Housing Bubble, credit bubble, public planning, land use, zoning and transportation in the exurban environment. Specific criticism of smart growth, neotradtional, forms based, new urbanism and other top down planner schemes to increase urban extent and density. Ventura County, California specific examples.
Saturday, April 07, 2007
Mursinaries Prepare!
Suze Orman is about to make a career detour and work with our own toxic tarbaby. Watch for it, and then we here shall be mursiless in our criticism.
Special shoutout to "M" for her picture contribution.
Gawd! I do love that picture. Save that sucker for later use. The expressions and the murses are perfect.
Maybe they should allow players to carry murses during the game. If the player "bends it" and scores a goal they could chase him down and beat the crap out of him with their murses.
I can't wait to see this episode of Suze...I've got my mursebuster at the ready. I'm Tivo-ing that sonofabitch.
Now I can't believe this BS blog war that Nigel is trying to start. Still trying to fashion those Haterz™ into something he can use. What irks me to no end is how we allow him to do it. When I saw the google ads up I saw fit to decide never to visit there ever ever again. So do me this favor Haterz™/Realists - If that shithead ever posts anything worthwhile or does another crash and burn routine, please post it here so the rest of us don't inadvertently reward him for being a opportunistic smelly pirate traffic hooker. Grazie.
SO's show is live? With wackaloons like Snowflake as a guest? Why do I think this is taped and then edited later so he can't started whining and begging for another CashCall payment.
Sorry to slightly detour the thread but I was wondering if anyone here has any experience with kitchen remodeling and if so would you mind emailing me? I have a few questions about possibly remodeling our new house. Or if anyone knows of a website they would recommend that I could ask my questions that would be great.
Cornflake's attempt to distance himself from the toxic snowflake, prior to Homey et al slapping the cuffs on all parties involved.
In reviewing the fallout of Casey Serin's latest failed deal, in this instance with me, I'd like to make some clarifications.
First of all, it was interesting to see some of the EN fans be supportive of me over here. Again there are some serious misconceptions that have been portrayed, like somehow I enable Casey and I support all his schemes.
If you review my comments to Casey on his blog and the statements I've made on mine, you'll find these accusations to be wrong. From the beginning, I've supported bankruptcy and insisted avoiding it will require a job.
Nonetheless, I've been painted as an enabler because I didn't adopt a hostile tone. I figured I would be better at building trust and gaining acceptance from Casey by being nice. I guess it's the salesperson in me.
My post about how the Casey deal turned sour turned some "haterz"/realists a little soft towards me and I appreciate that, but don't think for a second I made that post to appease them. True to form, some other "haterz" said just because I had "turned" against Casey doesn't mean they should change their attitude towards me.
As I saw the responses come in I thought to myself, what if instead of telling the truthful story of a deal gone bad, I was announcing the start of a deal gone good? What would the response have been then? I'm guessing I would still be the subject of all the "haterz" wrath. Tell me what you think.
The other response to look at was Casey's himself. He pointed out he had learned something and wasn't jumping at opportunities.
Instead of rushing into a contract and backing out like before, I took my time with Nigel.
I suppose from the standpoint of going slow to negotiate a deal we did, but that was something I controlled. I didn't want to jump into anything, especially considering Casey's history. I also didn't want to present a deal he would back out of, so I structured it very much in Casey's favor. Sure I benefited too, but I wanted to give Casey a good deal. What did he do with that? What do you expect? He doesn't know a good deal if it presents itself as a chest of gold nuggets in his email box. Just before we were ready to go public with this plan, he sent me this:
The thing I said we need to talk about is this: I was contacted today by an online marketing expert and he had some really good ideas. I want to consider those ideas with you before we make a major move because it may alter our strategy. He is going to give me a quick plan sometime today (Thursday). Please stand-by for that.
This sent up a red flag to me and I am going to share my response here. (I wouldn't normally share a private email publicly, but the deal is dead and I think there is much to be learned by revealing it. Some sensitive details will be starred out.)
