Housing Bubble, credit bubble, public planning, land use, zoning and transportation in the exurban environment. Specific criticism of smart growth, neotradtional, forms based, new urbanism and other top down planner schemes to increase urban extent and density. Ventura County, California specific examples.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Place Your Bets
Three bets actually or make up your own. I'll take all the suggestions and put up some click polls.
Visits per day one month from now?
Odds of a PayPal raid by creditors?
Uptime for IAFF this week?
The hosting bill this month?
P.S. Would someone please photoshop that second monkey below?
Alright, What is going on? I am usually last and haven't got a first yet. Is Casey making money a sign of the Apocalypse, so everyone is hiding in bomb shelters? Has Nigel shown signs of intelligence and everone is sitting there shocked?
As has been widely pointed out, nobody is surprised Casey was able to shake off a little low-hanging fruit, the question is, where does he go from here with it?
Knowing Casey, he'll find a way to screw this up too.
I don't think it is timeline guy. It isn't very funny and it doesn't have that kernel of truthiness that the real timeline guy uses to great effectiveness. Notice how anyone who has a positive if inane comment is "Idiot #n" but the post that merely says "boring" is labeled Anonymous #1. Timeline Guy wouldn't have mispelt frottage either. Or perhaps confused it with frommage?
If snowflake owed me money through a legit loan, I would be using whatever means available to recover. If he owed me money through an "under the radar" loan, he would have a long recovery.
There is an element of truth to timeline guys post. 2 years from now this community will still be active and people will still be saying First. Anonymous Trolls will still be stopping by to complain.
Long-time lurker, first time poster. I've been watching IAFF for a few months, and this site for about a month. We all love to hate our little snowflake. BUT... you have to admit he's found something that he's actually good ad: web marketing and blogging. He's actually *made* money. Maybe he's not really contributing much to the US GDP. And sonner or later the gummint is going to come after him. Despite the fact that he's over 600 grand in the whole, his net revenue has been positive for the first time in probably a year and a half!
Not trying to be a nag, but are the Duane e-mails, etc. ever going to be posted? I understand you've got important stuff going on Dawg, but so do I...so could you post a realistic timeframe so I don't have to keep checking back all the time?
you have to admit he's found something that he's actually good ad: web marketing and blogging. He's actually *made* money.
I wonder what the costs to his blogging are, you know, besides the obvious servers, etc. Think of the lifelong implications of having his name so connected with the word FAILURE. His marriage is a wreck and his living arrangements are up in the air (until July 1 he is safe, after that...who knows).
Casey is not that 'great' at blogging. In fact, it is his complete lack of honesty and openness that cause people to be so damn irritated with him. I will admit though, he is great at stirring up the crowd (hater baiting).
You have got to read his mock-translation of the German Magazine in Snowflakes' blog:
Ok I'll post it here since we seem to be going through the original content famine from Dawgland lately.
*************** Timeline Guy - the real one ***************
Sorry I have been a way awhile™. I was engaged in strategic planning with some of my highly qualified members of my network™.
Since getting the copy of my interview in “Bierglas”, I made the aquantence of Hans, a native born German. Hans was kind enough to transpate the article for me.
Rather than post the enitre article here (which would actually require me to type the whole thing), I’ll put the parts that are most interesting and easy to type. Here are the highlights form the “Bierglas” article:
Attention! Attention! Attention! Streect attention must be paid by all readers of thees articles! Failure to comply weeth thees directive weel reult in strict discipline! Yoo haf to comply at once!
Thees story ees about ein amerikaner™ neme off Cayzee Serin. Not the gaz, but the persone. Cayzee is lazy amerikaner who wants to do others to half heez worken done for heem. Hee ees not to be made model of. This is ein order!
Her Serin ees what “strenght throu Joy” wass created for. Hee needs to understand the structure of discipline und feel rewards from the virtue of hard worken. Instead Mr. Serin has made mess of his life through hees inadequate educazion tha hee has paid many months of honest wager for. Hee is to be regarded as simpleton who wants to be rewarded without the joys that kome from hard efforts and labor. Attentions! Hee ees not to be regarded in high esteem.
Cayze has been held accountable and without report for veareeeouz theengz of scheeemes that hee thot would werk out to hees advantages. He has been proven beyond doubts and with much evidence to be layze and inattentive to even the largest of details that ordinary German superior citizen would have seen quite cleverly and clear. As Cayze grew more impatient with becomming the fast rich, hee fell to even lower levels of the lazeeynes.
Turnong hees back to the fruits and labors of his coutrymens and even forsaking the foundations of der Fatherland, he took thee naps in the days when others of strong minds, dispositions and strong backs were plyine their labors in Strength through Joy. Cayze appers to beee in membersheepwith Dopolavoro! He eees not to be honored! Attention!
While gleefully taking money from peoples laboring in KdF, hee vas found to be in liar with personal financial documents in his dossier! Hees amerikaner bankers clearly deed not adequately and accurately check hees papers! Hee would not even bee able to cross into or out of Bavaria in our maintenance of Government and public order!
Caysee clearly shows his disdain for our glorious Fatherland and our suporior peeoples by inadequately maintaining hees KubelWagen. Hees lack of labor directed at proper maintenance scheduling should be an embarrasment to all descendandts of the glorious Fatherland! Attention!
Eeeen the end, Cayzee weel face the appropriate puneeshments from the Authorities and be held to strickt discipline! He weeel bee made to perform the hard labors and weeel learn that pure joy comes from strength, hard worken and purity of mind. Attention! Hee weeel be made to face the repercussions of his slovenly ways.
Perhaps thee amerikaner authorities weeel confiscate heees eeel gooten gains and send hees lovely wife to perform the hard labors too!
Attention! Attention! Attention!
Wow. I feel blessed™ that Hans was kind enough to translate that article from “Bierglas” for me. That was very strnuous, so I will lay down to meditate. It is friday, so we are going to have semi-vegan™ tri-tip for dinner. Yum!
"I don't think it is timeline guy. It isn't very funny and it doesn't have that kernel of truthiness that the real timeline guy uses to great effectiveness. Notice how anyone who has a positive if inane comment is "Idiot #n" but the post that merely says "boring" is labeled Anonymous #1. Timeline Guy wouldn't have mispelt frottage either. Or perhaps confused it with frommage?"
Hmm, it does seem to have an element of "truthiness" to it--especially the First/Murst/crying-about-missing-first game. And I found it to be amusing, though not perhaps up to the usual Timeline Guy standard. The fact that he knew the term frottage indicates a certain level of education, but the misspelling is suspicious.
In short, we cannot be certain that this is the real Timeline Guy, so I shall dub him, Deutero-Timeline Guy.
I'm feeling that someone will be attaching his paypal account soon. One of his lenders will finally say 'enough is enough'.
As far as him raising over $2,000, it doesn't surprise me. The kid has been able to quite a bit, but only for short periods of time. He has not shown any ability to continue any action, other than napping or lying, for any length of time.
So now he's got a little over 3 weeks to raise another $2,000. Per his advertising program, he shouldn't be able to bring on anymore advertisers (unless I'm reading it wrong) as he's filled this month's quota.
But even with his 131 IQ, Casey still doesn't see that he's fu*&ed up his life financially and emotionally for quite a while, irregardless of his little one week accomplishment. Cause for Casey, it's far more important to show us Haterz that he's a success!
Quick note. Emails today I promise. Sick Sun nite-all Mon and caught up in realworld Tuesday.
