now he's cryin. he rented them all out so his burn rate is slow.
Read it here.
Now, start off nice. After all it is entirely possible that he didn't overstate his income or misrepresent owner/occupancy or close simultaneously and perhaps he was lied to beyond any ability of due diligence to detect and...
Fill in the blanks:
A _______ and his _______ are soon parted.
Of course, Jeff now wants to sue all the evil people who took advantage of him...
2nd Murst?
Who cares? KC is offline.
Game Over.
Look at the last reply to that thread!
Dang it all to heck! I WANTED TO BE SECOND MURST.
"You can state whatever you want, that is the problem with (beauty of?) stated income loans!"
Jeff, 9/30/06 at 01:19 PM "My favorite Article/Chart" SDCIA Message Board
Now RobDawg, now why would you think he lied about his income on his loan applications?"
Casey was just our first chew toy. Look at the link. Does not Jeff sound a whole lot more fiesty? And Jeff comes with a pre-made set of luvrz™ who will be glad to defend him. That is until I get my questions answered honestly. Even Robert Campbell was supportive of this guy's gutsiness.
from the last thread:
He does have one strong card in his hand....a couple of his houses are in SLC! He could contact Nigel to save his ass on the FL foreclosures AND make some sweet deals in UT.
It's all good!
Anonymous said...
Look at the last reply to that thread!
You mean?:
Senior Member Registered: 9/17/06 Posts: 159 Today at 03:01 PM
I had someone call me today who is very experienced at short sales and preventing foreclosure. He is in California but can do some deals out of state. Email me at nigel (at) and I'll forward his information, if you're interested.
That post? I love it when a[n evil] plan comes together.
If this doesn't get KC to post, nothing will...
"Mama - they're paying attention to somebody else!"
Nigel is oblivious to the fact that when alleged "supporters" of Casey post things like 'Hang In There!', they're being sarcastic and really mean:
Hang in there... [at the end of a noose!] ;-)
Mr Jeff does not realize how far the tentacles of hate reach. Haterz(tm) merely use EN as a base of operations, but their influence is global......
It is his lucky day and somebody needs to invite him to the Hatefest(tm)
P.S. I still say we should pair him up with Nigel since he's got two sweet houses in SLC AND facing foreclosure in FL. They are a match made in heaven.......
Yawn.....up from my second nap and Dammit, another topic.
Holy crap! I warned him about this in May 2006 and I was met with ridicule and scorn. I'm foobeca at sdcia.
So he's got plenty of equity in other houses and he's wondering what to do. Fuck, did this guy go to the same school of indecision as Casey.
And he's another 'investor' speculating on an increase in the value of the home and not looking at any cash flow issues when he purchasing the home. Atleast he's been making mortgage payments.
And with 14 purchases, with no money down,he says he got lied to by someone in Florida. Fucccckkkkkk!
Another greedy asshole bites the dust. How do I know he's a greedy asshole? Well, his wanting to SUE now since things didn't work out on his gamble. that and the fact that Nigel is already putting oil on his lips in anticipation of more suasage action...I mean shit, if Nigel is attracted to you or wants to help know it's gotta be seedy, just check out his previous golden boy.
Re: Nigel's post about his Cali "short sale" associate..
Holy crap. Okay, that's too funny!
I'm shocked, SCHOCKED that such things as lieing have occured in the real estate biz.
Jeff has so so many now hilarious quotes from the 2005 thread.
You know, I'm a fairly easy going guy and I haven't paid much attention to Nigel, but my lord, did I read that post right? Reading between the lines it seems like he's recommending KZ to help this poor twit out. What a complete ignoramus! And his previous post in the thread:
I am betting on another year of strong appreciation and seeing a slowdown the first of 2009.
Doesn't he read the newspaper. Nigel, you're an unethical idiot.
As for Jeff. Maybe I'm too nice, but at first blush it seems like he got in a bit over his head and now he wants out. He's working, renting, and hoping to save his credit -- I'm gonna give him the benefit of the doubt, for now.
Re: Nigel's post about his Cali "short sale" associate..
this is the start of Jeffs insanity
that hundreds (thousands?) of speculators apparently used the NAR/ 'fastest growing' charts to buy housing in.
jeff admits he used those charts....
Wouldnt you have to assume the chart was a strong SELL and not a strong BUY signal? due to reports being after the fact and not in fact predicting the future?
Isn't it ironic that so many of these folks who wanted to invest their way to "Easy Street" are now contemplating or actually woking two and three jobs to stay solvent?
There's a moral life lesson in there somewhere.
Well as of today Casey is no longer facing foreclosure.
Next most publicly available FB seems to be Jeff from SDCIA.
I nominate J from S as the new chewtoy on non-casey posting days.
He even posts the address and TONS of detail if you dig into that board.
THE FACT FILE(known knowns)
he lives in san diego
used to work at taco bell as night manager
ownz in FL,UT,TX,CA - all the flipper states (axis of flippers)
currently unemployed i think
(he lives off loans home equity)
wife works?
has 4 kids
I'm not sure if Jeff is working.
