Thursday, May 31, 2007

How Do We Cope?

Let's get all the stages of addiction cleared up right now. First, we can quit any time we want. The key is that when we want not when someone else says we've had enough. Second, housing, land use, transportation and their associated topics is a harmless distraction. It's not like it leads to obsessive blogging or hard stuff like following self destructive scammers. Just trying to make a little money helping people and build a net reputation never hurt anyone in meatspace except koi. What's the harm?

IAFF Sept '06 - May '07

(Unless it was hacked)


Anonymous said...

first again dude

Sweet Cashback said...


Anonymous said...

I still call BS. IAFF will pop up again or another site will. No way he can let it go, no way.

Anonymous said...

nice try.

still not going to his site.

Sweet Cashback said...

I decided to get adicted on Mursts now. My firsts didn't do to well...
Ah well....its hard to stay of the firstness drug.

Lets see how KC will get his daily dose of public exposure now. He WONT be able to live without it!

Anonymous said...

and snowflake bows out, not with a bang but a whimper.

anybody want to take odds on whether or not those advertisers get their prorated refund?

Anonymous said...

I thought it was a JOKE.

It is TRUE!

I only have a few words:


I am rolling in the ground laughing!

Anonymous said...


Don't expect a refund. If you do happen to get a refund, it will not happen for another 2-3 weeks due to Snowflake's inability to check email/mail in a timely fashion.

Anonymous said...

good riddance, a little less scum on the interwebz.
We all knew he had no ballz and would cave to galina

Anonymous said...

Man, i gotta find something to do on Friday nights now.

Anonymous said...

He has added a new line: is over. It will never return.

Advertisers: Feel free to cancel your PayPal subscription. I will be issuing pro-rated refunds this week.

Everybody: I'm very sorry to end like this.

You may contact me here.

-- Casey Serin

Anonymous said...


If you are expecting a refund, bend over first.

Now I know who NOT to do business with.

Anonymous said...

Casey is an IDIOT. Instead of selling the blog for what could be an amount in the tens of thousands, he just CLOSES IT DOWN??


Nigel 'prolly woulda paid $20k plus 5 cases of Axe body spray!



Kerriella said...

Wow, is it really over? I can't believe he gave it up! I thought he would keep it going even after Galina kicked his butt to the curb and he was living in a van down by the river!
Dang it! Why did we have to be responsible and buy a house to actually live in? Otherwise I could have been here for the downfall this last month!

Anonymous said...

First time I have see Casey say "I am sorry".

So Casey caused thousands of people to lose money, artificially elevate property taxes, wis family reputation, his wife creit and never did he say "I am sorry".

But now that he lost his web site, he truly feels "Sorry". Amazing what a scum that kid is.

Anonymous said...

And a whole box full of Olympic pins. Sweet, sweet Olympic pins.

Can someone contact Steve?! It's not like we care, but we want to know what happened.

Sputnik seems curious and you know what can happen there.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

First time I've been to IAFF in weeks, and he didn't even get any sweet ad revenue.

Anonymous said...

Oooh, or has he or Hammar registered any domain names recently? Maybe it's just a troll so he can roll out '' or '' or some shit.

Anonymous said...

He has a link to his myspace page

He is looking waaaay rough in his picture.

Sac RE Agent said...

it was over when it started. we were just fortunate enough to enjoy for awhile. so it's back to the real world.

Anonymous said...

" is over. It will never return."

except to say "I'm sorry".

this donkey's not going anywhere. he'll be back.


Rob Dawg said...

Lot's of people talking back channels. Hold off on things.

With his mad skillz and the attention this could just be a hack. I doubt it because ablebuyer is up and still linking through. If Casey were hacked and couldn't fix it the first thing he'd do is put up a message on ablebuyer.

I don't think it is a civil matter either. "Serious and Urgent" is not for collection threat #2759.

Third, he's "sorry." This is a first. Like I've said short of a meteor getting through seemed impossible. He'd only say "sorry" if every other possiblity was cut off.

Fourth, it isn't emotional. I don't think family comes under urgent either in what was called caseyworld™. There'd be an emotional farewell instead. And it isn't about being kicked out either.

What does that leave?

Anonymous said...

There are rumors abound that the federal law enforcement paid a visit to Mr. Serin to ask a few questions...

