Housing Bubble, credit bubble, public planning, land use, zoning and transportation in the exurban environment. Specific criticism of smart growth, neotradtional, forms based, new urbanism and other top down planner schemes to increase urban extent and density. Ventura County, California specific examples.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Casey & Galina shop for a new place
Sorry about that. The link was banwidth limited and I'm not confortable just stealing it outright. Thus something even funnier. Casey's traffic today. Anyone here know anything about response curves like that? Casey sure doesn't.
That pic (Dawg's pic) reminds of that dude in Utah who created vetning in the side of his house - painted it even - and it looked like shutters giving his neighbor the finger.
So . . . is his site up or down? I can see the front page, but none of the individual sections . . . first section has "7" comments. Hmm . . . failing forward again?
Aspeth, Is not anticipation otherwise known as foreplay? Can we distract you with an amusing vintage perhaps? Amuse you with a distracting vintage? Perhaps you'd like too look over our EN stable of fine stallions for your pleasure? Shall I steal more lines from "Don't Start The Revolution Without Me?"
NotAnOptimist's comment was directed at another anon @ 1:41 p.m., I just had bad timing in posting at the same time as the resident sewer rat (and Rob, I have no problem with you removing those posts, it serves no purpose leaving them up.)
The exurbannation.com business is interesting. I made an inquiry, shopped best price and in an amazing coincidence had the name squatted witihn minutes. So much for ICANN ethical guidelines. About as useful as NAR Codes of Ethics.
I got a kick of your comment at CI this afternoon:
He was not happy last night when the box was slow, he submitted a support ticket to the data center explaining that he wants the site to go faster because he is going to be on msn in 10 minutes.
You, sir, are a saint for continuing to work with him and speak at worst neutrally about him!!
I wonder what part of "free" is so confusing to his entitled little mind?
I've been nurturing this child. It didn't burst forth just because open Casey comments needed a home. I've kept a core set of values. Even early on you'll see the fighting back against mean spirited comments.
The dawg pack has been agitating for forums for weeks. They are right. A home has only become an issue in the last two weeks. I must focus on these issues. [ducks]
Rob, I hope you're using iwhois.com when you search for domain names from now on. If you use the search on godaddy or other commercial site, they sell their search entries or just register themselves. Iwhois doesn't share their searches. Never, ever use a registrar's search until you are ready to buy (and then only because they usually make you search before you can buy)!
I looked a couple of weeks ago and "ENforums.com" was still available. It's probably been squatted by now, but some variation is surely still up for grabs.
Oh, and from CI: I think Heekee should pull the plug without warning and demand payment before it goes back online. You know Casey doesn't have a backup because he was too busy planning to make one.
I do now. This was a few years ago. Silly me, thinking searches were not reprocessed. I clearly remember doing a whois on arpanet in the early 80s. I'm not a noob just a little too trusting because in those days trust was assumed unless shown otherwise. Don't laugh all you wippersnappers!
Casey is a lot like many people who suffer from a sense of entitlement. I deal with it all the time in my work and consulting clients. They expect YOU to make something better even if it's free.
In Casey's mind he thinks this way because he's the famous Casey Serin, he should be getting full attention and support because he's got deals happening! Forget that Zewg doesn't see a dime for his efforts, it is inconsequential to Casey. His fame is more important than the limitations of a free hosting account.
Also this from Heekee about Casey: He was not happy last night when the box was slow, he submitted a support ticket to the data center explaining that he wants the site to go faster because he is going to be on msn in 10 minutes.
The boy is a planning genius!
"Um, could you turn the switch on my server to super-duper-fast? It's taking forever for my 700 comment posts to show up."
Strangely, IAFF got 66k visitors today and he has 20 comments.
Rob Dawg, Well, I was referencing the median price of a resale home last month. At this rate, it looks like I should learn to love my little condo and annoying neighbors.
IAFF is forbidden now... Sweet! Only took 90k visits or so, last time I check. I bet he did rack up some ad rev today, though. Wheatgrass shots and crab legs on Snowtard tonight! CashCall, suck his balls (if you can find 'em)!
