Housing Bubble, credit bubble, public planning, land use, zoning and transportation in the exurban environment. Specific criticism of smart growth, neotradtional, forms based, new urbanism and other top down planner schemes to increase urban extent and density. Ventura County, California specific examples.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
CHJTS Needs a New Name?
CHJTS (Casey Has Jumped The Shark) needs a new handle. In true haterz™ tradition he's open to suggestions. Go for it. Oh, and the picture? If you can't figure out what kind of Photoshopping I'm expecting then you ain't runnin' with the pack.
Crap. Just a wee bit earlier, and I'd have finally had my "First" and all the sweet deals that I'd be thereby entitled to - cuts to the front of the line at Jamba Juice and extra macaroni at the Grill.
I think you need to stop being such a prick. You say the most outlandish things and to what end? So your sensitive ego can lump a few people in with hundreds who have done NOTHING to hurt you? Oh yes, I forgot, you can post mean comments about others anonymously (yes, I know it was you who scared off Mel, Dolph and a couple others from posting regularly). You came here anonymously and beat their reasoned points of view down. THEN you start that ridiculous piece of shit blog claiming to be an "alternate point of view" towards your butt bud Casey Serin. You have to be the most absurd human being on the face of the earth. If we don't agree with you, we are either idiots, assholes or haterz. If we agree with you what are we then? We can't be liked by you as I bet you have no friendz. I bet you have contempt for people in general. Your best friend is the almighty dollar and I would venture a guess you don't have enough of those. Nigel Swaby, I bet you are living on borrowed time. Yes, I said it...borrowed time as in you are most likely heavy in debt or why else would a person of supposed integrity work with and defend an admitted criminal?
Fuck you Nigel Swaby, hypocrite broker. Fuck you to hell. You are an evil man who has no fucking clue what a "hater" is. As far as I can see you are the hater since you have contempt for all opinions that don't fit your narrow view.
Nigel Swaby, you aren't good enough to shine my shoes.
Man, looks like I missed a good one. I was out selling a house and then went to downtown SEA and had dinner at Licorous. Looks like that Jeff dude is facked but at least he's owning up the fact that he is facked
Nigel, your post about Rob is completely unacceptable. It's shows what a childish, cruel, ignorant, person you are. You do not have my respect and you don't deserve it.
I will point out that the one time I saw someone post something a vulgar on EN Rob admonished the poster within a few minutes and the poster apologized. That was no where near as vile and uncalled for as the stuff Nigel posted.
Nigel, don't even think of saying "If you can't take...". Few people have taken things anywhere near that far about you or Casey, most certainly not Rob. Go home little boy.
Hmm, how about "the girl with 6 mortgages who could have lost 4 houses but avoided it through hard work"? No, it is very long and not catchy.
"W-2looser" I think that is already taken. "401kLooser" That may work.
It is sad to be up all alone. I guess if I were to stay up two more hours, everyone from the east coast will wake up. I should probaly get to sleep. I have to pack tomorrow for a conference in Orlando. YAY!! It is so great to go "home" on the companies dime.
re: "Meanwhile in the same period, over 5000 unique visitors have hit IAFF. Also sweet.
This is yet another example of the "silent majority" coming into play. These are the people that visit Casey's site and read, but don't comment. In the grand scheme of things, the haterz are very vocal, but very much a minority. In total, they comprise 3% of Casey's traffic.
Further backing up the haterz protected status as the vocal minority, the petition they've launched has garnered 30 whole signatures. Four have been removed, leaving a net of 26. Talk about a grass roots movement. I wonder if you can make wheat grass shots with grass roots?"
No wonder Swaby has failed in everything he's done. He can't even manage simple logic. He assumes that those "5000" cannot possibly be haters. Given what we've all seen, it's safe to assume most of those 5000 will leave IAFF with great disdain(hate) for Casey.
He also assumes that every hate that exists showed up on Stephanies blog. That simply isn't true. I could be called a hater and I didn't post there. I'm sure most "haters" don't even post here at EN or anywhere else for that matter. The same goes for that petition.
It's more than obvious that the average person would not be supportive of anything Casey has done. The more Swaby talks the more evident it becomes what a clown he is. It just goes to show they'll give anyone a brokers license.
I know many won't visit Nigel Swaby's RobertCoteSux board but have you seen his newest picture? Does it not break TOS for Google? I didn't know you could show a penis with sperm all over a girl's face. What if kids stumble on that stupid board?
Does Nigel really think this is funny? He is a sicker mind than I could ever imagine but it makes sense he'd show an erect penis since we all know he likes them.
