Saturday, April 21, 2007

Casey Drops In

Casey drops in to clean the pool. Cashcall is waiting. Thanks to "wagga."


Anonymous said...


The Dude said...

Since you are anonymous, you can't claim FIRST!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Great pic Rob Dawg!

The Dude said...

The guys at Landmark Properties, SC are back on the air. Tonight's episode featured a POS with, get this, a neglected pool full of green crap. Hmmmmm, where have I heard this scenerio....

The episode is airing now...more updates to come. Somebody call Snowflake and have him tune; maybe he'll learn something

Anonymous said...

Casey's back... and he angry.

479. Casey Serin
April 21st, 2007 at 6:18 pm

Just got back from Modesto and looked over the instant comments that came in today. I have no words for this. I thought I can trust you guys to keep this place reasonable. I guess not. Too many accounts too ban. Too many vulgar comments to delete. Too much time spent on negative people.

I’ve had enough of this crap for now … and maybe for good.

Anonymous said...

...and so the deletion begins.

The Dude said...

Landmark = Trademark


Kerriella said...

Oh Lord! He is such a moron! Considering the last 2 times he left the comments open today was incredibly tame and civil.

What a dork! I wonder if he has been looking for a reason to close the blog but that doesn't make sense because he lives for the attention.

Anonymous said...

He is such a wanker.

Guess he made no progress, so he has to invent a tirade about how bad the haterz wuz while he was out earning his daily bread...

Looks like the inevitable pimping of Galina is all he has left.

He turned off comments, so I guess we will need to use this or another blog to chat about the 'poster child for bad flipping.'

He is such an egomaniac, I wonder how long he will be able to resist turning it back on and digging in with both feet... seems to be his one success is drawing FREE eyeballs to his site...must be maddening to him that he can't 'monetize' all that interest...

Anonymous said...

Oh God No
Say it isn't so.
Casey say's the blog is gonna go

Casey will be lost
And what will be the cost
G gives him a sexual frost

Catch ya later.

Anonymous said...

So true about comment deletion at IAFF ... I'm hitting reload at IAFF, and the count for comments keeps going down and down ... it's like watching "Eternal Sunshine", but in slow motion ...

Anonymous said...

479 comments....463....456....

I hope he leaves the Nigel stuff. That was funny.

Kerriella said...

So does this mean no beg-a-thon tonight? lol

Anonymous said...

So we all know what happened.

He got there around 3, couldn't find a generator/pump, drove around, stopped for lunch, decided to kill time so he went to the neighbor's garage, "borrowed" a lawn chair, pulled up next to the pool, slathered bug dope on, then stripped down to his speed-o and worked on his tan.

After the alarm on his watch went off, he awoke, got redressed, drove home and found out that while the cat was away, the mice they did play.
And now he is pissed.

Any bets on how long he keeps it shut down? I say back up and running by Monday morning!

Schnapps said...

Aww...poor snookums.

Sounds like Casey needs a cookie.


Anonymous said...

What the hell did he expect would happen with open posting?

I just laugh at the mental picture of him comming home, looking at the comments, and furrowing his brow in a vain attempt to delete everything.

It was fun while it lasted.

Schnapps said...

And anon @6:40:

Eww. I didn't need the picture of Casey in a speedo.

Nightmares tonight, I tell you.


flailing forward said...

Aw, he dumped Nigel's Guest Blogger and the Real Nigel Swaby. My Nigel harassment posts are still there, but it looks like I'm talking to myself.

Anonymous said...

Down to 440 now...he is zapping them as fast as the skeeters were biting today on Muncy Drive!

Kerriella said...

yeah the speedo image was a bit much for me as well. I think I threw up in my mouth a little. lol

Anonymous said...

Geez -

I hope there was a way for someone to save all that stuff....

Anonymous said...

I love the "I thought I could trust you guys to keep it reasonable" bit. Oh, come on. Get real.

Nigel spoofing. The Galina trampoline. Pool speculation. Definitely one of the great days for IAFF. :)

Casey.. since you have commenting turned off and I *know* you read EN, listen. You want IAFF to make money - or, more specifically, you want your readers to make you money. And those readers are us.

Problem is, you want it to be sweet passive income. No effort on your part. Ain't gonna happen. I tried to tell you. Others tried to tell you. But as usual, you didn't listen. The more you try to limit what people comment, the worse it gets.

And come on. You have to admit, a lot of that stuff was pretty damned funny.

flailing forward said...

I've got some of the Nigel stuff saved here.

Anonymous said...

I am so disappointed in Mr. Casey. I left what I thought were productive and supportive posts today. I even expressed worry about him when he wasn't back reporting to us yet. And he deleted my comments!
All I said was I was concerned about him and I hoped he had his phone in case he got injured.
Sheesh. Even we we love, he paints us as haterz.

Kerriella said...

Good God! Just jumped from 440 down to 342. He is deleting eveything.

Anonymous said...

Down to 342 comments and dropping.

And it isn't just "vulgar" comments disappearing. References to Hammar Investments is now gone.

There's something up with Hammar Investments that needs to be discovered and disseminated.

Schnapps said...

Anon @6:53

Don't feel bad! You tried! Which is more than I can say for Casey.

