Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Celebutard™ DeathMatch

Post your prefered contestants and weapons.


Anonymous said...


walt526 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Foist, Moist, & Woist!

Anonymous said...

murst first?

Anonymous said...

And Murst!

Anonymous said...

well crap!! it took 4 tries before it would take my danged comment!

Anonymous said...

But anyway, I say we pair Casey Serin and his Murse O'Doom vs. Joey Buttafuoco and a copy of "Barely Legal."

Man, I'd pay to see that! Btw Dawg, it's great to meet another Celebrity Deathmatch fan! Cheers!

Anonymous said...

5 posts in the same first minute!

Like a Chicken on a June Bug.

Anonymous said...

Galina V. David Lereah:


G- The razor's edge of Casey's freshly snipped in half corporate credit card

Lereah- Thousands of unsold hardcover copies of his new book Real Estate is Local, So for the Love of God, Don't Stop Buying Real Estate.

Anonymous said...

Galina vs Paris hilton, both have the brains the size of a pea, both feel entitled, and both are allergic to work

Casey vs Rogue Trader, both think they are great businessmen, when in reality they are just gamblers, and tend to be bigger risk takers with someone else's money

Nigey Poo vs Mr. Poo from South Park, both are well..shit

Anonymous said...

Oooh, and there could be a Celebutard Deathmatch divorce sequel! Casey's Murse vs. Galina's ass! Whatta fight!

Anonymous said...

Casey Serin vs. Common Sense

... Serin was knocked out roughly 35 seconds into the first round. :-p

Anonymous said...

Casey Serin vs. Common Sense

... Serin was knocked out roughly 35 seconds into the first round. :-p

No, it was time for one of his power naps.

Anonymous said...

Nigel "Koi(which is a fish) Pond" Swaby

Special Weapon: Pleather


Brian S Nick

Special Weapon: Young Managerial Skillz

Sprezzatura said...

Stephanie J versus Galina AND Yulia.

No contest. Even tag-teaming, Steph would kick their butts.

Anonymous said...

I am ready to take on whoever just stole my catchphrase : MOIST!

But jiminey christmas! A boy goes to sleep & misses all sorts of Keekeeness drama!! That was a fun read.

Must say, I would be interested to see a post by the PR ladies!

flailing forward said...

@ anon 8:51
Ha ha, I'm going to have to go with Brian S. Nick. He was a Navy pre-Seal for a couple of days after all. Were you aware that he was on a championship football team that almost won the championship?

Anonymous said...

Casey Serin vs. the Suprun's house cat

The cat was declared the winner by default due to Casey's succumbing to acute vitamin deficiency :-p

Anonymous said...

Forget the weapons... doesn't this count as The Longest Day on EN?

More madcap Casey-sim. Suprise visits and developments from Duane and HeeKee. Nigel's whining over CNet ignoring him. Casey's server that crashes, then works, then crashes, all hours before MSN puts him up.

And... how long it took to read all of today's posts?

Aiyee... what a day!

Sprezzatura said...

IAFF appears completely non-responsive right now. So much for the big MSN hit.

Anonymous said...

Sprezzatura has the right idea...

We've already seen what Stephanie J's Chest O'Death can do.


flailing forward said...

Funny how the guy is trolling as a woman and then calls others desperate.

RCS's latest at IAFF:

74. DUI Cote
May 15th, 2007 at 8:01 pm

oh my God….

The EN haterz are now congratulating one another for being mentioned in an article ABOUT CASEY. You know their sad little ego’s have little boners over being mentioned in a real live article.

Something tells me that the overwhelming majority of the readers will look at the obsession of these haterz as pretty pathetic. Right in the article Casey admits that he is playing them for suckers, and they are dumb enough to keep coming back. Sad little lives. No wonder Robert Cote got a DUI. I’d drink too if I was reduced to basking in the reflected glory of a 24 year old failed real estate investor, that bought 8 homes, lost 7 of them in foreclosure and is looking at hundreds of thousands in unsecured debt.

