“Success has many fathers, but failure is an orphan“ -JFK
There will come very soon what I call a "cricket chirping moment" in Casey's life. Not the "knock at the door" we all expect eventually but sooner when the little switch in his head flips from hoping to "get saved" to "holy sh!t, I gotta save myself." This will be a defining event. Will he finally rise to the occassion or poof like a dandelion? How he responds will also set the tone for what happens when the "knock at the door" arrives and for the rest of his life. Eternal optimism prevents me giving up all hope but...
Stanely's got NO game!
Bear in mind that Casey is something of a lagging indicator for broader market sentiment, especially real estate market sentiment. The sentiment right now, quite simply, is to try and keep hold the market up for as long as possible, no matter what the cost. Of course, the party's been over for some time, and nobody's really making any money any more, but right now the efforts of both regulators and private companies is to prevent a mass panic at all costs.
We all know how that eventually ends--it's just the same "if nobody sells than the market won't go down" sentiment from early 2000. Somebody breaks and makes a run for it, and then the whole system descends into panic because it's all tied together. I suspect that Casey's mini-drama will not reach a real conclusion until it's become inevitable due to events in the outside world. Not until there is a massive credit revulsion will the last of his lenders finally pull the plug, and without any cash he will be out of options. Then, only then, will he actually consider making any changes to his life. Maybe.
Oh my god, who fucked the barbeque?
For those of you that wer foolish enough to give Snowflake money on his beg-a-thon, how's it feel to see him give you the finger everyday?
Now that he got you to make his CashCall payment, he's back to trolling and threatening to delete your comments.
I say it's time for another IAFF boycott. Anything I need to know about Snowflake and Wiley Coyote I can obtain at EN.
Peripheral Visionary,
Excellent observations. Yes, just like the buy in now or be priced out forever mania of 2004-2005 front loaded a huge number of families buying in every month that goes by with low sales back loads all those boomers faced with sell now or lose that equity forever.
Casey still has a few credit resources left like the $6k he is owed and the mysterious "other" income but yes, everything is drying up fast. He will not change by himself, only when forced. Even then he doesn't have the life skills to recognise when he is being forced to change thus leading to impending cashcall type showdown we all are waiting to hear about.
I got home last night and saw his newest post and I just had to comment. I know it's pointless because we all know he doesn't take advice well. LOL Let me rephrase that, we all know he doesn't take advice...period. However, I was in a generous mood last night and for whatever reason decided to be nice to the little twit.
Boycott or whatever just no more money. Casey is dangerous to himself and others when he is given money. "Here let's have some fun. Give the monkey these dynamite and matches and see what happens."
Just my opinion.
Hello, I'm Mozatta. I have been IAFF & DHC free for 2 weeks now.
Hey Rob Dawg,
Someone posted this late last night. Let's get this petition the light it deserves and round up some signitures!
I hope he does delete all the haterz commentz. IAFF is all he has left and the sooner he incinerates his last source of revenue, the sooner he hitz bottomz.
I'm not above posting fake cheerleader commentz either. The poor little boy needs some encouragement to convert his highly trafficked hall of angst into a blissfully vacant den of positivity.
Also, since we're now officially The Haterz, I say we dub the cheerleaders The Nigelz.
Rob is spot on - Casey is incapable of that "holy shit!" moment as he is right now. He has the fearlessness of his youth and arrogance to cling to.
I can only see him having a momen of clarity at around 40, when he's still broke, single, nothing to his name, and living with mom and dad - that's where he's headed, even if he's jailed.
He has a LONG road of learning and soul-searching to reach the point where he can even see right and wrong, let alone make a concious decision to set out to live a life worth living. There are fleabag motels and rooming houses full of old, tired, worn out Snowflakes who never got the message.
Quite frankly, I don't think he has the will, strength, or spine to make the journey. He'll always opt out for the path of least resistance, and even if jailed it will only make him more sullen and determined to "win" at defrauding people down the road. Sadly, our prisons are "college" for criminals, and most come out better criminals.
The best we can do is help to take the means to hurt people away from him. The idea of him playing games with apartment complexes pisses me off - it's bad enough he's fucking the people in Utah with his "It's too much work, I'm not gonna bother" attitude - but taking the residences of severl hundred people into his lazy, worthless hands? Oh, hell no.
Some people are just wired badly. Snowflake is one of them.
Two absolutely bloody brilliant posts... the BBQ one and the Nigelz ones.
Poster of the day. Or at least the hour. Half-hour. Moment.
While I generally agree with the no money concept. I would contribute to an interview of Galina. I really don't know if she has her head in the sand or is the brains of the pair.
This heres a story about Casey Boy (and Galina too)
Two young lovers with nothin better to do
Than sit around the house, eaitin' soy, and watch the tube
And here is what happened when they invested to "loose"
They headed down to, ooh, old el paso
Thats where they ran into a great big hassle
Casey Boy robbed us all by stealing a castle
Galina Serin took the money and run
Took the money and run...
