Monday, April 23, 2007

Point Counterpoint

Blue: "Hah! Hah! When I get inflated I'll be world famous and an integral support system for an internationally recognized real estate investor."

"Wow, you sure are lucky. All I'll be is an excersize ball."


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


yUO people are the Casey Serins of blogging.

Miranda Mayer said...

Argh. I'm bored.

Anonymous said...

Couple of comments on the Robert Cote
sucks site (I'd post them over there, but a. I don't have a blogger account and b. Nigel would just delete them):

1. In a former life I prosecuted DUI's --- we're talking aobut 20 years ago, when I was first out of law school. The law firm I worked for represented a suburb of the City I lived in and as part of that representation, we prosecuted DUI's in night court. We always hoped that the arresting officer would make two charges ... one for DUI and the other for driving with .10 or more BAC, hoping that one charge would stick. As most charges were pleaded, the defendant would plead to one, we'd drop the other. AS the fines were the same, we didn't care.
2. The change from .10 to .o8 is bullshit. The original figure of .10 BAC was arrived at after scientific study on the affect of BAC open a reasonable person.... not because .10 is a nice round number. If you're a bit gassy, you could be a tea totaler and still blow .02. The .08 figure is based on nothing more than MADD's hysteria and their drive to have zero tolerance, meaning if you blow .01 then you're guilty. Which is horseshit.

Also funny how no one's comments other than "Robert's" are allowed over there and how there is the anti-spam word required... bit odd for a blog about a blogger who blogs about a blogger.

Note: DUI is serious. But where I live now, one stands a greater chance of being in prison longer for killing one person in a DUI crash then if you killed, with malice aforethought, three people BBQ-ing in their back yard. Dead's dead, but that is ridicoulous.

Anonymous said...

What's with the blue vs gray ball argument...the Civil War (War of Secession if you're on the gray side) ended in 1865, ya know.

Anonymous said...

TV Rots Your Brain said...

What's with the blue vs gray ball argument...the Civil War (War of Secession if you're on the gray side) ended in 1865, ya know.

War Between The States is preferred down here or as my family calls it "The Late Unpleasantness".

Anonymous said...

Hello All,

I have been away for a couple of weeks. Could someone post a short summary of what has happened with Casey since beginning of April. There are usually good updates in the comments and I don't have time to review them.

I wish there was some central "page" that had a summary timeline of events.

Anonymous said...

Does either color of exercise ball pay one's daily expenses? If so I'll buy one. If not, then guess who is shit outta luck?

Anonymous said...

Hobbes, I checked out that Cote sux site and it sure feels like one of Nigel's productions. Robert the supposed anonymous poster is no doubt Nigel or one of his boys (my money is on Nigel - the writing style is similar since nobody writes like Nigel).

Anonymous said...

What's this Cote sux website?

Anonymous said...

Hey speaking of monkey business, have you all seen this article?

Apparently monkeys can understand the idea behind money (they were taught to exchange metal washers for sweet treats). Not only that, but a couple of monkeys learned all about the idea of prostitution.

Kind of gives new meaning to the phrase "dance monkey dance", doesn't it?

Also I find it interesting that the capuchin monkeys can manage their finances better than the celebutard wannabe.

Happy Monday!

Anonymous said...

re: the anti-site...

what's sad about this new site is a couple things:

1. What's really funny is the difference in my mind is that Rob got caught, luckily noone was hurt, he went through the process and was punished for the mistake. He paid the price that the legal system deemed fit. No one will get upset about this because whatever happened the process was seen through.

Casey is in the process of being caught and punished for his acts. He had a chance to show remorse by actually DOING something about his situation. Comparing him to the debtkid makes Casey look more pathetic.

It has been said many times, people wanted to root for Casey and much help was offered. But as the True Casey was revealed people stopped rooting for him.

2. The person(s) responsible for the new site just aren't very funny... yawn.

Anonymous said...

So Casey, Why shut down the comments? Now you've lost all control and all the Haterz will stay here. Say "bye-bye" to traffic!

Unknown said...

If I didn't know what Nigel looked liked I think it'd be something like this mental midget...

remember, "Grab life by the balls!"

Anonymous said...