Anyway. Casey is not good at ANYTHING he does. When are people going to get this part? I've been loathe to criticize the sales of sponsor spots because as far as I care it is a consenting adult thing. Unfortunately in the adult world there are rules and Casey is breaking them. He is mixing ad revenue streams in violation of some of those streams' terms. Just more dirty pennies. Besides, for all the success he's still jumping only half way across the chasm. He owes Cashcall $13,000 and to pay that off in 2 years would require about $1500/month. Too little, too late.
Let's see Casey screwed Wells Fargo and Cashcall by closing an account. What kind of karmic justice would there be to them returning the favor? Hello, Chexsystems?
when i was 24 i was studying for the CPA exam and working 80-90 hours a week during tax season for four months of the year all for about 24 grand a year.
$2,500? He hasn't done the math right. Take that monthly ad income of ~$2,000, run it through a discounted cashflow analysis by considering it a perpetuity (discount rate 5%, of course, because he's so good at finding inexpensive sources of capital), and he's just earned himself a solid $240,000! Good news, everyone--Casey's in the black!
I find myself agreeing with Rob Dawg. To suggest that Casey has got something right is like saying you were a successful stockmarket investor because you bought in 1999 and sold a few months later for a profit. Casey must need close to $6000 a month just to live on and pay creditors. So success is being $2000 a month short? Only in Caseyworld.
Uh, so I am pretty sure that Casey has violated Yahoo Publisher Network's TOS.
Exclusivity. For any webpage or RSS feed that includes the Ad Code, you agree not to display or link to any other advertising (including but not limited to any listing) that is mapped to or responds to the content of the Ad Page.
Well, don't forget that required a lot of prior investment, such as the creation of six figure unsecured fradulent debts and complete ruination of his credit combined with utter public humiliation of self and family. And on the off chance that that $2,000 can be extrapolated into an annual income, interested parties will be wanting to get a share of the action.
Rob, you've even been collecting money from people to speed them along (see "Fishy Treats Department" link).
I have as much contempt for Snowflake as the next guy, but c'mon Rob. Either put up the forums, explain why you decided _not_ to put them up, or stop bagging on Snowflake for lack of tech skills and failing to follow through...
r-boy, I think that applies to other contextual advertising programs, e.g. you can't display AdSense and Yahoo ads on the same page. Other kinds of ad are OK, I believe.
Mind you I'm seeing the Yahoo ads and I'm definitely outside the US.
I'm curious what happened to the Utah property. Casey kept saying the current holder stood to make a "pretty penny".....of course you can list a house for as much as you want, it's that whole "finding a buyer" thing that could get in the way
I wonder what the costs to his blogging are, you know, besides the obvious servers, etc. Think of the lifelong implications of having his name so connected with the word FAILURE. His marriage is a wreck and his living arrangements are up in the air (until July 1 he is safe, after that...who knows).
I'm not denying the fact that he's a failure :) It's just that if there's one thing he might be good at is exploiting his infamy to make money. Losing your wife and trying to escape is simply the price of doing business to him: to an ordinary human being with morals and ethics it would probably push somebody towards having a heart attack, as in Duane's case. It's almost miraculous that he's able to mine his bad karma and notoriety for cash!
Casey is not that 'great' at blogging. In fact, it is his complete lack of honesty and openness that cause people to be so damn irritated with him. I will admit though, he is great at stirring up the crowd (hater baiting).
Are you kidding me? He's great at blogging! He knows exactly how to whip people up into a frenzy. He gives out *just* enough information to keep people coming, and *just* little enough information to infuriate. Have you ever been to housingpanic? The guy who writes that uses the same strategies. He's inflammatory and prone to exaggeration, yet thoroughly entertaining.
Caveat: I don't think that Casey Serin's entertainment value to society outweighs the massive economic damage and anguish he's caused to others. If he can provide schadenfruede and minimize collateral damage that would be a "win-win", but that doesn't appear possible.
"What we need to make clear," said Comptroller of the Currency John Dugan, "is the principle that a lender, in underwriting a mortgage loan, must assess not just a borrower's will to make timely payments on the loan, but also his or her capacity to do so."
But isn't intending to pay everything back good enough?
Stephanie, I thought the noked mankey was supposed to be getting its face transplant from our pleathered friend. Which is just as bad, if not worse. For both the monkey and the pleather.
Timeline Guy's post saying he wouldn't eat a bug for $30 but would eat a gummy worm for $5 was hilarious. That dude is one gifted writer. Any guesses on who he is?
I sent this to one of Casey's "sweet link" partners today, after reading Duane's post yesterday:
I noticed you bought a "sweet" link from IAFF, for the explicit purpose of boosting your site's Google rankings. From your "testimonial" on his site:
"But what I do think I will get is far more valuable: search engine optimization. Moving up even a couple spots in Google rankings is potentially worth far more to me then what I am paying for the link. So, seen strictly through the prism of a business decision, the “sweet link” strikes me as a no brainer, as I cannot think of another blog with wider exposure, where I can purchase such a prominent link for so little money....But to answer your basic premise: do I care if you boycott my services? Well ideally you wouldn’t, but earning your business wasn’t the point of advertising here anyways. What I’m really interested in is SEO..."
I thought the following might be interesting to you:
Google does not look kindly on paid links, and I (and many of Casey's "haterz") have reported both yours and Casey's sites to Google, as per their instructions in the above link. While I do not believe Google will punish your site (they state as much on that page), the link on Casey's site will be worthless, so I hope you enjoy wasting $100/month on this trash.
Murst off...How is he booking this "revenue?" Through Hammar or personally? He does understand that if this is personal earnings, he has to file a quarterly tax payment with the IRS and state, right? He also has to pay Social Security.
If this is for Hammar, he does realize he has to make quarterly estimated tax payments right? Does he realize that Hammar has to pay an $800/yr minimum yearly to the FTB even if his company is NOT registered in Cali, right?
As he raises his ad fees, he will find more unwilling customers. For $100/month one may endure the taunts of the haterz. For $200 or more, maybe it's not worth it.
Monetizing his blog? Not really, he is trading of his current notoriety. That is one thing that cannot be kept up in the long term. If the conclusion to this story is that he can make a living based on his blogging and that is it, then who is going to care. Slowly (or quickly) his readers will slip away, as will his advertisers. He cannot keep up the tension required of this drama; he is a show ripe for cancellation. He either has to come up with something to keep people coming back over years not months or has to cash in on his MSM attention in a huge way. If he could come up with some shtick like the million dollar web page then he would be made. Selling add links at $100, $200 per link, per month, isn't going to do it though. As an aside I thought the million dollar web page was a lucky scam too, he would have got nowhere without the free advertising of MSM. Other than that it was basically another begging site, give me something small for something worth practically nothing. I feel this is proved by the fact that he would not have found a buyer for the whole page at say $750K if he pitched the idea before gaining the media attention.
By HOLLY M. SANDERS Google is sending cease and desist orders to companies that buy ads tied to Web searches - but then yank users to sites with no relevant content.May 23, 2007 -- Google is trying to clean up its search results by cracking down on dubious Web sites that contain little content but lots of ads.
The search giant has notified a number of Web publishers in the last few days that they will be dropped from its popular "AdSense" program starting June 1.
The cut-off notices jolted the online ad world, where hundreds of thousands of people make money in exchange for allowing Google to place ads on their Web sites.
Google's AdSense software has made it easy for advertisers to piggyback on any Web site - no matter how obscure - that attracts an audience.