Yes folks, Nigel Swaby stoops to pornography because he has no sense of humor and has no concept of honor.
If anybody is bored PLEASE archive that page. I bet money he changes it after reading these comments.
The world has to see the depravity of this man. He has no ethics whatsoever. He calls Ratlab a coward but has to play these dumb games because his mind can't accept shades of gray. He sees what he wants to see and can't accept any contrarian thinking.
Kind of surprising for a liberal since they pride themselves on that kind of self awareness. But then again, any kind of partisan will go to extremes to sell their beliefs. Nigel is a partisan for Casey.
I hate to be a party pooper and all, but is there any actual clinching evidence that Nigel is responsible for Robertcotesux?
Me, I'm skeptical - the writing style's a fair bit different, and there's some twisted humor there which I haven't picked up from any of Nigel's own decidedly po-faced blogs (very much including Don'thatecasey). And I don't think he's a good enough writer to hide his tracks like that.
Mind you, if I'm wrong, I'll try not to sob uncontrollably.
@Miguel - Don't forget - Nigel started posting pictures & personal information on other people who frequent EN. He also trolls here all the time. If he wasn't responsible, I think by now he or one of his many personas would have denied it.
i think you gus are all being too critical of NIGEL SWABY!
i mean he did meet the jamaican bobsled team!!!
i heard he's well connected with one of the standin extras & the burger flipper from the kraft cart on the sopranos set, so id watch out if i were you!
I just had a look at DHC for the first time in about a week. Man he just had his ass handed to him AGAIN. Why does he keep this up? I mean one thing would be money and traffic. I AM irritated that we are in some way responsible for putting money in his pocket (even if it's barely enough to buy soggy crab legs and skunky beer at Macaroni Grill). Seriously people, I would like to know and it has been asked of him directly, why in God's name does he continue to defend Casey's position? Is he "standing up" for all supporters (none of whom apparently exist save for the ones who mail Casey 'you can live forever in paradise on earth' pamphlets)? Whatever his motivation and I do believe it is traffic, it is the wrong apporoach. But it's the "whatever it takes to be famous" approach. Paris Hilton had to suck some dick on camera. Britney Spears had to get fat as fuck and shave her head. Screech had to give some washed-up-starfucker a dirty sanchez. Kato Kaelin had to mooch off OJ. So basically getting famous requires actually having something to offer or allowing your name to get dragged through the mud. Since he lacks the former he'll have to settle for the latter. If that's OK with him then abbia una vita piacevole. Personally I'd never allow my name to be synonymous with "fucking idiot".
You know I once knew a fellow who chose the opposite side of every argument or commentary. He claimed he was simply playing devil's advocate, but most of us knew better. He had a pathological attachment to being perceived as smarter than anybody else. So he always disagreed with everyone who made sense in order to...I don't know, prove to himself he could bullshit better than anybody else? All he did was alienate people and make people want to punch him in the face. So far, that's about all that Nigel has accomplished. Aspiring Web Journalist my ass. Hey Nigel, if you really had something to say you wouldn't be wasting your time engaging Haterz for their traffic. You'd be writing interesting commentary on your own blog. But you don't have anything interesting to say do you? You don't, or you'd be saying it. That's why you'll NEVER be a successful Web Journalist. You've already made yourself a joke in six months. You want to change things? Shut your fucking mouth about Casey and write something halfway interesting about your supposed field of expertise. When the Casey saga comes to an end, amd make no mistake it will, you'll just be some prick whose blog nobody reads. Then you'll have a hell of a time transforming your image. Google searches of your name will forever be tainted. So start to change it now or consider a name change. That is the end of my free advice.
PS I'm having a blast laughing at you and Casey. So is Heekee.
I'm surprised the Nigel video hasn't been removed from Youtube yet. I'm sure he's sent a complaint by now.
I don't get the javascript warnings from his sites but if whoever is getting those gets the same one on DHC and RCS that would be additional evidence that it's Nigel. (Unless it's just an Adbrite thing as somebody said.) There is another Rob Dawg hater at CI that I don't think is Nigel.
My two cents as a highly trained ass-kicking forensic psychologist:
Nigel is obsessing over the feud with the haterz because his life is in the crapper right now (no one is buying his mortgages, Salt Lake is just starting its freefall, he lost all credibility as an aspiring web journalist, his business plans with Casey vaporized, etc.) and battling us is easier than coming to terms with the fact that he's an FB (fucked broker). Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go fight crime.
This real estate agent's breast size seems to change from photo to photo. Is this market related? Is it a phenomena associated with falling market prices? Is this isolated or will it spread to other hot babes in real estate?