You know, what's interesting to me is that right now, this very minute, Casey doesn't realize that he's the laughing stock of the Internet. He's the fodder of water-cooler jokes and stories that start with "Hey, you'll never believe what Casey Serin did last weekend!"

He somehow honestly believes that by telling his story about "Getting Saved" that he'll help educate others, and turn his Blog into a money-maker. And of course, a book or a movie someday.

And now the pressure's starting to cook, and he's bummed because all he hears are negative comments.

But he's still the laughing stock of today's Internet. The events and pictures from this past weekend are hilarious.

lawnmower man said...

I just read Nigel's "I'm taking a blog vacation" post.

Dear lord, the hubris.

He took the weekend off. Most of us don't feel the need to announce that. And does he really think his army of readers are so desperately keen that, come Sunday night, they'll be tapping their watches and wondering where on Earth Nigel's got to?

Big up to the this director's commentary on Saturday's fun: Nigel's Guest Blogger and the foreclosureavoiders spinoffs were an inspired comedy act.

Should we start a pool on when Casey starts posting again? I see either a defiant last-minute short-sale drama; or another resigned back-to-the-bank-it goes.

The smart thing for him to do would be to stay shuttered and let the audience drift away -- I'm starting to lose interest already -- but I think he loves the attention too much. Without the blog he's just another loser who gambled and lost; with the blog he's the infamous Casey Serin, wannabe Real! Estate! Mogul!

In an odd way, I think the blog, and the haters, validate him; "I must be quite something," he thinks, "because look at how many people hang on my every word."

What if he re-opened comments... and nobody came?

Anonymous said...

Casey's goose is cooked. Stick a fork in it. The blog is over. He's having a nervous breakdown. I don't expect the hear from him again for at least two weeks.

Anonymous said...

What is the real way to end it all for our beloved duo?

I think saturate the internet with blogs that continue to remind everyone of the true nature and history of Casey and his crazy schemes.

GO FORTH AN MULTIPLY! Nigel will initially get a hardon with all the incoming links... until he realizes the themes of the blogs.

Anonymous said...

@9:15 AM, TV Rots Your Brain said...
"What's with the blue vs gray ball argument...the Civil War (War of Secession if you're on the gray side) ended in 1865, ya know."

Oh, you mean the "War of Northern Aggression"?

Anonymous said...

"Mortgage Fraud is investigated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and is punishable by up to 30 years in Federal prison or $1,000,000, or both. It is illegal for a person to make any false statement regarding income, assets, debt, or matters of identification, or to willfully overvalue any land or property, in a loan and credit application for the purpose of influencing in any way the action of a financial institution."


Anonymous said...

I can't emphasize the belief that if we make sure Nigel Swaby's name is written out as often as possible, the google search bots will ensure that anybody who wants to do some quick searching will find plenty of facts about our favorite failed mortgage broker.

Did I say failed? Oops. I meant I don't believe he's a mortgage broker. He needs to prove it to us.

IMHO of course.

R-Boy said...

I think the silver ball on the top of the page is the luckiest bouncing ball of the three.

Anonymous said...

Look who's NOT visiting EN? Our favorite Uberbroker.

Anonymous said...

Hey, leave Isamu alone! Don't you realize that he has a pool and used BMW 325i??? He also has an accountant buddy that can kill you with his pocket protector. Isamu also has 2759 "visitors" at his site daily, and by "visitors" we of course mean collectible beanie babies piled up in his mom's basement that he rents.

Isamu, tell Nigey that we're sorry and we'll let him back in the haterz club for a small fee.

Anonymous said...

@El Gabo Gringo -

From the other thread... yeah, Chris is the re dude who is different from Local Rich Dad or LRD's son.

Chris flogs Nouveau Riche University (typical RE seminar bullshit), which Casey very recently spent $20,000 to attend for a week (that's the $22,000 note). NRU is a pyramid scam/guru seminar BS combo, and Chris got his $$ by getting Casey to sign up, then Casey flogged it all over IAFF to no avail, as we're smarter than he and figured out what was going on.

Chris also sold Casey the fucked-up Jetta. There's an entry regarding his "impulse" buy.

Casey was supposed to do various unnamed techy and lackey type things for Chris, for which he'd earn $3,000 a month. That never happened. He was always too "busy" with other stuff to get to actually work on anything. I think the most Chris ever paid him was $1500 one month.

