Housing Bubble, credit bubble, public planning, land use, zoning and transportation in the exurban environment. Specific criticism of smart growth, neotradtional, forms based, new urbanism and other top down planner schemes to increase urban extent and density. Ventura County, California specific examples.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Are You Now...
... or have you ever been a Haterz™? Do you know of any unamerikan activities such as flipping, tarding or mursing? Do you associate with algae or mortgage brokers?
[blog note: I'll go with alimited release candidate late tonight after chores. I was distracted by my j-o-b. Choices, choices; simple website $1200 or fix forums. Disloyal dawg that I am I went for the cash.]
Wouldn't it be funny if dawg gets money from exurban before Casey does on IAFF? Throw up some adsense and the babe on the ball would pay for the mortgage dawg.
However, I will reclaim my throne of FIRSTNESS.....you bunch of freakin' loosers.
I think I'll offer Casey some sweet coin to custom code a "FIRST alert" so I can get the jump on everybody.....nevermind, he can't code a telephone number.
When I'm not associating with algae, I'm a 133t h@x0r, and I've just used my skillz to hack the IAFF markup, 'cos you never know what might be lurking there. Interesting finds (commented-out markup) include:
"Are you facing foreclosure? Email me for help."
"Real Estate Investing, Shady Loans, Getting Overleveraged, Selling Fast, Facing Foreclosure & Bankruptcy" (this evidently intended as a title byline)
Today I would like to speak about the importance the garbage disposal when selling a house. Let's take for example say...my garbage disposal. Of course not everyone has a high end unit like I happen to have but it's important to maintain it just the same.
Let us also delve into counter tops. For instance; my house has granite counter tops. It is very important to wipe them often.
In closing I would just like to add that, although you might not have high end lawn lighting like mine or a marble foyer such as I happen to have in my home, it is important to maintain your property.
I'm actually impressed with Casey. He's manage to stay away from the blog for three whole days now. This is the first time that he has actually accomplished anything he has set out to do.
April 24,2007 Tashkent, Uzbekistan Soviet Socialist Republic, USSR
State prosecutors in Tashkent today brought charges of hoarding, criminal speculation, and hooliganism against K.A. Serin, who was responsible for fulfilling the annual plan at the Lenin’s Glory State Collective Farm #26 near Namangan, Uzbekistan. K.A. Serin sold the collective farm’s entire cotton crop six times to six different state clothing factories, and sold the farm’s entire melon crop five times to different state markets in Moscow, Omsk, Leningrad, Samara, and Rostov-on-Don. He then took the proceeds from his illegal sales and bribed a tractor factory to sell him 2,000 tractors, which he thought he could then resell at a capitalist markup to collective farms in Uzbekistan facing difficulties meeting their state quotas. Unfortunately, K.A. Serin failed to inspect the ill-gotten tractors prior to accepting them, and they proved to be inoperable and unsellable. The collective farm now lacks funds to buy seeds for spring planting from the state agricultural organization, and the shop at the collective farm is bare of goods.
At the hearing today, K.A. Serin stated that he was only doing a “sweet deal” that would provide a “win-win” for the inhabitants of Lenin’s Glory State Collective Farm #26. However, witnesses at the hearing stated that K.A. Serin had recently bought a new Zhiguli automobile, frequently wore decadent Western jeans, and had taken a number of plane trips to Sochi for late-night meetings with “agricultural suppliers”.
Prosecutor N.S. Smirnov stated: “Comrades, this case shows that we cannot weaken our vigilance against capitalist parasites. It is not an accident that K.A. Serin went from admiring decadent Western fashions to engaging in decadent Western business practices. Konstantin Aleksovich needs to reacquaint himself with the dignity of farm labor – in a place somewhat colder than Uzbekistan.”
When asked if he had anything to say in his defense, K.A. Serin stated that it was all the fault of the “Haterniki” in the Party, and that given just a little more time and a few more meetings with “agricultural suppliers”, he would have been able to repay “every dirty kopeck” of state funds. The court was not impressed by K.A. Serin’s argument.
You have a ROLEX?!? I've never heard of anyone having a Rolex, an award winning blog, and a 25,000 gallon pond with fish and stuff. You do have an award winning blog, don't you? You didn't mention it so I'm not sure.
I was going to save the Rolex for a top level post but it my article seemed incomplete without the watch for reference.
Please check out my next article, featured in the upcoming Carnival of Narcissism", entitled "Mortgage Loans As They Pertain to My BMW". I can almost smell the Bronze.
I'm actually impressed with Casey. He's manage to stay away from the blog for three whole days now. This is the first time that he has actually accomplished anything he has set out to do.
Well, remember, to carry out this accomplishment means he had to do nothing. And Snowflake seems to be quite experienced at this.
As of 6:18 PM it will have been 72 hours since we've seen an IAFF comment or moderation. Is that a record, excepting times when Snowflake was out of town for a vacation or gurufest?
I am disappointed. I was hoping for a begathon so I could bid on some Dirtee Penni action.
You have got to be a writer. It's nice to be able to read your blog for a quick run thru of the boring (except for the haters comments) saga that is Casey and Nigel's lives. Nice wit, biting action, great insults, unsympathetic main characters that end up getting fucked, it would make a good novel.
I really think Nigel is beginning to lose it. His business is drying up faster than his hairline receded, Flailing Forward has cornered SEO rankings for Foreclosure Avoiders...
The poor guy doesn't know whether to love or hate Casey now.
I can imagine Nigel coming home from another dead day at "work" and telling his significant other "Well, there's always the olympics coming up, and don't forget I can call anyone of these celebrities that I met at the VIP parties...let's see, all their numbers have the first 3 digits 555.."
Don't forget, Nigel Swaby made it a point to have a wheatgrass shot with Casey AND get his picture taken with him. Isn't that kind of obssesive? Also, didn't Mr Baldy also start a blog defending his obsession, write award winning material about his obsession in his first blog, and pretty much has decided to go down with his lover?
Also, if one guy taking pictures of Casey (Ahem, you did that too Nigel you loser) is a ntional obsession, then I guess someone who puts out his own press release is ALSO an award winning blog jounalist.
How are those pubes growing? Maybe you should water them.
It's not stalking if you are an award winning industry writer. Just because CS stayed in my ornately furnished gigantic guest room in my beautiful home does not necessarily mean I'm gay either.
You know, I really wish that I had some Photoshop skills. Or even just Photoshop...
An awesome little cartoon to make would be attaching some short and curlies to Nigel's head with a dialog bubble that says "Thanks for the heads up, Mom!"
Nigel Swaby is such an idiot. I see "ratlab" as an awesome investigative journalist. Protective order? What an ass. Casey has been in dozens of media outlets and even Swaby himself attempts to report on him. "ratlab" is doing nothing different, other than bringing the people what they really want to see.
