But the epitaph honors go to Nigel:
"Now I get it! Now I know why EN commenters and housing bubbleistas hate me. I’m too positive. I don’t think housing is going to crash. I believe in the American economy. I believe in the power of capitalism and of the ability of markets to define themselves. I believe that one should never, ever give up. The haters hate my optimism. They hate that I’ve managed to work myself through very difficult times, personally hanging on the edge of insolvency. They hate that I encourage Casey in his self made conundrum and help him with advice. They hate Casey for not giving up already. The haters hate baby kittens! Now I understand. Nigel Swaby 03/30/07
And the R.I.P. part. I mean it. A lot of people were hurt, are hurt and will be hurt. Let's not stalk the funeral. It can do no good and has the potential for great harm. Talk about here. Vent, rail. Make fun of supporting actors who are still hoping that they can get "Joanie Love Chachi" out of the cancellation of "Happy Days."
Blog note: The last of the Habitat donations are still trickling in. You guys are awesome. I will put together a comprehensive list, initials and amounts only. Duane said he will also do a match. Hopefully we'll have a grand total by 5PM Friday as a tribute to our own fliptard.
must bitches
OMG.......Now I am going to have to make a sight nodebtwhasoeversuxs
OMG I have a great idea rob.
I dont know if I should email it to you or just post it on here.
It is golden.
Nigel's YouTube [link]
So many people have been and will be hurt by Casey's actions.
That kid should get multiple jobs and pay off his debt for the rest of his life at least.
But he wont.
I will also respectfully say that his family enabeld him to comitt Fraud and enabled him to CONTINUE to comitt Fraud.
It's over. Any suggestions on other train wreck blogs to get my fix?
Email, then the tease can be drawn out. The dawgs are hungry and a little promise of sweet desert can be entertaining.
I hope we can finish out Duane's story after this dies down
I wonder if he also had to give up the computer and the cell phone. Well, we know he hasn't released his grip on the computer yet.
Will he get a W-2 job? The horror!
Somebody's got to get to the bottom of this! Declan? Duane? Steve? Ramit? Galina!?
It was a fun ride while it lasted, started following his site when Keith posted about it on HP.
Godspeed, Murseman.
I don't know how I'm going to survive either. I did learn a few things though...
Some things about real estate (short sale, liar loans, etc..)
Learned that anyone can get a mortgage.
Also, found some interesting new blogs/websites. I almost feel like owe Casey for all the entertainment he provided me.
Casey: Good Riddance
EN Crowd: ::::chin wrinkles up:::
Can't we find some other poor loser blogger we can lambast out of existence? We do it so well, it's a shame to waste all this talent.
Okay rob..I just sent the email.
Let me know what you think of it.
I think it is an awesome idea and could be the final wrapup for closure on casey.
Stephanie J @ 10:51:
Can't we find some other poor loser blogger we can lambast out of existence?
Nigel? Although he may pack up his toys and go home now that Casey is over.
It's always difficult to know what to say during times like this. We've laughed, we've cried, well, we've laughed anyway. But Life does go on, and I know Casey would want us to be happy. If you find yourself facing a difficult situation or decision, just ask yourself, "What would Casey do?" And don't do that!
Finally, I want to say, "We won't forget you!"
Hey you Bloggerz got David L fired, now shut u down Casey. excellent work!
Can you please shut down the NAR mls monopoly next? And also get Ron Paul elected president?
thank you in advance!
What's Nigel saying about KC's site going down? Is this a prank? hacking? divorce? or prosecution?
Can't we find some other poor loser blogger we can lambast out of existence?
That's LOOSER blogger.....
Any blogger, in his right mind, would pay us hate locusts to stay away.
IamFacingForeclosure.com is over. It will never return.
Advertisers: Feel free to cancel your PayPal subscription. I will be issuing pro-rated refunds this week.
Everybody: I'm very sorry to end like this.
Thanks to all the supporterz, haterz and everyone who wrote about me. You guys made the last 9 crazy months of blogging possible.
You may contact me or join my mailing list here.
Casey Serin
May 31, 2007
Well, we can all turn on eachother too; as Nigel said we do.
"And also get Ron Paul elected president"
I second that.
I'm not ready to bury IAFF just yet. Ten bucks says Fliptard folds and puts it back up after Galina kicks him out in the Vdubs.
Ron Paul eh? I kind of like his idea of foreign policy--even if he is a Republican.
Isn't the 'mailing list' new? Maybe he's starting a newsletter. Like, an investment newsletter.
Yes steph we can.
An ODe to StephJ Part Deux
She came in a dirty yellowish/green jeep,
Spat out her venom at a foreclosure creep.
I was enthralled at her verbal skills of conversation,
only to have it thwarted by casey without hesitation.
I hope she doesnt leave this place forever,
Leaving me flounder on the ground gasping for air and my stephJ fix.
She betrays my heart with her chaperone daily,
I will never look at a large popcorn container with a hole cut out in the bottom of it for a stealh attack hand job like nigel gives casey daily again.
--CHJTS Copyright 2007..fair use laws or something like that.
@ UK: "I want to say, "We won't forget you!"
