Yep, I figured we are getting close enough to the end of the pre-arrest portion of the Casey Story™ that I could hold out a little hard pill of truth wrapped in a slice of vegan bacon to make it palatable. Here's my old softie routine that I dropped on IAFF a few minutes ago. [Talk among yourselves, I'm doing taxes and it isn't going as well as I hoped.]
[ASW = whatdebt]
Have you been in my shoes? Yes, if you mean young poor and ambitious. No, if you mean uneducated, impatient, and committing and have committed crimes.
Are you a business owner, or investor or entrepreneur?
Yes. Yes. Yes.
What qualifies you to give me advice? Successful track record of real estate, business and entrepenurship.
Why should I listen to your negativity? It's the only place you'll get useful advice.
What do I have to do to get support around here? First, understand; There is no "here." You haven't built an asset with IAFF. Already you've tuned out. You have this elaborate worldview that is premised upon IAFF as an asset. One sentence in and you've already decided this advice won't work for you. Second, you've gotten nothing but support for 8 months. That you cannot recognize support when presented does not mean there has been no support. Indeed, this is a classic negative indicator test. You could take the first 1000 posts to IAFF, throw out the venom, throw out the fake cheerleading, throw out the junk and be left with 50 posts that had everything you needed. Had, because it is too late for that advice. Third, you need to buld a pryamid of support. At the bottom all suggestions, middle possible suggestions, top of the pryamid; the possible suggestions that also mean you are doing the right thing not just the possible. Everything else except the top 2/3rds of the pryamid is weighing you down; throw them overboard. Again I've lost you. You cannot pay back every dirty penny --> never mention it again. Not possible in the world you've built. Repeat for all your other schemes and affectations.
The smell of desperation is all over your recent actions and revelations. Understandable. You've been handed all the clues, you've been given this roadmap. What no one else can do is make you walk the path.
And that's it all I can do is close with a modern day parable. A man was caught in a flood. His brother drove up through the rising water with his 4x4 and offered him a ride. He said; "The Lord will save me." Later a neighbor rowed over to the second floor window. Again he put his faith in "getting saved." Forced to the roof a helicopter came but he waved them prefering instead to use his own judgement and belief. He drowned. Later, at the Gates he asked his Maker why He didn't intervene? The Great Maker replied "Who do you think sent the truck, boat and copter?" Casy, your haterz™ are you helicopter and you wave us off.
The future influences the present just as much as the past.
im a looser. stan you b&ST@#$
It's about DAMN time I regained my throne of Firstness! are all loosers because you don't cease the moment.
Woah. IAFF had 15,500 pageviews yesterday. EN had 12,500. No wonder he reeks of desperation. "Scourse I like to think it was the post about suburban myths but I'm dense.
I used to think C could be redeemed, but that was long ago. I used to think C was stupid, but now know he's just freakin' LAZY.
He is an affront to every hard working person on the entire planet...successful or not. You posted a topic about sacrifices made by America's Greatest Generation and it sickens me what price they paid for the likes of people like C.
Rant mode off
@ Rob, much better said than my similar comment.
We TRIED to help him. He created all the Haterz™ he now has via his actions (or lack there of).
I've said it before and I'll say it again...
Without his Haterz™, Casey would be NOTHING.
Can you people that mean "losers" please stop saying "loosers?"
anon @ 10:07 said "Can you people that mean "losers" please stop saying "loosers?" "
another anon gets his cherry popped!
LOL I heart CS virgins!
Hey Guys,
Rob BBB here.
Casey is going to need two balance sheets now. One for himself and one for his corp.
Or.. maybe more? Maybe he has multiple corporations now.
None of you know the real story but everyone must know it is worse than whatever he writes.
Maybe he can buy 5 more corps with debt from his first corp. Then move them all around and get more debt.
Galina needs a new pair of shoes.
anon asks in a cute kind of retro way:
"Can you people that mean "losers" please stop saying "loosers?" "
Awww, sweeet. If the lazy azz blog owner could get hiz akt together someone could tell him to read the FAQ but we don't have a FAQ and I just realised we need one. Any "dawgtype" suggestions what to call it? Puppy Chow? Old Poop? Rolled Up Newspapers?
Galina needs a new pair of workout shoes.
The Casey Campaign For America begins:
"Are you a business owner, or investor or entrepreneur?"
Asking that rhetorical little question would imply Casey has peers. Me and my hard working business friends do not recognize failures like Casey as any of the things he thinks he is.
Casey, your only "peer" is possibly Kato Kaelin but at least he figured out how to cash in on the OJ murders. I'd compare you to the bums begging for change outside of 7-11s and street corners but at least they are working harder than you to make a buck.
anon 10:30,
Ohhh and you used the pink shirt version. Good job.
I wish I had a "money shot" picture of the murse......
Pinky only has the strap showing....the little tease.
