Snort. So he can learn. Remember the last time when we haterz™ kept asking what the second lien holder thought of his last short sale attempt? Yes, they are given a say and this time, at least, Casey realizes it. How about some props to those haterz™ that provided this valuable piece of information as a foundation of his new efforts?
Note to regular reader Serin:
Casey; "doing pretty good" in real estate is beating inflation after expenses and paying yourself; not loozing™ all your purchases to either foreclosure or short sale. Think about it. What about a short sale at this point in any way materialy affects your circumstance? You are wasting your time.
HAHA LOOSERS! You fuck sock. I fuck pussy!
So Heekee killed CI today? WTF?
Murst! (a better and higher quality brand of 'First').
Good morning. :) Gorgeous day for top-down driving today. How are you guys?
Tony - More likely IAFF's load and crap code killed CI! Mind you it's no great loost (tm) to civilization.
Steph! PICTURES! PICTur... oh... the jeep nevermind, my bad. Back to the dawg house for me today both literally and figuratively.
You guys are giving numbnuts too much credit. Remember who we're dealing with. Such obvious realizations don't come easy to him. Say he posts that he finally realized that shoes go on AFTER your pants do, for him, that's a major advancement. Let's give him props.
Casey, good job. Glad you are figuring out this short sale stuff. This really is a successful step for you. Congrats.
Ok, nevermind. I've egged him on. Dawg, please put a 24-hr ban on my account for encouraging the idiot leading poor, young Serin on.
You should drive with the front window down & tied, too... that's awesome!
Dawg, please put a 24-hr ban on my account for encouraging the idiot leading poor, young Serin on.
Hell no. You 1) see your error and 2) understand the consequences and 3) are willing to accept responsibility. You need a scratching behind the ears. Good dawggie. Casey; rolled up newspaper on the snout and rub his nose in his mess until he learns.
Well, he did post that he can't take [b][i]all[/i][/b] the credit. So it must be us. Or the agent. Since it appears Casey did exactly NONE of the fucking work, as is his wont and habit.
He's amazing. This is the 'team'? A guy he pays, doing the job he's trained to do, having what looks like exactly nothing to do with Casey except that he's the current title holder and, you know, called the agent.
But he can't take all the credit. Delusional much?
In other news, who thinks he's planning another beg-a-thon? He's ramped up the posting (though of course not the moderating), in advance of the weekend. Can we PLEASE not give him a dime if he does it again?
@The Original (and always adorable)Kevin
I haven't lowered the windshield yet... I might give it a whirl this summer; next time we go a-stompin' on Lolo Pass with the girls.
Two summers ago, I was wearing a blouse that had unbuttoned from the wind while I was driving on Rt. 26, and I *was* slightly topless for a while. When I passed a bronco full of howling teenagers, I realized my boobs (in bra tho) were bared for the world to see. So it happens. Kind of embarrassing.
@All, yes... Casey's getting credit for too much slyness and critical thinking. Trend-whores like him are not very smart. Casey is just bumbling through life looking for the easiest way through it.
KC is deliverately posting provocative (annoying?) topics on his blog with the clear intent of increasing traffic as well as replies. That should move his ranking up in google search. Point in case is the infamous April Fools post on the stock purchase.
Unfortunately, KC knows exactly how to push buttons with readers, so they do what he wants... keep clicking and replying to him.
Another beg-a-thon? Yes, but not for this weekend; most likely it's reserved for the next month or so. Too soon after the previous one. This weekend the theme will be his conversation with Suze Orman and whether he should follow her advice. Any takers KC will request feedback about what he should have answered to her, what he did right, what he didn't? More of the same to keep his google ranking going up.
Unfortunately for him, without adsense he won't be able to capitalize easily on a blog associated with fraud and financial failure. Not even Nigel wants that kind of stuff next to his name.
If you've ever seen a fish on the shore, it is Casey. Whatever caused them to end up there they behave the same. This is the pentultimate act. A wild frenzy only to be followed by the flapping gills last gasps and the finale.
I suggest any beg-a-thon announcement be replied there and here with; "No." Just that, here and there because I suspect he'll kill the reply there.
It's not whether you win or lose. What matters is beating the point spread.
You might as well be throwing it into a fire or flushing it down the toilet.
Don't forget Casey is on my doppelgagner Suze Orman's show tomorrow - anyoen able to tape/record it and post it for the rest of us? I don't even know where her show is.
He's one the preview video which is linked half way down the right hand side of her web page:
As much as I hate her, I hope she rips into him... though he'll see it as flattery, just like the great feedback and advice he got from Kiyosaki...
The issue of "enabling" has been a common theme. IMO we have enough experimental data with all the possible approaches to have an answer. I own a 7 year old. She will not clean her room. At least she will not clean her room until EVERYTHING except cleanig her room is removed from the equation. We didn't make Casey sick, we aren't keeping Casey from getting better but we are distracting him from from the true path.
casey's never going to get the true path. Even prison may not fix him. Although then he would not be able to commit these types of fraud(I believe they do check for felonies and this is a question on most loan apps). I'm hoping for prison. At least then he will pay some sort of 'debt' back to society.
On the lower LEFT hand side of the page on there is a short video clip of Casey speaking briefly with Suze. It's not a telephone call in thing -- he's on video, complete with the blue shirt.
I am not giving the snowflake one red cent.
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