The quotes: Loqutous of Borg, Ford Prefect, Buckaroo Banzai, Lazurus Long, HAL 9000, Ian Malcom. Sometimes the sci-fi trivia I retain scares me.
Housing Bubble, credit bubble, public planning, land use, zoning and transportation in the exurban environment. Specific criticism of smart growth, neotradtional, forms based, new urbanism and other top down planner schemes to increase urban extent and density. Ventura County, California specific examples.
Sunday, April 08, 2007
Sci-Fi Sunday
The quotes: Loqutous of Borg, Ford Prefect, Buckaroo Banzai, Lazurus Long, HAL 9000, Ian Malcom. Sometimes the sci-fi trivia I retain scares me.
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First as always.
I'm under Stephanie!..Second!
Did anyone else catch the interesting "nugget" on NSwarmy's website about Casey and his travel expenses:
" I agree with you all that there is no extra money. Why does that idea keep getting floated around?
Robert - you're very correct about travel expenses. Casey had a work around for that I'll discuss in a future post. You guys will loooove this. I'm surprised nobody else found out about this little nugget."
I don't know who any of these characters are. Are you insinuating that sci-fi existed before The Matrix? I seriously doubt it.
Heh. Awesome. I "discovered" Hitchiker's Guide living in London as a 14 year old living in London, the book had just come out (I missed the BBC radio series, where it started) and the private American school I went to there was obsessed with it - we all knew it by heart, and our school was one of the first to stage it as a play (Mr. Adams declined to come see it). I came back to the states in '80, and nobody had a clue what it was, or understood when the sequels started coming. A bright spot in college was when a freind got copies of the BBC shows, and a bootleg of the BBC tv show. The movie was good, I have to admit. Not perfect, but good enough. I always had Jonathan Pryce in mind (Brazil) as Arthur, but he's too old now. RIP, Douglas, you corrupted me at a young age to see the universe as a unorganized and silly place, and to always know where my towel is.
I "discovered" Heinlein in college. Love him! He started to lose me at the end with the incest, but he helped shape my head in many ways. Sadly, never got to meet him at a sci-fi convention, but I traded a few e-mails with Virginia about his archives at Santa Cruz State. Taught me a lot, mostly to despise nanny-states and prize self-reliance, honor, integrity, hard work, and living life to it's fullest, within one's means, at all times.
Too bad Casey, and those like him (He's not unique, there are plenty like him) will never know these things, and will never find real happiness. I don't think Snowflake even cares about anything except the "prize" he's fixated on. He doesnt care about his wife, his family, his reputation, his future, his community, his country, or his religion. All he cares about is the pat on the back for being a "winner" according to some scam artists definition, or being able to do *nothing* all day and get paid.
I really think he's one of the most pathetic human beings I've ever met. The only worse ones I've run into are serious drug users and predatory sexual deviants.
Man, Nigel has stooped to being another Kato. Another deadbeat that was riding on someone else's coattails, and when the gravy train is gone, is willing to reveal a TELL-ALL to the highest bidder.
Warning! Warning! Housing Market does not compute, Will Dawginson.
7 of 9
OMG, guys! You thought the cashback at close was fishy, let me tell you about the Utah wrap! Read about it at my award winning blog!
By the way, there was more to the NLL deal than Casey let on. Check out my web exclusive at DHC!! Buy a tshirt while you're there!
Let me describe Casey's orgasm face for you. Five part series coming soon at SLCrealestate!
Nigel is a joke. He's trying to come off as this super impressive businessman, with shiny nuggets of wisdom we're all slavering to hear - but he's just another chump in a discount jacket who just doesn't get it. He's small time, and always will be. He doesnt have what it takes to make it big, and I think he knows that deep down inside, and his ego lashes out at those who remind him of that (which is seemingly daily).
Much like Casey, who desperately tries to show that he has class and taste, Nigel is tone deaf to what it takes to run with the big dogs, and he'll forever be the poodle barking at the other dogs from mommy's window - all sound anf fury, but little substance. When Utah's real estate tanks with the rest of the country, Nigel will be the first to be cast off, and he'll have to find another job - which he'll do as poorly and half-assed, and he'll still strut around the internet thinking he's a bad ass, instead of the tired queen he is.
