That didn’t take long Mr. LeGate has dropped his web sponsorship of IAFF. Did anyone see “Grey’s Anatomy” last night? This sick girl took too much medicine and it combined with her Jamba Juice home remedy and she turned toxic. Anyone who got near her got mentally incapacitated. Is that what happened to you Duane?
1 – 200 of 221 Newer› Newest»That reminds me - I'm off for a sweet shot of wheatgrass juice today at Arlington's very own Jamba Juice!! My team of juice experts (ok, it was just Casey) inspired me to try it.
Again, wouldn't normally pay $4 for juice, but it's cheaper than pot, appears to alter one's consciousness and sense of reality, and I'll still be able to pass my drug tests!
again the bell tolls....
I wonder what convinced Duane to dump the Clown Prince of Real Estate?
Also, whatever happened to Casey's brilliant corporate credit scheme? The problem with a boycott is that it is hard otherwise to put such questions to Young Casey directly.
Maybe DL was distracted by a shiny object too...
I began posting with this name because I saw the end of this story in sight. DL bailing only confirms that in my opinion.
No consulting with Chris
No ability to monetize the blog, either ads or sponsor
No J-O-B
No education
No credit
Nothing but that dumb hat and a whole lot of debt.
I can hear the jail bar slamming closed any day now!
It's obvious why Duane left. The traffic/posts have dropped in half.
The value( if any) of Assclown Casey's website ( which Duane was going to buy and then sell back for $1 remember) isn't worth crap now.
Duane may be a lot of things, but he's not stupid. Once the potential $$$ signs left the equation, so did he.
I think the corporate scam was derailed by a flood of people telling L'il Casey EXACTLY how it was illegal, and how he could'nt use corporate credit to pay off personal debt, plus, Sugar Daddy Duane may have talked him off that ledge.
Now that Sugar Daddy is gone, I would'nt be surprised to see the corporate scam move forward - L'il Casey is running out of options fast, and he needs to work fast to pull off one last scam to get his con to work. As usual, he's a day late and a dollar short, and his lack of a rational endgame - legal or not - is what will auger him into the desert floor with no safety chute.
I'd say, unless he finds a millionaire who's as clueless and naive as he is, who will front the cash, his only options are illegal ones, or capitulate and put himself at the mercies of his lenders and the law, but I think that would trigger a psychotic episode, his ego won't allow it.
C'mon, look at his MySpace page. He's in love with himself, he leaves a trail of photos of himself wherever he goes. He treats his online presence like he's already a celebrity. (and his wife is cute...kinda...but not gorgeous or "hot" - that would be too much of a threat to his fragile ego)
He sees himself onstage, liek in the photos in his Flikr account, being cheered and loved and him signing autographs and being adored and called a genius.
It's not that he loves real estate, or money for that matter, he's rather flippant about money.
No, L'il Casey wants to be FAMOUS. Which, sadly, is partially true, at least to a small group who are aware of him. Thus, his willingness to do interviews at the drop of a hat, and giving the AZ ladies his story to develop.
Add Narcissistic Disorder to the diagnosis.
Well, now that Duane is gone, Gollum--I mean Casey--can go on in a futile search for his Precious...
What a looser (sic).
As if Young Casey has ever answered any direct questions. My guess is things are starting to happen. His worldview has always been about the moment. Think about it. Short time horizon, short attention span. When he took the cash back nothing happened that week or the next. That's like forever in Caseyworld™. Same thing when midnight passed without paying the phone bill. Held his breath for 30 seconds and moved on. The Countrywide note 1st payment is due this week. Cashcall real soon as well. Those two are not gonna take "no" for an answer. Anybody else think he'll end up selling both his kidneys in a complicated organ back swap wrap?
Deal is, Casey's moderation and posts have dropped so hard and fast (He should never have even tried moderating, but I think he likes putting that PDA to some use) that he can barely muster 100 posts anymore. I don't even bother to read comments there - the ones I want to read are here. With no traffic he's just a poor soul.
anon @8:40
correct. Robert has done a terrific job with this blog. I guess I can thank Casey for it. I would not have found it otherwise. If you're reading casey thank you so much :)
and thank you robert.
I'm actually surprised Duane lasted as long as he did. I like how he instigated that fight between the No Limit Bitches and just ran away.
Casey Monkey Dance!!! Dance I say!!!! What!!! No one is throwing tips my way for making the monkey dance? Well I guess I got to go find a better Monkey.
@ Anon 8:40
I thought Young Casey lost his $400 PDA recently. Did he ever find it?
@ Uncle Rob
How long before Casey notices the late payment bill from Countrywide for the $50K note? I say 1 week from postmark. Someone should offer to open his mail for him since he's considering outsourcing that. ;)
You are quite welcome. More important, is everybody having fun and maybe learning some things? Most important, at this rate we'll have enough pagviews and click throughs to buy the troops a couple cases of Girl Scout cookies.
For you and everyone else, a little feedback? All Casey all the time isn't a career choice of mine. Does anyone mind the occassional other posts or have any other suggestions?
I for one love the snarky posts, and think that since there are more smartasses about, their popularity will increase. So says this smartass at least.
I like the traffic calming/moving/planning posts too. Very interesting. BTW, did you see my post to you about the Car and Driver article?
Caesy is on teh Myspaces?
URL please.
It can only be a matter of days now before our intrepid hero's tale comes to an end.
I'm sure he'll post more nonsense about buying a hotel casino or something to realize passive income and such, but realistically the other shoe is about to drop. And judging by the brevity of the duane post he knows it too.
Okay, who *didn't* see that coming besides Casey? It was only a matter of time that Duane would finally see how narrow-minded and deluded Casey is, and realize he'd be better off skulking away with his tail tucked between his legs, and saving himself further humiliation and wasted $$$.
Casey does not like someone telling him what to do or how to do it. Having Duane looming over his shoulder, micromanaging him was not going to work for our idiotic little jail-bait.
When I saw the post, I nearly died laughing.
I offered Casey free moderation. I hope he accepts it, because I don't like having to check multiple sites. Blogspot is less appealing than his original site.
The other stuff is interesting to me, I just don't have a whole lot to say about it. Keep it coming.
The Casey story will die off in due course anyway.
I'll open Casey's mail for him. All he has to do is forward it all to me. I'll throw out the junk mail, scan the important documents, and put them up on Flickr so that his blog readers can notify him of them.
I won't even charge for this service.
The comment about Galina's and his own approach to critisim made literally laugh out loud. I posted this, but I don't know if it will make it.
"Me and my wife sometimes get critical of each other and do a “no criticism” days to put it in check. "
Bmwha... MWAAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA... oh man, that's the funniest thing I have heard in a while. Thanks dude, you made my day.
Of course, Casey and Galine have shown that they don't seem to understand communication is the key to a successful relationship. Even if what you have to say isn't nice.
Hey Guys,
Rob BBB here.
Duane just wasn't investing savvy enough to deal with this situation. I believe that is why he bailed.
He knew he was over his head. He needs some more education, experience and some more deals under his table before he can help out people.
I think this was a good learning experience for Duane. He knows he has more studying he needs do now.
Now he knows the area he needs to work on.
I am an expert in this whole area and I could help Casey pull out of his mess pretty easily. He really isn't as far down as everyone seems to think.
But I have my own investing stuff to work on so I don't have time to help out.
I love the Casey Collage. Says a lot about him.
"Strategic Forward Motion"
Another sweet guru catchphrase?
Hang on, is this some sort of generational thing with MySpace? If I click on the "Bella Vista High" on Casey's page, it shows that 2378 users are associated with that school.
