Friday, May 18, 2007

Benoit™ Speaks

The freakin'"Gold Stock" stock and no answer! Sad.

NYNG is the new Casey call. Remember, the G*** went down 70%.


Anonymous said...


Rob Dawg said...

Casey is gonna be soooo pissed when he sees the replies.

Akubi said...

That was really me. Just got home from work and made it Murst! here.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

...And thanks to Soem Dood on the last thread for adding Sercasey's thickest-when-pissy Russian accent to my mental image of the night! You rawk!

wine country dude said...

A message I've left for KC several times at IAFF that he has chosen not to post:


What amazes me is that at the beginning, he had a fair amount of goodwill in his audience. Not completely, but a lot.

Now, he's got most of the blogging community ready to see him punished in the same way that Idi Amin (Forrest Whittaker) punished Dr. Garrigan at the airport, in The Last King of Scotland (President Amin: "and with each scream, a little bit of the evil is released. It took one man in my village 3 days to die").

That takes real effort.

Anonymous said...

DAWG... sorry....

I knew better... I knew better..

freaking wrong address....

forgive me...

Anonymous said...

2 buck chuck...

its their fault

Anonymous said...

Should by MYNG

Penny Stock

Sprezzatura said...

DUANE: I was driving home when you were on the conf call with Snowflake but I have read the commentary here and I have to say, it sounds like you kicked his a** from here to Tahoe and back again.

People will find EN, don't worry about that. You done good.

Anonymous said...

Excuse me with this little intermission. I think that it's time Brunhilde takes the stage and does her stuff --

Schweigt eures Jammers
Jauchzenden Schwall.
Das ihr alle verrietet,
zur Rache schreitet sein Weib.

The fat lady knows where it's at.

Akubi said...

Agreed, Sprezz. I can't wait to hear it since I was having audio issues at the office.

Anonymous said...

Wow, cool... heh. Didn't realize you'd started another thread. I was repeatedly clicking Reload on the previous one.

Well. I talked to Casey Serin. I probably came off as nervous... IRL, I'm your stereotypical engineer. On the phone, it's hard to get a word in edgewise with this guy. Next time he hosts one of these things, Rob/Steph/Aspeth really need to call in.

But I had fun. IT'S ALL GOOD! :-)

Anonymous said...


No worries. You done good, boy!

Anonymous said...

Duane and Benoit™

You guys did great!!!

Anonymous said...


Can't believe he cares about Duane posting his "personal emails all over the Internet" when he won't shut up about his own life on IAFF! Dipshit!

Anonymous said...

good job!

Anonymous said...

Duane you ripped him a new one!!!

Benoit you did fine, you asked the right questions.

Anonymous said...


I too am a somewhat introverted engineer type.

Our brains are not wired to compete in conversations with amoral psychopaths!

We're good at other things!

Unknown said...

Hey Duane, are you still on hold? I'd love to hear Round 2.

Unknown said...

"It takes time"...theme for the talkcast.

Akubi said...

And I was Murst! too. Benoit™ you did it and you did well. I've been hanging by the sidelines ready and wanting to call in, but never followed through with it. Technical difficulties and logistics haven't helped either, but I tend to agree that Steph or Aspeth could really give it to him.

Lou Minatti said...

I nice glass of red wine (Big Gulp size) makes this much more entertaining.

Anonymous said...


He's been telling his wife that for like 7 years now.

flailing forward said...

Galina is in the haterz club!

Anonymous said...

"The truth takes time"

Irina Derevko on "Alias"

Anonymous said...


ACES brother...

Unknown said...

So you know how to do a wrap-around. BIG F'IN' DEAL!

Anonymous said...

Our brains are not wired to compete in conversations with amoral psychopaths!

He came off as more of a narcissist than a psychopath. The uber-extrovert. I say, "Answer YES or NO" and he answers with a 1-minute soliloquy.

I was thinking to just let this guy speak and get hoisted by his own petard, so to speak.

I'm glad everyone thinks I did well... heh. It helped that whoever called in right after me was an absolute bore :-p

Anonymous said...


Steph, you kick the left nut, I'll kick the right one. This fuck is doing nothing but whine and evade, as we thought. Let's nip Galina's family planning in the bud now, shall we?

Anonymous said...

@ Endgame..
"You done good, boy! "

Love your lingo!!

ok.. now you will REALLY be my HERO.. if you say you drink SWEET TEA TOO...

gonna convert you all to speak southern before its all said and done...