Jeff doesn't currently engage in the "great things are coming!" delusional bull**** that is a staple of KC's stream-of-consciousness. I think part of Jeff's fear is that the rest of his investments aren't doing quite as well as he has claimed. Jeff knows and acknowledges that he is in trouble, which means that his chances of getting out of this are a lot better than Snowflakes'.
It is amusing reading the other SDCIA posters who keep saying that at least Jeff had the cohones to GO OUT AND BUY, as opposed to all us pathetic cowardly losers who lacked the courage to buy 14 houses in 14 weeks.
"Ready, Fire, Aim!" comes to mind...
Hot Tips and Lists that get published are like the stock market. By the time it filtered down to the masses, it's already old news. How many people make money using "old news"?
OMFG, check out this excerpt:
5/13/05 at 10:57 AM
I would LOVE to tell you about how my investments are doing. Sadly, in order to do that I would have to KNOW how my investments are doing. This is next to impossible given the fact that I have only been investing for roughly 3 months and I am a "buy and hold" strategy guy. I have just done the "buying" part and haven't yet done the "holding" part--not by a long shot. In fact, I have only closed on three homes. Many of my homes won't be built until the summer/fall, and at least 5 won't be built for a year. The advantage, of course, is that I won't be losing any money (due to negative cashflow, a distinct possibility, especially for the Florida homes) on these homes, but they will be appreciating all the same. This is why I liked this article so much, it was my first confirmation that perhaps I WAS making money (on paper). In fact, if I just see a 10% return on average over the next few years my 2.7 million portfolio will return (on paper) 270k a year... (did I mention that all these homes were bought with 100% borrowed money? ...even more stress).
F-o-u-r-t-e-e-n houses, many brand new 100% financed in 5 States contracted in Spring '05.
Kool-aid anyone?
Rob Dawg: Kool-aid anyone?
I'll take mine spiked with Potassium Cyanide, please!! Sweet!
Back in '05, Jeff sez: In fact, I have only closed on three homes. Many of my homes won't be built until the summer/fall, and at least 5 won't be built for a year. The advantage, of course, is that I won't be losing any money (due to negative cashflow, a distinct possibility, especially for the Florida homes) on these homes, but they will be appreciating all the same.
....especially the FL homes, but they will be appreciating all the same.....SWEET!
Jeff should first learn to spell "loose", as in looser.
Unless the guys is as delusional and 'it's all good' as Casey, I'm not going to join the hater pile-on.
Dawg, do you have your superspy software on my computer!!!!!!
Author Comment
Senior Member
Registered: 9/17/06
Posts: 159 3/22/07 at 07:26 PM
I'm looking for investors in Northern California I can give leads to for a test marketing program I'm doing. If you or anyone you know is interested, please email me to get the details. nigel (at)
Thanks for your interest.
Senior Member
Registered: 3/08/06
Posts: 287 3/26/07 at 09:10 AM
What kinds of leads are these? Where specifically in northern California?
Senior Member
Registered: 9/17/06
Posts: 159 3/26/07 at 03:31 PM
Originally Posted by reijoe
What kinds of leads are these? Where specifically in northern California?
These are going to be people in various stages of foreclosure or pre-foreclosure. I expect the areas will be mostly urban, San Jose, Sacramento, Bay Area.
Registered: 9/09/06
Posts: 4 3/28/07 at 01:12 AM
If your going to work Sacramento County, why not Placer, Yolo & Solano counties???
Junior Member
Registered: 12/29/06
Posts: 11 3/28/07 at 06:16 AM
Nigel, is this marketing campaign stemming from your work with Casey Serin? He doesn't seem like the sort of a person an ethical businessman would deal with.
Registered: 3/12/05
Posts: 550 3/28/07 at 06:53 AM
Not much of a discussion here. This should be in classifieds. Please repost.
Ing reporting,
I relative of Swaby, from mothers side.
He alway been 'black sheep' that side of family
He start so many business and screw up!
He start business in 1997, 3 years later it go bust
Then he have computer company, but no good! screw up and quit
He contract with Taiwan company for olympic pin, but
such cheap crap, nobody buy, company quit again
Now he think he 'big potato' with money lending business, but
his work no good, always asking family for more money!
I send more later
Unless the guys is as delusional and 'it's all good' as Casey, I'm not going to join the hater pile-on.
Agreed. FBs are a dime a dozen. It's doubtful that any are as special as Snowflake.
Wow if the SDCIA baord dont want the likes of Casey who does?
How could buying 14 homes in 14 weeks POSSIBLY be done while being honest?
Im SURE they were all bought as owner occupied.
I'm embarassed to be from CA nowadays!
I'm gonna have to tell people im from canada, eh?
You guys don't have Casey to pick on so you're out actively hunting for a replacement.
Good. It should be entertaining.
Dude, the dawg knows things. The dawg knows lots of things. That "oregano" in your spice cupboard for instance...
Not to worry, the dawg is a loyal dawg too.
As to "lonelyjeff14" I too am waiting to hear the whole story. Seems strange that he can't get out of a deal in the pinks that is 13 months late. Seems strange that his terms are still changing -after- he's signed. But the big one, the thing I need to hear is the loans he does have. Are they all investor grade? No owner/occupancy or DTI discrepancies? There's also the question of the leverage on the SLC properties. He says they are up but is resisting selling them. I suspect they are not up enough to cover the HELOCs and the FLA losses.
