Thursday, May 17, 2007

Duane LeGate Part 1.2 Doing Well By Doing Good

My company was built on my new found goal – that was to put other people first, and finances second. Amazingly, as I have gone thru life with this as my moral backing, I have never had to worry about finances (since the change in my life). Something about working hard and doing the right things by others has that affect.

So, our company has a very philanthropic type hue to it. We give and give often. We don’t tout to who, why, where, and what reason. But because we give and do try and make a difference, I sleep well at night. Looking back, I realized that although I didn’t have all my priorities in line, I wasn’t a bad person, and I also realized that sometimes bad things happen to good people. Sometimes, people just need a helping hand, some love, and for absolutely nothing in return.

We currently have 3K per month as a set aside for community good will. We will spend more based on a particular need or event, there have been a few times where we haven’t spent that much. Caseys situation is the only one that has ever been publicized…

So now I will take a breather.. and introduce how I met Casey and begin the timeline. I wanted to share this so you will know my thinking in dealing with him.

And now… after seeing from whence I came, you will see many parallels with Ser Casey. That’s why I reached out to him… starting to make sense??

Part 1.0 Circumstances beyond control. Part 1.1 Crisis and character


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Sorry no content but I had to slap Tony. ;)

Anonymous said...

Now the juicy stuff with teh dealings with casey and nigel!

Anonymous said...


"And now… after seeing from whence I came, you will see many parallels with Ser Casey. That’s why I reached out to him… starting to make sense??"


Anonymous said...

My point is this is being first is mostly caused by being ahead of everyone else.

Anonymous said...

Oh big whoop tee do Duane. You started at the bottom, worked your way up had personal crisis, blah blah blah, la di dah. I bet you that you never sold a single Olympic pin, that you have something less than 2759 unique visitors to your website and that despite talking to Casey, you never came to realize that Casey was pretty shrewd about obtaining his goal of avoiding foreclosure.And you never use a proxy to cruise EN.

So give me a break you have nothing of interest to add.

Lost Cause said...

Wow, Duane, thanks. Sometimes it seems like there is nothing but crooks, crooks and more crooks. I was hoping that this wasn't the case.

Anonymous said...

Suddenly I understand why a person, who by all rights seemed perfectly sane, would get involved with Snowflake.

Hats off for turning it around Duane.

Kerriella said...

Way to go Duane. I was just catching up on my lunch break. Your story is really inspiring. Too bad Casey chose to do nothing rather than take full advantage of your expertise and willingness to help.

Anonymous said...

I was always impressed by the polite way that you responded to criticisms on IAFF and now I can see why that is.
The rest of us here don't have as much for which to commend us with regards to our dealings with Snowflake, but then again "...they also serve, who stand and hate."


Anonymous said...

Likewise... Kudos to Duane. As I read his intro, I was just blown away.

Funny how Snoflake's banner line has always been "Getting Saved." Well, it's coming clear that he WAS in a prime position to Get Saved, and Duane was there with the life ring. And ... Snowflake refused it over and over again, in a number of creative ways.


ratlab said...

For once I'm going to say, "Umm, wow" in a positive light. Usually it's over something snowflake has done. But if you see the parallels between Duane and snowflake (at least on the housing front), it's easy to see how snowflake can be viewed as intelligent. At the heart of this, both are 'ideas' people. Unlike snowflake, Duane has had many life changes that have truly affected him that were a call to action. That's the follow through and work that snowflake avoids. Snowflake has ideas, probably some very good ones, but his avoidance of work and details, various 'opportunities' (real or fake), as well as his and Galina's family enabling him have caused no sense of change or urgency on snowflake's part. Duane can see the intelligence through these ideas, but also sees the same mental disconnect we all see in snowflake.

Duane, thanks for the backstory. Good to see people dig themselves out of a hole through hard work, change their approach in life, and ultimately succeed.

Anonymous said...

Duane you were very lucky to get bailed out by the RE bubble.

I'm sure there are THOUSANDS of people in dire financial conditions sitting on multiple flops as I type this. They will not have such a happy ending but instead end up renting and finding a BK attorney (thats not too bad!).

lawnmower man said...

Thanks for telling the story, Duane.

After seeing from whence I came, you will see many parallels with Ser Casey. That’s why I reached out to him… starting to make sense??

Yes: it helps us to see why you felt drawn to help Casey, and why you felt that he could turn his situation around.

And although it didn't work out, you deserve a lot of credit for making the attempt.

The haters have often been criticized for doing nothing but watch the train wreck. There's some truth in that, although it does discount the repeated practical advice Casey has received and ignored from so-called haters -- for example Tim from MBA's long and patient campaign in which he tried to get Casey to see the big picture of his total indebtedness.

But you made real, genuine, and tangible attempts to reach out to Casey. It's a shame he was unable to respond to them.

This won't be a popular opinion, but to some extent, I'd say Nigel's attempts were genuine too. Not in any way altruistic -- Nigel's been looking out for Nigel throughout -- but overall I think Nigel wanted Casey to succeed and believes he could have the potential to succeed.

I'm a lot less convinced by the No Limits Ladies. There's a lot of unpleasant misogyny surrounding the entire episode, but the contract certainly paints them in an extremely exploitative light.

Duane: what's your take on the No Limits Ladies episode? Were they ever genuine in their attempt to help? Or did they see him as a mark, luring him in with the irresistible bait of the Kiyosaki meeting?

Anonymous said...

> ratlab said...
> For once I'm going to say, "Umm,
> wow" in a positive light.

Agreed, too many times that is the response to something terminally stupid. Nice to have occasion to use it in a positive.

> Northern Renter said...
> but then again "...they also
> serve, who stand and hate."

Now THAT is going back a ways... long before my time. Nice reference.

Peripheral Visionary said...

It's an impressive story, although a bit light on the details of how the turnaround happened. Duane did mention that he's a bit cautious on disclosing details of his line of business, as he regards it as a competitive advantage, so that's understandable.

What would be interesting, however, would be some general thoughts on what Duane did that made a difference in getting his new business off the ground, as opposed to what Casey has not done. I mean, besides two completely different work ethics (putting the words "Casey", "work", and "ethic" together in the same sentence just seems wrong.)

Anonymous said...

"At 10:22 AM, ruh roh said...
Duane you were very lucky to get bailed out by the RE bubble."

Dear sir, the re bubble didnt bail me out. Housing appreciation didnt bail me out. Nothing about market conditions bailed me out.

any other enlightening comments?

Anonymous said...

Mr. mower...

I will get to the NLL soon...

Sneak preview - they have the same business outlook as KC...

Anonymous said...

At 10:34 AM, Peripheral Visionary said...

PV, I am going to go with the timeline next. After all is out, and you want to know the hows and whys, I will share. In alot of ways, writing all of this has been therapuetic (spelling?)

lawnmower man said...

Unlike snowflake, Duane has had many life changes that have truly affected him that were a call to action.

The parallel is interesting. Reading part 2, it seems that Duane sees his crisis, in retrospect as a turning point: "Looking back, this time I had is what saved everything. I had to go back and make an accounting of my life." He pulled himself out of crisis by self-examination, planning, and hard work.

Casey sees his crises, in the moment of crisis itself, as milestones in his own personal saga. Casey's confident that he will, eventually, be a huge success. He's Trump; he's bulletproof; he's failing forward; he doesn't have to work hard because he's got the right stuff; if he just believes in himself, good things will happen. It's kind of magic. So Casey insulates himself from crisis by wrapping himself in his own mythology.

What little self-examination Casey does is shallow and facile; what little planning he does is limited to affirmative soundbites ("massive focussed action") or to setting preposterously overreaching milestones; what little work he does shows no results.

Duane's crisis was a big reality check. Casey's reaction to crisis is to retreat further from reality.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like Duane bailed himself out.
That's the fundamental diff between Duane's story and Casey's, Casey still thinks that someone is gonna come in and bail his ass out.

Anonymous said...


I've noticed and admired your open, patient answers to good questions; and your short, blunt blow-offs to the trolls and fools. Both at IAFF in the past and here yesterday and today.

I now think I understand why - life's too short to tolerate nonsense.

Anonymous said...

Make that
Casey thinks he is entitled to have someone come in and bail his ass out, after all, as he has constantly opined, "Haven't I suffered enough?"

Akubi said...

Duane's crisis was a big reality check. Casey's reaction to crisis is to retreat further from reality.
Very true, lawnmower man.

As far as we’re aware, Casey has not experienced a couple of crises Duane has: (1) a death of a close family member or friend and (2) coming close to death oneself. One of those events could perhaps change Casey’s sense of youthful invincibility.

Anonymous said...

To Flailing Forward, I just looked at your Casey Timeline. Nice work, just wanted to throw one extra detail in there.

I *think* you omitted Casey's other brother (the Marine), whose name is Tim Serin. There's no mention of him in the Earth Mission Blog, but he was the brother at whose house Gaysey and Galina stayed at when they went to Hawaii.

Sadly, I don't have a source for this other than a generic Intelius™-type records search.

At this link, you can see a picture of a Sgt. Tim Serin... blond, Casey-like. He's supposedly one year younger than Gaysey. Any thoughts? R-Boy? :)

lawnmower man said...

Casey still thinks that someone is gonna come in and bail his ass out.

I think it's more complex than that. Casey believes his own press; and part of his self-belief is that he will, eventually and inevitably, be a big success.