Nigel doesn't seem to realize nobody cares what his opinion is. His only function is for amusement purposes only.
If I was closer to Sacramento, I'd love to join up with ratlab and let him document me knocking on Yulias door to interview her. I'd then go interview everyone Casey is attached to, anyone who knows him and Galina, etc, etc.
I'm surprised nobody has done this yet. Swaby is a massive assclown for thinking that there's something illegal about any of this. 60 Minutes and many other media outlets do this stuff all the time.
Nigel's just losing it because he's already lost ranking for Foreclosure Avoiderz and now Ratlab has one-upped him as the REAL Aspiring Internet Journalist.
The more Nigel Swaby tries to take swats at us "haterz", the more it becomes obvious he has something to hide.
He's hoping he'll scare everyone away. What a lamer. He's only making me confident he'll be exposed soon.
There's just too much to ignore. Caseys Utah trip. The "Money-man Mr. G", the fact that no respectable broker would get near Casey let alone try to do deals with him.
Sooner or later the truth will come out and I'll venture to say that Swaby has his hands dirty.
wow, the best Nigel's RD sux site can do is photoshop a blue shirt & a murse on the Dawg! ROFLMAO. Nigel you fucktard, don't you get that you are just making a bigger ass out of youself?
Of course you don't...did your mother drop you a lot as a child? I'm sure she said it was all an accident but...
The more Nigel Swaby speaks, the more it becomes evident how amateurish he is.
He doesn't even come off as being adult. His actions are much more along the lines of a juvenile. Granted, I've heard he's never really grown up and his parents still carry him from one failed career to another.
I think it's about time the heat was turned up on Swaby.
Who and what governing agencies can we contact in Utah? I cannot believe someone like him has a mortgage brokers license. He's about the most unprofessional person I've ever seen.
I wonder how Integrity Firsts clients and partners would feel knowing there's someone there who has no qualms over putting their personal info on the net if they hurt his little feelings?
Who in the world would do business with such a childish person?
Nigels idea of reporting - "landing" the "story of the year" after 100,000 people already knew about it. And who can forget that future award winning breaking piece - "The RV"
Nobody cared. Nobody was impressed whatsoever.
Ratlab on the other hand gave us the scoop! Gave the people what they wanted to see! Ratlab rawks!
My sources tell me that "someone" ( cough cough) dropped dime to MR. Blip about Snowflakes little episode about not signing the contract and skipping town for a week, along with him lying about the rent, posting on a public blog a private conversation without consent, and that he admits to having an undisclosed corporation with enough money to pay off the loan. Me thinks Snowflake has been laying low, ( not at Yulia's) as Mr. Blip's associates have been a knockin'.
Also, Snowflake was enraged that Ratlab outed him on Saturday. Now you can't have Begathon II to get money for the non existent pool clean up. Fucktard and G got into a huge fight that night. Guess who's side Yulia took?
Yes, Snowflake, I know you will read this. Are you staying at Mom & Dad's house now or Dustin's?
Face it. You are toast. No more houses. No more scamming. IAFF is done. Now G's on the way out. Even your butt buddy Nigey Poo is a hater now.
Do what Homey said, turn yourself in, before Yulia or G does.
You people are completely wrong. Ratlab is a pathetic obsessive freak with a sick fascination with Casey. I'm going to let Casey know about this when I fly down to see him Thursday.
Please see my upcoming 10 part series on why ratlab is an obsessive looser. They will be posted on my new blog, thisposthasbeenremovedbytheblogadministrator.blogspot.com.
Oooooo you dang haterz!!! (Does a little rumplestiltskin stamp and dance) All you guys do is make fun of me and stuff, and let me tell you, My MOM is NOT happy! Sure the rents have supported my hare brained get rich quick schemes and lifestyle, but I tell you, as sure as these pubes are growing on my head, I WILL be a success!!
Umm on another note, I have the latest scoop on that fight between G and casey when no one showed up for his pizza/beer/work fest...get ready to be wowed with all the juicy details that Casey came crying to me with!
C'mon guys, seriously, visit my blog..please? Leave a comment too! Do you know how hard it is to keep track of all my sock puppets and alternative egos?
So, since we're lauding ratlab as some kind of hero investigative journalist, can someone remind me please which other investigative journalists post wanted signs for the subjects they are investigating?
"So, since we're lauding ratlab as some kind of hero investigative journalist, can someone remind me please which other investigative journalists post wanted signs for the subjects they are investigating?"
I've been hearing some e-noise to suggest that KC has the secret master Kombucha culture - or at least he _had_ it in the pool before The Modesto Mosquito and Vector Agent took it to the lab. Any info on these developments?
I'm going to have to check out the pub Nigel has awarded me from his award-winning blog.
I can't believe I missed my 2 seconds of Nigel fame. Oh wait, I was busy talking to my neighbor and watching Deadliest Catch on Discovery.
Maybe he should help fucktard with a slander lawsuit against his neighbors given Nigel's excellent track record of DCMA filings.
Or how about this, I'll let you know exactly when I plan to do a little side trip. You and fucktard can bring your FBI MacGyver accountant and I'll bring my friends from local law enforcement, off-duty of course, and we'll have a little get together West Side Story style.
@ratlab On that side trip, don't be fooled if Casey shows up alone, more than likely Nigel is hiding in Casey's ass, and his super secret agent man is invisible.
"can someone remind me please which other investigative journalists post wanted signs for the subjects they are investigating?"
You're kidding me, right?
Bill O'Reilly, Nancy Grace, Geraldo Rivera, Bill Walsh. Basically anyone who investigates criminals and other worthless sacks of crap, like Flakes of the Snow and Corn variety.
On Wiley Coyote’s DHC site there is a poster named “Robert”
His blogger profile ID is http://www.blogger.com/profile/02395478992121353480
“robert said... My point is this is mostly algae caused by the sun.
I guess, but when you get right down to it, all life is "caused" by the sun.
For example, Rob Dawg is ultimately "caused" by the sun. We could just see about getting rid of that pesky sun, but even I draw the line at blowing off a whole solar system just to settle some sort of feud. April 24, 2007 5:14 PM “
And….. On Nigel’s robertcotesux.blogspot.com what do we have? Poster “Robert” with blogger profile ID
“robert said... From the picture, it doesn't seem as if he's worried about his image in the least. April 23, 2007 4:31 PM “
http://www.blogger.com/profile/02395478992121353480 “robert said... Oh... another one:
(overheard at the jail)
Theresa: "Has anyone posted bail for my husband, Robert Cote?"
Sergeant: "No, nobody's posted yet."