Nigel? Whatver. I forgot about him the minute he abandoned and betrayed Snowflake. He's scum, he knows it, and he's not even scary enough as a grifter to worry about. Nigel would be one of millions of unwritten stories pre-Internet, because he fails to make a mark, ever.
At least Snowflake's insanity was bright enough to get press. I doubt the press is even aware of Nigel, let alone calling him to use as an axample of what NOT to do (The real use Suze had for him, as half-assed as her segment was - and her show is. There's no real depth to her show, and her Snowflake bit showed it.)
That's for Nigel to deal with, I don't have the time, interest or motivation to give one shit once I press "post" on this. Nigel, you have been voted off the island. Get lost.
Okay, I have a little more, then I dont give a shit anymore.
Nigel, if you truly are spilling the beans about Snowflake, it shows why you will always fail. Why?
A. You are proving without a doubt you are unsuitable and untrustworthy as a business partner. It's completely and utterly unprofessional and unethical to be gossiping like a fat housewife over the back fence like you are, in public. Go into business with you? Never. It's not possible to trust you, when every detail your little pig brain remembers is public fodder for you to get attention if things go sour. I have ex-clients I despise and loath, and have juicy stories about, but I will NEVER share the details in public, or ESPECIALLY on the internet, especially where others in my profession hang out.
B. It shows how little impact you've had on the commmunity that formed around Snowflake, and around the housing blogs, that you have to betray someone to get attention. Shame on you. Go into business with you, when you are now at the same rank or lower than papparazzi? Please, bitch, if I had honest business dealings I would'nt even accept your phone calls.
I'm done with you. You are a complete and utter fool, Nigel. You just don't get it, and never will. Leave the success and power to those that can GET it, and HANDLE it, and RESPECT it. You obviously can't. Go get a McJob and make a life worth living.
When you see a bald guy in a cheap leather jacket, riding around in a 10 year old bmw, you see a slimy man trying to portray success. The fact is he is not successful, he's a leech trying to get money out of Casey.
Unfortunately for him, Casey is a train wreck with little money making potential. As soon as he stops blogging about his daily stupidity, the traffic will go away. I didn't anticipate Nigel to completely sell out with t-shirts and tell all secrets to get hits for his blog. Nigel, you are a piece of shit.
"just another chump in a discount jacket"
Best line of the weekend. Thanks anon.
Clearly, Nigel's realized that there's more traffic in courting the haters directly than in catching the overspill from IAFF.
For all his blather on his own coming-soon foreclosure site, he's really all about driving traffic to his ad-encrusted sites. (How many different ad networks does his SLC site belong to? I spot at least 5, not counting the Zewg suckup. I'm sure DHC will follow suit; he's already added AdBrite to the existing Google ads.)
And so the slow tease on revealing "nuggets" of Casey-related information: the travel expenses, his opinion on Casey's opinion ("too much to say to put it in the comments"). It's all about return traffic, about eyeballs on the ads.
It's cheap, Nigel, and it's insulting to your audience; we know what you're doing. At least when Casey sold himself he did it openly.
(Oh, and your T-shirt's a piece of pixellated shit, too. Good luck selling any of those. The photoshoppers here have real talent; you have none.)
The recent "outings" of Casey on Nigel's blog are a smokescreen. I'm convinced that he still has a traffic deal with Casey. Referrals are all that Casey had to offer anyway. Nigey is attempting to create distance so that the emails to his boss will stop and the "Real Estate Professionals" (Montelongos) will not get scared off. It gives more credibility to have pulled the plug on Serin.
The links to each others sites remain active.
Bullshit, I say.
I've had it with Nigel's nonsense. I take back anything nice I said about him recently.
