Housing Bubble, credit bubble, public planning, land use, zoning and transportation in the exurban environment. Specific criticism of smart growth, neotradtional, forms based, new urbanism and other top down planner schemes to increase urban extent and density. Ventura County, California specific examples.
Thursday, April 05, 2007
DC Humor
Q: What's the difference between Congress and the National Archives? A: In the Archives you aren't allowed to fondle the pages. [rimshot]
I'm in DC this week with my middle's 8th grade class trip. 6:30AM time to eat and tour the Capital and Annapolis. Thus the quiet blog activity and ierd hours. Conent is also slow so the new site arises fully formed when I get back.
so will averyone be singing the victim song, look at these 2 nyc stories and see how these idiots play victim & claim they were duped into buying a home!
how is that even possible!!??!???
too bad snowflake cant change his story around!
how can a predatory lender be the bad guy for one person...
but casey is the bad guy and teh predatory lender was duped?
It seems that the picture of Casey and G actually is current according to the EXIF data from the picture/Camera "Taken on March 24, 2007 at 2.36pm PDT" (http://www.flickr.com/photo_exif.gne?id=445240252) and the reason that most of his pics are blurry are that he doesnt use a flash or it is broken "Flash: Flash did not fire". That exposure was 1.5 seconds too. It is amazing that it is as clear as it is :-)
Everyone is a victim now. Something bad happens to you, you're a victim. A little ignoring of inconvenient facts and there you are.
Besides, it sells more papers to say "Predators Force Single Mom Out of Family Home" than "Single Mom Re-Fis and Can't Make Payments. Foreclosure Anticipated."
murse, I'm with you on that. thats a young looking casey. recent photos show him with bags under eyes and just a sketchy look in general. G is going heavy as tony would say in some of the recent pix of her. Most folks don't have a bunch of presents sitting in the background for the 3 year anniversary. this is definitely the reheasal dinner photo or similar shot.
If it wasn't so true I'd have to laugh Rob but honestly our government reps make me sick to my stomache.
No longer to they represent the people. They are bought & paid for through political fundraising. Special interests rule and a blind eye is turned towards disasters like subprime until there is a bailout to be made.
Kind of makes me want to move to my own private island...Maybe a few fellow Haterz want in on it?
So March 24th, not their anniversary, so those are not their presents, so they're at some party. There's an exit sign above the door, and a projectorish looking thing behind them.
I've been in contact with Ms. Dollar of the MortgageFraudBlog and the Robert Simpson, of he who owns the Scotsman Guide. Both folks were kind enough to pass onto me the name and number of a particular FBI agent, and it was suggested that Casey's newfound noteriety could spur any investigation or matter that they may have already. I know that several high-profile folks in the mortgage industry have made the FBI folks aware about Casey, but his case is small change, to them, he's a small fish. But he's a very well known small fish now.
I called last night to talk, but probably called too late. I hope to hear something todya, but if I don't, I'll be calling again friday.
I want to be clear in that I don't think Casey is ultimately the cross-bearer here, and there are folks who are ultimately much more guilty than he (I will not give much credence to any money-hiding conspiracy theories). But, in the interest of his own good, he needs some consequence. Like Jerome Maybe (another one), I have encouraged him to turn himself in as state's evidence and rat out those who allowed these illegalities.
I will continue to pursue this in my spare time, because I do not want Casey to harm himself, and nor do I want him to morph into guru-mode and harm others.
The problem with Casey, outside the murse of course, is his continuous spitting in the eye of authority. That's what makes people so mad, even if he is a small fish.
Average Jane and Joe law abiding citizens are going to have to yell louder, it seems.
Casey NEEDS to be stopped. It is nearly insane that after all of this time and everything that's happened Casey has not changed his tune whatsoever. He's still out here recklessly trying to live off of borrowed money and the kindness of others. All the while refusing to put forth any real effort on his part.
He's still sleeping in. He's living recklessly speeding around on the freeway. He's blowing other peoples money on trips, scaminar gurus, and juice. He's desperately seeking sources of borrowed money. He's made no real effort to mitigate losses for his creditors.
Worst of all, he's seeking as much publicity as he can, basically laughing in the faces of all the creditors he ripped off.
Galina is an accessory in crime in all of these things. Very likely the inlaws and maybe even Casey family are too.
He's gotten away with this for so long, why would he change course? He's given no indication whatsoever that he's changed at all. His actions today mirror those of 6 months ago.
It's an outrage that he hasn't been arrested yet! How much more damage does he need to do before someone in our government takes action?
Ah, spring! I remember walking around Waterfront Park with the mrs one nice spring day and some looser hippy chick was trying to intervene on a duck rape scene. It was hillarious. Dumb hippy chick was FURIOUS that no one would help stop the duck, lol...too funny.
So i met this woman the other night through a group of friends - she's gorgeous. 5'10, brunette, skinny, 25. I'm 26 and fresh out of law school. Her and i hit it off really fast - definite chemistry. So we got to asking what we did for a living..and she's a realtor.
Now i am conflicted. Shes absolutely stunning as a woman, but at the same time, she's a realtor. I've been privvy to the bubble for over a year, follow all the blogs, am a staunch freedom fighter against the REIC, and all around loather of Realtors.
So what should i do? I think i will go out on our date and just keep my mouth shut.
I suggest leaving the murse at home on the first date, or keeping it concealed. If she doesn't come over to your way of thinking on RE, hit her with it. FEAR ME!
Well, I'm a Realtor myself so I'll chime in on this one. Find out if she's a player or not. Lots of people in this game claim to be a Realtor but don't sell shit. If she's got game, she is probably making pretty good bank, works pretty decent hours, and knows lots of other hottie Realtors. No harm in taping it and trying it out for a while. Just remember the three date rule. No action in three dates and move on.
Right now I'm just trying to figure out our financial situation…uhm considering getting a job… at the same time I'm doing web site design. So I do some freelance consulting and design and so that's… I do have jobs coming in but they're not super stable right now...
It's only going to get better, I can see snoflake now telling the loan shark that he can't pay his 22k promissory note
Loan shark:hey Casey your balloon payment is due, pay up
Casey: well um Mr Loan Shark, my consulting business is slow, I only burned 500 cd's this week and I have a lot of bills too, I must have my PDA to blog on the toilet.
Loan Shark: My associates will be visiting you tommorow to "collect", you WILL have the money won't you Casey?
Casey packs up the blue ball, pda, laptop, grabs the murse and runs to mommy's house and hides under the trampoline.
...I printed out a copy of the Google spreadsheet for deeper analysis.
I notice it's like close to 3 months out of date, but man oh man what a trainwreck it is.
Galina has *ELEVEN* different credit cards (only one or two of which are store cards). That's like *TEN* more cards than I carry...wow! Her credit limit for all ten just a little over 26K and she's a couple of hundred bucks over that (and now it's probably worse than than). The APRs range from 25.74% - 32.24%! OUCH! And with over limit fees and late payments on other accounts things can't be getting any better there.
Just posted this to Snowflake's craptastic new entry:
"How did I do with CashCall negotiation?"
You mumble too much. Speak like a man darn it! Many times the Cash Call rep would ask you to repeat something. Hear the way HE talks? He sounds human, you sound like a mumbling nerd who deserves to lose (loose?).
"What could have I done better?"
Nothing. They have you by the cajones my young padawan. Wasting the supervisor's time wasn't smart. You also sound silly for having a $180/month phone bill. My monthly PDA/Cell bill is $79/month dude. Why so high? Why are you so willing to blow money when better deals are out there?
Also, he laid out the deal and I loved how you tried to get him down to $40. If I was him I'd just say goodbye sir, we are now moving to legal. Face it, you dug the hole and you have no leverage (weren't you the one who said leverage is sweet?).
Do yourself a favor next time. Don't talk about settlement unless you have the cash onhand. That guy wasn't taking you very seriously on that matter and he also sounded a bit perturbed you kept asking. NO creditor is going to settle with you for any less than 20-30% off the quoted amount due. Fact.
"What should be my goal and end result of the negotiation?"
Since no credit card company or note loan organization is going to allow you to put off paying them, try to get deals like this one. In the end, nobody can say you weren't working it.
"Is it even worth negotiating with my unsecured lenders at this point? How is it going to help me?"
Yes, it's always WORTH trying. You have a tendency to ask silly questions like this. Didn't you learn anything? Even businessmen who have little education or basic training know that ongoing negotiations are important as you never know when the other side will give in and make a "sweet" offer.
But then again, you aren't a businessman or an entrepreneur. You are basically every deadbeat I've read on complaint boards for places like Cashcall. Guess what kid? YOU took the loan. YOU signed the deal! YOU knew the repayment terms. I love how you act all innocent and awestruck at all this. All this proves to me is that you are not meant to be anything with the word BUSINESS or ENTREPRENEUR attached to it. Trashman, sure...Fryman, okay. Juiceman Sweet! Businessman, no way kid. No way.
It should be a condition of KC's plea bargain / parole / probation that he (1) get and keep a W-2 job, not related to the real estate or financial industry and (2) not be allowed to engage in any entrepreneurial activities, independent contracting, or leveraged investments.
That's what I have so far--I'm trying to come up with something that's broad enough (and without loopholes) so that if he engages in any sort of get-rich-quick scheme again, back to jail he goes.
I just finished reading the CC transcript. Snowflake, and I know you read EN, you will be screwed when the prosecutor gets a hold of you.
In 30 seconds, your income changed from $1500 to $2000 a month. You contradicted yourself many times. The DA will tear into you like a lion into a malibu.
In looking at the spreadsheet I'm trying to figure out which of these have gone to foreclosure
UT Guadalajara Rio Rancho NM Burdett Sacramento CA Larchmont North Highlands CA Muncy Modesto CA
Also aren't there other foreclosures/properties that should be on this sheet?
Sonora Albuquerque NM? (did this sell and if so for how much and where did the proceeds go? why isn't this on the spreadsheet?)
If this is reflective of Galina's abilities at bookkeeping accounting, I think she ought to pick another 'career path' TX? (wasn't this foreclosed on and if so why isn't it on the spreadsheet?)
"Umm Mr. Serin, ther is no way we would approve this mortgage unless you are making more money"
"How much do ?I need to be making to get it done?"
"200K a year"
"I am MAKING 200K a year, not 150K like I said before"
"You're not lying right? Okay sign right here"
"Before we can even consider a payment plan tell me how much you are making a month"
"1K a month"
Cashcall rep snickers "Umm..sorry, but you are too negative with what you owe per month and what you make to make this feasible. We can't go into a payment plan..I guess we are sending it to legal.."
"Ummm..did I say 1K? I meant 2K a month, plus I have other things going on and it will probably be 3K a month soon(like when I win the lottery)"
"Well, if you ARE making that amount maybe we can work something out"
"By the way, since I am so well connected and magically blessed, there are tons of people wanting to throw money my way to pay off this debt completely.."
I don't think Casey used the cash back at close to fix up the houses but I do think he and Galina spent it all and then some
As for crawling for CashCall, I wouldn't have done so if I were in Casey's shoes. I would have bit the bullet and filed bankruptcy. CashCall is an unsecured creditor and not nearly as important as paying for food (you make yourself) and rent and utilities and the necessities...with whatever I had left over would be going to other creditors
The thing is not only do I only have one credit card, I make it a policy to have only *one* car and *one* house at a time. At the moment my car is paid for and I'm renting (I got out of my cheap condo while the getting was good and the 'profit' I got back I'm saving waiting for a good time to get back into the housing market again).
the only reason casey is making the cashcall payments is b/c he's scared his PDA, laptop, car and murse are going to be taken by them. Oh yeah he 'might' be worried that they would take his sister in-laws stuff.
I notice he put that PO box for his mailing address. Perhaps we should tell cashcall where he is really living now so that they can collect if need be. Perhaps someone already did this.
So wasn't Casey's payment late? The supervisor said he needed to pay by 12 noon EST - and he didn't pay till 12 noon PST.
I know he got an hour extension, but there's more than a one hour difference between pacific and eastern. So that payment was actually 3 or 4 hours late. Unsurprising, but will Cashcall now renege on its end of the deal?