Coming tomorrow:
I will start posting the pathetic emails I recieved from some of the geek squad over at EN when I was posting over there using a female name. Geeks on the prowl,,,can you say scarry……..and DESPERATE.

Sprezzatura said...

I call bullshit on that RCS troll. There's a number of recognizable female posters here and as far as I know none of us is getting deluged with that sort of email.

Lost Cause said...

The EN haterz are now congratulating one another for being mentioned in an article ABOUT CASEY. ...reduced to basking in the reflected glory of a 24 year old failed real estate investor...

Written by a true traffic whore.

Anonymous said...

RCS is a troll. He'll need to cough up real email addresses to be considered legit. This guy's a hoot.

Anonymous said...

I'd have to bet that "DUI Cote" is Nigel.

Anonymous said...

Yeah that BITTER tone sounds all too familiar. WHAT ABOUT ME???? Sounds a lot like a failed mortgage broker to me. I'm just sayin'.

Anonymous said...

"I will start posting the pathetic emails I recieved"

Worthless. Anyone can post alleged emails here. There's no way to validate whether they're authentic.

Anonymous said...

I’d drink too

I'll buy the first one, asshole.

Let me explain something to you about being an Internet Toughguy(tm).

Yeah yeah, you're huge, I'm sure. Six foot plus some, and two hundred plus of quivering testosterone. Ooooh dear, we all cower at the Hammer of Thor.

Let me espalin in simple terms how Tough Guy(tm) works in modern terms:

Lawyer Up, Fuckwit. Bring money.


Lost Cause said...

Ewww...Nigel works for Goatse. It makes me want to take a bath.

Lost Cause said...

I bet Nigel works in receiving at Goatse Corp.

Rob Dawg said...

RCS has nothing except pretending to be girl on EN? Bull. He saw the joke earlier about mayonaise and decided to make up more lies to feed his own sickness.

Anonymous said...

Holy shit I missed a lot of great stuff today! Duane...Heekee... Welcome to the dark side! This took me over an hour reading tonight to catch up!

Anonymous said...

Oh, and Thirty-murst!

Lost Cause said...

Byron Goatse owns Integrity First Financial where I broker loans

I did look on Google for pictures of who Nigel works for, and wow, there really are pictures of him everywhere.

Gypsy Pete said...

I've been in chuckles all day thinking about Galina demanding KC return his new video cam. I guess now the sweet Galina is cleaning houses for say - $6/hour - she's worked out using her embryonic CPA skills - that shit! - that's 100 hours of work by ME not KC!

Now I want to know just WTF KC was thinking of video'ing?

Lost Cause said...

What an unfortunate pairing of names...Swaby and Goatse.

I wanted to hold this comment back for later, but it was hard to hold back, if you pardon the pun.

Anonymous said...

IAFF no longer has the post from earlier today regarding all of snowflake's media expsure.....

Wonder why he took it down?

Anonymous said...

Somebody should tell DUI Cote we don't care and he doesn't scare anybody.

Fuck you loser. We don't give a shit. What happened to your attempts to "hurt" us?

Anonymous said...


DUI Cote is Nigel. This is fact. Who would send an email to that DUI loser? Now Nigel on the other hand most likely has emails from some of us.

Fuck you DUI. You are a coward and you have zero game.

Antonio_Talibanderas said...

@Lost Cause...

You'd think after 6 years of FC I would not click.

Anonymous said...

It's very obvious why that sorry, scared little ass DUI won't post here. We all noticed how this idiot was posting from a Salt Lake City IP.

Anonymous said...

Funny how everyone believes that Galina is cleaning out houses without any proof. This is all a scam.

Anonymous said...

This "Hater Antagonist" says:

In contrast are the risk takers whom enjoy great reward, and yes, often great loss and devastation. Yet these same gamblers, the dicemen, the ones bold enough to pursue their dreams (even in the face of disaster)? These are the achievers, whom overcome not folly but doubt and scorn.

I lost "it all" in real estate. I worked my guts out to get it back. So I am different from Casey. DebtKid is working like hell. Scared? This guy says poor Casey is scared. That may be true, but he's also still off-target. He wants internet to tell him the way to riches. And internet told him. And he didn't like the answer. So go on being scared, kid.