There's more here and the story may not be identical but it appears to rhyme. There's the additional side serving of crow that has been cooling on his plate for 2 years that still needs to be consumed.
its true Jeff is no where near what casey is. Im not sure there is a replacement or ever will be!
jeff seems open and honest about his issues and is doing things to get out alive.
foobeca posted this link over there maybe he will pop over and say hi
no hard feelings Jeff!
everything on the internet is intertainment, good luck selling your stuff!
I find text among 10 pages of comments on that site, cut, paste, and post. Then, I see the same thing was just posted...WTF, am I loosing what little mind I have left?.....LOL
What gets me about people like Jeff and Casey, is they air all their dirty laundry on the internet, looking for help. I mean, c'mon, if you have two million dollars of real estate on the line, eat ramen and get a freaking lawyer and/or other professionals *who know what they are doing*, instead of becoming chum for bottom feeders like Nigel!
But then, this "mogul" went from managing a Taco Bell, which requires at best a high school education, and the binder with all the answers they hand you when they hire you. I'm not surprised his response to his ever-more-dire situation is to whine and troll for free advise, instead of working with his lenders and other professionals...."I wuz LIED to!"...Aw...then turn them in, idiot, turn States and save yer ass!
"I was misled". No pity here - you grabbed for the brass ring, and got the maintenance guy's boxers. Whoops. Deal with it. No WAY he got all that property legally - AND he's on the hook as they're all 100% financed with OPP (other people's money).
Seriously, he may sound nice and rational, but like the tip of an iceberg, I'm sure we're only seeing a fraction of that story. After watching the antics in the real estate world for the last two years, my pity is exhausted and I'm sorry, but he did not get burned by a shady dealer upgrading his house to have more room, he purposely quit his job and went into debt way, way past his eyebrows with a stupid hosue flipping scheme, and now we're supposed to feel sorry for him?
Nope. I don't hate him or loathe him like I do our very own scum suckers, but I have zero pity. I could care if he sinks or swims - no, I take that back. He's a fucking idiot, I hope he sinks, his wife divorces him, and his kids cry when his name is brought up. Life has consequences, I'm getting tired of these greedy wanna-be moguls who got burned trying to flip trolling all over for pity and sympathy and free advise.
What the fuck, send him to Nigel - he DESERVES that hell.
A Fliptard is a fliptard, but a Blogger Fliptard is Dawg Food.
You guys don't have Casey to pick on so you're out actively hunting for a replacement.
Eh.. count me in the "not unless" group. I kinda think that Casey was a special situation. He was also FUN to torment, because the dipstick's so flat out delusional that you always knew he'd be back for more. There are tons of guys like Jeff, but I can't imagine that there are too many Snowflakes running around.
Also, although Jeff has been an idiot, and has said some pretty arrogant things, there are kids involved. KC can self-destruct pretty autonomously (the assumption being that Galina can ultimately fend for herself).
On the other hand, buying 14 houses in 14 weeks...
Could the NoCal person Nigel Swaby is referring to be none other than a certain C K Serin?
Jeff made some really dumb decisions and they were recognizingly dumb at the time he made them. However, it appears that he started with reserves of his own money and is paying his bills. He also appears to be more honest than Casey. Until I see differently, I am not a hater.
Verifying his facts is good, but anyone who sabotages him when he is paying his bills is really screwed up.
Nigel attempting to step in here is just too funny. He has nearly the same respect on SDCIA as he does here. They are just more polite.
Nigel loyal to Casey? NFW. Nigel is planning to go behind Casey's back in typical Nigellin' fashion. I wouldn't be surprised if he set up a bunch of websites and was trying to drum up business on Northern California. Pretty ambitious for someone who hasn't got any credentials to be in businesses like those in California. Gosh, is anyone surprised to find out about yet another public trust violation from el swabo?
As to lonelyjeff14 I just wouldn't touch that until I learn more. These days, especially with someone like him already threatening to sue the weather for his troubles it is probably better to wait and see if trying to help out a poor guy with kids doesn't turn onto aiding an ongoing criminal enterprise. It's real simple. Until he says flat out that all his loans are legitimate take precautions.
but anyone who sabotages him when he is paying his bills is really screwed up.
That would be true, but,
It is just a blog. My blogging does not have an affect on my bill paying.
I just KNEW Jeff was in trouble when he got so defensive in the "my favorite chart" thread.
I'm not prepared to give him the benefit of the doubt. He was vicious to anyone and everyone who disagreed with his investment "strategy."
His exchange w/ Foobeca is but ONE example of his rude, uncouth behavior.
My opinion aside, it's painfully obvious that he is currently being crushed by the weight of his own arrogance.
The word "hubris" comes to mind...
I'm not sure "paying his bills" is an accurate description. I admit it is reading between the lines but it seems he is paying his bills with HELOC debt.
I think he is using credit cards to finance himself right now. He was recently soliciting ideas on how to obtain $50k credit limit cards with 0% financing. His plan was to the transfer balance every 6 months to keep it going.