Southern 101 - Y'ALL

Anonymous said...

@ Dimes... I was calling from a cell phone (unlimited minutes at night) so the hold time didn't matter. I purposely called in right when Duane hung up, in the hopes of getting in immediately. But I had to wait through two people, approx. 15 minutes hold time. No big deal.

Akubi said...

Any other INFJ's around here?

Anonymous said...

Yeah you wanna qualify me Casey? I'm a real estate investor, I decided now is not the right time to buy anything..lessseee...I'm waaaaaaaaayyy ahead of you by doing nothing, so I am a success.

Unknown said...

'nother Casey v. College and Common Sense v. Scaminar conversation.

Anonymous said...

if you wanna get on.. come up with a craetive screen name...




I was on hold for like 15 seconds...

my name??


Anonymous said...

@ Akubi -- INTP. Among chemical engineers (or any engineers), it's probably the majority type.

Myers-Briggs stuff is nice for cateogrizing personality types, but otherwise is pseudoscientific claptrap. Just IMO :-)

Anonymous said...


I love sweet tea! I'm from Indiana, but wife's family from hill of Tenn. Iced tea to them is, by definition, sweet, and meat is fried!

(I haven't got there with grits, yet - so still have room for improvement!)

Unknown said...

Are you still on, Duane? You were one of 3 amusing calls tonight (you, Benoit, and Jackie Treehorn).

Anonymous said...


You think

Nigelsjuicybutthole would get me on in a snap?

Anonymous said...

BTW, Rob, what's up with the picture choice? hehe. I hope it's not meant to symbolize Casey stomping all over me ;-)

bleh... he's back with Marty. Marty2007 sux. :-p

Unknown said...

What's going on at Fliptard's site? Any good comments?

Anonymous said...

Casey is going back to all the people that talk him up...what an ass..

Anonymous said...

@7:20 PM, Dan said...

What's going on at Fliptard's site? Any good comments?


[quizzically] He still has a site?

Anonymous said...

Marty, shut the fuck lost all credibility when you mentione Robert Allen.

Anonymous said...

I think one of the more sympathetic callers is really Nigel Swaby.

Unknown said...

Casey just said what we have been telling him can't just jump out of a hole and say you're have to work your way out. Once again, talking the talk, falling flat on his face when he tries to walk the walk.

Anonymous said...

@Endgame -

born in middle tennessee.. between Chattanooga and Nashville...

Dan - not on hold - although I thought about calling back for the sole purpose of getting this dadgum address right...

@Legion - cant comment right now.. STILL LAUGHING.. nigels butt.. WHEW

Anonymous said...

Ah, and after all this, a snotty, petulant "...and I'm not givin' up!" from Fliptard.

When's Homey gonna call in? I'd pay ridiculous amounts of money to hear THAT call!

Anonymous said...

Ah, and after all this, a snotty, petulant "...and I'm not givin' up!" from Fliptard.

When's Homey gonna call in? I'd pay ridiculous amounts of money to hear THAT call!

Anonymous said...

So if I knocked off 8 banks but got caught...I should take it as a lesson in how to do it again the right way.

This guy is an idiot.

Anonymous said...

INTJ here. Soft on the J, but off scale on the other 3!

Anonymous said...



Unknown said...

I think I'd rather listen to Nigel than Marty at this point.

ratlab said...

Left work, got a case of beer, back home drinking Long Hammer IPA.

Marty2007 sucks. Shut up! You and fliptard can stop blowing each other.

Akubi said...

Agreed, about the Myers-Briggs crap, but at least you were lucky enough to fall into a definitive type with a direction:). My T's and P's and F's and J's are generally in flux, but the IN is very strong.

flailing forward said...

Marty is the guy you get stuck talking to at parties and can't get away from because he won't shut up. You can tell by the aggravating laugh. hyehyehknow

Anonymous said...

I'm keeping my job as an engineer..and keeping my house that I can pay for than take advice from these idiots who think that they can beat a market that just blew up.

Anonymous said...

Oh thank god... CHJTS is back. Praise the Lord!!

Unknown said... back! I wanna hear you instead of Chief again.

CHJTS is back!

Anonymous said...

Ooooh, CHJTS is on!!! :) *grabs popcorn*

LMFAO! Ohh, CHJTS, I love how you just told him to take Nigel's lips of his butt! Awesome!