He's the ideas man, remember. He doesn't see bailouts; he seems himself irresistibly drawing opportunities towards him. At some point, the right place, the right time, the right set of contacts, he'll make that vital connection, enact that brilliant idea, and will be lauded as the brilliant visionary he already knows himself to be.

Casey's world is constructed around his self-image. He's a textbook narcissist.

Anonymous said...

*pulls up chair, pops some corn*

Wow Duane. Just WOW! Great story so far. I'm staying for this one!

Anonymous said...

Ok sorry to jump to conclusions. Thanks for sharing Duane.

I just was thinking that if you owned several properties in 02 they would have gone up in value considerably in the next 2 years. However that may not be the case for flyover. Sorry to be so bubblecentric, but you were vague how you made money.


Sprezzatura said...

Seems to me that the fact that Duane is a little older than Casey and has children to consider is also a big reason why D was able to turn it around and C is not. Maturity, life experience, the responsibility of parenthood ... all can help tip the balance in the right direction.

Please note though that I am NOT suggesting Casey & Galina should have children; that would be a terrible thing to wish on an innocent kid.

Anonymous said...

@ sprez

"innocent kid"? *gags* WTF?

Anonymous said...

Sorry. I suppose you were talking about their offspring. My mind was thinking snowflake.

Sprezzatura said...

I suppose you were talking about their offspring.

Yes, that was the intent. I know that putting the words 'Casey' and 'innocent' too close together in one sentence can be problematic, though. :)

Anonymous said...

I just noticed this on snowflakes site. maybe its been there a while i dont know.

Support me in turning this into a foreclosure help site:

Akubi said...

Where is Flailing's timeline?

Anonymous said...

When the world came crashing down on Duane, he almost dies. When the world comes crashing down on Snowflake, He takes a nap. It's all Good.

Anonymous said...

it should read:

Support me in turning this into a helping casey site:

Anonymous said...

@ Akubi, his timeline can be found here. It's an MS-Word document.

Akubi said...

Thanks, Benoit™. Wow, is Flailing writing his thesis on Casey?

Zewg said...

I see where Duane is coming from by wanting to help Casey out.

I tend to be a compassionate person and I decided to contact Casey after reading his account of what happened with the "No Limits Ladies".

I really felt bad for him being duped by those hucksters and then ending up barely having the money to get back home.

Sure, he never should have fell for their bait in the first place, but most of us were all young, broke and idealistic at one point.

Of course after countless months of mental masturbation you would think one would learn something...

Anonymous said...

OT - hello all. i am now an official casey hater. i do not know much about blogs or how they can be monetized. i do know that i do not want any of my actions to cause one red cent to got to casey serin.

- does visiting his site just to read his post generate any cash flow to him?

- does posting to his site generate any cash flow to him?

i still like reading his post but will just come here to get updates if i have to.

thanks in advance for your help.

Anonymous said...

"At 10:51 AM, Endgame said...

I've noticed and admired your open, patient answers to good questions; and your short, blunt blow-offs to the trolls and fools. Both at IAFF in the past and here yesterday and today.

I now think I understand why - life's too short to tolerate nonsense."

Hey, I am basically standing here naked sharing some painful experiences.. first time i have ever really talked publicly about it, and to do that, and have snarky little comments thrown my way - it deserves the same brashness in a response..

I know I can come across testy on certain issues.

I am VERY protective of family and friends. I am also VERY protective of my business.. so back in the day when I had gun slingers trying to tear what I do down... i fought back.. I cam to far to just sit and take it. Most of the time the trollers crawl back in there hole.


Anonymous said...

What is really eye opening is that Duane DID try and help Snowflake out of his situation. Snowflake then pissed all over the help D was offering. Casey, it was RIGHT THERE in front of you and you still managed to fuck it up! Fongool! WTF is it gonna take?

Anonymous said...


After reading Duane's posts and going back into memory into when he was partnered with Casey, I am convinced he is the real deal.

I simply cannot remember if I was one of the people that jumped all over his case back I will do a blanket apology to him now.

Duane I am sorry if I gave you shit back then. I can see now that you were sincere in your attempts to help casey and was blinded by the rough edges of your responses.

Of course, you and I have pretty much the same personality (please see where I broke my monitor and other outbursts of anger)..and I give knee jerk reactions to people almost daily.

I wish I would have known your preamble before you ever tried to help that little bastard...I would have seen things in a completely different light.

But hindsight 20/20 is better than no sight.

So duane, kudo's to you and I wish you and your family best in your life ventures to come.


Anonymous said...


I just sent phase one of the timeline to you. WHen I sent it.. well it was weird formatting on my end.. can you check your email??

Anonymous said...

and oh btw...

I REALLY dont want my writings to come off as I am on top of the world now because if they do, THAT IS NOT THE INTENT.

I am content in my life thats all. It took alot of soul searching to get me here...

But I have weaknesses... in fact LOADS of them...

Lemme kinda give you an idea...

Everyone knows Rob Dawg is a wordsmith.. so much so that when I get an email from him, I race to grab my 3 dictionaries, 2 Thesaurus' , and a few encyclopedias so I can understand him...


My book of weakneeses is Bigger than Dawgs book of known words.. SO THERE!!!

(Sorry dawg, dont know why I felt I had to one-up you in fromt of a crowd - but hey... Its all GOOD>>>

Peripheral Visionary said...

Duane: Sounds good. I find the debt-to-wealth stories to be interesting. I know a lot of the time when a writer or journalist covers it the story is represented as "so-and-so had a brilliant idea, and then magic happened, and then s/he became fabulously rich" (not a coincidence that that's how Casey sees things.) The reality is (usually) much different, involving a lot of hard work, but not any less interesting.

Anonymous said...

One thing about shithead, is that he's young. He's lived a fairly sheltered life, and I suspect he was spoiled rotten by his parents. I don't feel that he's ever really endured any true hardships as a result of his actions, which is something most people his age start experiencing around that age - if you don't pay the power bill, they shut it off. Don't pay the car note, they repo it. Don't pay the rent, or let your freinds trash the place partying, you get tossed out.

I don't think he's ever really faced truly serious consequences, thus his flippant disregard about the DA and the Feds, and his nonchalance about the IRS. He thinks he knows it all, and thinks he can talk or bargain his way out of everything. I know TONS of people like that, in their early 20's. It's like how people his age scoff off health concerns, because at their age, their bodies can take immense amounts of abuse and recover.

The other problem is that he is willfully unaware of how his actions effect others, most notably with his wife. He is so selfish it's narcissistic. I truly beleive he makes her shop at discount stores, while he wears designer clothes, because he "has to look good in meetings".

The one thing that strikes me about shithead, is that he really shows very little effection for his wife. When he talks about her, it's like she's an employee, and he talks about marriage like it's a reluctant obligation, not that she's the one true woman he's in passionate love with, forever and ever. They havent been married long enough for him to be that dispassionate about his wife.

But then, everything he posts has that Prozac Hummmmmmmmm™ to it. No highs, no lows...just hummmmmmmmmmm....

Anonymous said...


Just to make sure I'm crystal clear - I'm saying that I admire the blunt, testy blow-offs too!

I don't "suffer fools gladly" either ... and the older (and more experienced) I get, the easier it's become to identify them.

Sprezzatura said...

@duane -- hopefully, you're getting something positive out of this too.

@anon 11:51 -- I think you're spot-on that sheltered kids in early adulthood have no freaking clue about the real consequences of their actions. It my be an explanation, but it is not an excuse.

Dolph said...

Duane: Beautiful stuff. I admire your work ethic.

Benoit: Yep Casey sees himself as smart as Trump. Problem with that is even Trump had to roll up the sleeves and work hard to build what he has today. Casey gets turned off on ideas the minute he realizes it will mean hard work. Success IS hard work.

Anonymous said...

Wow. What a story Duane~thank you for sharing it with us.
Dawg..thanks for providing a place for us haterz
Long time lurker, but so addicted to the intelligent, and not so intelligent wit this group throws--
Now we are talking about the important stuff...something snowflake and butterfly will never understand until it is too late.

lawnmower man said...

@anon 11:51: he talks about marriage like it's a reluctant obligation

Yes: it's all very dutiful. And the few occasions when Galina is mentioned in a loving way always feel ever-so-slightly off: more about presenting the expected societal image of the loving marriage than about any real feelings.

Anonymous said...

I've known some people that had business dealings with Trump he's it's not that he's smart, it's that he hires smart people to think for him - he's as much a publicity whore as Casey, and as egotistical (I mean, c'mon, Donald, embrace the baldness already).

The other thing is that he's ruthless and to a certain extent amoral - talk to anyone who knew about him when he started out, he'd throw grandmothers into the street to make a buck.

I've never been impressed with The Donald, or his antics, and from what i've heard, his business ethics.

Anonymous said...

R-boy's timeline isn't a thesis, it looks more like the work of someone building a case against Casey...

Anonymous said...

I just don't understand how Casey proposes to help people with foreclosure... he didn't do anything; learn anything; try anything. What advice would he give? Sit by and watch it happen?

Anonymous said...

It wasn't suprising to me that Casey blew off Duane's offer of help. He has been consistently turning away great opportunities for that imaginary golden-egg-laying goose he's waiting for.

His blog--this whole circus has been orchestrated so that this imaginary goose will find him and rescue him. Maybe Donald Trump will step in, and sweep him off his feet.

"You're Hired, Casey."

Anonymous said...


I think the "help" is a front for referral deals and such - or he thinks of his blog as a portal to other sites, and he'll leech off the traffic with his ads and paid links.

Anonymous said...

Duane - sir, you have my greatest respect for what you have gone through and done.

