From "Casey's own admission:" we learn: That $4,000 I pulled out is not my own. It belongs to the corporation. So I wasn’t lying when I said I had no personal money left over to pay CashCall. So everybody who donated, please don’t be upset.
I can’t just be spending corporate money left and right without accountability and checking with all the parties involved. Besides, the corporate money has been already reserved for an income producing investment, instead of borrowing from Peter to pay Paul.
According to my corporate lawyers, the corp needs to be making money first before I attempt to pay back or refinance any personal debt (if I choose to do that instead of bankruptcy). Otherwise it will look suspicious.
Somebody stop him please!
FF&M! Yeah I'm just that good...
Well played Stan. I bow to your firstiness.
That was what? 20 seconds? What are you gonna do when there are multiple authors authorized?
"What are you gonna do when there are multiple authors authorized?"
Bitchslap them all.....when you're FIRST, everyone else is a looser.
More from Snowflake:
Good morning! It feels great to be an early riser (again)!
Tax extension: I will most likely not owe any taxes for 2006 and I did pay make the first two quarterly tax payments, so I might even get a refund. And as far as I know, even if I DO owe taxes, filing an extension without paying anything is not that big of a deal. I will just have to pay a small penalty. They’re not going to throw me in jail or anything. Come on guys. I even heard that the chances of getting audited are LESS when you extend because all the auditing “juice” has been used up for the year by the time October comes around. So it’s all good.
What DRUG is this fool on?
As Rob has pointed out before, no matter how first we are, we're always 2nd place loosers.
Firshizzle Mursizzle! Eat my newly made up words, Bizzatches!
I posted in another thread but I vote we make this priority #1 for dancing monkey boy - shave his head ala WWE Raw. Nigel cannot participate for obvious reasons.
Casey is right in that the IRS won't make a big deal of it. Still, he is shamelessly troll-baiting.
I'm more interested in "Where the money went". That should be a doozie. Of course he won't itemize or anything. That would be too complicated. How is it possible he doesn't owe any taxes from last year? Really?
Scary thing is the possible fallout of the latest misadventure. In order for it to "work" he has to purchase a property that is cash flow positive by thousands per month from the very first month. That doesn't happen in the real world. That means it will have to be something shady. Great, my wallet sense™ is tingling.
Snowflake has been saying he is going to account for all of the '06 money for months. This will never happen. He's too far behind and knowing his attention to detail he didn't bother saving reciepts.
"Bought some extra filing cabinets and storage supplies from our local West Sacramento IKEA for wife to organize paperwork."
OMG! Buy a package of oversized (legal) type envolopes for $5! He's still trying to play businessman and in true Serin fashion, failing miserably.
As for generating income for his corporation, I agree with Rob Dawg. This doesn't bode is fairly obvious he doesn't DO anything that would generate money. If nothing else it should prove to be entertaining to watch.
"Auditing juice"??
Juice THIS, fool!
He's gotta be on crack.
By the way, I'm wondering how Galina is feeling about being married to a "dancing monkey".
Gotta be a supreme disappointment, given how the dipshit made himself out to be Mr. Big Biznuss Man during the courtship phase...
I wish I could say that any of these latest developments in Casey's Bizzaro World™ surprise me but they don't.
He is not going to stop grifting voluntarily, he will have to be stopped.
My trolls, I am waiting for someone to mention KC delegating organizing the files to G.
Otherwise it will look suspicious.
Why would it look suspicious if it were remotely legitimate to begin with? The fact that you have to bend over backwards to make things LOOK above board says it all.
I believe that that is the funniest Casey Serin post ever.
IMHO, of course.
Also...Nineteenth! Or Twentieth!
So he says he worked hard on paying CashCall the $220. Worked hard? Begging != Work
Is it me or he actually opened mail within a month of receiving it this time? Improvement??
Back to work for this loser.
eek said: "Back to work for this loser."
It's LOOSER....Dammit
thought I'd take advantage of Snowflakes early rising and put some comments through.
I feel dirty.
So do I...I "schmoozed" him in my comments trying to bait a response. We'll see if he wakes up before noon and moderates from his glowing commode.
Do you need any smileys, icons, or other graphics for the forums? I've got about 5,000 saved on an old HD if you need 'em.....including a set of "dog smileys".
Prodedure: Change of you with info?