And he was being cheered on by the others.
Why didn't I think of that?!
If the guy is losing money - he's losing money. He made some decisions, some good, some bad.
He should divest himself of anything that is losing him money that he can't regain elsewhere. If he needs to, take some equity from those that are money producers so that he can cover the "short" amount and just sell.
I hate this "I'm upside down" and will "short sale." People have $$... (i.e., savings, equity, a kidney). They can sell the property, take the loss and make up the difference with their own funds.
Stop expecting the lenders to eat your mistakes.
That's my humble opinion.
I agree that a replacement will be hard to find.
Then again, the first time I saw the Jerry Springer show, I thought that he would run out of guests in a few weeks.
Nigel attempting to step in here is just too funny.
OK, this I agree with.
He made some decisions, some good, some bad.
What were the good decisions? The SLC houses 100% financed and negative cash flow because he thinks they've appreciated? Even if you grant him that they weren't unitary decisions, they were part of a strategy that failed. Vegas gamblers don't just get to count the winning hands and claim they are up, they have to count all the hands.
Tenative description; "No murse, same 'tude."
I would like to see this site become a resource for haters who like to hate on trainwreck dipshitz who jumped in on OMG FORCLOSURES - CASH FLOWZ - FINANCIAL FWEEDOM - OTHER UNEDUMACTED GURU BULLSHIT!!! With all that I have been through I feel I can help new haterz. I have been blessed by the maker with sweet hating skillz. Everyday I go on the internetz and find sweet golden nuggetz of opportunity for hatin.
There's a reason he WAS working at Taco Bell. It's the same reason he's in this mess. He's stupid.
"Oh, it's done on tv. It has to be easy. I can do it.
There's a reason you're working a taco bell/pride industries -- lack of common sense.
"I manage a fast food chain, but these guys on tv are making a lot of money. I think I am going to buy 14 homes in 14 months."
How did these loans get through? No way a manager of taco bell can have enough income to purchase multiple homes. Stated or not, you can't possible have enough $$. 2nd what happened to rapid acquisition? Most lenders stop at 4-5 bought within 12 months. He had no track record of successful investing.
1) Jeff needs to get jail time
2) Mortgage brokers involved need jail time
3) UW from lenders need jail time
All 3 are guilty.
@Kirk 4:31...It seems Nigel did not get the memo that the UT RE regulators put out about mortgage lenders making market predictions. See the pdf file:
Providers also should avoid practices that obscure significant risks to the consumer...Providers also should avoid such practices as: giving consumers unwarranted assurances or predictions about the future direction of interest rates (and, consequently, the borrower’s future obligations)
I have it! I'll set up and sell blog hosting on subdomains --,,, and so on, for $299/month. Sweet!
Could the NoCal person Nigel Swaby is referring to be none other than a certain C K Serin?
Probably not. What, really, can Casey offer except a $39 "yeah, that sucks" shoulder to cry on?
I suspect Nigel smells a sweet referral to Casey's current short-sale agent. Win-win and all that razzle.
It's time to focus the attention on exposing all the lies and bullshit the "real estate gurus" are teaching/doing... they are some of the real villains in this mess... exposing them in the open and through some journalistic blogging will do wonders...
Can someone report Swaby and Integrity to the proper authorities that regulate Utah brokers? No way this idiot deserves a license.
>>the first time I saw the Jerry Springer show, I thought that he would run out of guests in a few weeks<<
I've worked with lots of small-time actors on TV ad shoots. About half of them have appeared on Jerry Springer as "guests". Some of them have appeared twice, each time portraying different "characters". Apparently, no one in the Springer audience noticed. There's no script, but the producers set up the situation with the cast just before airtime. Frequently, "couples" or "triangles" on the show met only minutes before. Springer will never run out of guests as long as there are underemployed actors willing to sign an NDA (which they blab about later anyway).
It's time to focus the attention on exposing all the lies and bullshit the "real estate gurus" are teaching/doing... they are some of the real villains in this mess... exposing them in the open and through some journalistic blogging will do wonders...
There's a dude with the handle of "Paladin" over at Ben's blog who has been doing this for some time now.
I have it! I'll set up and sell blog hosting on subdomains --
Casey won't be needing that one much longer. He might go for a sweet deal on, though.
Somehow I don't see Jeff's story having the same legs as Casey's. Jeff seems to be starting to face reality; Casey brought a special deluded showmanship to the whole affair.
Ah hell, I'm not the only one thinking it: come back Casey. We miss you.
Might we start seeing folks acting as foreclosure "loosers"?
I love your Casey mix. What did you use to make it? Pro Tools, Digital Performer?
"Go get a job, go go go go go, go!"
OK, after I brought it up yesterday, which one of you guys registered NIGELSWABY.COM?
ROFLMAO... it was registered literally hours after I mentioned it was available. To a PO Box in Vancouver, WA. I'm looking at you, Soprano ;-)
@Anon 6:36...Why is $50k always the magic number with these people?!? Remember how Casey had 3 separate plans to generate $50K?
Also, WTF is Nigel doing dipping his hairy toe into the No. Cal. r.e. market? Last time I checked, that shoddy UT license he has had for the past ten months was only good in UT. And it's not like CA is known for allowing reciprocity on professional licensure.