So itsallgood. Sweet!

Anonymous said...

Looks like Snowflake has his panties in a bunch. His latest hissy fit went from # 479 to #451.

Casey Serin
April 21st, 2007 at 6:18 pm

Just got back from Modesto and looked over the instant comments that came in today. I have no words for this. I thought I can trust you guys to keep this place reasonable. I guess not. Too many accounts too ban. Too many vulgar comments to delete. Too much time spent on negative people.

I’ve had enough of this crap for now … and maybe for good.

C'mon Snowflake, SHUT DOWN IAFF!!!! I DARE YOU.

Hell, I'll bet you $100 that you don't. Just like I put up 10 to 1 that the Modesto pool is still green.

Ohhhhhh, we are all so shaking in our shoes that the big, bad, snowflake will ban IP's or shut down IAFF. You're too much of a meglomaniac to do that.

Anonymous said...

i worked hard today

stomps foot

i come home and Galina has bought herself a new outfit, shoes and a purse.

doesn't she understand? we need the money for wheat grass shots.

then SIL asks me for one month's rent. seems she's a payment behind on the mortgage.

i told her not to worry, it's all good and for $39 i would spend 20 minutes with her to discuss options and give her some sweet referrals.

she bitch slapped me.

Kerriella said...

yeah 6:53 Anon, he deleted all of mine as well and there wasn't anything even remotely offensive about mine.

I knew I should have reposted over here to save them but I didn't really think he would delete them when there wasn't anything to get upset about. All though I did mention EN by name in one of them.

Schnapps said...

Ok, now THAT'S funny.

Especially when you combine the foot stomping with the picture of the speedo and greased up in bug repellent.


Anonymous said...

megalomania is THE perfect term for him. I am ashamed that I, a psychiatric registerd nurse, did not diagnose that sooner.
I already called dibs on the narcisstic personality disorder with borderline personality disorder tendencies.

Anonymous said...


Had a good time with ya today, job well done...


Nigel's Guest Blogger
Durtee Penni aka G

Anonymous said...

He is whacking those posts like weeds in a... no, no...

He is killing those posts like mosquitos in a fetid... no, no...

He is consuming posts like a mad realestate flipper sucking a wheatgrass at Jamba juice --

THERE YA GO -- finally something that Casey can associate with.

He deleted everything I put up (maybe 5 posts), and mine were actually quite tame, and mostly helpful in tone. He is ever the petulant child.

Schnapps said...

Re: comments

Like I said, you can post them over at mine

Anonymous said...

I think it might have been my comment on Galina's plump ass as a Russian Mail Order Bride that put him over the top.

Akubi said...

Perhaps paranoia is setting in, because I didn't note anything particularly negative or offensive. It was nothing like the ridiculous spam he received during his 12 hour fast. Did I miss something?

Anonymous said...

i hate you haterz
you can't be trusted
stop making fun of me
stop saying mean things about Galina

Anonymous said...

Did some one save them... please please?

It was a thing of beauty, really, some of the riffs...

I lol'ed.

If only they could all be reposted, even if on Usenet, for Pete's sakes...

"Someone left the cake out in the rain... I don't think that I can take it... it took so long to bake it... I'll never have that recipe A-G-A-I-N..."

Anonymous said...

Comments 342 and dropping...

Anonymous said...

Bugger brought a knife to a gunfight. Again...

Kerriella said...

No Akubi, you didn't. I was really impressed with how mild it went today. CS is totally overreacting. The more I think about it I agree with 6:40 Anon, I think he didn't take care of the pool today and to cover himself he is pitching a hissy fit over the comments.

Anonymous said...

He deleted my Yellow Submarine parody! Those bastards! Here it is for posterity sake:

Galina Trampoline

In the town where I was born,
Lived a man who failed to see,
And he told us of his life,
In the land of trampolines

So we drove out to his house
Till we found a pool of green,
And so we thought to pass the time
On the Galina trampoline

We all bounce on the Galina trampoline,
Galina trampoline, Galina trampoline
All us haters get a bounce on the Galina trampoline,
Galina trampoline, Galina trampoline

And our friends are all aboard,
Many more of them live next door,
And the band begins to play.

We all bounce on the Galina trampoline,
Galina trampoline, Galina trampoline
All us haters get a bounce on the Galina trampoline,
Galina trampoline, Galina trampoline

As we live a life of ease,
Everyone of us has all we need
Sky of blue and pool of green
On our Galina trampoline

We all bounce on the Galina trampoline,
Galina trampoline, Galina trampoline
All us haters get a bounce on the Galina trampoline,
Galina trampoline, Galina trampoline

Anonymous said...

It's pretty incredible because the ONLY thing Snowflake needs to do to shut up the "haters" on IAFF is post a pic of a cleaned pool.

Of course, to hear Serin talk about it that'd be like walking on water.

Anonymous said...

Wow.. I am just getting acquainted with all the savory details of the Casey debacle... this is soooo entertaining... Thanks...

Anonymous said...

I am/was somedude, and also 7:01 'MaCarthur Park'[he he he... hate that song!] and 6:58 'whacking weeds', here.