Regarding the whois lookups, the safest way - and also the geekiest - is to call up the command line (DOS box or whatever they call it in Windows these days) and type in "nslookup domainiwanttobuy.com", thus bypassing the evil domaingrabbing registrars. (Note: of the possible responses, "non-existent domain" or "NXDOMAIN" is the one that means the domain is still free).
@sprezz Mr. Itsallgood has perfectly fine instincts... for a deceitful, snotty, unscrupulous, weaselly little scumbag of a scoundrel.
And since it came up... "As I kept reading his story, I realized he's very intelligent and pretty shrewd about reaching his goal of avoiding foreclosure," Swaby added.
The "new" site has the "screw you haters, I wasn't trolling" whinge and the Begathon Countdown.
Whether you see the old (and now dead) site or the new one depends on whether your local DNS server has updated with IAFF's new address.
Could someone more adept than me suggest why Casey has such trouble getting the DNS propagated?
People won't come back.
In fact it's obvious from the graph that people aren't staying. See how on the spike the visits are 16K, but the page views are only 18K? That means very few visitors looked at more than one page. Maybe they got tired of waiting and/or reloading?
Compare to EN's graph, which although the totals are much lower has visitors that stick around to view more pages.
It's actually quite normal that a one-time link from a high-traffic site will produce a "spike" of traffic, but it does not necessarily translate into a lot of repeat visitors. As with anything else in marketing, repetition and targeting is what counts in building real results.
I'd be willing to bet $$ that getting mentioned several times in Carol Lloyd's SFGate RE column has probably driven more long-term traffic to IAFF than today's MSN mention.
Go to proxy.org and use one of those proxies. You *might* be able to get the front page with the "I'm Not Hater-Baitin'" post. I couldn't get the rest of the post, though, got a 404.
As for his DNS issues, I'm not familiar enough with the guts of DNS to know why he's had so many problems. Quite honestly, I didn't know it was possible to be so incompetent and dislikable that even the DSN system was like, "Screw you, I'm goin' home. Screw you. Home." :)
Every time I've moved a site to a new server, DNS has updated in, at most, 24 hours or so globally. Usually, it starts showing up for me locally within 10 minutes or so. This is with domains registered through GoDaddy and DNS hosted with GoDaddy, other shared hosts or my own dedicated box...
As for the beg-a-thon, please, people, for the love of anything good in this world, don't give the little crap monkey money!!! He throws it around like, well, like he has it to throw around. If he needs money, let him once again milk his corporate account, further committing fraud and giving more evidence for some arm of justice to reach down, snap him up by the murse strap and shove a fat finger of justice way up where the sun don't shine...
The thing about DNS is that although there are some basic standards for the various settings on a DNS server, everbody who runs a DNS server can (and often does) change those default settings to some other set of numbers. So when you make changes to your DNS, there is a time lag before all the various servers across the Internet actually see those changes.
It's not something anybody has control over. That said, there are ways to manage the transition so as to smooth it out and lessen the switchover hassle, but Casey is apparently too clueless to know how to tweak out his DNS appropriately.
IAFF back up and once again haterz are in control of the comments. I've been a reader and supporter of EN since this debacle began and I love that the community here doesn't let snowflake get away with anything. Nice work on the CNET article...for once it's good to see a reporter dig deeper than KC's propaganda. Also a shout out to flailing forward....you've been on fire the past few days and your stuff is hilarious---keep it up.
Could someone more adept than me suggest why Casey has such trouble getting the DNS propagated?
I'm not an expert on DNS (even though I run a nameserver - on a Celeron box; note to self: must get secondary running), but from experience I remember DNS entries used to take a while to propagate (24 - 48 hours); in the last couple of years things have got much smoother, to the point it takes a special kind of "talent" to screw things up this badly.
The dedicated box donated by Zewg.com is not gonna cut it.
It’s a little better than the semi-dedicated since they don’t shut me down for CPU usage. (and much better than GoDaddy’s crappy servers that don’t even work!!)
But being on the front page of MSN brought the server down to a crawl and caused intermittent downtime all night long. I’ve stayed up trying to keep it going but there is nothing I can do.
So, I just opened up an account with mediatemple.net based on a friend’s recommendation.