"Once everything is sold/forecloses you are going to be in a prime spot to BK. Let’s face it, BK is not going to hurt your credit score, you have a very low income stream that will not interfere with the BK, you have $175K in unsecured debt, you will not have the fraud issue with BKing with the badly documented house loans still active (they won’t be part of the BK). Your BK will be a slam dunk."
I disagree 100%. IT WILL NOT BE a slam dunk.
Casey may be able to excuse the card and Cash Call debt, but what about the Countrywide Promissory note? What about the IRS? None of those can be discharged. He will still be screwed.
Is it even worth negotiating with my unsecured lenders at this point? How is it going to help me?
Hehh. "Pay back every dirty penny..." My, my, my, how the times have changed!!
So, no, it won't help you one bit and you know it. You decided a long time ago that your situation was hopeless and that you'd just sit back and let everything go into foreclosure and then file BK. There's just that one sticky little issue that you cannot seem to get rid of, though. The fact that you willingly participated in mortgage fraud numerous times with numerous people. You committed multiple felonies that defrauded people to the tune of $2 million dollars. You need to deal with this one.
My recommendation is that you go to the FBI immediately and start squealing some sweetâ„¢ states evidence (oink, oink!) You're going to have to rat out every person that played any part in all of your criminal acts, including the sellers that participated in the cash back deals. And, yes, that will be ugly.
When you create a mess, you have to clean all of it up -- not just the convenient parts that suit your fancy on any given day.
BTW, thanks for asking for some adviseâ„¢ -- there might be some hope for you after all.
Actually , Casey will have to deal with mortage issues in BK court. Those second mortages are not wiped out by the foreclosures. They just become unsecured dept. He will have to list them in court documents to have them discharged.
Also TX and NM allow deifciency judgemets he will have to list those foreclosed houses to protect him self from a future judgements.
You don't have to list every debt on a CH 7 BK. The problem is if you don't list them and the BK is discharged, they can still harass and try to collect their monies. Then he's stuck for 7-10 years before he can file again.
I think Casey wants to get CashCall off his back because they are calling his friends, and that does not make snowflake look too good in the eyes of his friends.
You don't have to list every debt on a CH 7 BK. The problem is if you don't list them and the BK is discharged, they can still harass and try to collect their monies. Then he's stuck for 7-10 years before he can file again."
BS- You DO have to list every debt and asset. That is the whole point of the BK. ALL of your finances are turned over to the state.
@All Everything that Casey puts on IAFF is just evidence; whether or not each action is a crime or not, his propensity to bend the truth to suit his needs is all the evidence anyone needs to prove his lack of credibility.
someone said: You CANNOT pick and choose what debts to omit
Maybe you're not supposed to. Maybe it's illegal. But I tell you from personal experience, it is possible to leave one or more debts off your BR filing. This method can be used to preserve accounts, although I can't promise it will always work. I came straight out of BR, twice, with a handful of active credit cards, and recently again with two 'good' cards. I also owed money on a co-signed loan once, and I didn't want to badly affect the co-signer with my BR, so I didn't report that account. I simply paid it off, continuing the account as if normal right through the BR. As a...ummmm..."self-employed" person, my income stream is controlled and defined by me, so I can make it all look right. My most recent BR was in 2006, caused by a very large loan I didn't really want to repay. I did keep two credit cards with balances alive after that one, so this method can work. The "credit counseling" thing is a bother, though.
This is not a troll, so please don't respond as such. I simply know the BR process, having been through it every seven years or so.
People "keep stuff out" of BK's all the time. We had a lot of CC debt years ago and sought advice from an atty who told us he would keep our house (we had equity) and one CC out of the BK. We did not go through with the BK and paid everything off instead, painful but worth it.
Erratic income, bad judgement, sloppy control of money, except when it comes time to conceal any if it exists. Looks like things might be in order from here on out. My grandfather just died, and I'm flush for life. I knew this would happen eventually, so I pretty much slacked off for over twenty years. BR cleared out any debts that might have stepped on the inheritance. Timing worked out okay.
This event caused me to end up here, actually. I need to do something with this money. I thought about real estate, so I hit Technorati for relevent blogs aboout that. Exurban Nation was among the most prominent hits. Wow. I'm not getting into real estate. That HOUSING PANIC blog is scary.
I like the talk here on this blog, but I don't know what it's all about yet. It looks like there is one or more seedy sideshows going on.
nope. the tix has the damn PO box too. I'll look for it later. I thought someone here linked to another website that someone had listed all his info(parents address, brother, sis-in-law, etc). i just cant find it.
@Anon 1:14 Thanks for adding another sideshow. Letting ones financial obligations slip while waiting for a relative to kick off to inherit is...vile. But hey, whatever works for you.
On a more humorous note, I have several very close relatives who are are blatantly waiting for me to pass so they can inherit. It obviously kills them just to be civil to me. (Not that I ask but they sniff around to judge what time I have left) A few years ago my lawyer offered the following advice, "Remember that just because someone is related to you doesn't mean you have to leave them anything." din-ding-ding. He was absolutely right. Whenever the ungrateful brats fish for hints about my estate's disposition I tell them, "don't worry. I think when the lawyer reads the will there will be some incredible surprises." Heh.
someone said:congrats, you committed BK fraud. You're no better than Casey
Yeah. I guess I did. I'm in the clear, though. I am not familiar with 'Casey' enough to stack up my worth against his. You guys don't seem to like him much. -- I just looked around a little. Casey is the guy who was real dumb with loans, posted all the details on the internet, and he's probably in big trouble? I never would have posted exact personal details of my business with loans, and I never touched that much money in debt. That's crazy. This doesn't seem quite right. He posted this under his supposed own name. It's like some kind of big candid camera prank.
I'll be ducking out for good now. I don't feel popular for some reason, I think I didn't get the "feel" of the room right and said unwelcome things. I saw over at Casey's web site a few minutes ago that he lets people insult him a LOT. No need for that with me, I don't enjoy that. I'm out of here.
Stay. You have stuff to offer. People are a little edgy here because they have been telling Casey what to do for eight months to avoid making more fuckups and to get his stuff fixed, but no... They call us the haterzâ„¢ for a reason.
Steph... Just stumbled across a webpage that might amuse you considering your description of the scene outside your window earlier today. Try & find a picture of the Argentine Lake Duck.
Why do I get the feeling the latest troll is snowflake attempting to garner some free legal advice from the haterz?
Whomever you are, you did commit fraud on your BK petition. ( and no you are not in the clear) All it takes is one credit to pull your report. You are not allowed to play preferences with which creditor gets paid and which do not.
The fact that you BK's twice , and the second time on purpose to wipe out the debt prior to inheriting money says alot.
Oh, I forgot, if you hade prior knowledge of the inheritence and did not list that on your petition, that's fraud too.
I have heard that certain personal items (hint hint) can be excluded from bankruptcy, especially when no real man would be caught dead with one. FEAR ME!
You are full of it and shut the hell up. I have had TWO friends file bankruptcy and both times their BK lawyer told them if they leave anything off, it will NOT be discharged and is still an active debt. You need to stop acting like Nigel and get a clue about how the rules work.
Anonymous Troll who keeps telling others they committed BK fraud...
How come BK attorneys who obviously know MORE than you say it's okay to leave off a creditor or two? YOU CAN do it but you risk collections on those accounts should you not pay them.
Stop putting people down. BK fraud is only if you lie about the stuff being discharged and if you lie about income.
I hate trolls who think they are better than everybody else.
Then how come bk attorneys say it's okay? Are you saying they changed the laws because my friends filed way back in 1999.
If an attorney who has respect says it's cool, why are you and others saying it is fraud? Just curious as I like your posts and respect your viewpoint.
When a debtor conceals assets to avoid forfeiting them. When individuals file false or incomplete forms. When an individual files numerous times, either by using real information in several states or by using false information. When a court-appointed trustee is bribed. In addition, bankruptcy fraud often involves other serious crimes such as mortgage fraud, identity theft, money laundering, and public corruption.
"Bankruptcy fraud is often the tip of the criminal iceberg, and that makes these prosecutions so important," said Deputy Attorney General Paul J. McNulty.
(a) The court shall grant the debtor a discharge, unless— (1) the debtor is not an individual; (2) the debtor, with intent to hinder, delay, or defraud a creditor or an officer of the estate charged with custody of property under this title, has transferred, removed, destroyed, mutilated, or concealed, or has permitted to be transferred, removed, destroyed, mutilated, or concealed— (A) property of the debtor, within one year before the date of the filing of the petition; or (B) property of the estate, after the date of the filing of the petition; (3) the debtor has concealed, destroyed, mutilated, falsified, or failed to keep or preserve any recorded information, including books, documents, records, and papers, from which the debtor’s financial condition or business transactions might be ascertained, unless such act or failure to act was justified under all of the circumstances of the case; (4) the debtor knowingly and fraudulently, in or in connection with the case— (A) made a false oath or account; (B) presented or used a false claim; (C) gave, offered, received, or attempted to obtain money, property, or advantage, or a promise of money, property, or advantage, for acting or forbearing to act; or (D) withheld from an officer of the estate entitled to possession under this title, any recorded information, including books, documents, records, and papers, relating to the debtor’s property or financial affairs...
And may I add, to anon @ 2:15 - BK fraud ALSO includes the leaving out of information that provides a true pivcture of your financial picture, as my post above shows.
One more thing - that is not to say that you can't reafirm a debt, such as an auto. Meaning, you can still have debt even though you may choose Ch. 7; however, one must declare ALL debt for it not to be fraud - you DO sign a paper that says that the debts listed are all your debts, & if you leave any off, then you lied.
Man, I take a little nap and I see you loosers getting trolled like a bunch a tuna. Looks like our friend has multiple hook-ups. Fish on! lol...
I like the idea about the Island. So long as someone brings me a Mai Tai with an umbrella and I can do some serious Tarpon fishing. Right now I'm debating a trip to Alaska to go fly fishing for big kings again or a trip to Costa Rica to go Tarpon fishing. Tarpon are winning right now!
We should make an IAFF RPG. Buying some houses, dining at chain restaurants and juice bars, moving in with your sister-in-law and dealing with the Haterzâ„¢ before going to jail.
This is what the supervisor said, according to the transcript:
Oh… Ok no. He just told me that you'd been pre-approved but that's on contingent upon payment of $220.48 in my office no later than 12pm Eastern Standard Time tomorrow. It actually expires today.
So by that and the time on his Wally World receipt, the payment was WAY beyond the 1hr extension.
The transcript does not match the audio in that section. There were some other mistakes as well as far as the transcript not assigning passages to the correct speaker.
I own a RE company. Not all Realtors are out there parroting Lereah and bending clients over for a quick commish. The really good ones have been waiting for this drop for years (God knows I have). The agents who are for shit are dropping like flies, and smart buyers and sellers who know what they need and don't want to f*ck around only want to work with good agents.
Put your agent-babe thru her paces. She might be a keeper. If she's any good, she ain't gonna be hitting you up for a loan anytime soon.
I am convinced the BK fraud troll was part of the Serin/Suprin clan fishing for free legal advice. Notice how the story changed several times. Notice the syntax of the poster. It sounds like someone young and uneducated.
I don't even think that the story is real. Anyway, Rob Dawg has the IP's and can verify the identity of th poster(s).
Regardless, young Snowflake better polish up on his deposition skills. If he can't handle Mr. Blip, Homey is going to skin him alive.
Never underestimate your opponent. IMHO, both CS and GS laid out a plan to illegaly extract hundreds of thousands of dollars at closing, funneling the proceeds through sham companies. What went wrong was the real estate market turned on them, and their ponzi scheme soured.
Look at the facts:
1. CS bought 8 properties in a short period of time on purpose so the banks, credit agencies, and all others involved would not be aware of his actions.
2. CS bought 8 properties via fraudulently lying on his applications about income, employment, and owner occupancy.
3. Casey illegaly wrapped one of the houses without disclosing it the the lender.
4. Casey and Galina ran up over $175,000 in unsecured debt, knowing they had no ability to pay, in order to sustain their lifestyle and further their illegal real estate activity.