[sniffle...] "We'll always have Muncy!*"
*(Well, technically, it got foreclosed, but still...)
I will be very surprised if many of the advertisers receive even a partial refund. It would be so out of character.
No doubt we will hear about it here. And I hope folk will keep their eyes peeled for KC sightings. God, I'd wiggle in amused delight if I found out that he (gasp) got a job!
Well something happened abruptly last night. If Casey was going to close the blog down, I doubt he post's Mark's message. I wish Steve or Duane would chime in and tell us whats up.
I don't know about anyone else, but i havent noticed that Rob has turned on the lights and closed the bar - I'm hanging for good, this group/blog is too muhc fun!
With all the Foreclosure Fun™ coming next year, we'll have PLENTY to talk about, murses to spot, blue balls to kick, and scammers to harrass.
Or, we can pick a fight with Camp Idiot.
I NEED CLOSURE!! So many questions, so few answers. Someone please help me!!!
I am taking the denile stag. I DON'T BELIEVE IT!!
Ron Paul is reminding us Conservatives just how far the Republican party has drifted from Conservative principles. I remind everyone however that were John Fitzgerald Kennedy to be revived in his 1959 persona in pursuit of the 2008 Republican nomination he would be hounded from the big tent for being a reactionary ultraconservative. Guliani could tag Ron Paul for the ticket but Romney could not.
As to our next targets I'm taking nominations. John Lockwood, Greg Swann, the NAR? The last could be fun. A concentrated web scouring of NAR inspired regurgitations could bring shame to the organization and expose all the realtor bloggers as nothing but shills for the central party line.
Who's signed up for his newsletter? That could be good for tidbits, if he actually uses it.
I have no doubt we'll see more of Homey, and the rest of the cast of characters, including Casey.
Don't forget, if he gets a job...it might have...(cue dramatic music)...internet access!
I'm heading over to Craigslist to see if there's any ads for a cheap laptop, pda, ikea shelves, and a blue ball.
To all of us "Haters":
I too wish Casey success IF he turns his life around.
The bitch part of turning your life around is knowing all the hardship you caused.
As long as Casey knows that, AND is willing to PAY for it, then my best wishes to him because he is going to have a HELL OF A TIME PAYING BACK.
Honetly, nothing more in me then seeing a crook turn honest AND SEE HIM PAY AT THE SAME TIME.
Very gratifying in *every* respect.
Congrats you have all been suckered into an ad for the book - "My Sweet Comeback" - Casey Serin
Well I havent heard back from rob regarding my idea.
So I think I am going to just go ahead and do it myself ..I think it is a great idea.
Earlier today IAFF pointed people to Casey's MySpace page. Now it points to his mailing list.
He'll be back, sooner or later.
I think it's pretty clear what happened here. Galina didn't want him monetizing IAFF, any more than Yulia wanted him to pay five months rent at once. What Galina wanted was for him to stop pulling money out of his ass and get an f'ing job. So she worked out this deal with him, in that he'd bring in a grand a week through legit business or else he'd throw his ass into a cubicle.
He managed to sell a bunch of ad space (I don't think it was a loan - I think he actually did it), which last week made her think - for a moment - that maybe this can all work out. Then he hits week two and decides to roll idle, figuring he made this week's grand last week. That annoyed her. On top of that, he's broken the "don't talk about family" rule several times now. And she knows she has his full family behind her on this one.
Galina laid down the law. Good for her.
I wish the trolls would quit with the "if he turns it around then best wishes" crap. He is a symptom, I will never stop being a hater, ever. Him and California in general can go to hell (tm).
Man, the earliest I can hit town (Sac) is this weekend. W-2 job and all. It'll be interesting to see which house fliptard parks the V-Dubs in front of.
So Casey has pulled his blog and basically at the same time Nigel goes into redaction overdrive and LossMitPro demands a takesdown of all post mentioning him.
The delicious possibilities here are endless, has something big happened to really put the wind up the rats? Sadly I think the end will be the proverbial whimper, although i'm hoping for some msm perp-walking real soon lol
Nigel's new post
The moment haterz have been waiting for has finally happened. The IAFF trainwreck has come to its ultimate resting spot. Kaput. Finito. Over.
The reason? Short answer - the contract with the wife was violated. Action was taken. The blog is over. I have a full email from Casey, but won't violate his trust by disclosing it.
There have been no arrests, no broken knees and no jaunts to Tahoe. Casey is finally starting to undo something he never should have undertaken in the first place. He's placing his family first. A good decision.
As for me, I've removed all posts that may have been harmful to real people. I've removed all posts that were just plain stupid. I'm done with this blog. I'll leave this site up for a while simply for the record. (It's a PR three site if any SEO people want to make me an offer in the future.)
For RCS? Again, I state clearly I had nothing to do with it. Caseypedia notes all it's offending posts were taken down May 26th. I have never had anything to do with it. Please stop speculating.
This whole Casey thing was a really weird, but interesting experience. Goodbye
Caseypedia indexed all his posts right?