They have “Grid hosting” for only $20/mo which I’m told is pretty “Digg proof” (MSN proof in my case). It’s actually a cluster of servers that allows any one site to burst without causing the “bad neighbor” effect of traditional shared hosting. It’s also more robust and scalable than a dedicated server (and MUCH cheaper).
I’m closing down the comments (to prevent confusion) and switching DNS for the 3rd time in 48 hours!!
As soon as you see the comments open back up you will know you’re on the new “grid” and things should be very smooth at that point.
Could someone more adept than me suggest why Casey has such trouble getting the DNS propagated?
TTL settings are key. TTL = Time To Live and is directly related to how fast new data refreshes. As I said above, this setting varies from server to server. That, plus he has switched his DNS three times in a very short amount of time. There's a lot of bad data out there for him now. It will probably take a day or two more to clear it all out.
If you know you are going to be making DNS changes, generally you plan ahead and lower your TTL before the actual move so as to help the new data propagate faster. But God forbid that Casey actually plan anything!
Ha, I wouldn't say that. The site was anything but "very smooth" after he moved to Media Temple and apparently the $20 fee is by chunks of server usage. It will be interesting to see just how much his $20 server ends up costing him. (Not that he'll ever pay anyway.)
Pardon me for stating the obvious, but if Snowflake signed up with both GoDaddy and Media Temple in the last couple of days ... what (or whose) valid credit card did he use?
Was he able to sweet-talk the corporate mommy-backed card back from Galina so quickly?
First ?
Oh Nooooo
You can only be MOIST if you're from Brooklyn.
Oh noes! What a tease!
You mean "coised...furled again!"
Okay - posted this in last thread re the whales but you may have moved on.
caution: must be 16 or older to view!
That pic (Dawg's pic) reminds of that dude in Utah who created vetning in the side of his house - painted it even - and it looked like shutters giving his neighbor the finger.
Perhaps we should start an EU forum, I could host it.
Is Rob hanging onto any domains he would like to use?
So . . . is his site up or down? I can see the front page, but none of the individual sections . . . first section has "7" comments. Hmm . . . failing forward again?
enough with the amuse bouche...bring on the suckling pig with the apple in its mouth!
You meant EN, not EU, right?
@anon 1:41
Thanks for the trolling, but really, you shouldn't have. A large neon "Dawg rulz!" sign would've been just as welcome.
Whoever Casey has his DNS through takes forever to update.
In Europe it is still pointing at the old server.
Yea I mean EN,
Its a shame that "ExurbanNation.com" is taken :(
Is not anticipation otherwise known as foreplay? Can we distract you with an amusing vintage perhaps? Amuse you with a distracting vintage? Perhaps you'd like too look over our EN stable of fine stallions for your pleasure? Shall I steal more lines from "Don't Start The Revolution Without Me?"
NotAnOptimist's comment was directed at another anon @ 1:41 p.m., I just had bad timing in posting at the same time as the resident sewer rat (and Rob, I have no problem with you removing those posts, it serves no purpose leaving them up.)
The exurbannation.com business is interesting. I made an inquiry, shopped best price and in an amazing coincidence had the name squatted witihn minutes. So much for ICANN ethical guidelines. About as useful as NAR Codes of Ethics.
Anon 1:48
Right you are. Thing is I don't think it is a choice. Even Google agrees that child rape is unacceptable territory.
That is a shame, with the following this blog has now it needs to have its own domain.
robdawg.com is taken too :(
Any other ideas?
Why does this shit always start up right after Nigel gets spanked? And why hasn't RCS posted his fake emails yet like he said he was going to?
You know, I was just thinking that too... the timing is interesting.
I got a kick of your comment at CI this afternoon:
He was not happy last night when the box was slow, he submitted a support ticket to the data center explaining that he wants the site to go faster because he is going to be on msn in 10 minutes.
You, sir, are a saint for continuing to work with him and speak at worst neutrally about him!!
I wonder what part of "free" is so confusing to his entitled little mind?
Anonymous Butt-plug:
"Fuck you Coté you wet/dry drunk fucker!"
Casey-lad...izzat you?
Tain't RC's fault, nor his daughter's.