Looking forward to Duane.

Anonymous said...

Getting back to the theme of this post...

how about Stephanie J's Rack of Death & Canadian Club v.
The special agent forensic accountant whose weapons skills are often used by his nameless government agency?

Anonymous said...

Posted in reply to Hater Antagonist:



In international political-speak, the concept of the "failed country" is current; a nation with a name, flag, UN seat, and perhaps a few postage stamps, but which provides no services, whose army controls no territory, which has no existence other than those ephemera.

Serin is a failed human being, in just that same sense.

Has he taken risks? Oh, to be sure: stupid risks, uncalculated risks. Real entrepreneurs think about the risks that they're taking, potential upside vs. downside, and how to maximize the one whilst minimizing the other. And, to be sure, they sometimes get it wrong, and lose; sometimes big. Probably more often than you realize; unlike Serin, most failed entrepeneurs are too proud and too intelligent to splash their multi-million dollar failures across the Web. Serin is a failed human being, though; he possesses no sense, let alone a sense of shame, and evinces no intelligence.

If Serin is scared -- and, frankly, his recent maunderings do not evince anxiety so much as a dull indignation that the world has not conspired to give him the success that he thinks he so richly deserves -- it may be because he now dimly realizes that his relatively small-scale sociopathy has placed him in a position where leading a wretched life, crushed under an unmanageable debt load, is one of the better outcomes.

In fitting reply to the arrogance and ignorance which trickles from your post, I challenge you: tell us how Serin should have gone about building his real estate empire. What properties, what debt vehicles, how fast should he have moved, and what should he have done whilst waiting for the payoff?

Or are you another failed human being, furious that no one will trust you -- deservedly -- with anything risky than wrapping burgers for the drive-thru window?

flailing forward said...

The day when a new article about Casey gets published is like haterz freshman orientation over at IAFF. The wide-eyed websurfers just need a little guidance to help ease them through the transition.

Your post and hater antagonists's both got dumped. Good thing you xposted.

Anonymous said...

In the best traditions of Celebrity Death Match (and yes I’ve got too much time on my hands):
Tonight’s contest is between annoying mortgage fraud and attempted house flipper Casey “The Fliptard” Serin and, representing the Haterz, Stephanie J.
Scene opens to screaming fans shouting as Steph drives down to the ring in one of her famous Jeeps. Huge cheer goes up as she steps out and lands on the floor in her Doc Martens with a thud which registers 8 on the Richter scale. Referee steps up to the microphone and goes through the formalities. Bell rings, Steph steps into the centre of the ring. Camera swings to Fliptard’s corner and he’s asleep on the stool. Steph strides over and wakes him up with a swift kick in the nuts. Fliptard staggers across the floor and gets to his feet. Suddenly he whips out a bunch of credit cards and threatens to slash Steph with them. Steph looks at them and calmly says “You can’t use them, they’re max’ed out”. Fliptard discards the cards and whips out a new card. “But I’ve got my wife’s card”. Steph counters with “That’s max’ed out too”. Fliptard discards that card and pulls out a third card, his corporate credit card backed by his mom “But this one isn’t”. He then proceeds to advance on Steph, slashing and cutting at her with his card. She is forced back across the ring as “boos” echo from around the arena. Casey stops and starts to talk to the audience “You can’t all be Haterz, can you?” He continues a dialogue with the audience. Cut to Jonny Gomez and Nick Diamond: “Well that’s what they said was the weakness in this boy’s armoury. He never follows through.”. Steph takes advantage of this distraction to get herself together and deliver another quality kick to Casey’s butt, temporarily sending Casey’s pelvis up to his neck. Casey recovers and counters with something no-one was expecting. Suddenly Steph is covered in 2 tons of green sticky pool algae and is near-immobilised in the ring. Bad move by Casey. Unnoticed by all except Steph, a small blob of algae has disfigured her Jeep. Rising from the swamp mass like a female Hulk she produces several outstanding moves and blows leaving Casey a semi-conscious mess on the floor of the ring. Suddenly, two large, athletic men in suits step in. “Thanks for finding this guy for us, we lost track of him when he started living in his car”. They pull out a sheaf of legal paper and stuff them in Casey’s hand. One of them grabs his murse while the other pins him to the floor and starts breaking various limbs. Out of the murse he pulls a PDA and then goes “Aha, got it! Registration doc for IAFF. That could be worth a few thousand bucks.” They walk off, one of them casually juggling a set of Jetta keys. Distracted by all this, no one notices two men in black suits pick up the injured Casey, handcuff him and take him out though a fire exit.