"realists?" What the hell is that? I am a realist and I can count tons of others who are. He needs to stop saying he understands all of us aren't haters and then put realist in quotes. Uhhh, Nigel...we are realists whether you like it or not. I am or will NEVER be jealous of snowflake or you for that matter. I am a person who can look at the situation and come up with an observation. I am not a jealous troll. What the fuck is there to be jealous of? Casey's foreclosures? His embarrassing website? His laziness?
And for you? I am not jealous of you one bit. I have a good life, I own property and I have money in the bank. Why the hell would I be jealous of you? I don't hate Nigel OR Casey. They sure do hate me and others in a bad way. So who's the hater?
Fuck I hate that childish term. The word realist is NOT to be put in quotes. THAT is fact, Nigel.
Rant off and I am done. I am so fucking sick of this looser kid and his various hangers on. I am so fucking tired of reading all their troll bait. You all know how I feel about it, but I am damn tired of this saga.
I will devote myself to less posting and more convincing of legal folks to take a look at this creepy kid and his enablers.
Yes, I said it CREEPY KID - YOU CASEY ARE A CREEP AND YOU ARE NOT A CHRISTIAN OR A RELIGIOUS PERSON. I saw your smug mug on Orman and realized that your body language signifies some sense of entitlement, a sense you are smart. Sorry kid, you have not shown yourself to be more than a dumb con artist. Religious people do not run around worrying about being better than others. Good people don't promise to pay back every dirty penny and then backtrack to paying nothing and begging his realist audience to help him. Fuck him. Fuck Nigel. Fuck anybody who is trying to make money off this fucking story. And fuck ANYBODY who considers doing business with the little fuckwad.
Fuck them all. I am done. Thanks for listening realists. I love you guys.
How the hell is Casey "intelligent?"
Nigel is clueless if he thinks a kid who can spout useless catchphrases and RE lingo is smart. Anybody who pays attention would notice that Casey says the same rehearsed bull everytime. How is that smart, Nigel?
To recent anonymous rants about Nigel: really, can you say any more without saying anything? These posts are idiotic.
It's time for somebody to go into Nigel ignore mode.
The New "Hater" Nigel said...
OMG, guys! You thought the cashback at close was fishy, let me tell you about the Utah wrap! Read about it at my award winning blog!
By the way, there was more to the NLL deal than Casey let on. Check out my web exclusive at DHC!! Buy a tshirt while you're there!
Let me describe Casey's orgasm face for you. Five part series coming soon at SLCrealestate!
I think that last paragraph was the quote of the weekend.
All about Aspeth...
@Lost Cause
I remember us sitting through a rant that you had about presidential myths, the South, and the Pledge of Allegiance. At least the anoymous rants about Nigel are on topics.
So STFU and let the guy post.
Ha, ha! I called murst first! I need to spend more time away from the computer, no?
But that doesn't change the fact that I was the first to call MURST!
(Fear the murse!)
2 2:49
T? :-)
lol, nice reply!
Casey said:
Are you serious? To the person who said he will match me if I make $8K in a month… If we can find a way to hold you to it I would take you on for this challenge! I’m not talking about borrowing more money either. As part of the challenge I’m prepared to EARN $8K legally and fairly 30 days from the time we start the challenge.
Well folks what do you think is fair if he fails? Ownership of IAFF?
PS. I LOVE the disclaimers he puts in there. LEGALLY & NOT BORROW.
@GameOver --
Don't do it, dude. He'll whiff and waff about what the definition of 'earn' is and whether the cash has to be promised or in hand, and does potential earning count as real earning ...... plus, given his penchant to ignore all documents he finds inconvenient, there's no guarantee that anything you came up with to govern the arrangement would be honored anyway.
In short, trying to cut a deal with Casey is like trying to teach a pig to sing. You'll waste your time and annoy the pig.
Knowing Casey "earn" will be a Zillow chart on the muncy property showing a $11,000 one month uptick that will offset the $3,000 burn rate of the other problem debts.
