Housing Bubble, credit bubble, public planning, land use, zoning and transportation in the exurban environment. Specific criticism of smart growth, neotradtional, forms based, new urbanism and other top down planner schemes to increase urban extent and density. Ventura County, California specific examples.
Monday, March 19, 2007
No prizes, just EN bragging rights. Our favorite chew toy is supposedly #10 with a "foreclosure" google search.
Clearly we can do better. Since I am out of contention I set the standard with "stupid idiot criminal flipper" and only got #7. "Mortgage fraud failed flipper" gets me a #6.
All the cube dwellers make fun of us Realtors but I work from home, make more than they do, and I can take a nap when ever I want:) hehe. And for what it's worth, I'm renting right now, haha.
I googled fliptard just for fun and the link below from urbandictionary.com was number three AND Fliptard had not been defined yet. So, with my clean slate I defined it with Casey Serin as the example. Please feel free to edit the page! SOOO much FUN!
C'mon guys, you mean to tell me a certain award winning blog isn't among the leaders? You are telling me that nobody is reading the wise words of Nigel Crapby?
Here is my submission: Review your submission You sent this to Urban Dictionary, but it is not yet published. This is your last opportunity to change it before it gets reviewed by editors. fliptard Real Estate Flipper that was the last one in right before the Real Estate bubble went POP. They are now upside down in their Real Estate "Flip" and can not sell it, neither can they afford the mortgage. All eight of Casey Serin's houses are going into foreclosure because he is nothing but a noob fliptard. (Iamfacingforclosure.com) Source: FlyingMonkeyChick, Orlando, Fl
I've stopped by his site a few times but he just brings out too much rage in me for me to hang out over there. I'm sort of back to boycotting IAFF lately as well. WTF is the point if snowflake won't answer shit. I am pretty tempted to call in though. That is gonna be a riot. Imagine CashCall lining up a bunch of collectors to call in. HAHA
DO those trailer park morons talk about goats? If they do, that could explain it since they always post their unfunny drivel on a pretty regular basis.
Some people have been asking about zewg.com and what the relationship is with Casey.
zewg.com is site that allows people to search on multiple search engines at once without having to look at ads.
The interesting part is that it's run by a guy who goes by a couple of nicknames, including Heekee and Nimrod. Heekee is an old alumnui of the fuckedcompany.com forum, and he runs a troll messageboard and image dump site of his own called www.campidiot.com
Heekee and Casey made a deal a while back. If Casey would put a link to Zewg on his blog, Heekee would remove all of the Galina pictures that had been saved on his image site and a bunch of the threads that made Snowflake cry.
Yea, I own Zewg, I told him I want to test out my new metasearch script which is like pre-alpha.
Im not sure what kind of load it can handle. Zewg is actually running on the old CI server.
Apparently he found some Galina and family pics on the dump and saw all the mean comments. I deleted the pics for him and he was tickled pink
That was a while back. Heekee recently agreed to host Casey, mostly because he likes trolls and trolling.
Even though he deleted the Galina pictures from his image hosting site, he still lets people post Galina pictures on the board and he even has a galina emoticon on his site.
Right now the site occasionally requires registraton because of some spammers and DOS attacks, but usually it's as wide open as Nigel's mouth. Feel free to come by and make fun of Casey with the rest of the tards.
Do we know for sure that there's an archive of IAFF that's not accessible to Casey? The little bastard is obviously doing a purge right now, readying himself to be this great and glorious guru. When he makes the full-on attempt, he'll likely hide/purge most of the comments on IAFF, possibly deleting a lot of the earlier entries where he makes himself look like a douche. While he'll be the author of the 'famous' IAFF blog, he'll do his damnedest to make sure that people only get small snippets of what's actually happened. He'll try and make the haters look like crazed crackpots and hide all our ammunition. (as evinced by his Wiki attempt) Anyone out of his reach saving IAFF before it gets thrown in to the shredder, a la Enron?