Anonymous said...


What happened? What was posted last night that could have gotten him in trouble with the wifey?

flailing forward said...

Geez guys, now who will monetize us?? I'm a stupid haterz who needs my buttons pushed while Casey laughs all the way to the bank. Supporterz, you were right after all!

LMP, good job, your assistance must have been top rate!!

Anonymous said...

Hopefully the wheels of justice have finally turned...

and he's being squashed like a pancake!

Sweet Cashback said...

Where do you guys see any "I am sorry" on that page ???

Am I missing something here ?

Anonymous said...

Could someone please get intouch with Mr. N, back in Utah, and get the real story. I'm sure he has another scoop!

Anonymous said...

I think Dawg's spot on here. We expected it to end, but not without the "final farewell" episode. This is too abrupt. Maybe he's trying to do some damage control... The 'net is none too forgiving, though. Traces of his failure will be around for many years to come.

Like I said, Google News Alerts -> Casey Serin. On the upside, Casey will likely be receiving more sweetmedia™ attention in the near future... That's whats allgood.

Anonymous said...

If the law didn't get him I'd still be satisfied if Cashcall busted his kneecaps.

Anonymous said...

@Sweet Cashback -

Look again - he added another line

flailing forward said...

Sweet C-
Here's the full text. is over. It will never return.

Advertisers: Feel free to cancel your PayPal subscription. I will be issuing pro-rated refunds this week.

Everybody: I'm very sorry to end like this.

You may contact me here.

-- Casey Serin

Anonymous said...

Well, he couldn't have been arrested yet. He wouldn't have access to the 'net if so. Unless he shoved his PDA up his butt. Thin as he is, it'd be noticeable though.

Something had to have happened that shook him to the point that he needed to take down the blog while at the same time giving him time to take down the blog...

Anonymous said...

my money's on the wife - she made him do it. But why? What was posted last night?

Anonymous said...

Something about "it will never return" sounds too melodramatic for me. Sounds like he wrote that to appease a certain someone who will remain nameless. Does it mean it? Doubt it.

Anonymous said...

oh crap, I'm starting to get withdrawal symptoms. Throbbing headache, goosebumps in 85 degree weather, tremor in the hands.

Seriously, someone call Steve, Nigel, Duane, etc. Hell, call Casey's cell phone.


Anonymous said...

Mortgage fraud is a federal crime. He would need to be indicted by a grand jury. Authorities come ask him questions, get a sample of handwriting and that is it...for now.

He is, at that point, the target of a federal grand jury.

Indictments come later.

Anonymous said...

Someone call him please!!!!!!!!!! I too, cannot eat or think straight.

flailing forward said...

It's called family intervention. Lamest season finale ever... I thought the kid had more razzmatazz than this.

Everybody tip a jamba for a dead blog.

Anonymous said...

casey's not stupid. he will sell the site and it will come back revamped to 'help' people in forclosure. it's #7 when you google foreclosure.

Anonymous said...

Unless he shoved his PDA up his butt.

Special Agent: Serin, we've had you on our radar for months. Now before you're escorted to your cell, we'll be doing a full body cavity search.

Casey: Itsallgood, Nigel and I have been doing similar stuff.

Special Agent: ... umm, care to explain why your ass is beeping?


Sweet Cashback said...

Thanks FF,

Everybody: I'm very sorry to end like this.

He must have added that later. I just now got that with a page refresh....
Did he switch hosting/DNS again or why would I not have seen it on earlier page refreshes?

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Galina's religious beliefs will still prevent a divorce when he's in jail for multiple counts of fraud...

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

@ SpaceyCasey: Something about "it will never return" sounds too melodramatic

Casey's skilled at using weasel words. He may just mean that is never returning. He didn't say anything about another blog......

Rob Dawg said...

Jeez, should we rename this place Methadone Nation?

Anonymous said...

I like the ring to that dawg? where's my fix!

Anonymous said...


I need my FIIIIIIXXXXXXX......


Anonymous said...

I've got three lines of wheatgrass right here on my desk. Only thing that gets me through the day...

Anonymous said...

"Mortgage fraud is a federal crime. He would need to be indicted by a grand jury. Authorities come ask him questions, get a sample of handwriting and that is it...for now.