Besides. I know -exactly- how he would do it. He'd announce a perfectly legal 1 month investment program. Send him $100 and in 30 days Casey will send you $110 and a signed picture for an annualized yield of 100%! Limited to the first 80 subscribers. So, He's got $8,000 and you pay up. He pays back $8,800 and pockets $7,200. 'Course he could be sneakier and get a "contract" with a 1099 and all showing $8,000 and taxes and everything but it would be a scam that involved that $8,000 and your $8,000 and kickbacks and splitting the proceeds.
Hack. What am I saying? Forget Casey. I'll do this deal. Pay no attention to my inchoherent ramblings. I've got to email Casey right away. I'll do the entire $8,000. He can finish the last 2% of the EN website and I'll pay him $8,000. Then With that $8,000 and the matching $8,000 I get a refund of $8,420 and he keeps $5,080 of passive income. Sweeeet but don't tell anyone. ;-)
@Legion 3:28
Nope, not T; just a longtime EN lurker/very occasional poster/detester of Mr. and Mrs. Serinista! But I'm flattered you'd mistake me for T though! :-)
T is on a "Casey break" and stuff. She'll probably be back when things settle down a bit.
@ Rob & Sprezz
I was thinking we could structure the payments over 360 months and I would end up defaulting after...oh hell I would never pay Casey a penny. Clean or dirty.
I just threw the idea out to get a rise out of him. Why do we have to dangle $$$ to get him off his ass? Because he is a lazy poor-excuse for a conman.
I'm not going to make a bet with him. We've all learned doing business with our FFF is a loosing proposition.
I don't get this posting at all, but I do want to say that Nigel makes me sick. I just checked out his site again. Now he's trying to profit off of Casey by selling t-shirts? What a jackass. Nigel - what kind of a person does something like that? The least you could do is give the proceeds directly to Casey's lenders.
"I'm not going to make a bet with him. We've all learned doing business with our FFF is a loosing proposition."
Even reading his garbage makes me feel slimy.
How low can Casey go? I really don't want to know.
@Serin is
Heh ok, I just thought it was her, she has a history of using the question of "no" a the end of the sentence:-)
Ah well it's all aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh! I almost said it!
My prediction: soon we are going to flooded with spam about how we will be able to purchase "Casey and Nigel go wild" videos from his visit to Utah.
I can't believe that Casey lets through all of the comments that he does. I really have to wonder how ugly the things are that he doesn't give a hall pass.
I'd x-post the stuff Nigel's deleting, except it's nothing you all don't already know. That guy craves power and "an angle" so badly.
xpost: I think Nigel's fishing for sweet, sweet traffic drummed up by the backlink from IAFF.
He realizes he'll need at least a little image control if he wants to lure that sweet, sweet readership.
Puhleeze....don't even think about such a video. Just the thought brings waves of nausea. Aren't there laws in Utah against such activity?
We are watching Casey, and what he has been saying. more to come...
Farnel, I would love to know if you're legit.
I work for the DOJ, so I will email you from my DOJ account tomorrow
Props to "Casey Welfare Case" who posted this on Wiki - it was pulled down quickly... but here for your enjoyment now.
To those of you who sat at the back of the class during your High School years (like Casey Serin) and are forced to engage in high-risk low-reward schemes like "creative" real estate investing once you realize you are unemployable (again like Casey Serin), here's what you can expect:
1. Your lenders foreclose on all your mortgages.
2. Your creditors call all outstanding loans.
3. Your creditors sue you to collect. Your wife finally has had enough and sues you for divorce. You grant it uncontested as you know that you will have more serious issues to be dealing with very shortly.
4. You try to hire a lawyer to represent you, but you have no money to pay for one, and you can't find a lawyer willing to represent you pro bono because no lawyer would ever want to have his name associated with yours.
5. You represent yourself in court and get your a$$ handed to you. You blog about the lawsuit and make an even bigger a$$ of yourself that you have already.
6. Your creditors attempt to enforce the judgements they got in court. You declare bankruptcy.
7. Your creditors file formal complaints with the FBI regarding the fraudulent means by which you obtained funds from various lenders. Included with the complaints are full copies of every word you have ever published on the internet, including full copies of this blog.