Casey being Casey, he kept saying he'd be getting more, he was going to do a bunch of work because he needed the money... and never did shit and eventually it just fell apart. I don't think us exposing the scam aspect helped. This is all iirc. :)

Anonymous said...

Perhaps Isamu should relax with a NICE LITTLE MOVIE.

El Gringo said...

Thanks Beezer...

I'm with Flailing Forward here. Despite my moments of weakness, I am steeled in my resolve to have no pity for snowflake and whatever sympathy I had for G is gone now as well.

What really pisses me off is that these free-loaders might be scamming public assistance.

That really needs to be investigated. Apparently these commie-bastards didn't learn anything from the cold-war. We might have to learn 'em all over again...

Anonymous said...

El Gabo, Ratlab's detailed posting proves to me that Galina is the brains behind this b.s. Even better is it proves she is in his head all the time.

El Gringo said...

Yeah, I saw the Vdub posts. Had no idea the seller was the same "Very Successful RE Investor" that was going to be giving Casey a job for $3K/mo.

That also fills in the background on at least one of the promissory notes. (How do you guys figure all this out?)

G*d, this guy is such a scamming loser. No wonder you guys hammer him so much. He really should be doing time.

Anonymous said...


Re: Chris - that's Casey's problem: Casey thinks that he is a brilliant con-man/entrepreneur/sweet deal-maker, but what he is is a walking pigeon, waiting for more astute grifters to pluck him...

Anonymous said...

Speaking of NRU, I was walking through the Roseville, CA mall this past weekend and spotted a NRU mall cart. Could this be a joint venture between Chris and PRLinkGaetz? did Casey get his bird-dog fee for the sweet connection?

Finally NRU can join the upper echelon of education. The mall cart definitely blows Harvard's smoothie stand and Columbia's flea market booth out of the water.

Anonymous said...

@ El Gabo & beezer
His full name is Chris Record and his email is cashflowchampion@something I think. He has a website, and you can look it up with that if you want.

On a side note, and as validation that we are indeed doing the lord's work, I got a copyright infringement notice for creepyoldman today. In the words of a certain award-winning blogger who paid for and landed the real-estate story of the year, "when you shine the light of truth, the roaches start scurrying." I also notice that he deleted those inspirational words from his award winning don't hate Nigel blog because he's a giant pussy.

Anonymous said...

Looks like Captain Swaby is getting ready for the big launch . He's gonna do a blog and a site!? Just like Bloodhound Realty! Awesome...

El Gringo said...

No, I don't buy that G was the brains. I don't think Casey needed any help there (and obviously never got any.)

Of course she is in his head. You know that little twirp is p-whipped. I've seen that a million times. You can BS the cute ones before 25. After that you have to earn it. Casey knows that G is his last chance. He's probably always kissing her ass like twirpy guys do. Hey snowflake, if you just hit it right you wouldn't have to beg!

Now as far as "Where did the money go?" - Yeah, I bet there's alot we don't know yet, but I have faith the guys on this board are going to find out and when they do I won't be suprised if G is heavily involved in the Fleecing of Casey Serin's Cash.

-- Nigel Swaby's Mom was here --

Anonymous said...

OK, now I have seen everything. We have donthatecasey,IAFF, debtkid, en, nigel, What the hells next?

For the record: Fuck DUI laws.

Question: But what if your wife, kids or someoneclose was killed by a drunk driver?

Answer: Harm them myself and take my chances with the jury.

People have been drinking and driving since the invention of the car. Why is so serious now? Is it different than 30 years ago, 1976?

Why was the legal limit 1.5 then .10 then .08? We know more now?

What about all the acident by assholes that dont know how to drive and are speeding.........Thats ok? Its an accident?

How about if you are in an accident you get your license suspended?

Why bootstrap everything under the sun that dosent have to do with driving to the posible suspension of your license if you dont comply?

Anonymous said...

El Gabo -

It's just a function of having been reading along the entire time - with the IAFF comments and EN going.

Like somewhere, he fesses that the promissory note was for education, and someone outted that it was NRU, which he didn't name at first, IIRC, then someone tied Chris to it and it all sorta fell into place. I forget how we got the car thing, I think someone here figured that one out.