Anonymous said...


MSN link is up and IAFF is down. Hil-AR-ious! Way to monetize you stupid tool!

Anonymous said...

Three text ads at $100/mo. Now he can pay his electric bill and cell phone bill. Now he just needs to sell another 997 text ads and he's earning the sort of living he wanted.

Let's see at this rate, three text ads in three days= 365 text ads per year @ $100. Congratulations Casey. After taxes you're earning a meager wage.

I'd like to contact one of these advertisers and see what they negotiated since IAFF is pretty much guaranteed to be down much of the time.

Sweet Cashback said...

OMG...cant even stay away from EN for two days without things getting crazy.

Took me hours to catch up, and that on my vacation to Europe. One would think I have better things to do right now then reading this but little Cashback fell asleep in my arms and gives me some time to follow up on our other baby's bloging.

Not sure if it has been mentioned, top right corner of IAFF:

Next Foreclosure Friday and BEG-A-THON in 2 Days, 8 Hours, 36 Minutes, 39 Seconds!

He is now trolling as much as he can. Just pathetic.....

Anonymous said...

I'll be fascinated to see the results of the next beg-a-thon, as I'm sure we'll be deluged with reminders of what happened after the last one, and how he can't remember what he spent the money on (because it certainly wasn't CashCall or rent).

Anonymous said...

I DID notice that he rewrote his bio. Still intent on paying everyone back (if possible). Jerkoff.

flailing forward said...

Here's Casey's latest:

Not Baiting Haterz. Just Keepin’ It Real.

Taking a Shot of Wheatgrass

"Casey Serin has turned baiting readers of iamfacingforeclosure.com into something of an art form. He’s pictured here drinking wheat grass, one of his favorite things to do…. Not all these details have appeared on his blog yet, but Serin seems to enjoy spacing them out in a way that will vex his readers the most. “What happens is I feed off of it,” he said. “I know the buttons to press to get those guys going. After awhile, you learn what topics you can mention if you want to get extra comments on your post.”

That’s according to Declan McCullagh who interviewed me for the CNET article he wrote. (Also on front page of MSN tonight)…

My take is that Declan focused WAY too much on that part. Yes, I’ve done a little bit of baitin’ in the past. But most of it is NOT intentional. It’s not my fault the “haterz” (I’ll start adding a Z since they prefer it that way) don’t like how I do stuff. Like other entrepreneurs I do things very differently and tell you how it is. It comes with “being naked”. I’m not trying to irritate!

The problem is people (and many reporters) focus on the negative and love to dramatize things. Back when I posted the Wells Fargo statement, there just happened to be Jamba Juice and an over-draft charge. So everybody assumed I go out everyday and live a extravagant lifestyle that I can’t afford.

But that’s not the norm! My wife and I are living with her sister (renting two rooms for $550) to save on expenses. We rarely go out to Starbucks and Jamba Juice. (Yes, there was that Macaroni grill thing once, but that was a special occasion.) We have only over-drafted our account 2-3 times in the last few months. And even though I don’t currently have a full-time job I HAVE been making money there and here. (Though it hasn’t been super stable that’s why my wife Galina has had enough and I need to do something about it quick.)

So an occasional wheat-grass shot or freshly squeezed juice is all good. Especially, during these stressful times I need to stay healthy and put good things into my body. Besides, instead of going to Jamba Juice I normally use my own home juicer to save on money.

The only thing I can maybe take a fault on is spending too much on my cell phone. I need to find a way to cut down my $200-300/month bill (or whatever it is lately). Everything else is pretty much bare-bones. (Like the crappy GoDaddy dedicated server).