Theresa: "FIRST!!!!!" April 22, 2007 6:41 PM “
Now Dawg, a few observations. BOTH blogs:
1.Do not allow anonymous posters 2.Are heavily moderated 3.Do not allow anti NIGEL comments ( anti Casey are OK) 4.Are openly anti EN and you. 5.Are of similar templates and font 6.Are powerbloggers, have technorati and an Atom icon 7.Have the same writing syntax 8.All posts have a left centered picture on top in each post 9. Allow the SAME Robert with the SAME blogger ID to post anti EN/Cote comments when others can't?
I have personally tried to post on both blogs asking Swaby if he is the webhost of the cotesux blog. Not one post gets through. Which begs the obvious.
@Dumbfounded -- not sure what's up with the secret handshakes, but I think there's a few Freemasons in the crew here who've been trading codewords.
I wonder how Integrity Firsts clients and partners would feel knowing there's someone there who has no qualms over putting their personal info on the net if they hurt his little feelings?
It would depend on how 'honest and ethical' the rest of the partners are.
Caseys Utah trip. The "Money-man Mr. G", the fact that no respectable broker would get near Casey let alone try to do deals with him.
Sooner or later the truth will come out and I'll venture to say that Swaby has his hands dirty.
This was over on another blog:
Looking closely said...
When I did some zooming, filtering, and spheric correction on the image reflected in Nigel's glasses, sure looks a lot like "G as in Galina", and not "G as in Big Money Mystery Man".
But, hey, it's Nigel and Casey's conspiracy, they can tell it any way they like for now. April 24, 2007 7:39 PM
I guess we murst now extend the comment to be more correct to say it's Nigel, Casey, and Byron Goates, "Integrity First Financial, Inc." Salt Lake City, Utah 84106 (801) 474-3333
LOL LOL... I love the cafepress merchandise with Haters™ on shirts on his site. He's trying to capitalize off the people he despises. God what a piece of shit this guy is.
I guess if we're considering Bill O'Reilly, Nancy Grace, or Geraldo as "investigative journalists" or even "journalists" we'll go to any lengths. (I can maybe accept Geraldo, though.) I don't believe that America's Most Wanted does any of their own investigation, they just take what the po-po gives them and re-enacts it.
I was just trying to point out that there's an appropriate way to get to the truth. That point was quite obviously lost.
I agree that Casey should be investigated for the things he's done, but it's inappropriate to be putting wanted posters up in his neighborhood.
Why is it inappropriate? Casey is stealing from his neighbors. He is stealing from all of society. Yes, it's a difficult situation he has himself in, but he clearly has made his own bed.
"Robert" made a slipup in a coment here referring to a Nigel comment as something "I wrote"; got caught; and hasn't been seen on EN since.
However, I'm not convinced that cotesux is Nigel -- there's no evidence from SLC that Nigel has any Photoshop chops, and the taunting doesn't quite have Nigel's touch to it. Less snotty disdain, more childish namecalling.
My guess? It's Heekee or someone else from the campidiot crowd. We know that both Casey and Nigel are in bed with them to some extent -- the Zewg searchboxes.
If I'm right, batten down for several more weeks; they're playing to their own audience and they'll enjoy the joke long after it goes stale for the rest of us.
The other day I was cleaning my pool and hot tub, when it occurred to me that perhaps I'd forgotten to restart the filtering pump on my 25,000 gallon pond. Well as luck would have it, I had already done so, and went into my kitchen with the Australian Cypress cabinets to fix myself a sandwich (on my granite countertops). Retiring into my living room with my brand new 52" LCD flat panel TV, I promptly was reminded that Byron had given me some documents I left in my BMW. So I went out through my marble foyer and out into my 3 car garage to fetch it from my italian leather seats.
Oh, did I mention I have a Rolex?
I also have a corsican leather members only jacket. My wife finds me irresistable in it. It reminds her of the night I gave her a custom gold plated olympic pin which was one of the ones I'd with Ian Ziering for.
By the way, I'm loving talking shit about Ratlab. In fact Casey made up this story while we were having dinner last night ironing out our new agreement about Ratlab running away from his house and even mentioned that his plates had been recorded. Well, the cops must definitely have condsidered this a HUGE deal because we STILL don't know who Ratlab is...
Aspeth, They checked for diamonds in the pool filter, but none were found. Rumor is that the secret to the Giant Kombucha is diamond dust. G had so many she never noticed. AS SEEN ON The ExUrb Webs!
It is important to note that it is a whole lot more than just unethical to use a credit research account to look up personal information for unauthorized purposes. All the credit agencies keep meticulous records of inquiries to log just such abuses.
Rob Dawg, Is HOMEY the dude in the photo M. SINGH posted this morning? Even if he isn't, the guy in front drinking the water is exactly how I imagine DA Man.
So does anyone know what happened to Casey? He dropped off the face of the earth for the past 3 days. I bet something big happened.
I have an idea. We should write letters to Yulia's house and tell he that Casey is a criminal and she must kick him out and we can also bring up cashcall.
There's only one THE DUDE(tm) Any further reference to anyone other than myself as Dude or The Dude will result in Nigel filing a formal complaint with the Cohen brothers concerning such use.
Who knows? Weeping into his murse at Y's, waiting for the auction on Friday that strips away the last physical vestiges that are allowing him to still pretend to be a RE flippa/playa, thus leaving only 2.2 mil of debt plus likely indictments, and an intarwebs FULL of incriminating first-person statements/admissions?
It's almost enough to make a person pose for a pensive pose with a stick, playing in green muck, ain't it!?
I'd say IAFF has seriously jumped the shark, so if anyone wants to actually talk about Casey Serin's activities in a place that's semi-permanent, this is it.
If, OTOH, you want to virtually write in the chalk in from of Casey's house, knowing that the rain or random circumstance (not paying web host) may well erase it without notice, leave a message at:
I can pretty much guarantee Nigel had absolutely no idea how this was going to turn out. I'm sure it seemed like a really good idea at the time to use Casey to build traffic.
My truck was moved from MS to WA without incident. It was a professional moving co provided in a relocation plan. I had 30 days to make a claim. The relo aslo gave me a rental until my vehicle arrived
You should be ok if you use a reputable company that is licensed. People move across the country all the time.
I rather annoy other people with my pets and kid on the plane then deal with them on a 4 day road trip :)
Are some of you in the Sacramento area? We need firsthand eyewitness reports. Someone should go out for a drive by a few select addresses and see if that sweet v-dub is parked outside.
Aspiring Web Journalist Lands Real Estate Story of the Year
"As I kept reading his story, I realized he's very intelligent and pretty shrewd about reaching his goal of avoiding foreclosure," Swaby added. When mainstream media stories hit in October, their slant on Casey's situation was primarily negative. Swaby continued, "I wanted to give Casey a fair shake and write objectively about his investments, his marketing abilities with the blog and his future plans."