I imagine if someone starts reading back it'd be way more confusing than watching it unfold in real time, especially with the back-and-forthing between the blogs.

Anonymous said...

@ mike
Yeah, you've gotta love the combination NRU/Chik-Fil-A stand too. Goth kids need RE education too I guess.

Anonymous said...

Flailing, what copyright did you violate? Seems Nigel does it all the time, so why is it a big deal for you?

Was this on a blogger site?

Anonymous said...

Oh, I forgot about Chris' webpage, that this was fucking hilarious. With the shiny pics and tales of his wedding and whatnot.

El Gabo -

I'm not sure how you're reading back, obviously, but if you're not reading the comments on the IAFF posts, at least scroll down them looking for Casey's pic ones. He drops a lot of info as comments to his own posts.

El Gringo said...

I try to look for Casey's pics. Frankly, I just don't think I'm pulling my weight around here. I need to set aside more time for dedicated IAFF research. Sorry guys, give me a chance, I'll come around. I did, at least, get Nigel to admit he was a Jamaican and not an American. That's something.

El Gringo said...

I googled Chris Record. I can't believe he actually calls his business "noveau riche." That's generally a derogatory term. Sort of like calling your business Trailer-Park-U. Do he and his clients even know what it means (and what it's traditional connotation is) or do they just think it's cool cuz it's french?

Ps. I need to check the pics... but busy at work.

Anonymous said...

I have looked all over here for the "earth mission blog" and for the life of me cannot find it.

If anyone has the url can you repost it?

Rob Dawg said...

El Gabo,
We tried to analyse the subset of Gen Yers who do this. It was suggested it was either ignorance of the historical context or knowing the historical context and using it as an inside joke. I favor the latter with its cocommitant dark undertone of Huxley.

El Gringo said...

Earth Mission links here:

Anonymous said...

Somebody give Casey a quick call.

Anonymous said...

You mean this Chris Record?

Anonymous said...

Archives of Casey's earth mission blog, click preview buttons, some are blank, others are gold

Miranda Mayer said...

Isamu is back? Excellent. Nothing like random expletives and fabricated controversy to keep us from going catatonic. Entertaining: Yes--even if it is politically incorrect to be entertained by retards.

I personally *like* the CoteSux site. It shows the caliber of mind behind the Casey-ites. Can't make a decent argument? Hit below the belt. Strangely, that's a NS tactic. What a mysterious coincidence. Hm....

Anonymous said...

Steph - don't you find it odd that when Isamu comes in, the "who's on" portion of the site meter shows an IP from Orem, UT trolling the site?

Anonymous said...

RobDawg -

I know you're planning on various things, but would it be possible to have a box or something on the front page with links to the various commonly-asked-for stuff?

Like the Earth Mission stuff, the spreadsheet, ratlab's pic collection, Casey's pics, the call transcripts, etc.?

Sometimes I want to refer someone to something and haven't bookmarked and have to go looking through threads a-hopin', and it'd help out newcomers who want to get up to speed.

El Gringo said...

Chris Records myspace page is great. I can't hate the guy. I almost respect the sleazebuckets that are so willing to rip off loosers like snowflake.

I like the random pic of a ferrari and mansion along with pics of other people in cool places to prove he has friends. Don't know about the girl pics though. Should have lifted some fotos of chicas from the same site he lifted the ferrari.

Sprezzatura said...

I'd bet $$ that Nigel set up the sux site. It's got his greasy fingerprints all over it.

Anonymous said...

Bwahahahahaha. I went to network solutions to see if SLCrealestate was available. The .com, .net and .info are all taken. Much to my surprise they are owned by squatters.

.com is owned by a Brian Wick from Colorado.

.net is owned by a guy named Alva from Albuquerque.

And .info is owned by a squatter in Pennsylvania.

LOL. No wonder Nigey went out to buy his domain names right away. He couldn't take a chance that any of us bought the URLs.

Anonymous said...

of course he did sprezz. BTW, he been scouring the internet. He posted a picture of Rob on that site now(assumed). Anyway, he sure has alot of time on his hands.

Anonymous said...

@ anon 12:05
That's too funny. You know he can't bring himself to pay a haterz for his domain name.