I will make only one point at this stage, something Duane has touched on. You get to a point in your life and you start thinking about giving something back to society. It can be massive financially (think Dale Carnegie) or just something small scale like coaching the local junior sports team, but you do it because you know it's right.

Anonymous said...

anon 12:14,

that's exactly what Casey is hoping to happen. However he doesn't have the business sense to make it happen. Duane offered sincere help. Most likely a shark will now eat him alive when he is at the bottom(we have thought he's been there for a while now). they are circling....waiting to pounce. My guess is someone pulls the wool over his eyes and BAM....casey gets the scraps from the table while the shark gets the main course.

Unknown said...


A truly remarkable and inspiring story. I applaud your cander.

And if I may, if it is anyone who should be writing a novel about turning their life around, it should be you. Koudos to your success story and to you as well.

Anonymous said...

Remember, Casey believes in the Secret™. Just visualize success (in between naps) and it will come to you.

The Secret™ is EST for a new generation, and it is perfect for self-centered people - the universe really does revolve around you, and you determine everything that happens in it (as I recall, the Big EST Secret was "you chose your parents"). I once had an amusing discussion with an ESTie, where I asked if 100,000 people in Hiroshima, Japan simultaniously willed a nuclear explosion over their heads on August 6, 1945. Sometimes shit just happens...

Anonymous said...

Guess all this positive praise for Duane's story proves a certain award winning blogger is wrong, YET AGAIN!

Oh sure Nigel, we are eating Duane up. NOT.

Nigel is such a fucking idiot. Anybody want to know why Nigel is a bigot? A bigot sticks to dogmatic beliefs and stereotypes anybody they see as different. Nigel is a bigot towards anybody who questions Casey's intentions.

Had Nigel not pulled the mightier than thou attitude and TALKED to us like a human being (the way Duane is gracefully doing right now) then maybe he would have a REAL understanding of who we are.

Nigel sux.

Anonymous said...

the universe really does revolve around you, and you determine everything that happens in it

So Casey has willed himself into being a waifish, albino, homeless, in-the-closet, lazy, indebted man who thinks drinking puréed grass is healthy? Cool!

I should start looking into this "Secret™" stuff... ;-P

Anonymous said...

so Duane, will you also be detailing your business dealings with Nigel? I dont think he intends to fraud anyone outright like Casey, but he is a petty and vindictive man.

Anonymous said...

Back to Casey. I just have the feeling that there is some guru-garbage somewhere that goes like "you won't need to search out the good deals, the good deals will come to you", and Casey has got it stuck in one of his braincells.
The more I read what has been said recently about "shiny things" also goes to explain Casey's inability to commit to deals. Every time there's a deal in front of him, he sees a better deal coming along which is an improvement (to him) on the offer in front of him. So off he goes chasing the new deal and the old deal falls by the wayside. Now I've just written that I feel like reading Don Quixote for some reason.

Anonymous said...


But, but, Great Things Are Coming!™ for Snowflake.

To the extent that Casey has not suceeded yet, it is solely due to his poor visualization skills, plus that fact that he has not yet completely shut the Haterz™ out of his internal dialogue and has not yet become completely positive and forward-thinking.

Anonymous said...

So Duane, when are you going to write a book on RE failure to success? Foreclosure book? You have 100000000x more credibility than Casey (and all those dipshit gurus like RK) to write a book on RE.

Peripheral Visionary said...

The Donald's primary skill has always been separating gullible investors and lenders from their money. Sound familiar? It should. The main difference is that The Donald is one of the few people who can consistently pull it off.

Anonymous said...

"At 12:33 PM, Anonymous said...
so Duane, will you also be detailing your business dealings with Nigel? I dont think he intends to fraud anyone outright like Casey, but he is a petty and vindictive man.

I have never had business dealings with him. EvER.

I have talked to him via phone twice. He insinuated that I was begging for him to interview me yesterday.. but I used his own words from his own blog to refute that. I really do think he ia jealous in a weird way about Casey because he keeps trying to interject himself in the story... Like this quote...

"A new story about Casey Serin on C/Net provided some sweet link love to Casey, the haterz and even this site.

Maybe he was, but I dont ever remember seeing his name or website in that story, if it was it was insignificant.

ratlab said...

Ok, this has been bugging me. Someone brought this up recently (fliptard or Duane, I can't remember). What homebuilder, in their right mind, would offer to hire fliptard after watching him on the Suze Orman show? I mean seriously, what could fliptard do?

Anonymous said...

@ Duane:

Thanks for sharing your story.

@ Various, re Galina:

I agree that something is not right, that he doesn't talk about her with the kind of affection that's normal at that stage and that when he does, it seems forced.

I believe that he views her as a trophy wife. It fits with his attitude toward her, it fits with the lifestyle he pitched to her, it fits with his indulgence of her years of community college, and it fits with his increasing hostility now that she's placing demands on him.

Somebody forgot to tell Snowflake that only rich men can afford trophy wives.

@ All:

I may not be around very much for a bit. Real life intrudes (don't worry, itsallgood) and of all my activities, the Caseysphere is the easiest thing to take time away from.

Anonymous said...

@ eek
"So Duane, when are you going to write a book on RE failure to success? Foreclosure book? You have 100000000x more credibility than Casey (and all those dipshit gurus like RK) to write a book on RE."

WOW (bursting with laughter) some people might view it as a sad comedy...

Anonymous said...

I checked. Nigel is neither mentioned nor his website linked. He's full of himself. The guy is just a 2 bit realtor and that's an overstatement.

Peripheral Visionary said...

"I mean seriously, what could fliptard do?"

Talk. Schmooze. Entertain.

Honestly, a skilled leader could find an effective role for him in an organization. As others have pointed out, sales, or rather marketing, may be what he's best at. Mind you, he won't be impressing any audiences with any intelligence or common sense, but that still leaves a fairly large market. And mind you, he should be kept away from the finances at all possible costs, and his work ethic is terrible etc., but it's still possible to find a place for him in an organization. If even Paris Hilton can make money, Casey can do it too.

Don't get me wrong, it's not going to happen. Any self-respecting employer would figure out that he's too much of a risk, marketing skills aside. And he's not going to figure out how to work (the four-letter word!) his way to that kind of a position. But the potential is there, that's all I'm saying.

Anonymous said...


Welcome. Sorry, I think your comment got lost in the Duane Saga.
To answer your question to the best of my ablities (not much, I know), the way SnowShit has ads, he's getting cash per impression, so every time someone visits his site, he gets a bit of a dirty penny.
Commenting itself does nothing to add to SnowShit's pockets, other than probably causing a page-reload and adding to his visit count (I'm not sure how the pay goes for repeat visits. someone more knowledgeable than me will have to fill in that blank).

And I applaud you for forsaking your visit to SnowShit's site. Lots of us have done that lately. We get our updates here. You don't really miss anything. Everything eventually gets updated here, with the added benefits of much better commentary, and without the idiot newbie comments of "you can do it. ignore the haters and keep trying sweetie."


Anonymous said...

@Aaron and Duane

They did link to his site, with the quote "It's a national obsession" Only Nigel the opportunist would try to interjec himself into the situation, just like Duane said he would.

I'm pretty sure before the interview Casey was being bombarded with phone calls from Nigel like

"don't forget Casey, Nigel Swaby, N.I.G.E.L S.W.A.B.Y , and don't forget my award winning blogs, and don't forget my name kay? I'm the only one you can count on these days...don't forget my web sites ok? And remember to mention my name and websites!"

Anonymous said...

"And I applaud you for forsaking your visit to SnowShit's site"

That is relatively easy nowadays since his website goes up and down with the frequency of a cheap HAM radio.

Rob Dawg said...

I checked. Nigel is neither mentioned nor his website linked. He's full of himself. The guy is just a 2 bit realtor and that's an overstatement.

That's not technically true. You see comment #111 reads:

Nigel Swaby
Message #111
05/16/07 08:47 AM

For a condensed version of Casey Serin's real estate transactions see this article from when his site was first launched.

The word article linked to SLCRE. The freakin' linkwhore linked himself!

Anonymous said...

Unlike Duane, Casey has yet to significantly or seriously feel the impact or suffer the consequences of any of his actions. Conning his own mom into signing as a guarantor for his shell corporation credit just pushed Snowflake’s D day out another of couple of months at least. The closest he ever came to being impacted was when Wells Fargo stole their money back from him, or when Google stole his fraudulent ad click revenue. Other than that, it’s been napping and blogging as usual. He is just a man-child playing in a fantasy world.

Between Duane and the CNET article we are beginning to see the truths we had all suspected about the little shithead. Unfortunately for Snowflake, the curtain has been raised and no amount of spin control from him or Butterfly, will undo the damage of the truth.

Thanks to Duane for taking the time to share your story.

Anonymous said...

At 12:05 PM, Legion said...
R-boy's timeline isn't a thesis, it looks more like the work of someone building a case against Casey...

I had exactly the same thought when I skimmed it. It looks like something that would do a large chunk of a prosecutor's job for them!

Anonymous said...

Okay. this made me giggle...

Rob predicted this yesterday... what a difference a day makes..

Anonymous said...

Declan from C/net should do a follow up article on

"The most unethical opportunistic piece of shit mortgage broker on the internet"

About everyone's favorite shithead.
He could go on about his encouraging a multistate admitted fraud committer, the fact that he is outing people and yet is allowed into the most intimate financial details of people's lives. His pathetic attempts at being "rich".

Anonymous said...

opps forgot the link..