8. The FBI hands your file over to the Department of Justice. The DOJ gets an ex-parte court order to halt your bankruptcy proceedings.
9. The DOJ convenes a grand jury and gets indictments on you for every fraud you have ever perpetrated against all the lenders you have dealt with. The indictments are returned by the grand jury in record time.
10. You briefly consider representing yourself in criminal court, but in the end choose to use the services of your court-appointed duty counsel as you are just too worn-down at this point.
11. You sit through the 3-4 weeks of court proceedings with your head down, wishing that you could go back in time and get a fresh start. You contemplate suicide.
12. You are found guilty by a jury of your peers. The judge could sentence you to the full twenty years on each count, effectively putting you in jail until you die. The judge decides to take pity on you, and sentences you to a global sentence of 25 years in a Federal Penetentiary.
13. While in prison, you begin writing your "memoirs" with the intent of trying to sell the publishing rights after you get out. You find it more and more difficult to concentrate on writing as the gang-rapes increase in frequency and duration.
14. One day while writing in your cell, a guard casually walks up and tosses an envelope at you through the bars. You pick it up and open it. The blood tests are positive for both HIV and syphillis, but fortunately the department of corrections has included a form letter that states you are eligible for drugs that control both diseases.
15. You are granted parole on compassionate grounds after fifteen years behind bars. You are just shy of your forty-fifth birthday. You try and flog your memoirs on various publishers, but they all slam their doors in your face as the vast majority of them have never heard of you. The ones who know you tell you that nobody will buy your book because nobody will care about the rantings of some punk who tried to bypass the "hard work" part of the american dream some twenty years ago.
16. You go on welfare and rent a room in a dark, dingy rooming house. Since you are no longer incarcerated, you are no longer eligible for the drugs that keep the HIV at bay and keep the syphillis from eating away at your brain.
17. Without the drugs, you slowly go insane as the syphillis virus begins destroying your prefrontal lobe.
18. One day, you are arrested for urinating on a subway platform. By this time, you are almost completely insane, but the arresting officers don't know that. They throw you in the drunk tank, where you are promptlly beaten within an inch of your life.
19. You are summarily convicted of public indecency. Because this violates the terms of your parole, you are sent back to Federal Prison to serve out the remainder of your sentence.
20. Nobody at the prison realizes that you are now legally insane, and you are put back in with the general population. You are beaten within an inch of your life.
21. You are placed in solitary confinement while awaiting the results of a psychological assessment to see if you should be segregated from the general population. One night, while lying on the cold, concrete floor, you swallow your tongue and die surrounded by a pool of your own vomit and feces. You are just over 50 years old when you die. You are buried in the Lompoc prison gravegard.
Maybe you shouldn't skip over the "hard work" part of the American Dream.
@At 8:14 PM, PMSPMS™
That is probably one of the finest posts I've seen on the matter, FWIW.
Well done.
Just sent to the FBI addy above:
This is a test of your email which was posted on this evening. I suspect that if you were in fact investingating Casey Serin, who has admitted publicly to mortgage fraud numerous times, and in various media in the past 6 months, you would not publish your address in such a public forum.
If I am wrong, then apologies, but if something fishy is going on and people are using your information, perhaps this might be the catalyst required to take the appropriate action.
And just so you know, the natives are getting restless watching this criminal walk the streets every day with no regard for consequence.
Further reading of the unglossed truth @
Good evening,
Mister Anonymous
Hey rob, didnt you predict CS would indicted or arrested by April?
I hope it happens. It seems unlikely.
I propose a million of us all march in protest in Sacramento with signs.
Here are some suggested sign verbages:
any other ideas?
Augh... Holidays suck. Too many family demands. I suppose it could be much, much worse. I could wake up one day and be Galina. So I should appreciate my life.
As expected FBI addy is bunk. No matter. I'll speak to a real person on the phone tomorrow as well as Casey's local member of congress.
That's CREEPY. I'm not sure if I should delete that post... I've got the heebie-jeebs now.
Not stalking MY ASS. Statements like giant gazungas and sexy lips are stalkery sounding to me!!!!!