The attention span of the online public is about as fickle as your bill-paying habits.
Taxes, bucky, taxes!
Zewg, et al,
I've been nurturing this child. It didn't burst forth just because open Casey comments needed a home. I've kept a core set of values. Even early on you'll see the fighting back against mean spirited comments.
The dawg pack has been agitating for forums for weeks. They are right. A home has only become an issue in the last two weeks. I must focus on these issues. [ducks]
@Rob Dawg 1:48...you are en fuego of late!!!
Perhaps I am a bit antsy. I'm going to blame it on writing about erica jong's most famous phrase earlier today.
But a nice bordeaux would be lovely in the interim, tyvm :)
@bohica...is that a "corndog man" reference ???
Here's a good Casey thread from CI. (racism free)
I like this quote:
"Time for a Jamba Juice in reward for a job well considered"
Sorry about that, I meant to say:
The only hate I see anymore seems to emanate from Nigel. He is completely irrational.
Perhaps we should start an EU forum, I could host it.
Given the state of the CampIdiot forums, I'd rather Rob didn't accept this offer.
Rob, I hope you're using iwhois.com when you search for domain names from now on. If you use the search on godaddy or other commercial site, they sell their search entries or just register themselves. Iwhois doesn't share their searches. Never, ever use a registrar's search until you are ready to buy (and then only because they usually make you search before you can buy)!
@Rob: I must focus on these issues.
You mean it's time for massive focused action?
I always thought "Massive Action" would be Casey's nick when he starts doing gay porn...
@anon 1:48
That's right, sorry for confusion. Plus, I see now that the troll post has been taken down, so my previous remarks don't make any sense anyway.
I looked a couple of weeks ago and "ENforums.com" was still available. It's probably been squatted by now, but some variation is surely still up for grabs.
Oh, and from CI: I think Heekee should pull the plug without warning and demand payment before it goes back online. You know Casey doesn't have a backup because he was too busy planning to make one.
A bit OT, but despite the national housing slump, the median price of a home in my area is still over a million accrding the latest figures.
Rob, I hope you're using iwhois.com
I do now. This was a few years ago. Silly me, thinking searches were not reprocessed. I clearly remember doing a whois on arpanet in the early 80s. I'm not a noob just a little too trusting because in those days trust was assumed unless shown otherwise. Don't laugh all you wippersnappers!
Endgame Observer,
Casey is a lot like many people who suffer from a sense of entitlement. I deal with it all the time in my work and consulting clients. They expect YOU to make something better even if it's free.
In Casey's mind he thinks this way because he's the famous Casey Serin, he should be getting full attention and support because he's got deals happening! Forget that Zewg doesn't see a dime for his efforts, it is inconsequential to Casey. His fame is more important than the limitations of a free hosting account.
From Dandelion's latest post:
"We have only over-drafted our account 2-3 times in the last few months."
I have only overdrafted my accounts 0 times in the last few months.
Also this from Heekee about Casey:
He was not happy last night when the box was slow, he submitted a support ticket to the data center explaining that he wants the site to go faster because he is going to be on msn in 10 minutes.
The boy is a planning genius!
"Um, could you turn the switch on my server to super-duper-fast? It's taking forever for my 700 comment posts to show up."
Strangely, IAFF got 66k visitors today and he has 20 comments.
Akubi, that narrows you down to about 8 zip codes or are you using a smaller cachement?
Something keeps telling me NOBODY, even Snowflake, can be as incompetent as he is. It's just not humanly possible to be THAT much of a screwup....
He seems to continue to be in "retro action" mode
Maybe he's realized that his bumbling incompetency is (sadly) his biggest asset.
I just got notification that IAFF smoked the shared account again by using 55% over the last 24 hours.
The DNS is not yet updated on my end.
We really need to FOCUS!
IAFF is down again...
Your website has been suspended!
The web hosting account that hosts this website has been blocked due to server overload!
If you are the owner of this website, please contact the support team to resolve this issue.
If you are a visitor to this website, please access this page later.
Rob Dawg,
Well, I was referencing the median price of a resale home last month. At this rate, it looks like I should learn to love my little condo and annoying neighbors.
"You can only be MOIST if you're from Brooklyn."