Fuck Nigel. Fuck him for calling another person a chicken. Funny how one minute he goes after Casey to show he's not happy and the next he's defending him.
Isn't Casey a man or is he a Murse? Nigel, who fucking cares if Ratlab has some posters to hang? Oh that's right...you and Casey do.
Why so worried Nigel Swaby? Can't Casey take care of himself? How do you know if Casey's story is true? I would bet Casey made this all up.
Maybe it is true since GALINA SERIN had to walk over to a strange car instead of Casey. What a man he is.
Did I say Nigel Swaby sucks? Why would anybody do business with Nigel Swaby since he thinks Casey is so damn great. Nigel Swaby has to be the one behind Cotesux. The common thread is Robert. I doubt Heekee really cares.
Hope you nail whatever scumbag did that to you to the wall. Freakin' losers looking up shit with a credit reserach account. Man I hope it's that unethical toad Nigel. I think THAT would be enough to get his license pulled once and for all..it's not like we are hurting him, he can always go back to selling olympic bowling pins or whatever the frack he calls it.
Rob, please nail the sumbitch to the wall. If he is using his powers to look up people's credit info then I hope you get his ass arrested.
I hope you also lay down the law and demand he remove that offensive crap site with the word sux in it. We know it's him, no way it isn't.
Fucking Nigel scumbag Swaby. He better not be looking up people's personal info. Hear that Nigel scumbag dumbass? Do you realize the mess you've created for yourself.
Rob Dawg...go ahead and put the hurt on Cornflake...and while you're at it, get his brokerage's access to credit files stopped (because I seriously don't think realtard would use his own $$$ to peek into your life for dirt) Then you-know-who's income will dry up even more and he'll have to launch even more blogs and waste more of his life and money making opportunities...infinite sweetness!
Oh and much love to Homey...he's a hunny! Keep it real baby!
I am a casey hater, but frankly i find the lot you quite pathetic. here you go ranting on about what a scum casey is, yet when he closes his site you all are practically squealing like you had your candy taken! if you guys wanted to hang on to his every latest post perhaps you shouldnt have abused the moderation postings in the first place...and oh get off your high horses...case in point wat 'T' /nacho nag session and Annie...what kind i say to such a hypocrite
First™! :-)
I cede to the glory of benoit.
Kirk is gonna be pissed and "dude," I thought you were like you know totally okay with firstiness and like sharing fer sure.
Missed it by *this* much!
:: takes bows :: -- heh, I was worried about the extra 2 seconds it took to get the trademark symbol in there, but in the end. IT'S ALL GOOD™ :o)
Would you believe a Boy Scout with a German Shepard?
Ahhh the great classics of literature.
At least I HAVE an excuse.. I was driving home from my Looooser Job.
Fix forums, jerk!
It's all about monetizing the blog!
I guess Tenth would have been more accurate. I guess letting it idle for a while doesn't help. Ah well, we can't win 'em all.
Damn you job, I coulda bin a contender.
Dawg wrote: ... or have you ever been a Haterz™?
"A Haterz"...? If Haterz is the singular form, what's the plural? Haterzes™? :)
Wouldn't it be funny if dawg gets money from exurban before Casey does on IAFF? Throw up some adsense and the babe on the ball would pay for the mortgage dawg.
Did you guys see that Nigel Swaby's Smarmy tactics go international?
Ah, children in small villages will sing songs of the swaby.
Nice Steph.
Is the 4th SIXTH, still SIXTH?
Oh man, I think Steph is going to do a swift boot kick to my nether regions.
Well, like maybe, this time I'm OK with it.
However, I will reclaim my throne of FIRSTNESS.....you bunch of freakin' loosers.
I think I'll offer Casey some sweet coin to custom code a "FIRST alert" so I can get the jump on everybody.....nevermind, he can't code a telephone number.
Hey, you freakin' haters... I just forwarded my wife this interesting ABC News Online article: Is Your Husband Gay?
Hopefully she'll get the hint and divorce me ;-)
Do you associate with algae or mortgage brokers?
I would rather hang out with algae than mortgage brokers.
I never read the topic until I claim "you know what"....
Dawg chose every dirty penny rather than FORUMS!.....can you believe it? What a looser.
Q: "Hey, algae. Whatcha doin' hangin' round dem mortgage brokers?"
Ans: "Slummin'."
Curious....have you crossed the burning sands?
When I'm not associating with algae, I'm a 133t h@x0r, and I've just used my skillz to hack the IAFF markup, 'cos you never know what might be lurking there. Interesting finds (commented-out markup) include:
"Are you facing foreclosure? Email me for help."
"Real Estate Investing, Shady Loans, Getting Overleveraged, Selling Fast, Facing Foreclosure & Bankruptcy" (this evidently intended as a title byline)
Under "Sponsored by" links to http://www.housebuyernetwork.com (incl. Stop Foreclosure) and to http://realestateinvestors.tv.
Apologies if this is old stuff.
that's the old Duane LeGate stuff
Casey's orginal first name was Konstantin, right?
Mi mi, mi mi mi...
@Fat Lady: That's High-larious
Today I would like to speak about the importance the garbage disposal when selling a house. Let's take for example say...my garbage disposal. Of course not everyone has a high end unit like I happen to have but it's important to maintain it just the same.
Let us also delve into counter tops. For instance; my house has granite counter tops. It is very important to wipe them often.
In closing I would just like to add that, although you might not have high end lawn lighting like mine or a marble foyer such as I happen to have in my home, it is important to maintain your property.
I also have a Rolex.
-Nigel Swaby
Award Winner
Okay now you're in trouble!
Which one of you had the bright idea of telling him to jump into the pool? Yeah, very funny. Now look at what you did!
Yes, I have. Back in 1994.
Casey's own creation gives him the push he needs to dive headfirst into his work.
@ uzbecki durok
That's correct.
Nigel, why does it say "Rollex" on your watch?
Typical Haterz. If you don't have something positive to say about my watch I will be forced to delete your comment.
I'm actually impressed with Casey. He's manage to stay away from the blog for three whole days now. This is the first time that he has actually accomplished anything he has set out to do.
That or CashCall seized his PDA and computer.
My point is this is mostly algae caused by the sun.