Very interesting. It seems that Mr. SERIN felt compelled to give us his theories on IRS operation before he approved the nightly comments on his site. Perhaps this is because we were discussing his tax situation here and he felt the need to respond. Apparently, Exurban Nation has forced his hand yet again.
Although he may give himself credit for being an "early riser," he cannot give himself credit for accurately describing his tax situation with any degree of precision. He will "most likely" not have tax liability, which most likely will mean a refund. He did "pay make" two payments to the IRS, although it is unclear as to what he paid. And if he does owe anything (even though to the casual observer he "most likely" will not) he will just have to pay a "small penalty."
Mr. SERIN is to be given credit for his excellent use of fuzzy logic. Does he intend to write his tax return in Prolog?
I remain,
This may be old news but it warmed my heart...
Casey won't owe any taxes for 06 b/c all he did was loose money. So by filing an extension all he's really doing is giving the IRS an extension on the interest free loan he's given them all year. Sweet!
I'd be scared of the tax bill next year.
Re: GameOver 8:34
And the post immediately before is
"Call for Carnival Sumbissions"
New word!
The whole Casey/EN phenomenon is interesting. While I am not aware of any other "haters" sites, does anyone think the whole Casey phenomenon warrants a serious book and are people working on it. Seems to me that at the least he's worthy of an academic study in insipidly narcissistic behavior.
I've mentioned this before, but what I'd love is for a repeat of the Nick Leeson publishing saga - whereby a poorly-written, self-serving account of a financial disaster by its chief protagonist gets published first (Rogue Trader, ghostwritten for Leeson himself), followed by a far more professionally researched demolition job by expert financial journalists (All That Glitters, by John Gapper and Nicholas Denton, both of the Financial Times).
What's particularly satisfying about the Gapper/Denton book is that it's not only a forensically detailed account of the Barings disaster but also a page-by-page demolition of Leeson's version of events - they fact-checked every claim, and to no-one's surprise they uncovered loads of things that just didn't stand up.
I think there's a superb book to be written about the Casey Serin phenomenon, but I can guarantee that he won't be the one to either write or profit from it.
Momentarily breaking down from my vow not to get dragged into the Casey drama . . .
I have a newfound respect for CashCall. They have--correctly--detected that Casey has other sources of cash (nobody who has taken a class in accounting would use the word "income"), and are tightening the screws on him. I am suitably impressed at their ability to extract blood out of what anyone else would have considered to be a turnip.
Relative to the IRS, they certainly won't be interested in Casey for his money--but never underestimate the IRS's interest in going after celebrities and psuedo-wannabe-celebrities. There's an old Chinese saying (I love this one), that "sometimes you have to kill the chicken to teach the monkey a lesson", although this time it may be the dancing monkey that has to go in order to keep the chickens in line.
Anon @ 8:48
It is an interesting phenomenon but this situation alone is not worthy of a book in my opinion.
I think there is a shift taking place on the internet that is worth studying. Maybe shift isn't the right word but it is becoming more apparent. People are becoming more and more fed up with the status quo. Be it Casey or Pork Barrel spending or any other topic people see as unfair.
People want a voice and people are banding together to make that voice heard. Past generations may have marched or done sitins but this is our form of protest.
People will start listening...
Casey will be a chapter in a book chronicling the housing implosion. No residuals for him.
It's official. I'm a hater. I tried to hold out, but this guy is an idiot. I just posted the following on IAFF...
I'm only mildly POed that you had money in a corporate account, since you haven't divulged details of that "sweet deal" I'll continue to give you the benefit of the doubt, although I don't hold much hope for its success. What does upset me is that you messed up again in regard to the cashcall contract. Don't blame them, it's your fault.
You can't keep putting stuff off, you can't ignore missing payments, put off dealing with contracts, delay opening mail, etc etc etc. If you don't do a little bit of the basics you'll never be a success. Wake up early EVERY morning so you can deal with the routine tasks of life that every one of us has to do.
Why would anyone want to do business with you when you continue to show that you're irresponsible. You claim to be an idea man, not a detail man. That's a load of crap. Idea men need to have good ideas, you don't. Idea men work hard, they don't just sit in an ivory tower and let the little people do the hard stuff. Idea men have original ideas, they don't just parrot what they heard in some seminar.