He is, at that point, the target of a federal grand jury.

Indictments come later."

Not necessarily - because he's been so verbose on his blog and elsewhere, they might not have sought to interview Casey (he would be an idiot to waive his 5th amendment rights and speak to the FBI) and indicted him "out of the blue".

Anonymous said...

Oh shit, I am already going through withdral symptons.

Soneone, anyone, Rob? Please, post some bullshit, good BS please. I can't stand this.

Anonymous said...

Are we still going to get Duane 3.0+?

Anonymous said...

I feel empty inside - for the love of god, someone call the man!

I would, but his voice creeps me out :)

Rob Dawg said...

Alvie Singer's schoolmate: "I used to be an IAFF addict, now I'm an EN addict."

Seriously, a couple days down and a quick professional revamp and the front page becomes a true portal for foreclosure issues with the Serinsaga as a set of archive pages lined with ads. Buying position #7 on google is worth a lot of money.

Roger Hayes said...

Swaby is deleting posts from DHC.

Maybe law enforcement has paid a visit and Pleather has the heads up.

Anonymous said...

It's a little late to pull the blog down now, after EVERY FEDERAL AGENCY and a HUNDRED LENDING INSTITUTIONS have been visiting the site every five minutes since last year. Ya think maybe they archived everything he posted?

How long until WhoTFIS indicates a domain transfer?

Anonymous said...

@9:06a Jade: What happened? What was posted last night that could have gotten him in trouble with the wifey?

My money's on Mocha. He/she was the only one who truly understood Casey! "KC Supastaarrrr.." They were chatting online and passing email back and forth. Maybe Galina decided it was an affair in the making. :)

Five gallons of mind bleach, coming up..

flailing forward said...




Anonymous said...

Told ya I'd see ya in the funny papers, little puppet!

Anonymous said...

Heart to heart talk with the parents might have done it - maybe they expressed how badly they were hurt by the exposure. Maybe momma and daddy were reduced to tears, and it finally hit home with Smowflake.

Could Casey actually have a conscious?

Anonymous said...


Oh, you're just jealous because you didn't have the balls to do what Casey did. Just like the rest of us. I know my own envy sears my soul like a corrupt black flame.

Anonymous said...

I know that the wheels of justice move slowly, but it was about time Casey was brought to justice.

If it's not the law that took him down, I hope the law moves faster.

I hate fraudsters.

Anonymous said...

Which one of you smart Alecs hacked KCs blog? Come on, fess up.

Anonymous said...

Do they have wi-fi access in FPMITAPs these days? SWEET DEAL FOR THE CASEMEISTER!

flailing forward said...

What the hell are we going do, people?? Now we'll have to actually go outside or something. I just checked, the real world doesn't have ads all over it. Well, there a few, but they're not clickable, so what's the point. Also, there appears to be this hideously bright orb hanging in the sky. I fear that it may turn me into algae. LMP, start a donthategalina blog or something for our albino asses to make fun of.

Dolph said...

Casey: I was right, you are wrong. Good luck on your future legal troubles, you are going to need it. BTW - I won our bet. Told you that it couldn't last. Wonder if you are talking to your "CPA" right now?

Nigel Swaby: Why are you deleting posts on DHC? Afraid of something? What do you have to hide and what do you know?

LMP: Were you the guy behind Casey deciding to end this? If not, looks as if Casey screwed you too. I am guessing you were getting a cut of the ad money or something for your troubles.

Steve Serin: Good work.

Fellow Haterz: Wow. It's been a long, strange trip but it looks like we win. Hate to gloat, but the kid was so defiant that I thought it would take the FBI or IRS themselves to shut him down. Is this whole saga over? Not at all because Casey will most likely take his scams back to the real world and we need to keep the spotlight on who he is as long as it takes.

IAFF: Guys, it will be very tough for him to restart the site after this UNLESS he was hacked. I don't believe it's a hackjob. If he restarts he will see less visits and who would advertise with him now? He is officially a flake who cannot follow through.

As for why? I am willing to bet the $2500 is bogus. I bet he borrowed it and quite possibly G found out and demanded he hold his end of the bargain.

Anonymous said...