Off topic, but I was wondering if TwelveYearsOfBeingAnnoyedByChloeSevignyDotCom is a commenter here, but I haven't seen anything since 3/17. Please keep posting.
While I don't get the Chloe Sevigny issue (s)he's witty and the last post was definitely on target: http://12yearsofbeingannoyedbychloesevigny.blogspot.com/2007/03/welcome-to-my-award-winning-blog.html
Casey reminds me of the kid with a "Kick Me" note someone taped to his back. Except, unlike most kids, he chose to leave the note on. He intended IAFF to be a positive forum for discussing all things Casey. When it turned into a lightning rod for righteous indignation, he chose to keep on keeping on.
This afternoon I scanned comments on the latest IAFF post. I think there were 57 at the time. Maybe two were mildly supportive... along the lines of "you're really screwed up but I hope you can make something of yourself." The rest (~55) ranged from mildly annoyed to militantly hostile.
Who in their right mind would put the effort Casey does to create a forum where he's seen as the village idiot of the internets?
No, we don't know. I was all ready to grab one myself, but then I realized two things. First, I don't care that much. Second, while creating the archive is in itself legal, just about anything I did with it would be copyright infringement and could lead to me being even less anonymous than I am now.
If you want to create your own archive, there are various tools that will do the job. For wget, the following command should just about cover it:
Zweg! Zee-weg! Sorry, my poison of choice (whatever vodka is in the freezer + diet lemonade mix) is kicking in.... I have nothing constructive or amusing to offer.
Seggy, Vodkamellon! 1/2 gallon of the cheepest vodka, one watermelon. Cut a small hole and turn the bottle over into the melon. Next day the vodkamelon is ready. Slice = shot. Use caution.
Not being an Official Investment Advisor, I can't suggest anyone do this...but I can toss it out there...
It seems to me that once the Casey fleas are picked off of IAFF, it actually might be somewhat valuable domain name. There's going to be a hell of a lot of foreclosures in the next few years. Handled correctly, someone who knew what they were doing (i.e. not Snowflake) could make it into a profitable foreclosure help site. The question then is how to get the domain name out from under him if one had a little spare cash?
First - buy one of Casey's debts - say the 2nd loan on Muncy, or the $50K note to Countrywide. Another good one would be the remainder of the debt on the Rio Rancho property after it goes to foreclosure since New Mexico law allows for deficiency judgments. I'd imagine any of the lenders would be thrilled to get pennies on the dollar since smart money says they won't ever get a single dirty penny otherwise.
Second - as one of Casey's creditors, you would have the right to file an involuntary bankrupcty petition, throwing him into chapter 7.
Third, file a motion pointing out that the only assets of the estate are Vdubs, the murse, and the IAFF domain name. The bankruptcy trustee can get authority for the court to auction off the assets to the highest bidder, with the proceeds split among the various creditors.
Bonus points - the BK judge becomes officially aware of Snowflakes fraudulent mortgages and refers the case to the US Attorney in Sacramento for criminal investigation.
Worst case scenario, you don't get any traffic and have to shut the site down, but Bubba gets Snowflake for a rooommate for a few years. Still a win-win.
Heekee never really says anything negative about Casey, they are friends I think.
At the same time Heekee has a dark sense of humor, he loves a good troll or a good trainwreck.
One thing is for sure, Casey's site is now a hell of a lot faster now that it is backed by zewg. At least we know it wont go down when Casey is hauled off to prison.
#4 for "Brian S. Nick" #1 for Nigel Swaby Eddie Haskell #1 for Nigel Swaby never leaves his buddy's behind #5 Casey Serin murse (we've got work to do, people) #4 for "homey da clown" #2 for switchspork #3 for "Ogg the Caveman" (just learned about Ogg's illustrious breakfast cereal mascot past)
Well, I uploaded fucktard's ticket along with my and probably Badjer's suspicions/comments on what doesn't jive with that ticket picture. Check the link Tony Soprano just posted.