@ anon 10:59
I don't know. If it's Casey, it's probably this Earth Mission archive. If it's Nigel, it's probably this dumb comic I made a couple of weeks ago and just linked to. (I used his award-winning profile shot to make it.)

Unknown said...

Well Nigel Swaby is taking a much needed blogcation from the SLCblog (It is award winning with all 198 of his article read by 2759 unique readers) so i can understand where he is finding all his free time.

I am actually a bit surprised the entire blogosphere has not imploded without Nigel to moderate/delete comments or add new content.

Personally, I want an invite to the next party Mr. Dawg! Looks like you guys had a blast and since the New Mexico house party never happened we all need to find some other time to meet eachother.

I propose the following activies for said party:
Nigel Swaby Piñata.
Pin Bubba on Snowflake.
Wheatgrass body shots (sub tasty beverage for wheatgrass!)
Murse & PDA party favors...

Anonymous said...

Just as I suspected, blowing the DUI wad on day 1 was this blog's numero uno mistake. Now all that's left are counter attacks worded exactly like the ones we throw at Ass-Swab daily - that's NIGEL SWABY the shit stain to you googlers out there. Wonder what they could possibly say tomorrow. Maybe they could bring up the DUI again. Big friggin' deal. It's out there Nigel, acknowledged and paid for. It's over. However until you confess to Driving While Being A Dick, I'm afraid you will be the victim of Relentless EN attacks for a good long time. BTW, Foreclosureavoiders will be sabotaged. I almost feel like you set it up to retain abuse while you run the real site from an undisclosed location. But a smart person would do that. Too bad all of your inbound links are negative on the site which hasn't even been launched yet. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Anonymous said...

"Wheatgrass body shots (sub tasty beverage for wheatgrass!)"

Green jello shots!

Anonymous said...

Where the hell is this "robertcotesux" site? I added ".com" on to that and got nothing.

I want to be entertained! Wah!

Anonymous said...

Heads up,

Googling Nigel produces negative commentary in the first two links. The first (from his award winning blog with 2759 unique visitors) refers to him as gullible, while the second is Casey saying things didn't work out with Nigel.

PS- Just ran into the old PR NEwswire bit he wrote about himself. I love that he calls himself an "Industry writer"!! And David Lereah is an Industry Analyst!

Anonymous said...

Anon - 12:19

Try using

Anonymous said...

It's appropriate, isn't it, that an anagram for "Nigel Swaby" is:


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Anon 12.24

Thanks man!

Someone ought to tell Nigel that googling "robert cote sux" doesn't turn up his page. Ass.

Unknown said...


I'm feeling a bit casey-ish, can I trick someone into finishing the SWABY part?

Unknown said...

No he doesn't Steph! That is just mean!


Anonymous said...

Just wondering if you guys noticed snowflake uploaded new pics to his flickr account depicting him "working" on the green sludge mess. looks to me as if he's playing with the mess using a stick and not doing a damn thing. Photoshopping opportunity.....

Unknown said...

Look at that "old but working" pool equipment. That crap looks like it is about to fall over. What a dump...

Anonymous said...

Robert Cote helped Casey:

Anonymous said...

That Rob got a DUI is, as others have pointed out, completely irrelevant to Casey's adventures. In fact, this tactic is a known and named fallacy - it's called a "tu quoque" argument.

"You killed someone!"
" did too!"

And so on.

Nigel clearly doesn't know the first thing about critical thinking. Or just plain thinking. He probably doesn't even know what a fallacy is.

Sprezzatura said...

I just noticed that is an available domain.... I'm a little tempted to grab it & throw some forums up....

Anonymous said...

Even cleaning the pool, the boy wears his trusty Murse.

Rob Dawg said...

Understand that all the "where is" what's the story" "is it true" questions about my ar_est are just lame attempts at link ratings. They aren't legitimate questions. Also pre-anticipate a flurry of denials and multiple rereferences in response to this post.

Do idjits think the same bullet can be fired over and over? Gosh, now I can never be President... oh wait. Maybe I can't post anymore... oh wait. En toto I guess the best whomsoever is expending all this effort can expect is a reitteration of my current circumstances? The problem is that IMO my life held on display isn't relevant to the subject(s) at hand. 'Scourse for the sux site any positive aspects are noticeably absent . Apparently making your own mind up about sux or not is subject to a severe filtering.