@9L37 ff: I haven't uttered audible words in months. You mean I'm going to have to have face to face conversation with someone? I'm not sure if I'm ready for that just yet!

Anonymous said...

Declan McCullough can get to the bottom of this! DECLAN! We need you!

WTF? Nigel is taking down posts right now!

Anonymous said...

[Time: Friday, June 1st, 8:00 PM EST]

Electronic Voice: "This program is sponsored by TalkShoe, and recorded live..."


Seriously, I'm genuinely curious as to what's going to happen tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

What was LMP's last post? Did it contain anything so inflammatory that it might have caused the shutdown (e.g., did he mention Hastur^H^H^H^H^H^H She Who Must Not Be Named)?

flailing forward said...

@ HW
It's true. I've never had the manbagz to loose 2.2 mil and live in my dream VW. I've been poisoned by the cubicle, man.

Dolph said...


Casey doesn't have a conscience. A person with a conscience would never have let the blog go on this long. A person with a conscience wouldn't be looking for ways to screw over their lenders.

A person with a conscience would have taken Duane's deal of $6K or so a month and worked with their creditors.

Bemused Guy said...

Not with a bang, but a whimper.

Would love to know the real poopie though!


Anonymous said...

The fact that Nigel is deleting posts right now makes me think there might be legal action afoot. Someone might not want to be involved as a co-conspirator.

Dolph said...

He still has the talkshoe broadcast scheduled. Wonder if he's gonna do it?

Anonymous said...

Rob Dawg,

I know I've called you cheap, I know you and my friend Nigel have had your differences, but I need you right now. G said I had to close down MY blog, but she didn't mention any other blog. How about we swap, straight up. IAFF for EN. I need my daily blogging fixture. Think of the sweet links and hits you would get on IAFF. It's a great opportunity to fish for gold nuggets.

If that doesn't work, I will pay you for a daily post in which I promise to answer each and every question presented to me. No trolling, no haterz. Deal?

Bemused Guy said...

Is it a coincidence that the RCSux blog is also losing its old threads??

Anonymous said...

I am sticking to my assumption there was an intervention this past weekend.

Hey Nigel. Might want to grease up the backside before they put you in stir. Will keep the tearing to a minimum the 1st time around. Them neo-nazis are going going to go ga-a over your doo.

As bad as the withdrawl is, think of Snowflake. You'al broke his dream. Boo-hoo

God, I cannot wait to see Snowflake walking into the courthouse. Just a matter of time.

Anonymous said...


I'm betting there is more to the story we don't know. Snowflake alluded to something happening yesterday. Maybe the wheels of justice finally ran him over?

Anonymous said...

he's not deleting photos... yet.

i bet he's loving every minute of this, though.

Anonymous said...

Uneducated guesses about the pressures wee KC is facing:

1. Family applied so much pressure (through marriage, rented accomodation, & 'no more giving you money, son'. Basically a, 'lose it or lose us' kind of ultimatum. I think his brother kind of set the tenor for his families view of his antics.

"Wow, my family is pissed at me."

2. Creditors baying at the door like hounds on a steak. And KC blogging about his $2K + beg-a-thon windfall made them see some meat on the bone. His epiphany could have resulted from such a mundane event as opening his mail.

"Wow, creditors are pissed at me."

3. Heat. Even a sociopath like KC has gotta feel the heat from so much hate. The man has been publicly stockaded (in a virtual sense). How many deals (sweet or sour) follow from that much negative publicity. Law enforcement may be sleeping on the job, but KC has been well schooled in social ostracism by now. Again, even a sociopath like KC must see the writing on the wall.

"Wow, the guy at Jamba Juice spat in my wheat grass shot."

4. Blind justice. Maybe he's received some certified mail regarding legal action by creditors. It would be amazing if he hadn't. Even more tantalizing, perhaps a real law enforcement body has reached out to 'touch KC'. Possibly he's been asked to visit to give his side of his sad tale.

"Wow, did you know forging documents is really illegal - I didn't (well I kinda did)."

5. Or the 1,000,000:1 outside chance. KC has discovered his conscience through scripture.

"Wow, I just came to my senses and realized what a shit I've been."