Unknown said...

Full time Nigel?

Anonymous said...

Er, "off" not "of". Really, unlike Sercasey, I can spell.

Anonymous said...

Blog-crazed dreamed: "I wish I was a full time blogger... then I could make it go..."

Anonymous said...

hey Rob did we reach 1000 yet and how would you know? I couldn't leave a comment.

Unknown said...


CHJTS mentioned Simon and Schuster..and Casey was STUNNED!

Anonymous said...

now he wants to debate about how much his blog is worth. he doesn't understand it's only worth what someone will pay him.

ratlab said...

chjts mentions the Simon-Schuster deal and NLL, and fliptard got really quiet.

Anonymous said...

I heard Simon Schuster contacted you , but when they found out about NLL, they gave up...

Contract-impaired:"[ten seconds of embarassed silence...]"

Anonymous said...

Oooh, CHJTS! Love how you're making him audibly shrink and controlling the conversation! You fucking rock! Can't wait to hear Duane's convo. from earlier!

flailing forward said...

CHJTS is kicking his ass. This is great.

Anonymous said...

Uzbek-wash-out muttered: "Ask Duane -- I can't sell the blog and pull everything down... Galina does not want someone to take my content..."

Anonymous said...




5K.... CLEAN


Unknown said...

serin is as serin does

As good as this is right now, the Duane part was infinitely better.

Anonymous said...

it's all good though, since Casey's got many positive opportunites infront of him.

Anonymous said...

That little bitch whines about not being able to trust many people, hahahahaha. Oh, the irony.

Anonymous said...

Nigel-assistant noted: "No, we did not sicuss [ways to rile things up]... I don't talk to him that much... he's kind of a hater now... agrees with Duane I need a full time job..."

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Nigel is married? Has his ego materialized into a human being?

flailing forward said...


Anonymous said...

duane, appreciated the conversation you had with Casey.

Anonymous said...


Ask about his pride and living with his wifes sister

Anonymous said...

FBI... tax board... postal agents... been in contact?

Soon-to-be-incacerated said: "Mmmmm..... not... so... much.... maybe the local... real estate fraud divsion [of sheriff's office?].... I tried to follow up, but they were non-responsive... I won't live in fear... I've said it before..."

Anonymous said...

now, we've got some good poetry. love it!

Anonymous said...

Ode to Steph!

Unknown said...

Stephanie J gets the mention!

ratlab said...

Ode to Stephanie J!!!! poem

Unknown said...

He keeps adding people to his "I'm about to end this" queue.

Akubi said...

Casey says the same damned thing again and again and again and again and again.
CHJTS sure has a crush on Stephanie J.

Anonymous said...

Oh brother..Chief shithead is on...even drinks wheatgrass cuz casey said it was good. What a fuckingmoron.

Unknown said...

Why is this guy talking about his real estate hopes and dreams?

Anonymous said...

What's stopping you from buying it?

Oh, I dunno. Prudence?

Anonymous said...

let casey help him.

Anonymous said...

His credit rating sucks, he has no money, he's got no knowledge..he wants someone to just lend him the money so he can make money..he's fucking Casey!!!!

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

hey cAZsey qhy dopnt you qualify chief shithead?

Anonymous said...

Christ... there always is a greater fool, and his Internet handle is Chief100. Makes you wonder how we ever got out of the caves. (No offense, Ogg.)

Anonymous said...

Time per day on blog?

Reduce to a post a day?

Credit Boards? Rebuild credit?

Wheat grass tips?

REO ideas?

Cash-in-a-mason-jar-in-the-yard replied: "Is it for sale? Listed? You know the price? You wanna live in it... or investment property...wanna do a deal, but not buy?"

Will you look at it?

"Okay, I can run me some figures... send to my email... you wanna tie it up... get to an investor"

Anonymous said...

Ha, it must be Casey's bird-dogging mailman!

Anonymous said...

geez chief why don't you just ask Casey for a date....

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said... of the best things out there!

Anonymous said...


sorry if I have your initials wrong

I laughed my ass off..

HOWEVER - I dont want Caseys lips on my butt thank you.


Unknown said...

If you do any research on wheatgrass, you'll find out...that it's a scam, just like everything else I do.

-Casey (paraphrased)

Anonymous said...

hey, Casey has been plugging, he's getting paid for this shit!!!!

Unknown said...

He grows herb.

Lou Minatti said...