5. Casey and Galina opened up two DBA real estate companies, never registering them with the state or incorporatin them. Casey advertised these companies as real estate investment companies over the internet and via the USPS. ( remember the 24% return letter, Able Buyer, iam buying apartments)
6. Casey attempted ( perhaps succeeded) in acquiring a shell company to fraudulently transfer his personal debt into and to obtain by fraud credit from lenders.
7. Casey, while protesting to be insolvent, spent some $30,000 on real estate seminars.
8. Casey while claiming to be insolvent, has earned unreported income.
9. Casey has continued to borrow money, knowing he has no intention or ability to repay the debt.
10. Casey and Galina spent over $375,000 ( from cash back at closings and credit cards)over the course of 2006 and he cannot account for the spending.
Sorry if I missed some of the things, but this is from memory. My point is that he and Galina knew exactly what they were doing. The plan was to keep doing the illegal cash back at closings, flip the houses, lather,rinse, repeat.
But it went bad, so Casey being the life long conman, moved on to other scams. The 24% return letter. Able Buyer. Buying apartments. The phony corporation. Adsense. Duane. Nigel. Then some more illegal cash back in Utah.
He won't change until he's caught, prosecuted, and in prison. None of his or Galina's actions were without intent. Each one was to defraud. His made up persona on IAFF is to cover his tracks. Look at the earth blog and you read a much different Casey.
I have seen in court many, many criminals. None of them are guilty. All of them proclaim their innocence. Forget about what Casey says and focus and what he did.
Actions speak louder than words.
I agree Casey may not be public enemy #1 on the FBI list, but his high profile and outright disdain for the law is making him come under some intense scrutiny. I would guess by May it's over for him.
Here is what I just don't get. How the fuck do you spend that much money and not have jack shit to show for it besides a murse and a PDA? I just don't get it. That's damn near 35k A MONTH! Something is wrong somewhere..
Ah, spring! I remember walking around Waterfront Park with the mrs one nice spring day and some looser hippy chick was trying to intervene on a duck rape scene. It was hillarious. Dumb hippy chick was FURIOUS that no one would help stop the duck, lol...too funny.
Did you explain to the hippy that she needed a suppressed Ruger mkII.
I'm taking all my credit cards and maxing them out. I'm going to buy a couple of houses and get cashback at closing.... I'm going to get some $$ from cashcall
I'm going to quit my job.
I'm going to go somewhere tropical and enjoy myself.
I'm taking all my credit cards and maxing them out. I'm going to buy a couple of houses and get cashback at closing.... I'm going to get some $$ from cashcall
I'm going to quit my job.
I'm going to go somewhere tropical and enjoy myself.
Doesn’t look like I’ll ever make first, Aspeth. I’ve been MIA today due to a bad ear infection and fever, but just had to drag my ass out of bed to check in on my favorite, funniest people in the world. Keep it up guys!
I used to live in an apt. complex in Beaverton that had a problem with geese and ducks. Fucking libtards wouldn't do anything about all the shit everywhere so every once in a while, out came the scoped RWS pellet rifle with a two liter bottle on the end. I had a nice view of the pond from my pad. Nice, quiet, no flash....A few mallards and honkers out of season but it was all good on the BBQ:)
Casey and Galina knowingly attempted to get a big score while doing absolutely nothing by playing "heads we win, tails someone else loses." Hardly an original strategy and not very well executed at all.
It seems to me that the only way that Casey and Galina could retained any amount of money is if they had laundered it through the contractors that they hired to "work" on their properties. T was absolutely right last weekend: none of the properties that they claimed to have spent tens of thousands of dollars looked like it at all.
I would suggest that Homey, Rat Boy, and the other hater sleuths concentrate on identifying and researching the contractors that Casey claims to have hired. If they filed liens against the properties (which they almost certainly would have done to maintain the veneer of legit work), then it should be relatively straight-forward to get public data on the contractor. If liens were not placed or the contractors were unlicensed, it might not necessarily indicate fraud. But it's an avenue worth pursuing, IMHO.
But getting back to Casey... if he was dropping tens of thousands of dollars on "RE Mogul Education" plus traveling all over the place, then I could see him blowing through a lot of cash pretty quick. Also, don't discount the financing costs associated with so many high rate lines of credit. It seems like even before maxing them out, he was paying 18-20% on everything. Of the ~$500k or whatever of unsecured debt that he's racked up, over 15% is probably related to interest charges and late fees.
Not to say that he hasn't squirreled away something, but I'm willing to bet that it's in the low five digits at most unless he was utilizing his contractors to somehow launder payments from unsecured lines of credit. It's possible, but not likely.
I'm an adherent to Occam's razor: all things being equal, the simplest solution tends to be the most likely one. While it might be intriguing to image Casey being involved with the Russian mob or some criminal mastermind, the most likely possibility is that he is something close to what he has portrayed himself as: a greedy, self-centered sloth who is too lazy to work for anything and too stupid to maximize his opportunities or minimize his losses.
Obviously he hasn't told the whole truth, and there is probably a little bit of cash here or there. But I'm fairly convinced that Casey and Galina are too stupid and lazy to successfully execute a lucrative criminal enterprise.
I agree, for someone like Casey, a 24 year old moron with no REAL education, suddenly getting a check for 30K was too much for his little greedy lazy heart. All those trips and seminars in his little little brain were an "investment in his future" and not a real expense (mainly because it was someone else's money and it didn't really mean having to give up his lifestyle; ie eating out, vacations, laptop, etc etc). Even with his loans, he was easily paying waaaay above regular interest rates because he HOPED that the market would continue to go up, he could only really apply and receive a loan with high interest rates, and lastly, he didn't reall care since all he was concerned about was how much he stood to take home in CASH once he 'bought' the house. Remember, this is a barely literate moron with the attention span of a hamster who suddenly at his peak had 96K in his checking account for pretty much no work. He did what most people who don't really work for money do (ie some real estate agents, Tony not included, mortgage brokers, NIgel included, and real estate seminar investors do; they start calculating as if they have a stable and steady income. Let's see, I made 96K in 6 months, that's 192K in 1 year, x 10 years = 1.9 million dolalrs!!!!!!
Galina, we are just at the beginning, seeing as how we are blessed, my magic abilities, and these nuggets that keep falling my way, we are going to be multimultimillionaires by the time we are 34!!! I'm sure Casey has a little contract that he made out to himself stating how in ten years he will be a decamillionaire, own a small real estate empire, and be able to retire comfortably with a stable of people to do the work behind the scenes while he manages them.
This reminds me of a tv news story I saw a while back, about a bunch of high school kids that were in the business of fixing computers as a small business. They were all like 16 and younger, and yet they had made enough to be able to buy a mustang convertible (that's for the entire group), yes they were all goobers but I'm sure they figured the car would offset their geek aura and attract some of the lcoal high school hotties(they were all seen piled in the car pocket protectors glowing) as they drove up to a burger joint). Anyway, when the 'CEO' was asked what his goal was, he said "To be bigger than Bill Gates someday!" Yeah sure kid, like every nerd who knew what a computer was back in the day didn't think the same thing.
Never underestimate your opponent. IMHO, both CS and GS laid out a plan to illegaly extract hundreds of thousands of dollars at closing, funneling the proceeds through sham companies. What went wrong was the real estate market turned on them, and their ponzi scheme soured.
Look at the facts:
1. CS bought 8 properties in a short period of time on purpose so the banks, credit agencies, and all others involved would not be aware of his actions.
2. CS bought 8 properties via fraudulently lying on his applications about income, employment, and owner occupancy.
3. Casey illegaly wrapped one of the houses without disclosing it the the lender.
4. Casey and Galina ran up over $175,000 in unsecured debt, knowing they had no ability to pay, in order to sustain their lifestyle and further their illegal real estate activity.
5. Casey and Galina opened up two DBA real estate companies, never registering them with the state or incorporatin them. Casey advertised these companies as real estate investment companies over the internet and via the USPS. ( remember the 24% return letter, Able Buyer, iam buying apartments)
6. Casey attempted ( perhaps succeeded) in acquiring a shell company to fraudulently transfer his personal debt into and to obtain by fraud credit from lenders.
7. Casey, while protesting to be insolvent, spent some $30,000 on real estate seminars.
8. Casey while claiming to be insolvent, has earned unreported income.
9. Casey has continued to borrow money, knowing he has no intention or ability to repay the debt.
10. Casey and Galina spent over $375,000 ( from cash back at closings and credit cards)over the course of 2006 and he cannot account for the spending.
Sorry if I missed some of the things, but this is from memory. My point is that he and Galina knew exactly what they were doing. The plan was to keep doing the illegal cash back at closings, flip the houses, lather,rinse, repeat.
But it went bad, so Casey being the life long conman, moved on to other scams. The 24% return letter. Able Buyer. Buying apartments. The phony corporation. Adsense. Duane. Nigel. Then some more illegal cash back in Utah.
He won't change until he's caught, prosecuted, and in prison. None of his or Galina's actions were without intent. Each one was to defraud. His made up persona on IAFF is to cover his tracks. Look at the earth blog and you read a much different Casey.
I have seen in court many, many criminals. None of them are guilty. All of them proclaim their innocence. Forget about what Casey says and focus and what he did.
Actions speak louder than words.
I agree Casey may not be public enemy #1 on the FBI list, but his high profile and outright disdain for the law is making him come under some intense scrutiny. I would guess by May it's over for him.
It blows my mind what new agents in the business do..just like Snowflake. They get the first check and figure that is how it is and go out and spend and spend and spend. I had a deal blow up on me this week. All signed around, ready to close this week. I did everything cool but the buyer lost his job. Poof! there goes $5000. Did I cry, bitch or moan? Nope, becase I had not spent the money. I put my head down and kept going, Rule number one in this game is the money isn't your's until it's in your bank account. I work my ass off and I play my ass off but make no mistake, this is no game you can make many mistakes and stay in very long at all. I'm looking to bring someone else in and it scares me to death. I love this job and everything about it but it is not for the faint of heart. Case in point. We had another agent rather new in the game with us for a while. She had all the right moves, smart, social, you name it. But, she got scared of the phone. Just wouldn't call leads. Kinda hard to last when you don't call. Then she got pissed at management that shit wasn't falling in her lap! Somehow, she got it in her mind that she was ENTITLED to business to just fall the fuck out of the sky and land in her lap, signed around. This was the LAST thing we expected out of her when we brought her in. Really weird. I was called in too late to save her. When asked what should have been done, I told the boss that I should have been called in way sooner hence why I get tasked with the new blood hunt.hehehe..
I am so glad these lazy assed fools are getting flushed. I got all her old leads and popped a couple of deals out of what she thought was garbage. Markets going down? Good! Finally a blue collar family just starting out can maybe get ahead of the game a bit and get into a place for less that $3000 a month! I came from a very poor family. I very clearly remember food stamps and I remember it was unreal to buy some serious steaks. Hamburger, pork chops and whole chickens. I remember hunting to put food on the table that night. Dad drove an old neat GMC truck and mom drove the same Toyota Corolla forever.. Great Grandfather sold cars for a living and lasted 40 years...go find a car salesman in the game for 40 years..Nope, I thank the deity of my choosing for my life and don't knock it for a second. Which is the reason I can't wait to hear the muffled cries of Snowflake as he bites the pillow and Bubba ass rams him and drops a hot juicy load down Snowflakes gullet. When you swallow Casey, I will be drinking a cold beer out sailing. Enjoy my friend.
I grew up on a farm. we worked like freaking animals for what little we have. This farm boy busted his ass to get into an Ivy League school, and worked full-time while in school (to suppliment my scholarships). Oh, and I was an engineer too -- so my classes weren't the basket-weaving circle-jerks most liberal arts classes have devolved to.
yeah, I finished my BS + MS in 4.5 years. I'm banged out my PhD in 4 years.
Not sure whose worse -- 1) the binge drinking dipshits at state schools who take 5 yrs for a BS. Or 2) the babushka succubus going to community college full time.
oh, nothing would thrill me more than to walk into some seedy sac-town strip joint and see Galina working the pole. One of those seedy joints near I-80 -- full of nasty, smelly truckers. I'd find the nastiest, smelliest one of all and buy him a lap-dance with Galina.
