Duane, just want to follow up with you on advertising and ideas on how I can pay off my 160K of unsecured debt.
I would love to learn from your example. I don't want to declare bankruptcy and need to find a way to refinance the debt or start making enough monthly to float the big bill.
Also, google adsense kicked me off their advertising system because some "haters" on my site were clicking the links too often on purpose and Google has a rule against that.
So I want to talk to you about advertising HouseBuyerNetwork and move forward ASAP.
Here is my traffic chart for December:
Duane, I am ready to help myself. I would love to be able to say this year that "I made it right" by paying back all my debts.
Hope your holidays went well...
Casey Serin
From: Duane LeGate [mailto:duane@housebuyernetwork.com]
Sent: Friday, January 12, 2007 12:35 PM
To: 'Casey Serin'
Cc: 'Shane Pike'
Subject: LONG Time getting back to you
I am sorry for just now getting back to you. I was sick, then Christmas, NewYears, then I took a vacation after New Years, then been in New York.
I am copying Shane.
Shane meet Casey, Casey meet Shane.
Shane handles all of our advertising and SEO.
I still want to do something with your site. Sooner versus later.
2 conditions: we can pull out any time if you do anything we feel is harmful to anyones rep.
2nd, we are the exclusive advertiser. We are also going to ask you for certain things from and SE standpoint.
That said. you guys chat.
Duane LeGate
Duane, here is my current financial statement, I know you asked for this a while back:
My revised goals for 2007:
1) sell all remaining houses
2) generate $250,000 to settle all my debt (no BK), keep my wife in school and get financially healthy
3) do everything with 100% integrity
Feel free to give me any advice...
Casey Serin
From: Duane LeGate [mailto:duane@housebuyernetwork.com]
Sent: Monday, January 15, 2007 9:01 AM
To: 'Casey Serin'
Subject: call me
Call me when you get this
My phone is not working... Here is my wife's number: XXX-XXX-XXXX I will be on it all day.
Casey Serin
Hey Duane, I apologize about not picking up if you tried to call me back...
That's my wife's cell phone and she had to go to school for the day and take it with her.
I lost my cell phone so I'm going to setup a Vonage or Skype account this morning so I can call you back.
What time are you going to be available?
Casey Serin
Now thru 2:15 EST... 3:30-5:00 EST... I am coaching 2 basketball teams tonight so I am not available after that..
Worse case scenario call me tomorrow..
Duane LeGate
Here are the specific terms of our agreement for this month.
We will pay you $1,500 through February 15, half now and half at the end.
In return, you will:
1. Make HBN the exclusive advertiser on your blog.
2. Add an HBN ad to your sidebar (which we will provide). That ad will
expand to include REI.TV once we launch REI.TV.
3. Post at least two posts about HBN that include links to the HBN
homepage on either we buy houses (preferably) or home buyers.
4. Post at least two positive posts about REI.TV after it launches.
Obviously the REI.TV part is still in limbo pending your conversation with your friend tomorrow. We'll make any necessary changes to this agreement should he object.
I'll get you an HBN ad very soon!
From: Shane
Sent: Monday, January 15, 2007 5:04 PM
To: 'Casey Serin'
Cc: 'Duane LeGate'
Subject: RE: Terms
Here are the files you need for the ad. One is the image and the other is the HTML. We'd like for it to go right above the Recent Comments section.
Let me know if you have any questions!
From: Duane LeGate [mailto:duane@housebuyernetwork.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2007 10:33 AM
To: 'Shane Pike'; 'Casey Serin'
Subject: RE: Terms
Please print a copy of the agreement. This is a temporary one until we see how things go. We will replace it with a more formal one soon. Sign the agreement and fax to 888-326-1219. As soon as I receive and you have our ad on your site I will overnight a check to you.
What is your address?
Duane LeGate
Side note:
Wow... I am #3 in Google for "Hardship Letter". That's a pretty good search term. That's people who are trying to work short sales or something similar. Although, they are probably already working with someone at that point... But still a good search term.