Wouldn't that be everyone who ever graduated from there in the past 6 or 7 years? How big is this school? Or is it actually the case that everyone really is on MySpace?
I don't consider myself particularly old, but this has been a yawning-generational-chasm moment for me.
What I do wonder about Duane is why he got involved in the first place? I mean, it's not like a brief glance at IAFF doesn't tell you all you need to know. (About why you should never get involved with casey, ever).
I suspect there is more to this than casey is letting on.
Oh, and he finally seems to have noticed and removed the double "Top 5" post. Nice to see that he's on top of things.
@ Rob BBB
Thanks for the insight. Could you please tell me when real estate is going to be appreciating 20% YOY again? I need a great laugh again.
RobBBB said:
"But I have my own investing stuff to work on so I don't have time to help out."
Yep, back to your Pokeman card collection.
Just home from work. It was only an eleven hour day. Gawd I'm a looser.
@Rob - Like Ogg, I am definitely enjoying the info you post.
@Stephanie - you kill me. I start reading a normal, even-keeled post & then you end with the unexpected like "jail bait." Thanks for the laugh.
@Ratlab - you think he'll notice the overdue notice after a week? You're optimistic.
I've never seen Cashcall collectors in action. Anyone know what is waiting for Our Hero? Heidi? Anyone?
What Casey needs right now is some constructive advice. Here are 10 ways I've come up with that he can get himself out of this mess by the end of the year:
1. Grow a foot taller and sign a contract with the Sacramento Kings.
2. Work with China to grossly devalue the American dollar. Pay off all the loans when the amounts are equivalent to a few dollars in today's currency.
3. Sue Jamba Juice for causing a wheat-grass shot induced house buying frenzy.
4. Dye his hair black. Convice a movie studio he's Tom Cruise. Film Mission Impossible 4.
5. Win the Nobel Prize in Physics and Chemistry this year. Collect $1.3 million in prize money for each.
6. Sign a secret contract with the CIA to overthrow the Iranian government. Ruin their economy by taking out billions in liar loans.
7. Divorce Galina, Marry Oprah. (http://youtube.com/watch?v=825vdII-o0g)
8. Use the empty houses to form a network of meth labs and pot growing operations. Hire a team of "advisors" to run the whole operation.
9. Brush up on your math skills. Solve two or more of the Millenium Prize problems.
10. Build a flux capacitor and put it in the Jetta. Go back in time and remind Mr. and Mrs. Serin to use birth control.
They say you can tell a lot about someone by who their friends are. Here's one of Casey's MySpace friends: http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=32708857
Particular attention to the following:
Your Best Physical Feature: my breast and my feet (She has ONE breast?)
Do you want to go to College: nope
(Then in another part of the profile she says Education: College graduate)
Do you want to get Married: I guess I have to one day...
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: not once, but many many times...
In the past month have you been on Drugs: probaly, I dont remember
Number of Drugs I have taken: several
Number of Piercings: many
Makes you want to see what's under that leather dress....NOT!
If a realtionship is to a point where you have to designate 'a day of non-criticism'--well, need I say more?
It's the equivalent of having huge, lumbering silverback gorilla standing in the room on the brink of pounding you into the consistency of tapioca--and you're nit-picking about the drool-stains he's leaving on the floor. That sort of constantly negative, seemingly meaningless and critical behaviour is the harbinger of a greater issue that's about to explode.
That's a very telling sign of where their marriage is, and it probably explains why Mr. Serin has dark rings around his eyes.
I made a posting about what to expect from Cashcall here yesterday.
If you want the skinny, check out the complaints about Cashcall's collection practices at www.ripoffreport.com and then do a search for CashCall.
Boy oh boy is Casey gonna LOVE those guys!
Anonymous: So many people of all ages use Myspace that the High School feature just shows every everybody who is registered. When you build a page on yourself, it asks for your high school.
Rob, variety is nice and the fresh air always helps to put the Casey situation into perspective.
OMG! Casey has a Myspace and puts pictures of himself online! And he has some wanky looking "friends" on his myspace! What a fucking delusional attention whore who thinks he's famous! No other 24 year olds are like that!
Cashcall might as well be called "Kneecap call"
No criticsm day? Does that go along with no sex day (daily by now I am sure). How about no dumb moves day? No spending money you don't have day? Get a job day?
I think Casey is realizing that his 15 minutes of fame are coming to a close..all his potential rescuers have bailed on him, and it is just a matter of time before his wife and family does too. As for that poor sap who lent him the 3000 dollars back in the day, he might as well just ask for the website, as that is all he is going to get.
Bravo Stephanie J. I agree 100%.
My wife and I fight and we make up. It's HEALTHY to do that. Not doing such only builds up the evil feelings people who live so close together sometimes feel.
Am I wrong? I know everybody is different, but I find getting it out in the open is not only healthy, it's ESSENTIAL.
Having days of NON-CRITICISM sounds like hiding from the problems. But Casey is adept at hiding his true feelings so what the heck I guess.
Please feel free to mix in other Housing topics. I do read those. Casey is a fun endeavor but I'd love to see other posts detailing the problems with RE right now.
Just answering your earlier post about other topics.
Hey Dolph that's a great link to what's in store for Casey. They are going to do to Casey what he did to his lenders...ruin them.
I've thrown people like Casey out of my office when they start spouting Guru crap.
When somebody wants to come meet me and pitch me on stuff they had better have a real plan, better answer my "critical" questions honestly and they had better not use guru speak.
I once ended a meeting where some cat was pitching me on some service I might be interested in using. I needed to learn more so I email him. He emails back wanting to meet with me. I say fine. He comes by and he's 30something looking like he was reliving his youth. I am fine with that because what I am possibly buying is Internet related.
Anyway, he sits down and makes a bad joke. I stare. Then I ask him what is good about his product. He tells me everything in guru like mumbo jumbo. I interrupt asking him to speak ENGLISH and start probing his services. He can't answer me directly except to speak in guru like motivational tones.
I laugh and say basically no thanks. He is shocked and I tell him I do not care. If you can't answer me and the best sales pitch you have is some motivational mumbo jumbo, don't waste my time.
My favorite realtors are people who are HONEST, not the ones that talk like they just got back from an Anthony Robbins seminar.
My favorite Casey myspace friend is definitely Dennis. He got the mad money ya'll and he use the freeweblayouts.com. He gots the phat stacks of cash, gold bars, bullion, and some gold plated Chuck E Cheese tokens or something. Plus he's got all the good comments where the ladies post a link to their sites along with a crotch shot. That must be the life.
Errol gets runner-up because he quotes Buddha, Socrates, Da Vinci, Hillary Duff, and Krayzie Bone, thus hitting all of the major philosophical food groups.
Man all those idiots complaining about Cashcall.
One guy says, I borrowed 2600 and over the last 14 months I have paid 2576 and I still owe 2500. Those guys ripped me off!
Err yeah. This pinhead I guess doesn't realize that when you go to a loanshark you have to pay them off as fast as possible, like in a month. Where does he get off thinking he can make payments like he got the loan at a bank? Reminds me of all these flippers now saying they were misled, and they didn't know what they were doing and they didn't understand the payments blah blah blah. Does anyone take responsibility for themselves anymore?!?!?!!??
Hah. He has a picture of the sweet rims on his myspace page.
@myspace playas
I agree, all he needs is the quote
Favorite activities "Porkin' babes and keeping it ruuuralll" and it would be perfect.
My work won't let me view myspace pages; likely because many employees probably spend company time updating their sites. I'll have to look when I get home tonight.
Exactly Legion. The trick is to pay $500 or more over the course of a few months to get them paid. I know people who have used Cashcall so I can say that if you pay in large sums, you can be done rather quick.