For example, on a travel Web site, Google's AdSense will automatically serve up relevant travel-related ads on that site. Web site publishers then get paid each time a visitor clicks on one of the ads supplied by Google.
The easy money has led to a rise in "made-for-AdSense" Web pages that critics say clutter up the Internet and divert online searches. These content-free sites, which often are nothing more than links to other sites and a bunch of Google ads, exist solely to exploit AdSense.
"The economy has built up to game the Google system," said Darren Chervitz, the director of research for Jacob Asset Management.
Web site publishers do it by pocketing the difference between what they pay Google to drive traffic to their site and the amount they get for running Google ads.
For instance, a publisher can bid on a cheap search term, say, "purple raincoat" so that its site purporting to be about raingear is displayed each time someone searches for the term on Google.
The publisher may pay a nickel to Google each time someone clicks on the link to their Web site, which may be nothing more than a picture of a purple raincoat.
The publisher makes money if, on average, they collect a dime each time a user then clicks on one of the Google-supplied AdSense ads.
Although Google still makes money off of these sites, they don't like them because they hurt the quality of search results and reduce the "click through" rate for advertisers.
"If advertisers get a bad return on their investment, they will stop spending money," said Jeremy Schoemaker, an AdSense expert who runs the popular ShoeMoney.com blog.
Search experts said Google routinely cuts off publishers who run afoul of AdSense rules, but they believe this latest round of notices was a more widespread effort to clean up its ad network.
"I don't really remember where this many people reported it at one time," said Chris Winfield, president of Internet search marketing firm 10e20.
Google confirmed that it had sent out notices, but characterized it as part of an ongoing review.
"In some cases, violations of our program policies will result in termination from AdSense," Google said in a statement.
That's targetted at people who attempt arbitrage with Google's AdSense program. They buy cheap traffic and redirect that traffic to a page so cluttered and confusing that users will click any link just to get away. Google's ads are all over the page so people often end up clicking those ads and racking up cash for the person who runs the site. This has nothing to do with what Serin is doing right now, though I wouldn't put a scheme like this past him.
As is so often the case with Snowflake, he's 'a day late and a dollar short'.
He could have started adding paid links and advertising months ago when there was still a story to tell and made some real money. Now, when the story is almost entirely told, he's putting on the hard sell and whoring his site out every way he can think of to juice out some income.
As many have noted, that will work for a little while but eventually, without an onging flow of interesting content, the whole thing will collapse in on itself.
I am sitting here at my W-2 job™ in West Sacramento. Moments ago, as I am reading Exurban Nation, my co-worker comes up and bubbles, "my husband just e-mailed me an article about the World's Most Hated Blogger, and he lives here! Nowe we have this and the whales.
Well, here's the thing: As long as Casey can find idiots like Sharky Laguana, et al, that believe there is actually value to advertising on his site, he'll be able to monetize it. Those people will never see any real benefit from the links to his site.
Eventually, the drama will die out, the entertainment will be over with and Casey will be just another useless blog on the 'net. We'll all move on and he'll have to either crank up the drama machine or get a real life.
Sharky Laguna is another Nigel wannabe, check out his picture in the Caseypedia, he's a freakin' dweeb and wannabe. I wouldn't be surprised if the caption under that picture of him at the slopes is entitled "Sharky doing Xtreme sports!". What a moron. He advertises but doesn't expect to get one customer from his advertising "I don’t intend on picking up a single customer from this site. Yes, you read that right: I don’t think my advertising dollars will lead to one single customer from IAFF.com. Let’s face it, precious few IAFF readers are in the market to rent a van for an extended tour. But what I do think I will get is far more valuable: search engine optimization. Moving up even a couple spots in Google rankings is potentially worth far more to me then what I am paying for the link.[2]" ...gee, what a lamebrained business move..par for Caseyworld though. Don't worry sharky, you won't get any customers from here, so I guess it's back to renting women to satisfy yourself..loser.
I wish I could reach through my computer and bitchslap him right in the face.
And all of these ass kissing sponsors need a boot in the ass too.
One thing my grandfather told me is "water seeks it's same level"...and that sums up exactly what I think about his sponsors.
Fuck them and FUCK CASEY.
A bunch of circle jerkers patting each other on the back duping people by association into their shit that noone wants.
Seriously..a van rental...who rents a fucking van...and what is the godamn use of advertising nationwide to rent vans.
Oh yah jerkoff, I want to fly to some other state and city thousands of miles away to rent one of your vans because there are none available where I am at.
And why would I rent a van anyway...I have a truck to haul shit...If I want to go camping and for some reason a tent wouldnt work..i would rent a fucking RV..noone wants your shitty vans anyway.
SO take Your A-Team, spray painted camo van with the duct tape racing stripes and the leisure suit seat covers and go choke on Nigel's man juice.
Julie Rodriquez of home flip, another moron that used to work at burger king and then decided that she was BORN to flip houses. Umm 'scuse me sweetie, but the ship has left the port. Her comment over at IAFF "I have come to the conclusion that the haterz are jealous!! Why do you insist on putting Casey down?" Sigh, you got us Julie, something we haven't heard a million times before. So though you are in the business of selling houses, you advertise on a site where people allegedly go to for foreclosure help. Another braniac business move from one of Casey's brilliant advertisers. Here's an idea sweet ums, send cAsey a pic of you in your best low cut blouse, then allow him to call you 'cute'. It worked wonders for his last realtor AMy. Sure she had to go thru tons of pornographic email..but hey..it's just mining for gold after all right? By the way, if you look like PRLINKBIZ, a paper bag might help.
By the way, when a moron like Casey starts getting into flipping houses, it's time to get out of the business.
LOL. Aol for crying out loud, are they still around? A real ISP too challenging for you to handle babeeeeee? More than likely it's 56k too. How's a potential client about to flip their house supposed to feel typing in 'babeejulss'? Sheesh, what a maroon.
That Julie Rodriguez is cut from the same cloth as casey.
She said she couldnt pay her taxes and property insurance on one of her houses last month and that another one went to foreclosure.
But she can afford to spend 10k on a contractor for a kitchen remodel for her personal residence (that she got ripped off on..Good..another thief got ripped off...she is an equity skimmer)
and she can also afford to pay snowflake for advertising.
how about using your fucking money to pay your creditors and pay your property taxes and insurance.
Looks like Casey's advertisers are getting their money's worth...NOT. Like 3500 hits today so far and sinking fast. That's less than a week after his big splash on MSN. Serves you losers right. How do you go from 70K hits to 3K in 3 days? Simple, you have Casey running the show, then you put up a bunch of ads from a bunch of loser businesses with no ethics, then you have them write in about how great it's working out for them, as well as high fiving each other for their great business sense. Then you watch the shit go round and round the toilet with the knowledge that you and your businesses are going to soon follow . Then you expect the feds and IRS to really keep an eye on you and your businesses to see if you are money laundering for the world's most hated blogger who has admitted to crimes online and in videos, and owes a lot of people money. By the way Bruce D. Collins? You might want to get those pictures off your hard drive before the feds show up;-)
I was reading Monica Goodling's testimony before Congress today (the woman who resigned as Alberto Gonzales' chief of staff) and I love this exchange:
Scott: You may have taken inappropriate political considerations in account. Were they illegal?
MG: Not for me to decide
Scott: Do you belive?
MG: I did not intend to break the law?
SCott: Was it against the law?
MG: I know I took them into account. I am not going to answer. I know I crossed the line
SCott: Of law?
MG: Of rules.