He sure knows how to call em. That's why he'll always be an Aspiring Web Journalist. He ain't a real journalist. I have yet to see readable ink from him.
Hey Nigel, break a real story why don't you? The Casey thing is old news already. Real journalists are on to the next thing...like how mortgage brokers in SLC are next to lose their shirts! SLC has crested and that wave is strating to break...can't wait to ride that one in, Gold Medallion home style!
@Akubi 11:50...Alors c'est vrai! J'ai pense que tu parle francais apres regardai tes livres--saint exupery je pense, n'est-ce pas? Et possiblement de sade aussi?
hate to be a party pooper and all, but is there any actual clinching evidence that Nigel is responsible for Robertcotesux?
Me, I'm skeptical - the writing style's a fair bit different, and there's some twisted humor there which I haven't picked up from any of Nigel's own decidedly po-faced blogs.
I said much the same thing yesterday. There's also no evidence from SLC or DHC that Nigel has any skill with Photoshop -- he's a cut-and-paster at best.
My money's on the campidiot crowd. Lots of photoshoppers there, lots of juvenile humor there, and this is just the sort of thing they'd jump all over.
Nigel's continued silence, and reported deletions of any comments mentioning robertcotesux, is however quite damaging to him.
@Anonynous 11:59PM: I will point out that the one time I saw someone post something a vulgar on EN Rob admonished the poster within a few minutes and the poster apologized.
To play devil's advocate for a moment: what about the homophobic Nigel Swaby is an enormous asshole attack video? I see a number of comments here and elsewhere lauding it; but I personally think it also is way over the line.
It is a fine line when it comes to discouraging excess. Overt attempts to squash juvenile behavior will not work. Other sites are independent and will often just consider any attention encouragement.
Then of course there is the judgement factor. Lonelyjeff14 is just screwed in the financial sense. Casey is screwing up his whole life and more. Swann is just an arrogant real estate cheerleader. Swaby is an overtly objectional derivative who takes every opportunity to dumb down the entire universe by sharing his intellect. Casey and Nigel made their beds.
If it's a Camp Idiot poster, why are they not allowing comments without registering? Why are they deleting comments? Is the site also making fun of Nigel too? I doubt it. Now it COULD be a situation where the poster wants Nigel to be the #1 suspect.
Writing styles can be intentionally changed if you want to convince someone you are another. Who's to say that Nigel doesn't have the ability to be snarky? We don't know that much about his personality outside of the fact he's a baby and an authoritarian who always has to have his way and will NOT listen to dissent that questions his point of view. I've rarely ever seen the guy make a retraction and when he does it's always done in a way that is self aggrandizing.
The #1 poster on RCS is Robert. This is the same Robert who posts on Nigel's boards. As one poster here pointed out "Robert" has been caught posting in a manner that implied he was Nigel. Robert writes suspiciously LIKE Nigel. If Nigel has nothing to do with RCS, he may be posting comments as Robert to cover his tracks but I could easily say it implicates him in the mess since he willingly posts comments that are just as snarky as the site owner. This "Robert" fellow seems to get really worked up when somebody posts personal stuff here, but in his partisan thinking Rob Dawg deserves to get his because he doesn't censor his posters.
Nigel brought this on himself and started the trend of outing haterz. He upped the ante and if he ISN'T DIRECTLY involed with RCS, he could be tacit. After all, he and heekee do talk and for all we know the main poster could be a CI person they both know. Nigel loves railing against CI but notice he won't directly attack Heekee? So if Heekee's posters rip Casey and Nigel for all kinds of things, why isn't he writing articles about Heekee's responsibility to keep that place free of mean comments? So Rob is an evil person because he won't work with Nigel but Heekee is great because he does? Odd rationalizations and further proof if Nigel isn't involved directly, it's all a tacit nod of approval.
Note to Nigel: If you are not involved, you need to post more than a one sentence comment on that crappy and unnecessary DHC blog of yours. You neeed to post an article stating YOU are not involved with RCS. I would be fine with that for now. If it ever came out YOU ARE RCS, the last shreds of any credibility you have online and off will be shot to hell.
One more point regarding Photoshop & Nigel...just because we haven't seen evidence of Nigel being proficient in Photoshop doesn't mean he can't do it. The posts on RCS are very rudimentary cut and paste PS jobs. I could do them and so could a novice.
Nigel claims to be a web marketer and website operator. PS is not hard to use and it isn't beyond his skillset to use it if he needed to.
Who cares? Really? I went there once, gave it a glance, thought: Waste of time, and haven't been back. I feel like I'm not missing a thing ignoring it... and perhaps if everyone else ignores it; (a Casey Stragety), it will stop being relevant (if it ever was).