If you think being an idea man is easy try working in the tech industry (no, web design doesn't cut it). If you come up with a good idea you don't just stop and wait for the $$$ to role in. You work your ass off getting funding, building and running a company, managing the development of your new product, and so on. If an "idea man" is lucky he may get some return on all his hard work several years down the line.
Yeah, I donated money in your begathon. I figured it may help you and if it didn't it was worth it for the entertainment value I get from your blog. I'm not ashamed, but you should be.
I've officially switched to a hater. ASW -- "looser", very appropriate.
As the one who wrote the Anon @ 848 comment, I used the phenomenon word deliberately. Others replying to that comment used the word phenomenon to make legitimate and interesting valid replies. Watch Snowflake turn this around and post something like "Even the haters think I'm a phenomenon!" Just a heads up on more troll bait from the future
Welcome Kirk! Most of us started out as benefit-of-the-doubters. Unfortunately, fliptard's single mode of operation (retarded) means that eventually everyone either becomes one of the haterz or leaves. Except for the Nigelz who are just here to suck Casey off for his traffic.
Now that Casey has taught me how to set up a shell corporation, I plan to buy an aged corporation and rename it to Segfault Corporation. My business plan is to purchase all of the real property in one US state via eminent domain, and then rent the property back to its original owners via long-term leases.
In order to get this business running, I will need to purchase a lot of things on corporate credit:
IKEA office furniture
MacBook Pro notebook computer
Mac Pro Quad-Core computer with 30" display
XServe file server
Dedicated T3 line
Home with Viking range and Subzero refrigerator to establish a home office
Hummer H2
Learjet 60 for birddogging various states
It may seem as if I need too many things to get the business running, but itsallgood, once I purchase a state and the lease payments start flowing in, I'll be cashflow positive and all you haterz™ will worship me. Sweet!
Yes, this has been a most amusing Casey posting. There is also the comment that he posted afterwards, (where he talks about not wanting a situation that looks suspicious) where he also says
"...Things are gonna be as clean as possible from now on."
As clean... as possible. How's that for leaving yourself an out?
I'm wondering how Galina is feeling about being married to a "dancing monkey".
She's no innocent here; she's deeply implicated in the whole shady saga.
And boy, they're well-matched aren't they? Even with her *full-time* attention since quitting school, they both procrastinated on the taxes for three months. What exactly does she *do* all day?
It's times like this I miss Tim: he would have a lot to say about the current situation. It's the liabilities spreadsheet all over again: Galina spends her time stacking paper into neat piles -- gotta have some filing cabinets to hold them all -- while the big picture, the mountain of personal debt, goes ignored. Let's not forget that CashCall is not the only lender they owe -- there's also Wells Fargo and umpteen credit cards -- it's just the one with the nastiest reputation.
(Oh, and my guess is that their CPA dropped them like the deadbeats they are -- either because they failed to produce the required documentation in time or, more likely, because they couldn't afford to pay for the many hours needed to make sense of the "crazy adventures".)
Fucking idiot Casey:
Check out Motley Fool on tax info.
To quote the money shot:
Smaller chance of an audit?
Many people (including a number of tax pros) think that filing an extension will reduce your chances for audit. The theory is that the later you file, the more likely the IRS will have its computers loaded with other people's tax returns and will begin the audit process using those "early" filed returns.
I'm not sure I necessarily buy into this theory. Over the years, I've been involved in a number of audits of returns that were filed on extension. The number of returns filed on extension is tiny compared with those filed by the required due date, so it only makes sense that the number of returns audited would also be comparatively small.
But if you think that an extension will reduce your audit chances, go for it. As long as you make your payments (if any) by the required due date, you'll incur no penalties or interest. Just remember that partaking of the extended filing date likewise extends the normal three-year statute of limitations on an IRS review (read: audit) of your tax return.
I call bullshit on snowflake. LIAR!
Oh and Casey, take your early rising crap and STFU. Love how he trolls us on purpose. He loves us and he HATES us.
Clueless people should not be allowed to be in business. They should not be allowed anything.
Aside: is it just me that finds Casey's habit of linking to past IAFF posts multiple times in a post or comment rather annoying?
@ anon 9:46
More like he NEEDS us. (our traffic, our monkey money, and our comments)
Lawnmower- Seems to be an ever increasing trend and mirrors a trend started by this guy
Coincidence? I think not!
Snowflake "heard" that your chances of audits are smaller - as usual, he has done no due diligence on the matter.