Problem now is WHY Casey lies about the Interest rate with Cashcall. When he borrowed from them I bet his FICO was around 450-500. Now using that, why would his interest rate be 24%? According to posts at Ripoffreport.com and my friend they charge somewhere along the lines of 50-80% interest depending on how much you borrow.
Not that I care, I hope they make his life hell.
He wonders why we are negative, yet he gets hammered because he is caught in many lies and half truths.
IAFF Farewell Suicide Post in 5 ... 4 ... 3 ... 2 ... :-p
Those women royal beatdown on Casey comments is hilarious! I am on lunch break right now and I am literally lol at home!!! Thanks for doing it!
Time to put this MF Casey away for good. Just stay off his site and let his sorry ass die.
This place is 10x better, and the moderator isn't a mentally-ill criminal.
Thanks for sending me over, Ogg.
OK, Rob BBB, you little troll, you, I'll bite.
Sure, none of us has the time or inclination or time to help CS. We are all to busy blogging about him. But to back up your claims, how about an outline of how Mr. Serin could get out of this mess?
Pick a house, pick the whole lot, discuss his credit record. Just post an outline of how he could improve his situation or one part of it.
Casey writes about goals and things he can do all the time. Can he really do them? Just saying you can put you in the same category as CS. Is that where you want to be?
P.S. I know how to create cold fusion, but I'm too busy bashing CS to do it right now.
You are number one again, rereading all your posts brought tears to my eyes. I only wish the one about
"I'll be the woman with curly hair storming towards you with my right hand poised to slap some sense into yourhead" was there.
I wish we could get pelegirl over here, she was funny too.
bob dawg,
you should think about sponsoring casey's site. Maybe work out a deal splitting your adsense with him somehow.
The pleasure of seeing an ad "Why Casey Serin is going to jail" would be worth a portion of your ad revenue.
go ask lady aberleen what she thinks.
@Stephanie J.
Here's a screenshot for you and other cube-dwelling 9-to-5 "loosers":
That MySpace stuff is too rich. Dennis is my favorite. He'll be getting his own post here for sure. As to the raven haired Armenian fox in the pleather minidress... just another babushka in training.
But those sweeeet wheels. I mentioned this before but little does Young Sercasey know but those tires can cost well over $100/set. Flat tire and he'll be toddling around Excremento on three sweets and a run-flat steel rimmed undersized spare. At least with roadside assistance he won't have to change it himself and risk damaging those million dollar php fingetips.
As to physical danger, let's not go there. We all know it is a remote possibility and no one would want to be in the position of regreting their online comments. Besides our intrepid Nega-Hero wouldn't imagine depriving the world of his grace. Personally I worry more about Galina going all Bobbit on him followed by a low speed chase in the white Jetta on a temporary spare followed by a standoff in Bakersfield as she holds the "bobbited" "them" and threatens to throw it of the Crisp & Cole high rise project.
Rob said
Personally I worry more about Galina going all Bobbit on him followed by a low speed chase in the white Jetta on a temporary spare followed by a standoff in Bakersfield as she holds the "bobbited" "them" and threatens to throw it of the Crisp & Cole high rise project
Man that's a classic!
king friday the 13th said...
you should think about sponsoring casey's site.
Sorry, but as long as the Girl Scout cookie drive is on the proceeds go to cookies for the overseas troops and not "jambas for jerks" like him.
go ask lady aberleen what she thinks.
She says Sputnik never says "ugga-mugga" and left something special in the clock for Daniel.
Okay gang. 'Fess up. Which one of you couldn't hold out the boycott, caved and posted on iaff as egghead??
58. egghead
February 2nd, 2007 at 5:54 am
Sorry Casey… we cannot package it in a loving way since love is just not the way to go. See Casey, the bloggers are just prepping you up for the love you’ll get while you are in jail.
Ellis Wyatt @ 11:23:
What program did you use to take the screenshot of a site that spans multiple pages? Pretty cool.
It wasn't me. you would know it was me by the numerous expletives and a swipe at his favorite ass kisser Nigel.
I have a sweeet digital clock with the IRS e-file logo on it. I'd send it to Casey, but he doesn't open his mail.
I use the ScreenGrab extension for Firefox. It scrolls down the page and stitches the images together into a single file automatically. Very cool and one of my favorite extensions. I had to crop the myspace image a little to keep it within the imageshack file limits.
ScreenGrab Extension: https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/1146/
Rob Dawg,
Placeholder page
If you are just browsing the web
The owner of this web site has not put up any web pages yet. Please come back later.
Move along, nothing to see here... :
@ Legion...
What do you mean gone? Has be been going back and deleting posts too? Some of my best material was used on that little undeserving skidmark. God.
@ Ellis
Thanks for the thoughtful screenshot. I see he's featuring his Teen-Queen car on it, along with his 'Blue-Steel' facial shots. Maybe he's aiming for a career in modeling.
@ Segfault
I wonder if he ever got that dirty penny I sent him. Probably did, and it's at the bottom of the stack of mail. I hope he uses it to pay at least one dirty penny back.
@ Bemused
I did go back to make a 'farewell, I hate you post', but he moderated it. It sucks not to have my last word heard. No closure.
@ Legion...
What do you mean gone? Has be been going back and deleting posts too? Some of my best material was used on that little undeserving skidmark. God.
@ Ellis
Thanks for the thoughtful screenshot. I see he's featuring his Teen-Queen car on it, along with his 'Blue-Steel' facial shots. Maybe he's aiming for a career in modeling.
@ Segfault
I wonder if he ever got that dirty penny I sent him. Probably did, and it's at the bottom of the stack of mail. I hope he uses it to pay at least one dirty penny back.
@ Bemused
I did go back to make a 'farewell, I hate you post', but he moderated it. It sucks not to have my last word heard. No closure.
I'm the queen of the double post. Impatient I guess. Sorry everyone, I'll try to stop doing that.
I have to go sign for a hazardous Waste Shipment. I'll catch you all in a bit.
No Stephanie, I was talking about the collage of women posts that Dolph had so graciously created at his blog Caseyland USA
You should reread some of your stuff, you are very entertaining, with pelegirl a close second.
Dear Steph:
Next time you wash me, can you wear that thin T shirt and your Daisy Dukes again?
Your jeep
A Dirty Jeep & now "Hazardous Waste"
Gawd she really knows how to push our buttons, eh guy? STOP it you vixen!
Casey post responding to haters: “If you DO need to criticize make sure you “package it” in a constructive and loving way.”
I can just see A$$hat 6 months from now standing in a courtroom: “Judge, I’m sensing a lot of negativity in your sentence. If you DO need to sentence me to jail, make sure you “package it” in a constructive and loving way”
From IAFF.com
"Placeholder page
If you are just browsing the web
The owner of this web site has not put up any web pages yet. Please come back later.
Move along, nothing to see here... :-)"
Game over for CS?!?!?
Did the feds finally shut him down!?!?!?!?
@Vague Guru:
I can just see A$$hat 6 months from now standing in a courtroom: “Judge, I’m sensing a lot of negativity in your sentence. If you DO need to sentence me to jail, make sure you “package it” in a constructive and loving way”
In the interests of decency and not overusing the PMITA angle I'll forgo the obvious follow-on joke involving jail, packages, and loving.
Dear Jeep,
Only if you promise to get a 4" lift and some brush-guards.
Stephanie J.
@ Legion
Where's Dolph's site... I had no idea he did that.
(The Hazardous Waste is safely dispatched onto our public roads. Enjoy everyone!)
Stephanie J:
I'll help pay for your gas to drive down to Sacramento if you'll bring someone along to film you kicking Casey in the blue balls. I'd offer to supply a pair of steel-toed boots for the occasion, but I suspect that you already have a pair.