Nigel, not Nigel... I couldn't care less if I tried.
Oh, and forewarning for the Francophones amongst the Haterz™--there's a troll that aboslutely depises the slightest bit of French speaking (typing), so be prepared for he possibility of being called the c-word and all sorts of other colourful expletives if you do choose to express yourselves en français.
Right there with you on needing coffee. A part of my brain is reeling at discussing wine this early in the day....although it pretty much guarantees what I'll be doing tonight!
If I remember correctly, you're in the NW? No wonder you would prefer a red. You've got some mind-blowing options in your neck of the woods.
Good lord yes, Willamette Valley produces some incredible wines. But for the '00-'02 Carneros district bottles, Willamette Valley's pinot noirs usually blow CA's out of the water.
Greg Swan is cut of the same cloth as Nigeepoo and KC.
Greg Swan outed my personal information on Bloodhoundblog and called us at HP Flying Monkeys (ergo my handle) when he disagreed with my posts about his glaring conflict of interest as a licensed Real Estate Clerk.
He took down my private information only after I threatened him with a 'Breach of Contract' complaint with the Board of Realtors regulators of AZ. The contract was the blogger footer promising not to post any personal information.
Greg Swan is a lot worse than an arrogant RE Cheerleader Dawg.
He is a greedy shill who conveniently ignores the facts; especially if there is dirty money in it for him from a naive Buyer or seller, imo.
Oh yea, and he is the one who gave Nigeepoo his "Carnival Award".
Whoo Whoo. said whilst my pointer finger twirls in the air.
Sorry to rant on and on Dawg, but here is what my Dad used to say about this. "Put Greg Swan Dive, KC and Nigeepoo all in a paper bag, shake it up and dump it out, and they would all come out exactly the same."
KC is just the receiver right now, but the scam giver in training, I reckon. Greg Swan is an old pro from what I have experienced.
I admire the French, although when I was about 12-13 DeGaulle pulled out of NATO and in my thoroughly brainwashed mind I thought him a traitor. As the decades passed I now view myself as a citizen of the world. I pity those who condemn France, or Iran for that matter, for choosing to do what is best for them. So don't worry, my jeep-driving Birkenstock-wearing young friend, unless I start posting in Slovak.
Please, never punch anyone in the face. The Human head is almost entirely all bone, and you were not designed to hit hard bone with your knuckles. A nice chopping kick to the side of the leg at the knee is much more effective.
Aspeth, I’ll heed Steph’s warning about the Francophobe troll since we already have enough of them around here. My French is pretty rusty these days to say the least, but there was a time when I read those books, but my favorite is Flaubert. For some reason that passage from Les Fleurs du Mal came to mind last night. Sometimes quotes just bubble up and it’s fun to throw it out there and see what happens:).
First! :-)
Liverwurst! :-)
Crap. Just a wee bit earlier, and I'd have finally had my "First" and all the sweet deals that I'd be thereby entitled to - cuts to the front of the line at Jamba Juice and extra macaroni at the Grill.
Nigel has LEFT Casey's anus.
Galina has found the coffee can...
Casey has MET the clown
Nigel Swaby, Asshole:
I think you need to stop being such a prick. You say the most outlandish things and to what end? So your sensitive ego can lump a few people in with hundreds who have done NOTHING to hurt you? Oh yes, I forgot, you can post mean comments about others anonymously (yes, I know it was you who scared off Mel, Dolph and a couple others from posting regularly). You came here anonymously and beat their reasoned points of view down. THEN you start that ridiculous piece of shit blog claiming to be an "alternate point of view" towards your butt bud Casey Serin. You have to be the most absurd human being on the face of the earth. If we don't agree with you, we are either idiots, assholes or haterz. If we agree with you what are we then? We can't be liked by you as I bet you have no friendz. I bet you have contempt for people in general. Your best friend is the almighty dollar and I would venture a guess you don't have enough of those. Nigel Swaby, I bet you are living on borrowed time. Yes, I said it...borrowed time as in you are most likely heavy in debt or why else would a person of supposed integrity work with and defend an admitted criminal?
Fuck you Nigel Swaby, hypocrite broker. Fuck you to hell. You are an evil man who has no fucking clue what a "hater" is. As far as I can see you are the hater since you have contempt for all opinions that don't fit your narrow view.
Nigel Swaby, you aren't good enough to shine my shoes.
By the way, whoever posted that Nigel is an enormous asshole video on youtube is a genius and deserves an award.