Meanwhile, in an alternate universe…
April 24,2007 Tashkent, Uzbekistan Soviet Socialist Republic, USSR
State prosecutors in Tashkent today brought charges of hoarding, criminal speculation, and hooliganism against K.A. Serin, who was responsible for fulfilling the annual plan at the Lenin’s Glory State Collective Farm #26 near Namangan, Uzbekistan. K.A. Serin sold the collective farm’s entire cotton crop six times to six different state clothing factories, and sold the farm’s entire melon crop five times to different state markets in Moscow, Omsk, Leningrad, Samara, and Rostov-on-Don. He then took the proceeds from his illegal sales and bribed a tractor factory to sell him 2,000 tractors, which he thought he could then resell at a capitalist markup to collective farms in Uzbekistan facing difficulties meeting their state quotas. Unfortunately, K.A. Serin failed to inspect the ill-gotten tractors prior to accepting them, and they proved to be inoperable and unsellable. The collective farm now lacks funds to buy seeds for spring planting from the state agricultural organization, and the shop at the collective farm is bare of goods.
At the hearing today, K.A. Serin stated that he was only doing a “sweet deal” that would provide a “win-win” for the inhabitants of Lenin’s Glory State Collective Farm #26. However, witnesses at the hearing stated that K.A. Serin had recently bought a new Zhiguli automobile, frequently wore decadent Western jeans, and had taken a number of plane trips to Sochi for late-night meetings with “agricultural suppliers”.
Prosecutor N.S. Smirnov stated: “Comrades, this case shows that we cannot weaken our vigilance against capitalist parasites. It is not an accident that K.A. Serin went from admiring decadent Western fashions to engaging in decadent Western business practices. Konstantin Aleksovich needs to reacquaint himself with the dignity of farm labor – in a place somewhat colder than Uzbekistan.”
When asked if he had anything to say in his defense, K.A. Serin stated that it was all the fault of the “Haterniki” in the Party, and that given just a little more time and a few more meetings with “agricultural suppliers”, he would have been able to repay “every dirty kopeck” of state funds. The court was not impressed by K.A. Serin’s argument.
I have a funny feeling Casey was kicked out and is now staying at his parents house.
You have a ROLEX?!? I've never heard of anyone having a Rolex, an award winning blog, and a 25,000 gallon pond with fish and stuff. You do have an award winning blog, don't you? You didn't mention it so I'm not sure.
I was going to save the Rolex for a top level post but it my article seemed incomplete without the watch for reference.
Please check out my next article, featured in the upcoming Carnival of Narcissism", entitled "Mortgage Loans As They Pertain to My BMW". I can almost smell the Bronze.
@ 5:59 Mister B
I'm actually impressed with Casey. He's manage to stay away from the blog for three whole days now. This is the first time that he has actually accomplished anything he has set out to do.
Well, remember, to carry out this accomplishment means he had to do nothing. And Snowflake seems to be quite experienced at this.
As of 6:18 PM it will have been 72 hours since we've seen an IAFF comment or moderation. Is that a record, excepting times when Snowflake was out of town for a vacation or gurufest?
I am disappointed. I was hoping for a begathon so I could bid on some Dirtee Penni action.
You have got to be a writer. It's nice to be able to read your blog for a quick run thru of the boring (except for the haters comments) saga that is Casey and Nigel's lives.
Nice wit, biting action, great insults, unsympathetic main characters that end up getting fucked, it would make a good novel.
I really think Nigel is beginning to lose it. His business is drying up faster than his hairline receded, Flailing Forward has cornered SEO rankings for Foreclosure Avoiders...
The poor guy doesn't know whether to love or hate Casey now.
"Slothfull asses" LOL!
@anon 6:25
If by lose it you mean his hair, be true dat.
I can imagine Nigel coming home from another dead day at "work" and telling his significant other "Well, there's always the olympics coming up, and don't forget I can call anyone of these celebrities that I met at the VIP parties...let's see, all their numbers have the first 3 digits 555.."
New post up at Nigel Loves Casey. He's giving Ratlab some publicity.
C-C-C Casey,
I have been reaching out to you from the spirit world but can't seem to make a connection. Hoping you'll catch this on EN.
GSPG last trade today was 1.3 million shares trading @ $0.0021 (UNDER the bid of $0.0022!) It's offered @ $0.0023.
Time to double up your position? If you liked it at $0.0034, you have to love it here.
Happy speculating,
From the Casey Is Not Gay blog:
The Swab says:
"Wow some random dude actually took the time to drive ot [sic] there and take photos of Casey. Unreal. He is becoming a national obsession."
If taking pictures of the guy is an obsession then having wheatgrass shots with him has to be Love.
@ 6:30 PM, Legion:
That's 555-2759 to you, sir.
Aanon 6:40
Don't forget, Nigel Swaby made it a point to have a wheatgrass shot with Casey AND get his picture taken with him. Isn't that kind of obssesive? Also, didn't Mr Baldy also start a blog defending his obsession, write award winning material about his obsession in his first blog, and pretty much has decided to go down with his lover?
Also, if one guy taking pictures of Casey (Ahem, you did that too Nigel you loser) is a ntional obsession, then I guess someone who puts out his own press release is ALSO an award winning blog jounalist.
How are those pubes growing? Maybe you should water them.
oh noes! Nigel mocks ratlab!
Of course, since he has no personal info about ratlab, there's not all that much he can say other than to make fun of him. Score 1 for ratlab.
At least the picture of the rat and chicken had hair on them.
The idea of Casey seeing those flyers every time he leaves his house is hilarious.
Nice work, RL.
It's not stalking if you are an award winning industry writer. Just because CS stayed in my ornately furnished gigantic guest room in my beautiful home does not necessarily mean I'm gay either.
You know, I really wish that I had some Photoshop skills. Or even just Photoshop...
An awesome little cartoon to make would be attaching some short and curlies to Nigel's head with a dialog bubble that says "Thanks for the heads up, Mom!"
@walt -- Google a program called "The GIMP". It's a free Photoshop alternative.
Nigel Swaby is such an idiot. I see "ratlab" as an awesome investigative journalist. Protective order? What an ass. Casey has been in dozens of media outlets and even Swaby himself attempts to report on him. "ratlab" is doing nothing different, other than bringing the people what they really want to see.
Nigel doesn't seem to realize nobody cares what his opinion is. His only function is for amusement purposes only.
If I was closer to Sacramento, I'd love to join up with ratlab and let him document me knocking on Yulias door to interview her. I'd then go interview everyone Casey is attached to, anyone who knows him and Galina, etc, etc.
I'm surprised nobody has done this yet. Swaby is a massive assclown for thinking that there's something illegal about any of this. 60 Minutes and many other media outlets do this stuff all the time.
IANAL, but as far as I know you cannot get a "protective order" unless there's reason to believe that people's lives are in danger.
We need a protective order from Nigel!
Think we could deport him until the Bejing Olympics are done? He's got billion people to sell pins to until then...
Nigel's just losing it because he's already lost ranking for Foreclosure Avoiderz and now Ratlab has one-upped him as the REAL Aspiring Internet Journalist.
sixty-MURST loosers!