People like KC make me pine for a more enlightened version of Victorian justice. No, not debtor's prison. But certainly, debtor's doing community service. Fuck, if we must pay the piper for these yahoo's, let's at least insist upon clean highways, verdant boulevards, and shiney shoes. And, a good dose of public humiliation in the form of wearing a big stupid orange suit with arrows whilst doing the public service.


Mail Guru

Anonymous said...

What is RCSux ?

Anonymous said...

you folks think YOU are going through withdrawal...imagine what Casey must be experiencing!

"Baby, I MUST blog."

Also notice the song on his myspace page - it has been repossessed! "Song has been deleted by the artist"

Too much...

Bemused Guy said...

I think it's all my fault.

It's too coincidental. Right after I posted the Sheena Easton/ SLC Gay Pride Weekend events his blog goes down. I think he sold it for a plane ticket.

flailing forward said...

@ Bemused
That's too funny! I think Nigel would have sprung for it though.

Anonymous said...



CHJTS said...

At 9:14 AM, Jade said...
my money's on the wife - she made him do it. But why? What was posted last night?

Hold on a sec Jade..I will get to your question in a bit.

I just woke up and am still somewhat groggy.(hurry the f up coffee maker).

Well I was up until 5 am working on some paperwork so I dont have to take it with the beach with me tomorrow so I can just relax and enjoy the sand and surf.

I like to take breaks every 45 minutes or so for anywhere from 5-15 minutes just to get my brain from being overloaded.

During that time I usually go check EN, IAFF or

I checked IAFF problably 5 or 6x's up until right before I went to bed.

There was nothing new posted in topics for the blog right before I went to bed.

Also there were not any new subsequent posts that said anything out of line..just the usual casey your a nob, and casey your a scamming nob...etc etc.

There were NO NEW POSTS in the form of replies from casey nor LMP.

I am thinking this decision to cut the blog was Galina's doing in enforcing the consequences of the contract he signed.

But then again...if he or she was contacted by a Law enforcement know she would be completely freaked out and be hysterical to the point of ordering the blog shut down.

Anonymous said...

Casey can't stop bloggin.

If Casey's family did in fact intervene, I'd bet he stuck his PDA up his ass and he is slowly blogging from there.

One key stroke per movement. Steve Serin, can you please tell us if Casey is sitting in a funny position moving side to side every so often?

Anonymous said...

My, what one misses when taking a long break from the W-2!

My personal opinion is that the latest developments are due to Steve Serin and family intervention, combined with Galina. I suspect that it wasn't hacked (IAFF has been in its current state for a while). I think Galina gave him a final ultimatum.. take down or divorce. I am still concerned about Galina's health in this because a person with Narcissistic Personality Disorder does not get better with someone twisting their arm. He may bottle the rage and then strike out.

What is kind of sad on this, is that he or they think that taking it down will clear out all of the references. It doesn't. Caches hold most recent (last) editions, and the only way to flush them is to have continuing updates that force all the old stuff to be deleted for garbage collection.

He could have started migrating this site to a true foreclosure help site, had a more honest approach to those around him (family etc), slowly aged those comments out so they get aged out by caches. Then, when the site was fairly clear of family references, put it up for sale on Ebay with the legal constraint that it can no longer contain any references to his family, and that by end of year 1, references to himself should only amount to about 1 page. Year 2, no references to himself. This would give the buying entity time to migrate the site and retain value in the name at the same time.

Casey as an Entrepreneur, yeah right!

lawnmower man said...

@Snuff: cut-and-paste of LossMitPro's post here. Nothing controversial.

Casey had alluded to trouble in comments *before* LossMitPro's post: "Some crazy things have been happening. I wish I could say more. [...] I’m busy taking care of some very serious and urgent issues…"

Anonymous said...

And now, the end is near;
And so I face the final bloggin.
My friends, Ill say it not so clear,
Ill state my crime, of which Im certain.

Ive lived a lie thats full.
Ive traveled each and evry blog;
And more, much more than this,
I did it my way.

Anonymous said...

OMG - this will make you guys roll with freaking laughter and take your minds off Casey!

CHJTS said...

This fucking sucks.

First I find out that stephj's chaperone wasnt really her chaperone.

And that she went and had hot monkey sex with him last night.

Then I wake up and find our favorite little thief is gone.

I've lost stephJ and now casey..I've lost nigel and nick who will teach me to be rich.