Ahem... *naughty grin*
Having bad instincts is manageable IF you realize that you need to NOT follow your gut on decisions.
That requires more self-awareness, intelligence, and discipline that Snowflake is capable of, though.
lawnmower man,
Dont worry, I wouldnt wish CI and it's resident gang of idiots on anyone lol
IAFF is forbidden now... Sweet! Only took 90k visits or so, last time I check. I bet he did rack up some ad rev today, though. Wheatgrass shots and crab legs on Snowtard tonight! CashCall, suck his balls (if you can find 'em)!
(uzbecki, you're getting the "old" site).
Regarding the whois lookups, the safest way - and also the geekiest - is to call up the command line (DOS box or whatever they call it in Windows these days) and type in "nslookup domainiwanttobuy.com", thus bypassing the evil domaingrabbing registrars. (Note: of the possible responses, "non-existent domain" or "NXDOMAIN" is the one that means the domain is still free).
This was a public service announcement.
Wonder how Nigel will spin all these visits to Casey's blog?
People won't come back. This is the beginning of the end.
Nigel ol' man: Care to retract your belief that Casey is intelligent? He brags how he was an IT guy YET can't even get his site up.
Oh and Nigel, you suck.
Ha ha, I'm getting a stripped down low bandwidth version of the front page with all of the links on it dead.
Mr. Itsallgood has perfectly fine instincts... for a deceitful, snotty, unscrupulous, weaselly little scumbag of a scoundrel.
And since it came up...
"As I kept reading his story, I realized he's very intelligent and pretty shrewd about reaching his goal of avoiding foreclosure," Swaby added.
(uzbecki, you're getting the "old" site)
Yep -- that's the case for me too.
The "new" site has the "screw you haters, I wasn't trolling" whinge and the Begathon Countdown.
Whether you see the old (and now dead) site or the new one depends on whether your local DNS server has updated with IAFF's new address.
Could someone more adept than me suggest why Casey has such trouble getting the DNS propagated?
People won't come back.
In fact it's obvious from the graph that people aren't staying. See how on the spike the visits are 16K, but the page views are only 18K? That means very few visitors looked at more than one page. Maybe they got tired of waiting and/or reloading?
Compare to EN's graph, which although the totals are much lower has visitors that stick around to view more pages.
To see the latest instance go here:
To see any of the latest comments and posts you will need to replace IAFF.com with this domain.
It's actually quite normal that a one-time link from a high-traffic site will produce a "spike" of traffic, but it does not necessarily translate into a lot of repeat visitors. As with anything else in marketing, repetition and targeting is what counts in building real results.
I'd be willing to bet $$ that getting mentioned several times in Carol Lloyd's SFGate RE column has probably driven more long-term traffic to IAFF than today's MSN mention.
Go to proxy.org and use one of those proxies. You *might* be able to get the front page with the "I'm Not Hater-Baitin'" post. I couldn't get the rest of the post, though, got a 404.
As for his DNS issues, I'm not familiar enough with the guts of DNS to know why he's had so many problems. Quite honestly, I didn't know it was possible to be so incompetent and dislikable that even the DSN system was like, "Screw you, I'm goin' home. Screw you. Home." :)
Every time I've moved a site to a new server, DNS has updated in, at most, 24 hours or so globally. Usually, it starts showing up for me locally within 10 minutes or so. This is with domains registered through GoDaddy and DNS hosted with GoDaddy, other shared hosts or my own dedicated box...
As for the beg-a-thon, please, people, for the love of anything good in this world, don't give the little crap monkey money!!! He throws it around like, well, like he has it to throw around. If he needs money, let him once again milk his corporate account, further committing fraud and giving more evidence for some arm of justice to reach down, snap him up by the murse strap and shove a fat finger of justice way up where the sun don't shine...
Heekee, is he still on the Media Temple server?
The thing about DNS is that although there are some basic standards for the various settings on a DNS server, everbody who runs a DNS server can (and often does) change those default settings to some other set of numbers. So when you make changes to your DNS, there is a time lag before all the various servers across the Internet actually see those changes.