Anonymous said...


i am the master of my universe
i work hard
i have good things coming
i have a book deal
i have all this sweet media
i have a beautiful wife
i live in a beautiful house

you are just jealous of me
everyone hatz me
don't they know how hard i work

Anonymous said...

With an estimated two feet of sludge in that thing, he probably could get a shot of himself walking on water.

Anonymous said...

Casey did this on purpose for dramatic effect.
Did he even admit he did the pool?

Please. What a looser

Kimi said...

Weird. I don't remember signing up for blogger, but I have a blogger display name...
(Hopelessly useless when it comes to computers, that's me.)

Back on topic...

I'm usually pretty sensitive, and I didn't really see anything that was all that bad in the comments. I also don't see what he's going to do to keep people's interest anymore - he seems to have played all of his cards.

flailing forward said...

I saved them at the 440 point, and I have about 6 of the Nigel ones that he had already deleted at the fake Nigel Fan blog.

Nigel's Guest Blogger, I had fun too. You rocked. I wish I saved the one with Nigel's Award Winning Guide to Being An Award Winning Blogger. That was classic.

The follow up post to today's is going to be the breakdown BOMB.

Anonymous said...

The "old" Hammar Investments:

RIGBY, ID 83442
DUNS: 062678680


Name Comment: DUNS NO. 062678680
Mailing Address:
3833 E 38 N
RIGBY, ID 83442
Status Date: 8/9/2006

The "new" Hammar Investments:


Mailing Address:



FTB Status:
Suspension Date: 2/1/2007
Suspension Code: SUSPENDED

Date of Incorporation/Qualification: 9/10/2003

Registered Agent: CASEY SERIN

Registered Office:

Tax Basis: STOCK

Corporation Number: 2556789

Statement of Officers File Number: 0651653

Statement of Officers File Date: 1/17/2007

Officers, Directors:

File Date: 2/1/2007

flailing forward said...

Another thing, have we all been banned? I for one am proud to be martyred for the cause. (As long as I get my hundred virgins)

Anonymous said...

you're okay

you are a success

no worries

passive income
passive income
passive income

looser w-2 jobs

no worries


passive income
passive income

you are okay

galina loves you
mom loves you

hurt little animals

passive income
passive income

you are failing forward
you are a success
its all good

watch out for SIL - she's a hater
watch out for cashcall - they hate you

passive income
passive income

your are a success

where are the knives?
SIL is looking at you with hate

they all hate you
they make fun of you
they must die


kill them
kill them


you are a success
listen to us casey
good things are coming
be positive
you have a valuable education
you have the tools
you have the skills


Akubi said...

I loved that Galina Trompoline song. Casey (or Galina?) has no sense of humor whatsoever. Anyway, I have saved 477 comments I had open in another tab. Anyone know what Chef 477 was trying to say? I couldn't follow that one at all. "ESSTINCT"?

Schnapps said...

I am upset now. My team is managing to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory DESPITE the fact they were up 3-1 in the series.


Anonymous said...

What a moron..... the only reason I want to come back is to read the posts from the Casey 'community'.. he has deleted / censured the best ones... he is killing the goose that lays the golden eggs... hasta la vista Casey!.... I wonder if his real estate gurus will come to rescue him when the bills/lawyers come after him.

Anonymous said...

Is there anyway the entire blog can be saved? I would hate to see it disappear ---

I believe the blog would be a great Harvard Business School study.

It needs to be saved? How can that be done?

Anonymous said...

By only regret is that we didn't hit 500 before he got back. I really wanted to see us break 500.

477? I think that's the whole thing! Can we put this thing up on the Web somewhere?

Schnapps said...

Unless Rob wants it, damn straight you can.

(Basically, I'm just procrastinating on an entry Akubi wants me to write :))

Anonymous said...

Those of you with a keen mind will remember that 3636 Auburn Blvd., in Sacramento, is the address of Casey's "Rich Dad," Paul Prestwich, owner of "Secure Tomorrow Asset Protection."

Anonymous said...

It is I, anon 6:40.

I knew I was right all along. I posted elsewhere (god,there are so many of these casey sites that I can't even keep track of them) that he slept til noonish, putzed around the house til about 3, drove to Modesto, couldn't find a pump/generator, decided to go out to lunch (all that work driving in the car and finding a rental place worked up his appetite! And anyway, Y. has taped off the fridge shelves and won't let Casey eat her food anymore)then he farted around town and killed some time (bird dogging new sweet deals?) before he figured it was safe to drive back.
Now that he is home (oh, had to stop at Macaroni Grill on the way home, yummy shrimp and crab legs as a reward for his hard day!)he must go into ignore mode as he can't produce a pic of the clean pool because it is still a swamp. So he clicks onto the blog, sees our poetry and blows a gasket. That is his excuse to shut down comments and not tell us what he actually did all day. He is punishing us.

Wah wah wah

Anonymous said...

@Schnapps 7:18

Yesterday my team beat NZ by 215 runs.

Anonymous said...

time for a nap

you are tired and need your rest

passive income
passive income

you are hungry
have some food

SIL still looking at you with hate

its all good
good things are coming



Nigel screwed you
NLL screwed you
Chris screwed you
RE gurus screwed you
Duane screwed you

Mom and Dad screwed and got you

Galina won't screw you

its all good

don't let them get away with it

where are the knives?