Seems Caseyitis is a prevalent disease in our society nowadays.
Oh and I am a moderate Republican and I do believe that hearings are an important part of a democracy and executive oversight (in case somebody gets mad and says I am liberal or something).
Not only is Sharky a looser, his band's major label release tanked bigtime. A victim of being too arty for their own good. They would have been so much better off staying on an indie label but greed always seems to trump common sense in society nowadays.
My reasoning, Casey is making his money via contract work 1099 stuff that he needs to save and pay Uncle Sam with later. I bet though in true Casey fashion he will put off today what he can do tomorrow, spending all his money as he gets it today expecting things to pick up more down the road when he needs to pay taxes next year. I have already stopped visiting IMFF; it is no fun if he is falling on his face, kind of like the last season on Rosanne when they won the Lottery. If his site is about his book deal and signing up new people as advertisers, that stuff is boring, if was interesting I would work for Yahoo or Google.
Re: >>the last season on Rosanne when they won the Lottery.<<
I have never seen Roe-Zan, but I am told by a Roe-Zan fannnnn that there was a season beyond the one you mention. The lottery storyline was so poorly accepted, the next season's premiere featured Roe-Zan waking up. It had all been a dream! Show tanked anyway. It's Hall Good.
The Roseann "lottery winning" was the last season of the show. The very last program (series finale) had shown that the entire series had been a product of Roseann's imagination.... a story she'd written to feel better about how horrible her life had turned out....
To anonymous @10.42am Hi Nathan, Thank you for your email. I’m sure you get a lot of satisfaction out of thinking of ways to keep a 24 year old kid from digging a way out of his hole. It has not escaped my attention that even when Casey does something legitimate, such as AdSense, you and your ilk are ready and waiting to engage in wholesale click fraud to make sure that Casey does not get ahead even one little step. Clearly you won’t be satisfied until you have made sure he is as miserable as you apparently are. I’m not sure why casey’s gain is your loss, and I really don’t see why Casey’s loss is your gain, but that is the position you are staking out as some sort of self appointed judge, so here we are.
I can’t imagine what it would be like to self identify as a “hater”. You sound like somebody who was a bully in elementary school, or maybe you were bullied and this is your way of exerting some power. All I can say is that you strike me as a very sad and small little man. I feel sorry for you.
Rather then trying to bring the young man down, I think you could learn some things from Casey, as I think, despite all his faults, naivete, mistakes, and outright deceptions, he exhibits considerably more character then what I am seeing from you right now.
I don’t mind helping Casey do something constructive that brings value into the world. I guess you do. What a pity.
BTW I am aware of Google’s policy, as well as Matt’s blog. Eventually Casey’s paid links will be devalued as an SEO tool, but the traffic remains: 6k+ clicks a month is a pretty amazing return for $3. And as more mainstream press comes his way (because unlike you, Casey is actually interesting) there will be surges where traffic is even higher. It might not always make sense for us, but there’s no doubt in my mind it will make a lot of sense for many other people. So, despite your best efforts, I think Casey is going to finally enjoy some success. It’s too bad you can’t be happy for him.
Sharky Laguana Bandago Van Rentals http://www.bandago.com
On 5/23/07, Nathan Nxxxxxx wrote: Hi,
I noticed you bought a “sweet” link from IAFF, for the explicit purpose of boosting your site’s Google rankings. From your “testimonial” on his site:
“But what I do think I will get is far more valuable: search engine optimization. Moving up even a couple spots in Google rankings is potentially worth far more to me then what I am paying for the link. So, seen strictly through the prism of a business decision, the “sweet link” strikes me as a no brainer, as I cannot think of another blog with wider exposure, where I can purchase such a prominent link for so little money….But to answer your basic premise: do I care if you boycott my services? Well ideally you wouldn’t, but earning your business wasn’t the point of advertising here anyways. What I’m really interested in is SEO…”
I thought the following might be interesting to you:
Google does not look kindly on paid links, and I (and many of Casey’s “haterz”) have reported both yours and Casey’s sites to Google, as per their instructions in the above link. While I do not believe Google will punish your site (they state as much on that page), the link on Casey’s site will be worthless, so I hope you enjoy wasting $100/month on this trash.
Regards, -Nathan
i've noticed a lot of EN and haterz in general seem to adopt a tough guy and/or snarky attitude. What's intersting is that in Talkcast their voice and mannerism (such as BEnOIT) (and prob the above mentioned Nathan i will bet)come across as meek, almost scared to the point of subservience.
Little man/woman syndrome with repressed bullying rage...sharky hit it on the head in his riposte to Nathan. I remember Rob posting once that he would be happy if Casey achieved some success. It would be nice to see some gesture of magnanimity,however small from him and the haterz cast instead of their high handed posturing for once.
ExuberNation in six months =
POST TITLE - "Todays New Post"
CONTENT - "Dawg Frotage"
Idiot#1 "First"
Idiot#2 "Murst"
Idiot#3 "Atta-Boy Dawg!"
ExuberNation in twelve months =
POST TITLE - "Todays New Post"
CONTENT - "More Dawg Frotage"
Idiot#1 "First"
Idiot#2 "Murst"
Idiot#3 "Atta-Boy Dawg!"
ExuberNation in TWO YEARS =
POST TITLE - "Todays New Post"
CONTENT - "Continuing Dawg Frotage"
Idiot#1 "First"
ANONYMOUS#1 "This Blog Is Boring"
DAWG "You just don't get it do you?
Only intelligent people
understand the depth of my
Idiot#3 "Atta-Boy Dawg!"
Idiot#4 "Murst"
Mon Dieu! Ess not zee "Dude?"
Not me....still trying to figure out what the turd's trying to say.
Alright, What is going on? I am usually last and haven't got a first yet. Is Casey making money a sign of the Apocalypse, so everyone is hiding in bomb shelters? Has Nigel shown signs of intelligence and everone is sitting there shocked?
How did this happen?
Welcome timeline guy, I enjoy your posts are IAFF and am glad to see you come over to join the haterz
A PayPal raid by creditors would be SWEET!
Odds: 3:2
As has been widely pointed out, nobody is surprised Casey was able to shake off a little low-hanging fruit, the question is, where does he go from here with it?
Knowing Casey, he'll find a way to screw this up too.
I don't think it is timeline guy. It isn't very funny and it doesn't have that kernel of truthiness that the real timeline guy uses to great effectiveness. Notice how anyone who has a positive if inane comment is "Idiot #n" but the post that merely says "boring" is labeled Anonymous #1. Timeline Guy wouldn't have mispelt frottage either. Or perhaps confused it with frommage?
If snowflake owed me money through a legit loan, I would be using whatever means available to recover.
If he owed me money through an "under the radar" loan, he would have a long recovery.
There is an element of truth to timeline guys post. 2 years from now this community will still be active and people will still be saying First. Anonymous Trolls will still be stopping by to complain.
Long-time lurker, first time poster. I've been watching IAFF for a few months, and this site for about a month. We all love to hate our little snowflake. BUT... you have to admit he's found something that he's actually good ad: web marketing and blogging. He's actually *made* money. Maybe he's not really contributing much to the US GDP. And sonner or later the gummint is going to come after him. Despite the fact that he's over 600 grand in the whole, his net revenue has been positive for the first time in probably a year and a half!
Not trying to be a nag, but are the Duane e-mails, etc. ever going to be posted? I understand you've got important stuff going on Dawg, but so do I...so could you post a realistic timeframe so I don't have to keep checking back all the time?