Kalifornia is truly a screwed up place but it is also so huge it defies singular descriptions. You know for instance that the State is solidly Democrat right? Ever look at the county results from the last election? Bush won 35 of 58 counties. The pretty ones. The ones that aren't LA or SF. 45 miles almost due west of downtown LA and I live on a golf course surrounded by farmland in a county which not only hosts Amgen but claims agriculture as its #1 industry. And yes, we voted for Bush.
Oh my goodness.
I can see it already coming:
And then he will go into how to flip more homes and take the banks money.
The moment haterz have been waiting for has finally happened. The IAFF trainwreck has come to its ultimate resting spot. Kaput. Finito. Over.
The reason? Short answer - the contract with the wife was violated. Action was taken. The blog is over. I have a full email from Casey, but won't violate his trust by disclosing it.
There have been no arrests, no broken knees and no jaunts to Tahoe. Casey is finally starting to undo something he never should have undertaken in the first place. He's placing his family first. A good decision.
As for me, I've removed all posts that may have been harmful to real people. I've removed all posts that were just plain stupid. I'm done with this blog. I'll leave this site up for a while simply for the record. (It's a PR three site if any SEO people want to make me an offer in the future.)
For RCS? Again, I state clearly I had nothing to do with it. Caseypedia notes all it's offending posts were taken down May 26th. I have never had anything to do with it. Please stop speculating.
This whole Casey thing was a really weird, but interesting experience. Goodbye.
I am all for going after Greg Swann.
Mort - California isn't such a bad place. Agree, Casey is a part of the problem but we can all hope he realizes the damage he has done and steps away from being an "entrepreneur." He doesn't have the ability to be an entrepreneur.
I give it a 1-in-3 chance that Casey comes on TalkShoe tomorrow, if only to say briefly that the show is over.
Those people who have subscribed to his mailing list, please post any juicy™ updates...
"Casey is finally starting to undo something he never should have undertaken in the first place. He's placing his family first."
Is that supposed to mean: "Casey is finally starting to do something he should have done in the first place. He's placing his family first."
"There have been no arrests, no broken knees and no jaunts to Tahoe."
Thanks for showing you're a regular reader here, Nigel, ya old queen.
Don't let the door hit your pleather covered ass on the way out.
Considering you enabled casey to come to this, to help put the Serin family through this, I think we're all agreed you deserve a hearty "FUCK YOU".
Fuck you, Nigel. Seriously.
Wonder what all those advertisers that were bragging about how smart they were for placing ads on his site are thinking now? Even until the very end Casey manages to cheat some people out of more money.
Nigel doesn't realize it but the bullseye migrated from Casey's back onto his own. What Nigel, you think we are going to let the public forget what a stupendous unethical asshole you are? so we should believe what you say about Casey's last letter to you? Mr. anonopussy? you are 'done with this blog'? It was done when you started it.
My guess..Casey borrowed more money..it's his nature.
Rob, maybe we should have a talkshoe thingy where all the faithful haters reminisce about old time..I don't know, maybe even call Mocha the idiot to ask her how medical school is going with a 5th grade education.
Oh my goodness.
I can see it already coming:
And then he will go into how to flip more homes and take the banks money.
You are just as much to blame in this mess as the "Haterz." Stop acting like it's all our faults.
You can't take back the harm you and Casey have created. YOU hurt people whose only crimes were to comment on the Casey debacle. Casey bilked the system for 2.2 mil and acted like it's not a big deal when he couldn't pay it back.
You just don't get it, do you? We are not the reason he failed. HE IS.
Get over yourself.
Rob Dawg and Dolph,
I know you are in CA, but IMO, California is one big fraud and they deserve whatever foul comes their way. They borrow way more money than they could ever repay and if they profit they are smug, if they lose it all nothing bad ever happens. Toward the honest people I have no hatred, but for the rest they can go to hell. All the midwest ever gets is your convicts and the majority on the street should be locked up too.
No, it's just Nigel's - that old queen - complete lack of command of the English language. His writing style is heavy handed and ham fisted, I'm sure he had to sweat that one out.
The thing that kills me, is now he's saying "Tsk tsk, Casey never should have done that", when Nigel HELPED HIM FUCKING DO IT - and only stopped when it failed to make Nigel - the bottom feeding old queen he is - any money.
FUCK YOU, Nigel.
The problem with doing business with crooks is that they will turn on each other sooner or later.
When that happens, oh my.
and like Casey EVER honored a contract he signed..he'll be back, as sure as Nigel is an enormous asshole, Casey will be back.
Where is the post of LMP asking for us to stop mentioning him? If he didn't want to be mentioned MAYBE he shouldn't have come here to post in the first place.
For everyone that wants closure...I,myself will attempt to host a Talkcast substituting for casey.
Today at 5pm I will hold it...why today and not tomorrow.
Well because I am going to the beach in the morning and wont be here to host one.
So mark your time for 5pm PST this evening.
Description: Discuss the final demise of IAFF, the deeper meaning of the blue ball, and where the hell is the missing utah payment.moreDescription: Discuss the final demise of IAFF, the deeper meaning of the blue ball, and where the hell is the missing utah payment. lessPhone Number: (724) 444-7444
Talkcast ID: 34478
Uh, thought I was doing a public service and copied and pasted the DHC post. I was in full infection control garb, so don't worry about any potential contamination.