Hi everybody. I just got here. I see I got a lot of reading to catch up on......
The more Nigel Swaby tries to take swats at us "haterz", the more it becomes obvious he has something to hide.
He's hoping he'll scare everyone away. What a lamer. He's only making me confident he'll be exposed soon.
There's just too much to ignore. Caseys Utah trip. The "Money-man Mr. G", the fact that no respectable broker would get near Casey let alone try to do deals with him.
Sooner or later the truth will come out and I'll venture to say that Swaby has his hands dirty.
wow, the best Nigel's RD sux site can do is photoshop a blue shirt & a murse on the Dawg! ROFLMAO. Nigel you fucktard, don't you get that you are just making a bigger ass out of youself?
Of course you don't...did your mother drop you a lot as a child? I'm sure she said it was all an accident but...
The more Nigel Swaby speaks, the more it becomes evident how amateurish he is.
He doesn't even come off as being adult. His actions are much more along the lines of a juvenile. Granted, I've heard he's never really grown up and his parents still carry him from one failed career to another.
I think it's about time the heat was turned up on Swaby.
Who and what governing agencies can we contact in Utah? I cannot believe someone like him has a mortgage brokers license. He's about the most unprofessional person I've ever seen.
At 6:36 PM, Jesse Livermore said...
"...GSPG last trade today was 1.3 million shares trading @ $0.0021 (UNDER the bid of $0.0022!) It's offered @ $0.0023."
Interestingly, 1.3 million shares is the number that Casey claimed to have bought on 4/1/07, via his corporation.
He has studiously avoided giving a yes or no answer to the question of whether that claim was true, or an April Fool's joke.
Forced liquidation?
OK, I'm finished with my speed reading here. What I still dont get is:
1. What's the hullabaloo from Homey about?
2. How come nobody's fucking showed me the secret hand shake?
I wonder how Integrity Firsts clients and partners would feel knowing there's someone there who has no qualms over putting their personal info on the net if they hurt his little feelings?
Who in the world would do business with such a childish person?
Nigels idea of reporting - "landing" the "story of the year" after 100,000 people already knew about it. And who can forget that future award winning breaking piece - "The RV"
Nobody cared. Nobody was impressed whatsoever.
Ratlab on the other hand gave us the scoop! Gave the people what they wanted to see! Ratlab rawks!
My sources tell me that "someone" ( cough cough) dropped dime to MR. Blip about Snowflakes little episode about not signing the contract and skipping town for a week, along with him lying about the rent, posting on a public blog a private conversation without consent, and that he admits to having an undisclosed corporation with enough money to pay off the loan. Me thinks Snowflake has been laying low, ( not at Yulia's) as Mr. Blip's associates have been a knockin'.
Also, Snowflake was enraged that Ratlab outed him on Saturday. Now you can't have Begathon II to get money for the non existent pool clean up. Fucktard and G got into a huge fight that night. Guess who's side Yulia took?
Yes, Snowflake, I know you will read this. Are you staying at Mom & Dad's house now or Dustin's?
Face it. You are toast. No more houses. No more scamming. IAFF is done. Now G's on the way out. Even your butt buddy Nigey Poo is a hater now.
Do what Homey said, turn yourself in, before Yulia or G does.
"Nigel you fucktard, don't you get that you are just making a bigger ass out of youself?"
No. He doesn't get it AT ALL. It's freaking hilarious!
@ 7:22 anon
Come on. Let's face it. No way Nigel can make himself a bigger ass. He perfected it at birth.
You people are completely wrong. Ratlab is a pathetic obsessive freak with a sick fascination with Casey. I'm going to let Casey know about this when I fly down to see him Thursday.
Please see my upcoming 10 part series on why ratlab is an obsessive looser. They will be posted on my new blog, thisposthasbeenremovedbytheblogadministrator.blogspot.com.
Does anyone have Snowflake's phone number? I'm worried about him and think one of us should give him a call. He he he.
Oooooo you dang haterz!!! (Does a little rumplestiltskin stamp and dance)
All you guys do is make fun of me and stuff, and let me tell you, My MOM is NOT happy! Sure the rents have supported my hare brained get rich quick schemes and lifestyle, but I tell you, as sure as these pubes are growing on my head, I WILL be a success!!
0 comments, zippo, nada, nothing
(916) 595-9632
Umm on another note, I have the latest scoop on that fight between G and casey when no one showed up for his pizza/beer/work fest...get ready to be wowed with all the juicy details that Casey came crying to me with!
C'mon guys, seriously, visit my blog..please? Leave a comment too! Do you know how hard it is to keep track of all my sock puppets and alternative egos?
Ok, how about if I create a new blog
Nigey Poo - Alternative lifestyle!
Nigey Poo - Yes you can grow pubes on your head!
So, since we're lauding ratlab as some kind of hero investigative journalist, can someone remind me please which other investigative journalists post wanted signs for the subjects they are investigating?
I keep thinking this story can't get any funnier. But then it does.
"So, since we're lauding ratlab as some kind of hero investigative journalist, can someone remind me please which other investigative journalists post wanted signs for the subjects they are investigating?"
Uhh, "Americas Most Wanted"?
I've been hearing some e-noise to suggest that KC has the secret master Kombucha culture - or at least he _had_ it in the pool before The Modesto Mosquito and Vector Agent took it to the lab. Any info on these developments?
I'm going to have to check out the pub Nigel has awarded me from his award-winning blog.
I can't believe I missed my 2 seconds of Nigel fame. Oh wait, I was busy talking to my neighbor and watching Deadliest Catch on Discovery.
Maybe he should help fucktard with a slander lawsuit against his neighbors given Nigel's excellent track record of DCMA filings.
Or how about this, I'll let you know exactly when I plan to do a little side trip. You and fucktard can bring your FBI MacGyver accountant and I'll bring my friends from local law enforcement, off-duty of course, and we'll have a little get together West Side Story style.
Or maybe you can join the Haterz' darkside?
I like Flailing Forward's site:
Foreclosure Avoiders Changed My Life
On that side trip, don't be fooled if Casey shows up alone, more than likely Nigel is hiding in Casey's ass, and his super secret agent man is invisible.
and i thought i was the only one dropping off reading material in casey's neighborhood.
"can someone remind me please which other investigative journalists post wanted signs for the subjects they are investigating?"
You're kidding me, right?
Bill O'Reilly, Nancy Grace, Geraldo Rivera, Bill Walsh. Basically anyone who investigates criminals and other worthless sacks of crap, like Flakes of the Snow and Corn variety.
On Wiley Coyote’s DHC site there is a poster named “Robert”
His blogger profile ID is
“robert said...
My point is this is mostly algae caused by the sun.