Man, looks like I missed a good one. I was out selling a house and then went to downtown SEA and had dinner at Licorous. Looks like that Jeff dude is facked but at least he's owning up the fact that he is facked
Since none of you loosers have said it...MURST!!!
Nice commercial playing nowadays on Adult Swim involving a Murse.
I like that image.
Have I missed some critical events while washing my dogs?
YO! hypocrite lecteur!
mon semblable,
mon frère(?)!
Nigel, your post about Rob is completely unacceptable. It's shows what a childish, cruel, ignorant, person you are. You do not have my respect and you don't deserve it.
I will point out that the one time I saw someone post something a vulgar on EN Rob admonished the poster within a few minutes and the poster apologized. That was no where near as vile and uncalled for as the stuff Nigel posted.
Nigel, don't even think of saying "If you can't take...". Few people have taken things anywhere near that far about you or Casey, most certainly not Rob. Go home little boy.
Oooh, can I have a new name too? Please?
Hmm, how about "the girl with 6 mortgages who could have lost 4 houses but avoided it through hard work"? No, it is very long and not catchy.
"W-2looser" I think that is already taken. "401kLooser" That may work.
It is sad to be up all alone. I guess if I were to stay up two more hours, everyone from the east coast will wake up. I should probaly get to sleep. I have to pack tomorrow for a conference in Orlando. YAY!! It is so great to go "home" on the companies dime.
My sleeping hours are all out of whack. After-work power nap screwed me up. itsallgood!
re: "Meanwhile in the same period, over 5000 unique visitors have hit IAFF. Also sweet.
This is yet another example of the "silent majority" coming into play. These are the people that visit Casey's site and read, but don't comment. In the grand scheme of things, the haterz are very vocal, but very much a minority. In total, they comprise 3% of Casey's traffic.
Further backing up the haterz protected status as the vocal minority, the petition they've launched has garnered 30 whole signatures. Four have been removed, leaving a net of 26. Talk about a grass roots movement. I wonder if you can make wheat grass shots with grass roots?"
No wonder Swaby has failed in everything he's done. He can't even manage simple logic. He assumes that those "5000" cannot possibly be haters. Given what we've all seen, it's safe to assume most of those 5000 will leave IAFF with great disdain(hate) for Casey.
He also assumes that every hate that exists showed up on Stephanies blog. That simply isn't true. I could be called a hater and I didn't post there. I'm sure most "haters" don't even post here at EN or anywhere else for that matter. The same goes for that petition.
It's more than obvious that the average person would not be supportive of anything Casey has done. The more Swaby talks the more evident it becomes what a clown he is. It just goes to show they'll give anyone a brokers license.
I know many won't visit Nigel Swaby's RobertCoteSux board but have you seen his newest picture? Does it not break TOS for Google? I didn't know you could show a penis with sperm all over a girl's face. What if kids stumble on that stupid board?
Does Nigel really think this is funny? He is a sicker mind than I could ever imagine but it makes sense he'd show an erect penis since we all know he likes them.
Yes folks, Nigel Swaby stoops to pornography because he has no sense of humor and has no concept of honor.
Nigel Swaby has a strange sense of humor. Does he care about his professional reputation?
I think Nigels handywork should be forwarded to his employers clients and partners so they can see what a juvenile loser they're dealing with.
"Does he care about his professional reputation?"
He has one? The only reputation Swaby has that I know of is of habitual failure and immature development.
If anybody is bored PLEASE archive that page. I bet money he changes it after reading these comments.
The world has to see the depravity of this man. He has no ethics whatsoever. He calls Ratlab a coward but has to play these dumb games because his mind can't accept shades of gray. He sees what he wants to see and can't accept any contrarian thinking.
Kind of surprising for a liberal since they pride themselves on that kind of self awareness. But then again, any kind of partisan will go to extremes to sell their beliefs. Nigel is a partisan for Casey.
I hate to be a party pooper and all, but is there any actual clinching evidence that Nigel is responsible for Robertcotesux?
Me, I'm skeptical - the writing style's a fair bit different, and there's some twisted humor there which I haven't picked up from any of Nigel's own decidedly po-faced blogs (very much including Don'thatecasey). And I don't think he's a good enough writer to hide his tracks like that.
Mind you, if I'm wrong, I'll try not to sob uncontrollably.
@Miguel -
Don't forget - Nigel started posting pictures & personal information on other people who frequent EN.
He also trolls here all the time. If he wasn't responsible, I think by now he or one of his many personas would have denied it.
i think you gus are all being too critical of NIGEL SWABY!
i mean he did meet the jamaican bobsled team!!!
i heard he's well connected with one of the standin extras & the burger flipper from the kraft cart on the sopranos set, so id watch out if i were you!