Apparently if the short sale goes through he'll consider it a success! Four out of five houses get foreclosed on when short sale is proposed and he considers it a success. I guess that shows really just how low he's set the bar. His "awesome short sale" realtor has yet to get the job done. But Casey is always thinking ahead, and he's probably already got this schmo on deck for "Casey's unsuccessful realtor network". Jesus. When is this property up for auction anyway? I hope they hammer that sucker back to the bank with no bids so he can feel like the fucktard he is.
What a dipshit, does snowflake think that RE agents are going to line up to be a part of his "short sale network"? Yeah because short sale deals are sooooo tough to come by these days.
Hey Casey I know you read this blog so here is some advice: NO ONE IN RE WHO CARES ABOUT THEIR REPUTATION NEEDS YOU TO "BIRD DOG" ANY "SWEET DEALS" FOR THEM, GOT IT?
fear the murse, He's clearly trolling. IF casey gets arrested for his crimes. We have to celebrate.
R-boy we can throw a happy hour here in the DC area. We can have a theme for it. example....use a 'win-win' word in every sentence during the happy hour. After a few beers it will turn into a 'sweet' time.
Of course this is dependent upon his arrest. I am beginning to think this will not happen.
It's been my and several other poster's contention that Snowflake wants to be a Guruâ„¢ himself - it is, after all, All About Caseyâ„¢.
Go look on IAFF at the screenshot shithead took when he paid off CashCall by playing Chicken On A Hotplateâ„¢. One of the groups on his Google Bookmarks bar is "Speaking".
Would'nt you love to know what links he has in there?
I'd bet a month's pay Shithead is setting himself up to get speaking engagements to various groups to talk about how the Evil Real Estate Industryâ„¢ took advantage of the poor, tousled-haired waif that is Snowflake.
Shithead has no intention of paying a dime towards what he owes, because some shiteating Guruâ„¢ told him to never pay off the debt of his "investments" with his own cash. He's no criminal mastermind, he can barely handle basic literacy.
"We got approval from the bank to allow short sale of the Modesto house at about $300,000. I have the approval letter but my short sale real estate agent didn’t want me posting it quite yet.
Now that the 1st is willing to do the short sale, the agent is negotiating with the second to make sure they are willing to play along. I haven’t heard back yet. With this agent, no news is good news. I’m assuming things are progressing along.
Even if the second is will to play ball on the short sale, we’ll still have to hope the buyer actually closes. But hey, perhaps I will have one successful short sale under my belt after all. I can’t take all the credit though. Success is all about having great team players, like my awesome short sale agent in Modesto. I already referred a couple of people facing foreclosure to him.
That’s the kind of network I want to build. A team of short sale specializing real estate agents across the country who I can refer people too and help them avoid foreclosure on their record. Not many agents are willing to do short sales and the ones that do, few are good at it. I’ve been blessed with some good ones.
But even the good short sale agents can’t always stop foreclosure. The bank can say NO to a short sale for a number of different reasons. So I feel like even if we get 1 out of 4 short sales accepted, we’re doing pretty good. "
The peals of laughter that have overtaken me prevent me from properly commenting much...so here's what I can typed
This is better than any sitcom currently in production on the broadcast networks...but then that's not saying very much.
The funniest part of this will be the arrival of the cancellation of the fliptard's blog...but not to worry. The fun will still be continuing here ;-)
That’s the kind of network I want to build. A team of short sale specializing real estate agents across the country who I can refer people [b]too[/b] and help them avoid foreclosure on their record.
Oh sure, this will work out just fine. There's a nice business plan in there somewhere. Yeppers. I wonder if he is looking to IPO yet.
How does this short sale stuff work? Which of the lenders gets screwed? Casey owes around $350k on the place and the short sale is for $300k. There is a first and a second mortgage on the property.
"A team of short sale specializing real estate agents across the country"
I have a question: Will Casey Inc. corporate office be furnishing said team with murses?
This sounds like a pack of locusts being unleashed. 'short sale specializing real estate agents' has a certain lyrical quality to it, like 'undercover forensic accountant secret agent ninja'.
Sinister: a majority of GMAC is sub-prime. Not sure the exact amount, but I would bet it's quite a lot. They simply don't have the products to compete with the major A-paper lenders.
On a side note, it's a wonderful Good Friday. Nutbuster over at IAFF is in talks to create a sweet network of realtors, my 40-days of giving up Vodka for Lent is over and it's a 3-hour work day. I can not wait for my journey back to MN ends this evening and I can sit back and enjoy a nice bottle of vodka. 40 days of not drinking vodka is a lot harder than you may think, especially when one enjoys the sweet juice we know as vodka as often as I do.
I can't remmeber how long ago but Calculated Risk talked about GMAC. Nobody said it out loud but not only is their RE portfolio subprime but their auto loans are at least as bad. The concern is that GM may be forced to "buy back" some of this paper and may itself be in deeper trouble as a consequence. Scary.
The scary thing is that anyone involved in subprime lending is at risk. People thought New Century was untouchable. They were consistently the #1 or #2 subrpime lender in terms of volume. But it goes to show you that A) every lender is at risk and B) crappy paper is crappy paper no matter who is backing you.
So yes, GMAC is definitely at risk. Like Dawg said, their auto loans are targeted primarily to shaddy credit people too. However, I think GM would be able to eat some if their garbage if needed, although it wouldn't be pleasant nor would it be easy.
Here in the Midwest, I don't see a lot of GMAC mortgage business simply because Wells is here. I'm sure they quite a lot of business, but I guess they aren't publicized or promoted a lot (in my eyes, I could be wrong). They do, however, run a lot of auto business here.
I'd have nothing but bad experiences with GMAC, I personally don't have a need for them, nor would I refer someone who may have less-than-perfect credit to them.
@ King Friday Cut the binge drinkers a little slack. The college years are the most fun years of our lives for those of us who didn't spend every last minute of them with our noses stuck in a book. Sure it takes us a little longer to get out, but I wouldn't trade those times for anything.
All work and no play makes Jack a King Friday. All play and no work makes Jack a Casey. Work and play in equal proportions makes Jack reasonably well-adjusted. Work, booze, and weaponry makes Jack a Tony Soprano.
What a geek that Casey is. If I were an agent, why would I want to work with him? Short sales demand lots of follow up and that is something he does not have and even if he shows signs of such a thing it's in short supply. I don't believe a word of it. What a clown.
actually bending the pages over....
tony is going to jail,
this blog is lame without Homey, srry rob
Damn, does Dawg ever sleep?
Second is for loosers so I'm a looser
I'm in DC this week with my middle's 8th grade class trip. 6:30AM time to eat and tour the Capital and Annapolis. Thus the quiet blog activity and ierd hours. Conent is also slow so the new site arises fully formed when I get back.
i registered this yesterday,
hope i spelled it rite,
spellign is so hard
time for a nappy!
(ps. dont tell casey)
so will averyone be singing the victim song, look at these 2 nyc stories and see how these idiots play victim & claim they were duped into buying a home!
how is that even possible!!??!???
too bad snowflake cant change his story around!
how can a predatory lender be the bad guy for one person...
but casey is the bad guy and teh predatory lender was duped?
Single mom sucked in by home sellers
Monthly payment was higher than her income
Predators 'harassed us' out of our Queens home
just in case you really think giuliani has a chance in hell of getting to the white house!
Praise your wife, you say, Rudy? Oh, please!
Former mayor up to old tricks again, trying to control everything his way
just in case you really think giuliani has a chance in hell of getting to the white house!
Anyone but Hillarity Clinton.
It seems that the picture of Casey and G actually is current according to the EXIF data from the picture/Camera "Taken on
March 24, 2007 at 2.36pm PDT" (http://www.flickr.com/photo_exif.gne?id=445240252) and the reason that most of his pics are blurry are that he doesnt use a flash or it is broken "Flash: Flash did not fire". That exposure was 1.5 seconds too. It is amazing that it is as clear as it is :-)
I bet that wiley old coyote took a picture of a picture.
Everyone is a victim now. Something bad happens to you, you're a victim. A little ignoring of inconvenient facts and there you are.
Besides, it sells more papers to say "Predators Force Single Mom Out of Family Home" than "Single Mom Re-Fis and Can't Make Payments. Foreclosure Anticipated."
I'm with you on that. thats a young looking casey. recent photos show him with bags under eyes and just a sketchy look in general. G is going heavy as tony would say in some of the recent pix of her. Most folks don't have a bunch of presents sitting in the background for the 3 year anniversary. this is definitely the reheasal dinner photo or similar shot.
If it wasn't so true I'd have to laugh Rob but honestly our government reps make me sick to my stomache.
No longer to they represent the people. They are bought & paid for through political fundraising. Special interests rule and a blind eye is turned towards disasters like subprime until there is a bailout to be made.
Kind of makes me want to move to my own private island...Maybe a few fellow Haterz want in on it?
>>the reason that most of his pics are blurry are that he doesnt use a flash or it is broken<<
A little bit of enhancement reveals the depths of corruption lurking behind the young faces. See the cat III Hong Kong film INTRUDER for a glimpse into the morals of Casey and Galina.
So March 24th, not their anniversary, so those are not their presents, so they're at some party. There's an exit sign above the door, and a projectorish looking thing behind them.
Saturday night, prolly wedding for someone else.
R-Boy, the suspense is killing us! What is the story?
yeah. don't leave us hangin!
Oh, yeah.
I've been in contact with Ms. Dollar of the MortgageFraudBlog and the Robert Simpson, of he who owns the Scotsman Guide. Both folks were kind enough to pass onto me the name and number of a particular FBI agent, and it was suggested that Casey's newfound noteriety could spur any investigation or matter that they may have already. I know that several high-profile folks in the mortgage industry have made the FBI folks aware about Casey, but his case is small change, to them, he's a small fish. But he's a very well known small fish now.
I called last night to talk, but probably called too late. I hope to hear something todya, but if I don't, I'll be calling again friday.
I want to be clear in that I don't think Casey is ultimately the cross-bearer here, and there are folks who are ultimately much more guilty than he (I will not give much credence to any money-hiding conspiracy theories). But, in the interest of his own good, he needs some consequence. Like Jerome Maybe (another one), I have encouraged him to turn himself in as state's evidence and rat out those who allowed these illegalities.
I will continue to pursue this in my spare time, because I do not want Casey to harm himself, and nor do I want him to morph into guru-mode and harm others.
The problem with Casey, outside the murse of course, is his continuous spitting in the eye of authority. That's what makes people so mad, even if he is a small fish.
Average Jane and Joe law abiding citizens are going to have to yell louder, it seems.
Casey NEEDS to be stopped. It is nearly insane that after all of this time and everything that's happened Casey has not changed his tune whatsoever. He's still out here recklessly trying to live off of borrowed money and the kindness of others. All the while refusing to put forth any real effort on his part.
He's still sleeping in. He's living recklessly speeding around on the freeway. He's blowing other peoples money on trips, scaminar gurus, and juice. He's desperately seeking sources of borrowed money. He's made no real effort to mitigate losses for his creditors.
Worst of all, he's seeking as much publicity as he can, basically laughing in the faces of all the creditors he ripped off.
Galina is an accessory in crime in all of these things. Very likely the inlaws and maybe even Casey family are too.
He's gotten away with this for so long, why would he change course? He's given no indication whatsoever that he's changed at all. His actions today mirror those of 6 months ago.
It's an outrage that he hasn't been arrested yet! How much more damage does he need to do before someone in our government takes action?
"Kind of makes me want to move to my own private island...Maybe a few fellow Haterz want in on it?"
I'm in, just as long as I'm not the only girl.
Good morning you nutty people.
Violent duck-rape going on outside my office window this morning; infinitely more entertaining than the Casey Saga.
How are all of you?
You can't go to a private island without your murse.
@ Steph J
Ah, spring! I remember walking around Waterfront Park with the mrs one nice spring day and some looser hippy chick was trying to intervene on a duck rape scene. It was hillarious. Dumb hippy chick was FURIOUS that no one would help stop the duck, lol...too funny.