Anonymous said...

What did Rob predict yesterday?

Anonymous said...

first! fuck...

Anonymous said...

Legion - sorry its that 14235 thing again.. we saw caseys traffic blow up yesterday... Dawg posted a graph and insinuated it wouldnt last... I meant to post the link together with my comment.. I forgot.. hit it though..its funny

Anonymous said...

Off topic.
If you find juggling hard. check this guy's show out. music by the beatles

freakin pretty good. outta here. y'all have fun.

Anonymous said...

Ok WOW...

I just checked Robs traffic.. and we gotta keep this in perspective..

Casey has over 5000 visits today.. BUT he was just featured in CNET, along with a few follow up stories and on the FRONT page of MSN.

Rob has over 2500 visits today... he was only slightly mentioned and i think it was the first time he has had media press, unlike snowflake...

Any predictions to when the traffic patterns turns fully into Dawgs favor??

Anonymous said...

one last comment.
I say within 45 days the Dawg will be on top of snowflake...ok bad choice of words.

Aspeth said...


Detailing your own life experience clearly explains your intentions toward Casey. I've always thought, no matter what someone's intentions were in wanting to work with KC (be it NLL or Nigel) it would really have to suck to get yanked around by him.

After reading your background, it's really such an incredibly insulting scenario that KC so freely walked away from working with you and taking your help.

Anonymous said...

I know it is off track - however, I just posted this to our liar's little website.


You have a funny memory. On November 21 you posted your bank statement. It was not "a" (as in singular) overdraft charge, it was MULTIPLE overdraft charges posted to your account. With these over draft charges you were continuing to go to Starbucks and Jamba Juice, using your cash card and adding yet more overdraft charges to your account.

Since you took down the bank statement you can be as "selective" with your memory as you want, however, the posts from that day speak for themselves.

This is what I posted that day:

88. Cutie Pie
November 21st, 2006 at 8:10 pm
Your bank statements are…… I can’t even find the words.
Have you cut up your credit cards? If not, do so now.
Have you cut up your ATM card? If not, do so now.

Are these trips to Jamba Juice, Starbucks, Subway and Chipotle just for you?
Where are the charges for Safeway?
Does you wife have a separate account? I sure hope so. Would love to see how she’s spending money.

So, on November 20 you had two $33 over draft charges to your account, then continued to use our debit card and one of your purchases included a 4.90 juice? So, that juice just cost you, in reality, $37.90 - was it worth it? That is $37.90 you DO NOT HAVE — money that when you have it should be used to pay off the people who’ve extended you personal loans.

Why don’t you continue to draw out your 15 minutes of fame and contact “Big Spender” the show on A&E. I’m sure you and Larry Winget would have a good time as he puts you on the “no excuses” budget.

In the meantime - drink water…. not fancy water… tap water. Drink lots of it. No coffee, no soda’s, no juice drinks. Just nice fresh cold tap water.


For those of you who are new to IAFF, Casey has a selective memory and sense of reality. It is only when we haterz (i.e. realists) show him the truth does he cry "foul." However, someone needs to keep this guy honest because he doesn't know the meaning of the word.

I CAN'T WAIT for the beg-a-thon tomorrow night. Should be interesting to see what you need money for, how much you need, and what you are willing to do to "earn" it.

R-Boy said...

Flailing, not I, made that timeline.

However, I will gladly send that time line up the chain. All in good time folks.

I've already walked through IAFF with LE. They specifically liked the talkshoe recordings.

Anonymous said...

Just thinking back, and idle speculation for which I have no proof...

You don't suppose that it was Casey himself, experimenting with an automated ad-click-bot that got himself removed from Google Adsense, do you? I can just see his mind spinning last December... "gee, 5,000 visits a day, figure 20% click rate, that's realistic... Man! There's my $5K a month in passive income right there!"

Thinking back, I'm thinking it's unlikely that a legion of fraudulent clicksters got him booted off Adsense. Maybe, maybe not.

Anonymous said...

The Dawg should bounce over the quarter-million mark tomorrow, probably during the monkey dance.

My guess 10:57 pm

R-Boy said...


Not to make a bunch outta nothing, but someone else in the DOJ (I dont know where, or what department) is browsing Snowflake's site. I haven't visited today, and there's DOJ on his sitemeter.

Lost Cause said...

@ At 12:03 PM, lawnmower man said...

[...] more about presenting the expected societal image of the loving marriage than about any real feelings.

You hit the nail right on the head. Many people think he is a media plant, a fake.

But when you look at where he lives, are what he, that guy is a phoney of the first degree. He would rather live with his SIL in a new place, than an old place that he earned. So many people have him pegged. Because there are so many people like him. Everything about him reeks of fake. Fake hair color, fake life. Do they have fake trees in his subdivision? Sad live in the suburbs, and shop in a stip mall.

Anonymous said...

I think now would be a good time to re-plug the Nigel Swaby™ YouTube video made by an ardent anonymous Hater. The background music is classic.

Props to whoever put it together. No, it wasn't me. :)

Rob Dawg said...

With two tech savvy teens in the house I had a little fun yesterday. "Is half a million pageviews per month a -good- thing?" Instant street cred with my darling hellions.

That said I don't think we'll ever match him unless he implodes... again... worse. Sure I've got a dozen poster children in reserve; John Lockwood, SDCIA Jeff, heck even Greg Swann is starting to show "Cheerleader Fatigue™." Toll and Mozillo are clearly burning out as well. Imagine that. You wake up every morning after successfully extracting hundreds of millions for yourself and having to screw up the guts to deny the sh!tstorm you've sailed your company straight into.

Anonymous said...

At 1:21 PM, aaron said...
one last comment.
I say within 45 days the Dawg will be on top of snowflake...ok bad choice of words

Hey now....your going to make nigel jealous.

Rob Dawg said...

You used "re-plug" and "Nigel Swaby" in the same sentence. Double hit-points for you my friend.

Dolph said...

Maybe he was, but I dont ever remember seeing his name or website in that story, if it was it was insignificant.


The CNET writer had a link for a site called "DHC." I believe that is what Nigel is referring to. But you are correct that he wasn't mentioned by name.

That has to piss him off.

Anonymous said...

@ Rob Dawg: Double hit-points for you my friend.

Yes! That means I've now reached Hater Experience Level 12. ;-)

R-Boy said...

Hi Wells Fargo! Thanks for visiting IAFF!

R-Boy said...

Should we flood the site with views to shut it down on friday

Rob Dawg said...

What's great is that "donthatecasey" is now all about hating Casey and hating those who hate Casey and hating those who hate those who once didn't hate Casey... Where was I? Oh yes, please in the future out of respect for the person, the title, the profession; don't call Nigey Swaby a Mortgage Broker. He is officially a"Part-Time Mortgage Broker" by his own hand.

The crew at Calculated Risk are gonna love that. Of course this was expected and predicted here months ago. With re-fis clamping down tighter than a... [you get the idea] and originations witling faster than... [you get the idea] Broker incomes have got to be receeding faster than... [you get the idea] and their revenue stream has to be stinking worse than an AXE soaked pleather jacket left in closed BMW on the Great Salt Flats which is caused by the sun.

Anonymous said...

I sincerely apologize if I'm wrong... but I am not sure 100% duane is honest.

He owns a few 'Webuyhouses' websites. Google him you will find his businesses.

Are there ANY honest people in that business? I do not know - does he work 'around' con men by enabling them? Is that honest and ethical?

If he is honest why is he harping so much about how he does right by others, gives to charity, survived a health crises, saved his marriage but he is not clear at all how he makes 'all that money'. This is what con men do to gain confidence.

Also he states he owned several properties, and was in trouble financially in 2002 but he must have made a killing on them right? But he said he wasnt saved by the bubble but by hard work. hmmmm. Why is he so quiet about how he makes money? Why is he posting all this info? I have only questions. This is not meant as an attack.

Rob Dawg said...

Using my mad haterz™ skillz I think if anyone wants to mess wit' the ole Beg-A-Thon II they would maybe theoretically click through to PayPal and then "chicken out." I'm not sure of their architecture but I'm willing to bet that dozens of failed transactions in a short period looks like a hacker attack to their software.

Jus' saying. Ain't making no suggestions here. Jus' sayin'.

Anonymous said...


"an AXE soaked pleather jacket ***that smells faintly of pee***"

Rob Dawg said...

He owns a few 'Webuyhouses' websites. Google him you will find his businesses.

Are there ANY honest people in that business? I do not know - does he work 'around' con men by enabling them? Is that honest and ethical?

That's an interesting point worth discussing. BRIEFLY. The same argument would condemn hard working honest Public Defenders would it not? What about bail bondsmen? Pawn shopkeepers? Not everyone can be the Congressional Page responsible for keeping the ink wells in the Senate chambers filled and thus avoid contact with any but the most honest and ethical persons in the land can they not?

R-Boy said...

Duane is posting this because he has a similiar story to Casey but he actually worked hard.

There are honest folks in that business. I don't think Duane will deny he has those "we buy houses" going on, those can be legitimate business.

He gave us his history so we would understand where he was coming from any why he helped casey. You know, backstory, mr. anony.

He hasn't gotten to how he got out of it but that's not the story. It would be a good one, but we are interesting in casey.

I'm going to take a guess that he makes money through the main sites he runs and talks about. Just a wild guess.

Oh, and I know the Atlanta area, and marietta ain't bubble-town. I was born there.

Anonymous said...