Anonymous said...

"Who says we don't work? I stuck a broomstick right there into the pool and pulled up some stuff! And we work hard!"

His normally dead eyes have a look of disgust, not at what's on the end of the stick, but that he's actually doing manual labor.

And whoever says Galina is the brains of the outfit is wrong.... there are no brains in that outfit.

Uploading pics on flickr means a new IAFF post is coming. What color will Casey be this time? Red? Blue? Green? Purple with magenta polka dots?

Sprezzatura said...

Seriously, any woman will tell you that if you're actually going to do some work, you'll take the purse off and set it down somewhere safe. That he didn't take the murse off suggests that either he's a fool or that he jut snapped a few shots for the 'look' and didn't have any intention of doing real cleaning work.

Or maybe both :)

Rob Dawg said...

Casy has to know everything he post is going online in a big way. He doesn't care anymore. He has gone on an "out of body" experience.

Anonymous said...

I KNEW HE'D BREAK TODAY. Maybe he'll leave commenting off and "Control" the situation. Anyway it looks like he's sticking a piece of sign post in the pool for all of about 5 seconds to stage this photo. Yeah Casey we knew how disgusting your pool was YESTERDAY thanks to Ratlab. Now you have to prove you were there - we knew you were and of course, you did nothing. Nothing except ask your kindly neighbor why she stopped cutting "your" lawn (which it won't be in 3 days.)

So you stuck a stick in the pool. The fact you kept your murse on reinforces you had zero intent to get your hands dirty. Did you say EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEW! while you were using the stick to see what was on the bottom? Do you scream when you see bugs?

Anonymous said...


Yeah, Casey does not look like a happy camper in that picture.

So this is what Casey thinks constitutes "pool cleaning" - poking around the pool with a stick? It looks like spent all of five minutes at it.

Note to Casey: if you want to convince people that you are doing manual labor, lose the frigging murse!

Anonymous said...

man, that pool is facked! I'd knock at least $40k off an offer just looking at the thing. The inspection will kill it. My guess is the pool is at a minimum facing a replaster job and new systems. Probably better to just fill it in.

Casey, when you go to work, leave the purse at home. Trust me on this.

ratlab said...



lawnmower man said...

Wow. That spa is *even* nastier than Ratlab's photos suggest.

I rather like Contemplative Study in Dark Green and Trucker Cap. Galina does actually have a nice eye for composition; at least when it's not offset by excessive staging.

So: Casey's work for the day: Show up, prod it with a stick, run away. Galina's work for the day: show up, snap a few photographs, run away.

Uploading pics on flickr means a new IAFF post is coming.

Not necessarily; remember how the VDubs-got-a-flat and VDubs-got-a-ticket escapades were on Flickr but never got any mention on IAFF until we brought them up in the comments? Sometimes he uses the Flickr stuff just as a teaser.

(And of course Casey loves that we found the new photos already. He knows full well that we watch his Flickr photostream; and the attention no doubt pleases him no end. We know for a fact that Casey reads EN. Hi Casey! Paid any rent yet?)

Anonymous said...

nice, lol

Anonymous said...

What the hell is all of that shit laying around in the backyard? I mean aside from the pool being a hazard of its own, what's up with all of the wood with nails sticking out of it and shit lying around?

Anonymous said...

How did Galina think Casey was a high roller before they got married?

Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't he live with his parents? And drive an old high mileage Ford Taurus?

If that's all it takes to convince a girl that you're a high roller, I must look like Donald Trump to someone like Galina.

Anonymous said...

Casey accomplishes nothing with the Flickr Stream. We knew he was going to do NOTHING. Why even go to Modesto if you're just going to prod the surface of your sludge-tank and then leave? Not a very useful expenditure if you ask me. So like everything else Casey does, a total failure. I say he goes back to old fashioned moderating. He's an addict. I'm sure all of this talk has him entertained.

Anonymous said...

"looks to me as if he's playing with the mess using a stick and not doing a damn thing."

That's EXACTLY what he did. That's ALL he did.

Anonymous said...

I honestly don't think I've seen a lazier self-entitled person than Casey, except for maybe his wife.