I was tempted to post the number of the Sacramento IRS office on IAFF and dare Casey to call them and verify what he "heard". (Of course he won't do it.)
The rules and reasons why audits are triggered are a closely held secret of the IRS. If you want to gamble, go for it.
Snowflake's shaky self-employment, massive debt, and byzantine bookeeping scream "AUDIT ME", IMHO. I have nothing to base that on, other than two other people I know who are self-employed got audited - and raked over the coals for every deduction they tried to take.
If I had Casey's debt load, I would save every penny could for a top notch tax attorney to minimize any risk there...but that would mean being truthful about my financials, and I maintain, in my Constitutionally protected opinion, that Casey lies through his teeth when it's about money.
They got Al Capone on tax evasion. They can get Casey. The IRS are 100,000% more effective than local law enforcement and the best collection agencies out there.
Casey doesn't know who he's dealing with. He should be more terrified of the IRS than CashCall.
The IRS LOVES to publically make examples of people who proclaim in public "Oh, it's no big deal, I'll just pay a penalty and interest, when I get around to it". Oh, no, silly twat, they HATE that. A lot. The IRS is VERY concerned with scofflaws when it comes to paying taxes, they have a reputation to maintain and laws to uphold when it come sto paying your taxes. They do NOT treat it casually, and your "Oh, whatever" attitude is going to piss them off, and rightfully so.
And they WILL want to know where every single dirty penny went.
And they will find them.
And then the CA Franchise Tax Board will have their turn, and they're nastier. the FTB does NOT play around.
I know where a sweet state is around here. It's got a water fountain on the porch. I could let you know the details for let's say around $2.2 million?
Filing late DOES not decrease your chance of an audit. Audits are selected by DIF scores. The higher your score the more likely an audit. If you have a questionable" return the best time to file is when everyone else is iling...April 15.
It is a closely guarded secret, and unless the auditors I have dealt with were all lying, even they don't really know how an audit is selected.
I've peeked though, one of my customers had a DIF score of 97,
top or worst score being 100. He got a no change audit.
I looked again at Mr. SERIN's article on wholesaling properties, and came across the legal contracts he had written. I was taken aback by both the grammatical errors and the poor attempts at legal jargon. I wondered to myself: How could Microsoft Word not catch this?
In order to find out, I opened Word and started typing the contract exactly as he had it.
As you can see from this screenshot, the Office Assistant had a very amusing response.
I remain,
Absolutely brilliant.
Mr SINGH, you are a veritable adornment to this blog.
@ M Singh
"Don't show me hater comments again."
@ anon 10:11
Any idea how filing a 3949 to drop the dime on someone affects their chance of an audit? Many people have already done so on Casey.
@ anyone
The form is a 3949-A and is located here. Feel free to share your concerns with Uncle Taxman. It can be mailed anonymously.
What do we know as far as what Casey made in 2006? We know he made money for a couple of months at the beginning of the year. That may have been W-2 stuff with taxes taken out. He was also paid by Chris Record, local rich dad, and Duane Legate. Any profits from these sources he owes about 15% self-employment tax. It doesn't sound like he got 1099'd by Dallas hard money guy.
I think if we collected all of Casey's earnings remarks from IAFF and sent the IRS an annotated well-documented 3949, we would probably raise some eyebrows if they haven't already been raised. Particularly his comments about the IRS. Kind of like viral marketing to the IRS.
The theory is that the later you file, the more likely the IRS will have its computers loaded with other people's tax returns and will begin the audit process using those "early" filed returns.
A former boss was a programmer at the IRS in the 1970's and he told me emphatically that if you filed in August with an extension, you wouldn't get audited.
If it were any other business, I would say, ah, surely they must have updated their software since the 1970's! But it's the feds!
OT but funny...
I actually used to work for a state tax division, personal income audit division. I was going to offer some insights into how the audit process happens and who gets selected, but I may have signed a non-disclosure (can't remember, this was many years ago), so I'll refrain.
I will say, however, that I don't think the timing of the filing has anything to do with it. Audits often get triggered within a year or two of the original return, they're not necessarily seasonal.
Also, the fact that someone doesn't have any money at the moment and/or is on the verge of bankruptcy does NOT dissuade the tax agencies--they, like dependent children, have a claim to all that person's future earnings, a claim that the courts will not dismiss.