@ Rob Dawg

Agreed. Unfortunately if a business can lend itself to sleazy practices (I used to audit car dealerships, so I speak with some experience) you have good people trying to do the right thing. However, usually the people doing the right thing get tarred with the same brush used to paint the pleather clad bottom suckers too.

Anonymous said...

if anyone wants to mess wit' the ole Beg-A-Thon II

The canceling of transactions wouldn't work. PayPal likely processes over a million transactions a day and a few dozen cancels wouldn't register.

One thing that would be an annoyance to Casey, and I am not advocating it because it is blatantly illegal -- is to send him multiple payments from hacked PP accounts. If done by multiple people, Casey would probably shit himself seeing, let's say, $3000 in his account. He'd then transfer that money to his bank account, or attempt to withdraw it through his PayPal Debit Card. Eventually, the real account owners file chargebacks, PayPal rescinds all payments, and Casey's account is left $3000 in the red. For which PayPal will send a collection agency after him and almost assuredly terminate his account (they will assume the hacker is Casey trying to steal others' funds).

Again, blatantly illegal and merely hypothetically speaking... ;-P

Anonymous said...

> Anonymous said...
> He owns a few 'Webuyhouses'
> websites. Google him you will
> find his businesses.

Have you guys noticed it's always "Anonymous" posts attacking Duane, and with inuendo rather than fact? True, many here post under an alias (as I do), but these are established aliases used here, IAFF, etc. We've a posting history, taken stands, built up credibility (or lack of).

Cowardly to attack anonymously.

Rob Dawg said...

Agreed the "cold feet" transactions wouldn't crash PayPal but I bet that it would flag the account for unusual activity. And nothing illegal about it. Jus' sayin'.

Anonymous said...

I don't usually post to EN. Just to IAFF when the little twerp ticks me off.

Anyway. I want to say (not that any of y'all care) that I'm definitely part of the larger crowd that comes to rubberneck while snowflake slowly goes down in flames...

Anonymous said...

Flailing, that timeline was very impressive.

Who is that Aaron fellow Casey sued for breach of contract? Did Snowflake win? Has this been covered somewhere?

If someone can shoot me the link or give me a quick rundown, I'd appreciate it.

Anonymous said...

Another legal (though somewhat unethical) way to shut Casey's operation down is to complain to PayPal, via e-mail or their customer service line, that Casey (account: is violating their TOS. I mentioned previously alleging that he's selling porn, which is absurd, but you may have a legitimate case that he's attempting to operate an unlicensed charity.

Too lazy to look up the actual phone numbers or e-mail addy, but you get the idea...

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
I sincerely apologize if I'm wrong... but I am not sure 100% duane is honest.

He owns a few 'Webuyhouses' websites. Google him you will find his businesses.

Are there ANY honest people in that business? I do not know - does he work 'around' con men by enabling them? Is that honest and ethical?

If he is honest why is he harping so much about how he does right by others, gives to charity, survived a health crises, saved his marriage but he is not clear at all how he makes 'all that money'. This is what con men do to gain confidence.

Also he states he owned several properties, and was in trouble financially in 2002 but he must have made a killing on them right? But he said he wasnt saved by the bubble but by hard work. hmmmm. Why is he so quiet about how he makes money? Why is he posting all this info? I have only questions. This is not meant as an attack. "

OK, which is it, I am not honest or this is not an atack.

1st... (get your notepad ready BUD)
I own more than a few...
2nd... We are the only company in the nation the A) has STRICT credentials for being in our network, B) SCREENS for leaches like you, and C) Makes DAMN sure that our network has the best interest of the home seller at heart.

You find me a conman in my network butthead.. FIND ONE...

I could literally triple my revenue by letting all the people that want to be in our network in. HELL NO. Mostly they are losers like you. and the homeseller would be screwed.

Wanna speak to a COlonel that JUST got back from his 2nd tour of duty only to find a foreclosure notice in his mailbox due to a screw-up.. he didnt have time to make it right. We did.. AND we put more money in his pocket than he thought is house was worth...

You wanna challenge me... do it behind your real name bud... WIMP

Sprezzatura said...

w/r/t - honest people in unpopular lines of business:

Two members of my immediate family are lawyers. Neither one is a sleazy ambulance chaser.

Judge the person, not the industry.

Anonymous said...

Aaron was a renter of Caseys, who Snowflake had to pay off to get out of the condo - he paid him cash, if I recall correctly, and dropped the suit.

Right? Wrong?

Anonymous said...

Please, people, let's not resort to doing anything even slightly sketchy in an effort to sabotage Snowflake.

If somebody wants to donate to him, so be it. Let the chips fall where they may.

He will still find a way to crash and burn.

lawnmower man said...

As we're starting to fragment away from Duane's subjects: you do all know there's a new EN post here just begging for sweet sweet comment love?

Just checkin'.

lawnmower man said...

I could literally triple my revenue by letting all the people that want to be in our network in.

Casey didn't make the grade:
For example they wouldn’t let me take the Sacramento area (it’s available). Something about that I don’t have 2 years of full-time successful house buying experience. And I’m sure the thing about me facing foreclosure didn’t help much either.

Dolph said...

Let's put it this way...if Casey gets too much cash at once in his paypal account it may cause them to freeze his account.

Paypal is famous for this and does it regularly I am told to try and slow down scammers. If they investigate and decide Casey's money is not from a scam, they will unfreeze the money. I am told a freeze could hold him up for weeks.

BTW, I am not advocating anybody do anything to cause the little snowflake problems. I am pointing out something I do have some insight on. I doubt he'll get more than $200 at best.

Listening Casey?

Dolph said...

Rob, Paypal has tons of transactions that never finish. The most likely way he'll get flagged is if he found enough suckers to give him the $10K he needs. THAT could start the alarm bells at PP. They do not mess around over there when it comes to anything that reeks of fraud.

Sprezzatura said...

I want to VERY strongly encourage all EN folks to play it on the straight and narrow w/r/t Casey and Paypal during the beg-a-thon.

We're on the side of the angels here, right? Then we should act like it.

Do not make false accusations about Casey's PayPal use, do not make donations and then report them as frauds, and do not encourage others to do so.

In short, don't screw up your own karma in an effort to make Casey sink faster. It's not worth it.

Anonymous said...

I like the begathon. I find it amusing to see what Casey will do. Since giving him money is enabling him rather than helping him I plan to make pledges to charity. This way he can help improve his karmic score which in the long run is much more important than a couple of dollars.

To this end I prepledge $100 to Habitat for Humanity if Casey eats a bug. A really big one.

Anonymous said...

PayPal tomfoolery aside, if Casey is being serious about "Beg-A-Thon II™", we as the community of Haters should be serious in ramping up the monkey-dancing he'll have to do to earn any money.

How about Casey holding up a piece of paper with the written statement "I committed mortgage fraud and got away with it! What're you gonna do about it, FBI??" That'd be worth twenty bucks :-)

I know it's been re-hashed before, but Galina bikini pix for the males, Casey in his underwear pix for the females to laugh at him (or for Nigel to salivate, take your pick).

Anonymous said...

I still can't get snowflake's site to resolve. is anybody else having that issue?

Anonymous said...

Google cache has Nigel's Post on Don That Casey re: Duane:

A rather interesting exchange took place yesterday over at EN. Duane LeGate, the Atlanta property investor who became one of Casey's first sponsors decided to spill the beans on his dealings with Casey.

At 1:20 PM, Anonymous said...
April 25, 07...The problem is I got so many things cooking that I can't afford to be spread thin. I HAVE to pick a focus and stick to it. Unfortunately I wasn't able to monetize IAFF quickly enough and now its nothing but a big pain for me (though I DO get good contacts from it).I'm thinking of selling IAFF. I've had a couple of offers. One guy(Nigel) is offering 10K.Would you still be interested in buying it? Did you take a look at the stats login I sent you?--Casey Serin

At 1:22 PM, Anonymous said...
SO I called him that day and said I might have an interest.. we talked about structure.. he wanted to partner.. I told hom the only way would be that I won 51% (controlling interest)or we discussed other methods of doing a deal... then he sends me..."Here is the login again, see below. I do have a job offer that I'm looking at right now that will require moving 6 hours south to LA working as a right-hand man for a Luxury home developer in Beverly Hills. I have other opportunities. Again, it all comes down to F O C U S ! Something that I have been lacking in.--Casey Serin

At 1:23 PM, Anonymous said...
OK I said I wouldnt say a word.. however.. he has never stuck to any agreeemnt he and I have had.. all the while I am trying to help..."There is no legal trouble, don't worry... Just trying to prioritize and focus. --Casey Serin916-595-9632-----Original Message-----From: Duane LeGate []Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2007 5:30 PMTo: 'Casey Serin'Subject: RE: Google Analytics loginCasey,Thanks.. I will look at the stats... Are you in trouble or have you been contacted by the law or any other enforcement agency? Your behavior is puzzling to me...As you know, what you and I discuss... well I don't say a word... shoot me straight...BTW>>> WATCH NIGEL>>>>

At 1:25 PM, Anonymous said...
He was to call me 2 wednesdays ago (i think).. here is the emails from that..."Hey Duane, sorry about not calling you before... I'm getting my priorities straight this weekend. Especially since my wife has had enough. I will be calling you at 8:00 AM my time on Monday to see if we can work out some kind of a job situation. (11 yours) --Casey Serin916-595-9632-----Original Message-----From: Duane Legate []Sent: Friday, May 04, 2007 9:49 AMTo: 'Casey Serin'Subject: i thought you were to call me on Wednesday...Obviously, you have no interest in working with me.. that's fine.. Just curious as to what your plans are?? Does the publisher know (or are you self publishing) about the no limits deal still hanging??