Kerriella said...

Dimes, I picture him huddling in a corner, rocking back and forth repeating, "stupid haterz I showed them!"

Rob Dawg said...

Sorry, I let you all down. I had "intended" to capture all the unmoderated goodness but I got distracted by silly reallife™ stuff. I'll try harder to keep reallife™ from intruding on the important things. Anyone who thinks they have the highest count image speak up and email me. I'll put up a post, two posts. One with a header and one reply with all the IAFF. The subsequent post will pick up with the last few posts so "we" can keep going. Somebody else might wan to pop up a zip file someplace for posterity. Remember also that there are several IP sweeps every day from several important agencies. I don't think anything. be it Hammar or whatever is going unnoticed.

Anonymous said...


Chef 477 was just spouting a bunch of catchphrases from the FFC/whofailedtoday forum.

ffc = forums.f* (now defunct)
(check the history, people keep trimming that page down and there's hardly anything left there now)

Please PLEASE save that open page and post it somewhere!

Anonymous said...

So one of his shell corp's was suspended, LOL.

Anonymous said...

I was clasically trained on Piano. I am going to write a song about casey and upload it. I could always use input for lyrics and such. It will probably be a simple chord progression, or maybe just cover a famous song add lyrics to.

I was thinking perhapos reworking the lyrics to "Take Me Home Phil Collins"

0/ So flippp, please flip my home...cause Ive been a hater all my life \0

Anonymous said...

Does anyone have a way to find why Hammar Investments was suspended?

Anonymous said...

"Take Me Home" by Phil Collins, rather

Schnapps said...

@Wagga 7:26


As you can tell from the "eh", I am a Canuck here. Its the Stanley Cup playoffs. All hockey, all weekend.

And my team just did manage to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

::grumble:: Can I blame Casey?

Anonymous said...


The voices in his head are distracting him.

He's pacing around the apartment. SIL is yelling. Galina is crying.

There is a wild look in snowflake's eyes.

He trys to call Nigel, but the phone has been turned off (lack of payment).

Oh the maddness!

Rob Dawg said...

Don't sweat Hammar. IIRC it is routine to "suspend" awaiting corporate officer personal data. Could be wrong but...

Anonymous said...

Wow. Just how many companies does Snowflake have? I guess the idea is that he can switch to a new one and leave the smoking crater of the old behind. Sweet!

Down to 256 comments. He even deleted his own comment about how disappointed he is with the Haterz™.

My guess: No success pumping the pool out. Neighbors yelled at him, mosquitoes bit him, Yulia chewed him out, and G wouldn't let him play Hide the Li'l Smokey.

Anonymous said...

Which one of you glorious bastards broke Casey?

Anonymous said...

Anon 7:32, i vote for Susudio.

"there's a tard/who's on my mind/ca ca ca-a-sey"

Anonymous said...

@ samk:

None of us is as bastardly as all of us.

Anonymous said...

I'd say the Galina trampoline pushed snowflake into madness.

Anonymous said...

So, does this mean that G's planned entertainment tonight is cancelled?

Anonymous said...

Oh, i missed Galina Trampoline. Can someone please post that?

Anonymous said...

"Take Me Home Phil Collins"
Freudian slip? heh

Unknown said...

as far as i can tell he left most of mine up there. Not too suprising that he reacted this way.

The blog is the only thing he really controls any more. No money, G is loosing faith, Nigel turned his back, facing criminal & civil charges, no job (or desire to have one), no credit, no more sweet just goes on and on. All he can do is sit back and watch the end of the world (REM for the song!) as he knows it...

If it was anyone else I'd feel sorry for them. Fucktard deserves every single thing coming at him and more.

Anonymous said...

Oh, i missed Galina Trampoline. Can someone please post that?

It's higher up in the thread. 7:04.

Anonymous said...

Schnapps @ 7:34

Well you blokes won the oldest international sporting event...



check this out

Anonymous said...


256 comments? I'm seeing 342... or is the counter on his page broken?

Unknown said...

I'm seeing 342 as well.

Anonymous said...

Currently the counter on the home page says 342, the counter on the comment page says 261, and the last actual comment is numbered 256.

Akubi said...

477 cached comments can be found here

Anonymous said...

Hi classically trained piano guy! Perhaps you would care to rework a song I did many a moon ago with ShaNaNa.
Who could forget this classic? And oh, so apropo right now!


(chorus) Sha na na na, sha na na na na
Sha na na na, sha na na na na
Sha na na na, sha na na na na
Sha na na na, sha na na na na
Yip yip yip yip yip yip yip yip,
mum mum mum mum mum mum
Get a job

Well, every morning about this time,
She gets me out of my bed cryin' - get a job!
And at breakfast every day,
She throws the want ads my way
And never fails to say - get a job!


Oh, when I get the paper,
I read it through and through
And my girl never fails to see
If there is any work for me

And then I go back to the house,
Hear that woman's mouth
Preaching and a-cryin',
Tellin' me I'm lyin' about a job
That I never could find


Anonymous said...