@ Legion
Oh, and even though he wasn't deleting anything, I'm not taking back the Undeserving Skidmark remark.
@ Stephanie J
Who knew that you talking to your Jeep could be so ***HOT***! :)
Dolph is @
@ Jade:
Where do you buy your pot?
Must be some pretty bad stuff. Mine is $50 for four grams and lasts me over six months.
I have a college education
I have a job
I have a home plus rental property
I pay my mortgages
I have a savings account, IRA, 401(k)
I have very little credit card debt (maybe $1000 at any given time)
Stoners Rock!
@ Jade:
Where do you buy your pot?
Must be some pretty bad stuff. Mine is $50 for four grams and lasts me over six months.
I have a college education
I have a job
I have a home plus rental property
I pay my mortgages
I have a savings account, IRA, 401(k)
I have very little credit card debt (maybe $1000 at any given time)
Stoners Rock!
@ Ogg.
Your suspicions are correct; they're not boots tho. Their Doc Martens. Black and stompy. Very cute in a girly way. Much like my Jeep. Steel toes are required when one deals with things like Hazardous Waste. They'd certainly do some damage to Casey's pair.
A good ball-crushing would also serve double duty, because it would probably cause permanent infertility by damaging his lil-swimmer-factory. The world would be a better place without future mini-caseys, (which I can totally picture in nappies repeatedly crawling into walls). ::Thonk-WAH! Thonk-WAH!::
IAFF is coming up fine for me. Hadn't looked at it in several days. I liked Yneone's weird attempt to defend Casey's honor:
"Also, I feel strongly that Casey does not have mental issues as people have suggested. Casey is suffering from severe DEPRESSION. Anyone in this situation would have similar symptoms. This is classic depression…is all that it is. Men have been known to kill themselves over an experience like this."
Ooooooooooooook.....Casey's lucky to have her on his "team".
Stephanie J:
In his younger and stupider days, my cat would sometimes see his reflection in a full-length mirror at sunrise and charge it at full speed. It sounded like this: tromptromptromptromp*thud*
After reading your last post, I imagine that sound coming from the Serin nursery a few times a day. Unlike the cat, Casey's future crotchlings are unlikely to learn as they will probably inherit their father's resistance to clues, even those forcibly pounded in.
Ok, I respect what Keith does over at HousingPanic but this is just STUPID.
"Crazy idea for open discussion: Should HP'ers give humanitarian aid to housing-bubble-causer Casey Serin of iamfacingforeclosure.com? "
Please chime in and help me talk some sense into him.
PS the Happy Meal and $10 JJ card are pretty funny!
Rob - IRT your question this morning about feedback and posting other stories - I like reading stuff on other RE topics. I just don't have a lot to say because 1) I live in the DC area (also a bubble) not CA and 2) I don't know that much about real estate in the first place, other than I bought my house with a normal mortgage.
I do always love good articles on things like option ARMs and other stupidity, especially the sob story ones. Like one in Businessweek where some guy making $60k a year took out a 900k option ARM mortgage and felt like he had been screwed by the lenders. Priceless.
I think you're both wrong. The Caselets would be too busy playing with their Playschool "Lil' Flipper" playsets and teething on debit cards. And I'd bet they would learn to sign their names before they could even walk. Of course, their first words would be "sweeet deeeaals". Actually, maybe they would be "mama, where's papa".
@I peeked
I can honestly say, without reserve, that I DESPISE YneOne. She is an insipid, vacuous waste of carbon with no life.
Ms. 'Benefit of the Doubt' needs to be loaded into a rocket and shot into the sun.
But let me tell you how I really feel...
@ Steph, Ogg, Bemused & All
Just for the record. If I'm supplying gas $, snack & beverages I'm calling "SHOTGUN" right now!
I'm mildly petrified of Stephanie J but think I can stay on her good side for the road trip to neuter casey!
Why Duane withdrew support:
"Roadside Assistance" put him over the edge.
Duane probably saw the bills Casey was paying and realized Casey would be calling with a "cash advance" request so he could:
1. Pay Rent
2. Pay Utilities
3. Eat at Denny's
4. Buy G a sweet V-day gift
Or, perhaps Duane run off with Galina.
Love the soap opera.
I saw this and immediately thought of the Golden Boy:
Casey actually used a couple of those as images on some of his 'boo hoo woe is me' posts.
Steph..I know you didn't just refer to a Casey offspring as a "crotchling." OMG.
Talking about someone being nervous. Flash forward one year and poor G having a kid, just hoping it looks even a little bit like Casey. Otherwise, she better hope she has the kid on a "criticism" free day.
Anon 1:12 -
If Galina has a kid in a year I suspect it's gonna look a LOT like the bird-doggin' mailman
Rob puts up this entry under the title of "Toxic Avenger", and Stephanie J. is sending off some hazardous waste that she had to deal with using her steel toed boots. Now I'm a bit concerned for Casey.
Stephanie J:
On a more serious note, do you deal with Chem Waste? I've a good story about my one experience with the Chem Safety people here about some waste. I've never had any faith in their agents here after that experience.
Kid will probably be born on time nine months after his most recent guru "collige."
Sadly my little sister bought me a custom "Despair" 2007 calendar for Christmas. For the record I am not a pessimist, I just know more about what's coming than most people and am thus justifiably scared. You want happy; Kudlow & Cramer. You want a better perspective on my darkside Ritholtz and CalculatedRisk.
@Stephanie.....Love the cat analogy. Here's my favorite angriest cat in the world video:
@ Anon
I cannot take credit for the "Crotchling" that was the ever adorable Caveman Ogg. It too made me nearly pass out with laughter. Ogg has a special place in my heart.
@Northern Renter
I do deal with some chems. We deal mostly with caustics and acids--and neutralize on site; we very RARELY any HW--today was an exception. I'm an enviro-person, so I don't do anything direct except stand there and tell people what to do. :)
But I'm always up for tales of human idiocy.
I forgot,
Today is the day that Casey is watching for Robert Kiyosaki to stick is head out from a hole in the ground to see if there's a shadow on the ground.
"At 1:20 PM, Rob Dawg said...
Sadly my little sister bought me a custom "Despair" 2007 calendar for Christmas. For the record I am not a pessimist, I just know more about what's coming than most people and am thus justifiably scared. You want happy; Kudlow & Cramer. You want a better perspective on my darkside Ritholtz and CalculatedRisk"
See my post on unfunded liabilities and the $86 trillion estimate in UL for just Medicare and Social Security alone.
I put it under "Are there no poorhouses?" as it didn't seem to relate to the recent posts about Duane LeGate and "no criiticism days" and the ongoing "Look, there's a poster calling herself Stephanie J and talking about jeeps and boots and dominatrix stuff....let's hit on her!"
A problem I see with this newfangled "blog" stuff is that 20 years of learning about threaded newsreaders, about threaded mail exploders (aka mailing lists) has been discarded in favor of this current feature-deprived, linear commenting system.
Now that this blog is getting very popular, finding stuff in amongst the "back atchas" and "Stephanie, will you marry me?" stuff is getting harder and harder. (And, no, I'm not jealous of her, or him, if past Internet trends are present. Last thing I want is a fan base of stalkers. If I wanted that, I'd've picked a female name.
Don't scare me like that. Imagine Casey with an army of bird-doggin' mail-babies at his disposal. The real-estate world would split asunder from the sheer weight of the sweet deals he would "make happen."
Tim, to be fair, everyone is also hitting on Heidi, Jade, and inadvertantly Ogg. Rob BBB narrowly escaped with his virtue after someone tagged him/her/it as female.