HUH? Where's "eye spy"'s post? As usual, I'm clueless
I read that eye spy guy on your blog and didn't think it sounded accurate because I always assumed you were tall.
Steph - problem is you "might" have confirmed his sighting now as being accurate....
EyeSpy - remember she's armed.
Perhaps it is the Casey Jumped the Shark guy...
Bizarre past times... I've been intrigued with this ProAnorexia site
While it brings back the horror of being a teenager again, there are the occasionally humorous entries like obscuredreamz:
08 April 2007 @ 10:28 pm
I got good news and bad news....
So today wasn't really a "fresh" start, not at ALL. I got drunk the night before with my brother and his girlfriend, again, and high and we ate some of the leftovers that they had from when they went out to dinner with my parents and my parents' friends. Then after we were all shitty as fuck my brother made another omlette (or as he calls them: Bomblettes) and me and him ate every single bit of it. At about 1:30 am we all went our seperate ways and went to bed because his girlfriend was down for the count and he had to get her to bed. I stumbled up the stairs and woke up my Mom who had no idea that I was drunk but was extremely pissy that I woke her up. I got a few hours of sleep in because I popped a pill but unfortunately woke up at 6:00 AM which sucked. I was really hungover and my head hurt like a BITCh. Even though we are all Jewish and don't celebrate easter I went out to lunch with my Mom, brother, and his girlfriend. I ate like a fucking pig. Turkey, bacon, and swiss sandwhich with fries and two glasses of Gingerale and to top it all off a brownie bowl for dessert. Ugh! It was so fucking gross. I couldn't even walk afterwards I felt so fat and bloated. Ok so that the bad news.
The good news is that when I was drunk I was fucking around with the treadmill and I got it to work again so tomorrow morning I plan on going for a nice long run. The other cool thing which is not ED related is that my brother just randomly got an Iguana today and I got to name it which for some dumb reason made me happy. LOL. Ok well I still have a headache and I'm going to brush my teeth and then see if I can fall bck asleep or not. Love you all and HAPPY EASTER and HAPPY PASSOVER!!!!
Current Location: Bedroom
Current Mood: Headache
@ Steph J:
I would delete it if only on the grounds of the use of the term "giant gazungas". Who talks like that?
STFU said...
I remember us sitting through a rant that you had about presidential myths, the South
So STFU and let the guy post.
The South? What did I say about the South?
Take your own advice.
PS -- the topic was "Honesty" as in Honest Abe. The topic is Science Fiction -- not Nigel Swaby. The guy get enough free ink around here without total drivel wasting electrons. At least say something coherent -- and on topic.
Is the new name for this blog Blowhard Nation?
I can't keep up with SHIT.....too many conversations at once.
Forum Time Forum Time
Forum Time Forum Time
Forum Time Forum Time
Forum Time Forum Time
Forum Time Forum Time
Forum Time Forum Time
Forum Time Forum Time
Forum Time Forum Time
Forum Time Forum Time
Despite mass media mythologies, believe it or not women can be intelligent and simultaneously retain
giant gazungas that they might prefer not to minimize for the sake of the Boys Club BS.
Isn't it gazongas anyway? He/she/it should at least get their fifth grade boob names right.
That was an excellent post.
@Anon 9:46
I agree completely. And people who type 'u' to avoid typing TWO EXTRA LETTERS should be shot.
I remember the guy tho now that I think about it. Kind of thin, baggy shorts, black shaggy hair. He just stuttered and mumbled when I asked him if he'd read Dies the Fire. Now I know why.
The original shock from his post has faded... if he were a smart stalker he wouldn't have posted. If I see you again though little guy, I *will* not hesitate to kick your ass.
>>...the use of the term "giant gazungas". Who talks like that?<<
No bodda. A genuine mature adult would use the accepted term "bazongas", propelled into prominence by the late Douglas Kenney.
I didn't read the post but what's a "gazunga?"
Ahh.. Sopranos are back on again.. for only nine more episodes. ::sniff::
G'night everyone. I'm off to delete that lame-o post, and then to bed.