If you find the robertcotesux site objectionable, especially with the latest post.
Don't forget the Flag Objectionable Content option at the top of the page.
I don't want my kids stumbling across that mess.
Average number of comments per post = 1.
It's archived.
Do we send it to the goat?
I just had a look at DHC for the first time in about a week. Man he just had his ass handed to him AGAIN. Why does he keep this up? I mean one thing would be money and traffic. I AM irritated that we are in some way responsible for putting money in his pocket (even if it's barely enough to buy soggy crab legs and skunky beer at Macaroni Grill). Seriously people, I would like to know and it has been asked of him directly, why in God's name does he continue to defend Casey's position? Is he "standing up" for all supporters (none of whom apparently exist save for the ones who mail Casey 'you can live forever in paradise on earth' pamphlets)? Whatever his motivation and I do believe it is traffic, it is the wrong apporoach. But it's the "whatever it takes to be famous" approach. Paris Hilton had to suck some dick on camera. Britney Spears had to get fat as fuck and shave her head. Screech had to give some washed-up-starfucker a dirty sanchez. Kato Kaelin had to mooch off OJ. So basically getting famous requires actually having something to offer or allowing your name to get dragged through the mud. Since he lacks the former he'll have to settle for the latter. If that's OK with him then abbia una vita piacevole. Personally I'd never allow my name to be synonymous with "fucking idiot".
You know I once knew a fellow who chose the opposite side of every argument or commentary. He claimed he was simply playing devil's advocate, but most of us knew better. He had a pathological attachment to being perceived as smarter than anybody else. So he always disagreed with everyone who made sense in order to...I don't know, prove to himself he could bullshit better than anybody else? All he did was alienate people and make people want to punch him in the face. So far, that's about all that Nigel has accomplished. Aspiring Web Journalist my ass. Hey Nigel, if you really had something to say you wouldn't be wasting your time engaging Haterz for their traffic. You'd be writing interesting commentary on your own blog. But you don't have anything interesting to say do you? You don't, or you'd be saying it. That's why you'll NEVER be a successful Web Journalist. You've already made yourself a joke in six months. You want to change things? Shut your fucking mouth about Casey and write something halfway interesting about your supposed field of expertise. When the Casey saga comes to an end, amd make no mistake it will, you'll just be some prick whose blog nobody reads. Then you'll have a hell of a time transforming your image. Google searches of your name will forever be tainted. So start to change it now or consider a name change. That is the end of my free advice.
PS I'm having a blast laughing at you and Casey. So is Heekee.
I'm surprised the Nigel video hasn't been removed from Youtube yet. I'm sure he's sent a complaint by now.
I don't get the javascript warnings from his sites but if whoever is getting those gets the same one on DHC and RCS that would be additional evidence that it's Nigel. (Unless it's just an Adbrite thing as somebody said.) There is another Rob Dawg hater at CI that I don't think is Nigel.
Flailing what is CI
My two cents as a highly trained ass-kicking forensic psychologist:
Nigel is obsessing over the feud with the haterz because his life is in the crapper right now (no one is buying his mortgages, Salt Lake is just starting its freefall, he lost all credibility as an aspiring web journalist, his business plans with Casey vaporized, etc.) and battling us is easier than coming to terms with the fact that he's an FB (fucked broker). Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go fight crime.
Here's my concern....
This real estate agent's breast size seems to change from photo to photo. Is this market related? Is it a phenomena associated with falling market prices? Is this isolated or will it spread to other hot babes in real estate?
Real Estate Babe
@ anon 5:51
Camp Idiot, which is Heekee's site. It's mostly a troll forum, but they bag on Casey a lot.
@ The Dude
Let us hope and pray that the boobie bubble has not yet popped. As SacRealtor would say, California cleavage always goes up!
Hey, isn't today foreclosure day for Casey's last property? Somebody need to swing by for some sweet pics of the action.
Talk about a sad day -- no more properties for Casey to lose.. :)
I was wondering the same thing. I think today is the day Casey has nothing left to worry about. Heh.
Happy foreclosure day!
Well it's been a party but as of today Casey no longer has any debt. In his mind anyway.
Knock knock
Wells Fargo
and countless other lenders.
Congratulations Casey! At least you tried. Success!
"As I kept reading his story, I realized he's very intelligent and pretty shrewd about reaching his goal of avoiding foreclosure," Swaby added."
RE Story of the year!?
Aspiring Web Journalist>!?
He sure knows how to call em. That's why he'll always be an Aspiring Web Journalist. He ain't a real journalist. I have yet to see readable ink from him.