I'm stunned that with the amount of time the Swab spends here he didn't register it himself. Maybe he didn't rush since he figures the name Nigel Swaby will be total mud by the time he needs it. Foreclosure Avoiders? Shit they're done too!
I think it must be these gurus screaming I Made $50,000 in ONE WEEK!
It's a nice round figure and more than Casey will see in years to come.
@Benoit -- Isn't Stephanie up that way too?
@Aspeth -- I'd guess that $50K is a nice round number that's also roughly a year's salary for a lot of FB types. So the thought of making "a year's pay in a day" strikes a chord for them.
Something I would like to know is what type of mortgage he got on his 14 houses.....have not found any information about that yet.
I would bet he got some creative ARM setup that will eventually reset and drive him further into a cash crunch on ALL his properties.
I loved his comment on 4/04/06 at 11:30 PM: "Isn't RE investing GREAT!"
Hope he enjoyed it while it lasted!
Rob Dawg referenced a post I made on the SDCIA site about N. Swapmeat and his links to Casey. I've been following Jeff's impending demise for quite a while over there. This link takes you to a page showing a rough chart of most of his houses, their cash flow status, and what the loans are
Favorite quote:
Your subtlety is a thing of beauty. He fell for it hook line and sinker...and he STILL doesn't get it! - Jeff '06
Question unlikely to get answered:
How many loans did you close last quarter, and of those hwo many made at least a 20% down payment?
How many deals did you lose because of tightening standards?
@4:27 PM, Jeff
Jeff, that's hilarious. They totally dogged you because "you aren't a professor..." Who the hell are they?
Friggin idiots. Just goes to show.
Jeff aint no Casey!
We all need to zlow down, breath, take a minute and realize how much we are now mizzing the Cazey!
Haterz its only been 6 dayz zince the last mezzage from the guru Cazey and we are already turning on ourselfz!!!
Get a hold of your selfz manz!!!
Its timez to startz begging for the Cazey to come back and blezz uz with a pozt!!!
Pleaze Pozt Cazey!!!! Pleaze!!!!!!!
Rob Dawg, please ask Nigel what types of deals he hopes to broker in CA without a CA mortgage or real estate license?
Re jilly:
>>...Casey mix. What did you use to make it? Pro Tools, Digital Performer?<<
The Casey mix wasn't brought up to the final 25% of a professional standard, but it went down like so, on the PC:
Load MP3 of Casey show into SOUND FORGE
Apply agressive noise reduction
Identify and chop out useful words and phrases that aren't obscured by noise reduction artifacts
Load resulting WAV files into ACID and arrange into pleasing sequence, along with some of my custom percussion loops and a few free ones from a defunct Compuserve drum'n'bass forum
Save percussion loop tracks and vocal tracks out individually. Save them combined as a reference file.
Load reference file into SONAR to sync with new music. Load up a few soft synths and compose bass and lead lines for song. Add two more non-loop, custom -sequenced percussion tracks - a subsonic kick kit and a custom techno kit. Save each soft synth and perc track out individually.
Load each track into VEGAS. Selectively apply EQ, FX, compression, ducking until song falls together. Output as stereo WAV.
Load stereo WAV into SOUND FORGE, in which final dynamics are applied by hand, then multiband compression is applied, then a light "mastering" pass.
Save as WAV and 128kbps MP3 for the web.
Upload for the Haterz™.
Here's my theory: using your photo as one's icon is a pretty good indicator that you're a self-absorbed ass. Look at who does it - jeff, smithosity the hyper-defensive dickwad, Nigel, Casey, etc. I will give that board credit though; they shut Nigel down pretty quick. I love how he referenced the numbers on his site, as if SLCrealestate is some kind of authoritative source.
@ anon 6:57
I like your idea about a haterz resource site. (Of course, a good first step would be forums, hint)
Here's my theory: using your photo as one's icon is a pretty good indicator that you're a self-absorbed ass.
Click "The Dude" and my photo is my icon...I'm not self-absorbed, but am definitely an ASS.
Aspeth said...
Rob Dawg, please ask Nigel what types of deals he hopes to broker in CA without a CA mortgage or real estate license?
Aspeth sweetie, I think it best for the time being I not be seen asking/telling/communicating in anyway with the Swabtard. Certainly nothing even remotely associated with legal or crimal matters. Anybody else is certainly welcome to raise the question.
Hey I can tell u that RUMOR HAS IT that what Nigel is PROBABLY doing is he has a CA Realwhore© (in his pocket) meaning they agreed to cut him like 30% of any deal they do.
THus he refers EVERYONE HE CAN to this Realwhore© whom will cut him a deal. If she refers the mark she would get a cut of the funds and then send Nigey a cut of the funds.
Think Tony Soprano! Thats how RE works -but legal!
FYI all referals are based on the same thing. Unless its your Mom© refering someone - they they are taking advantage of her THEN you. see???
@Rob I know, I know...back to computers.
Back to topic, according to this, the average starting salary of a Taco Bell GM is $32,000. Maybe he bought his houses from Odell at $5k a pop...