Back to the TERMS:
1) I've been thinking about advertiser pricing a bit. Any chance we can do $2,000/month since it's an exclusive spot in the sidebar. In return I can do several good quality posts about HBN as I begin to investigate and continue to mention your company in the posts with every available opportunity.
2) And how much of our agreement can I share on the blog.
I think it will be very positive if I say that I have a sponsor and I'm sending the entire 2K/mo towards my debt. That will justify my investment of time into the blog.
3) How long of a trial should we define? How about 1 month. This way after a month we can both evaluate and see if this relationship is "win-win"
4) I still need to talk to Chris (I will see him tonight) about REI.TV. I suspect that it's going to interfere with what I'm doing with him. I'll get back to you tomorrow about it. What you be willing to proceed with our deal without the REI.TV for now?
Casey Serin
From: Duane LeGate [mailto:duane@housebuyernetwork.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2007 12:42 PM
To: 'Casey Serin'
Cc: 'Shane
Subject: RE: Terms
You are viewing life to short term... 1500 a month is plenty for a one month trial. If your site can do what I think, you will be paid handsomely.
Lets leave off rei.tv for now. If we come to an agreement on employment and or a buyout of your site, we will include rei.tv
I have no problem with you discussing our one month trial on the site. I don't want you to discuss anything about me or use my name without approval.
I want to approve all blog posts with respect to HBN or any of our web properties.
Call me tomorrow morning to discuss further. If you agree to the changes you and I have made, print and fax and I will cut you a check.
Duane LeGate
Ok 1500 sounds good for a one month trial... I'll take whatever I can (begger's can't be choosers right?)
Approving posts... How about approving just the ones that deal with HBN.
Are you really willing to approve EVERY one of my posts? I like to post something every 1-2 days. That might be a lot of work and I don't want to have too much of a delay when new stuff happens.
Casey Serin
Sounds good... Do you have a formalized agreement or just print out the following that Shane sent:
Here are the specific terms of our agreement for this month.
We will pay you $1,500 through February 15, half now and half at the end.
In return, you will:
1. Make HBN the exclusive advertiser on your blog.
2. Add an HBN ad to your sidebar (which we will provide). [That ad
will expand to include REI.TV once we launch REI.TV.]
3. Post at least two posts about HBN that include links to the HBN
homepage on either we buy houses (preferably) or home buyers.
[4. Post at least two positive posts about REI.TV after it launches.]
I would take out stuff about REI.TV for now and add the following:
* The term of this agreement is one month from signing, after which time both parties have the right to re-negoatiate
* Before posting Casey must get prior approval of any blog entry that contains information about House Buyer Network
From: Duane LeGate [mailto:duane@housebuyernetwork.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2007 1:50 PM
To: 'Casey Serin'
Subject: RE: Terms
I have to leave now.. when do you think you will sign and send and put the ad up?
Duane LeGate
Duane, lets confirm everything tomorrow morning... By then I will also clear it by Chri.
How early can I call you?
Casey Serin
Duane, how about this for the final terms:
House Buyer Network (HBN) will pay Casey Serin $1,500 for advertising From Jan 19th, 2007 to Feb 19, 2007. Half upfront and half at the end.
In return, Casey Serin will:
1. Make HBN the exclusive advertiser on your blog.
2. Add an HBN ad to the sidebar using provided HTML code.
3. Post at least two posts about HBN that include links to the HBN homepage about "We Buy Houses" service to help people who are facing foreclosure.
4. The term of this agreement is one month from signing, after which time both parties have the right to re-negoatiate.
5. Before posting Casey must get prior approval of any blog entry that contains information about HBN.
If that looks good I will print it, sign it and fax it to you and setup the ad by tomorrow morning. What's your fax number?
Here you go Duane, I will get the ad up later today or tomorrow morning by the latest
You can wait until you see the ad before sending the check if you want:
1420 E Roseville Pkwy, Suite 140-331
Roseville, CA 95661
Casey Serin

let me be first to say ... finally!
Duane is back!
HaHa biaaatches!! My first Murst!
There's more email in 2.3 and by arrangement with Mr. LeGate there will be a brief intermission before 3.x series revelations.