Hey Nigel, break a real story why don't you? The Casey thing is old news already. Real journalists are on to the next thing...like how mortgage brokers in SLC are next to lose their shirts! SLC has crested and that wave is strating to break...can't wait to ride that one in, Gold Medallion home style!
@Akubi 11:50...Alors c'est vrai! J'ai pense que tu parle francais apres regardai tes livres--saint exupery je pense, n'est-ce pas? Et possiblement de sade aussi?
(sorry...too early for accent marks)
hate to be a party pooper and all, but is there any actual clinching evidence that Nigel is responsible for Robertcotesux?
Me, I'm skeptical - the writing style's a fair bit different, and there's some twisted humor there which I haven't picked up from any of Nigel's own decidedly po-faced blogs.
I said much the same thing yesterday. There's also no evidence from SLC or DHC that Nigel has any skill with Photoshop -- he's a cut-and-paster at best.
My money's on the campidiot crowd. Lots of photoshoppers there, lots of juvenile humor there, and this is just the sort of thing they'd jump all over.
Nigel's continued silence, and reported deletions of any comments mentioning robertcotesux, is however quite damaging to him.
@Anonynous 11:59PM: I will point out that the one time I saw someone post something a vulgar on EN Rob admonished the poster within a few minutes and the poster apologized.
To play devil's advocate for a moment: what about the homophobic Nigel Swaby is an enormous asshole attack video? I see a number of comments here and elsewhere lauding it; but I personally think it also is way over the line.
Ai ai ai, ca suffit déjà.
CHJTS... post on the census s'il te plaît .
Mon dieu! Stephanie J aussi! Nous sommes merveilleux!
Maintenant, c'est imperatif pour nous bouvons du vin :)
It is a fine line when it comes to discouraging excess. Overt attempts to squash juvenile behavior will not work. Other sites are independent and will often just consider any attention encouragement.
Then of course there is the judgement factor. Lonelyjeff14 is just screwed in the financial sense. Casey is screwing up his whole life and more. Swann is just an arrogant real estate cheerleader. Swaby is an overtly objectional derivative who takes every opportunity to dumb down the entire universe by sharing his intellect. Casey and Nigel made their beds.
Oh Seigneur,
Donc, quelle marque du vin est-ce qu'on veut partager?
Louer Nordique
Vin blanc... d'Alsace, SVP.
La Saloppe D'Oregon.
Now that I think on it; not white wine... Calvados please.
Casey Has Jumped the Shark
Remora would apply more to Nigel.
Making the case on why Nigel is Robertcotesux:
If it's a Camp Idiot poster, why are they not allowing comments without registering? Why are they deleting comments? Is the site also making fun of Nigel too? I doubt it. Now it COULD be a situation where the poster wants Nigel to be the #1 suspect.
Writing styles can be intentionally changed if you want to convince someone you are another. Who's to say that Nigel doesn't have the ability to be snarky? We don't know that much about his personality outside of the fact he's a baby and an authoritarian who always has to have his way and will NOT listen to dissent that questions his point of view. I've rarely ever seen the guy make a retraction and when he does it's always done in a way that is self aggrandizing.
The #1 poster on RCS is Robert. This is the same Robert who posts on Nigel's boards. As one poster here pointed out "Robert" has been caught posting in a manner that implied he was Nigel. Robert writes suspiciously LIKE Nigel. If Nigel has nothing to do with RCS, he may be posting comments as Robert to cover his tracks but I could easily say it implicates him in the mess since he willingly posts comments that are just as snarky as the site owner. This "Robert" fellow seems to get really worked up when somebody posts personal stuff here, but in his partisan thinking Rob Dawg deserves to get his because he doesn't censor his posters.
Nigel brought this on himself and started the trend of outing haterz. He upped the ante and if he ISN'T DIRECTLY involed with RCS, he could be tacit. After all, he and heekee do talk and for all we know the main poster could be a CI person they both know. Nigel loves railing against CI but notice he won't directly attack Heekee? So if Heekee's posters rip Casey and Nigel for all kinds of things, why isn't he writing articles about Heekee's responsibility to keep that place free of mean comments? So Rob is an evil person because he won't work with Nigel but Heekee is great because he does? Odd rationalizations and further proof if Nigel isn't involved directly, it's all a tacit nod of approval.
Note to Nigel: If you are not involved, you need to post more than a one sentence comment on that crappy and unnecessary DHC blog of yours. You neeed to post an article stating YOU are not involved with RCS. I would be fine with that for now. If it ever came out YOU ARE RCS, the last shreds of any credibility you have online and off will be shot to hell.