More of this wheat grass nonsense. All it does is give Casey the runs and turn his fingernails blue.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Does this guy Chief have a girlfriend or wife? He surely needs to get laid. He sounds like he wants to have a 69 with Casey.

He's asking about wheatgrass - like he couldn't have checked out Wikipedia or something!!

His voice changes from being a wimp to being confident then a wimp again!

He's a tool that needs his azz kicked!

Anonymous said...

nothing wrong with latching onto casey for some eyeballs!

ratlab said...

This guy spelling his blog reminds me of Fergie spelling G-L-A-M-O-U-R-O-U-S.

Unknown said...

Who wants to turn frugalosity into another haterz site, just out of pure spite?

Anonymous said...


or Doc?

Anonymous said...

uh never mind... does not like term haterz.... yawn

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

Ah -- Casey

nigel invented the "Z"?

Oh I think I'm gonna hurl.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Casey you are such an azzhole.

He tries to say "Oh, yeah, I know what you are are right. Yeah, Yeah."

THen he goes off and making a stupid comment.

Unknown said...

Sweet...gettin' some healthy Nigel hate on here.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

sounds like the haterz have had some effect on Casey.

Anonymous said...

Oh shut the hell up Casey. You exposed you family so lay off the critics doing so.

Anonymous said...

Nobody wants to touch Casey anymore!

Guess that's confirmation that it's over between Nigel and Snowflake...

Anonymous said...


Tenn. is good people. 2 memorable moments recently (the short versions).

Consulting at Nissan in Smyrna, end up eating sushi at hole-in-wall in Murfreesboro - Chinese couple run the place, I know enough Chinese to get in trouble...

Heading to Hilton Head in the roadster, top down, I-24S close to Lookout Mtn (just before it does the quick in-out to Ga) - heading downhill @ 80 mph, see a wall of water ahead in the valley. Oh shit! No shoulders, no pull off. So, sunglasses on - barrel ahead. Slipstream of air over windshield kept us 95% dry, but we got lots of looks from the locals! Felt like I was in a car commercial.

I'm rambling - it's the Jack... (I like small batch bourbons, but out tonight)

Anonymous said...

Hmmm. most callers are not makin' it.

Benoit, Duane and Treehorn -- Ya made the night!


Anonymous said...

Galina was only involved in this big scam to an extent..but only as a contractor or logging our financing.

Casey, she went along with the scams.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, anonymous! Every answer revolves around the haterz. I can't say this because of the haterz. The haterz say this. Instead of giving a straight answer, he goes into what the haterz say about it.

And he tries to say it doesn't get to him? Puh leez.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, anonymous! Every answer revolves around the haterz. I can't say this because of the haterz. The haterz say this. Instead of giving a straight answer, he goes into what the haterz say about it.

And he tries to say it doesn't get to him? Puh leez.

Lou Minatti said...

"That last deal didn't work out because the lender Googled."

Unknown said...

Are we "up to no good"?

Anonymous said...

that was on cnet shithead

Anonymous said...

Casey is the one who mentioned the beverly hills crap

Anonymous said...

where is it written that all conversations are not to be shared? and that someone can't post something about casey.

Anonymous said...

Duane - Tenn post was me (Endgame).

Enough Jack for tonight, I think!

Anonymous said...

who can you trust on the internet?

Anonymous said...

Uh, why do you think they turned on you, Casey!?

Unknown said...

Casey's judgement of character is alot like his judement of real estate dealz.

Anonymous said...


THIS IS FREAKING hysterical...

I have 2 computers going tonight...

glanced at my laptop... currently listening to the chat...

looked at my laptop... noticed that talkshoe had comments..

looked at the comments...

keep in mind.. I LOVED Treehorn..

you could tell he was baiting...

but.. YOU GOTTA read his comments on talkshoe...

You just GOTTA..

ratlab said...

Ummm, yeah, fliptard has money to hire a PR rep.

flailing forward said...

The only person you can trust on the internet is Casey "Trustworthy" Serin.

Anonymous said...

my mistake, it's not on cnet, actually, casey mentioned it himself on this talk early on...

Anonymous said...

Casey says he needs to focus on the task on hand. Then he says that he needs to learn that because this blog business is a little too much for him.

Anonymous said...

Liar-flipper exclaimed: "You wouldn't expect me to share every intement detail with my wife would you?"

NO ONE expects the....


I guess no one expected it... so why did you provide it?