Quite frankly Casey, this concerns me greatly. This reminds me a lot of your no limits ladies/east coast investor deal. You're busy trying to play two parties against each other and you don't have the skills or experience to do it successfully. You and I have been talking about this foreclosure idea for months. I gave you the entire concept with no strings attached for you to put together. Instead, you offered me the chance to become your partner and take **** of everything. I have put together a considerable amount of time to get this off the ground. You and I have met in person. We've talked for hours on strategy and agreed that a foreclosure resource site was the way to go. I have other people invested in this idea as well.
Now you want to hear what some anonymous "online marketing expert" has to offer you? At the 11th hour you want to rework our strategy? Casey you have a lot to learn. Loyalty is very important in business. Sticking to the plan is crucial. Maybe the haters are right about you and shiny objects.
If you go chasing every opportunity that presents itself, you'll end up nowhere. Whether you'll admit it or not, your blog has a short life cycle. It will all end when you lose the last two houses. You may get some traffic from people from search engines, but since you have nothing to offer, they'll quickly leave. Even your core return readership will leave once the weather gets nice and sorry, they won't come back.
I am not going to stick my neck and my reputation on the line for you if you have no commitment to our plan. Our plan requires the participation of outside real estate professionals. You've got a big enough credibility issue as it is. Being a flaky business partner is not an asset. If I can't rely on you to stick to the plan we've both agreed on, I don't want to have any part of this. I certainly don't want to bring in outsiders and flip flop on them because my business partner can't stick to the plan.
You really need to get your priorities straight Casey. Bringing in money from a job is the most important thing you can do. Getting current with your smallest bills is the next thing you need to do, otherwise declare bankruptcy.
[For the sake of full disclosure, I reiterated my credentials and what I brought to the table here. For the point of this post, it's not necessary to say it again.]
I still think you're a nice guy and I'm not going to hate on you. I wish you the best Casey.
To his credit, Casey responded strongly and professionally -
Nigel, you're right. I almost made my classic mistake of impulsively chasing yet another "shiny object". I didn't mean to offend you by this. I simply wanted to consider another strategy.
But as you said, that was wrong of me to try to change things up last minute. You have already invested lots of time and effort into this and we have a great plan in place.
I can see how you are feeling very frustrated with me. I told my wife about this and she got upset with me too.
I sincerely apologize for my behavior.
And I appreciate all your hard work and effort you've put into this thing. I don't want to let this partnership fail because of my impulsivity. I must start changing my ways or I will continue sabotaging future opportunities. If it's not too late please re-consider working with me.
I promise not to do this kind of thing to you again and follow the terms of the agreement.
Please let me know. Thanks.
I'm just pointing this out so you know my decision to dump Casey wasn't impulsive. This little episode, which was left out of Casey's post, coupled with the "refusal to work" as part of the deal led me to drop out. How could I in good conscience present a site that offers advice to people facing financial problems when my "business partner" won't even take care of himself? This was a question I couldn't answer and I didn't want to have to answer it from the public. That's why this deal ended.
Casey posted -
In the end it came down to a difference of personality and conflicting views on what I should be doing for my job / financing.
No, in the end it came down to me not being able to reconcile the direction of the site with Casey's behavior and failure to listen to my advice. I terminated further discussion of the agreement.
Since this idea has been made public, I've had people contact me who want to be involved. I suppose that even a failed deal can lead to success. Casey has taught me how to "fail-forward!"
This turd is in full CYA mode. I love it when the scumbags start feeding on each other.
I can honestly say that I'm no longer interested in the Nigel saga. He threw his hat in the ring, got burned, and got the hell out of dodge. The only way I'm reading anything by him is if he posts here.
I suspect that EN's traffic trends will be a bellwether for IAFF. When interest in EN sags, it will indicate that the haters and those who are following the story for the humor are losing interest, and once they leave, IAFF will start to decline.
The whole Casey thing and CaseyWorld is one breath away from being deader than dead.
Moderation there is now turned up to "fascist" level. The only people still posting are latecomers to the game, and they seem to be total losers, judging from the quality of the writing.
The weather's gonna get warm, and everybody's gonna move on. Even the whole "collapse of RE" thing is so February.
Oh so close.