BTW, with 'sweetie', I'm not sure if I should blush or swing. :)
Have you guys entered "NIGEL SWABY", with the quotes, into GOOGLE lately? First hit page spits back some craziness.
I am getting so pissed off at the "at least Jeff/Casey took the risks, you're just bitter" comments I see over there at SDCIA ... its not like Jeff was a Scott Norwood FG away from winning the Super Bowl, he's more like Brain Nick's high school team almost winning a championship. No he doesn't deserve credit for trying, this is not T-Ball where you get a trophy for participating. I just love looking at his cocksure posts from 05 and 06 ("hey my house appreciated by 32K there fore I am 32k richer -- if that's not money, what is it" post are hilarious).
Now he wants to sue. Lots of luck Jeff, a half way decent lawyer will take your statements on the blog and stick them so far up your ass, you will be able to clean them with your toothbrush. Go back to Taco Bell.
And no, I don't miss Casey's posts. I hope he never posts again and I hope I never read about him again other than his being arrested and his conviction for fraud and subsequent deportation, and that goes double for his scheming scam artist wife.
Here the mortgage rates:
30y 7.11% $118
5y 6.20% $160
3y 6.88% $212
5y 5.75% $169
30y 6.86% $160
5y 6.13% $144
30y 6.00% $164
30y 7.20% $170
30y 5.63% $178
30y 7.20% $170
30y 7.00% $214
For being 2005 rates they are not the greatest but I am amazed at how many fixed rate ones he was able to get within a short period of time(~9month). It looks like we are not talking sub-prime mortgages here.....
Where the lenders THAT stupid or are there things we don't know about?!
I would LOVE to hear about some SWEET cashback stories on this one to spice it up!
itsallgood profit gain appreciation
@anon 8:36...that Nigel Swaby is a wretch thing is nuts! And he DMCA'd flailing forward for the screenshot?!?!
Yet another case of misplaced priorities from the swab.
@ The Dude
"Click "The Dude" and my photo is my icon...I'm not self-absorbed, but am definitely an ASS."
Yeah but you've got an aura and you abide. You've got some leeway.
@ Aspeth
It's on youtube as well. (I didn't post it.)
Do you realize you're now the #8 Nigel Swaby resource on the web? That's quite an honor.
There's a great thread from 12/28/06 where the swab is trying to talk nationwide home prices to san diegans, who will not abide the pie-eyed uninformed when it comes to their housing markets. My peeps step up and bitch slap the swab:
12/30/06 at 08:57 PM
Originally Posted by nswaby
Does anybody see anything positive in November's new home and existing home sales reports? Are they dead cats bouncing, or hope for a better future? Are you seeing anything positive in your local markets? Three homes in my neighborhood I thought wouldn't sell until Spring have all sold...
I think the MSM has called the bottom when the best story of the home selling struggle is the story of a $32k trailer in Wisconsin. Seriously, that's the best they could come up with?
I had some respect for some of your posts, but I think you really need to qualify the statement "Three homes in my neighborhood I thought wouldn't sell until Spring have all sold... " . If I recall you neighborhood is in UTAH which is entirely in a different stage of its cycle. Without qualifying that statement most people here would assume you are probably talking about San Diego.
It might be an innocent mistake, albeit a serious one. Please clarify what neighborhood you are referring to.....I hope you are not deliberately misleading people here !!!
Note: you do not need a Press Release to clarify your statement !!!
i claim first on i suggested buying it MONTHS ago. now someone finally did. (maybe it was the "man" himself!)
Dream Theater - Six Degrees Of Seperation(volume 1)
@flailing forward 9:02...I didn't see that, but that's the closest proximity I ever want to have to that mental midget.
His plans to expand his 'empire' into my backyard piss me off immensely, and I'm beyond outraged that he's somewhere in Mormanland trying to preach his idiocy to my neighbors.
I watched that youtube video - Jesus Christ i thought i was mean! Is that actually him or what? That's literally the best photoshop i've ever seen if it's not the real thing.
Lol'd @ "Note: you do not need a Press Release to clarify your statement !!!"
Anyway, whichever wag registered feel free to use my small pic collection. Might add to it over the weekend, i think my girl's off to her grans so that'll leave me with some down time. Heh heh heh.
Granted, Jeff is no Casey. But he is an idiot and he does deserve everything that's coming his way.
I don't have a shred of sympathy for this fool.
Aspeth said: "Back to topic, according to this, the average starting salary of a Taco Bell GM is $32,000."
I had a lot of TB managers apply for a position when I was a McDonald's O/O and know first hand what they make.....
The $32k number is deceiving in that's the TOTAL package, not starting SALARY. At best, a GM starts at $28k....the rest is insurance and vacation. Their typical work week is in excess of 70 hours. Every single TB manager I ever interviewed was either burned out or well on his way. It got to the point, when I'd see TB on their resume, it went in the circular file.
Not slamming TB; it's just how they run their operations, what they pay, and what they expect. The real estate genius was fired, according to his comments, so he must have screwed up pretty good. TB burns through mgrs so fast, they try and hang on to them as long as possible.
@ The Dude:
That's the first time I've heard "Taco Bell", "run", and "burns" in the same context without reference to the effects of their food.