People just love to hate and criticize. There are so many haters sites about me out there that I’m loosing track (sorry couldn’t resist). There seem to be a new one popping up every month. The comments are filled with hate too. I used to follow the hater sites out of curiosity and read every single comment. But that takes way too much time and only depresses me. I have a turn-around to work on. Must focus.

I should just follow Robert Kiyosaki’s advice that he gave me when I talked to him last October. Here is a screen shot of a particularly choice moment in that video (or on YouTube).

Robert told me to “Screw the Critics [Haterz]”:

[link to Kiyosake video]

Anonymous said...

I can't seem to get to IAFF. I get:

Server error!

The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request.

Error message:
Premature end of script headers: index.php

If you think this is a server error, please contact the webmaster.
Error 500
Wed May 16 15:43:41 2007
Apache/2.0.54 (Debian GNU/Linux) mod_auth_pgsql/2.0.2b1 mod_ssl/2.0.54 OpenSSL/0.9.7e

Anonymous said...

I'm getting a 500 error and .php related problem every time I post at IAFF. Good idea on the day MSN is plugging the CNET article.

Anonymous said...

The post still appears though if you go back to the main site.

Anonymous said...

Looks like shithead is doing some desperate damage control over at his Blog'O-Poop™ - "I don't troll THAT much, I only went to Macaroni Grill ONCE, blah blah blah." (I have Firefox set up to block all ads)

The CNet article is his undoing, and I even think shithead knows it (which is surprising, he's usually about 3 weeks behind everyone in comprehension).

No mention of Duane, Heekee, or his mommy signing for his corporate credit. LOL. I'm not surprised, those topics can be milked for weeks.

So sorry, shithead, your 15 minutes are about up. CNet blew up your spot, and you - like the idiot you are - babbled exactly the right things to the reporter to shut you down for good. Way to go, shithead. I guess you got all excited about the sweet media attention, huh? Thought you'd get another couple hundred stupid believers to milk for ad revenue, did'nt you?

Bwahahahahahahaha. Have fun paying for your bottom of the barrel dedicated server (most likely an old Pentium II beige box in a dusty corner of the server cage) with no ad revenue.


Hey guys - off topic, but XM Radio just suspended Opie and Anthony for something a homeless dude said on their show - it's more fallout from the Imus bullshit. Wether you like them or not, free speech is important in this country, and the media is turning into a bunch of cowardly fascists who are censoring, most of time to protect ad revenue.

I HATE censorship, in any form. It's only a matter of time before they go after music, again. (Remember the PMRC?)

My XM sub is canceled. If any of you agree, do the same, and tell them why. XM needs to get a clue that censorship is BAD. You don't even have to like Imus or O&A, it could have been anyone (and the comments on their show were no worse than what Rosie Odonnel was spewing daily).

I'll stop hijacking Rob's spot now. It's an important issue to me. Some days, i feel like I'm reliving the beginning of 'The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich", with what's going on in this country.

flailing forward said...

@ arthur
ha ha, Cashcall for teh winwin!

R-Boy said...


Check your yahoo email. Important.

Can anyone access the MSN forums and lay some haterade down there in reference to casey's article. (just a rehash of cnet's)

Declan aint emailed me back yet...boo

R-Boy said...

Duane did though. Double confirmation that its him.

flailing forward said...

How slow is the new IAFF Econo-Servarz? It's Casey-returning-Dallas-deed-in-lieu slow. It's Casey-returning-CashCall-loan-extension-agreement slow. It might even be Casey-cleaning-Modesto-pool slow.

flailing forward said...

Nevermind, I think it just dieded.

Sweet Cashback said...

Snowflake's site is seriously under water. Between HTTP 500 errors and Wordpress errors:

Error establishing a database connection

This either means that the username and password information in your wp-config.php file is incorrect or we can't contact the database server at client1189.com. This could mean your host's database server is down.

If you're unsure what these terms mean you should probably contact your host. If you still need help you can always visit the WordPress Support Forums.