Nigel's DHC post confirms he reads Caseypedia - oh my... not good.
I see where you are coming from but let's be honest here...all states have issues with bad folks and good ones. California does borrow a lot of money but to be honest, our tax dollars subsidize other parts of the country too. Yes, we have tons of problems but I pay very close attention to many states and many issues and the heartland, South and other places have issues with crime and it can't be blamed on California or New York.
In the end, are we not one America?
Just for the record, I am a right leaning fiscal conservative with libertarian social beliefs. I respect your opinion, though.
do we have a capture of the contract casey signed?
id like it...
Casey...guess what? Im still going to keep on doing what Ive been doing.
Some items to add to the talk show:
- How the family enabled Casey's Fraud
- Casey will come back
- Will Steve Serin please kick Caseys' ass 7 days til Sunday
- Casey's comeback - how to take him down quick
- Why banks tolerate Fraud?
- Casey comeback will soon happen
I miss Mocha.
Let me know if I can help with the TalkCast.....I can host the mp3 file for those who miss out.
Sounds like a good idea.....
At 11:44 AM, Mort said...
Rob Dawg and Dolph,
I know you are in CA, but IMO, California is one big fraud and they deserve whatever foul comes their way.
Make no mistake I'm a critic but this is the overly broad brush I think is incorrect. Oh look, we are turning on each other! ;-) Seriously, you are correct with many of your negative observations but it is a two sided coin after all.
They borrow way more money than they could ever repay and if they profit they are smug, if they lose it all nothing bad ever happens.
If you are talking about people and not the State, that's the nature of a worldwide credit bubble not anything California specific. If you are tslking about the State, so very very dangerously right. California is exposed to being the argentia of the new millenia. Except much bigger. Da Governator is actually deeper in debt and less balanced budgetwise than the person he replaced for fiscal incompetence.
Toward the honest people I have no hatred, but for the rest they can go to hell.
Shades of gray. Like everywhere.
All the midwest ever gets is your convicts and the majority on the street should be locked up too.
That's not true. You think all those fancy technologies were going to spontaneously generate in Liberal, Kansas? No, you need the HPs, and Intels, and Apples and Amgens and Kinkos, and Scaled Composites and so on.
R-Boy - Caseypedia captured those I think...
My guess..Casey borrowed more money..it's his nature.
If we're guessing -- and what else do we have now -- my guess is the "manipulate her or pressure her or take advantage of her" clause was violated. (Maybe he made an agreement with LossMitPro without consulting her?)
Dolph, I don't give a rat's ass about politics. Middle America has been in a depression for the last two decades and California goes merrily on with its fraud economy. If you want a good economy I guess people must steal, nobody gives a shit anyway. California exports convicts to midwest prisons, I don't see Texas doing that. CA is a cesspool of oblivious assholes, period.
I have a vision of Casey entering the working world, it's the movie "Career Opportunities"
"Are you a slacker, boy?!?!?!"
Instead of getting the girl with the big bewbs and 50K in cash, he gets a runaway from Utah with an Olympic Pin collection, and the hijinks ensue as they both try Axe sprays in toiletries and fend off CashCall reps with toy guns and sparklers.
The line 'Are'nt you the town liar?" will stay.
Can we please send Casey to Texas?
Whoever asked about Caseypedia and the 'Fraudcast' - I've got a copy and I'm sure many others do too. So it'll be available.
Imagine Casey getting a W2 Job in a Real State office, putting together some sweet deals.
Oh my, horrifying image! I just puked a bit in my mouth.
Aww. My very own Caseypedia page.
*sniff* Thanks, guys.
Dawg said: "I live on a golf course surrounded by farmland..."
Yeah, but you don't have a pond with koi, that's a type of fish, and stuff.
"Koi" is a state of mind.
...let's be honest here...all states have issues with bad folks and good ones. California does borrow a lot of money but to be honest, our tax dollars subsidize other parts of the country too. Yes, we have tons of problems but I pay very close attention to many states and many issues and the heartland, South and other places have issues with crime and it can't be blamed on California or New York.
In the end, are we not one America?
Just for the record, I am a right leaning fiscal conservative with libertarian social beliefs. I respect your opinion, though.
Wow, we could get together and form our own party based on ficsal competence, rule of law, social minimalism, conservation of natural resources and personal responsibility. I wanted to call it the Republican party but somebody is squatting on that name.
As far as CA and subsidies 18 of the last 19 years the balance of payments has been solidly CA-> US, sometimes as low as 76 cents on the dolllar returned.
Take the money and run!
Another win for Team Casey!
Nigel is a lying POS troll scumbag who needs to meet Bubba along with Casey.
Migel, you have now redacted all the SMEARING he had previously done to out innocent people via your own blog, but left the "Ratlab" stuff up, hmmm?
And claim ratlab was being an evil univited stalker?
Ratlab was responding to a overt and specific invitation from murse-boi, and you know it, Nigel.