I was getting my haircut by this hot young 22 year old blond Russian chick. No B.S. PNW is just full of them. If I wasn't married, I'd have been all over that POA:)
@Akubi 7:28....Aaaaaw, thanks! 36 hours without me and you miss me?!? I'm glad someone thinks I'm witty....the churchies have been on my ass this past week.
@mycroft 9:04....There is some incredible brilliance to this plan. Because couldn't the lienholder also then press charges in the municipality in which the fraud occurred?
Choosing a CA note and filing felony charges would ensure that fucktard couldn't profit from his 'story' in any way.
Whaddya say, Rob Dawg? Should we look into this and re-open the tip jar? Talk about some bizarro legal precedence....can you imagine *those* headlines?!?
"Outraged internet group buys bank note to press charges against multi-state mortgage felon"
omg...too funny! I wondered if that would happen....I left a fuck-filled note on there, spanking the little asswipe for being some $2.5 million in debt with a half-dozen foreclosed houses and then deciding to head off to the mtns. I said something to the effect of his sense of entitlement was boundless. When I clicked 'post' I thought he'd just delete the comment after an hour, not remove the pics. lol...
To make it up, I'll upload some archived photos from fucktard's Countrywide friend's myspace site. His friend micht still have them up, but I can't remember the link anymore. So without further adieu, pics from his breakdancing past... in 2 minutes.
I-80 EASTBOUND is heading NORTHEAST/NORTH in this area, so the shadows falling to the right indicate west is to the rear left. Therefore KC was in fact heading east, but he pulled off from the fastlane into the median!!
Ticket shows he was going WB during the traffic stop. The picture with the ticket is heading EB. So he was probably pulled over going home from Tahoe, reversed course to take the picture going east, then went back around to go home. 5:21 PM is a bit late for snowboarding unless there were night sessions he was heading for.
Ok.. someones gotta say it by now..
damn it, i was taking a nap:)
Youse snooze, youse loose.
Lets get Casey to rank with NINJA*.
“NINJA Loans” (No Income, No Job and no Assets)
*Courtesy of Mish
Failed Flipper #5
Side note,
I'm very jealous of Tony's napping schedule.
Searching for 'Gaysey Serin' yields the trio of sites: IAFF, EN, and IANFF :-)
All the cube dwellers make fun of us Realtors but I work from home, make more than they do, and I can take a nap when ever I want:) hehe. And for what it's worth, I'm renting right now, haha.
I googled fliptard just for fun and the link below from urbandictionary.com was number three AND Fliptard had not been defined yet. So, with my clean slate I defined it with Casey Serin as the example. Please feel free to edit the page! SOOO much FUN!
UN came up on the third page around # 25.
I'm only renting because I recently sold my last place. Figured I'd sit on the cash for a while and wait out the storm a bit.
I'm only renting because I recently sold my last place. Figured I'd sit on the cash for a while and wait out the storm a bit.
echo echo...
C'mon guys, you mean to tell me a certain award winning blog isn't among the leaders? You are telling me that nobody is reading the wise words of Nigel Crapby?
Here is my submission:
Review your submission
You sent this to Urban Dictionary, but it is not yet published. This is your last opportunity to change it before it gets reviewed by editors.
Real Estate Flipper that was the last one in right before the Real Estate bubble went POP. They are now upside down in their Real Estate "Flip" and can not sell it, neither can they afford the mortgage.
All eight of Casey Serin's houses are going into foreclosure because he is nothing but a noob fliptard. (Iamfacingforclosure.com)
Source: FlyingMonkeyChick, Orlando, Fl
I've stopped by his site a few times but he just brings out too much rage in me for me to hang out over there. I'm sort of back to boycotting IAFF lately as well. WTF is the point if snowflake won't answer shit. I am pretty tempted to call in though. That is gonna be a riot. Imagine CashCall lining up a bunch of collectors to call in. HAHA
Another looser is back in the news..Why does the PNW breed these wierdos.
Hey Tony, we had a dead heat on the Fire, Aim, Ready! topic.