Galina should consider stripping. It pays extremely well, she's got a decent body, and nobody will notice her cross-eyed face when she's pole-dancing.
GameOver said:
"another anon gets his cherry popped! LOL I heart CS virgins!"
Was it good for you? Nothing like a CaseyVirgin to start the day.
Just in case the AnonVirgin is sincere: Casey doesn't know crap, especially spelling and proper verb usage.
So...CaseySpeak is:
Looser = Loser
And today we have a new one:
Cease = Seize
So, if your inquiry was virginal, GameOver popped it. If not, I'm going to cease your looser neck.....
By the way Stan, nice work on first.
Casey's spelling 'skillz' drive me INSANE!!!!!
Remember this oldie but goodie?
LOL, what a fliptard!
Wow! Only 39 comments and mostly positive! How does he wonder where the hate comes from? He was fucking up 6 months ago! Talking deals even then. Seed money! Jesus!!!!!!
I like R-boy's idea. advertise on Casey's site. put a link to this site. they title can be 25 characters and the ad text can be an additional 70. Think of the possibilities of what you could put in there and casey would have to let it stay up b/c of his contract with adbrite(I don't believe you can remove an ad once the money has been paid).
@Anon 10:07
Because we are dwelling in the world of Casey much of the time, we have to adopt the dialect of IAFF known as "Caseonics".
I'd refer you to the Caseonics official Casey Serin Dictionary, but I forgot where it was.
Steph - didn't we trade that for a SWEET Jamba Juice? I remember that deal being WIN-WIN.
nevermind. casey gets to decide what ads get placed. of course if he only got the one ad from exurbennation I wonder if he would take the money?
'Exhurban Nation: the place to come get the real low down on the lazy scumbag Casey Serin and his murse.'
What if:
Casey has been earning money by being a sperm donor?
Casey has been selling blood to the Red Cross?
Have you, or anyone you know, received a transfusion or been artificially inseminated lately?
....think about the social consequences.....
casey would most likely be rejected as a sperm donor. they are looking for good looking, smart folks with high IQ's for this service. Who would pay for his sperm?
This is for Casey (we know you read this blog Casey).
Stop whining for our approval. Our approval or disapproval has no effect on your real life whatsoever (your fake blog life does not count). Haterz don't stop you from paying your debts, we didn't fuck your life up, you did. All this bullshit is just another way you distract yourself from the real issues at hand, anyone with more than two brains cells knows that.
I said this before, it's very easy to make all of us "haters" go away, stop blogging (a task so easy even Casey can do it).
So either let us watch the trainwreck and have our fun or STFU.
I smell the need for another boycott.
He's baiting us...
I think Game is on to something......
Casey is thinking:
Traffic goes away on IAFF
Need to bring it back
Only boost to traffic is Haterz(tm)
Bait Haterz(tm) so they return
Traffic goes up
Take Nap
I'm all for a few chosen Haterz(tm) to glean the crap from IAFF and post here for comment. A Black Op Guerilla Unit of Haterz (BOGUH)
I've been blacklisted, so I can't post on IAFF. Which is probably good. I have been IAFF free for a while now. I just go there to read and create statistics.
How about ENCODE?
(Exurban Nation Covert Ops Deciding [caseys] Existance)
Maybe we could task Nigel's government interrogator ccountant and almost Navy SEAL Brian s. Nick( for you CS virgins) for some covert work...
Rob BBB:
You can post as "Rob BBB" instead of anonymous without creating an account. Just click on the "Other" radio button and type in whatever name you want.
Anon @ 10:07:
I see you haven't quite ceased the nature of things around here.
Hopefully no one suffers heart ceasure from all the hilarity today. Ogg, I reviewed the rent/own calculator and while it is bad, it also works. The assumptions are very biased. I had a post qeued up for later today.
check out the NYT article today. They have a great rent vs. buy interactive calculator.
Initial reaction to Casey's latest post...
As usual, he's creating a bit of a strawman by saying that "haterz" are giving him conflicting information (eg, pay everything back versus declaring bankruptcy). Obviously he can't do both. But the conflicting advice is coming from different people, not the same people telling him to do two different things (for the most part, I'm sure he could find someone here or there who has given conflicting advice).
So to briefly clarify my own position on Looser Boy's repayment strategy:
1) From the start (late Sept 06, when I first followed his story), it's been obvious to me that his debt was too big for him to service even if he and Galina were willing to work insane hours (which they aren't).
2) As far back as October (after the Dallas foreclosure), I told him to forget about trying to keep Galina's cards current because her credit would be ruined regardless. Instead, he should be saving as much cash as possible to use for his legal defense to any future civil suit or criminal charges.
3) He should stop pursuing short sales, DIL, or whatever and just take his medicine as quickly as possible to get the clock started on the foreclosure. He was putting way too much time and effort into forestalling the inevitable in the pursuit of something with very limited tangible benefit.