Ogg, This links still shows 342 comments:

Anonymous said...

Ogg, I think you're looking at the wrong thread. That's the pool-in-foreclosure one.

Anonymous said...

Ah HA!

googling for blogs area somedue + casey serin shows that some thoughtful person has the thread!


For the person thinking of getting all musical with Casey's story; at least save energy for a short one [to the tune of Seger's "Rock-n-roll never forgets"]- The Internet Never Forgets!

Schnapps said...


Um. Ok. But I have a question that displays my ignorance about the fine sport of cricket.

What's a wicket?

Anonymous said...

akubi -- sorry - if I had waited 30 seconds, your post would have been up & my last one could have not been posted - my link goes to the same place.

At least we have the rich history of today's activity, including:

353. somedudeApril 21st, 2007 at 5:34 am
From #250. Casey Serin April 20th, 2007 at 7:53 pm
“I will be at the Modesto property tomorrow around noon time to clean the pool myself.”
Notice hedging: “around.” Notice also how odd Casey’s decision to include the word “myself” appears in this context, since Casey *never* does anything himself; always a partner or someone else to catch the fall.
“It shouldn’t be that hard.”
Preparing excuses via lowering expectations, i.e. all bets are off if he can just find any one thing that may be considered ‘hard’
“Will have to find a place to rent the pump in the morning.”
More lining up the excuses, i.e. “the place did not open until late” “they did not take three party checks…” “they did not have the right equipment…” “I could not find a place…”
“Anybody is welcome to swing by and say hi.”
Translation: “It would sure be cool if people I have labeled as haterz would be foolish enough to come whitewash this fence for me, while I chill out and/or run off to take an important biz meeting.”
“Maybe we can all pitch in for pizza and have a little hangout.”
Translation: “Can someone buy my starving wife a hamburger, please? I’m learning that this hand-out/charity stuff is a sweet deal.”
“I don’t have a working video camera so I can’t promise any video but I will make sure somebody takes some pictures.”
Typical Casey - lining up excuses, playing off responsibility, trying to inveigle others to be in a position to take the fall for responsibilities that belong to Casey…

Lou Minatti said...

I notice that he didn't actually say that he cleaned the pool.

Anonymous said...

Schnapps @7:57


Anonymous said...

@ Honestly Wondering:

Shit, you're right.

Anonymous said...

Look everyone...casey has medical issues...with all the wheatgrass shots and shit his allergies are acting up...

he is allergic to work

Anonymous said...


Akubi said...

Did anyone cache comments 478 and 479 to complete the pre-bowdlerized archive?
Kerriella 7:04, I agree. IAFF comment moderation is the only thing he can control in his life so he simply can't let it go.

Anonymous said...


That was TMI - Too Much Detail, eh?

In any case CS is on a sticky wicket.

R-Boy said...

hammar got suspended because they owe money or taxes or something, more later, I am tired

Anonymous said...

Does anyone here live near Modesto?

It would be great to get some pictures of that dump.

Anonymous said...

I may be banned but I still have my pool, BITCHEZ!

Anonymous said...

You know, I just noticed timestamps on that thread. He deleted every single Saturday comment, from 1:30am on.

flailing forward said...

478. Kathleen
April 21st, 2007 at 6:18 pm
Fellow readers: Is Casey’s continued absence due to his still in Modesto working on the pool? Did he have an accident? I am starting to worry.
I hope he took his cell phone so if he is injured he can call for help.

See Casey: we do worry about you.
Please do your work and hurry home so you can fill us in on your busy day.

479. Casey Serin
April 21st, 2007 at 6:18 pm
Just got back from Modesto and looked over the instant comments that came in today. I have no words for this. I thought I can trust you guys to keep this place reasonable. I guess not. Too many accounts too ban. Too many vulgar comments to delete. Too much time spent on negative people.

I’ve had enough of this crap for now … and maybe for good.

Anonymous said...

Casey and his wife are criminals. The have been cons all their life with all of those corporations they set up. Does Casey ever do anything legit? I would not be surprised if G's sister is on this. Casey has a shoebox of cash somewhere and is playing the victim on the blog to fool the police. I PRAY that someone arrests him. PLEASE. I can't stand seeing a criminal like him roam the streets fleecing money from everyone.

The Dude said...

News Story...Disgusted pool claims victim

Schnapps said...


Yes, that was a little much detail :>

However, I always wondered what a sticky wicket was. There's a pub across the pond that is the West Coast called that. And now I know. Although, I expect there is more of a sticky bar there rather than a sticky wicket. I also expect cricket bats (correct term???) are dangerous around pubs. :>

And Casey is, for all intents and purpsoes, a sticky wicket. I think that's a very apt comparison :)

flailing forward said...

Casey, after we say a bunch of obnoxious shit, but he wants something:

"Wow.. lots of good feedback and some good questions raised up."

Casey, after we say less obnoxious shit (possible exception of the Nigel exchange and the part about Galina giving Yulia a Nigel), and he doesn't need anything:

"I have no words for this. I’ve had enough of this crap for now … and maybe for good."

I guess no haterz showed up to bail him out of his pool situation. Sorry Casey, you can't default on karma.