On second thought, don't want anything to do with "dead" and "Tony" in the same sentence...
On topic, when Casey & G. part ways, we should find a way to link him up with T. But let's get one or both of them fixed first, - we all know why.
I kid you not. I did not photochop this or anything! Found on nigel's poor excuse of a blog:
Was there any doubt which side nigel pitches for
#1 Google results: juicing sweet deals, every dirty penny, cash back liar loan, ignore CashCall, "back to the bank it goes", wheatgrass overdraft, Utah wrap check cashed
#2 results: Sacramento mortgage fraud; and my own particular favorite: I am facing Bubba
"Moron Foreclosure"
IAFF #! baby!
"Nigel Casey Bubba" gives EN #1 and 2 spots, and IAFF #3 and 4.
But interestingly enough, if you add "goats" to that combo, IAFF shoots up to #1 while EN is nowhere.
What can this mean?
DO those trailer park morons talk about goats? If they do, that could explain it since they always post their unfunny drivel on a pretty regular basis.
LOL, look up Salt Lake City Mortgage Fraud on Google and guess who comes in at #2!
Also add Nigel to that and he shoots to #1!
I just want to point out something.
I saw this comment in another comment on exurbannation.
I followed the link posted to this page
Now, please take a look at the screenprint of what I saw, specifically the google ad.
No, that's not photoshopped.
Some people have been asking about zewg.com and what the relationship is with Casey.
zewg.com is site that allows people to search on multiple search engines at once without having to look at ads.
The interesting part is that it's run by a guy who goes by a couple of nicknames, including Heekee and Nimrod. Heekee is an old alumnui of the fuckedcompany.com forum, and he runs a troll messageboard and image dump site of his own called www.campidiot.com
Heekee and Casey made a deal a while back. If Casey would put a link to Zewg on his blog, Heekee would remove all of the Galina pictures that had been saved on his image site and a bunch of the threads that made Snowflake cry.
Yea, I own Zewg, I told him I want to test out my new metasearch script which is like pre-alpha.
Im not sure what kind of load it can handle. Zewg is actually running on the old CI server.
Apparently he found some Galina and family pics on the dump and saw all the mean comments. I deleted the pics for him and he was tickled pink
That was a while back. Heekee recently agreed to host Casey, mostly because he likes trolls and trolling.
Even though he deleted the Galina pictures from his image hosting site, he still lets people post Galina pictures on the board and he even has a galina emoticon on his site.
Right now the site occasionally requires registraton because of some spammers and DOS attacks, but usually it's as wide open as Nigel's mouth. Feel free to come by and make fun of Casey with the rest of the tards.
@Rob Dawg,
Zweg is the same assclown that wanted to host EN.
Thoughts on "Bong Hits 4 Jesus" and other more relevant issues?
Do we know for sure that there's an archive of IAFF that's not accessible to Casey? The little bastard is obviously doing a purge right now, readying himself to be this great and glorious guru. When he makes the full-on attempt, he'll likely hide/purge most of the comments on IAFF, possibly deleting a lot of the earlier entries where he makes himself look like a douche. While he'll be the author of the 'famous' IAFF blog, he'll do his damnedest to make sure that people only get small snippets of what's actually happened. He'll try and make the haters look like crazed crackpots and hide all our ammunition. (as evinced by his Wiki attempt) Anyone out of his reach saving IAFF before it gets thrown in to the shredder, a la Enron?
Unfortunately, that would seem typical 21st Century American behavior (among those in power).
Whatever happened to ethics?
Spelled either way:
stupid mortgage fraud loser
stupid mortgage fraud looser
And IAFF is #1!
IAFF is #1 if you google "snowflake mortgage fraud".
Off topic, but I was wondering if TwelveYearsOfBeingAnnoyedByChloeSevignyDotCom is a commenter here, but I haven't seen anything since 3/17. Please keep posting.