@Tim from MBA
Tim, you do sound hot. ASL?
Sorry Tim, but you started it all with your hot spreadsheet on spreadsheet action.
You math minx.
@ Anon 12:33
Wish I could tell you but sadly I like my government job way too much to fail a drug test
Wheatgrass didn't happen today. Maybe tomorrow - I'm excited!
When people hit on me they're secretly picturing Galina. They think I don't know, but we always know...
"At 1:48 PM, JimBobJoeBobJim said...
Sorry Tim, but you started it all with your hot spreadsheet on spreadsheet action.
You math minx.
You boys have "uncovered" my secret.
Look for the latest "spread" in my hot new XOXOXO DVD "Between the Spreadsheets!"
Steph and me really dig guys watching us!
--Tanya Mynx
(No, I felt not even a slight tingle with this kind of stuff. I can honestly say that in 20 years of Net access, this is the first time I've even temporarily adopted a "fem" nym. I doubt Stephanie is faking it, but be careful about a lot of these fem nyms that have suddenly made their appearance. The lack of them on Casey's blog and the increase in them here does not quite square right.)
Back to my normal screen nym as soon as this goes off....
Tim -
I love it when you talk nerdy to me...
Stephanie J:
Throw a disposable email account address up here and I'll send you the story. After all this, I hope it's amusing; I don't want to bore folks here with it, though, nor do I wish to risk my anonymity by posting it publicly.
Tim from MBA
I've missed u in "Tattoos and Piercings" chat. I've been searching everywhere for u.
UR a sexy man.
This is obviously a Friday afternoon where no one wants to work and everyone wants to play. What the heck, go with it.
@Tim (on threaded newsreaders)
But nice, simple, text based threaded readers don't artificially boost hit counts! If you can look at an overview of all responses, see what's new and to whom it is a response, all without reloading - what will the advertisers think?
@Stephanie (and others) re: Caseycrotchlings...
I keep expecting that as the next big revelation. If you're not careful with your real estate, how careful are you with your birth control, and if you can't manage to open the mail once a week, how do you manage to remember pills/condoms?
And besides, what other way will Casey have to get his hands on a clean SSN that he can use to apply for more credit? "Oh, EVERYONE uses their newborn's identity! I had NO IDEA it was shady! I just wanted to buy a few nice cashmere sweaters for the baby, anyway. I mean, even if we don't have any money, it DESERVES a little treat, right? And its a business expense, anyway - its an INTERVIEW outfit!"
If anyone has seen Tim, please IM me. I think he is chatting with someone else.
He thinks I'm stalking him but his words...they....they....oh my.
Hey jbjbj....asl? Can I just call you BJ?
Your advice is appreciated, but hopefully not needed in this case. I'd like to think that everyone here has realized that not everyone on the Internet is who they claim to be.
(I will leave it up to each reader to decide whether I am in fact a caveman.)
I suspect that there isn't much risk of people getting into trouble over identities, fake or otherwise, on this blog. I do however worry that Kevin may stumble in, read Stephanie's kind words about me, and try to batter me to death with a copy of Real Estate for Complete Gibbering Idiots out of jealous rage.
Hold up - Ogg, does that mean you're not really a caveman??
The key is everyone "here."
I've posted on Casey's site as
Craven Moorehead, I'm pulling for(out of) Casey, and Mr. Bates. I don't think he's gotten any of them.
I've only been to IAFF twice today. No posts...baby steps.
I'd like to think that everyone here has realized that not everyone on the Internet is who they claim to be.
I think that's true in most cases, but RobBBB seems a mite confused. Perhaps all that high-stakes investing has addled his brain, poor dear.
Talking of which, I still haven't received that threatened subpoena for identity theft yet. I've been on tenterhooks for days now, and it's really getting rather tedious.
Ogg not real cave man?!?!
No no, I'm okay, I just have something in my eye. Maybe it's dusty in here.
-jbjbj, sullenly
Casey has generated a great deal of interest and curiousity. There are many questions, and we know he's lying about a lot of things.
If any of Casey's audience works in a bank, a business, in law enforcement or private investigation, would it be possible for one or more of them to pull Casey's credit, and post the results online? It's a crime, but so what. We're dealing in crime here and we love it! Casey has provided much information about himself - maybe even his SSN - on his little blog thingy. Enough info is there to do a credit check, right? That would reveal each and every one of his trade lines, and maybe provide even more info a private deek could use to dig up amusing tidbits.
Somebody could run a KnowX.
@ Galina. No one is going to touch that one.
I did offer him $5 for every point the wife's FICO was over 575 if he would post it and he moderated it out. I'm guessing hers is as bad as his. And did you notice he's updated her credit to current? He did that the same day he said he only paid one of them and they argued.
If his mouth is open, he's either lying or doing something to Duane.
Ogg is not a real caveman????
Does that mean Homey is not da clown? Please it is hard enuff not spouting off to weasel boy - dont ruin my entire weekend as well. Little man won't post my farewell either - I guess "f*ck off looser" was a little harsh.
Oh and I am of the female gender as well. Man, it's fun being a total beyotch!
The Long Journey
Great things are required of those striving to reach
Over the great obstacles that life presents;
Trouble, sadness and sorrow may be in my path,I
Overcome adversity through the Strength above.
Just when I think I am most alone, I surrender
All to the higher power, who has gone before.
In offering oblations, I receive blessings below
Love surrounds me; I cannot fail.
I left this inspiring poetry to Casey's request for positive responses. I hope he gets it, posts it, and understands the deeper message. For the rest of you, shame on you people.
Have you no senstivity?
Let's not get too upset, everyone. I never said that I'm not a caveman, merely that as this is the Internet you have to exercise your own judgment.
I keep expecting that as the next big revelation. If you're not careful with your real estate, how careful are you with your birth control, and if you can't manage to open the mail once a week, how do you manage to remember pills/condoms?
And besides, what other way will Casey have to get his hands on a clean SSN that he can use to apply for more credit? "Oh, EVERYONE uses their newborn's identity! I had NO IDEA it was shady! I just wanted to buy a few nice cashmere sweaters for the baby, anyway.
I wonder about this too. In fact, I read somewhere about some lazy con artist pig who actually did this. Sick.
Thanks Ogg - I will now be able to sleep tonite. (In reality I never doubted that you were a caveman - momentarily gave into peer pressure I guess)
What's an XOXOXO DVD? A hugs and kisses video?
@ anon 2:41
No, we don't.
@ Katie, Savioah
If Casey hasn't knocked up Galina by this point, I don't think it's gonna happen. Lack of access.
@ the rest of you dirty liars
I feel so betrayed. Here I thought I was discussing things with cavemen, spacemen, hillbillies, and shoe-pooping blog-commenting cats.
@ I change my name every time:
You are to consider that C & G might have held off on having kids on purpose. Raising a kid is a lot of work, after all. We already know how Casey feels about work, and we can guess that G's taste for it doesn't go beyond putting on her project manager outfit and playing Flip That House for the camera. Lack of access is certainly an issue now, but there had to be a time during the high-roller phase where that was not a problem.
As for the characters on the blog, as I said earlier you should exercise your own judgment but I'm pretty sure the hillbilly and Sputnik are the real deal. I don't remember any spaceman.
What we don't know, of course, is whether Sputnik is male or female.
@ Tanya
I am many things; but I am not dishonest--I have not represented a thing about myself that isn't true (except for an obviously false self-description I posted a while back just for a laugh).
I have a sense of humour (and you *have* to if you read IAFF). I think what you perceive on the most part as being 'hit-on' is likely joking, and not stalkage.