Just like Haterz™ only have responded to open public invitation to comment and satirize. Whereas YOU purposely appeared to smear innocents who did not wish to inject themselves into the fray.
Shame on you. Shame.
Google and Caseypedia both rock, and [dating myself here] 'Dejanews never forgets'!
Apr 19, 2007 post#128. [author = Casey Serin]
"Who will help me clean the pool this Saturday, if I decide to do it? (or at least come watch and take a picture for the blog)"
It's pretty pissy for you to beat up someone for simply following up an open and public invitation, eh?
You two members of the Casey "team" are ripping up receipts, and tearing up blogs, but the record of TRUTH is out there in many redundant places.
The Dude said...
Dawg said: "I live on a golf course surrounded by farmland..."
Yeah, but you don't have a pond with koi, that's a type of fish, and stuff.
Tis' true. I am working on it. The "water feature" is 10+ years in the planning stages. It might happen this summer. No koi because we gots us critters like you won't believe. Cats == snacks. If we put in koi we might as well leave out a tray of crackers and napkins the first night. Coyotes, foxes, 'possum, 'coons, red tailed hawks, feral cats, everything. Purely decorative and only a few hundred gallons so no awards for me.
Hey Guys,
Rob BBB here
Maybe my last post.
Galina is going to leave Casey. There is no way that relationship is going to make it.
And Casey will never change. He's been doing this his whole life. He never had a consistent real job and never will. He will just float from one thing to the next, jumping onto any scheme that comes his way.
I agree that he probably borrowed money this time and that broke the contract.
Galinia and his family knew he would break the contract.
Rob BBB (the real one you f'ing copycats and I will sue you for that) over and out.
::sniff sniff::
Guys, I'm getting all weepy here!
I agree with all of you that loosing this community would be a shame. Granted I've been lurking more lately but that does nothing to lessen my enjoyment of all you VERY snarky & talented Haterz™!
By the way Steph, Ron Paul is as republican as Hillary.
Ron Paul is Repubican & he's got my vote.
I'll wish Casey well too, but only after he hits every branch on the Karma Retribuition Tree. I hope it's a long painful journey down from the canopy to the jungle floor.
It's going to be even harder (especially for someone with his personality and character flaws) to pull himself up and become a productive member of society. Personally, I just don't see it happening. Call me cynical, call me a hater...he isn't even going to think about changing his ways until he hits rock bottom. He may say he is changing, but I wouldn't believe until I saw it, and even then I'd question it. This is just the opening kickoff of a brand new ball game. The rough stuff starts now. And the little uzbeki fliptard thought he had it so tough whining and complaining about how it wouldn't be worth it if he couldn't eat out and suck down his jamba juice. The real education everyone warned him about starts now.
He has been a slime and a con man throughout his adult life. He is hard wired to behave in that fashion. I'd say it's next to impossible to just throw a switch and believe that's all turned off inside of him.
If I could get odds in Vegas I'd put some $$ down on the probability he'll be back somewhere with some shady scam on the Net.
Ewww, Nigel reads CaseyPedia? I thought there was a strange smell coming from the log files. I shall go and wash them down with algae-repelling server bleach.
The True Story:
Mocha got in touch with Casey and flew to Sac to meet him. They started an affair and Galina found out.
Casey's run off with Mocha (she has a clean credit record), the Vdub, and the remaining cash that he hid in the mattress.
Galina and the family took the blog down and wrote the notice we know see.
Casey will be back. The new blog name? ilovemochaandamlivingthehightlife.com
Galina's filed for divorce. Running off with Mocha qualifies.
Most Americans feel about California the same way the world feels about America. It's a sinful place full of unworthy well-off people.
Hey I moved here for work. If I had played my cards right I could still be in my home state cooking fast food or working in a tire shop instead of working in heavy industry.
Anyway, did a CA dude steal your high school sweetheart? LOL
How many Casey Haterz in the Portland area?
Would love to meet for a final drink, coffee, or something this Saturday night (sorry, I'm hanging with John Mayer on Friday) to bid a final toast and share our fondest memories. Think of it as an old Irish wake.
Anyone in?
I'm still around and very lonely if anyone is interested.
I'm Ron Paul and I'm a Haterz™ too!
May this day live in infamy 4eva!
''R-Boy - Caseypedia captured those I think...''
The Agreements? Afraid not.
Here's the $1000/week Agreement from the Google cache; Google don't have a cached version of the No More Debt Agreement.
Did anyone save a copy?
I believe we are missing an important question. We're all caught up with FIRST, MURST, and MOIST, but who posted LAST on IAFF?
So I guess Casey will turn into a mysterious Brian Wilson figure, sitting in his house (well, someone else's house) turning out sweet deals (well, defrauding people) and dazzling us with achievements that we haterz couldn't imagine.
Really, he's an attention whore and I'm sure he'll switch IAFF back on as soon as he has anything remotely promising to announce. I picture him hiding in the locked bathroom with his laptop updating the site while Galina is knocking on the door asking him if he's masturbating.
I saved copies of both.
I can put them up; give me a sec.
Click on my name then the blog and they are posted there
Greeting and salutations. I have not commented in a while but our boy seems to have run out of (borrowed) rope.
