[Nigel] were you the other person moderating Casey's comments?
Yes I was. I did it for about a week only a few times a day. Wordpress beats the heck out of blogger when it comes to comment moderation.
Congratulations you dawgged detectives. Yet another slimy bit of double dealing under the radar dishonesty is forced through the lying teeth of our local pervaricator.
It was pretty amazing how quickly people caught on and equally amazing that Nigel thought he could keep it quiet.
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 213 of 213two-hundred-and-FIRST!
Here, this one plays.
Casey's or Nigels?
Casey or Nigel???
Video isn't working for me, either. I'm using the Flip4Mac plugin for Quicktime.
Thanks for the audio stream, though!
If that slimeball-troll Nigel can make $$$ off Casey, why can't we all???
Introducing The Four Faces of Casey houseware and coffee mug:
Thanks for shopping...
Are we allowed to say "Galina" on IAFF now? Her name seems tobe appearing a lot.
"G" and use of her name.
Does anyone else find it disgusting that Casey critices Haterz(tm) when it was Haterz(tm) who policed themselves where she is concerned. Oh, there were a few doctored pictures and comments, but anything that got past the point of reasonable use was reigned in.
Then, that sonofabitch plasters her picture on his site and teases his audience about her involvment and participation.
This just in from Oklahoma:
Cash Back at Closing Scheme Gets Agent and 5 Others Convicted
Friday, April 06, 2007 - By Staff Writer, National Realty News
OKLAHOMA - Brandon L Baum, a licensed real estate agent and five others were convicted this week by a federal jury of all charges for employing illegal cash back at closing scheme.
According to the indictment obtained by the National Realty News, “Potential homebuyers represented by Baum were told they could receive substantial funds at the time of closing under the guise of ‘repair costs’ which they could use for their personal benefit, if they agreed to purchase homes at an inflated price.”
“Once the terms of a purchase had been approved by both the buyer and seller, in many cases [the] sellers’ agents would increase the MLS list price for the properties to an amount equal to or above the agreed inflated sales price to avoid detection by lenders and others” the indictment said.
At closing, the title companies were directed by Baum, sellers’ agents and the sellers to issue checks from the sales proceeds to various entities for purported remodeling, repair costs, marketing service fees or other fees.
The five other defendants that were involved it the scheme were; Joseph Therrien, Teresa Therrien, Rusty Therrien, Charles Caldwell, Jr. and Gayle Caldwell.
Suze Orman; new name in the Casey Saga; no new information or progress.
Big surprise.
@badgerjim, I noticed these comments on this article on this link:
1. Thanks for posting this. I understand that the FBI was working on this for about 2 years. What amazes me is that there were about 13 homes in Oak Tree total that were part of the same scam and there were many others not included in this legal action. I hope that the others will pay for thier actions as well. This has got to stop!
Posted by Russell Benson on 11/15 at 05:37 AM
2. Brandon Baum tried to buy my Oak Tree home in this fraudulent way, but in my case he was himself, the buyer. I guess he was running out of associates and decided to work alone on my house. I believe the appraiser he used was also involved.
Posted by
Nigel Swaby is scraping the bottom of the barrel now. Typical bottom-feeder.
See how quickly he turned on Casey? That is Nigels true colors - a slimy hanger-on so desperate for attention that nothing is beyond him.
I am amazed he keeps a job. I would never do any business with a firm that employs the likes of Nigel Swaby from Salt Lake.
I'm sure his wife is the one paying the bills while Nigel plays around on the net. It's more than obvious he's not producing a real income.
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