At 1:26 PM, Anonymous said...
Monday comes and GOES..."Hey Duane, my wife and I are dealing with some important issues last night and this morning so I didn't call you. I apologize and I hope you understand. Will get a hold of you either later today or tomorrow.Thanks.--Casey Serin916-595-9632

At 1:26 PM, Anonymous said...
my response to him on Tuesday..Shoot me straight... everything ok??

At 1:27 PM, Anonymous said...
His response..."Divorce?Duane LeGatePresidentReal Estate Investors.TVHouse Buyer Network, Inc.911 Gresham AvenueMarietta, GA 30067Phone: 888-888-3034 ext. 1401Fax: 888-326-1219email: Message-----From: Casey Serin []Sent: Tuesday, May 08, 2007 6:09 PMTo: 'Duane Legate'Subject: RE: Calling this morningMarriage problems. Wife has had enough. She's upset at my irresponsible behavior with finances but more importantly putting business goals ahead of my marriage. She has a point.Sorry for the drama.--Casey Serin916-595-9632

At 1:29 PM, Anonymous said...
I asked him what he would sell IAFF for.. not trying to make an offer.. but seeing where his threashold was... There is value inthe website.. not the traffic... not the uniques.. not the content.. Casey will never be able to figure out the TRUE value.. and I guarantee you his butterfly from the "alternate" site wont be able to.."need the following…# of inbound linksAge of siteDaily uniquesWeekly uniquesMonthly uniquesDaily page viewsWeekly pageviewsMonthly pageviewsAvg time spent on siteTop 5 referral sources and amount of traffic derived by eachMore to come… but start on that first

At 1:31 PM, Anonymous said...
What do I get??? SILENCE... Casey wants to talk about things that lead to action.. but when the ruber hits the road.. he scrams.. I could get him enough from his website that he could shave 1/2 his debt... instead he wants to play entrepreneur and get 100 dollar text links...My Next email to him..."need the following…# of inbound linksAge of siteDaily uniquesWeekly uniquesMonthly uniquesDaily page viewsWeekly pageviewsMonthly pageviewsAvg time spent on siteTop 5 referral sources and amount of traffic derived by eachMore to come… but start on that first

At 1:31 PM, Anonymous said...
OPPS... wong cut and past.. my next email to him...If i am going to help you...You need to start helping yourself… I asked for data yesterday.. this is data that I need to float your site to parties I know that might be interested. I need this asap…

At 1:32 PM, Anonymous said...
on 5/10 he sent me the stats.. the ones that are on flickr.. now you know why they are there...

At 1:33 PM, Anonymous said...
I tried to get in touch with himn.. silence again...Casey,I don’t want to waste my time or yours... do you want me to help.. if so, I need you to be responsive... Before I contact the people I am to contact... I need to know from you.. with no wishy washy answer...Do you want to sell your blog?Do you want me to handle it?

At 1:34 PM, Anonymous said...
SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO the reason for my rant....HE IS TROLLING>>>> LOOK AT WHAT HE EMAILS ME TODAY...I'm gonna hold off on selling it. I'm starting to get pretty good interest in the $100/mo text link ads and my other advertising has been going pretty good. So its producing income. I AM interested in contract work though. What do you have available?--Casey Serin916-595-9632

Quite the revelation. I'm only posting this to make some clarification. First of all, I question Duane's behavior on this. I know I've revealed some things that have happened between Casey and I, but only after it happened and there could be no further negative effect for Casey. I'm not out to ruin the guy. He makes plenty of mistakes on his own.

Yes, I did make an offer to buy Casey's site, but he ended up passing. Fine by me. It was his decision. Yes, I also knew about the LA job offer, but I would have never revealed that information to EN. Believe it or not, the offer came from someone who saw Casey on Suze Orman's show. I guess media can pay off.

Here's the true revelation though folks. Duane was paying Casey for several months after the whole NLL deal went down. They simply said the deal was dead, but Casey kept the links up and Duane kept paying. Haterz interference is what caused Duane to turn on "silent running" mode so I am quite shocked Duane would now resurface spill his guts(z?) to the EN world.

I'm not surprised Duane would say "Watch Nigel" though. For what it's worth I always told Casey to listen to Duane as I did not want to jeopardize anything good he may have in the works. If you recall, Duane is the one who originally contacted me. Once he "solved" his problem, his interest in me vanished. I called him back a few times as he requested, but the messages went unanswered.

I don't wish Duane any ill will. He's admitted he's unfamiliar with the goings on of the Internet so I don't blame him for his current behavior. Certainly it's frustrating to work with Casey Serin as well. I am sure there is some one out there who can reach Casey. I just know it's not me and it's clearly not Duane LeGate. Welcome to the haterz Duane, but watch out because they eat their own.

Anonymous said...

Incredible story Duane, thanks for sharing it. Can't wait for the next installment of "How the Snowlake Turns".

lawnmower man said...

And here are the comments on Nigel's "Duane LeGate Full Of Hate" post. (Bloglines to the rescue: I'm subscribed to the comment feeds on IAFF, EN, and DHC.)

flailing forward:

Uh oh, Nigelhgd goes on the attack. Nigel, any comment on the fact that Casey was playing you and Duane against each other when he wanted to sell IAFF? Would you still pay $10k for it now if he offered it to you?

Wed, May 16 2007 5:39 AM


Welcome to the haterz Duane, but watch out because they eat their own.

Can you give us an example?

Wed, May 16 2007 5:45 AM

flailing forward:

I would like to issue a formal retraction. Nigel's comment code for the day is in fact 0001 0110. I apologize for any inconvenience I may have caused. This is just another example of why I will never be an award-winning web commenterist.

Wed, May 16 2007 5:58 AM


Duane doesn't have a Blogger/Google account, so I'm uploading his response on his behalf:

"Here's the true revelation though folks. Duane was paying Casey for several months after the whole NLL deal went down. They simply said the deal was dead, but Casey kept the links up and Duane kept paying. Haterz interference is what caused Duane to turn on "silent running" mode so I am quite shocked Duane would now resurface spill his guts(z?) to the EN world."

You will see everything... you are partially correct.. but mostly incorrect... he did get paid by me after I broke the sponsorship, there was a reason.. and its not what you think... also the reason you had stated in the past about why I quit because of the Haterz is inaccurate.. there was a tency bit of truth.. again it will come out..

As far as having a problem solved... you and I were in contact as I recall twice... once when IAFF was down... i only remembered a few names your being one to let everyone know why... and the 2nd was to compare notes on a person that I thoguht had crossed the line. We chatted, I didnt want to continue with any relationship... you didnt solve any problem for me...

The reason I said "watch Nigel" is simply this... I think your a traffic whore. Why does this site exist if not to suck traffic off the back of Serin? You add no compelling value. In my mind you self grandize (spelling?)

Wed, May 16 2007 6:07 AM


We aren't eating Duane Nigel. In fact, I've had quite the day conversing with him.

Swell chap.

Wed, May 16 2007 6:12 AM

Salt Lake Mortgage Guy:

We chatted, I didnt want to continue with any relationship

Then why did you ask me to call you to do an interview?

I think your a traffic whore.

Does that make you a "traffic John" because you paid $1500 per month for your traffic?

Why does this site exist if not to suck traffic off the back of Serin?

First of all, I talked to Casey about this site before starting it. The purpose of this site was simply to move Serin talk away from my main site, much like you didn't do your "Casey outing" on your own site. The haterz are bad news. I have done nothing to promote this site. I simply don't care about this site's traffic. It's just a place to defend myself and sometimes vent against haterz.

Wed, May 16 2007 6:21 AM


Duane replies:

A traffic john... i didnt derive traffic from Casey. I had him post urls for back link purposes ONLY. Caseys links, the story Casey did on REI.Tv, along with all the other marketing got my REI.TV site up to a page rank 4.

Again Nigel, I will type this slowly so you will understand...

C A S E Y d o e s n o t h a v e a c t i o n a b l e t r a f f i c.

Therefore I am not a traffic John, but a link seeker.

BTW... dude if you want to reqrite histroy... if you want to put your spin on things fine...

what I find funny is that your entire post was a cut copy and paste of something that had already been posted.

Again, what compelling value do you add???

Wed, May 16 2007 6:38 AM

Salt Lake Mortgage Guy:

Therefore I am not a traffic John, but a link seeker.

Yes, I smoked it, but I didn't inhale.

Wed, May 16 2007 6:42 AM


I am quite shocked Duane would now resurface spill his guts(z?) to the EN world.

Why is this shocking? If you read the EN threads, Duane hit his breaking point when faced with the inescapable reality of Casey's foolishness and poor judgement. When offered a real buyer (not you) for IAFF, Casey blew it off in favor of the three text-link ads he's sold.

Wed, May 16 2007 6:45 AM

lawnmower man

I simply don't care about this site's traffic.

The Google and AdBrite adverts here suggest otherwise.

Wed, May 16 2007 6:48 AM

flailing forward:

I simply don't care about this site's traffic. It's just a place to defend myself and sometimes vent against haterz.

You sure spend a hell of a lot more time over here than you do at SLCRE. SLCRE is like a ghost town these days. I remember the first time I ever went there. You actually had a few comments on most of the articles, some discussion was going on, and there was the appearance that you possibly had something to offer to readers.