KC's mad web skillz at work on a day like this! I am not sure he knows what those terms mean. Maybe he should contact Heekee....oh wait, he doesn't want his help.

Now I am just getting a The connection has timed out

Maybe some more DNS skillz ?

Anonymous said...

@Anon 5:18

Those links are not paid sponsors. He just put some links up to sites to try to seed the tip jar so to speak.

If you note, he even changed the section header from Sponsors...

Anonymous said...

Latest post sounds like...uh 100% trollbait. All the catchphrases are there, references to juicing, only overdrafting a FEW times, I MUST FOCUS. Christ are we supposed to be that stupid? Surely there are some, but for the rest this just makes your downfall that much more delicious. Duane and Heekee (and perhaps more of your associates) are going to eviscerate you in the coming days Casey. You like to say the press treats you negatively but that isn't true. All in all they've been a little too fair with you. Until now.

Frankly your role in this is secondary now. It's all about what happens around you and less about you. Oh so many haterz. Ever stop for one moment to consider why? I'd rather read Aspeth than you any day, so like I said, you are really secondary in this equation. It's really what people have to say about what you say that interests most of us.

We all know you're too much of an attention whore to pull the plug. We all know Galina thinks IAFF is your golden parachute as much as your cross to bear. We all know you won't shut it down, you'll just keep on digging and digging until nobody gives a damn. You'll be twisting in the wind like Nigel, longing for those heady days when people considered you relevant (as much as they couldn't stand you). Hopefully you will have figured out a way to make a living by then. The rest of us will have moved on to other endeavors for our entertainment.

But this CNET article may actually be more negative for you than you initially anticipated. Admitting that you troll for comments was a major blunder. Your latest post indicates that. But how it plays out will not be in your control, no matter how hard you try to put your innocent Serin Spin on it. When the linkfest traffic blows over (rest assured it will - and rather quickly), what will you have left?

R-Boy said...

sweet cashback and flailing forward, I do not see what you guys are referring too on his site.

flailing forward said...

Casey comments:


The dedicated box donated by Zewg.com is not gonna cut it.

It’s a little better than the semi-dedicated since they don’t shut me down for CPU usage. (and much better than GoDaddy’s crappy servers that don’t even work!!)

But being on the front page of MSN brought the server down to a crawl and caused intermittent downtime all night long. I’ve stayed up trying to keep it going but there is nothing I can do.

So, I just opened up an account with mediatemple.net based on a friend’s recommendation.

They have “Grid hosting” for only $20/mo which I’m told is pretty “Digg proof” (MSN proof in my case). It’s actually a cluster of servers that allows any one site to burst without causing the “bad neighbor” effect of traditional shared hosting. It’s also more robust and scalable than a dedicated server (and MUCH cheaper).

I’m closing down the comments (to prevent confusion) and switching DNS for the 3rd time in 48 hours!!

As soon as you see the comments open back up you will know you’re on the new “grid” and things should be very smooth at that point.

R-Boy said...

And casey screws over Heekee now 2 times in 24 hours.


R-Boy said...


I dont see his comments, new post, etc.


flailing forward said...

If you're getting the site you're probably just getting lucky. It takes me about 5-10 refreshes to get a page. The rest of the time I get timeouts, server errors, and Wordpress errors because the server is so overloaded. It's taking about a minute to get any kind of response at all.

R-Boy said...


I get the site, but no new posts. I see the occasional new comment (his cnet I am down post is the last one I see).

mebbah its in the wordpress queue or something

Anonymous said...

Hmm, we appear to have a new IP address in play: iamfacingforeclosure.com now resolves to, which appears to be a California-based provider called "Media Temple, Inc.". Snowflake seems to have abandoned the GoDaddy server - despite following the instructions.

Judging by the errors the new server is spitting out, it's a shared host, and Snowflake is right now feverishly following the instructions.