Thanks. ;)
Not trying to be a nag...
And yet somehow you are managing to do it quite nicely. Sweet success!
you have to admit he's found something that he's actually good ad: web marketing and blogging. He's actually *made* money.
I wonder what the costs to his blogging are, you know, besides the obvious servers, etc. Think of the lifelong implications of having his name so connected with the word FAILURE. His marriage is a wreck and his living arrangements are up in the air (until July 1 he is safe, after that...who knows).
Casey is not that 'great' at blogging. In fact, it is his complete lack of honesty and openness that cause people to be so damn irritated with him. I will admit though, he is great at stirring up the crowd (hater baiting).
Speaking of Timeline Guy...
You have got to read his mock-translation of the German Magazine in Snowflakes' blog:
Ok I'll post it here since we seem to be going through the original content famine from Dawgland lately.
Timeline Guy - the real one
Sorry I have been a way awhile™. I was engaged in strategic planning with some of my highly qualified members of my network™.
Since getting the copy of my interview in “Bierglas”, I made the aquantence of Hans, a native born German. Hans was kind enough to transpate the article for me.
Rather than post the enitre article here (which would actually require me to type the whole thing), I’ll put the parts that are most interesting and easy to type. Here are the highlights form the “Bierglas” article:
Attention! Attention! Attention! Streect attention must be paid by all readers of thees articles! Failure to comply weeth thees directive weel reult in strict discipline! Yoo haf to comply at once!
Thees story ees about ein amerikaner™ neme off Cayzee Serin. Not the gaz, but the persone. Cayzee is lazy amerikaner who wants to do others to half heez worken done for heem. Hee ees not to be made model of. This is ein order!
Her Serin ees what “strenght throu Joy” wass created for. Hee needs to understand the structure of discipline und feel rewards from the virtue of hard worken. Instead Mr. Serin has made mess of his life through hees inadequate educazion tha hee has paid many months of honest wager for. Hee is to be regarded as simpleton who wants to be rewarded without the joys that kome from hard efforts and labor. Attentions! Hee ees not to be regarded in high esteem.
Cayze has been held accountable and without report for veareeeouz theengz of scheeemes that hee thot would werk out to hees advantages. He has been proven beyond doubts and with much evidence to be layze and inattentive to even the largest of details that ordinary German superior citizen would have seen quite cleverly and clear. As Cayze grew more impatient with becomming the fast rich, hee fell to even lower levels of the lazeeynes.
Turnong hees back to the fruits and labors of his coutrymens and even forsaking the foundations of der Fatherland, he took thee naps in the days when others of strong minds, dispositions and strong backs were plyine their labors in Strength through Joy. Cayze appers to beee in membersheepwith Dopolavoro! He eees not to be honored! Attention!
While gleefully taking money from peoples laboring in KdF, hee vas found to be in liar with personal financial documents in his dossier! Hees amerikaner bankers clearly deed not adequately and accurately check hees papers! Hee would not even bee able to cross into or out of Bavaria in our maintenance of Government and public order!
Caysee clearly shows his disdain for our glorious Fatherland and our suporior peeoples by inadequately maintaining hees KubelWagen. Hees lack of labor directed at proper maintenance scheduling should be an embarrasment to all descendandts of the glorious Fatherland! Attention!
Eeeen the end, Cayzee weel face the appropriate puneeshments from the Authorities and be held to strickt discipline! He weeel bee made to perform the hard labors and weeel learn that pure joy comes from strength, hard worken and purity of mind. Attention! Hee weeel be made to face the repercussions of his slovenly ways.
Perhaps thee amerikaner authorities weeel confiscate heees eeel gooten gains and send hees lovely wife to perform the hard labors too!
Attention! Attention! Attention!
Wow. I feel blessed™ that Hans was kind enough to translate that article from “Bierglas” for me. That was very strnuous, so I will lay down to meditate. It is friday, so we are going to have semi-vegan™ tri-tip for dinner. Yum!
"I don't think it is timeline guy. It isn't very funny and it doesn't have that kernel of truthiness that the real timeline guy uses to great effectiveness. Notice how anyone who has a positive if inane comment is "Idiot #n" but the post that merely says "boring" is labeled Anonymous #1. Timeline Guy wouldn't have mispelt frottage either. Or perhaps confused it with frommage?"
Hmm, it does seem to have an element of "truthiness" to it--especially the First/Murst/crying-about-missing-first game. And I found it to be amusing, though not perhaps up to the usual Timeline Guy standard. The fact that he knew the term frottage indicates a certain level of education, but the misspelling is suspicious.
In short, we cannot be certain that this is the real Timeline Guy, so I shall dub him, Deutero-Timeline Guy.
I'm feeling that someone will be attaching his paypal account soon. One of his lenders will finally say 'enough is enough'.
As far as him raising over $2,000, it doesn't surprise me. The kid has been able to quite a bit, but only for short periods of time. He has not shown any ability to continue any action, other than napping or lying, for any length of time.
So now he's got a little over 3 weeks to raise another $2,000. Per his advertising program, he shouldn't be able to bring on anymore advertisers (unless I'm reading it wrong) as he's filled this month's quota.
But even with his 131 IQ, Casey still doesn't see that he's fu*&ed up his life financially and emotionally for quite a while, irregardless of his little one week accomplishment. Cause for Casey, it's far more important to show us Haterz that he's a success!
Quick note. Emails today I promise. Sick Sun nite-all Mon and caught up in realworld Tuesday.
Anyway. Casey is not good at ANYTHING he does. When are people going to get this part? I've been loathe to criticize the sales of sponsor spots because as far as I care it is a consenting adult thing. Unfortunately in the adult world there are rules and Casey is breaking them. He is mixing ad revenue streams in violation of some of those streams' terms. Just more dirty pennies. Besides, for all the success he's still jumping only half way across the chasm. He owes Cashcall $13,000 and to pay that off in 2 years would require about $1500/month. Too little, too late.
Let's see Casey screwed Wells Fargo and Cashcall by closing an account. What kind of karmic justice would there be to them returning the favor? Hello, Chexsystems?
7:56 Anonymous
The word is 'regardless. Irregardless is a double negative.
Sorry. Pet peeve of mine.
Casey is not good at ANYTHING he does. When are people going to get this part?
He is too good at stuff! Like napping! And murse wearing! Do you know what makes a good murse? I'll bet KC does!
He is so good at stuff. Like overdrawing his account at Jamba for some sweet, nutritious wheatgrass.
when i was 24 i was studying for the CPA exam and working 80-90 hours a week during tax season for four months of the year all for about 24 grand a year.
casey is making that for doing jack shit.
have any of our interpid haterz forwarded info on casey's advertisers to cashcall?
$2,500? He hasn't done the math right. Take that monthly ad income of ~$2,000, run it through a discounted cashflow analysis by considering it a perpetuity (discount rate 5%, of course, because he's so good at finding inexpensive sources of capital), and he's just earned himself a solid $240,000! Good news, everyone--Casey's in the black!
I find myself agreeing with Rob Dawg. To suggest that Casey has got something right is like saying you were a successful stockmarket investor because you bought in 1999 and sold a few months later for a profit.
Casey must need close to $6000 a month just to live on and pay creditors. So success is being $2000 a month short? Only in Caseyworld.
Uh, so I am pretty sure that Casey has violated Yahoo Publisher Network's TOS.
Exclusivity. For any webpage or RSS feed that includes the Ad Code, you agree not to display or link to any other advertising (including but not limited to any listing) that is mapped to or responds to the content of the Ad Page.