I guess, but when you get right down to it, all life is "caused" by the sun.
For example, Rob Dawg is ultimately "caused" by the sun. We could just see about getting rid of that pesky sun, but even I draw the line at blowing off a whole solar system just to settle some sort of feud.
April 24, 2007 5:14 PM “
And….. On Nigel’s robertcotesux.blogspot.com what do we have? Poster “Robert” with blogger profile ID
“robert said...
From the picture, it doesn't seem as if he's worried about his image in the least.
April 23, 2007 4:31 PM “
“robert said...
Oh... another one:
(overheard at the jail)
Theresa: "Has anyone posted bail for my husband, Robert Cote?"
Sergeant: "No, nobody's posted yet."
Theresa: "FIRST!!!!!"
April 22, 2007 6:41 PM “
Now Dawg, a few observations. BOTH blogs:
1.Do not allow anonymous posters
2.Are heavily moderated
3.Do not allow anti NIGEL comments ( anti Casey are OK)
4.Are openly anti EN and you.
5.Are of similar templates and font
6.Are powerbloggers, have technorati and an Atom icon
7.Have the same writing syntax
8.All posts have a left centered picture on top in each post
9. Allow the SAME Robert with the SAME blogger ID to post anti EN/Cote comments when others can't?
I have personally tried to post on both blogs asking Swaby if he is the webhost of the cotesux blog. Not one post gets through. Which begs the obvious.
What a fucktard.
@Dumbfounded -- not sure what's up with the secret handshakes, but I think there's a few Freemasons in the crew here who've been trading codewords.
I wonder how Integrity Firsts clients and partners would feel knowing there's someone there who has no qualms over putting their personal info on the net if they hurt his little feelings?
It would depend on how 'honest and ethical' the rest of the partners are.
(or is that nintymurst?)
Interesting -
This morning, on the drive to work, there was a radio ad for a "free" Rich Dad 2 day seminar in Portland next week.
Perhaps snowflake needs a refresher course?
At 7:09 PM, Anonymous said...
Caseys Utah trip. The "Money-man Mr. G", the fact that no respectable broker would get near Casey let alone try to do deals with him.
Sooner or later the truth will come out and I'll venture to say that Swaby has his hands dirty.
This was over on another blog:
Looking closely said...
When I did some zooming, filtering, and spheric correction on the image reflected in Nigel's glasses, sure looks a lot like "G as in Galina", and not "G as in Big Money Mystery Man".
But, hey, it's Nigel and Casey's conspiracy, they can tell it any way they like for now.
April 24, 2007 7:39 PM
I guess we murst now extend the comment to be more correct to say it's Nigel, Casey, and Byron Goates, "Integrity First Financial, Inc." Salt Lake City, Utah 84106
(801) 474-3333
@Akubi...isn't that the first step toward Casey's african diamond theme park?
LOL LOL... I love the cafepress merchandise with Haters™ on shirts on his site. He's trying to capitalize off the people he despises. God what a piece of shit this guy is.
I am an atheist...
If Casey got arrested, I think I might believe again.
A must read.
Casey Hair Auction
I guess if we're considering Bill O'Reilly, Nancy Grace, or Geraldo as "investigative journalists" or even "journalists" we'll go to any lengths. (I can maybe accept Geraldo, though.) I don't believe that America's Most Wanted does any of their own investigation, they just take what the po-po gives them and re-enacts it.
I was just trying to point out that there's an appropriate way to get to the truth. That point was quite obviously lost.
I agree that Casey should be investigated for the things he's done, but it's inappropriate to be putting wanted posters up in his neighborhood.
@ Sprezz
So you haven't learned the secret handshake either, eh? That make me feel better since I'm not the only looser here.
@ Leigh
Agreed! I might find religion too if Snowflake gets what he deserves. And I'm not talking easy money either.
Anyone know what's up with Homey today?
Why is it inappropriate? Casey is stealing from his neighbors. He is stealing from all of society. Yes, it's a difficult situation he has himself in, but he clearly has made his own bed.
Odd question - has anyone ever had their car shipped across country? I am leaving to Boston in August, from Phoenix.
Anybody have experiences/horror stories?
Had a car moved from Austin to Sac a few years ago. Cost a little. But all went well.
@Legion 6:22...Thank you for the kind words.
@I'm going to Swaby my pants...I, quite literally, laughed out loud.
"Robert" made a slipup in a coment here referring to a Nigel comment as something "I wrote"; got caught; and hasn't been seen on EN since.
However, I'm not convinced that cotesux is Nigel -- there's no evidence from SLC that Nigel has any Photoshop chops, and the taunting doesn't quite have Nigel's touch to it. Less snotty disdain, more childish namecalling.
My guess? It's Heekee or someone else from the campidiot crowd. We know that both Casey and Nigel are in bed with them to some extent -- the Zewg searchboxes.
If I'm right, batten down for several more weeks; they're playing to their own audience and they'll enjoy the joke long after it goes stale for the rest of us.
@anon 8:16...other than you might want to rethink the car in boston. if you're in the city, that's going to be a wildly expensive proposition.
The other day I was cleaning my pool and hot tub, when it occurred to me that perhaps I'd forgotten to restart the filtering pump on my 25,000 gallon pond. Well as luck would have it, I had already done so, and went into my kitchen with the Australian Cypress cabinets to fix myself a sandwich (on my granite countertops). Retiring into my living room with my brand new 52" LCD flat panel TV, I promptly was reminded that Byron had given me some documents I left in my BMW. So I went out through my marble foyer and out into my 3 car garage to fetch it from my italian leather seats.
Oh, did I mention I have a Rolex?
I also have a corsican leather members only jacket. My wife finds me irresistable in it. It reminds her of the night I gave her a custom gold plated olympic pin which was one of the ones I'd with Ian Ziering for.
By the way, I'm loving talking shit about Ratlab. In fact Casey made up this story while we were having dinner last night ironing out our new agreement about Ratlab running away from his house and even mentioned that his plates had been recorded. Well, the cops must definitely have condsidered this a HUGE deal because we STILL don't know who Ratlab is...
They checked for diamonds in the pool filter, but none were found. Rumor is that the secret to the Giant Kombucha is diamond dust. G had so many she never noticed. AS SEEN ON The ExUrb Webs!
"swaby my pants"? Great Handle. Is that like a sanitary napkin or something?
Homey gotz biznezz, don't mess wit da clown.
It is important to note that it is a whole lot more than just unethical to use a credit research account to look up personal information for unauthorized purposes. All the credit agencies keep meticulous records of inquiries to log just such abuses.
Aspeth, i am living outside of Boston, it's just the nearest big city.