Warning: main(/home/18810/domains/iamfacingforeclosure.com/html/wp-content/advanced-cache.php) [function.main]: failed to open stream: No such file or
directory in /home/18810/domains/iamfacingforeclosure.com/html/wp-settings.php on line 71

Warning: main(/home/18810/domains/iamfacingforeclosure.com/html/wp-content/advanced-cache.php) [function.main]: failed to open stream: No such file or
directory in /home/18810/domains/iamfacingforeclosure.com/html/wp-settings.php on line 71

Fatal error: main() [function.require]: Failed opening required '/home/18810/domains/iamfacingforeclosure.com/html/wp-content/advanced-cache.php'
(include_path='.:/usr/local/php-4.4.7-1/share/pear') in /home/18810/domains/iamfacingforeclosure.com/html/wp-settings.php on line 71

Anonymous said...

May 16th, 2007 12:55 am
Not Baiting Haterz. Just Keepin’ It Real.

Taking a Shot of Wheatgrass

Casey Serin has turned baiting readers of iamfacingforeclosure.com into something of an art form. He’s pictured here drinking wheat grass, one of his favorite things to do…. Not all these details have appeared on his blog yet, but Serin seems to enjoy spacing them out in a way that will vex his readers the most. “What happens is I feed off of it,” he said. “I know the buttons to press to get those guys going. After awhile, you learn what topics you can mention if you want to get extra comments on your post.”

That’s according to Declan McCullagh who interviewed me for the CNET article he wrote. (Also on front page of MSN tonight)…

My take is that Declan focused WAY too much on that part. Yes, I’ve done a little bit of baitin’ in the past. But most of it is NOT intentional. It’s not my fault the “haterz” (I’ll start adding a Z since they prefer it that way) don’t like how I do stuff. Like other entrepreneurs I do things very differently and tell you how it is. It comes with “being naked”. I’m not trying to irritate!

The problem is people (and many reporters) focus on the negative and love to dramatize things. Back when I posted the Wells Fargo statement, there just happened to be Jamba Juice and an over-draft charge. So everybody assumed I go out everyday and live a extravagant lifestyle that I can’t afford.

But that’s not the norm! My wife and I are living with her sister (renting two rooms for $550) to save on expenses. We rarely go out to Starbucks and Jamba Juice. (Yes, there was that Macaroni grill thing once, but that was a special occasion.) We have only over-drafted our account 2-3 times in the last few months. And even though I don’t currently have a full-time job I HAVE been making money there and here. (Though it hasn’t been super stable that’s why my wife Galina has had enough and I need to do something about it quick.)

So an occasional wheat-grass shot or freshly squeezed juice is all good. Especially, during these stressful times I need to stay healthy and put good things into my body. Besides, instead of going to Jamba Juice I normally use my own home juicer to save on money.

The only thing I can maybe take a fault on is spending too much on my cell phone. I need to find a way to cut down my $200-300/month bill (or whatever it is lately). Everything else is pretty much bare-bones. (Like the crappy GoDaddy dedicated server).

People just love to hate and criticize. There are so many haters sites about me out there that I’m loosing track (sorry couldn’t resist). There seem to be a new one popping up every month. The comments are filled with hate too. I used to follow the hater sites out of curiosity and read every single comment. But that takes way too much time and only depresses me. I have a turn-around to work on. Must focus.

I should just follow Robert Kiyosaki’s advice that he gave me when I talked to him last October. Here is a screen shot of a particularly choice moment in that video (or on YouTube).

Robert told me to “Screw the Critics [Haterz]”:

Anonymous said...

Snowflake is going to find that unless he cleans up his craptacular bandwidth hogging code no server is going to "work out".

flailing forward said...

If you get the No Baiting Haterz post, the Grrrr remarks are comment #7.

Comments are open again, so apparently "things should be very smooth" from now on.

Anonymous said...

"Robert told me to “Screw the Critics [Haterz]”:"

Yeah, but did Robert tell you to screw Mommy for corporate credit?

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't mind hearing more from the 'circle of doubt' characters like Duane et al, in respect of Caseyland.

There have been many who've taken the snowflake at face value (as we all did originally) and it'd be nice to stitch together all his lies and inconsistancies.

I've personally transmogrified from a sport HaterZ to a fully professional HaterZ. He's not a feckless kid, he's a serial con-artist...

Mail Guru

Anonymous said...