Am I right, reading that?
casey is making that for doing jack shit.
Well, don't forget that required a lot of prior investment, such as the creation of six figure unsecured fradulent debts and complete ruination of his credit combined with utter public humiliation of self and family. And on the off chance that that $2,000 can be extrapolated into an annual income, interested parties will be wanting to get a share of the action.
"Not trying to be a nag, but are the Duane e-mails, etc. ever going to be posted?"
Probably about the same time the "EN threaded forums" go up.
Remember those?
Rob, you've even been collecting money from people to speed them along (see "Fishy Treats Department" link).
I have as much contempt for Snowflake as the next guy, but c'mon Rob. Either put up the forums, explain why you decided _not_ to put them up, or stop bagging on Snowflake for lack of tech skills and failing to follow through...
r-boy, I think that applies to other contextual advertising programs, e.g. you can't display AdSense and Yahoo ads on the same page. Other kinds of ad are OK, I believe.
Mind you I'm seeing the Yahoo ads and I'm definitely outside the US.
Check yer e-mail Rob, I photoshopped the monkey for you.
It might be more disturbing than the original, I have to warn you...
In answer to the original questions:
Visits per day one month from now?
Revert to norm, so about 6k visits
Odds of a PayPal raid by creditors?
30% but not including Nacho reversing her $250
Uptime for IAFF this week?
The hosting bill this month?
Given the spike in traffic, I'm going for $120.
I'm curious what happened to the Utah property. Casey kept saying the current holder stood to make a "pretty penny".....of course you can list a house for as much as you want, it's that whole "finding a buyer" thing that could get in the way
I wonder what the costs to his blogging are, you know, besides the obvious servers, etc. Think of the lifelong implications of having his name so connected with the word FAILURE. His marriage is a wreck and his living arrangements are up in the air (until July 1 he is safe, after that...who knows).
I'm not denying the fact that he's a failure :) It's just that if there's one thing he might be good at is exploiting his infamy to make money. Losing your wife and trying to escape is simply the price of doing business to him: to an ordinary human being with morals and ethics it would probably push somebody towards having a heart attack, as in Duane's case. It's almost miraculous that he's able to mine his bad karma and notoriety for cash!
Casey is not that 'great' at blogging. In fact, it is his complete lack of honesty and openness that cause people to be so damn irritated with him. I will admit though, he is great at stirring up the crowd (hater baiting).
Are you kidding me? He's great at blogging! He knows exactly how to whip people up into a frenzy. He gives out *just* enough information to keep people coming, and *just* little enough information to infuriate. Have you ever been to housingpanic? The guy who writes that uses the same strategies. He's inflammatory and prone to exaggeration, yet thoroughly entertaining.
Caveat: I don't think that Casey Serin's entertainment value to society outweighs the massive economic damage and anguish he's caused to others. If he can provide schadenfruede and minimize collateral damage that would be a "win-win", but that doesn't appear possible.
Visits per day one month from now?
Depends on how well Casey can troll.
Odds of a PayPal raid by creditors?
Depends on if they can raid PayPal (Snowflake may create whole new case law here), and if enough Haterz™ tell on him.
Uptime for IAFF this week?
The hosting bill this month?
Who cares, it's not like he'll pay it with his own money, the free corporate money will. (or his Mom will).
What we need is a website called..
where people can donate money to pay for a lawyer to prosecute his lying swindling azz before he rips off all of America.
There was a website called SaveToby.com that was pretty cool and the guy raised over $25k off that. I'm sure we can do the same with Snowflake!
"What we need to make clear," said Comptroller of the Currency John Dugan, "is the principle that a lender, in underwriting a mortgage loan, must assess not just a borrower's will to make timely payments on the loan, but also his or her capacity to do so."
But isn't intending to pay everything back good enough?
I for one refuse to insult the naked minkey by pshopping Casey's sallow little mug onto him.
Stephanie, I thought the noked mankey was supposed to be getting its face transplant from our pleathered friend. Which is just as bad, if not worse. For both the monkey and the pleather.
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Timeline Guy's post saying he wouldn't eat a bug for $30 but would eat a gummy worm for $5 was hilarious. That dude is one gifted writer. Any guesses on who he is?
::whispers melodramatically::
Who *is* that mystery man?
Casey is "succesfully" monetizing his blog, huh?
Well, yes...he IS seeing some honest lucre from it, but consider this:
His advertiserz found some schmuck to be an outlet to flack their goods through for chump-change compared to what other blogs would have charged them.
Is it any wonder that they're all rushing to support Casey and slap him "high-fives" and crongatulate him on what a GREAT thing he's got goin' on?
He priced his service far too low... otherwise he wouldn't need to be ratcheting his prices up only 3 days after he kicked off, would he?
Hey...if you'll carry my jockstrap for hundreds and thousands less than the other guy would charge, you'd be my "A #1 Gold Star Flunkie" too!
This is the Word of The Serin
I sent this to one of Casey's "sweet link" partners today, after reading Duane's post yesterday:
I noticed you bought a "sweet" link from IAFF, for the explicit purpose of boosting your site's Google rankings. From your "testimonial" on his site:
"But what I do think I will get is far more valuable: search engine optimization. Moving up even a couple spots in Google rankings is potentially worth far more to me then what I am paying for the link. So, seen strictly through the prism of a business decision, the “sweet link” strikes me as a no brainer, as I cannot think of another blog with wider exposure, where I can purchase such a prominent link for so little money....But to answer your basic premise: do I care if you boycott my services? Well ideally you wouldn’t, but earning your business wasn’t the point of advertising here anyways. What I’m really interested in is SEO..."
I thought the following might be interesting to you:
Google does not look kindly on paid links, and I (and many of Casey's "haterz") have reported both yours and Casey's sites to Google, as per their instructions in the above link. While I do not believe Google will punish your site (they state as much on that page), the link on Casey's site will be worthless, so I hope you enjoy wasting $100/month on this trash.
Murst off...How is he booking this "revenue?" Through Hammar or personally? He does understand that if this is personal earnings, he has to file a quarterly tax payment with the IRS and state, right? He also has to pay Social Security.
If this is for Hammar, he does realize he has to make quarterly estimated tax payments right? Does he realize that Hammar has to pay an $800/yr minimum yearly to the FTB even if his company is NOT registered in Cali, right?
As he raises his ad fees, he will find more unwilling customers. For $100/month one may endure the taunts of the haterz. For $200 or more, maybe it's not worth it.
Monetizing his blog? Not really, he is trading of his current notoriety. That is one thing that cannot be kept up in the long term. If the conclusion to this story is that he can make a living based on his blogging and that is it, then who is going to care. Slowly (or quickly) his readers will slip away, as will his advertisers. He cannot keep up the tension required of this drama; he is a show ripe for cancellation. He either has to come up with something to keep people coming back over years not months or has to cash in on his MSM attention in a huge way. If he could come up with some shtick like the million dollar web page then he would be made. Selling add links at $100, $200 per link, per month, isn't going to do it though. As an aside I thought the million dollar web page was a lucky scam too, he would have got nowhere without the free advertising of MSM. Other than that it was basically another begging site, give me something small for something worth practically nothing. I feel this is proved by the fact that he would not have found a buyer for the whole page at say $750K if he pitched the idea before gaining the media attention.
Google is sending cease and desist orders to companies that buy ads tied to Web searches - but then yank users to sites with no relevant content.May 23, 2007 -- Google is trying to clean up its search results by cracking down on dubious Web sites that contain little content but lots of ads.