But i have an AWARD WINNING BLOG, i make millions, i can afford it
Rob Dawg,
Is HOMEY the dude in the photo M. SINGH posted this morning? Even if he isn't, the guy in front drinking the water is exactly how I imagine DA Man.
Speaking of awards. EN had more page views yesterday than IAFF.
Did you know that Nigey Poo has a new CD out?
Snap it up quick!
Nigel's CD Cover Image
So does anyone know what happened to Casey? He dropped off the face of the earth for the past 3 days. I bet something big happened.
I have an idea. We should write letters to Yulia's house and tell he that Casey is a criminal and she must kick him out and we can also bring up cashcall.
Akubi, I have no idea. I've been too busy to fact check today.
there are no words for that CD.
Nigel's Publicist said...
Is HOMEY the dude
There's only one THE DUDE(tm) Any further reference to anyone other than myself as Dude or The Dude will result in Nigel filing a formal complaint with the Cohen brothers concerning such use.
Get it while it's hot - i reckon i'll have dmca's falling out my arse before morning!
Are you sayin? Tellz me it aint so.
NO he didn't.Fo sho?
I hadz a feelin brotha. DAMM!
U kin emailz me iffin u be needin sum help on wat too do bout dat, but I spose u gots da 411 now. FO SHO.
Someone asked where Casey is...
Who knows? Weeping into his murse at Y's, waiting for the auction on Friday that strips away the last physical vestiges that are allowing him to still pretend to be a RE flippa/playa, thus leaving only 2.2 mil of debt plus likely indictments, and an intarwebs FULL of incriminating first-person statements/admissions?
It's almost enough to make a person pose for a pensive pose with a stick, playing in green muck, ain't it!?
I'd say IAFF has seriously jumped the shark, so if anyone wants to actually talk about Casey Serin's activities in a place that's semi-permanent, this is it.
If, OTOH, you want to virtually write in the chalk in from of Casey's house, knowing that the rain or random circumstance (not paying web host) may well erase it without notice, leave a message at:
Comments seem to still be enabled without moderation... for now.
Nigel's publicist:
Sombody must snap this up and save it for posterity immediately.
Congrats. I wonder if Nigel has had as many? Or is he "satisfied" with what he's got (I mean his 2759)? Too bad he won't post a site meter.
@Anon 8:30...I'm drinking to 'award-winning'
Rob, time to stake your claim on being a bigger go-to site than even Casey's. How ironic is that.
New post time.
Interesting. More page views here than at IAFF. I thought there were only 12 haters and tons of Casey supporters. Weird.
This just hugely cracks me up.
I can pretty much guarantee Nigel had absolutely no idea how this was going to turn out. I'm sure it seemed like a really good idea at the time to use Casey to build traffic.
Nigel is mad mad MAD!
He wanted Casey all to himself.
"Maybe now he's [Ratlab] less rat and more...[chicken]"
Nah Nigel, you know who's chicken? That person running the Cote Sux page.
Hmmmmmm How long til Nigel appraoches Rob with a win-win traffc sharing arrangement? C'mon Nigel, you know you want to! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
anon 8:16,
My truck was moved from MS to WA without incident. It was a professional moving co provided in a relocation plan. I had 30 days to make a claim. The relo aslo gave me a rental until my vehicle arrived
You should be ok if you use a reputable company that is licensed. People move across the country all the time.
I rather annoy other people with my pets and kid on the plane then deal with them on a 4 day road trip :)
Nigel is going to start the Rob Cote the positive take and have a meeting with you in Utah.
Are some of you in the Sacramento area? We need firsthand eyewitness reports. Someone should go out for a drive by a few select addresses and see if that sweet v-dub is parked outside.
Aspiring Web Journalist Lands Real Estate Story of the Year
"As I kept reading his story, I realized he's very intelligent and pretty shrewd about reaching his goal of avoiding foreclosure," Swaby added. When mainstream media stories hit in October, their slant on Casey's situation was primarily negative. Swaby continued, "I wanted to give Casey a fair shake and write objectively about his investments, his marketing abilities with the blog and his future plans."
"As I kept reading his story, I realized he's very intelligent and pretty shrewd about reaching his goal of avoiding foreclosure," Swaby added."
@ Rob-Dawg
I think I get it. Do the posts at 8:25 and 8:55 have something in common?
Hmmmmmm How long til Nigel appraoches Rob with a win-win traffc sharing arrangement? C'mon Nigel, you know you want to! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Pure genius.
Fuck Nigel. Fuck him for calling another person a chicken. Funny how one minute he goes after Casey to show he's not happy and the next he's defending him.
Isn't Casey a man or is he a Murse? Nigel, who fucking cares if Ratlab has some posters to hang? Oh that's right...you and Casey do.
Why so worried Nigel Swaby? Can't Casey take care of himself? How do you know if Casey's story is true? I would bet Casey made this all up.
Maybe it is true since GALINA SERIN had to walk over to a strange car instead of Casey. What a man he is.
Did I say Nigel Swaby sucks? Why would anybody do business with Nigel Swaby since he thinks Casey is so damn great. Nigel Swaby has to be the one behind Cotesux. The common thread is Robert. I doubt Heekee really cares.
Hope you nail whatever scumbag did that to you to the wall. Freakin' losers looking up shit with a credit reserach account. Man I hope it's that unethical toad Nigel. I think THAT would be enough to get his license pulled once and for all..it's not like we are hurting him, he can always go back to selling olympic bowling pins or whatever the frack he calls it.
By the way Nigel publicist, that was funny as hell.
Rob, please nail the sumbitch to the wall. If he is using his powers to look up people's credit info then I hope you get his ass arrested.
I hope you also lay down the law and demand he remove that offensive crap site with the word sux in it. We know it's him, no way it isn't.
Fucking Nigel scumbag Swaby. He better not be looking up people's personal info. Hear that Nigel scumbag dumbass? Do you realize the mess you've created for yourself.
I hope you rot in jail. You go Rob.
Rob Dawg...go ahead and put the hurt on Cornflake...and while you're at it, get his brokerage's access to credit files stopped (because I seriously don't think realtard would use his own $$$ to peek into your life for dirt) Then you-know-who's income will dry up even more and he'll have to launch even more blogs and waste more of his life and money making opportunities...infinite sweetness!
Oh and much love to Homey...he's a hunny! Keep it real baby!
I am a casey hater, but frankly i find the lot you quite pathetic. here you go ranting on about what a scum casey is, yet when he closes his site you all are practically squealing like you had your candy taken! if you guys wanted to hang on to his every latest post perhaps you shouldnt have abused the moderation postings in the first place...and oh get off your high horses...case in point wat 'T' /nacho nag session and Annie...what kind i say to such a hypocrite
Ok Nigel, we will.
Some nice conversation going on about how one can stop a foreclosure .
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