He's a young manager, casey is a failure.

Thats all I got......I am going to go curl into a fetal ball and cry until benoit(tm) calls me to cheer me up.

Anonymous said...

Something is up because Nigel is deleting posts too.

Anonymous said...

CHJTS, repeat after me: "Itsallgood, Itsallgood, Itsallgood, Itsallgood..." ;-Þ

Damnit, Homey, post something!! :)

R-Boy said...

His outing posts have been deleted.

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking team™ haterz™ is scoring a really big win today. Casey's gone and Nigel's on the run.

So why do we feel so empty?

Unknown said...

"Thanks to all the supporterz, haterz and everyone who wrote about me. You guys made the last 9 crazy months of blogging possible. "

New line and new look to the Farewell Page. He can't even stop messing with his final way he'll be able to stop blogging cold turkey.

Randomthought said...

What is the address of Nigel's blog?

Anonymous said...

I am seriously going through BS withdrawls.

Somne ANYBODY - PLEASE POST SOME BULLSHIT FOLLOWED BY ITSALLGOOD. I need some of that "I appreviate that..".

Anonymous said...

What exactly was LossMitPro's final comment, the one that ppl seem to think is related to the shutdown?

Anonymous said...

KC has yet again changed his web page.

I just know that he is blogging from his ANUS.

I'm betting that he stuck his PDA up his anus and he will continue to blog from there. He is doing this by moving his butt cheeks side to side to enter data.

segfault said...

anon @ 10:13 AM:

I have decided to shut down the Blog™ after having an a discussion about Massive Forward Action™ with Galina and a jester named Homey. This will free up time so that I can peruse the Sweet Deals™ that fill my inbox with fewer distractions. There is some man in Nigeria whose distant billionaire relative passed away who has offered me a portion of anything I help him recover from the relative's estate. Sweet™! Itsallgood™!

Anonymous said...

Looks like the come-back kid has attemped a come-back in the past:

That kid sure is a scam artist.

Unknown said...

Well, we all knew it would happen - now the real story will be the post mortem.

EN is much, much more enjoyable. Rob Dawg, thanks fgor hosting such a hilarious site, along with all the posters who make it great.

I love reading this site at work.

Anonymous said...

Now that Casey's gone...
Which "R" ya filled with?
Relief...or regret?

Anonymous said...

At 8:52 AM, Spacey Casey said...

" He has added a new line:"


Just one more hit off the crack pipe!

Casey sez - 'Hey, I ain't smokin' crack anymore; I iz jus' smokin' the dribs and drabs of left over stuff... ya know?'

Maybe take time to post JUST ONE MORE pensive shot to his Flicker account.... oh, and one more update to to tweak the fond size... oh, and needs a little new content...


Anonymous said...

He is offering a PARTIAL refund (pro-rated).

An honest person would have refunded the entire amount and more for breach of contract.

Anonymous said...

Where's he gonna get the money for refunds?

Anonymous said...

@anon 10:38

The advertisers got what they paid for: a link on his site for about two weeks. A pro-rated refund is fair enough, if he actually gives it.

My guess is that his statement about the refund is just for show. He won't actually refund the money. And what will they do about it? Nothing, because the sums are so small in comparison to his other debts that its not worth fighting for.

So, sharky laguana, how's that SEO workin' out for ya now? Is it too early to say: "We told you so!"?

Miranda Mayer said...

Damnit; the glue that has kept us all together is gone.

No matter how wonderful this news is; I'm feeling pretty down.

::::mists up::::

What are we to do?

@CHJTS (and all others)
You can troll my blog anytime--even if I don't post there that much any more.

Randomthought said...

My wheatgrass should arrive from ebay this week - I am growing my own - wanted to compare notes with casey - shame

johngeorge234 said...

I decided to get adicted on Mursts now. My firsts didn't do to well.The key is that when we want not when someone else says we've had enough.
Georgia Drug Addiction

drivenwide said...

Like drugs, alcohol and even caffeine, gambling is an addiction. If it gets to the point of no return, like most addictions tend to do, gambling can even be considered a life threatening addiction. You could gamble away your life savings or your 401K. Or, if you are like a friend of mine, lose your house and your family. No one wants that to happen, because as high as the high can be when you win, the low is far worse.

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