While I don't get the Chloe Sevigny issue (s)he's witty and the last post was definitely on target: http://12yearsofbeingannoyedbychloesevigny.blogspot.com/2007/03/welcome-to-my-award-winning-blog.html
Casey reminds me of the kid with a "Kick Me" note someone taped to his back. Except, unlike most kids, he chose to leave the note on. He intended IAFF to be a positive forum for discussing all things Casey. When it turned into a lightning rod for righteous indignation, he chose to keep on keeping on.
This afternoon I scanned comments on the latest IAFF post. I think there were 57 at the time. Maybe two were mildly supportive... along the lines of "you're really screwed up but I hope you can make something of yourself." The rest (~55) ranged from mildly annoyed to militantly hostile.
Who in their right mind would put the effort Casey does to create a forum where he's seen as the village idiot of the internets?
@ Aelfscine
No, we don't know. I was all ready to grab one myself, but then I realized two things. First, I don't care that much. Second, while creating the archive is in itself legal, just about anything I did with it would be copyright infringement and could lead to me being even less anonymous than I am now.
If you want to create your own archive, there are various tools that will do the job. For wget, the following command should just about cover it:
wget -rH -Diamfacingforeclosure.com,flicker.com,spreadsheets.google.com http://iamfacingforeclosure.com/
Zweg! Zee-weg! Sorry, my poison of choice (whatever vodka is in the freezer + diet lemonade mix) is kicking in.... I have nothing constructive or amusing to offer.
Your saying it wrong,
Its Zewwwwwg as in teh next GOOG.
Perhaps Casey can get in on an early stock offering?
Your saying it wrong,
Its Zewwwwwg as in teh next GOOG.
Perhaps Casey can get in on an early stock offering?
Vodkamellon! 1/2 gallon of the cheepest vodka, one watermelon. Cut a small hole and turn the bottle over into the melon. Next day the vodkamelon is ready. Slice = shot. Use caution.
Not being an Official Investment Advisor, I can't suggest anyone do this...but I can toss it out there...
It seems to me that once the Casey fleas are picked off of IAFF, it actually might be somewhat valuable domain name. There's going to be a hell of a lot of foreclosures in the next few years. Handled correctly, someone who knew what they were doing (i.e. not Snowflake) could make it into a profitable foreclosure help site. The question then is how to get the domain name out from under him if one had a little spare cash?
First - buy one of Casey's debts - say the 2nd loan on Muncy, or the $50K note to Countrywide. Another good one would be the remainder of the debt on the Rio Rancho property after it goes to foreclosure since New Mexico law allows for deficiency judgments. I'd imagine any of the lenders would be thrilled to get pennies on the dollar since smart money says they won't ever get a single dirty penny otherwise.
Second - as one of Casey's creditors, you would have the right to file an involuntary bankrupcty petition, throwing him into chapter 7.
Third, file a motion pointing out that the only assets of the estate are Vdubs, the murse, and the IAFF domain name. The bankruptcy trustee can get authority for the court to auction off the assets to the highest bidder, with the proceeds split among the various creditors.
Bonus points - the BK judge becomes officially aware of Snowflakes fraudulent mortgages and refers the case to the US Attorney in Sacramento for criminal investigation.
Worst case scenario, you don't get any traffic and have to shut the site down, but Bubba gets Snowflake for a rooommate for a few years. Still a win-win.
For the best taste, make sure you fuck the watermelon first!
Heekee and his assclown butt-buddies are the worst troll snot from the old FC board. This could get ugly.
Tony, your napping schedule coincides with Snowflake and Galina's. I think there's a threesome that needs to be explained.
I have pictures... of my dog playing in the yard. ;)
Heekee is hosting Casey for two reasons.
1. He wants some publicity and to get his zewg site stress-tested.
2. He loves a good troll, and that includes not just Casey's trolling but people trolling Casey.
He is not another Nigel, not by any means whatsoever.
I may have missed this but there are a ton of photos I've never seen before here. Sick basturds:)
Heekee never really says anything negative about Casey, they are friends I think.