[with apologies to Steve Miller]
An interview with Galina? Could be fun, but I suspect it would only serve to infuriate people more.
And, you would have to insist on video, I would'nt put it past Snowflake to pull a shenanigan. I would also insist on Snowflake not being anywhere near while the interview is being conducted.
Those who trust Casey deserve what they get.
Congrats! on the FIRST...(under his breath, Stan utters @#$X*@)
Thanks, I try. (too hard sometimes)
@ Rob Dawg
"Casey Boy robbed us all by stealing a castle"
So true.
Bubbles said: "For those of you that wer foolish enough to give Snowflake money on his beg-a-thon, how's it feel to see him give you the finger everyday?"
I spent $250 for T to interview Snowflake and it feels fine. Casey is nothing more than entertainment and anything he does has no impact on me. I waste a lot more than $250 on crap that's not nearly as entertaining so it was a bargain, provided some giggles for Haterz(tm), and I might do it again if the circumstances are right.
Ha, Snowflake is way ahead of the times. Just picked up my copy of the Boston Globe today and this is on the cover of the business section.
Go blue balls!!!!
Hello everyone. I found a link to IAFF a few weeks back and I've been watching and commentating every since. Can someone help me out with a couple of things though, that I don't understand about the American mortgage system. The Utah loan with a balloon payment. Surely if you get in arrears with the payments there comes a point at which the lender can take action and say they want the balloon payment too? Or isn't that allowed in law? The loan note CS signed for $50k. Is this him promising to pay back the money as an unsecured loan?
Separately, any possibility of this theory? Galina's family, or some pro bono defence lawyer who wants to make a name for themselves, cuts a deal that keeps her out of jail and puts up a defence on the basis of coming clean on what she knows and CS did it all and just told me what to sign/ put on forms/ file in accounts.
Are you the guy posting all the one-two sentence cheerleader posts with signoffs? It seems odd that so many would sign off like this:
Ming, I say can the haterz you are great!
- Fred F.
If I sign that petition, am I a Nazi? Where's Nigel when I need his guidance?
So what do we think CashCall's "bad news" will turn out to be?
I'd like to think they're dropping the collections bomb on him; but I suspect it's going to be more mundane.
Theory: Casey wants to work a repay-CashCall-with-corporate-credit shuffle, but CashCall won't give him a settlement offer.
Good theory, and you might be right. I agree that it's probably not the Big Bomb, since he so recently bought himself some time. But you never know. Maybe they were lying to him in that phone call he posted.
My theory: KC wants to negotiate a 50% settlement with CashCall, using all those small credit lines he got for his business. CashCall refused, of course.
Stanley, thanks for putting up that $250 for the interview (though regretaably, we seem to have lost T and Nacho in the process, sure wish they're return. I reckon it provided entertainment for thousands.
Not that I'd suggest pointing more money his way, since you get into the Law of Diminishing Returns, or worse, the monkey-match-dynamite mix. But yeah, a private Galina interview would be interesting, but the chances of arranging that are about the same as the chances of Casey actually paying off CashCall.
Regarding CashCall, he probably either wants to transfer the debt to the Corp, and CashCall is laughing so hard, tears are rolling down its eyes, or CashCall is playing hardball and saying, "Pony up another $250 or else."
Will Casey pull himself out of this mess? I highly doubt it.
Maybe CashCall™ has offered to wipe the debt clean if the ominously-named "Mister King" gets one night in the sack with Galina.
That'd certainly be bad news for Casey, especially since he'd jump at the offer! ;-p
Maybe he applied for credit from CashCall from the new corp?
I still see fliptard's "oh sh*t" moment being several years off. It takes a LONG time to have the brainwashing wear off. I've known people in MLM's that take years to get back to normal. He's drinking the juice and HARD.
Maybe we should perform a public service and kidnap and un-brainwash him...
I had a good friend who was an Amway "lifer" that sucked their spouse into it too. Over time it got harder and harder to have a conversation with them that didn't involve the Big A. It affected our friendship and we grew apart over time.
Sadly, the spouse died on 9/11, and now I regret that I didn't work harder to maintain the friendship. Despite it all, they were still my friends, and I had blown the time we had together.
Cashcall will give him a settlement offer, but it will be for something like $9800
@ anon 9:30
I posted a few, but not the shorties. None of mine have been approved oddly.
@R-BOY: "This is speculatioon, but I am digging.
1) Prestwich & Co scam elderly nursing home folks into reverse mortgages to pay for their expenses
2) Those folks eventually default, or get desperate and sell their house.
3) Hammar Investments takes the homes."
Rob, reverse mortgage doesn't work this way #2,3.
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