Rob Dawg,
I'm trying to recall when exactly HOMEY started posting on EN. Was it this one http://exurbannation.blogspot.com/2006/12/oh-alright-lets-talk-about-casey.html#c116606491933057341 ? For some reason I thought it was earlier than that...
Freakin KC, he is clueless.
How the hell is is going to pay back his debt earning $1,000 a week?
Goals, revised Jan. 2007
Sell homes
generate $250k to settle debt
Keep wife in school
Do everything w/100% integrity
Update, May 2007
1) Sold no home, all went into foreclosure
2) Generated $1,000 in almost 6 months.
3) Wife dropped out of school to clean houses (am I correct??)
4) Integrity, hm...
Not to bad.
Akubi, I'll check but that's about right.
Taddy, exactly. There are some haterz™ that are haterz™ not because he screwed up or any of that. Some are haterz™ because he appears to believe his own lies. He hasn't acted with integrity for a decade.
duane Schmuane. Who cares.
What is really important is I won another Carnival of Real Estate Blog Carnival extravaganza Hoop-de-doo!
The fact I have 0 comments proves that no one hatez me as only haterz post. Therefore ergo everyone loves me.
Thanks for the update Duane & Dawg. It's great reading. Oh yeah, his #3 ranking on Google is still there for the highly competitive words of 'hardship letter'. It even links to his beautiful handwritten first hardship letter. An absolute classic of a hardship letter.
Gotta love the little turd; covering his tiny little ass--trying to weasel out another $500 buckaroos out of the deal.
Nigel has woman-hips.
Ten bucks says our little murse puppet will be enjoying Jamba Juice and Macaroni Grill by the end of the weekend...
Since nobody else is going to say it... First!
Hey, ya take what ya can get....
speaking of clowns, I need my homey fix.
Casey Serin, My goals
1. Build a successful ponzi scheme
2. Become a successful programmer
3. Buy a house and sell it for a profit
4. Charge ungodly amounts of money on my and my wife’s credit cards to make me feel good about real estate investing
5. Become a successful real estate investor
6. Buying a Property and Flipping it.. No
7. Buying Many properties and flipping them..
8. Sell all of my homes at a profit
9. Sell some of my homes at a profit
10. Sell one of my home for a profit
11. Beg for money from all of my friends claiming I am successful
12. Sell all of my homes
13. Sell some of my homes
14. Sell one of my homes
15. Keep all homes out of foreclosure
Help me out, how many goals has he made up, trashed, and had to make new ones to fit his situation? I am betting over 30. Here is a few for us to start on.
King XIII,
Still waters run deep. Or if you are tired of old phrases; the people who do the most in the real world are going to have the least time available for internetworld.
N.B. Due to length, there will be 2.3 and 2.4 posts. The index will also be top reposted for convienience.
Are you really willing to approve EVERY one of my posts?
Wow, Casey is a sellout. Nothing against Duane, but any legit blogger with integrity would NOT agree to blog about anything for money and would NOT agree to give someone else the right to approve of his post.
In the news business, someone who gave a source control over their story would have ZERO credibility. It's not different with blogs (no matter what Nigel may say).
Instead, Dummy asks "Are you really willing to approve every one of my posts?" as if Duane is doing him some kind of favor.
Would anybody (knowingly) frequent a blog that is writing about stuff because they were paid to? No.
just want to follow up with you on advertising and ideas on how I can pay off my 160K of unsecured debt.
Why on earth is this kid so against working? He is all (bad) idea and no follow through. Drives me crazy.
All the haterz have given him numerous ideas about how to pay off his debts and he balks at every single one. Or applies the knowledge far too late (monetize the blog anyone?). Yet he chooses to sit on his pale wheatgrass ass and contemplate what he should do.
All sloppy, no joe.
You do realize that the "Nigel the Monkey" image is going to find its way to Caseypedia, don't you? :)
Kind of like how "Swaby in Drag" wound up here...
I am not a KC hater becasue he bought homes and then let them fall into foreclosure.