Now, comments are all but non-existent (haterz or spam if any at all), the quality of the articles has gone way down lately (Is there a connection between sports success and RE? *** no *** Can you ever own a house? *** yes ***), and the place seems like it's wasting away. It's hard to come off as authoritative when it looks like you're blogging to yourself.

What do you get out these battles you pick? What's the point of starting a feud with Duane? Do you feed off of negative attention or something?

Wed, May 16 2007 6:52 AM


Do you feed off of negative attention or something?

I hope so - have you tried Googling "Nigel Swaby" lately? It's not a pretty sight!

Wed, May 16 2007 6:55 AM

lawnmower man:

BTW, Nigel, you've slipped up on your cut-and-paste scoop here: the links to the EN comments are very revealing.

You use ProxyIndex to visit EN, hmm?

Websites cannot identify or track you! [...] ProxyIndex hides your IP address.

Very interesting. I wonder why you do that. I wonder what else you use it for.

Wed, May 16 2007 7:00 AM

flailing forward:

One more thing, notice which blog got quoted at C|Net: DHC. Despite being award-winning and having a six part exclusive on Casey Serin plus numerous other Casey posts, SLCRE wasn't authoritative enough. Why? I say because it looks dead. (much like the RE industry)

Where are you providing value? Here, to haterz. If you had valuable insights on the mortgage industry, people would be reading SLCRE.

OT: Casey has had 64k visitors so far today. A new crop of fresh haterz arrives.

Wed, May 16 2007 7:03 AM

Alcohol Swabbie

What do Nigel Swaby, Casey Serin and Robert Cote have in common?

They are very good at making enemies!

Wed, May 16 2007 7:28 AM

Lost Cause:

PS -- I thought that you converted to hater? I think that you have to renounce scaminaria first. Is that the problem?

Wed, May 16 2007 8:56 AM

lawnmower man"

I also knew about the LA job offer, but I would have never revealed that information to EN. Believe it or not, the offer came from someone who saw Casey on Suze Orman's show. I guess media can pay off.

Let's hold fire on that conclusion until Casey actually gets the payoff of landing a job.

The "other opportunities" Casey mentioned had been "brewing for 8 or 9 months" mostly sounded like bottom-feeding scams. He may of course have been trolling with part or all of that list -- the "roulette scheme" certainly smelt like hater-bait.

You need to consider also that some of the "opportunities" Casey receives may themselves be trolling. For example, we would never have known that Casey was trying to charge $39 for foreclosure "advice" had it not been revealed by a hater who dangled a shiny piece of bait into Casey's inbox.

Wed, May 16 2007 9:02 AM

lawnmower man:

I did make an offer to buy Casey's site, but he ended up passing.

As an aside: Nigel, could you clarify the timeline on this a little?

The emails show that Casey told Duane on the 25th April that "one guy is offering $10K".

Your negotiations with Casey regarding your foreclosure site partnership broke down down at the end of March.

When did your offer to Casey to buy IAFF occur? Did you return to Casey after the previous partnership deal broke down with an offer to buy IAFF outright? Or was the offer part of the previous negotiations, with Casey trying to make it sound more current than it really was to impress Duane?

Wed, May 16 2007 9:13 AM

Salt Lake Mortgage Guy:

The emails show that Casey told Duane on the 25th April that "one guy is offering $10K".

My records show that timeline to be correct. Casey did inform me that he had two other people interested in it, so I don't feel deceived by him.

This was about the time the Jetta got broken into and he had to delay the trip to find out about the job. I thought perhaps the Tahoe trip was a ruse to throw the scent off the job, but he really went to Tahoe.

Wed, May 16 2007 9:28 AM

lawnmower man:

Thanks Nigel.

Wed, May 16 2007 9:33 AM


10k is 9,999.99 more than I would pay for it. Anyone could start a blog that pisses people off, then spread the word to get traffic to come. Besides, Casey would probably spend 8k on the third NRU education, just to get the 4k referral fee. SWEET!!

Wed, May 16 2007 10:35 AM

lawnmower man said...

Special bonus: 2 comments from the "Sharing The Wealth of Link Love" post:

lawnmower man:

Also the way he frames his photos to incite the greatest response.

Actually I've always suspected that it's Galina, not Casey, who has the eye for photographic composition. Compare the flat Utah trip photos to the IAFF greatest hits: Working In Rich Dad's Office, Opening Mail And Organizing All Night, and so on. Someone in that house has some talent, although they do tend to force the staging a little too much.

(And that reminds me. There's one more Casey exclusive that Nigel still has in reserve: the mysterious Money Partner G who bankrolled and accompanied Casey on the Utah trip. Who is he, is he still in the picture, and what was Casey doing in Utah anyway?)

Tue, May 15 2007 9:56 AM

Benoit jumps in using his Casey Serin sockpuppet:

Casey Serin:

the mysterious Money Partner G

We all know it was Mr. B. Goates, Nigel. And BTW, deleting this message will only serve as further evidence of that... :-p

Tue, May 15 2007 11:07 AM

Anonymous said...

Okay I’ll play the devil’s advocate; I’m not entirely on the Duane bandwagon yet. The thoughts that the other anonymous poster raised crossed my mind as well. I see nothing wrong in being skeptical. And for those including Duane that called the poster out for concealing his/her identity, why is Duane concealing so much information about his business? I don’t remember him ever addressing that in his tirade. And do you expect someone to actually post their real name on this forum? We’ve seen what happens to people who reveal any information here that can be linked to them. Why don’t you step up and answer the questions, Duane? If you have a legitimate business what is there to hide? Why are you so defensive? You can write page after page of your inspiring tale, but when someone asks you simple question about your business you go apeshit.

And for someone who rides his high horse and claims to do right by others, how ethical is it for you to share your private business correspondence with Casey? Don’t get me wrong, I’ve enjoyed reading it, but is this how you treat all of the people you do business with? Or only the ones that are no longer of use to you?

Duane - "Wanna speak to a COlonel that JUST got back from his 2nd tour of duty only to find a foreclosure notice in his mailbox due to a screw-up.. he didnt have time to make it right. We did.. AND we put more money in his pocket than he thought is house was worth.."

That is the funniest shit I have read in awhile, my god you’re a fucking Ghandi.

Duane going apeshit 3,2,1……

Rob Dawg said...

Anon 3:57 says:
why is Duane concealing so much information about his business?

Enough. That's been answered several times to everyone elses' apparent satisfaction. We all know how the "rumors repeated" technique goes.
S-l-o-w-l-y: DL doesn't talk about his business model because it is a proprietary business advantage. Why not go question a successful stock arbitrageur about his methods? It's a public market, what are they hiding? Move along or find where aunt Prudence hid the Elderberry wine this time so you can revert to that other persona. The style, the slow insinuation, the previous brief "test" type comments to ensure covered tracks. Yawn.

Anonymous said...

I'm the first anon who dared question Duane. We are not the same guy.

I don't know why he went so 'apeshit' I was trying to be polite but I'm a haterz™, so I have questionz™.

Its just that Duane's business apparently is putting up 'we buy houses' signs everwhere on the internet and selling the leads or taking a cut. Is it that simple? then say so. whats the bfd?

At least DL admitted 2 of the 3 people who want to work with him are crooks. I'm sorry but in Real Estate you HAVE to assume everyone is a crook until proven otherwise or you get your azz™ handed to you. I think DL knows that.

Did the Colonel put his home in the MLS? If not why? Isnt that a fair question?

Anonymous said...

I am also reserving my judgement re duane, in person I can always read people, quite accurately, online it's not as easy, but, my posts at IAFF regarding swabtard were always deleted and that was way before this site took on serin I need more info. Legion was the next person to voice his complaints about
super buttfly, on IAFF and here.

Put me in the undecided column.

Anonymous said...

Okay troll.. you want answers.. here goes...

"ElderberryWine said...
I'm the first anon who dared question Duane. We are not the same guy.

I don't know why he went so 'apeshit' I was trying to be polite but I'm a haterz™, so I have questionz™.

At least DL admitted 2 of the 3 people who want to work with him are crooks. I'm sorry but in Real Estate you HAVE to assume everyone is a crook until proven otherwise or you get your azz™ handed to you. I think DL knows that.

First every anon that has come at me have been anything but polite. You wanna ask me about my business go ahead.. but to imply something FIRST... then act as if you did nothing is ludicrous.

"Its just that Duane's business apparently is putting up 'we buy houses' signs everwhere on the internet and selling the leads or taking a cut. Is it that simple? then say so. whats the bfd?"

Sir/Madam, we only advertise on the internet. There are no signs to put up. 2nd. I dont take a cut of NOTHING. 3rd.. I wont go into to much here...

But we not only buy houses, we market, guarantee you a sales price in some markets for your security, can help you UNWIND a mortgage you shouldnt have gotten into... we are a home selling solutions company. We only work with people who have either A) been scammed by the system or people that have fallen on hard times.

Those people CANNOT BE helped by the do nothing slow as molasses traditional real estate industry...

"At least DL admitted 2 of the 3 people who want to work with him are crooks. I'm sorry but in Real Estate you HAVE to assume everyone is a crook until proven otherwise or you get your azz™ handed to you. I think DL knows that.

What king of freaking stupid spin are you putting on here... if that is your comprhension of anything I have said you are a freaking idiot.

"Did the Colonel put his home in the MLS? If not why? Isnt that a fair question? "

Because dumbass.. by the time most realtors enter the house into the MLS... hos house wouldve been gone on the steps.. hence my service.


Anonymous said...

At 4:33 PM, Did someone say LinkWhore? said...