Who is in charge of that Caseypedia thingy? I received no credit for coining the term Murst™. The insanity of it all!
Totally OT, but:
Wachovia buying A.G. Edwards for $6.8 billion
Deal would create No. 2 retail brokerage in the U.S.
By Greg Morcroft & Mike Maynard, MarketWatch
Last Update: 2:49 PM ET May 31, 2007
NEW YORK (MarketWatch) -- Wachovia Corp. said Thursday it would acquire brokerage firm A.G. Edwards Inc. for $6.8 billion, expanding its national reach and creating the nation's second largest retail brokerage.
The cash and stock deal values A.G. Edwards at a 16% premium and extends a buying spree that has seen Wachovia snap up First Union, Prudential Securities and, most recently, Golden West Financial.
Wachovia's paying the equivalent of $89.50 for each share of A.G. Edwards (AGE : A.G. Edwards, Inc
News , chart , profile , more
Last: 88.13+10.98+14.23%
3:25pm 05/31/2007
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AGE88.13, +10.98, +14.2%) . Specific terms call for stockholders of St. Louis-based A.G. Edwards to get 0.9844 of a share of Wachovia common stock and $35.80 in cash for each of their common shares.
A.G. Edwards shares rose 14% to $88.35 in recent trade while Wachovia shares (WB : Wachovia Corp
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Last: 54.23-0.32-0.59%
3:25pm 05/31/2007
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WB54.23, -0.32, -0.6%) fell 0.5% to $54.28.
The deal moves Wachovia up from the No. 3 spot, behind only Wall Street powerhouse Merrill Lynch & Co.
Pending completion of the deal late this year, the combination will give rise to the No. 2 retail brokerage in the U.S., with $1.1 trillion in client assets and a network of nearly 15,000 financial advisors serving clients nationwide.
The deal moves Wachovia up from the No. 3 spot and behind only Wall Street powerhouse Merrill Lynch & Co. (MER : Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc
News , chart , profile , more
Last: 92.92-0.04-0.04%
3:25pm 05/31/2007
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MER92.92, -0.04, 0.0%) . Prior to Thursday's deal, Citigroup's (C : Citigroup, Inc
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Last: 54.50-0.70-1.27%
3:25pm 05/31/2007
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C54.50, -0.70, -1.3%) Smith Barney had been the second largest retail brokerage.
The merger would also boost Wachovia's presence in three of the nation's largest states, according to analysts at Lehman Bros., with 25% of A.G. Edwards' assets located in California, Florida and Texas. It will almost double the number of retail offices Wachovia operates and give the bank the opportunity to sell its various banking products directly to A.G. Edwards' customers.
In a conference call Thursday, executives from both companies expressed optimism that the aging baby boomer generation and the movement of their accumulated wealth throughout the financial system present a great opportunity to profit.
"The long-term growth opportunities of the brokerage industry are extremely compelling to Wachovia, and we have long expressed our interest in growing this business both organically and through acquisition," said Ken Thompson, Wachovia's chairman and chief executive, in a statement.
The new, combined retail broker will be based in St. Louis.
The merger is expected to close in the fourth quarter, and integration of A.G. Edwards with Wachovia Securities is expected to be completed by the end of the first quarter of 2009.
The transaction is anticipated to begin contributing to Wachovia's per-share earnings in the first full year following the closing, not including the effect of one-time charges and excluding merger-related and restructuring expenses and intangibles amortization.
"Wachovia expects $2 billion in excess capital to be freed up at [A. G. Edwards] at close, which looks to more than fund the (16%) premium," analysts at Lehman Bros. wrote in a research report Thursday.
The companies also said they expect to realize "significant" expense efficiencies, estimated at $395 million a year after tax by 2009.
Wachovia projected merger-related and restructuring charges and exit-cost purchase accounting adjustments at about $860 million, also after taxes, over the planned 18-month period for integrating A.G. Edwards with Wachovia Securities.
Brokerage industry veteran Daniel Ludeman, president and CEO of Wachovia Securities, will hold these same posts in the combined firm, with Robert Bagby, chairman and CEO of A.G. Edwards since 2001, serving as chairman.
Credit Suisse Securities, Wachovia Securities and Simpson Thacher & Bartlett represented Wachovia in negotiating the transaction, while Goldman Sachs & Co. and Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz represented A.G. Edwards.
Greg Morcroft is MarketWatch's financial editor in New York.
Mike Maynard is a news editor for MarketWatch in Washington.
Does anyone think that LossMitPro will still be doing pro bono work for Casey now that the publicity vehicle is gone?
I dont believe nigel for an f---ing minute. Casey is running scared and so is he.
No way G would demand the blog be taken down with Casey bringing in the dough from it. She is a greedy b--ch, that is why she married casey.
One more thing casey teaches us:
Men are only walking paychecks to women.
When casey couldnt bring in the green he had to 'change'.
You married guys try demanding your wife make 52k a year 'or else'. men are slaves! free the men!!!
I agree Will. G is a greedy and no way would she want the site shut down when he was finally making nice cash. He can't get a decent cubicle job because he doesn't know how to do anything/has no education. I think the feds are on to him.