It's not something anybody has control over. That said, there are ways to manage the transition so as to smooth it out and lessen the switchover hassle, but Casey is apparently too clueless to know how to tweak out his DNS appropriately.
Media Temple Server?
IAFF back up and once again haterz are in control of the comments. I've been a reader and supporter of EN since this debacle began and I love that the community here doesn't let snowflake get away with anything. Nice work on the CNET article...for once it's good to see a reporter dig deeper than KC's propaganda. Also a shout out to flailing forward....you've been on fire the past few days and your stuff is hilarious---keep it up.
I think I'll implode waiting on the Duane story in full, or even parts. I'll take parts too.
Could someone more adept than me suggest why Casey has such trouble getting the DNS propagated?
I'm not an expert on DNS (even though I run a nameserver - on a Celeron box; note to self: must get secondary running), but from experience I remember DNS entries used to take a while to propagate (24 - 48 hours); in the last couple of years things have got much smoother, to the point it takes a special kind of "talent" to screw things up this badly.
This was from this morning.
The dedicated box donated by Zewg.com is not gonna cut it.
It’s a little better than the semi-dedicated since they don’t shut me down for CPU usage. (and much better than GoDaddy’s crappy servers that don’t even work!!)
But being on the front page of MSN brought the server down to a crawl and caused intermittent downtime all night long. I’ve stayed up trying to keep it going but there is nothing I can do.
So, I just opened up an account with mediatemple.net based on a friend’s recommendation.
They have “Grid hosting” for only $20/mo which I’m told is pretty “Digg proof” (MSN proof in my case). It’s actually a cluster of servers that allows any one site to burst without causing the “bad neighbor” effect of traditional shared hosting. It’s also more robust and scalable than a dedicated server (and MUCH cheaper).
I’m closing down the comments (to prevent confusion) and switching DNS for the 3rd time in 48 hours!!
As soon as you see the comments open back up you will know you’re on the new “grid” and things should be very smooth at that point.
Clearly Zewg Hosting sucks.
We did everything we could to accomodate our precious snowflake.. but in the end, we failed.
Hopefully another processor rich benefactor will step forward.
Well, Zewg, I guess you can't win 'em all, even when you shell out cash out of pocket to run a dedicated server absolutely free for someone...
People that pay the least ALWAYS, without fail, demand the most.
@ nodebt
it takes a special kind of "talent" to screw things up this badly
Yessir, when it comes to travesty, the kid's a prodigy.
@ piedpiper
Could someone more adept than me suggest why Casey has such trouble getting the DNS propagated?
TTL settings are key. TTL = Time To Live and is directly related to how fast new data refreshes. As I said above, this setting varies from server to server. That, plus he has switched his DNS three times in a very short amount of time. There's a lot of bad data out there for him now. It will probably take a day or two more to clear it all out.
If you know you are going to be making DNS changes, generally you plan ahead and lower your TTL before the actual move so as to help the new data propagate faster. But God forbid that Casey actually plan anything!
@ Zewg
Well of course it sucks. There wasn't any cashback to Casey. Free isn't good enough. It should have been free with sweet cashback.
*will admit to crushing on Flailing*
Ha, I wouldn't say that. The site was anything but "very smooth" after he moved to Media Temple and apparently the $20 fee is by chunks of server usage. It will be interesting to see just how much his $20 server ends up costing him. (Not that he'll ever pay anyway.)
We all have much to learn from the humility and gratitude of Casey Serin.
hmmm...sounds like something I should include in a paid press release.
They have “Grid hosting” for only $20/mo which I’m told is pretty “Digg proof” (MSN proof in my case).
But not "Serin proof". That's a destructive power far beyond imagination.
(See also: you can make it foolproof, but you can't make it damn-fool proof.)
*will admit to crushing on Flailing*
Thanks, but I'm just a lil' ol' dumbass...
Pardon me for stating the obvious, but if Snowflake signed up with both GoDaddy and Media Temple in the last couple of days ... what (or whose) valid credit card did he use?
Was he able to sweet-talk the corporate mommy-backed card back from Galina so quickly?
He was probably just trolling us and she never took it away to begin with.
Snowflake doesn't troll. He is just keeping it organic/real/semi-vegan.
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