Fair enough. Look I am not running a popularity contest here. I am not begging for people to like me, if you do great, if not thats fine also. What I will not stand for is half assed blind sides at me, or my business. People that insinuate things and then run and hide are cowards.

For you, I think you have an honest, decent, and respectful post.

Anonymous said...

By the way how does anyone know this "inspiring" story is true?

Heart attack at 36? Have you verified this stuff, or just taken on faith it's true because well this is way bigger than Nig's scoop of the year? Gee, I don't know, but not all people are like you Rob Dawg, good hearted, like I said, I am RESERVING judgement.

Sorry, I am just skeptical, cannot help myself, no negative dispersions on you .

Anonymous said...


Heart attack at 38. You want me TO PROVE I had a heart attack???


Anonymous said...

Well gee, i was about to give you points here, but....

Now I do know about heart problems, I died at age 36, very briefly from
arrhythmia, and I've had several episodes, so your response just lost points, like I said, I am reserving judgement.

You could prove it with bills, I don't care, see it's like this, anyone could write an inspiring story.

I am just reserving MY judgement, not casting dispersions on you, but, gee that's pretty defensive on your part, perhaps you have a reason, I do not know.

By the way, you should not care about "popularity contests" if you are doing the right thing!

Now vwas this guy a victim of mortgage servicing fraud or what?

The guy you saved, second tour of duty guy?

Anonymous said...


I admit I was one of your biggest critics. My take is that you are judged by who your friends are.

Frankly, I really don't care if you are as clean as snow or not. What I am interested in is your unique insight into the Snowflake mind and your personal dealings with him.

I'm not going to bait you or incite you. I do thank you for sharing your story. You didn't have to and I commend that.

Ignore the trolls and the assholes. Again, I could care less about YOUR motives for helping Snowflake. That is in the past. It didn't work. Now that you want to "come clean", I say thanks.

That's all I can ask of you. Tell the truth as to what really happened. That's all you need to owe anyone. That is a hell of a lot more than anyone else associated with Snowflake has ever done in the past.

The majority of us at EN are not haterz, per se. We DO despise the likes of Snowflake and Buttfly, not for who they are, but for what they are. Liars. Criminals. Degenerates. Scumbags. They don't get it, and never will.

I look forward to hearing every detail you can remember about Snowflake, Galina, Buttfly, and others involved.

Thanks again.

Anonymous said...

Hey Duane you should chill out with the name calling and personal attacks. The anon's arent attacking you, at least not much.

I read some stuff you posted in another forum and I understand your business a little better. It seems a little too close to the seminar stuff to me, what with you trying to sell the REITv real estate learning CD's on casey's site. (is he credible? did you sell any?)
And you were talking with Nigel a lot before these guys here dont like nigel.

here is a link for the crew, i dont know why you wont get into it, no reason to be mysterious, you explained it well here:

Anonymous said...

At 5:03 PM, Did someone say LinkWhore? said...
Well gee, i was about to give you points here, but....
"so your response just lost points, like I said, I am reserving judgement"

Link Whore.. I am not her to "win your points... dont reserve judgement pass it.. who cares??

As far as the COlonel... I didnt save him... the network did - you know the one with all the crooks and the con men.. as far as the exact story, mortatge fraud etc.. I cant remember all the detaisl.. BUT it had to do with misapplied payments and lost notices... he ahd the money.. the mortgage company put a stop out on him.. sad.. glad we helped... no one else wouldve without raping the guy.

Anonymous said...

Wow Duane, sure tripped your hand, I am no longer in the undecided column. Congrats!

Anonymous said...

You can't remember the details?

Excuse me? I do not even know the original story, please educate me, cause I missed it. I DO know about servicng fraud and that's evil, just like equity stripping, I KNOW about that too.

Anonymous said...


good lord oyu guys wont give up...

I deal with close to ten thousand people per month. We get thank you cards all the time. I talk to people in the network all the time,. we all share stories.

So if I dont have 100% of the facts for you tonight... right now... there must be something evil.. sinister... just plain wrong about me right?/

you make me laugh.. loser

Anonymous said...

yea sure,

have a very nice life STEALING from people, I will never need your equity thieveing service


Rob Dawg said...


Let me guess, the label said "do not operate heavy machinery or post after using this product."


Anonymous said...

Duane, here's a simple straight forward question I asked earlier:

As a "do the right thing" businessman, how ethical is it of you to post on a public forum your private business correspondence with a former business partner (Casey)? Did you get his permission to do so?

Anonymous said...

"Ask Nicely Said said...
Duane, here's a simple straight forward question I asked earlier:

As a "do the right thing" businessman, how ethical is it of you to post on a public forum your private business correspondence with a former business partner (Casey)? Did you get his permission to do so? "

ok.. heres where split on this one...

2 things...

1) His private business affairs are plastered ALL ove the internet by him, EVERYTHING except his bed time duties with his wife... if he has something he wont share... its because he is saving it for another post...

2) He has broken no less than 10 pledges to me... so he breaks deals so I must keep mine... well let me tell you something...

I believe in tough love.

As you will see in the coming days, Casey had every opportunity to make a living and save himself.. he chose not to. One of the many reasons I am exposing him.. and I told this to Rob Dawg.. was the his wife or family would read it... realize Casey has a screw loose and help him.

Ever see the Andy Griffith episode where Andy is explainig to Opie why a person should ignore a "dont swim in the lake sign" to save a drowning person... well that person has 2 choices... break the law and save a life. Or obey the law.

Your suggesting I do nothing.. and blame it on ethics...

Nice try... throw me another softball loser.

R-Boy said...

Duane telling this story is very much needed. It doesn't reflect on his character that he is telling a side of a story that will not paint Casey in a good way. Casey has made this bed, and now, in one way, he gets to lie in it.

In any case, I doubt Duane and Casey signed a business contract, and I understood Duane's linkage to Casey and payment more of a life preserver thrown to Casey than a business arrangement per se.

I think that whoever this anonymous person is, its telling that they want to attack Duane, and not Casey. As best as I can tell, its Casey who's committed multiple felonies and bilked the system out of hundreds of thousands of dollars, not Duane.

Anonymous said...

Duane -"..and I told this to Rob Dawg.. was the his wife or family would read it... realize Casey has a screw loose and help him.

Ever see the Andy Griffith episode where Andy is explainig to Opie why a person should ignore a "dont swim in the lake sign" to save a drowning person... well that person has 2 choices... break the law and save a life. Or obey the law.

Your suggesting I do nothing.. and blame it on ethics...

Nice try... throw me another softball loser."

If this was your motivation, why not just call his wife or family? Then you don't have to break any laws? Your clearly full of shit.

Nice try!

Lost Cause said...

Wow Duane -- 53,000 housing inventory in Atlanta -- gotta be a tough place to make a living in Real Estate.

Anonymous said...

Duane, were you raised or spend a significant amount of time in the New York City area? We both seem to share a "F*ck me??? No, f*ck YOU!!!" attitude when it comes to people trying to screw us over. Folks who were not exposed to this regularly find it suspicious behavior.

Anonymous said...

@ Duane's Hater

What exactly are you trying to accomplish here?

Duane, thanks for your insights.

Anonymous said...

Me - "If this was your motivation, why not just call his wife or family? Then you don't have to break any laws? Your clearly full of shit.

Nice try!"

Duane - "We currently have 3K per month as a set aside for community good will. We will spend more based on a particular need or event, there have been a few times where we haven’t spent that much. Caseys situation is the only one that has ever been publicized…"

Better idea, how about you spend that 3K to stage an intervention and really help Casey out? You already spent what 3K? on Casey goodwill to improve your Google rank? Another 3k wouldn't hurt, would it?

Anonymous said...


Nigel I knew it was you... Sheesh...

the anons.. the writing.. then you just tipped it... you just revealed something unintentionally that only Casey and I wouldve known...

Good grief dude...

penis envy?? want me to reveal your emails to me too??

dude... this story aint about you... its about your hero Casey...

your site rocks btw...

Hey Nigel... Can I call you tommorow wo you can interview me??

Sprezzatura said...



You're not even a competent troll.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Nigel I knew it was you... Sheesh...

the anons.. the writing.. then you just tipped it... you just revealed something unintentionally that only Casey and I wouldve known...

Good grief dude...

penis envy?? want me to reveal your emails to me too??

dude... this story aint about you... its about your hero Casey...

your site rocks btw...

Hey Nigel... Can I call you tommorow wo you can interview me??"

PRLinkBiz I knew it was you... Sheesh...

Wow this is fun. Everyone can play this game when they don't want to answer a question.

Anonymous said...

Duane - "want me to reveal your emails to me too??"

Yes please, I'm not not Nigel or Casey, so it's all good in your morally flexible world. Though you might wanna run it by your "Christian based family practitioner" first. Bwha, Ha, Ha.

Anonymous said...

What Casey Means to Say has coined the phrase "LeWaterGate"! What an inspired quip! I love it!

Some have questioned Mr. DL's revalations. But, I think it's untenable to question his ethics in revealing the truth behind Casey's story. Casey chose to take himself public and air his dirty laundry in the first place.

And, per every HaterZ suspicions, and the CNet article, Casey has been unmasked as a cynical, manipulative bastard. I think DL is doing a public service in 'outing' Casey for the swine he is.

If only Niggle could understand...well, I'd love to witness his coming clean as well. It's probably the only thing that would redeem him in the eyes of most of us trainwreck spectators.

And maybe, we'll one day get Frau Serin's take on things. One can only live in hope!

Cheers, Mail Guru