Men are only walking paychecks to women.
Oh, what crapola.
What Casey teaches us is that even women from _very_ traditional backgrounds get fed up with their men losing all their money, mooching off their relatives, dreaming the days away, and telling the world that they wish they were single.
Who is in charge of that Caseypedia thingy? I received no credit for coining the term Murst™. The insanity of it all!
Your plausible-sounding-but-not-yet-backed-by-hard-facts claim has been added to the entry Murst at CaseyPedia, currently ranking worldwide no. 1 in Google for that term among English-language websites.
The 1k a week agreement was symbolic (sort of), a wake up call for KC to go out and get a W2 or contract job instead of BS'ing about "sweet deals" and blogging, not an incentive to monetize his blog just to bring in quick cash.
It's not like Galina was going to get any of that sweet cash Casey may have been getting from his blog. Why should she care? I think she'd rather have him get a real job so her family will stop thinking she married a deadbeat or a criminal.
How much could he make at a real job? $10 hour?? I think you guys are reading too much into this. Remember that Casey said that G thought he had money and thats why they got married. She's slimey too.
Fliptard's new blogging technique: Add a new line to the closure page every few hours. Craptastic!
Thank you kind editor. I will search for supporting facts - specifically the first use of Murst™.
Hopefully there has been no Nigelly™. editing done.
If she did force him to take down the blog, their "marriage" won't last much longer. He's lost his ability to blame the haterz for his failure. That blame will now shift to her. She took away his biggest comeback opportunity. He'll be in the vdubs by Monday.
So what do you guys think the turning point was? Maybe Rob can make a new thread on this. Personally, I think the Cnet article killed him. The author really managed to do a thorough investigation and actually trick Casey unlike the national media who Casey tricked.
Nigel's DHC post confirms he reads Caseypedia - oh my... not good.
What do you mean "Not Good"?
I think it's GREAT!!! LOL!
Nigel's DHC post confirms he reads Caseypedia - oh my... not good.
What do you mean "Not Good"?
I think it's GREAT!!! LOL!
I am trying to get ahold of casey to get him to call into the talkcast at 5 today so we can hear his final words.
That way he can say goodbye to all of us.
@chjts: IF the contract consequences have been brought down upon Casey's fragile and malnourished head, his cell phone and laptop are locked away in Galina's chastity belt where Casey is not allowed...
Turning point? The Tahoe trip. That was obviously the moment that Galina's forbearance snapped.
I've said "The Moment" was when he put his own brother on infinite hold in hour two of last Friday's forecast. It's been all repurcussions on every front ever since.
FWIW, here's the page for CHJTS's talkcast -- I assume it's the same listen live / call in / download afterwards deal as Casey's.
@KC: So what do you guys think the turning point was?
I wish it were more dramatic, but I really believe it was his decision to rationalize sitting on his ass this week, on the grounds that he made two grand last week, that killed IAFF. That didn't go over well with Galina at all - it's pretty clear that when she told him "$1000 every Friday", she meant with something more legit than rebranded dancing-monkey stuff. She wants him to get a job.
On Friday, he was relishing in the afterglow of making his week's nut. Then you've got the holiday weekend, making Tuesday the first business weekday (which is slow for lots of us independent-businesspeople folks). So he could justify sitting on his ass on Tuesday. But when Wednesday rolled around and he was *still* doing playing video games, all hell broke loose.
Wednesday night - blog down.
(If you mean the turning point of IAFF in general, though, that's easy. He jumped the shark with the first beg-a-thon. It was all downhill from there.)
Dolph, I don't give a rat's ass about politics.
Didn't think you did. But I always make that known just in case the person I am discussing stuff with wants to use the liberal angle.
Middle America has been in a depression for the last two decades and California goes merrily on with its fraud economy.
There is no fraud economy here. Sorry that Middle America is in dire straits but California DOES contribute tax dollars better spent here to the midwest and deep south. If you want to blame somebody for the problems I recommend you look at Congress and your state leaders. We do not make your jobs pack up and move to foreign countries.
If you want a good economy I guess people must steal, nobody gives a shit anyway.
There is theft in every state in this nation. Enron committed the biggest fraud in the history of corporate America and not ONE of the executives was a Californian. Worldcom = Mississippi, Healthsouth = Georgia, Adelphia = Pennsylvania. I see small towns in states like Pennsylvania with bad school shootings. How is that California's fault?
California exports convicts to midwest prisons, I don't see Texas doing that. Are you sure of that? The only way a CA convict is sent to a Kansas prison is if they commit a FEDERAL crime. Even then convicts are moved at the whim of FEDERAL courts and prosecutors. California has no more control over this than Kansas does. If you have a problem with convicts in your prison system, I suggest you talk to the Federal Government. Again, how is this the average Californian's fault? If you mean Californian's are moving to Kansas and committing crimes, that is still not fair to paint the whole state with a broad brush.
CA is a cesspool of oblivious assholes, period.