I think I know why Casey is concerned about Cashcall, based on a comment on IAFF:
203. Bob Cratchit
April 17th, 2007 at 7:34 pm
Casey, I’ve been reading this blog for a while now.
As far as I understand your story to this point, you live in
Sacramento but have purchased some homes elsewhere.
How did you find these particular properties? My wife
Candi and I are interested in doing buying away from
America’s coasts as we feel they are overpriced. I hear
Louisiana has a number of new properties due to Katrina, but
Legally I’m not sure about the title to some of those.
Basically, I’m looking for your advice on how to buy
Real Estate that you cannot visit in person. We live on the
East Coast (I prefer not to be more specific) and travel to
Alaska each summer for vacation. Since I’m thinking that
Kentucky is more the sort of place to be buying now, I’m
Seeking advice on how you pulled off your purchases.
Knowing what you do now about the house located in
New Mexico, would you still be in favor of buying it?
Everybody I’ve talked to says that you need a niche:
Eager sellers looking to cash out before a crash, perhaps.
Can you tell us what your niche is/was, and how you
Advise finding people in that market segment.
Perhaps I could learn from you before I invest!
Dear Friends,
I have just read and signed the online petition:
"Casey Serin - mortgage fraud"
hosted on the web by, the free online petition
service, at:
I personally agree with what this petition says, and I think you might
agree, too. If you can spare a moment, please take a look, and consider
signing yourself.
Best wishes,
I just posted this on the trainwreck blog.
I believe he has about 11 months and 27 days till he really gets it in the poop chute from uncle.
If you can document, IE listing agreements, by-owner, pictures, etc that you had these properties "for rent", you can use depreciation on them.
I for one do not believe you will owe taxes for LAST YEAR.
This year is another story, and you'll be in Tel Aviv by next April 15th.
peripheral visionary @ 11:01 AM:
I post anonymously when I want to disclose something without it getting back to me.
birddoggin mailman @ 10:00 AM:
That sounds like a sweet deal. I still think I need a corporate jet. Can I PayPal you the $2.2M?
Bob Cratchit,
I don't get it. Is the poster trolling Casey? Is the poster Cash Call? How is that post worse than Cash Call?
I don't get it.
"you'll be in Tel Aviv by next April 15th."
Strange, Casey doesn't look Jewish. Is Serin short for Serinstein or Serinberg?
I just want to be loved. Is that so wrong?
So basically that $220 (plus Money Gram fees) I sent was kind of a waste because it didn’t accomplish anything. I’m still behind and they are going to send it to legal any day now.
And making no payments at all would certainly have accomplished MORE???
It’s probably mostly my fault because I should have read that contract right away to see if there are any timeframes. My weakness in the area of logistics is getting me in trouble again
How about ALL?
How deluded can he be that he doesn't see himself ENTIRELY at fault for the situation with Cashcall? What a f*cking idiot!
@Steph: How deluded can he be that he doesn't see himself ENTIRELY at fault for the situation with Cashcall? What a f*cking idiot!
I posted a fairly long rant early today about that.. it's still stuck in moderation. Casey doesn't remember being told about any deadline, so therefore there wasn't one, and so therefore it's not his fault. I'm actually amazed that he's not bitching that CC "stole" his $220, ala Wells Fargo.
They're all haters - his critics, CashCall, Wells Fargo, everyone, just a bunch of haters trying to keep a playa down! Only Nigel loves him. (But not in that way, you know, because they're both married..)
The part I truly love about this isn't just that the 31st deadline was clearly spelled out in his own transcript. It's that he very clearly told the CC guy that he wanted to tape the call so that if they agreed on something, he could be sure to have things ready to go. I mean, we all know that's not why he taped. But that's what he told CC. He wanted it on tape to avoid dropping the ball like this.
So now it's "probably mostly" his fault, even though getting the details right was his justification for taping.
If I had been Mr. Blip and a deadbeat (oops.. I mean, 'overdue borrower') gave me that line, I'd click the "no excuses, no mercy" flag in his file right then and there. I'm sure someone over at CC would love to know that instead of faxing the paperwork, Casey put the call online, boasted about getting them off his back, and then went on vacation for a week.
I wonder if he kicked out his "I need to talk it with the wife" speech again when he called to complain.