Rules of The Island 'O Haterz
Entry dependent on proof of Hating on Casey. (or Nigel I suppose)
NO BLUE SHIRTS/BALLS/MURSE's (except our favorite Evil Murse)
Transportation provided by Steph J's Dirty beach Jeep.
Booze is a must and all Vegan's will be forced to adapt to a semi-vegan diet of seafood.
Tony will provide protection via his massive collection of guns.
R-Boy will be responsible for he economy (regulation of sub-prime lending is a must). Sidenote - I prefer a currency based on coconuts.
What did I miss?
speaking of Duck rape, we have Canadian geese nesting outside the office building, it fun to watch them attack visitors.
Ahh geese. They're like feathered wolverines. The babies sure are cute tho--padding around with their little lemon-shaped bodies. Awww.
Last year, our crops of baby ducks were wiped out by pack-hunting crows. Very sad. Crows don't mess with geese to that extent.
with Duck tape?
So i met this woman the other night through a group of friends - she's gorgeous. 5'10, brunette, skinny, 25. I'm 26 and fresh out of law school. Her and i hit it off really fast - definite chemistry. So we got to asking what we did for a living..and she's a realtor.
Now i am conflicted. Shes absolutely stunning as a woman, but at the same time, she's a realtor. I've been privvy to the bubble for over a year, follow all the blogs, am a staunch freedom fighter against the REIC, and all around loather of Realtors.
So what should i do? I think i will go out on our date and just keep my mouth shut.
Naw bring the RE Bubble up before you order dinner. Maybe she'll agree and its all good. If not then you know and you don't let her order the lobster!
Uh yeah, anywho, for those who want to pester law enforcement, I can give you numbers to call and emails to send.
for that, you get to email me at caseyserininfo@yahoo.com
If she doesn't agree...get her drunk and bang her. if she does then she might be good for a second date.
::Points at Anon accusingly::
Realtor lover!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know lots of lawyer jokes, but haven't heard any good Realtor ones.
I suggest leaving the murse at home on the first date, or keeping it concealed. If she doesn't come over to your way of thinking on RE, hit her with it. FEAR ME!
Well, I'm a Realtor myself so I'll chime in on this one. Find out if she's a player or not. Lots of people in this game claim to be a Realtor but don't sell shit. If she's got game, she is probably making pretty good bank, works pretty decent hours, and knows lots of other hottie Realtors. No harm in taping it and trying it out for a while. Just remember the three date rule. No action in three dates and move on.
His website, Iamfacingforeclosure.com, has become a magnet for those whose mortgages are in trouble.
Where? Oh, that one comment among 120 hater comments.
Magnet my ass.
*cough*... I'm sorry... do what to your ass???
@FMW: There are other choices besides Rudy and Hillary.
Think Obama.....
Rudy the RINO? Ain't gonna fly. Next!
"There are other choices besides Rudy and Hillary"
Ain't that the truth.
Ron Paul has my vote!
@ R-Boy @ 7:21 AM
That is some most excellent news R-Boy...just knowing there is a specific FBI agent interest makes my weekend
Guess I should buy you one if you throw a DC area EN HH :)
Casey made a new fried, Mr *BLIP*
What a fucktard
Yep, new post up chez IAFF - transcript of his Cashcall calls.
Snowflake wiggles on the hook a lot.
What a fliptard. About half way through he flips Mr *Blip* and himself.
All the sudden CashCall is having problems in the real estate market and looking for consulting work.
What a dumb@ss.
Somebody save this one for R-Boy quick before the rip-n-burntard deletes it
Done, spread sheet PDF'd
damn. LOL i just got it pdf'd too.
send it to R-boy's casey email address
done 5 min ago LOL
Right now I'm just trying to figure out our financial situation…uhm considering getting a job… at the same time I'm doing web site design. So I do some freelance consulting and design and so that's… I do have jobs coming in but they're not super stable right now...
Who in that position would still be standing on the sidelines CONSIDERING????
Oh my GOD I hate that little flakey bastard!!!
Galina is 'HELPING'.. That bitch needs to put on a fucking paper hat and start making fries--lazy little buttholes!
@the Adorable Kevin
You're bratty. :Þ
Good Realtors will make money in down markets.
It's all the "order take" Realtors that are going to be looking for work.
So take Tony's advice and hit it.
It's only going to get better, I can see snoflake now telling the loan shark that he can't pay his 22k promissory note
Loan shark:hey Casey your balloon payment is due, pay up
Casey: well um Mr Loan Shark, my consulting business is slow, I only burned 500 cd's this week and I have a lot of bills too, I must have my PDA to blog on the toilet.
Loan Shark: My associates will be visiting you tommorow to "collect", you WILL have the money won't you Casey?
Casey packs up the blue ball, pda, laptop, grabs the murse and runs to mommy's house and hides under the trampoline.
...I printed out a copy of the Google spreadsheet for deeper analysis.
I notice it's like close to 3 months out of date, but man oh man what a trainwreck it is.
Galina has *ELEVEN* different credit cards (only one or two of which are store cards). That's like *TEN* more cards than I carry...wow! Her credit limit for all ten just a little over 26K and she's a couple of hundred bucks over that (and now it's probably worse than than). The APRs range from 25.74% - 32.24%! OUCH! And with over limit fees and late payments on other accounts things can't be getting any better there.
And those are only HER cards...sigh...
Just posted this to Snowflake's craptastic new entry:
"How did I do with CashCall negotiation?"
You mumble too much. Speak like a man darn it! Many times the Cash Call rep would ask you to repeat something. Hear the way HE talks? He sounds human, you sound like a mumbling nerd who deserves to lose (loose?).
"What could have I done better?"
Nothing. They have you by the cajones my young padawan. Wasting the supervisor's time wasn't smart. You also sound silly for having a $180/month phone bill. My monthly PDA/Cell bill is $79/month dude. Why so high? Why are you so willing to blow money when better deals are out there?
Also, he laid out the deal and I loved how you tried to get him down to $40. If I was him I'd just say goodbye sir, we are now moving to legal. Face it, you dug the hole and you have no leverage (weren't you the one who said leverage is sweet?).
Do yourself a favor next time. Don't talk about settlement unless you have the cash onhand. That guy wasn't taking you very seriously on that matter and he also sounded a bit perturbed you kept asking. NO creditor is going to settle with you for any less than 20-30% off the quoted amount due. Fact.
"What should be my goal and end result of the negotiation?"
Since no credit card company or note loan organization is going to allow you to put off paying them, try to get deals like this one. In the end, nobody can say you weren't working it.
"Is it even worth negotiating with my unsecured lenders at this point? How is it going to help me?"
Yes, it's always WORTH trying. You have a tendency to ask silly questions like this. Didn't you learn anything? Even businessmen who have little education or basic training know that ongoing negotiations are important as you never know when the other side will give in and make a "sweet" offer.
But then again, you aren't a businessman or an entrepreneur. You are basically every deadbeat I've read on complaint boards for places like Cashcall. Guess what kid? YOU took the loan. YOU signed the deal! YOU knew the repayment terms. I love how you act all innocent and awestruck at all this. All this proves to me is that you are not meant to be anything with the word BUSINESS or ENTREPRENEUR attached to it. Trashman, sure...Fryman, okay. Juiceman Sweet! Businessman, no way kid. No way.
I have one credit card. That's it.
Stephanie - hey, how'd you do the tongue symbol earlier??
Did he not let the guy's name through at some point? I heard Mr. KING? Was that Mr. Blip and I didn't hear it right?
As for Ron Paul. Let's vote for him and tell the GOP they need to follow this guy and his libertarian beliefs.
I also heard that Mr. Blip is actually Mr. King. Also, I think the first digit of Li'l Dandelion's SS # is 6 and not "blip."
It should be a condition of KC's plea bargain / parole / probation that he (1) get and keep a W-2 job, not related to the real estate or financial industry and (2) not be allowed to engage in any entrepreneurial activities, independent contracting, or leveraged investments.
That's what I have so far--I'm trying to come up with something that's broad enough (and without loopholes) so that if he engages in any sort of get-rich-quick scheme again, back to jail he goes.
I just finished reading the CC transcript. Snowflake, and I know you read EN, you will be screwed when the prosecutor gets a hold of you.
In 30 seconds, your income changed from $1500 to $2000 a month. You contradicted yourself many times. The DA will tear into you like a lion into a malibu.
He wasn't under oath; what law was being violated?
Now, if he were to underreport income to the IRS, that's another story.
I left him a whopper on his comments. 2 bucks says it doesnt get posted.
In looking at the spreadsheet I'm trying to figure out which of these have gone to foreclosure
Guadalajara Rio Rancho NM
Burdett Sacramento CA
Larchmont North Highlands CA
Muncy Modesto CA
Also aren't there other foreclosures/properties that should be on this sheet?
Sonora Albuquerque NM? (did this sell and if so for how much and where did the proceeds go? why isn't this on the spreadsheet?)
If this is reflective of Galina's abilities at bookkeeping accounting, I think she ought to pick another 'career path'
TX? (wasn't this foreclosed on and if so why isn't it on the spreadsheet?)
Notice something guys
The RockeFeller wing of the Republican party always survives. Thats the good news
@anonymous 11:13
That is just Casey's way.
"Umm Mr. Serin, ther is no way we would approve this mortgage unless you are making more money"
"How much do ?I need to be making to get it done?"
"200K a year"
"I am MAKING 200K a year, not 150K like I said before"
"You're not lying right? Okay sign right here"
"Before we can even consider a payment plan tell me how much you are making a month"
"1K a month"
Cashcall rep snickers "Umm..sorry, but you are too negative with what you owe per month and what you make to make this feasible. We can't go into a payment plan..I guess we are sending it to legal.."
"Ummm..did I say 1K? I meant 2K a month, plus I have other things going on and it will probably be 3K a month soon(like when I win the lottery)"
"Well, if you ARE making that amount maybe we can work something out"
"By the way, since I am so well connected and magically blessed, there are tons of people wanting to throw money my way to pay off this debt completely.."
Coug..bullshit..cough "Is that right?"
When is he snowflake going to change his domain name
He WAS facing foreclosure, got owend, got foreclosed on and was found wanting.
it should be
Okay, after reading that Cashcall transcript....there ain't no way KC would go through that while he has $200,000 stashed away. Dude is broke.
I don't think Casey used the cash back at close to fix up the houses but I do think he and Galina spent it all and then some
As for crawling for CashCall, I wouldn't have done so if I were in Casey's shoes. I would have bit the bullet and filed bankruptcy. CashCall is an unsecured creditor and not nearly as important as paying for food (you make yourself) and rent and utilities and the necessities...with whatever I had left over would be going to other creditors
The thing is not only do I only have one credit card, I make it a policy to have only *one* car and *one* house at a time. At the moment my car is paid for and I'm renting (I got out of my cheap condo while the getting was good and the 'profit' I got back I'm saving waiting for a good time to get back into the housing market again).
the only reason casey is making the cashcall payments is b/c he's scared his PDA, laptop, car and murse are going to be taken by them. Oh yeah he 'might' be worried that they would take his sister in-laws stuff.
I notice he put that PO box for his mailing address. Perhaps we should tell cashcall where he is really living now so that they can collect if need be. Perhaps someone already did this.
Well, that was interesting.
So wasn't Casey's payment late? The supervisor said he needed to pay by 12 noon EST - and he didn't pay till 12 noon PST.
I know he got an hour extension, but there's more than a one hour difference between pacific and eastern. So that payment was actually 3 or 4 hours late. Unsurprising, but will Cashcall now renege on its end of the deal?
He put his real home address on the moneygram payment
I thought CC told him PST. Their offices are on the west coast in Orange County CA I believe.
I just saw this post at IAFF:
"Once everything is sold/forecloses you are going to be in a prime spot to BK. Let’s face it, BK is not going to hurt your credit score, you have a very low income stream that will not interfere with the BK, you have $175K in unsecured debt, you will not have the fraud issue with BKing with the badly documented house loans still active (they won’t be part of the BK). Your BK will be a slam dunk."