Yes, in the big cities, sure. I agree. Problem with that statement is it would apply to Dallas, Seattle, San Francisco, Denver, Las Vegas, Phoenix, Houston, New York, et al. I will say this, I donated money when the tornadoes hit your towns. I don't see myself as an asshole. I do care because in the end, you are my fellow countryman. Even if my neighbor is a dick, I still see him as my countryman. We are supposed to be in this together, but I guess that is where I must be an idealist :(
Rob, I'd love to join your vision of what the Republican party used to stand for. I am a big Goldwater fan, so if there is a place for me, please let me know :)
I'd like to post a kind word for California, although I fled screaming from it in 1990 to Texas, and now live in No. Nevada (NOT Las Vegas). What CA contributes to the US cannot be underestimated, from Silicon Valley to Hollywood, (even though yes, I agree they may be mostly scum). CA is as important to this country as NY, from crops to the military bases. I won't go there, EVER AGAIN, but it's value is immense.
Check out this "old" post:
I have only posted once before here (as an "anon") and only posted once or twice at IAFF, but I have been reading this guy since October.
Right about when we were treated to the "What should I do about the green pool?" I submitted a comment bemoaning the fact that I was a "looser" with an MSEE, a six figure W2 income, my brother as a business partner in our property investment company and that I had a spa I maintained every weekend with a few pennies of chlorine and a few minutes of time. I lamented that I had to go over to one of my rentals the other day and ready it for my next tenant and that I managed to pay my own mortgage every month. I told him I should take a page from his success manual and leech off friends and family, ignore financial and legal situations and generally assume that I'll be bailed out.
He didn't post it because it was in the same series of posts about Galina on the trampoline, Galina should pose naked for $10, etc.
What always struck me (like most everyone else) about Casey Serin was his utter inability to actually DO SOMETHING, ANYTHING to help himself. Passive income, sure, but in his case it was passive pretty much everything. Passive car, passive roof over his head, passive marriage, passive business relationships, passive vactions, passive napping. Now, wait, scratch the passive vacation; he had to actively avoid Galina with that one.
I stopped reading IAFF 2 weeks ago right after the "Contract With Galina" was posted (in violation of the contract).It was a fun ride an entertaining few months and a hilarious blog. Casey Serin, Passivity Poster Boy.
Sounds like me exactly. I believe in limited safety nets (displaced by a job cut? No problem, get training). I believe Government should NOT care if any of us believe in God or not. I believe Government should be small but have effective departments to allow for TRUE free markets with oversight to keep things fair. I believe government should not care if I watch an R rated movie or want to listen to Howard Stern.
Government should be in place to defend the nation, negotiate with other nations on trade and diplomacy, advocate for the PEOPLE (all of us) and pass/enforce reasonable laws. States should have the right to pass laws that aren't a violation of anybody's right to life, love and the pursuit of happiness.
If California wants to pass cleaner air statutes, the US Gov't shouldn't say no. If Mississippi doesn't like Abortion, they can vote to make it illegal. I know thoughts like this aren't always popular, but I believe that the Feds are there to guide us and make sure everything is fair among the states.
Don't forget the last reason they hate you.... They hate you because of your love of freedom...LOL
OMG, the Casey-stalgia is already bringing tears to my eyes!
Just picture these dialog snippets below as spoken-word-poetry interspersed with Green Day's "Time of our lives", as pictures from his Flicker account form a slideshow background:
"Turning point? The Tahoe trip. That was obviously the moment that Galina's forbearance snapped."
"I've said "The Moment" was when he put his own brother on infinite hold "
"...his decision to rationalize sitting on his ass this week, on the grounds that he made two grand last week"
"...that's easy. He jumped the shark with the first beg-a-thon. It was all downhill from there.)..."
Casey, casey, casey... we hardly knew ye...
@ Honestly Wondering
I miss Mocha.
Oh she is probably here reading.
Well, there you have it, Mocha! The end of your Hero. Isn't he sweet and special?
Ah yes, the green pool. What a classic IAFF moment. Dumb dumb dumb Casey smiling for the camera while poking at the pool with a stick to see if it was really dead. It was.
Then in a classic Casey move, he walked away from it with vague mumbling about leaving the mess for someone else to clean up like everything else he's messed up in his life. The pool is probably killing animals by now.
That was what Casey would call "Passive Pool Maintenance".
Description: n/a
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Phone Number: (724) 444-7444
Talkcast ID: 34562
Discuss IAFF
I just got off the phone with yulia. She said that the reason that the site is down forever is because casey violated the agreement. He borrowed money from his corporate credit account and bought a property with some juicy cash back. He was confronted by galina and all 6 witnesses to the contract. At this point yulia is kicking casey out of the house and galina is staying. In a last ditch effort to save his mariage he made the post today and cancelled his phone. then he went back to yulia's house and ran over the laptop. I guess it's over
Friday 5PST / 8 EST
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EPISODE1 - IAFF - fridat fraudcast
Time: 06/01/07 08:00 PM EDT
Talkcast ID: 34638
The haters hate baby kittens! Now I understand. Nigel Swaby 03/30/07
No you don't understand Nigel. I like kittens. With sweet & sour sauce on a bed of white rice.
Cat: The other white meat
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