I am bothered by the way he went about this whole process.
For one, he should have been able to make some money from his re deals, but he screwed up by taking money up front, and by not having a defined plan, or exit strategy.
I just took a look at his portfolio of homes, and KC was either not paying attention in class or was listening to guru's that have no clue about re. No wonder he lost everything. None of these were deals. I think they call it the bigger fool.
None of those properties should have been purchased. I just spent 5 minutes looking at his data, and no invesestor in their right mind would have bought any of these.
$400+k for a home in New Mexico???
Hightland UT, how about in the middle of no where UT. No way, no how is a dump like that worth $400-500k after repairs. I know the re market there.
Buying in CA when most were selling. Buys at the peak in CA, let alone Sac which will probably fall more that anywhere (except IE).
Okay, I guess I am offically a Casy Hater.
Who is paying him for re advise?
@ taddy: Goals, revised Jan. 2007
You forgot to mention where Casey hoped to meet his goal of:
1) Drinking Juice each day
2) Showering every morning
It's Post #127 at IAFF, not going to link it. Even better is that he failed at arguably both of those goals. Unbelievably, Casey also wrote that "quitting my job" was a goal in which he reached success!!
Can't make any of this up!
Hey teddyangle, for almost every property casey bought had someone else (haterz or realists?) run a quick comp on the property. for example, his property in north highlands (subarb of Sac) sold to casey for $30,000 over any comp in the area. casey took the difference in cashback, without reporting it on the HUD1. as you said, no investor would buy such a property at such a cost. only bs speculators like casey.
benoit & teddy, he also had a goal to 'take out the garbage'. but he did say he succeeded part of the time on that goal.
now he's got another talkfest scheduled for friday. aaaaauuuuugggghhhhh!!!!!!
Obvious trend with fliptard...
He get paid upfront with his RE dealings in the form of illegal cashbacks (anything over 3% and/or not declared on HUD-1). His incentive to rehab and sell the house is gone. In his mind, he already has the end result money in hand. Why do more work?
I hope it's not the same for the people that paid in advance for his technical services. They pay in advance and he considers they job "done" because he already has his end result.
@ ratlab
I think KC lives in the world of intention. He intends to do something about those customers. We know in the real world he probably won't do jack diddly.
It is the same as paying back every dirty penny. He hasn't even broke a sweat paying back a single penny, let alone every one.
The story gets more and more dull. Who wants to listen to him talk as he plugs his 'sweet links'?
Man, what more is there to say about the little shithead. Nice try trying to weasel another 500 bucks offa Duane you slick businessman you. Gee, Duane called that bluff didn't he, right beggar?
So that was waaaay back in January, how many of those gooals has he reached now that we are almost half done with the year...ummmzero. The story of his pathetic life. His current revenue status isn't him taking off, it's flying off the aircraft carrier into the drink. Too little too late. Wonder how he's gonna feel once his creditors start digging into his income..and with his big mouth, you KNOW they will get wind of it. Even with 5K a month he still won't be able to pay his monthly nut, let alone his living expenses.
Casey's t-shirt would read: "coulda, shoulda, woulda"
In my industry, that don't count (or any other industry). I've worked hard to get and keep a rep of making deadlines and doing the best work I can, and while it could piss me off that he thinks he can half-ass his way to fortune and fame, I know he won't.
Half the battle is knowing when opportunities present themselves - the other half is having the courage/brains/motivation/talent to do something about it.
Casey just spent half a week probably working harder than he has had to in years, and no doubt he feels vindicated and proud of himself - and he does get a little credit, he did what should have a year ago. Yes, the links are sad. Yes, it's half-assed and temporary. Yes, it's typical Snowflake.
I'm just glad I'm not him - it's that thought that gets me through the day. I have a really cool career that fascinates me and that I have a certain amount of skill and talent at, and I have a lot of passion and motivation.
Casey will never know that deep seated glow of accomplishment and success from hard work and inspiration, and that's sad.
For all his "work" and ambition for the last year, he netted 2 grand.
That's really pathetic.