Anonymous said...








Akubi said...

Hilarious, Dude. I'll add it to your portfolio ( if you don't mind.

Flailing Forward,
Thanks for the completed entries. I've added them here

Robert Cote Sux said...

Somebody's out to get you RobDawg.

Just thought we'd warn you.

Unknown said...

That reeks of Nigel and his free time due to his so called blogcation.

The Dude said...


I lack the writing and creative skills of many in EN who could do the fake news story justice.

Get Clippings is the root. Character length is limited so it's got to be a "new flash" story.

Rob Dawg said...

I'm not quite sure what scouring the web for my many and oftentimes severe shortcomings does for anyone. I'm doubly confused why anyone cares. It's not like it is germane. I can only guess that somebody thinks there's some contest or that in some sick way lashing out makes their hurt go away.

Akubi said...

The Dude,
So do I, but the overall Casey phenomenon and the creative offshoots it has spawned fascinate me and it seems worth archiving. Thanks for the link.

Rob Dawg,
Now you’re almost a famous as Rachel Ray in the blogosphere
It seems a bit silly for someone to comment on your spelling yet cannot spell entrepreneur. I’d take it as an absurd complement.

Rob Dawg said...

I'm still a little confused by the attention. A blog that barely blips technorati with yawn inducing topics and some fun with a few *tards that have to earn the honor. Never occured to me that anyone would care enough before this. I've been real cleer on mi speling for DECADES. On one level it appears as if I don't care enough to pay attention. On another it looks like practised disdain. At the metalevels it merely expresses a desire for a continually evolving medium and convienience. At the deepest levels it is probably some deep seated rebellion against my mother who was an English teechur. Gud thing I'm too stupid to understand any uv those big wurds.

Honestly, I try to communicate. Brevity being the soul of wit and several other literary saws inserted here. If i don't succeeed, I try again. I don't cater to lowest common denominator.

Anonymous said...

And now I'm not in blogger. I tell you, weird.

@ Schnapps 7:34

At least there is a 7th game? Maybe they will do better since it is an away game.

Anonymous said...

Bwahahah.... it looks like he's deleted the whole somethings-gotta-give page now!

Anonymous said...

something gave!

jiggreen said...

nah, he didn't delete the entire "gotta give"'s still there.

he's punishing all of the naughty children by disabling the comments, but i don't think he's capable of taking down his blog. he's as addicted to blogging as he is to gambling.

:) jiggy (formerly one of the "anonymous" people here who has come out of the closet)

p.s. you people make me laugh, i appreciate all of the chuckles after a hard day's work (still chuckling over the "galina giving yulia a nigel" remark over there at IAFF prior to the delete-athon)

Anonymous said...

Bwahahah.... it looks like he's deleted the whole somethings-gotta-give page now!

Still there for me.

One last thought and then it's off to bed for HW. We all did him a favor today, you know. I read somewhere once that depression is just anger without motivation.. well, now he's motivated. :)

Anonymous said...

You can still get the comments, but you need to delete the text in the address after /212

Still some good stuff left ... :)

Lou Minatti said...

Sweet view from the back yard, Rob Dawg. I am envious.

ratlab said...

Speaking of backyards...

Big enough for coffee cans of cash?

Hammar Investments Building (ripped from his Flickr awhile back)

I think he killed more comments than mosquito larvae today.

Anonymous said...

Oh, okay, thanks. I was going to /212/somethings-gotta-give/ and kept getting his "Page not found" page, the one titled "Whoa, this is an error page". (I cleared my cache).

Akubi said...

Casey’s antics remind me of a cross between Marilyn Monroe and Andy Warhol. "Something’s Got to Give" was Marilyn’s last unfinished film and most of the footage available included a nude swimming pool scene. The word around the blogosphere is that Casey is currently in drag singing Diamonds are a Girls Best Friend to an audience of 0 while G is busy chatting with the $ guy about funding the Casey Land resort concept.

Rob Dawg said...

Sweet view from the back yard, Rob Dawg. I am envious.

Thanks. There is an additional view that provides references.

In an unusual storm I woke up this morning to snow on those far mountains. I'll explain more if there is interest.

Anonymous said...

Almost 500 comments on Our Hero's site in one day? How can that be? I thought the Swab blogged there were only 12 of us haterz?

Anonymous said...

'Flakes mad coding skillz on display again=>

Anonymous said...

I'm miltons-ghost ... or at least I was miltons-ghost, maybe again if Casey turns the blog back on.

I think he is finally starting to grasp reality. He is beginning to understand the situation he has got himself into.

Casey is ready for MASSIVE ACTION. He's pissed off, and it's take-no-prisoners time. He knows exactly what caused his problems, and he's going to get rid of it. Yep, he's going after the damn HATERZ.

Anonymous said...

@anon/milton's ghost 10:52

Yup, clearly, all the way from another country *I* am causing Casey's problems. I'm sure I intend to feel awful about this. I'll put it on my list of things to think about later.

Schnapps said...

::raise hand::

"Hi, my name is Schnapps and I'm a hater."

I intend to think about what my opinions are doing to Casey, while I am north of the 49th.