PMSPMS is right tho... I should have just not freaked out. I'm a bit edgy about that sort of thing. Oh well. It was bound to happen I suppose.
@Bemused; A boobie.
Who made Lost Cause this blog's On-Topic Police™?
Man, talk about control issues!
Since when has ANY thread here stayed on topic? Especially since Robert - oh, yeah, remember him? The guy who OWNS the place? - has never told anyone to stay on any topic.
Remember, boys and girls, it's your duty to post ON TOPIC and BE ENTERTAINING to ONE PERSON: Lost Cause.
he might post a pissy comment to you, and call you "incoherent"!
*Audience gasps*
(Anyone want odds that it's Nigel himself?)
Yeah, Steph! It is so easy to crush a little interzone insect under your boots! Encounter them in person and they are some sort of stuttering character in Looney Toons or something. Don't even need a gun to handle them.
How shall we parse the word "boob"?
You know bemused, I'm surprised, both my dearest now estranged best friends with whom I bought my first house were a gay couple, and they were fascinated with my boobs. Many times, they asked permission to give them a good squeeze or two.
Ew? Not even an object of curiosity? LOL
Nigel only wants it on-topic when the topic is about Nigel.
Ok, I think we can all agree that breastseses are glorious thingseses, and need to be referred to with more respect than as gazungas. For example, as breastseses.
Say it with me people: breastseses. Ah, so soothing.
And totally on topic.
Steph -
thanks but only if they resemble squared off pecs.
I know gay guys who react like your friends. I also know lesbians who love to watch gay porn. Go figure.
I never understood those gay versions of Tony Soprano. Me, I'm a purist.
Nigel & Casey -
was my last post on-topic enough for you?
OK, so topics are not enforced.
But tell me exactly why do these anons ramble about N*****? They are just giving him publicity -- it's all good. If you want to defend that, be my guest. But I will speak up when I smell a rat.
Lost Cause...
So basically if I want to rip on Nigel why not? He doesn't allow it on his crapfest blog and think about this...if we talk about him honestly here, all opinions allowed this info shows up heavily in GOOGLE searches. Then people will see what a bogus wannabe the guy is. Why is this bad? If you hate it, skip over it.
Keep in mind EN exists to discuss not only urban planning stuff but Casey as well. If Nigel is in with Casey on anything it should be exposed here.
@Lost Cause
Civil War=the South and the North fought that one, remember?
I didn't want to read about your paranoid, black-helicopter fantasy, but you had a right to say it, didn't you?
Get over yourself.
::back to ignore LC mode::
Bummer...I go to bed and miss out on an entire discussion of ta-ta's!
Sleep is over rated!
Man, I miss a few days & all this talk about Steph's boobs & stalkers.. what the hell...
Well, I can always console myself with the fact that I've been abused by Nigel (don't get too excited - it was purely verbal).
Of course, calling me an asshole and then failing to delete his own post in accordance with his blog's clearly stated policy makes him even more of a lying hypocrite than he's already proved himself to be - but that just makes it doubly entertaining.
That's about all Nigel is good for..a laugh.
I can't understand why anyone would do business with him at this point. Why get involved with someone who is so nasty?
I thought it was 'bazoombas'.
Bringing murses to the masses one Snowflake at a time.
Yep, Kevin. Someone who lurks @ EN saw me at Powell's this Saturday, looking like a sodden rat after being at a Jack Russell event with my pooches (in the rain); and one particular thing this spy noted was that I had huge "Gazungas"... It's good that I have some notable qualities aside from my propensity to bitch about Casey all day. :::shakes her head:::. Oh, he did acknowledge that I was 'nice'.
I actually engaged this person in conversation unknowingly and all he could do was blush and mutter.
Ah well. It freaked me out at first, but then I thought; what a dork.
Well, at least your 'nice'...
Courtesy of Joe Bob Briggs the drive-in movie critic
These are synonyms for the f verb
I've been partial to the phrase "bodacious ta tas".
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