At any rate, that red one looks like the purse I currently carry :>
Heh. Mursinaries. :)
What time is the Suze Orman thing on? Will it be available after on the CNBC website? Or can someone tivo it and put it up somewhere?
Gawd! I do love that picture. Save that sucker for later use. The expressions and the murses are perfect.
Maybe they should allow players to carry murses during the game. If the player "bends it" and scores a goal they could chase him down and beat the crap out of him with their murses.
I can't wait to see this episode of Suze...I've got my mursebuster at the ready. I'm Tivo-ing that sonofabitch.
Now I can't believe this BS blog war that Nigel is trying to start. Still trying to fashion those Haterz™ into something he can use. What irks me to no end is how we allow him to do it. When I saw the google ads up I saw fit to decide never to visit there ever ever again. So do me this favor Haterz™/Realists - If that shithead ever posts anything worthwhile or does another crash and burn routine, please post it here so the rest of us don't inadvertently reward him for being a opportunistic smelly pirate traffic hooker. Grazie.
SO's show is live? With wackaloons like Snowflake as a guest? Why do I think this is taped and then edited later so he can't started whining and begging for another CashCall payment.
Sorry to slightly detour the thread but I was wondering if anyone here has any experience with kitchen remodeling and if so would you mind emailing me? I have a few questions about possibly remodeling our new house. Or if anyone knows of a website they would recommend that I could ask my questions that would be great.
I'm ignoring Nigel and I suggest the rest of you do too. Attention is what he wants, why give it to him?
Cornflake's attempt to distance himself from the toxic snowflake, prior to Homey et al slapping the cuffs on all parties involved.
In reviewing the fallout of Casey Serin's latest failed deal, in this instance with me, I'd like to make some clarifications.
First of all, it was interesting to see some of the EN fans be supportive of me over here. Again there are some serious misconceptions that have been portrayed, like somehow I enable Casey and I support all his schemes.
If you review my comments to Casey on his blog and the statements I've made on mine, you'll find these accusations to be wrong. From the beginning, I've supported bankruptcy and insisted avoiding it will require a job.
Nonetheless, I've been painted as an enabler because I didn't adopt a hostile tone. I figured I would be better at building trust and gaining acceptance from Casey by being nice. I guess it's the salesperson in me.
My post about how the Casey deal turned sour turned some "haterz"/realists a little soft towards me and I appreciate that, but don't think for a second I made that post to appease them. True to form, some other "haterz" said just because I had "turned" against Casey doesn't mean they should change their attitude towards me.
As I saw the responses come in I thought to myself, what if instead of telling the truthful story of a deal gone bad, I was announcing the start of a deal gone good? What would the response have been then? I'm guessing I would still be the subject of all the "haterz" wrath. Tell me what you think.
The other response to look at was Casey's himself. He pointed out he had learned something and wasn't jumping at opportunities.
Instead of rushing into a contract and backing out like before, I took my time with Nigel.
I suppose from the standpoint of going slow to negotiate a deal we did, but that was something I controlled. I didn't want to jump into anything, especially considering Casey's history. I also didn't want to present a deal he would back out of, so I structured it very much in Casey's favor. Sure I benefited too, but I wanted to give Casey a good deal. What did he do with that? What do you expect? He doesn't know a good deal if it presents itself as a chest of gold nuggets in his email box. Just before we were ready to go public with this plan, he sent me this:
The thing I said we need to talk about is this: I was contacted today by an online marketing expert and he had some really good ideas. I want to consider those ideas with you before we make a major move because it may alter our strategy. He is going to give me a quick plan sometime today (Thursday). Please stand-by for that.
This sent up a red flag to me and I am going to share my response here. (I wouldn't normally share a private email publicly, but the deal is dead and I think there is much to be learned by revealing it. Some sensitive details will be starred out.)
Quite frankly Casey, this concerns me greatly. This reminds me a lot of your no limits ladies/east coast investor deal. You're busy trying to play two parties against each other and you don't have the skills or experience to do it successfully. You and I have been talking about this foreclosure idea for months. I gave you the entire concept with no strings attached for you to put together. Instead, you offered me the chance to become your partner and take **** of everything. I have put together a considerable amount of time to get this off the ground. You and I have met in person. We've talked for hours on strategy and agreed that a foreclosure resource site was the way to go. I have other people invested in this idea as well.