I disagree 100%. IT WILL NOT BE a slam dunk.
Casey may be able to excuse the card and Cash Call debt, but what about the Countrywide Promissory note? What about the IRS? None of those can be discharged. He will still be screwed.
I just posted this on IAFF. :)
Is it even worth negotiating with my unsecured lenders at this point? How is it going to help me?
Hehh. "Pay back every dirty penny..." My, my, my, how the times have changed!!
So, no, it won't help you one bit and you know it. You decided a long time ago that your situation was hopeless and that you'd just sit back and let everything go into foreclosure and then file BK. There's just that one sticky little issue that you cannot seem to get rid of, though. The fact that you willingly participated in mortgage fraud numerous times with numerous people. You committed multiple felonies that defrauded people to the tune of $2 million dollars. You need to deal with this one.
My recommendation is that you go to the FBI immediately and start squealing some sweetâ„¢ states evidence (oink, oink!) You're going to have to rat out every person that played any part in all of your criminal acts, including the sellers that participated in the cash back deals. And, yes, that will be ugly.
When you create a mess, you have to clean all of it up -- not just the convenient parts that suit your fancy on any given day.
BTW, thanks for asking for some adviseâ„¢ -- there might be some hope for you after all.
that address is his PO. I remember the suite 140. Cashcall still does not have his residence at this moment(as in the sister in law).
Does CashCall require/prefer co-signers? The only reason I can see him making their payments is to prevent them from collecting from a co-signer.
Well, then, Aaron, call up cashcall and tell em casey's real address =)
see, thats what happens when youre proactive :)
Actually , Casey will have to deal with mortage issues in BK court. Those second mortages are not wiped out by the foreclosures. They just become unsecured dept. He will have to list them in court documents to have them discharged.
Also TX and NM allow deifciency judgemets he will have to list those foreclosed houses to protect him self from a future judgements.
Cashcall does not require a co-signor. If they did, they wouldn't make as many 90% interest loans to losers like Casey.
THEY DO require 2-3 names for "references" What they neglect to inform you is that if you fail to pay them, they will harass your "references!"
You don't have to list every debt on a CH 7 BK. The problem is if you don't list them and the BK is discharged, they can still harass and try to collect their monies. Then he's stuck for 7-10 years before he can file again.
I think Casey wants to get CashCall off his back because they are calling his friends, and that does not make snowflake look too good in the eyes of his friends.
"At 12:32 PM, Anonymous said...
You don't have to list every debt on a CH 7 BK. The problem is if you don't list them and the BK is discharged, they can still harass and try to collect their monies. Then he's stuck for 7-10 years before he can file again."
BS- You DO have to list every debt and asset. That is the whole point of the BK. ALL of your finances are turned over to the state.
You CANNOT pick and choose what debts to omit.
JESUS, people, stop talking out of your ass.
@The Adorable Kevin
Alt+0222 =Þ
Everything that Casey puts on IAFF is just evidence; whether or not each action is a crime or not, his propensity to bend the truth to suit his needs is all the evidence anyone needs to prove his lack of credibility.
Eighty fourth!
will do r-boy.
anyone know offhand where that address is? I have seen it but can't recall where.
someone said: You CANNOT pick and choose what debts to omit
Maybe you're not supposed to. Maybe it's illegal. But I tell you from personal experience, it is possible to leave one or more debts off your BR filing. This method can be used to preserve accounts, although I can't promise it will always work. I came straight out of BR, twice, with a handful of active credit cards, and recently again with two 'good' cards. I also owed money on a co-signed loan once, and I didn't want to badly affect the co-signer with my BR, so I didn't report that account. I simply paid it off, continuing the account as if normal right through the BR. As a...ummmm..."self-employed" person, my income stream is controlled and defined by me, so I can make it all look right. My most recent BR was in 2006, caused by a very large loan I didn't really want to repay. I did keep two credit cards with balances alive after that one, so this method can work. The "credit counseling" thing is a bother, though.
This is not a troll, so please don't respond as such. I simply know the BR process, having been through it every seven years or so.
His latest post. Blech. An obvious troll. I'll be very disappointed if people keep posting advice (YET AGAIN) on how to handle his finances.
At 12:58 PM, Anonymous
One question: WHY???
People "keep stuff out" of BK's all the time. We had a lot of CC debt years ago and sought advice from an atty who told us he would keep our house (we had equity) and one CC out of the BK. We did not go through with the BK and paid everything off instead, painful but worth it.
Anon @ 12:58 - congrats, you committed BK fraud. You're no better than Casey.
his speeding ticket, which is imaged in an entry here, would have his real address
i think
Thanks, Stephanie - you're smart.
someone said:One question: WHY???
Erratic income, bad judgement, sloppy control of money, except when it comes time to conceal any if it exists. Looks like things might be in order from here on out. My grandfather just died, and I'm flush for life. I knew this would happen eventually, so I pretty much slacked off for over twenty years. BR cleared out any debts that might have stepped on the inheritance. Timing worked out okay.
This event caused me to end up here, actually. I need to do something with this money. I thought about real estate, so I hit Technorati for relevent blogs aboout that. Exurban Nation was among the most prominent hits. Wow. I'm not getting into real estate. That HOUSING PANIC blog is scary.
I like the talk here on this blog, but I don't know what it's all about yet. It looks like there is one or more seedy sideshows going on.
ANON that did the BK fraud,
Is your name YULIA?
nope. the tix has the damn PO box too. I'll look for it later. I thought someone here linked to another website that someone had listed all his info(parents address, brother, sis-in-law, etc). i just cant find it.
@Anon 1:14
Thanks for adding another sideshow. Letting ones financial obligations slip while waiting for a relative to kick off to inherit is...vile.
But hey, whatever works for you.
On a more humorous note, I have several very close relatives who are are blatantly waiting for me to pass so they can inherit. It obviously kills them just to be civil to me. (Not that I ask but they sniff around to judge what time I have left) A few years ago my lawyer offered the following advice, "Remember that just because someone is related to you doesn't mean you have to leave them anything." din-ding-ding. He was absolutely right. Whenever the ungrateful brats fish for hints about my estate's disposition I tell them, "don't worry. I think when the lawyer reads the will there will be some incredible surprises." Heh.
BK fraud anon,
You DO realize that your creditors can review the BK for fraud within theh first year, RIGHT?
You are no better than snowflake.
GO away.
someone said:congrats, you committed BK fraud. You're no better than Casey
Yeah. I guess I did. I'm in the clear, though. I am not familiar with 'Casey' enough to stack up my worth against his. You guys don't seem to like him much.
I just looked around a little. Casey is the guy who was real dumb with loans, posted all the details on the internet, and he's probably in big trouble? I never would have posted exact personal details of my business with loans, and I never touched that much money in debt. That's crazy. This doesn't seem quite right. He posted this under his supposed own name. It's like some kind of big candid camera prank.
someone said:etc
I'll be ducking out for good now. I don't feel popular for some reason, I think I didn't get the "feel" of the room right and said unwelcome things. I saw over at Casey's web site a few minutes ago that he lets people insult him a LOT. No need for that with me, I don't enjoy that. I'm out of here.
I'm out of here.
Stay. You have stuff to offer. People are a little edgy here because they have been telling Casey what to do for eight months to avoid making more fuckups and to get his stuff fixed, but no... They call us the haterzâ„¢ for a reason.
One hundred and FIRST!!!!!
Just stumbled across a webpage that might amuse you considering your description of the scene outside your window earlier today.
Try & find a picture of the Argentine Lake Duck.
@ rob Dawg,
Why do I get the feeling the latest troll is snowflake attempting to garner some free legal advice from the haterz?
Whomever you are, you did commit fraud on your BK petition. ( and no you are not in the clear) All it takes is one credit to pull your report. You are not allowed to play preferences with which creditor gets paid and which do not.
The fact that you BK's twice , and the second time on purpose to wipe out the debt prior to inheriting money says alot.
Oh, I forgot, if you hade prior knowledge of the inheritence and did not list that on your petition, that's fraud too.
I have heard that certain personal items (hint hint) can be excluded from bankruptcy, especially when no real man would be caught dead with one. FEAR ME!
Anon @ 12:38:
You are full of it and shut the hell up. I have had TWO friends file bankruptcy and both times their BK lawyer told them if they leave anything off, it will NOT be discharged and is still an active debt. You need to stop acting like Nigel and get a clue about how the rules work.
Anonymous Troll who keeps telling others they committed BK fraud...
How come BK attorneys who obviously know MORE than you say it's okay to leave off a creditor or two? YOU CAN do it but you risk collections on those accounts should you not pay them.
Stop putting people down. BK fraud is only if you lie about the stuff being discharged and if you lie about income.
I hate trolls who think they are better than everybody else.
Mr Bubbles,
Then how come bk attorneys say it's okay? Are you saying they changed the laws because my friends filed way back in 1999.
If an attorney who has respect says it's cool, why are you and others saying it is fraud? Just curious as I like your posts and respect your viewpoint.
google search of "yulia suprun" turns up this ADDRESS FOR
Hmmm...2nd attempt, sorry if this dupes:
Bankruptcy fraud takes four general shapes:
When a debtor conceals assets to avoid forfeiting them.
When individuals file false or incomplete forms.
When an individual files numerous times, either by using real information in several states or by using false information.
When a court-appointed trustee is bribed.
In addition, bankruptcy fraud often involves other serious crimes such as mortgage fraud, identity theft, money laundering, and public corruption.
"Bankruptcy fraud is often the tip of the criminal iceberg, and that makes these prosecutions so important," said Deputy Attorney General Paul J. McNulty.
You are NOT able to leave off debts in a BK:
Any atty who has advised you otherwise does not deserve his/her JD...
§ 727. Discharge
(a) The court shall grant the debtor a discharge, unless—
(1) the debtor is not an individual;
(2) the debtor, with intent to hinder, delay, or defraud a creditor or an officer of the estate charged with custody of property under this title, has transferred, removed, destroyed, mutilated, or concealed, or has permitted to be transferred, removed, destroyed, mutilated, or concealed—
(A) property of the debtor, within one year before the date of the filing of the petition; or
(B) property of the estate, after the date of the filing of the petition;
(3) the debtor has concealed, destroyed, mutilated, falsified, or failed to keep or preserve any recorded information, including books, documents, records, and papers, from which the debtor’s financial condition or business transactions might be ascertained, unless such act or failure to act was justified under all of the circumstances of the case;
(4) the debtor knowingly and fraudulently, in or in connection with the case—
(A) made a false oath or account;
(B) presented or used a false claim;
(C) gave, offered, received, or attempted to obtain money, property, or advantage, or a promise of money, property, or advantage, for acting or forbearing to act; or
(D) withheld from an officer of the estate entitled to possession under this title, any recorded information, including books, documents, records, and papers, relating to the debtor’s property or financial affairs...
And may I add, to anon @ 2:15 - BK fraud ALSO includes the leaving out of information that provides a true pivcture of your financial picture, as my post above shows.
One more thing - that is not to say that you can't reafirm a debt, such as an auto. Meaning, you can still have debt even though you may choose Ch. 7; however, one must declare ALL debt for it not to be fraud - you DO sign a paper that says that the debts listed are all your debts, & if you leave any off, then you lied.
Ok, fair enough. It's not my BK it's a friend and HIS attorney DID say to do that. So using your info, that attorney should lose their JD.
It truly sucks when people get bad info from a lawyer who is supposed to do the right thing.
Man, I take a little nap and I see you loosers getting trolled like a bunch a tuna. Looks like our friend has multiple hook-ups. Fish on! lol...
I like the idea about the Island. So long as someone brings me a Mai Tai with an umbrella and I can do some serious Tarpon fishing. Right now I'm debating a trip to Alaska to go fly fishing for big kings again or a trip to Costa Rica to go Tarpon fishing. Tarpon are winning right now!
We should make an IAFF RPG. Buying some houses, dining at chain restaurants and juice bars, moving in with your sister-in-law and dealing with the Haterzâ„¢ before going to jail.