M. SINGH @ 8:28:
Mr. SERIN is to be given credit for his excellent use of fuzzy logic. Does he intend to write his tax return in Prolog?
Please don't do that. You're giving me bad flashbacks to college.
- Ogg the traumatized Caveman
ogg @ 12:10:
Prolog? Didn't they only have machine language in Caveman times?
| "Are you thinking of a mandarin orange?"
| No.
| "Okay then, it must be a Golden Retriever."
| Wow.
Now I need time with my threapist Eliza.
I haven’t thought about Eliza in ages, but I spent a lot of time with her when I was a kid.
I hope Casey isn't putting together those bookcases and other stuff from IKEA - having them packed in the original boxes will make it much easier when CashCall comes to take his toys.
The efforts of Criminal Investigation are directed at the portion of American taxpayers who willfully and intentionally violate their known legal duty of voluntarily filing income tax returns and/or paying the correct amount of income, employment, or excise taxes. These individuals pose a serious threat to tax administration and the American economy.
How Do You Report Suspected Tax Fraud Activity?
If you suspect or know of an individual or company that is not complying with the tax laws, you may report this activity by completing Form 3949-A. You may fill out Form 3949-A online, print it and mail it to:
Internal Revenue Service
Fresno, CA 93888
If you do not wish to use Form 3949-A, you may send a letter to the address above. Please include the following information, if available:
Name and address of the person you are reporting
The taxpayer identification number (social security number for an individual or employer identification number for a business)
A brief description of the alleged violation, including how you became aware of or obtained the information
The years involved
The estimated dollar amount of any unreported income
Your name, address and daytime telephone number
Although you are not required to identify yourself, it is helpful to do so. Your identity can be kept confidential. You may also be entitled to a reward.
Frequently Asked Questions - 1.13 IRS Procedures: Reporting Fraud
How to Report Abusive Tax Promotions and/or Promoters:
Complete the referral form which documents the information necessary to report an abusive tax avoidance scheme. The form can be mailed or faxed to the IRS address and fax number on the form.
How to Report Abusive CPAs, Attorneys or Enrolled Agents:
Report suspicious actions by tax professionals to the email address of the IRS Office of Professional Responsibility.,,id=106778,00.html
Having had my post on IAFF moderated or edited, I will make my comments here.
First CS got up really early this morning. It's already been pointed out that poor sleep patterns go with the mental problems he has so getting up early is something I'm not surprised at.
Second, although I doubt he doesn't owe the IRS anything, I suspect this is on the basis of claiming almost anything from Jamba Juice to trips to Hawaii as business expenses. Knowing CS's organisational ability, how many of you will agree with me that the chances of him actually keeping hold of any receipts / bills / invoices to PROVE any of these expenses would "tend towards zero" as mathematicians put it.
One other thing, any possibility the urgent visit to town was because his accountant has ditched him and he was panicking about getting another and filing for the extension?
I'd bet the urgent business was the CPA telling Casey, "The check is in the mail don't cut it no more boy." "Cash in my hand by 3:30 PM or no extension for you."
Excellent point Mr Dawg. The CPA may also have a "2 edged sword" in that he may have Mr Casey "over a barrel" as far as getting cash out of him but then how many other CPAs in CA would want CS as a client?
Snowflake, ( I know you read this blog)
Keep giving everyone your middle finger. Keep telling the IRS, FBI, CDLE, and every other LE agency to Fuck off. Keep thinking you are immune and will be able to walk away.
Because when, I repeat WHEN you become arrested, it will make it that much "sweeter" for us taxpayers that you despise so much. You know, us shmucks that pay our bills, honor our obligations, raise our kids, and live within the rules of society.
Perhaps in that assbackwards cesspool of a country you and your clan came from your actions are tolerated and accepted, but this is the USA.
I see right through your naive, victim persona BS. So do many others on EN. So enjoy your illusion that you are above the law.
This has just been posted on IAFF:
Man… there are 180 comments waiting moderation… it’s getting crazy around here again and I don’t have anybody helping me moderate anymore (Nigel used to help for a couple of weeks).
Don't tell us you've been doing something useful all morning CS! Or did you fall asleep after waking up too early this morning?
I know for me to go to H&R Block to get my taxes done it cost $279 (my taxes are a little complicated, but probably not as bad as Casey's).
So how much do you think Casey's cost, and how did he manage to pay an accountant?
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