These are greatly people who've been on Casey's blog from early on as I have, and have shown themselves to be people of sense and intelligence by their posts--wait... People of sense, intelligence and irreverence, and I'm okay with that. The bad stuff that appears occasionally is easy enough to just gloss over--and move on. No big deal, I'm not a tightass.
I'm not going to get my knickers in a twist about PC or non-PCness because it takes the easiness and fun out of the conversation. Making people walk on eggshells to avoid offending someone is a sure way to turn this into something uninteresting--Just like Casey's blog being purged of 'negativity'.
Besides, someone is *always* offended at *something*. You can't please everyone. And for Christ's sake, it's not like some random person typing: YOU'RE HOT, is going to make me publish my personal information, the time I take my showers, and identify the best window through which to see me.
Sorry it's hard for you to see these things. But frankly, they're really quite benign, and far from being anything about dominatrixes just because someone mentioned steel toed boots. That's about a desire to see Casey get his ass-kicked; something nearly universally desired by the company of folks who come here regularly.
And Kevin's 'proposal' to me was a compliment for one of my posts, not just because I'm a woman just ripe for the hitting on.
"how careful are you with your birth control, and if you can't manage to open the mail once a week, how do you manage to remember pills/condoms?"
@Northern Renter
I'll do that later on this evening-K?
You guys are causing me to get an internet woodie!
Okay I have been gone for awhile, so I have a few comments to make about the shit I have read catching up.
1...what is the link to caseys site where yneone was arguing with prlezbeatches?
2. I see the boycott on casey is working wonders. He's about as sharp as a bowling ball anyway.
3. Stephanie J is talking about her jeep with another man...friggin traitor backstabbing ***#*...atleast heidi still loves me.
4. I knew duane was going to go the way of the dodo, It was only a matter of time before more dirt would have been dug up on him like his links to the nova douche institute on flipping mercedes
Stephanie said
"No big deal, I'm not a tightass."
Never mind..he deflated....
Hey Dolph
Here's a caption
"Duane pulls OUT of CASEY!!"
Well, off to a dinner that I can afford....
@ Legion
Then maybe Tanya would then be more to your liking.
RE: Blog identity
If "Ogg no caveman" does that mean the cat that regularly posts on here & poops on shoes...might really be a dog who can type? I don't buy it - whoever heard of a typing dog?
This is funny. Read the comment underneath this photo:
It looks like Galina has cut poor lil Casey off so he's now out looking for a little extra on the side. Anyone want to bet this guy's wife is Yneone?
Didn't Yneone post something a few days ago on IAFF alluding that Casey did something sleezy to her?
Hey.. Are you stalking me?
That sounds like stalking.
Oops, that last post was meant for CHJTS
Hey everone...Is Sputnik on this site?
No, I think she finally realized that Casey did in fact lie on his loans about his income, and the fact that he claimed they were all primary residences.
Either that or Casey told her that he wasn't leaving Galina after all, and that she should stay with her husband.
Yes I am almost out of here, gf is getting ready for our trip to Mickey D's (kidding)
Holy crap Dumbfounded I think you may be right!
Ogg revealed:
...and the plot thickens.
YneOne as the possible paramour...
The writers of the Young and the Restless couldn't write this stuff.
@ Dunbfounded
That's some juiciness right there!! I'm pretty sure that I've seen gbarney04 post on IAFF or somewhere before.
Sputnik was on here at least last Friday I think. I haven't heard from him/her in a while.
Oops, that last post was meant for CHJTS
No worries. I shower in mornings, south windows are your best bet. I'll leave a ladder on the back patio for ya.
-jbjbj, Irish cleanly
Are you hitting on me?
That sounds like you're hitting on me.
Please stop objectifying me. ::SOB::
Okay, I'm done. I have to go do my long commute through Friday Traffic (90% Subarus with ski-crap strapped to their tops) yay!
...makes me dream about a gatling gun affixed to my hood.
@ Stanley & Stephanie
This is my favorite cat video
The little cat is Casey taunting his readers. The big cat is a hater.
I don't know what's up with that comment from gbarney. I found a bunch of cheerleader comments from him on IAFF, from the 19th to the 25th. Then one comment on Duane's blog on the 26th. The flickr comment is 8 days old, so would be from the 25th? So if he posted the wife thing on the 25th, why the cheerleader comment at Duane's on the 26th? Maybe the comment is fake or something. Anyway for reference, here's the gbarney04 references I could dig up from google (all IAFF except the last one from Duane's):
100. gbarney04
January 19th, 2007 at 9:30 am
Chopper’s post re cloning Casey…
It is posts like yours that keep me coming back here over and over again - I totally cracked up over this one! Keep them coming. I honestly wish I could meet some of these posters.
Casey, I tried posting to you about a month ago but you never submitted my post. My post was about my own real estate experiences and what I basically said is you either have a sense of the real estate market or you don’t - I’m afraid you simply don’t. The sooner you get out of this complete mess the better. You need to get a steady job and develop a work ethic.
29. gbarney04
January 25th, 2007 at 2:55 pm
This is simply terrible and these two women really should be exposed for how they’ve conducted business. You need to show this contract to a good real estate lawyer (not just any real estate lawyer) and find out how it will hold up and if there’s an easy out.
People who post here need to stop kicking Casey around. Glad you’re all so perfect and haven’t made a single mistake in your life. Casey has been polite to everyone so far so I don’t quite understand the hatred some people seem to have toward him. It’s one thing to make fun of his situation but it’s entirely another to wish him continued financial decline. He’s trying to make the best out of the situation he’s in and doesn’t need to be taken advantage of any more than he already has been. It’s the real estate brokers and the lenders who are really to blame for what’s happened to him.
48. gbarney04
January 25th, 2007 at 3:21 pm
i work for a law firm and will try and get one of them to take a look at this contract tongiht and give me their thoughts on it.
63. gbarney04
January 25th, 2007 at 3:36 pm
Re contract - I showed it to a lawyer and they said on first read “it’s barely english” and “seems like you could drive a truck through it”. I’ll let you know what else they have to say when I hear back from them again.
gbarney04 said:
January 26th, 2007 at 2:06 pm
I lost your email address but wanted to let you know how concerned I was today when I saw your site down. I fully support you and know you will pull out of this mess. Those women are totally evil and will get what they have coming to them. No one will want to associate with them after what they’ve done to you. Please let me know how you’re doing when you get a chance. Good luck in the meantime.
Very weird. GBarney04 posts that to Casey's Flickr site on Jan. 25th, but on Jan. 26th he posts this to Duane's blog:
I lost your email address but wanted to let you know how concerned I was today when I saw your site down. I fully support you and know you will pull out of this mess. Those women are totally evil and will get what they have coming to them. No one will want to associate with them after what they’ve done to you. Please let me know how you’re doing when you get a chance. Good luck in the meantime.
He also posted this on the 25th at IAFF:
January 25th, 2007 at 3:21 pm
i work for a law firm and will try and get one of them to take a look at this contract tongiht and give me their thoughts on it.
I have a theory about who the woman in question might be, but I'll look for some more information before sharing.
Snooping is too quick for me.
Ellis - clearly the wife posted on the 25th and husband used her account on the 26th to post that
Wow, that gbarney comment about leaving his wife alone got me hot and bothered. WTF??? Now I won't be able to sleep tonite until I know what is going on.
That little prick did it again.
Good theory Jade!!!!
Hubby probably also posted at IAFF and Duane's site under the same name, but Casey moderated those. I doubt he's seen the Flickr post.
I sincerely doubt Casey was hitting on this chick, sounds like a freaking-out, jealous husband to me.
If Casey goes to jail why wouldn't G? After all they both signed the contracts. My wife also blindly signs things if I sign them, but that still does not exclude her from knowing what she signed.