@Anon 12:14
This is what the supervisor said, according to the transcript:
Oh… Ok no. He just told me that you'd been pre-approved but that's on contingent upon payment of $220.48 in my office no later than 12pm Eastern Standard Time tomorrow. It actually expires today.
So by that and the time on his Wally World receipt, the payment was WAY beyond the 1hr extension.
Schnapps and others:
The transcript does not match the audio in that section. There were some other mistakes as well as far as the transcript not assigning passages to the correct speaker.
Hey Anon,
I own a RE company. Not all Realtors are out there parroting Lereah and bending clients over for a quick commish. The really good ones have been waiting for this drop for years (God knows I have). The agents who are for shit are dropping like flies, and smart buyers and sellers who know what they need and don't want to f*ck around only want to work with good agents.
Put your agent-babe thru her paces. She might be a keeper. If she's any good, she ain't gonna be hitting you up for a loan anytime soon.
And if she's a stiff...hit it and forget it.
I am convinced the BK fraud troll was part of the Serin/Suprin clan fishing for free legal advice. Notice how the story changed several times. Notice the syntax of the poster. It sounds like someone young and uneducated.
I don't even think that the story is real. Anyway, Rob Dawg has the IP's and can verify the identity of th poster(s).
Regardless, young Snowflake better polish up on his deposition skills. If he can't handle Mr. Blip, Homey is going to skin him alive.
01000011 01100001 01110011 01100101 01111001 00100000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01100001 00100000 01100110 01110101 01100011 01101011 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01101001 01100100 01101001 01101111 01110100
01000111 01100001 01101100 01101001 01101110 01100001 00100000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01100001 00100000 01100011 01101000 01100101 01100001 01110000 00100000 01110111 01101000 01101111 01110010 01100101
Don't bother translating if you're easily offended.
Yeah, I'm pretty bored with life right now.
Casey is a fucking idiotGalina is a cheap whore
Casey sure is taking time moderating posts. I bet that there are a bunch of nasty ones for him to sort out.
Oh, BTW, Walt526, can you translate for me?
@ walt,
Never underestimate your opponent. IMHO, both CS and GS laid out a plan to illegaly extract hundreds of thousands of dollars at closing, funneling the proceeds through sham companies. What went wrong was the real estate market turned on them, and their ponzi scheme soured.
Look at the facts:
1. CS bought 8 properties in a short period of time on purpose so the banks, credit agencies, and all others involved would not be aware of his actions.
2. CS bought 8 properties via fraudulently lying on his applications about income, employment, and owner occupancy.
3. Casey illegaly wrapped one of the houses without disclosing it the the lender.
4. Casey and Galina ran up over $175,000 in unsecured debt, knowing they had no ability to pay, in order to sustain their lifestyle and further their illegal real estate activity.
5. Casey and Galina opened up two DBA real estate companies, never registering them with the state or incorporatin them. Casey advertised these companies as real estate investment companies over the internet and via the USPS. ( remember the 24% return letter, Able Buyer, iam buying apartments)
6. Casey attempted ( perhaps succeeded) in acquiring a shell company to fraudulently transfer his personal debt into and to obtain by fraud credit from lenders.
7. Casey, while protesting to be insolvent, spent some $30,000 on real estate seminars.
8. Casey while claiming to be insolvent, has earned unreported income.
9. Casey has continued to borrow money, knowing he has no intention or ability to repay the debt.
10. Casey and Galina spent over $375,000 ( from cash back at closings and credit cards)over the course of 2006 and he cannot account for the spending.
Sorry if I missed some of the things, but this is from memory. My point is that he and Galina knew exactly what they were doing. The plan was to keep doing the illegal cash back at closings, flip the houses, lather,rinse, repeat.
But it went bad, so Casey being the life long conman, moved on to other scams. The 24% return letter. Able Buyer. Buying apartments. The phony corporation. Adsense. Duane. Nigel. Then some more illegal cash back in Utah.
He won't change until he's caught, prosecuted, and in prison. None of his or Galina's actions were without intent. Each one was to defraud. His made up persona on IAFF is to cover his tracks. Look at the earth blog and you read a much different Casey.
I have seen in court many, many criminals. None of them are guilty. All of them proclaim their innocence. Forget about what Casey says and focus and what he did.
Actions speak louder than words.
I agree Casey may not be public enemy #1 on the FBI list, but his high profile and outright disdain for the law is making him come under some intense scrutiny. I would guess by May it's over for him.
Here is what I just don't get. How the fuck do you spend that much money and not have jack shit to show for it besides a murse and a PDA? I just don't get it. That's damn near 35k A MONTH! Something is wrong somewhere..
Tony Soprano @ 6:02 PM:
You forgot about the sweet, reliable Jetta.
Finally Casey approved some comments.. This should be interesting!
I noticed the other errors in the transcript. But hey, it was free.
As I commented over at Aspeth's, "If its free, it must be good!"
Tony Soprano said...
Ah, spring! I remember walking around Waterfront Park with the mrs one nice spring day and some looser hippy chick was trying to intervene on a duck rape scene. It was hillarious. Dumb hippy chick was FURIOUS that no one would help stop the duck, lol...too funny.
Did you explain to the hippy that she needed a suppressed Ruger mkII.
I need a vacation.
I'm taking all my credit cards and maxing them out. I'm going to buy a couple of houses and get cashback at closing.... I'm going to get some $$ from cashcall
I'm going to quit my job.
I'm going to go somewhere tropical and enjoy myself.
If I ever come back, I'll BK.
I need a vacation.
I'm taking all my credit cards and maxing them out. I'm going to buy a couple of houses and get cashback at closing.... I'm going to get some $$ from cashcall
I'm going to quit my job.
I'm going to go somewhere tropical and enjoy myself.
If I ever come back, I'll BK.
Judging from the latest slew of comments on IAFF, Casey is not getting the help that he was hoping for.
@Bemused guy
Well, they wouldn't have to climb all over her with those atrocities, just do a long-distance insemination. EW. That's just gross.
@The Adorable Kevin
Yes, my ass is magnetic. Brat.
You actually said that on my blog, I think.
Doesn’t look like I’ll ever make first, Aspeth. I’ve been MIA today due to a bad ear infection and fever, but just had to drag my ass out of bed to check in on my favorite, funniest people in the world. Keep it up guys!
I used to live in an apt. complex in Beaverton that had a problem with geese and ducks. Fucking libtards wouldn't do anything about all the shit everywhere so every once in a while, out came the scoped RWS pellet rifle with a two liter bottle on the end. I had a nice view of the pond from my pad. Nice, quiet, no flash....A few mallards and honkers out of season but it was all good on the BBQ:)
Casey and Galina knowingly attempted to get a big score while doing absolutely nothing by playing "heads we win, tails someone else loses." Hardly an original strategy and not very well executed at all.
It seems to me that the only way that Casey and Galina could retained any amount of money is if they had laundered it through the contractors that they hired to "work" on their properties. T was absolutely right last weekend: none of the properties that they claimed to have spent tens of thousands of dollars looked like it at all.
I would suggest that Homey, Rat Boy, and the other hater sleuths concentrate on identifying and researching the contractors that Casey claims to have hired. If they filed liens against the properties (which they almost certainly would have done to maintain the veneer of legit work), then it should be relatively straight-forward to get public data on the contractor. If liens were not placed or the contractors were unlicensed, it might not necessarily indicate fraud. But it's an avenue worth pursuing, IMHO.
But getting back to Casey... if he was dropping tens of thousands of dollars on "RE Mogul Education" plus traveling all over the place, then I could see him blowing through a lot of cash pretty quick. Also, don't discount the financing costs associated with so many high rate lines of credit. It seems like even before maxing them out, he was paying 18-20% on everything. Of the ~$500k or whatever of unsecured debt that he's racked up, over 15% is probably related to interest charges and late fees.
Not to say that he hasn't squirreled away something, but I'm willing to bet that it's in the low five digits at most unless he was utilizing his contractors to somehow launder payments from unsecured lines of credit. It's possible, but not likely.
I'm an adherent to Occam's razor: all things being equal, the simplest solution tends to be the most likely one. While it might be intriguing to image Casey being involved with the Russian mob or some criminal mastermind, the most likely possibility is that he is something close to what he has portrayed himself as: a greedy, self-centered sloth who is too lazy to work for anything and too stupid to maximize his opportunities or minimize his losses.
Obviously he hasn't told the whole truth, and there is probably a little bit of cash here or there. But I'm fairly convinced that Casey and Galina are too stupid and lazy to successfully execute a lucrative criminal enterprise.
I agree, for someone like Casey, a 24 year old moron with no REAL education, suddenly getting a check for 30K was too much for his little greedy lazy heart. All those trips and seminars in his little little brain were an "investment in his future" and not a real expense (mainly because it was someone else's money and it didn't really mean having to give up his lifestyle; ie eating out, vacations, laptop, etc etc). Even with his loans, he was easily paying waaaay above regular interest rates because he HOPED that the market would continue to go up, he could only really apply and receive a loan with high interest rates, and lastly, he didn't reall care since all he was concerned about was how much he stood to take home in CASH once he 'bought' the house. Remember, this is a barely literate moron with the attention span of a hamster who suddenly at his peak had 96K in his checking account for pretty much no work. He did what most people who don't really work for money do (ie some real estate agents, Tony not included, mortgage brokers, NIgel included, and real estate seminar investors do; they start calculating as if they have a stable and steady income. Let's see, I made 96K in 6 months, that's 192K in 1 year, x 10 years = 1.9 million dolalrs!!!!!!
Galina, we are just at the beginning, seeing as how we are blessed, my magic abilities, and these nuggets that keep falling my way, we are going to be multimultimillionaires by the time we are 34!!! I'm sure Casey has a little contract that he made out to himself stating how in ten years he will be a decamillionaire, own a small real estate empire, and be able to retire comfortably with a stable of people to do the work behind the scenes while he manages them.
This reminds me of a tv news story I saw a while back, about a bunch of high school kids that were in the business of fixing computers as a small business. They were all like 16 and younger, and yet they had made enough to be able to buy a mustang convertible (that's for the entire group), yes they were all goobers but I'm sure they figured the car would offset their geek aura and attract some of the lcoal high school hotties(they were all seen piled in the car pocket protectors glowing) as they drove up to a burger joint). Anyway, when the 'CEO' was asked what his goal was, he said "To be bigger than Bill Gates someday!"
Yeah sure kid, like every nerd who knew what a computer was back in the day didn't think the same thing.
At 5:55 PM, Mr. Bubbles said...
@ walt,
Never underestimate your opponent. IMHO, both CS and GS laid out a plan to illegaly extract hundreds of thousands of dollars at closing, funneling the proceeds through sham companies. What went wrong was the real estate market turned on them, and their ponzi scheme soured.
Look at the facts:
1. CS bought 8 properties in a short period of time on purpose so the banks, credit agencies, and all others involved would not be aware of his actions.
2. CS bought 8 properties via fraudulently lying on his applications about income, employment, and owner occupancy.
3. Casey illegaly wrapped one of the houses without disclosing it the the lender.
4. Casey and Galina ran up over $175,000 in unsecured debt, knowing they had no ability to pay, in order to sustain their lifestyle and further their illegal real estate activity.
5. Casey and Galina opened up two DBA real estate companies, never registering them with the state or incorporatin them. Casey advertised these companies as real estate investment companies over the internet and via the USPS. ( remember the 24% return letter, Able Buyer, iam buying apartments)
6. Casey attempted ( perhaps succeeded) in acquiring a shell company to fraudulently transfer his personal debt into and to obtain by fraud credit from lenders.
7. Casey, while protesting to be insolvent, spent some $30,000 on real estate seminars.
8. Casey while claiming to be insolvent, has earned unreported income.
9. Casey has continued to borrow money, knowing he has no intention or ability to repay the debt.
10. Casey and Galina spent over $375,000 ( from cash back at closings and credit cards)over the course of 2006 and he cannot account for the spending.
Sorry if I missed some of the things, but this is from memory. My point is that he and Galina knew exactly what they were doing. The plan was to keep doing the illegal cash back at closings, flip the houses, lather,rinse, repeat.
