world.
I don't think we'll ever get to know who KC really is. Assuming he IS something at all, other than a protean conglomeration of cultural fads.
As some wag said about Philadelphia, or Buffalo, or St. Louis, or one of those towns that's always getting dumped on:
"There's no 'there', there'".
And even better, "Flailing Forward" has a link to EN in his/her name. heheheh.
>>I don't think we'll ever get to know who KC really is<<
We know. He's not a person, he's a type, and a textbook case at that. In seeing Casey, what is actually beheld is any number of equivalent swine from the past at whose hands, in our youths, we may have been grievously inconvenienced. Casey is a proxy. Casey is a symbol. Casey is a symptom. Casey is a tainted icon, a defining blemish, a small, loosely packaged bag of malignant shit. He is one among many such vermin, but he has shown one kindness that is, so far, rare in his kind: He has turned a spotlight on himself, for whatever benefit and amusement that may bring to us, the growing army of hateerrrzzz.
Casey just wants to be famous. So yes, we do know his type. He is driven by ego.
2 out, bottom of 9th, then Joe Carter of the Toronto Blue Jays hits a 3-run home run to defeat the Atlanta Braves to take the World Series title north of the border for the first time in history...
@Klaus -- he wants to be rich much more than he wants to be famous, I think.
Sprezzatura: Casey thinks that being famous will make him rich.
From IAFF:
"This blog is on the chopping block right now… I’m seriously considering stopping this whole thing. It has brought me tons of great opportunities and contacts but its also a big distraction. I must either stop the blog, sell it or find a way to keep the time spent at bay."
Yeah, right. Give up the blog, and he's just an unemployed loser that no one has heard of. And selling it - LOL. Is Casey going to continue to provide content? How much content will Casey provide if he no longer has a financial interest in his blog? (Answer quickly!) And, if he sells to some NRU/real estate scamster, how many seconds will it take for the page views to drop by 99%?
But, but, he really is going to have to think about getting a job unless he can FOCUS on one of his many sweet scam ploys. Good luck with that, KC...
I'm beginning to think the only reason IAFF and "associated" blogs are stil operating is because I know the types of people who run the upper echelons of professional agencies.
Underling: "Boss, he's a criminal, he's admiting it, he's planning more crimes!"
Boss: "Relax, he'll not uncommit any of those crimes, he'll pad the docket and besides this is too much fun."
He can't stop IAFFing. I understand it is both sad and destructive but that doesn't matter.
>>Is Casey going to continue to provide content?<<
Casey is Retardo Wallenda on a ledge thirty stories up. Once the jumper hits the sidewalk, the gawkers turn and go home.
Oh jeez another 'manifesto' that makes no goddamned sense but I'm supposed to read it anyway?!?...well I don't think so. I am so ready for this week to end. The fliptard has nothing on the world of hurt Virginia has been in this's not like anybody in the Serin/Suprun clan got shot at or killed (unless their outsized egos count and even then all they took was some bruising from bumping up against reality).
Snowflake needs to get over himself already.
Tony, could you be a dear and please fix me a Stoli & lime (it's so nice to have you back and I'm glad you didn't go anywhere near the Modesto cesspool house...we can't afford to lose you bud!)?
Who the hell is Angelina Jolie and how does she relate to Casey’s new resort in the wheat grass capital of Malaysia?
753 x $39 = $29,367
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