And to think of her trying to mangage contractors and getting upset. Managing contractors is one aspect of flipping that will make or break you. What bothers me is Casey also has no clue in how to do any managing as well. Passive income is simply a delusion for most. Some people actually enjoy working and doing what they have a passion for.
And all this BS about saving her credit is just BS. It is already shot, and she will have to declare BK as well.
Why did Duane leave? I suspect it has something to do with him getting the roadside assistance. This guy will buy anything, sign anything, and just be a kid in an adult's world. And want to bet he called none of the creditors?
And he can't be serious about not opening his mail. What does he think that by not opeing it it will go away. It was halarious when a blogger actually indicated one of his properties was up for auction. Those certified letters that you sign for? Yea it might be a good idea to open those at least. And it takes all night to go through 40 pieces of mail? Give me a break, but perhaps it is difficult to it on a ball.
And to organize an office is such an ordeal?
That was a budget? I think he forgot about paying for his debts. Tithing? Yea lets borrow money to do that. Can we say brainwashed? Take care of yourself and you wife! The soup line is comming your way! God isn't going to help a lazy man who will not work. But I am sure this was all another Casey delusion.
And he wants to own an apartment building? Yea there is something that would be laughable. But then I could live there for free and just say the check is in the mail.
And the Utah wrap? Damn so little info. And the wrapper I am afraid is going to be screwed just because of the "expert" attention to details that Casey has provided.
I see no way out of this mess. He goes deeper and deeper into debt. A trip to Phoenix, a trip to Hawaii, another real estate guru class? I would love to be the judge at his new occupation of coutroom defendant. Lets see what happens when he sleeps till noon.
This guy wants people to work for him and make him money with just being able to smile? Perhaps it is time for him to go into show business. But then again he would have to wake up for that as well and show up.
I have been reading this stuff for six months, and have yet to comment, but what the heck might as well join he crowd as the end is near for out good old boy Casey.
Trust me. Casey ain't hitting on other women.
Ben Dover
I would love to be the judge at his new occupation of coutroom defendant.
I think it would be much more fun to be the judge at his bankruptcy hearing. All kinds of actions that aren't necessarily criminal in nature become relevant there.
Of course, his response to all questions would be the same: "Why you gotta hate on me?"
DAMN Now we have a freaked out husband as part of the cast of characters.
This soap opera gets better and better. I wish we had a topic board to predict what the turdknocker is going to do next and see who can come closest.
I posted a comment on IAFF with a link to this blog encouraging everyone to discuss Casey here instead. Now that I think about it...I wonder if it was a good idea.
Some people seem to have an "identity crisis". Anyway, I am confident the regulars have the talent to figure out who's who.
Two posts in one. Just doing my part to keep the post count to a manageable level. First part:
My rewrite of Casey's Feb 2nd blog post:
Subject: Galina is Out
Text: We gave it a shot but things didn't work out between Galina and I. Marriage will end on April 15th. It's all good though... Anybody else want to be my wife?
Second part:
@Ellis Wyatt:
Cool plugin for Firefox. I may never need it but I'm bookmarking it just in case.
Ok, I hate to disappoint, but I think the Yneone-Gbarney angle is a no go. Assuming "stay away from my wife" gbarney04 is the same as the "I was abused as a child" gbarney04 on various crime discussion boards, he's from Greenwich, CT. Yneone says in a Dec. 6 comment that she's in CA. So I think we'll have to look elsewhere for the wifey.
Let me just say, that digging through Yneone posts was like a journey through increasing madness. I also had no idea how many times she has called me an idiot (in my various comment name incarnations.) That was kinda fun.
@ 2:41 PM, Anonymous said..
“I left this inspiring poetry to Casey's request for positive responses. I hope he gets it, posts it, and understands the deeper message. For the rest of you, shame on you people.
Have you no senstivity?”
Yes, I have sensitivity. Right now, I’m sensing you are a moron. Casey is a criminal, he admitted it himself. I say, shame on you!
To recap, you are a moron. I hope you get this, read this and understand my deeper message.
160 comments and the night is still young - I would pay to see a pic of Casey's face when he pulls up this site later on. We all know he is addicted to reading about himself. Hi Casey!! How's it going!!! Big plans for the weekend??? You human enema!
Blog napping is one of the coolest revenges I have ever witnessed.
Vague Guru @ 5:59 --
He meant to "read the subliminal message" (vertically down the first characters of each line). :-)
@ Ellis Wyatt
You mentioned Duane has a blog - do tell.... the link???? Does he say anything about his pulling out?
@Benoit said...
Vague Guru @ 5:59 --
He meant to "read the subliminal message" (vertically down the first characters of each line). :-)
Thanks Benoit, missed that one, man I'm thick.
@ Vague Guru
Um, you've been had. Look at the first letter of each line of the poem.
Damn Big Dave, you are one angry MFer.
@ anon 2:41 & Benoit
I missed that too. I posted as "I change my name every time" earlier. My apologies, and good one.
@Vague Guru
I take back calling you a moron
No hard feelings--as our resident idiot says, it's all good. That post has a really good chance of getting past Casey. We'll have to see.
Snooping: "Let me just say, that digging through Yneone posts was like a journey through increasing madness. I also had no idea how many times she has called me an idiot (in my various comment name incarnations.) That was kinda fun."
Now THAT almost made me lose my quesadilla. Good times.
While I could have gone to Chipotle and spent $6 on a nice burrito, I spent .25 making a quesadilla. You hear that Casey!?!?!? I just "made" $5.25 on a sweet deal by making my own food.
@ Ben Dover
I know you think that Casey wouldn't have another woman on the side, but frankly, I think Boy Blunder would screw a jar of peanut butter if it could earn him some money.
I mean, all those "late night business meetings." That would put dark circles under eyes. And all that unexplained cash he seems to be coming up with.
Of course Casey could be screwing around. He lies about everything else in his life. His marriage vows wouldn't be any different. They don't mean anything more than all those other silly pieces of paper he signs.
@ Renter
I've made up a disposable email address.
I will not be accepting marriage proposals.
Thank you.
@ Stanley
Casey seems to be removing all "boycott" and references to other blogs.
He was too stupid to realize that most are fed up with his moderation.
My last message on his site was rejected...
@ SJ
"I will not be accepting marriage proposals."
Damn. There goes my evening.
call Casey
casey already forgot to blur the addresses on the pics of his bills so we had that information already. yhe phone num is good tho
Watch our favorite flipper.
(I get depressed just watching him)
Casey Serin aka sercasey
One thing I've noticed about this blog is that it seems to draw a very diverse crowd. We come from different generations, backgrounds, geographical areas, and education levels, united only by our annoyance at Casey Serin. For the most part, we all want answers to the same questions: How will loose lending practices and the Fed's policies affect our futures? How long will the housing market be in decline? Are declining real estate prices a harbinger of the death of the middle class? Yes, we all want answers to these tough questions.
But let's get to the real issue here. Galina's butt.
Me likey.
Any chance we could get Casey to complete this questionaire?
How delusional is this kid?
He has gone back and deleted any and all comments in his last 2 threads that mention EN or the boycott.
Casey, don't you think people are smarter than you and know how to do a google search? The party is over. Turn out the lights. NOBODY is going back to your little ego stroking site.
Latest thread has 25... count 'em 25 comments..ugh.. this one will hit 200+.
I have never wanted a person to fall on his face or go to jail before......but I will not take lightly if scum like you or your wannabe Ivana Trump hoe bag wife escape jail time and that both of you pay back "every dirty penny."