The difference is we have the nice SDCIA archives to plot the early days of lonelyjeff14. He's all nice and contrite now but 6 months, a year ago people who told him he was headed for trouble were treated like scum. Even now after being collosally right he and his ilk are still in partial denial. I read his story and feel his hands on my wallet. He has neither the resources or skills to manage 14 properties but feels entitled to a do-over.
What kind of idiot buys single family houses in multiple states, and then calls himself a real estate investor? Clue #1 -- single family houses almost always have a per unit price and costs higher than multi-familiy. Clue #2 -- It is hard to collect rents over state lines. Tenants require hand delivery once in a while. An amateur at best.
Well Now that snowflake has taken his ball and went home I am going to have to come up with a new name.
Rob we need a new post for people to cast their nominations for a new name for me to post with.
Ones I am thinking of are:
1. StephanieJ stalker
2. Nigel swaby is an assclown.
3. ?????
1. StephanieJ stalker
No good. That could be anybody.
Read back through Maestro Jeff's Opus 'My Favourite Chart' and you'll find a character who's arrogant and nasty in the face of any dissenting view.
Hell, this guy's investment 'theory' was a seriously geeky assumption that the trend lines on charts (NAR no less) would of course continue up at +10% PA. He had zero respect for any real experience he encountered.
And now, Schadenfreude! Hubris!! Eating doggy poops!!! Niggle Swabbie offering to help out!!!
Oh, it's so good to see how the mighty have fallen.
Mail Guru
Pull up a rock, have a seat, and enjoy......
Through my super secret sources, here's a couple of Taco Bell ads that didn't make it on TV. I wonder why? Warning....NSFW
Taco Bell Commercial 1
Taco Bell Commercial 2
1st commercial file size is kinda large....11.5mg
2nd commercial file size is smaller....4.6mg
Lord have mercy! That SDCIA forum is the biggest collection of idiots I've seen in a very long time.
It's sickening how so many there lash out against reality.
$28K, but all the tacos you can eat, yo. That's a sweet deal.
@Anon 10:02...sadly, the san diegans don't like to face the fact that $614,000 for a 2/1 craftsman on a 1,200 sf inland lot will not appreciate any further. The folks who bought at those prices are being vewy vewy qwiet.
Here's another funny Nigel Swaby smackdown:
11/01/06 at 06:52 AM
Originally Posted by investorintexas
Originally Posted by nswaby
Wow! My "lame" articles on Casey made Yahoo! News today.
Why did you purchase a press release for this? All of these PRweb purchased press releases get distributed via Yahoo as well.
Maybe I'm not quite as impressed. I thought it was a regular Yahoo story. Now I see its a press release. NSWABY did you originate this yourself?
11/01/06 at 11:14 AM
Ahh, I feel bad. That was a little misleading. I do like the way Yahoo!News packages their press releases.
The truth is, most business news is generated by press releases. Tickle Me Elmo 10 wouldn't be the hottest thing this Christmas without a well timed press release from Mattel.
When issuing a release like this, I was hoping for just two things - pickup by the mainstream media with the possibility of further interviews and widespread distribution on the web. No calls yet, but I did get this pickup.
11/08/06 at 08:06 PM
I understand that blogging about someone elses blog might bring you attention , to your blog, but I dont see how it fits the following:
"SDCIA was formed to promote networking and learning between San Diego real estate investors"
"No calls yet,"
And still none!
I just read this Jeff guy's story. He is one delusional fucknugget. The people going on about FL Real Estate recovering while Phoenix and Vegas die are absolute idiots. Jeff is upside down and needs to get out NOW. But he won't because he is not an investor.
You see, an investor realizes markets go up and down. That there are gains and losses. These idiots will never accept a loss. They can't imagine that every scenario is not win-win. Personally I hope the fucknugget crashes hard because he is such a vaccuous twit. Besides, one more Cat 4 or higher hurricane across the state will guarantee NO ONE will be able to get insurance.
Oh, Jeff will get out. Eventually.
After he's used up his HELOC and other equity carrying those bad investments and the whole thing comes crashing down around him.
He'll be out whether he wants it or not.
I love how he comes this close to believing in an ongoing 45% annual appreciation, but mentally pulls back to 25%. Let's not get too greedy....
"I reject your reality and substitute my own!"
Jeff is a fliptard for sure, but he's no Casey. Casey had a gift for always taking the dumbest course of action (or inaction) at all possible times, and with a certain flourish that kept even those who aren't all that interested in the housing market (like myself) entertained. Casey had style - dumbass style. Everybody tip a jamba 40 for a failed flipper.
Jeff's story is interesting though. Hindsight is 20/20, but plenty of people told him at the time that all he was doing was speculating/gambling. This must be a delicious time to be a bubble blogger, having been proven completely right and watching cocky fliptards like Jeff hem and haw and blame the banks for encouraging them to lie on their loans, all the while bleeding sweet cash money from their buttholes after being raped by the gurus/realtors/builders/lenders/brokers.
How can anyone feel sympathy for a guy who bought 14 properties while unemployed and expecting a sustainable 50% return per year due to appreciation? That's just blinded by greed, plain and simple. And to take these kinds of risks when you have a family is unacceptable. He gambled four persons' financial futures on the long shot. What a jerkoff.