The search giant has notified a number of Web publishers in the last few days that they will be dropped from its popular "AdSense" program starting June 1.
The cut-off notices jolted the online ad world, where hundreds of thousands of people make money in exchange for allowing Google to place ads on their Web sites.
Google's AdSense software has made it easy for advertisers to piggyback on any Web site - no matter how obscure - that attracts an audience.
For example, on a travel Web site, Google's AdSense will automatically serve up relevant travel-related ads on that site. Web site publishers then get paid each time a visitor clicks on one of the ads supplied by Google.
The easy money has led to a rise in "made-for-AdSense" Web pages that critics say clutter up the Internet and divert online searches. These content-free sites, which often are nothing more than links to other sites and a bunch of Google ads, exist solely to exploit AdSense.
"The economy has built up to game the Google system," said Darren Chervitz, the director of research for Jacob Asset Management.
Web site publishers do it by pocketing the difference between what they pay Google to drive traffic to their site and the amount they get for running Google ads.
For instance, a publisher can bid on a cheap search term, say, "purple raincoat" so that its site purporting to be about raingear is displayed each time someone searches for the term on Google.
The publisher may pay a nickel to Google each time someone clicks on the link to their Web site, which may be nothing more than a picture of a purple raincoat.
The publisher makes money if, on average, they collect a dime each time a user then clicks on one of the Google-supplied AdSense ads.
Although Google still makes money off of these sites, they don't like them because they hurt the quality of search results and reduce the "click through" rate for advertisers.
"If advertisers get a bad return on their investment, they will stop spending money," said Jeremy Schoemaker, an AdSense expert who runs the popular ShoeMoney.com blog.
Search experts said Google routinely cuts off publishers who run afoul of AdSense rules, but they believe this latest round of notices was a more widespread effort to clean up its ad network.
"I don't really remember where this many people reported it at one time," said Chris Winfield, president of Internet search marketing firm 10e20.
Google confirmed that it had sent out notices, but characterized it as part of an ongoing review.
"In some cases, violations of our program policies will result in termination from AdSense," Google said in a statement.
@Anon 10:58
That's targetted at people who attempt arbitrage with Google's AdSense program. They buy cheap traffic and redirect that traffic to a page so cluttered and confusing that users will click any link just to get away. Google's ads are all over the page so people often end up clicking those ads and racking up cash for the person who runs the site. This has nothing to do with what Serin is doing right now, though I wouldn't put a scheme like this past him.
Timing is everything.
As is so often the case with Snowflake, he's 'a day late and a dollar short'.
He could have started adding paid links and advertising months ago when there was still a story to tell and made some real money. Now, when the story is almost entirely told, he's putting on the hard sell and whoring his site out every way he can think of to juice out some income.
As many have noted, that will work for a little while but eventually, without an onging flow of interesting content, the whole thing will collapse in on itself.
I am sitting here at my W-2 job™ in West Sacramento. Moments ago, as I am reading Exurban Nation, my co-worker comes up and bubbles, "my husband just e-mailed me an article about the World's Most Hated Blogger, and he lives here! Nowe we have this and the whales.
Well, here's the thing: As long as Casey can find idiots like Sharky Laguana, et al, that believe there is actually value to advertising on his site, he'll be able to monetize it. Those people will never see any real benefit from the links to his site.
Eventually, the drama will die out, the entertainment will be over with and Casey will be just another useless blog on the 'net. We'll all move on and he'll have to either crank up the drama machine or get a real life.
All you folks felling sorry for Galina Serin, I hope you know they are both in this FRAUD together.
Public records show that.
Sharky Laguna is another Nigel wannabe, check out his picture in the Caseypedia, he's a freakin' dweeb and wannabe. I wouldn't be surprised if the caption under that picture of him at the slopes is entitled "Sharky doing Xtreme sports!". What a moron. He advertises but doesn't expect to get one customer from his advertising "I don’t intend on picking up a single customer from this site. Yes, you read that right: I don’t think my advertising dollars will lead to one single customer from IAFF.com. Let’s face it, precious few IAFF readers are in the market to rent a van for an extended tour. But what I do think I will get is far more valuable: search engine optimization. Moving up even a couple spots in Google rankings is potentially worth far more to me then what I am paying for the link.[2]"
...gee, what a lamebrained business move..par for Caseyworld though.
Don't worry sharky, you won't get any customers from here, so I guess it's back to renting women to satisfy yourself..loser.
I wish I could reach through my computer and bitchslap him right in the face.
And all of these ass kissing sponsors need a boot in the ass too.
One thing my grandfather told me is "water seeks it's same level"...and that sums up exactly what I think about his sponsors.
Fuck them and FUCK CASEY.
A bunch of circle jerkers patting each other on the back duping people by association into their shit that noone wants.
Seriously..a van rental...who rents a fucking van...and what is the godamn use of advertising nationwide to rent vans.
Oh yah jerkoff, I want to fly to some other state and city thousands of miles away to rent one of your vans because there are none available where I am at.
And why would I rent a van anyway...I have a truck to haul shit...If I want to go camping and for some reason a tent wouldnt work..i would rent a fucking RV..noone wants your shitty vans anyway.
SO take Your A-Team, spray painted camo van with the duct tape racing stripes and the leisure suit seat covers and go choke on Nigel's man juice.
Fucking dipshits.
Did Duane's final part of the story get posted? How did I miss it?
Where is it?
Julie Rodriquez of home flip, another moron that used to work at burger king and then decided that she was BORN to flip houses. Umm 'scuse me sweetie, but the ship has left the port.
Her comment over at IAFF
"I have come to the conclusion that the haterz are jealous!! Why do you insist on putting Casey down?"
Sigh, you got us Julie, something we haven't heard a million times before. So though you are in the business of selling houses, you advertise on a site where people allegedly go to for foreclosure help. Another braniac business move from one of Casey's brilliant advertisers. Here's an idea sweet ums, send cAsey a pic of you in your best low cut blouse, then allow him to call you 'cute'. It worked wonders for his last realtor AMy. Sure she had to go thru tons of pornographic email..but hey..it's just mining for gold after all right? By the way, if you look like PRLINKBIZ, a paper bag might help.
By the way, when a moron like Casey starts getting into flipping houses, it's time to get out of the business.
Never mind, I'm wetawded.
Julie rodriguez email
LOL. Aol for crying out loud, are they still around? A real ISP too challenging for you to handle babeeeeee? More than likely it's 56k too. How's a potential client about to flip their house supposed to feel typing in 'babeejulss'? Sheesh, what a maroon.
That Julie Rodriguez is cut from the same cloth as casey.
She said she couldnt pay her taxes and property insurance on one of her houses last month and that another one went to foreclosure.
But she can afford to spend 10k on a contractor for a kitchen remodel for her personal residence (that she got ripped off on..Good..another thief got ripped off...she is an equity skimmer)
and she can also afford to pay snowflake for advertising.
how about using your fucking money to pay your creditors and pay your property taxes and insurance.
No wonder you get along with the thief so well.
Your a thief too.
Again, water seeks its same level.
Looks like Casey's advertisers are getting their money's worth...NOT. Like 3500 hits today so far and sinking fast. That's less than a week after his big splash on MSN. Serves you losers right. How do you go from 70K hits to 3K in 3 days? Simple, you have Casey running the show, then you put up a bunch of ads from a bunch of loser businesses with no ethics, then you have them write in about how great it's working out for them, as well as high fiving each other for their great business sense. Then you watch the shit go round and round the toilet with the knowledge that you and your businesses are going to soon follow . Then you expect the feds and IRS to really keep an eye on you and your businesses to see if you are money laundering for the world's most hated blogger who has admitted to crimes online and in videos, and owes a lot of people money.