Now you want to hear what some anonymous "online marketing expert" has to offer you? At the 11th hour you want to rework our strategy? Casey you have a lot to learn. Loyalty is very important in business. Sticking to the plan is crucial. Maybe the haters are right about you and shiny objects.
If you go chasing every opportunity that presents itself, you'll end up nowhere. Whether you'll admit it or not, your blog has a short life cycle. It will all end when you lose the last two houses. You may get some traffic from people from search engines, but since you have nothing to offer, they'll quickly leave. Even your core return readership will leave once the weather gets nice and sorry, they won't come back.
I am not going to stick my neck and my reputation on the line for you if you have no commitment to our plan. Our plan requires the participation of outside real estate professionals. You've got a big enough credibility issue as it is. Being a flaky business partner is not an asset. If I can't rely on you to stick to the plan we've both agreed on, I don't want to have any part of this. I certainly don't want to bring in outsiders and flip flop on them because my business partner can't stick to the plan.
You really need to get your priorities straight Casey. Bringing in money from a job is the most important thing you can do. Getting current with your smallest bills is the next thing you need to do, otherwise declare bankruptcy.
[For the sake of full disclosure, I reiterated my credentials and what I brought to the table here. For the point of this post, it's not necessary to say it again.]
I still think you're a nice guy and I'm not going to hate on you. I wish you the best Casey.
To his credit, Casey responded strongly and professionally -
Nigel, you're right. I almost made my classic mistake of impulsively chasing yet another "shiny object". I didn't mean to offend you by this. I simply wanted to consider another strategy.
But as you said, that was wrong of me to try to change things up last minute. You have already invested lots of time and effort into this and we have a great plan in place.
I can see how you are feeling very frustrated with me. I told my wife about this and she got upset with me too.
I sincerely apologize for my behavior.
And I appreciate all your hard work and effort you've put into this thing. I don't want to let this partnership fail because of my impulsivity. I must start changing my ways or I will continue sabotaging future opportunities.
If it's not too late please re-consider working with me.
I promise not to do this kind of thing to you again and follow the terms of the agreement.
Please let me know. Thanks.
I'm just pointing this out so you know my decision to dump Casey wasn't impulsive. This little episode, which was left out of Casey's post, coupled with the "refusal to work" as part of the deal led me to drop out. How could I in good conscience present a site that offers advice to people facing financial problems when my "business partner" won't even take care of himself? This was a question I couldn't answer and I didn't want to have to answer it from the public. That's why this deal ended.
Casey posted -
In the end it came down to a difference of personality and conflicting views on what I should be doing for my job / financing.
No, in the end it came down to me not being able to reconcile the direction of the site with Casey's behavior and failure to listen to my advice. I terminated further discussion of the agreement.
Since this idea has been made public, I've had people contact me who want to be involved. I suppose that even a failed deal can lead to success. Casey has taught me how to "fail-forward!"
This turd is in full CYA mode. I love it when the scumbags start feeding on each other.
I can honestly say that I'm no longer interested in the Nigel saga. He threw his hat in the ring, got burned, and got the hell out of dodge. The only way I'm reading anything by him is if he posts here.
Somehow, fliptard keeps going and going and going...
He took a 20k visitor loss for February, but managed to regain most of that for March. When will this thing die?
IAFF stats
EN stats
I suspect that EN's traffic trends will be a bellwether for IAFF. When interest in EN sags, it will indicate that the haters and those who are following the story for the humor are losing interest, and once they leave, IAFF will start to decline.
Isn't one of these football players married to a Spouse Girl?
The whole Casey thing and CaseyWorld is one breath away from being deader than dead.
Moderation there is now turned up to "fascist" level. The only people still posting are latecomers to the game, and they seem to be total losers, judging from the quality of the writing.
The weather's gonna get warm, and everybody's gonna move on. Even the whole "collapse of RE" thing is so February.
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