Casey, from the sitemeter I know you read these, so read this slow. MANY people are not going to rest until the FBI, IRS, DOJ, and the DA's prosecute you and Galina to their fullest extent. There is enough information on your blog and in public records to seal your fate. The least of your worries is NLL or Cash Call.
I give you 2 weeks left at best in your pathetic scam before the shit hits the fan for you.
My next series of posts are now going to be the choice photos from his flickr account (fair use according to Flickr!).
Each day will feature the best of the best. This weekend I plan to post the Youtube videos. Unless he pulls them (which I doubt his ego will allow) they will be forever on my blog for posterity :)
Thanks again to all who have posted and discussed stuff on the blog. It's a labor of love and if I don't always respond to every post, I apologize (ahh, sh** now I sound like Casey and his excuses for not moderating on time!).
rob -
why are you "moderating" the posts on this blog now ?
there is no reason for you to be removing posts.
what, are you copying Casey now ?
Bubbles: Even funnier is how all these blogs are popping up with Rob's leading the way.
He's created a cottage industry of blogs ABOUT his lies!
I love this community!!! What makes me happiest is seeing his comment counts go down. I've run out of material for the IAFF Hater Post of the Moment!
Galina's butt rates a 7 out of 10 for me in that photo.
It looks good, but I would bet one or all of our Lady hater crew most likely looks better!
I hate pretension and Galina looks all full of it. I like gals who can speak their mind and tell it like it is.
What did Casey expect from Duane.
Doesn't everyone pull out when they are done screwing someone?
congrats to duane for realizing the facts, or maybe duane was just as deluded as casey to seriously think that the IAFF eyeballs meant someone would click and purchase or use homebuyer network or some online RE class,,,
I check out IAFF to watch the trainwreck!
I check out whofailedtoday to read about how people want to bang his wife in the ass,
and ill certainly be a fan of exurban as long as we can post unfiltered hate about our favorite dumbass casey
it wasn't too smart for Casey to hire the Hells Angels motorcycle gang to handle the PRlink biz "ladies" Erin & Joy and physically threaten and force the PHX duo to rescind the Casey's "life story rights" contract.
the Hells Angels are a not exactly the type of guys that you can just burn and then they just have their lawyers start sending you some letters about failing to pay
-- to the contrary ---
that illegal alien Uzbek scum Casey is going to find himself missing his teeth, his limbs busted up, stuffed upside down inside a garbage can, and floating down the Sacramento River.
Mr. B,
Good lord, he's attempting to boycott our boycott. The audacity! Can he do that? Is that legal? I'd better ask Rob BBB.
And when you lose control, you'll reap the harvest you have sown.
And as the fear grows, the bad blood slows and turns to stone.
And it's too late to lose the weight you used to need to throw
So have a good drown, as you go down, all alone,
Dragged down by the stone.
I gotta admit that I'm a little bit confused.
Sometimes it seems to me as if I'm just being used.
Gotta stay awake, gotta try and shake off this creeping malaise.
If I don't stand my own ground, how can I find my way out of this
Deaf, dumb, and blind, you just keep on pretending
That everyone's expendable and no-one has a real friend.
And it seems to you the thing to do would be to isolate the winner
And everything's done under the sun,
And you believe at heart, everyone's a killer.
At 8:40 PM, sharon said...
rob -
why are you "moderating" the posts on this blog now ?
there is no reason for you to be removing posts.
what, are you copying Casey now ?
This blog? My blog. I've deleted 3 posts and 2 duplicates and 2 by request I think. That not moderating, that's tidying up. I can let fly with a string of invectives that would cause my old rugby team to blush. I just don't need the thread clogged with unproductive trash talk. No biggie, and no need to make it a biggie.
Hey Snooping, good stuff
"Let me just say, that digging through Yneone posts was like a journey through increasing madness. I also had no idea how many times she has called me an idiot (in my various comment name incarnations.) That was kinda fun."
This really reminds me of those FBI profilers who get into the minds of serial killers and get kind of crazy themselves. Man, to think like yneone, to actually feel what is like to be her....it can only induce madness.
Rob - Check this out! I just found a posting by our very own "Sercasey" on a discussion board on Cash Back at Closing. He admits that he the cash back was all done outside of escrow, which I'm guessing means it's not on the HUD, meaning he did break the law.
"Please use my story as an example of NOT to do.
I took cash out on a bunch of loans this year, anywhere from 10 to 50K. Most of them I did outside of escrow, so the seller just gave me a check after he/she got paid. Everybody was in agreement in this case and I was not doing anything shady or under the table. However, I'm not sure what laws I may have been breaking.
Anyway, I took all this cash out NOT to buy a nice car or to spend it on something frivolous. I took out cash to pay for my construction costs and holding costs.
Problem is that because of lack of experience and taking on too many houses all at once the party came to an end.
Borrowing from Peter to pay Paul can only last so long.
So now I'm facing foreclosure on 5 houses in 3 different states. I'm almost 4 months behind.
Check out my story by clicking the link in my signature.
Hope this helps. "
Rainman says in his latest....
"Me and my wife sometimes get critical of each other and do a “no criticism” days to put it in check."
After I laughed for 20 minutes, I realized something:
What do you bet that the "NO CRITICISM" Days are ALWAYS CASEY'S IDEA....
G: Casey...did you pay my credit cards?
C: No, hun...I was busy rearranging my stacks of papers.
G: Did you activate my new Neiman's Credit Card? Make sure you put it on the spreadsheet.
C: No, hun...I was getting my name added so I can negotiate easier when we don't pay the bill.
G: Did you get out the $200 I need for that bookbag for my 6am class at the junior college?
C: No, hun...I was going to see if we could get it at Macy's with that credit we have left, as soon as I get my name added to it, so I can negotiate easier when we don't pay the bill.
G: You are a fucking moron. You mess up everything.
C: Now, hun...we need to get this negativity in check....let's go out to eat at MAC GRILL and have a "NO CRITICISM" day. We can wrap up our night in a loving package of leftover lasagna. SWEET!
junior colleges are for losers Casey - you effin faggot !!
Anyone else want to sponsor?
Yeah buddy, I'd like to sponsor my foot up your ass. I swear I'm getting a little bit tired of his "what me worry" alfred neuman act.
As for Galina's butt, expect it to double to babushka size in 10 years..just check out all the other uzbekistan lovelies at Casey's myspace.
junior colleges are for losers Casey - you effin faggot !!
AHHH, no. Maybe the jr colleges where you are are full of losers. However, many, many, many people and society as a whole benefit from jr. colleges.
People with little cash who want to go to a 4 year college. Get 2 years at a cheap cost and graduate from a much better school.
People who want added, specific training after HS but don't want a 4-year education.
It places post HS education within commuting distance of many more people, thereby encouraging them to go.
Plus they are great for a state. They can readily set up courses in areas where the state is lacking in skilled workers.
NOT getting an education is for losers. Sure, it's better to get edumacated at Stanford or Harvard or Duke, but not everyone can do that.
Casey thinks that it's alright to not have any post HS education. Gurus are good enough.
P.S. 'Loser' is properly spelled loozer.
Let's face it people, we all KNOW that Galina isn't really going to junior college anyways...she is out with future mr. galina on food dates. Hasn't anyone else noticed that Casey is getting more and more emaciated while Galina has been looking more plumper? Someone is eating pretty good....and it ain't Casey.
Backstage: Great post. I agree 100%. CCs have their positives and are cheap ways for young people to get their stuff together after lackluster HS grades.
It also is useful for legal immigrants who need education and/or job training as well as adults who need to brush up on a skill or class.
rob dawg,
from what I hear, galina is the college bicycle... every one has had a ride.
well, except for the village idiot.
galina, clock is ticking babushka butt... better snag a man while you can...
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