But first, I need to sleep for 8 hours. Then I'll have breakfast (perhaps a nice jamba juice smoothie!), and then a nap. Sometime tomorrow afternoon should do. I'll let you know how that goes.


Akubi said...

Rob Dawg,
Up here, we’re having much needed April showers. I love the hypnotic tap tap of the raindrops.

Anonymous said...

"They call him Flipper, Flipper, not fast enou-ough...."

The before and after shots:



ratlab said...

Oh yeah, forgot to mention that it started raining in Sacramento (and Modesto) around 4PM today. I *really* doubt fucktard drained the pool. And even if he did, it's starting to fill with rainwater.

Anonymous said...


Casey has snapped.
He's coming for you Dawg.
Watch your back as you
navigate the interwebs.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I stagger back in and people are still posting. We really are a bunch of loosers, aren't we?

It sure is a good thing we aren't all unemployed and hundreds of thousands in debt. Otherwise we'd have to feel bad about ourselves.

Goodnight, haterz!

Anonymous said...

Good night, Ogg-Boy.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Casey, for turning off your blog. That was too much distraction for me.

Now that the train has finally crashed I can get back to FOCUSing on productive things.

ratlab said...

Yep, I'm a LOOSER.

I was supposed to go out to a nice dinner, then get sloshed with friends at a bar playing pool, darts, and shuffleboard. Alas, dinner was cancelled and I'm watching TV and staring at pictures of Priya. ;)

Akubi said...

Don’t most people spend their lives online and other forms of media these days? Going out and engaging with people real-time is so tiresome.

Anonymous said...

Just posted a couple of comments at the sux site - comment checking on, more comments deleted than posted.

Not worth saving here - I don't expect them to get posted anyways.

I'm still wondering if a blog about blog against a blog is a meta-meta blog, or is this just a cube thing for squares.

Anonymous said...

And a couple more - why not? Maybe writing a script to just post random texts would be a fun thing to whip up.

You know, being trapped in a W2 world and all.

Anonymous said...

This has recently appeared at IAFF:
"[To clarify, I deleted the last 100 comments or so because it got so bad that I didn’t want any of it to be indexed or seen. I didn’t have the time to sort the good from the bad. This whole thing is getting to be too much. Maybe I’ll sell the blog/domain, maybe I’ll keep it and take on a partner to handle the management of this thing, maybe I’ll put some systems in place to make it more efficient. Either way, I have too many opportunities, and big deals in the works. The blog brings awesome opportunities and connections and there are ways to monetize the traffic that I was just starting to do. I would also love to help people in foreclosure. But with everything I have going on and coming to me at once and the financial pressure of making ends meet while I wait for the bigger stuff to take off has been really tough to handle. The constant negativity from the comments doesn’t help either. Something’s gotta give.]"
"Maybe I'll...take on a partner"
Who is this guy kidding? Nurse, Casey's thinks he's a businessman again. Who would take on the job unless they were even more stupid than Casey? (Sorry but I'm getting really annoyed with him now). How will Casey pay him? How will the blog be worth anything if Casey stops contributing? (It will be like "The Lucille Ball Show" without Lucille Ball)
"Too many opportunities and big deals in the works" Nurse, he's at it again thinking he's a businessman. Haven't you had these in the past? Where did it get you? Oh hang on, I can answer that - $2.2m in debt. The guy is delusional and needs psychiatric help.

Anonymous said...

I think CaseyCorp's suspended status is serious. You would think that the CA Corporation commission or FTB wouldn't allow it to be incorporated in the first place unless the had all the necessary information.

From the CA Sec. of State:

The California corporation has lost all rights and powers for failure to meet statutory filing requirements of either the Secretary of State's office or the Franchise Tax Board. Information regarding the type of suspension can be obtained by requesting a status report. Fees and instructions for requesting a status report are included on the Business Entities Records Order Form.

Anonymous said...

Nigel's a piece of work. Shouldn't he be out, I dunno, monetizing or something?

Anonymous said...

I just love the whine about "constant negativity".

"Negativity" in CaseyWorld™ translates as "constantly offering me sensible advice to declare BK and get a job instead of bigging up my hopeless fantasies".

The penny will drop soon. Either that or the soap. Depending on circumstances.

Anonymous said...

I find amusing that Casey can't monetize due to it being readily apparent he's nothing more than a dancing monkey. Also amusing is Nigel, who appears to be spanking the monkey while attempting to preserve his "reputation".

Anonymous said...

Nigel's rapidly becoming everything he's ever claimed to hate.

Anonymous said...

No, Nigel IS everything he claims to hate. Part of his charm, after all.

And Casey? Well, Casey has discovered that the Internet may not be the best way to get rich - especially as he deleted the comments to remove them from the access - poor guy, considering that it is far too late for that.

I guess the pool work was less than satisfying, so it is time to look up from the muck, and take flight - looking for more blood to suck.

Anonymous said...

My latest unlikely to be posted contribution to a true suxxor blog -

''...saved the taxpaying citizens of Ventura County the exorbidant costs of a trial.'

I guess this means you are in favor of criminals simply pleading guilty - which, if I recall, was the advice of a convicted criminal to Casey, by the way.