At the same time Heekee has a dark sense of humor, he loves a good troll or a good trainwreck.
One thing is for sure, Casey's site is now a hell of a lot faster now that it is backed by zewg. At least we know it wont go down when Casey is hauled off to prison.
The blog will live on!
Geez Tony, where were you the first or second times I posted the link?!?!
#4 for "Brian S. Nick"
#1 for Nigel Swaby Eddie Haskell
#1 for Nigel Swaby never leaves his buddy's behind
#5 Casey Serin murse (we've got work to do, people)
#4 for "homey da clown"
#2 for switchspork
#3 for "Ogg the Caveman" (just learned about Ogg's illustrious breakfast cereal mascot past)
Well, I uploaded fucktard's ticket along with my and probably Badjer's suspicions/comments on what doesn't jive with that ticket picture. Check the link Tony Soprano just posted.
I was getting my haircut by this hot young 22 year old blond Russian chick. No B.S. PNW is just full of them. If I wasn't married, I'd have been all over that POA:)
I have Casey's entire blog archived, comments and all. Searchable and indexable in a database format. His revisionist history won't fly.
@Akubi 7:28....Aaaaaw, thanks! 36 hours without me and you miss me?!? I'm glad someone thinks I'm witty....the churchies have been on my ass this past week.
@mycroft 9:04....There is some incredible brilliance to this plan. Because couldn't the lienholder also then press charges in the municipality in which the fraud occurred?
Choosing a CA note and filing felony charges would ensure that fucktard couldn't profit from his 'story' in any way.
Whaddya say, Rob Dawg? Should we look into this and re-open the tip jar? Talk about some bizarro legal precedence....can you imagine *those* headlines?!?
"Outraged internet group buys bank note to press charges against multi-state mortgage felon"
Me likey.....
Snowflake has pulled the flikr pics of his speeding ticket. Kudos to Ratlab for archiving them!
omg...too funny! I wondered if that would happen....I left a fuck-filled note on there, spanking the little asswipe for being some $2.5 million in debt with a half-dozen foreclosed houses and then deciding to head off to the mtns. I said something to the effect of his sense of entitlement was boundless. When I clicked 'post' I thought he'd just delete the comment after an hour, not remove the pics. lol...
@ ROB -- please post link to the KC tix pic discussed in ROADTRIP thread.
Please post link to the KC tic pic.
Snoweyflakes Jetta over 90 ticket.
I've enhanced SF's ticket.
The bit he wiped out is "Evidence of Financial Responsibility" - could this the company we suspect he has sold title to?
Sorry for the no reply, busy watching some DVDs.
To make it up, I'll upload some archived photos from fucktard's Countrywide friend's myspace site. His friend micht still have them up, but I can't remember the link anymore. So without further adieu, pics from his breakdancing past... in 2 minutes.
I-80 EASTBOUND is heading NORTHEAST/NORTH in this area, so the shadows falling to the right indicate west is to the rear left. Therefore KC was in fact heading east, but he pulled off from the fastlane into the median!!
@KC Eastbound
Ticket shows he was going WB during the traffic stop. The picture with the ticket is heading EB. So he was probably pulled over going home from Tahoe, reversed course to take the picture going east, then went back around to go home. 5:21 PM is a bit late for snowboarding unless there were night sessions he was heading for.
New Hollywood Blockbuster:
Starring Casey Serin and Nigel Swaby with cameo from Alan Greenspan.
Rated NC-17. Coming to a theatre near you!
-Big Cheese
wheres the new bloard Rob?
pmspms @ 1:02 PM:
"Evidence of financial responsibility" = car insurance.
@ mycroft
your plan has my vote!
teality interferes. Doing the '06 taxes revealed the necessity to ammend the '05s. no trouble, nothing bad just paperwork.
looks like Nigel is making his own jamba juice
Aspeth said...
"omg...too funny!"
Right back atcha and keep on keepin' on, sister. Totally diggin' your blog.
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