This is from his earth-mission-blog;

"I’m reminded how I hate moving because of all the manual labor involved. It seems like wasted effort to me. There is got to be a better way. Since we move so often we should be getting more efficient at it by now. We’re actually considering hiring movers this weekend instead of obligating friends and family to help us again."

How much stuff could they have possibly had? I've moved twice in the past 6 years, a large household with just myself, my 2 preteen kids, and a 24' Uhaul truck. Yeah it wasn't easy but that's life.

ratlab said...

@Anon 1:07

That's the neighbors taking apart the leaning wood fence and rebuilding it with new posts and hopefully new fence boards. And what do the get for all their effort, 2 cases of beer.

Anonymous said...

Casey can't leave his murse at home, what if CashCall comes? He surely can't leave it in the VDubs, what if someone breaks into it?

The murse is attached to him permanately. I wouldn't be surprised if he sleeps with it. Lord knows if something ever happened to it, his life would be over.

Anonymous said...

Just to break the ice up a bit, I thought I'd give this to you guys. And can someone please post the "how to make a link clicky" thing again?

Anonymous said...

@ Anon 1:21 -

But don't you understand that doing the packing and unpacking and moving was wasted effort on your part? It didn't make you any money. Only things that make money are worth effort.

Well, except napping. And juicing. And eating out. Well, ok, those things actually make money, because they keep you up and peppy for late-night meetings at Macaroni Grill!

ratlab said...

@Tony Soprano
Sprezz has a tutorial...

Sprezzatura said...

Or rather:

Here :)

Anonymous said...

Dick will make you kill!

Thanks guys!

Unknown said...

a picture is worth a 1,000 words right?

Well this is what I have to say to looser.

..\................. /........\................../

Anonymous said...

OMG he had his murse on. He had no intention of doing anything. Poke the green water, while fat ass Galina snaps some pics. Off to Macaroni grill for some lame ass food. can you say LOOSER???

lawnmower man said...

Ah, the murse:

NACHO: What’s in the murse? That’s what we need to know. What do you carry in it? [...]

CS: I can’t tell you everything that’s in it. Okay, how about this, I’ll just tell you some of the contents, because I can’t talk about every single thing in there.

What the hell is in the murse that he can't talk about?


I think, besides the digital camera and PDA, he's carrying:

* a signed copy of Rich Dad, Poor Dad
* affirmation flipcards
* a Macaroni Grill napkin with Nigel's super-sekret VIP-only cellphone number
* photocopies of the deeds to all his properties (including "my Burdett")
* a couple of contract-to-purchase blanks just in case a sweet birddogging deal appears
* a Jamba Juice gift card with $1.39 left on it
* the admin password for IAFF
* the marriage contract with Galina's parents ("you disrespect my daughter, I break your kneecaps")
* six dirty pennies
* the few remaining shreds of his self-respect

Anonymous said...

"Pool equipment is old but it works"

Er, how does he know that when there's no power or water at the place?
The guy is delusional.

Anonymous said...

How in the world does a 20-something need so much sleep? When I was 24, I barely got 6 or 7 hours. Even when I was hitting the bong religiously. Now at age 41 I'm good to go on 6 hours a day. Reading both his blogs, it looks like Casey and Galina sleep away at least half of their 24 hours.

Anonymous said...

Can someone please go knock on Yulias door and ask (interview) her WTF is going on?

Anonymous said...

According to his new pictures he has placed an offer on a dump in Durham, NC...


lawnmower man said...

@Anon 3:30PM: look here.

Anonymous said...

Re: anon 2:34

How in the world does a 20-something need so much sleep? When I was 24, I barely got 6 or 7 hours. Even when I was hitting the bong religiously. Now at age 41 I'm good to go on 6 hours a day. Reading both his blogs, it looks like Casey and Galina sleep away at least half of their 24 hours.

It's fucking pathetic. A good day for me is 7, a usual day is 6. In my experience that's how it is for a good 95% of people. At least the people who do something with their time, that is. Not for unemployed, non-student, lazy-ass tossers.

flailing forward said...

@ anon 3:30
Those are from an old wholesaling deal he did in Spring '06.

Anonymous said...

I've had to learn to refer to it as "The War For State's Rights" while keeping a straight face.