One more point regarding Photoshop & Nigel...just because we haven't seen evidence of Nigel being proficient in Photoshop doesn't mean he can't do it. The posts on RCS are very rudimentary cut and paste PS jobs. I could do them and so could a novice.
Nigel claims to be a web marketer and website operator. PS is not hard to use and it isn't beyond his skillset to use it if he needed to.
"Vin blanc.?"
Mais non! "Cuiver Reserve Chateau Bottled Nuit San Wagga Wagga", which has a bouquet like an aborigine's armpit.
Je pense que je voudrais un vin blanc, parce qu'il fait un petit chaud aujourd'hui.
Perhaps a spanish viura or italian pinot grigio.
I like a good pinot. Mmm.
Re: Nigel/Robertsux site
Who cares? Really? I went there once, gave it a glance, thought: Waste of time, and haven't been back. I feel like I'm not missing a thing ignoring it... and perhaps if everyone else ignores it; (a Casey Stragety), it will stop being relevant (if it ever was).
Nigel, not Nigel... I couldn't care less if I tried.
Stragety.. LOL
Need coffeee..... Nooooww.
Oh, and forewarning for the Francophones amongst the Haterz™--there's a troll that aboslutely depises the slightest bit of French speaking (typing), so be prepared for he possibility of being called the c-word and all sorts of other colourful expletives if you do choose to express yourselves en français.
Right there with you on needing coffee. A part of my brain is reeling at discussing wine this early in the day....although it pretty much guarantees what I'll be doing tonight!
If I remember correctly, you're in the NW? No wonder you would prefer a red. You've got some mind-blowing options in your neck of the woods.
Willamette Valley wines are surprisingly delicious... yes, lots of choices.
It is Friday--so overdoing it a little this evening, vino-wise, is perfectly permissible. :)
Good lord yes, Willamette Valley produces some incredible wines. But for the '00-'02 Carneros district bottles, Willamette Valley's pinot noirs usually blow CA's out of the water.
Greg Swan is cut of the same cloth as Nigeepoo and KC.
Greg Swan outed my personal information on Bloodhoundblog and called us at HP Flying Monkeys (ergo my handle) when he disagreed with my posts about his glaring conflict of interest as a licensed Real Estate Clerk.
He took down my private information only after I threatened him with a 'Breach of Contract' complaint with the Board of Realtors regulators of AZ. The contract was the blogger footer promising not to post any personal information.
Greg Swan is a lot worse than an arrogant RE Cheerleader Dawg.
He is a greedy shill who conveniently ignores the facts; especially if there is dirty money in it for him from a naive Buyer or seller, imo.
Oh yea, and he is the one who gave Nigeepoo his "Carnival Award".
Whoo Whoo. said whilst my pointer finger twirls in the air.
Sorry to rant on and on Dawg, but here is what my Dad used to say about this. "Put Greg Swan Dive, KC and Nigeepoo all in a paper bag, shake it up and dump it out, and they would all come out exactly the same."
KC is just the receiver right now, but the scam giver in training, I reckon.
Greg Swan is an old pro from what I have experienced.
I need a glass of wine now.
chin-chin Flying Minkey
Ai ai ai, ca suffit déjà.
CHJTS... post on the census s'il te plaît .
I have zero clue what that means.
so I am thinking of some gay name since Robert has a picture of nipple tweaking under my topic.
or I could go with something like:
1. Moratorium
2. Intervivos
3. Punch nigel in the fucking face for being a douchebag.
I admire the French, although when I was about 12-13 DeGaulle pulled out of NATO and in my thoroughly brainwashed mind I thought him a traitor.
As the decades passed I now view myself as a citizen of the world.
I pity those who condemn France, or Iran for that matter, for choosing to do what is best for them.
So don't worry, my jeep-driving Birkenstock-wearing young friend, unless I start posting in Slovak.
Please, never punch anyone in the face.
The Human head is almost entirely all bone, and you were not designed to hit hard bone with your knuckles.
A nice chopping kick to the side of the leg at the knee is much more effective.
I’ll heed Steph’s warning about the Francophobe troll since we already have enough of them around here. My French is pretty rusty these days to say the least, but there was a time when I read those books, but my favorite is Flaubert. For some reason that passage from Les Fleurs du Mal came to mind last night. Sometimes quotes just bubble up and it’s fun to throw it out there and see what happens:).
I won't link as I don't want to give him the traffic, but Nigel has explicitly denied having anything to do with Robertcotesux.
And I do actually believe him. For once.
Q: Why do the French plant trees along the boulevards in Paris?
A: So the Germans can park their tanks in the shade.
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