He stated that he got ten of the homes using full doc conventional loans. How could he have done this with only his wife's income? Were lending standards really that lax?
@7:00 pm Aespeth:
Someone with an account should post that info on Nigels SLC site and ask nicely for comment.
That comment would never see ther light of day. Nigel has a knack for avoiding such things.
consider it posted. my bad if i did not give proper credit to the actual individual that wrote the question.
Taco Bell Jeff has always been my favorite Housing Bubble character. Sorry, Casey haterz, but you have to read all of Jeff's posts at SDCIA. In addition to being a real estate mogul/liar loan aficionado, he is a poet/pretend botanist/former TB night manager/future bankruptcy filer, etc. A real renaissance man.
“There are plants in the deserts that can very quickly change their shape and water use strategy. 90% of the time they need to minimize evaporation or they will die from lack of water–they keep their pores closed tight and any leaves drop off to minimize surface area. When it rains, these same plants open their pores up wide–who cares about evaporation when there is water everywhere?–and very quickly burst out as many leaves as they can to make energy quickly.”
“I think the ideal RE investor should be like these plants in the desert–if they look around and see that it is pouring rain (appreciation) they shouldn’t worry about evaporation (negative cashflow). Like the desert plants, they should sprout as many leaves as they can as quickly as possible (buy houses), and make as much energy (money) as they can while it is raining. Later, when the rain puddles are drying up, like the desert plants they should start worrying more about conserving water and maybe closing up their pores and dropping off some leaves…minimizing their losses while they wait for another rain…”
Damn, now i'm thirsty and it ain't gonna rain for a very long time.
I finished cashing out a year ago this month. Sweet timing, lots of water stored up. The rain will come again.
Although fungi are no longer classified as plants, Pretend Botanist TB Jeff uses them in another real estate lesson:
"The thing about builders is that they will go bankrupt at the drop of a hat. Sometimes they are bonded, often they are not. You are right that going after the builder is a waste of time and money...probably most of the builders in the area will be bankrupt in a year (I predict). They are like mushrooms after a rain for a while, then they disappear into the sand."
I'd personally like to thank poster 04:29am for the term 'fucknugget'.
What a fantastically descriptive term for the Jeff-o's and KC's of this boom.
And to 12:48 - I agree. Jeffo is way better than KC. Nailing KC is like shooting fish in a barrel. Jeffo has the nous to at least present a moving target.
Mail guru
I will suggest that Jeff is worse than Casey. Casey was in his twenties and judging by Jeff's picture he is in his thirties. You would think Jeff's extra time on the planet would have given him a little more wisdom.
Second, Casey knew his plan was a get rich quick scheme. Jeff on the other hand was so stupid he convinced himself he was a long term investor. Buy and hold investors in a momentum play are always the ones left holding the bag.
Looking at the strategy that Jeff had for selecting properties it is clear that he is a moron. Trusting charts from the NAR? What's next? Trusting advice from a national association of stock brokers to tell you whether it's a good time to buy stocks?
Third, Casey knows he screwed up. Jeff is still delusional to the point he wants to continue to hold on to houses in markets that have not yet fallen and he continues to dream about holding on to his Florida properties until the market comes back up. It's clear that if he had the funds he would continue to throw money down the Florida rat hole.
Fourth, Jeff is an arrogant prick who has steadfastly refused to listen to anything that contradicts his world view, no matter how sensible or reasoned the suggestion. He has a history of treating people who disagree with high handed contempt.
It is sweet to watch him get what he richly deserves.
Though I love the term fucknugget, I must agree with poster 11:09.
Jeff isn't a garden variety idiot - I think he's actually a trained statistician (sp?). He's actually smart as a whip, and a fucking arrogant prick to top it all off. No end of polite, experienced real investors advised him of his folly only to be met with condescending ridicule.
Which is why it's so fucking sweet (suite!) to see that arrogant prick drink from the well of hubris.
Damn, in one week we're looking at the demise of a combined 22 house, $4.5 million empire (Jeffo & KC). Let's thank our lucky stars that those two fucknuggets failed.
Because the alternate universe would have KC & Jeffo as our masters. Gaak!!!!
Mail guru
11:09 is getting warm. There is much more to this sonofabitch yet.
Hubris and arrogance is just a start.
Pointers to any more gold nuggets of fucknugget wisdom like that would be greatly appreciated. Jeffy sounds like he would be an ideal candidate for a quote himself back to himself and make him eat his words campaign.
Pointers to any more gold nuggets of fucknugget wisdom like that would be greatly appreciated.
How about this one:
"The great thing is that I bought THREE houses there (a lot for me!). Their total value is around 750k. So if they continue to go up at 45% a year (doubtful, but an interesting thought), I could make over 300k in one year! All this on about a ~9k investment. Am I missing something? This seems too good to possibly be true!"
These are the same three houses that are now underwater and threatening to bankrupt him now.
Another classic from Jeff:
"It is NOT absurd to expect that a reasonably competent investor, one who is paying even the slightest attention, can expect returns of 50%. "
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