Mortgage fraud will certainly lead to all sorts of 'exorbidant' costs - I am glad that at least one fearless blogger is advocating for criminals to plead guilty to their crimes.

If only someone can convince Casey of that. Hmmmm - I wonder who would be best positioned to do that?

This must be a haterz blog, after all.'

I think the spelling there is fascinating - are we certain that this isn't just a dog on the Internet learning how to be a sockpuppet? Meta-meta-meta - if only someone's head could keep from spinning with the bright light coming down the tunnel.

I think this trainwreck has finally started to reach its Gomez moment - if only someone would push the patented flame control button.

Anonymous said...

'Cote' - I promise to say it every time I see a taxi from now on.
Posted as 'Checkered Cote' -

''Next time call a cab Cote' - see, I can take advice.

I never realized how fun this blogging thing could be be, though posting my comments multiple places with cut and paste is a bit of a drag.

But then, at least a few people can read them - like at a couple of famous foreclosure sites.'

Man, I need to get some big deals in a sweet stage before this useless blogging uses all my time - though it's all good, of course.

Waiter, there is wheatgrass in your joint.

Anonymous said...

I missed an obvious win-win opportunity with comments more or less open at Casa Casey and being crossposted here: a PHP script that will post a comment at multiple sites, in the most recent blog entry. And maybe stick it in DHC, also.

I should have gotten a team of crack PHP programmers and web designers and maybe trick then into writing this script.

Anonymous said...

I should have gotten a team of crack PHP programmers and web designers

There's one based in Sacramento, and I know for a fact that he's hard up for cash.

Anonymous said...

Do Nigel or Snowflake know that is up for sale?

It's an opportunity for these blog entrepreneurs to monetize a well-known site!

flailing forward said...

Notice how the haterz trolling always starts up after Nigel gets spanked especially hard. I suspect that much like Casey didn't get his pool cleaned, Nigel didn't get his tub tiled. Yes, it's the haterz' fault.

On the topic of Snowflake, what a pathetic, ineffective little man. Even if it rained or he couldn't get a pump, he could have at least bought ten gallons of bleach at any drug store and dumped it in the pool. I hesitate to even call him a man.

I don't think we got him motivated, I think he's pouting. Piddling around, pissing away his time. He can't give up the blog because he is nothing without his sweet email opportunities. He has also been justifying his laziness to Galina and Yulia under the pretense of working on his blog which would lead to "good things."

Snowflake, you crybaby. Your problems are all self-inflicted. I hope Yulia wakes the fuck up and kicks you out the door and Sputnik poops on your face. Itsallgood.

Anonymous said...

The blog brings awesome opportunities and connections and there are ways to monetize the traffic that I was just starting to do. I would also love to help people in foreclosure. But with everything I have going on and coming to me at once and the financial pressure of making ends meet while I wait for the bigger stuff to take off..

OK, scratch that fantasy. Not thatanybody ever took it seriously for a moment, or anything..

Anonymous said...

Amazing how much activity there is here at night. I be skimmin it...

The new "Cote" blog's administrator is immediately obvious. The giveaway? Most of the comments are deleted.

Many internet train-wreck watchers comprehensively grasped the nature of Casey months ago. As a phenomenon and as a living thing, he is repulsive. Who would try to to hitch his wagon to that dismal "star"? The attempt to do that defines Nigel completely.

Anonymous said...

Sez the failed Pool Boy:

"I have too many opportunities, and big deals in the works. The blog brings awesome opportunities and connections and there are ways to monetize the traffic that I was just starting to do."

OhMyGawd -- He's singing:

"You'll be swell

You'll be great.

Gonna have the whole world on a plate..."

WTF -- Looks like Casey now thinks he is Lieutenant Hurwitz who thinks he is...

Anonymous said...

I can't take it anymore.

I admit, I am an addict, but PUHLEASE, PUHLEASE, SOMEONE:

Get me a link to pics posted of the pool after Casey's "efforts" there yesterday! I am dying to see what got done on his best and most motivated day.

You could tell, he was almost really ready to consider being like, committed to it, as soon as he talked to Galina and checked in with her to be sure that you know it seems like maybe the right thing to go down there and see what could be done, you know, unless it was hard or sumthin'.

My Gawd, the boy was virtually a smokin' cauldron of energy, overflowing with ambition (relatively speaking, at least on the standard Casey-slacko-scale™)

What results does such grim determination breed? What mountains were moved? What scum was dispensed with? How many gallons of muck were displaced? How wet did G's tankini get?

Inquiring minds need to know!!!!!

Argh -- my brain is esplodin' from the anticipation!!!!

Anonymous said...

How do you know that this wasn't planned? I mean, KC could have easily anticipated that his blog was going to be floded with all sorts of postings. What if he wanted to shut it off? How do we know that all that stress came from Galina announcing a divorce? That would certainly force him to start facing reality.

Anonymous said...

You may be right, this looks to be yet more Casey manipulation. He had plenty of time to doctor up the comments on his site, and even go remove some from Flicker that he didn't like, either... so he is out there, playing on the 'net, but pouting big time...

So, I wonder if the bounce-beg-fest with Galina and Yulia is on or off for tonite...?