By the way Bruce D. Collins? You might want to get those pictures off your hard drive before the feds show up;-)
Is that in the Caseypedia? If not it should be, freakin piece of shit. Que bicha.
So it appears IAFF is off (once again!)..... great value for the sponsors eh?
I just read it over at snowflakes site a bit ago.
I will put it up on caseypedia.com if murse ever gives me access to it.
I sent him an email from c_H_j_t_s@yahoo.com and all he did was send me an email back saying who is this?
WTF..I am the asshole over on cote's site that slams on casey all the time.
How can you not know who I am...have you been living under a rock covered with a blue ball for the last 4 months?
how did he manage to get 30k hits on Monday? was there an article about him somewhere?
Is babeejulss hot? Does she dance? Does she bounce on a trampoline?
Wow; apparently I'm in the top 1% -- I've been rated a GENIUS by some random website!! I am now validated as a human being!
Mensa, here I come! Let me print out my special report!
::rolls eyes:::
I was reading Monica Goodling's testimony before Congress today (the woman who resigned as Alberto Gonzales' chief of staff) and I love this exchange:
Scott: You may have taken inappropriate political considerations in account. Were they illegal?
MG: Not for me to decide
Scott: Do you belive?
MG: I did not intend to break the law?
SCott: Was it against the law?
MG: I know I took them into account. I am not going to answer. I know I crossed the line
SCott: Of law?
MG: Of rules.
Seems Caseyitis is a prevalent disease in our society nowadays.
Oh and I am a moderate Republican and I do believe that hearings are an important part of a democracy and executive oversight (in case somebody gets mad and says I am liberal or something).
Hey Legion,
Not only is Sharky a looser, his band's major label release tanked bigtime. A victim of being too arty for their own good. They would have been so much better off staying on an indie label but greed always seems to trump common sense in society nowadays.
Sniff, I only scored IQ 103. D'oh. Oh, did I mention I quit after 28 questions and one of their ANSWERS is wrong?
babeejulss does't have a pic on her web site like that cute realtor Amy? What is the shizzle on that?
I love it!
The higher he climbs the farther he will fall.
My reasoning, Casey is making his money via contract work 1099 stuff that he needs to save and pay Uncle Sam with later. I bet though in true Casey fashion he will put off today what he can do tomorrow, spending all his money as he gets it today expecting things to pick up more down the road when he needs to pay taxes next year. I have already stopped visiting IMFF; it is no fun if he is falling on his face, kind of like the last season on Rosanne when they won the Lottery. If his site is about his book deal and signing up new people as advertisers, that stuff is boring, if was interesting I would work for Yahoo or Google.
@ 11:23 AM, Anonymous
This ground has been covered a few posts down. Thanks for playing!
>>the last season on Rosanne when they won the Lottery.<<
I have never seen Roe-Zan, but I am told by a Roe-Zan fannnnn that there was a season beyond the one you mention. The lottery storyline was so poorly accepted, the next season's premiere featured Roe-Zan waking up. It had all been a dream! Show tanked anyway. It's Hall Good.
Casey paying Uncle Sam for the 1099 job?
You guys make me laugh.
Casey has cheated everyone and he keeps laughing in the face of the FBI for all the fraud he committed.
Galina and Casey are laughing all the way to the bank and they will keep doing it becuase then know that no one will stop them.
I've never heard of you either....
How many of the advertisers paid cash up front, and how many held out for "10 2%, 30 net"?
@ Casey Fannn @ 2:38 p.m.
The Roseann "lottery winning" was the last season of the show. The very last program (series finale) had shown that the entire series had been a product of Roseann's imagination.... a story she'd written to feel better about how horrible her life had turned out....
a 133 on an internet IQ test, huh?
No wonder Snowfake feels that college is a wombat.
But for all the "Gifted" ness that you are supposed to have...
...does it REALLY seem like a GOOD idea to go into business with a guy named "Sharky"?
Well, you know what us sharks say:
"Come on in! The water's fiiiiiine!"
To anonymous @10.42am
Hi Nathan,
Thank you for your email.
I’m sure you get a lot of satisfaction out of thinking of ways to keep a 24 year old kid from digging a way out of his hole. It has not escaped my attention that even when Casey does something legitimate, such as AdSense, you and your ilk are ready and waiting to engage in wholesale click fraud to make sure that Casey does not get ahead even one little step. Clearly you won’t be satisfied until you have made sure he is as miserable as you apparently are. I’m not sure why casey’s gain is your loss, and I really don’t see why Casey’s loss is your gain, but that is the position you are staking out as some sort of self appointed judge, so here we are.
I can’t imagine what it would be like to self identify as a “hater”. You sound like somebody who was a bully in elementary school, or maybe you were bullied and this is your way of exerting some power. All I can say is that you strike me as a very sad and small little man. I feel sorry for you.
Rather then trying to bring the young man down, I think you could learn some things from Casey, as I think, despite all his faults, naivete, mistakes, and outright deceptions, he exhibits considerably more character then what I am seeing from you right now.
I don’t mind helping Casey do something constructive that brings value into the world. I guess you do. What a pity.
BTW I am aware of Google’s policy, as well as Matt’s blog. Eventually Casey’s paid links will be devalued as an SEO tool, but the traffic remains: 6k+ clicks a month is a pretty amazing return for $3. And as more mainstream press comes his way (because unlike you, Casey is actually interesting) there will be surges where traffic is even higher. It might not always make sense for us, but there’s no doubt in my mind it will make a lot of sense for many other people. So, despite your best efforts, I think Casey is going to finally enjoy some success. It’s too bad you can’t be happy for him.
Sharky Laguana
Bandago Van Rentals
On 5/23/07, Nathan Nxxxxxx wrote:
I noticed you bought a “sweet” link from IAFF, for the explicit purpose of boosting your site’s Google rankings. From your “testimonial” on his site:
“But what I do think I will get is far more valuable: search engine optimization. Moving up even a couple spots in Google rankings is potentially worth far more to me then what I am paying for the link. So, seen strictly through the prism of a business decision, the “sweet link” strikes me as a no brainer, as I cannot think of another blog with wider exposure, where I can purchase such a prominent link for so little money….But to answer your basic premise: do I care if you boycott my services? Well ideally you wouldn’t, but earning your business wasn’t the point of advertising here anyways. What I’m really interested in is SEO…”
I thought the following might be interesting to you:
Google does not look kindly on paid links, and I (and many of Casey’s “haterz”) have reported both yours and Casey’s sites to Google, as per their instructions in the above link. While I do not believe Google will punish your site (they state as much on that page), the link on Casey’s site will be worthless, so I hope you enjoy wasting $100/month on this trash.
i've noticed a lot of EN and haterz in general seem to adopt a tough guy and/or snarky attitude. What's intersting is that in Talkcast their voice and mannerism (such as BEnOIT) (and prob the above mentioned Nathan i will bet)come across as meek, almost scared to the point of subservience.
Little man/woman syndrome with repressed bullying rage...sharky hit it on the head in his riposte to Nathan. I remember Rob posting once that he would be happy if Casey achieved some success. It would be nice to see some gesture of magnanimity,however small from him and the haterz cast instead of their high handed posturing for once.
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