4) I told him that his two priorities should be a) staying out of jail; and b) saving his marriage. His financial situation was not salvageable without BK.
5) He needed to stop thinking that there was a chance in hell that he would stumble onto financial success within the next year or so. If he and Galina worked really hard, they could overcome this mess by the time that they were in their early 30s. Rather than being fixated with the present and near-future, think long-term. Realize that because of HIS many failures in 2006, his standard of living would be mediocre for quite some time, but he could eventually move past it with some hard honest work over a period of some time.
6) To stay away from anything illegal, such as the corporate credit thing. Mainly because a) in all likelihood it wasn't going to work, b) it forestalls any genuine effort to get back on track, c) it exposed him to additional criminal charges; and d) it diminished the chances of leniency that he might seek from a court on his 2006 crimes if he were actively involved in additional scams in 2007.
It doesn't look to me like he followed any of this advice. And it's obvious to me that he's in a worse position today because he ignored it.
Rob - one and all:
I'm going to post this on the next string to assure no one misses it... so forgive me.
I believe Casey's post today is to deflect the ABC Nightline story tonight.
Notice how snowflake is always writing about his coverage and stuff? He has not said anything about the Nightline interview or that it will be played tonight -- geez, I wonder why? Could it be that they asked the HARD questions?? Could it be the story won't be "all good" but a little negative?
I think CS went trolling with his latest entry and is trying to minimize the damage from tonight's story.
I endured the "Looser" thing... I've not been spelling nazi for this whole time...
but *please* I beg you, desist with the ceasure thing.... It's KILLING ME. It's like nails on a chalkboard...
Setph j,
I sees your point and will seize your point and cease making your point.
If it makes you better, I feel the same way about Nigel's "alternate take".
It should be "alternative", of course, but I'm not about to tell him that.
He has not said anything about the Nightline interview or that it will be played tonight -- geez, I wonder why? Could it be that they asked the HARD questions?
I'd love to see him grilled by the BBC's Jeremy Paxman. I don't know if there's a US equivalent, but Paxman is the Rottweiler of British interviewers. If people don't answer the question, he simply asks it again. And again.
In one particularly memorable case, he asked the same question fourteen times before judging that his victim's squirming refusal to answer provided more than enough of a response. Amazingly enough, this rarely gets dull, because Paxman has such a great sense of comic timing.
Here's a greatest hits compilation for those who have yet to see him in action.
FWIW, the comments on Casey's latest are _outstanding_. Oh, there's a couple or three of the usual "you go, Casey" fluffers, but by far the vast majority are giving hard-line answers to his (rhetorical) questions.
We may well be being trolled, but it seems to me that the readers have risen to the mark admirably. The overwhelming messages are: we hate you because of your actions; and you've been ignoring our supportive advice all along.
Not that even this huge groundswell will shake Casey of any of his convictions; no, it'll be "those haters never give me a break!" and straight back into advice-avoidance mode.
Agreed, lawnmower man. Sadly, I just visited CS's site for the first time in weeks but the comments were great so I didn't feel so damn dirty (after) like I usually do.
Rational, well-crafted, decent stuff--from the comment folks, I mean.
(Rant sorta related to spelling-- does any one else's skin crawl when Tavis Smiley pronounces "particularly" ???) I seize to breath (I mean, really loose my breathe) every I hear him on PBS.
Oddly, the commentary on IAFF now is very much like the logical advice that was initially offered last September.
I really can't believe I have followed this whole thing for nine months.
Rob Dawg--that parable is ole' as the hills! ... though often, it can be particularly useful in dealing with the CS's of the world who are supposedly bible-inclined.
Though, to be honest, CS's spurious Christian spirituality/ "testimony" as sprinkled through his blog over the months has left me puzzled, fascinated, and a little ill at the thought.
Anyhow, Dawg, you seem like the kind of man who could appreciate some good Baptist jokes. :)
@ Rob:
I didn't play with it much. The only obvious problem I noticed is that it ignores equity. It also assumes that the rate of appreciation/rent increase is fixed, but that's hard to avoid without making the UI unbearably complicated.
Looking at it in the narrower sense of whether my monthly housing costs would be higher by renting or owning, it tracked pretty well with my expectations.
@ Rob-Dawg
"Third, you need to buld a pryamid of support..."
When you say something like this you're just going to unnecessarily excite him. He's going to want to know how much it costs to join the pyramid of support, and maybe if he pays a little more can he join at that upper level? Also - if he recruits others to the pyramid will he get a cut......
Jerry, that's the point. Just when I thought my carefully constructed love letter was unappreciated you catch one of the "hooks." Casey is gulible and easily swayed. Things like ladders of wealth or pryamids of support or legions of supporters appeal to his primitive mind.
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