But it went bad, so Casey being the life long conman, moved on to other scams. The 24% return letter. Able Buyer. Buying apartments. The phony corporation. Adsense. Duane. Nigel. Then some more illegal cash back in Utah.
He won't change until he's caught, prosecuted, and in prison. None of his or Galina's actions were without intent. Each one was to defraud. His made up persona on IAFF is to cover his tracks. Look at the earth blog and you read a much different Casey.
I have seen in court many, many criminals. None of them are guilty. All of them proclaim their innocence. Forget about what Casey says and focus and what he did.
Actions speak louder than words.
I agree Casey may not be public enemy #1 on the FBI list, but his high profile and outright disdain for the law is making him come under some intense scrutiny. I would guess by May it's over for him.
@ Legion
Thanks for the props...
It blows my mind what new agents in the business do..just like Snowflake. They get the first check and figure that is how it is and go out and spend and spend and spend. I had a deal blow up on me this week. All signed around, ready to close this week. I did everything cool but the buyer lost his job. Poof! there goes $5000. Did I cry, bitch or moan? Nope, becase I had not spent the money. I put my head down and kept going, Rule number one in this game is the money isn't your's until it's in your bank account. I work my ass off and I play my ass off but make no mistake, this is no game you can make many mistakes and stay in very long at all. I'm looking to bring someone else in and it scares me to death. I love this job and everything about it but it is not for the faint of heart. Case in point. We had another agent rather new in the game with us for a while. She had all the right moves, smart, social, you name it. But, she got scared of the phone. Just wouldn't call leads. Kinda hard to last when you don't call. Then she got pissed at management that shit wasn't falling in her lap! Somehow, she got it in her mind that she was ENTITLED to business to just fall the fuck out of the sky and land in her lap, signed around. This was the LAST thing we expected out of her when we brought her in. Really weird. I was called in too late to save her. When asked what should have been done, I told the boss that I should have been called in way sooner hence why I get tasked with the new blood hunt.hehehe..
I am so glad these lazy assed fools are getting flushed. I got all her old leads and popped a couple of deals out of what she thought was garbage. Markets going down? Good! Finally a blue collar family just starting out can maybe get ahead of the game a bit and get into a place for less that $3000 a month! I came from a very poor family. I very clearly remember food stamps and I remember it was unreal to buy some serious steaks. Hamburger, pork chops and whole chickens. I remember hunting to put food on the table that night. Dad drove an old neat GMC truck and mom drove the same Toyota Corolla forever.. Great Grandfather sold cars for a living and lasted 40 years...go find a car salesman in the game for 40 years..Nope, I thank the deity of my choosing for my life and don't knock it for a second. Which is the reason I can't wait to hear the muffled cries of Snowflake as he bites the pillow and Bubba ass rams him and drops a hot juicy load down Snowflakes gullet. When you swallow Casey, I will be drinking a cold beer out sailing. Enjoy my friend.
amen tony,
I grew up on a farm. we worked like freaking animals for what little we have. This farm boy busted his ass to get into an Ivy League school, and worked full-time while in school (to suppliment my scholarships). Oh, and I was an engineer too -- so my classes weren't the basket-weaving circle-jerks most liberal arts classes have devolved to.
yeah, I finished my BS + MS in 4.5 years. I'm banged out my PhD in 4 years.
Not sure whose worse -- 1) the binge drinking dipshits at state schools who take 5 yrs for a BS. Or 2) the babushka succubus going to community college full time.
oh, nothing would thrill me more than to walk into some seedy sac-town strip joint and see Galina working the pole. One of those seedy joints near I-80 -- full of nasty, smelly truckers. I'd find the nastiest, smelliest one of all and buy him a lap-dance with Galina.
If Casey were some criminal mastermind, why did he drop $30K on guru seminars? Why on earth did he start his blog? Why he he tell such pathetic lies?
I follow the rule that one should not attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.
That said, whoever claims that Casey did not have "intent" to commit criminal fraud does not understand intent.
New Post on IAFF-
Apparently if the short sale goes through he'll consider it a success! Four out of five houses get foreclosed on when short sale is proposed and he considers it a success. I guess that shows really just how low he's set the bar. His "awesome short sale" realtor has yet to get the job done. But Casey is always thinking ahead, and he's probably already got this schmo on deck for "Casey's unsuccessful realtor network". Jesus. When is this property up for auction anyway? I hope they hammer that sucker back to the bank with no bids so he can feel like the fucktard he is.
Posted by murse boy:
"I can’t take all the credit though. Success is all about having great team players".
Coffee, meet nostrils, meet desk and keyboard.
I am the Murse, hear me Roar!
What a dipshit, does snowflake think that RE agents are going to line up to be a part of his "short sale network"? Yeah because short sale deals are sooooo tough to come by these days.
Hey Casey I know you read this blog so here is some advice: NO ONE IN RE WHO CARES ABOUT THEIR REPUTATION NEEDS YOU TO "BIRD DOG" ANY "SWEET DEALS" FOR THEM, GOT IT?
fear the murse,
He's clearly trolling. IF casey gets arrested for his crimes. We have to celebrate.
R-boy we can throw a happy hour here in the DC area. We can have a theme for it. example....use a 'win-win' word in every sentence during the happy hour. After a few beers it will turn into a 'sweet' time.
Of course this is dependent upon his arrest. I am beginning to think this will not happen.
It's been my and several other poster's contention that Snowflake wants to be a Guruâ„¢ himself - it is, after all, All About Caseyâ„¢.
Go look on IAFF at the screenshot shithead took when he paid off CashCall by playing Chicken On A Hotplateâ„¢. One of the groups on his Google Bookmarks bar is "Speaking".
Would'nt you love to know what links he has in there?
I'd bet a month's pay Shithead is setting himself up to get speaking engagements to various groups to talk about how the Evil Real Estate Industryâ„¢ took advantage of the poor, tousled-haired waif that is Snowflake.
Shithead has no intention of paying a dime towards what he owes, because some shiteating Guruâ„¢ told him to never pay off the debt of his "investments" with his own cash. He's no criminal mastermind, he can barely handle basic literacy.
Dawg said:"I'm in DC this week with my middle's 8th grade class trip."
Hmmm....a clever cover for some covert operation.
Counrtywide just opened an office down the street from me. This ought to be good...
Latest from IAFF:
"We got approval from the bank to allow short sale of the Modesto house at about $300,000. I have the approval letter but my short sale real estate agent didn’t want me posting it quite yet.
Now that the 1st is willing to do the short sale, the agent is negotiating with the second to make sure they are willing to play along. I haven’t heard back yet. With this agent, no news is good news. I’m assuming things are progressing along.
Even if the second is will to play ball on the short sale, we’ll still have to hope the buyer actually closes. But hey, perhaps I will have one successful short sale under my belt after all. I can’t take all the credit though. Success is all about having great team players, like my awesome short sale agent in Modesto. I already referred a couple of people facing foreclosure to him.
That’s the kind of network I want to build. A team of short sale specializing real estate agents across the country who I can refer people too and help them avoid foreclosure on their record. Not many agents are willing to do short sales and the ones that do, few are good at it. I’ve been blessed with some good ones.
But even the good short sale agents can’t always stop foreclosure. The bank can say NO to a short sale for a number of different reasons. So I feel like even if we get 1 out of 4 short sales accepted, we’re doing pretty good. "
The peals of laughter that have overtaken me prevent me from properly commenting much...so here's what I can typed
This is better than any sitcom currently in production on the broadcast networks...but then that's not saying very much.
The funniest part of this will be the arrival of the cancellation of the fliptard's blog...but not to worry. The fun will still be continuing here ;-)
Tony: any insight into GMAC mortgate, GMAC realtors, or RES-cap?
Professional interest, and no, I am not planning to buy anything from them.
One Hundred and Fifty FIRST!
It's nice that Casey now wants to do some real heavy lifting and to add serious value to the equation.
That’s the kind of network I want to build. A team of short sale specializing real estate agents across the country who I can refer people [b]too[/b] and help them avoid foreclosure on their record.
Oh sure, this will work out just fine. There's a nice business plan in there somewhere. Yeppers. I wonder if he is looking to IPO yet.
I should add that my interest in GMAC and GMAC mortgage products has nothing to do with Casey or his antics.
Nor am I planning to buy a house.
My bet is they are all hiding some shady stuff, hehehe
How does this short sale stuff work? Which of the lenders gets screwed? Casey owes around $350k on the place and the short sale is for $300k. There is a first and a second mortgage on the property.
"A team of short sale specializing real estate agents across the country"
I have a question: Will Casey Inc. corporate office be furnishing said team with murses?
This sounds like a pack of locusts being unleashed. 'short sale specializing real estate agents' has a certain lyrical quality to it, like 'undercover forensic accountant secret agent ninja'.
Tony: I read somewhere that something like 77% of GMAC's total home mortgage profile is sub-prime.
Can you confirm or deny?
Sinister: a majority of GMAC is sub-prime. Not sure the exact amount, but I would bet it's quite a lot. They simply don't have the products to compete with the major A-paper lenders.
On a side note, it's a wonderful Good Friday. Nutbuster over at IAFF is in talks to create a sweet network of realtors, my 40-days of giving up Vodka for Lent is over and it's a 3-hour work day. I can not wait for my journey back to MN ends this evening and I can sit back and enjoy a nice bottle of vodka. 40 days of not drinking vodka is a lot harder than you may think, especially when one enjoys the sweet juice we know as vodka as often as I do.
Mozatta: does a continued sub-prime pose any threat to GMAC as a whole? Or are they sufficiently diversified to weather even a sub-prime meltdown?
I for one wonder. If housing prices drop and credit tightens, there will be some spillover into GMAC's auto loan portfolio.
I can't remmeber how long ago but Calculated Risk talked about GMAC. Nobody said it out loud but not only is their RE portfolio subprime but their auto loans are at least as bad. The concern is that GM may be forced to "buy back" some of this paper and may itself be in deeper trouble as a consequence. Scary.
I've got 3 liters of Absolute soaking w/some Key limes. hehe.. The ultimate gimlet!
That sounds about right on GMAC. Hillary is trying to figure out how to bail them out. News at 11..
GM has serious cashflow problems and legacy liabilities. That is why they partially divested GMAC in the first place.
I am dying to know whether GM could eat GMAC's worthless paper even if they wanted to.
Mozatta/Tony/Rob: would you characterize GMAC as "bottom-feeders" in the mortgage lending industry?
New posts including a GM specific topic in a few minutes. Damn, tommorow it probably would have been a forum topic. [yes, that reallly sooon]
We've heard that before, Rob Dawg. You're starting to sound like Casey on taking out the trash.
New thread loosers. I already bagged first!
The scary thing is that anyone involved in subprime lending is at risk. People thought New Century was untouchable. They were consistently the #1 or #2 subrpime lender in terms of volume. But it goes to show you that A) every lender is at risk and B) crappy paper is crappy paper no matter who is backing you.
So yes, GMAC is definitely at risk. Like Dawg said, their auto loans are targeted primarily to shaddy credit people too. However, I think GM would be able to eat some if their garbage if needed, although it wouldn't be pleasant nor would it be easy.
Here in the Midwest, I don't see a lot of GMAC mortgage business simply because Wells is here. I'm sure they quite a lot of business, but I guess they aren't publicized or promoted a lot (in my eyes, I could be wrong). They do, however, run a lot of auto business here.
I'd have nothing but bad experiences with GMAC, I personally don't have a need for them, nor would I refer someone who may have less-than-perfect credit to them.
@ King Friday
Cut the binge drinkers a little slack. The college years are the most fun years of our lives for those of us who didn't spend every last minute of them with our noses stuck in a book. Sure it takes us a little longer to get out, but I wouldn't trade those times for anything.
All work and no play makes Jack a King Friday. All play and no work makes Jack a Casey. Work and play in equal proportions makes Jack reasonably well-adjusted. Work, booze, and weaponry makes Jack a Tony Soprano.
What a geek that Casey is. If I were an agent, why would I want to work with him? Short sales demand lots of follow up and that is something he does not have and even if he shows signs of such a thing it's in short supply. I don't believe a word of it. What a clown.
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