Lou Minatti said...

I predict: No $1,000 (via job) by next Friday, and I predict that he will continue blogging until The Man knocks on his door.

Unknown said...


Do you have to have the downloaded TalkShoe client to see comments? I'm just doing the free listening software, and I don't see comments.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

we've got the CNET interviewer on now

Anonymous said...



I am getting Casy-fied.

Hey, it's the C-net reporter!

Unknown said...

Declan will probably be a bore.

Anonymous said...

first question...

have you raised any money tonight?

ratlab said...

I'm with Declan on the whole drinking thing.

::tips beer bottle towards computer monitor::

Unknown said...

Gotta go mine for some butt nuggets.

Anonymous said...

I hope he calls Casey on the Mom investing issue!!

ratlab said...

Digging into whether $1000 is post or pre-tax.

Anonymous said...

times up. the talksite is ready to shut him down.

Lou Minatti said...

"My Yahoo account has some money"?

Lou Minatti said...

NO! I wanted to hear more from Declan.

ratlab said...

$500 referral from CreditLines?

Anonymous said...

... at first it's going to be $1,000 cash, then it's going to be money in the account, then it's going to be near $1,000, then it's going to be a number with a 1 in it, then it's going to be something equivalent to cash, such as S&H greenstamps ...

Anonymous said...

And.... it's a wrap.

Anonymous said...

how much of that 1000 dollars a week is he going to use to pay back his debt? Zero....

Anonymous said...

And much as his pathetic story, it ends with a whimper.

Unknown said...


ratlab said...

Damn you TalkShoe! Stupid 3-hour limit!

Anonymous said...

His next post will be titled: TalkShoe talkathon a success!

Anonymous said...

I looked up "equivocate" in the dictionary; it had Casey's photo.

Anonymous said...

I'd never heard Casey speak before. Unfortunately he is totally brainwashed by the multi-level marketing tripe. You just can't reason with someone who is brainwashed.

Galina's reaction to tonight's talk will be very interesting.

Anonymous said...

The ONLY way I will question Serin is when he swears under penalty of perjury to tell the truth or under oath in a deposition (US Code Title 18 Section 1623). I will not waste my time with a useless monkey dance like tonight.

The questions asked will be more direct and detailed than Serin allowed tonight,and the environment will not be controlled by Serin. Serin thinks he knows how to evade and obfuscate. He can't and won't be able to do so when his freedom is at stake. When the tables are turned and Serin's choice is to come clean or face prosecution, we'll see how smug he is.

Serin, I know you will read this. The lenders you defrauded are not going to go away. The Sacramento FBI isn't. Neither is the IRS, or the FTB. If I were YOU , I would start reading up on Title 18A, Rule 11 of the U.S Code.

You do understand that once Mrs. Serin divorces you, the spousal privilege expires.

While your at it, look up the term "innocent spouse relief". (IRS Code 6015 She has.

Anonymous said...

All hail Homey!

Ok, guess we as US taxpayers (if you are indeed a D.A., as has been implied,) have already paid ridiculous amounts of money to ultimately have Casey questioned by you, albeit under oath. I guess I can be patient...

Anonymous said...

Oh, and just to clarify there, Homey, I meant to say that the ridiculous amounts of money I referred to was what Casey stole from lenders and subsequently cost the taxpayers in fees to prosecute, etc.

(Don't shoot me!)

Akubi said...

Are you really HOMEY or an alternate Homey?

BelowTheCrowd said...

I can't criticize a person for advocating some exposure to precious metals, because frankly I've got some myself, and while I've whittled down the exposure to PM stocks in the recent past, I've still got a core position in the basic metals as well as some physical stuff hidden here and there...

But how in the world does this guy come up with such losers? If you believe in metals, either as a primary investment, a hedge, or just part of a balanced portfolio, then there are plenty of solid, legitimate, established companies with proven reserves and easy access to both gold and silver through ETFs.

Not sure who's feeding him this shit, but it seems related to his SLC visit and the "commercial brokerage" company who offered him a "commission only job."

Obviously another bunch of scammers who are trying to take advantage of him, and he's the only one who doesn't know it. Probably related to "G money man," if not one and the same.

I'm guessing this picture was taken at the unnamed company's offices. Casey thinks its cool. It really reminds me of the decor of Tony Montana's home in Scarface. I guess addicted, delusional types all are attracted to large globes and the notion that "the world is yours."