Casey, of course, will see it as a win. I'll bet he expects commendation from Galina for remebering to put the seat up.
At 2:07 PM, mejustme said...
Are you really willing to approve EVERY one of my posts?
Wow, Casey is a sellout. Nothing against Duane, but any legit blogger with integrity would NOT agree to blog about anything for money and would NOT agree to give someone else the right to approve of his post.
In the news business, someone who gave a source control over their story would have ZERO credibility. It's not different with blogs (no matter what Nigel may say).
Instead, Dummy asks "Are you really willing to approve every one of my posts?" as if Duane is doing him some kind of favor.
Would anybody (knowingly) frequent a blog that is writing about stuff because they were paid to? No.
When I first read these I had a mixed response before I settled on Duane being a damn shrewd business man.
He asked for the sky and the moon and all the stars above and Casey just rolled over and said "letsdoit-I want your shiny money"
At 3:43 PM, Sac RE Agent said...
now he's got another talkfest scheduled for friday. aaaaauuuuugggghhhhh!!!!!!
YAY..I am so there.
And it is on friday too, the kickoff of my vacation (I am going to go see robdawg and make him wear a murse)
At 4:16, Mouse and Pencil wrote
"...Casey, of course, will see it as a win. I'll bet he expects commendation from Galina for remembering to put the seat up."
Putting the seat up? Jeez, doesn't that make it awfully easy to aim? Wimp.
Dripping with sarcasm,
Interesting, how the tone and character of the Duane e-mail exchanges are drastically different from what Casey posts on the blog - if anyone had any doubt that he's been playing a character, this should end that.
Casey has zero negotiating skills.
Yeah, Casey, go broker deals in Costa Rica. "We're willing to pay 3 million, that's our final offer!". "No, senor, we want 5." "Okay, deal! Do you have Jamba Juice here?".
The thing about Casey that amazes me is how low he sets the bar and still fails. His various entrepenurial dreams are:
5k a month passive income
juicing and showering
scamming just one more person into NRU to make a commission
getting paid to blog
mining gold nuggets from email
He seems oblivous to the fact that none of his dream jobs will net enough $$$ to even move out of the SIL house let alone pay debts. Seriously, 5k a month? He's really aiming high there. I feel like such a looser with my $8500 gross per month W2 job.
We need some ad parodies:
"Hi! This is Casey Serin for American Foreclosure Relief.
I've been foreclosed on 6 times in the past year alone, and have a 133 internet IQ.
If you want to be foreclosed on, give some of the money that you don't have to the good folks at AFR...and,they finance!"
"Heya, dis is Sharky (What the) L.!
Did youse ole lady toss your shit out in de street after one too many lost weekend trips to Atlantic...uhhh, I mean, Tahoe?
Don't sweat it, pal. Let Bandaged Vans come and pick up your val-yoo-able posseshuns.
You don't need to worry about that shit anyways...now youse is free to pursue the dream of living in a Jetta!
And remember: if youse can't trust a mug named "Sharky", den youse is a very fucked-up in-dee-vijoowall."
"Greetings, Simpletons!
Are you tired of people snickering about how dumb you are?
Are you so against education that you dropped out of toilet training?
Here at the Internet Center for Test Results Maximiation, we may have the solution for those embarrassing times when everyone else is laughing, and you are standing around slack-jawed with a small stream of spittle drooling down your chin.
Our "User-Friendly Open Book Test-at-Home IQ Test" was specifically designed to give you the high IQ score that you've been dreaming of.
Yes, 'tards, imagine how impressed everyone will be when you show them our handsome certificate attesting that you are "Stephen Hawking-range Gifted"
No one will look upon your drool and bladder incontinence with disdain ever again!
You will have money and power, women will desire you! men will fear you! Advertiserz will love you!
And our results are guaranteed, we recently tested a 3-day old lump of cat-shit and secured a 99 on our IQ scale.
That 3-day old lump of catshit now has a full merit scholarship to UC Berkeley!
Click our link and take our test,(or have someone do those for you).
Not to would be...stopid."
That pic looks more like Denis Leary than Casey.
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