DSM IV definition: Someone who suffers from Narcissistic Personality disorder (NPD) has at least 5 of the following characteristics:
• has a grandiose sense of self-importance (e.g., exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements)
• is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love
• believes that he or she is "special" and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or institutions)
• requires excessive admiration
• has a sense of entitlement, i.e., unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment or automatic compliance with his or her expectations
• is interpersonally exploitative, i.e., takes advantage of others to achieve his or her own ends
lacks empathy: is unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others
• is often envious of others or believes that others are envious of him or her
• shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes
For convienience I've placed a small • next to the applicable symptoms exhibited by Young Dandelion. Head shrinkers all over the world should be directed to him (not his website, that's enabling). Is there some sort of finders' fee or Guniess Book acknowledgement for successfully identifying the The Worlds' Most Narcissistic Personality?
Anonymous First!
thanks rob dawg. hope your having fun . Stuck taking numbers for my dissertation... :-(
Is there some sort of finders' fee or Guniess Book acknowledgement for successfully identifying the The Worlds' Most Narcissistic Personality?
I hate to tell you, but they're all pretty much as bad as Casey. Just be glad he isn't a parent (G if you are not on the pill, get on the pill. Toute Suite) Parenting brings out the worst in NPDs.
Yea, but petal's IQ is 131. Posted at IAFF.
PS. Dwag, I met another haterz (tm) from the Orlando area, well, we did not exactly meet, just chatted on an EN thread during the shoe phone scam-a-thon.
It would be fun to have a thread where all haterz (tm) have an EN roll call and post their longitude and latitude, or just the name of the place where they live.
2nd to Murst!
My mother suffers from this. It is a never ending disease. Mostly I don't think they want to be any different because, hey, that would require them to look outside themselves.
I'm getting the feeling it's time to move on. Let's keep an eye on IAFF and what happens to Casey, but there's no point in trying to persuade the guy that he's got problems.
Back to demographics, housing, economics and whatever else.....
Latitude: 39.42 N, Longitude: 118.73 W ..
Anon's early AM comment from Tokyo and another thread was the best description: Nagasu.
I honestly believe that Casey is 9 for 9 on the symptoms list, and I'm sure we can all find examples.
But, there is one *extra* item that is needed to get the diagnosis: Those 5 of 9 symptoms must manifest themselves to a level where they interfere with daily life (i.e., ability to be employed, relationships, etc). Every DSM IV diagnosis must include this "severity" test.
And, Casey's symptoms are severe. He is not just unemployed, he is unemployable. His marriage is almost over. Look how he treats his family (Steve). This broke 24 yr old honestly thinks he is one deal away from being Donald Trump (or at worst Robert Kiyosaki).
I'm sure Casey will end up in textbooks for future study.
King Friday,
Well, he certainly suggest we're missing a verb in the English dictionary.
Nah, he's just an "Indigo child":
Carroll and Tober identify ten attributes that they assert describe Indigo children[1]:
They come into the world with a feeling of royalty (and often act like it).
They have a feeling of "deserving to be here," and are surprised when others do not share that.
Self-worth is not a big issue; they often tell the parents "who they are."
They have difficulty with absolute authority (authority without explanation or choice).
They simply will not do certain things; for example, waiting in line is difficult for them.
They get frustrated with systems that are ritually oriented and do not require creative thought.
They often see better ways of doing things, both at home and in school, which makes them seem like "system busters" (non-conforming to any system).
They seem antisocial unless they are with their own kind. If there are no others of like consciousness around them, they often turn inward, feeling like no other human understands them. School is often extremely difficult for them socially.
They will not respond to "guilt" discipline.
They are not shy in letting it be known what they need.
Anon, 118.73 is not a legal longitude, but seems you're in a nice area. Enjoy the duck.
Swaby country for me:
40.35.27 N
118.38.00 W
Postin' from da pool.
that was decimal longitude. I'm a minutes and seconds kinda guy like you. My wife loves the newer post above with the frappr maps. Addictive.
Great job on the Talkcast thingy. I have a few more ideas for Casey to monitize.
Divorce Mondays
Brother beating Tuesdays
Mother fleecing Wednesdays
Grifter of the week Thursdays
Sadistic Saturdays.
Skiming the collection plate Sundays.
Keep you cool and scuttle your family, they are just pawns in this farce called life. You are like famous president, lay down the law.
Interesting preview for tonight's episode of "The Real Deal", which is basically the original real estate company for the show "Flip This House". The preview reminds me of fliptard and Duane. The owner of Trademark Real Estate is doing a favor for a friend of the company in exchange for IT skillz. All you see next is the owner yelling into the phone and then later barging into the conference room threating to fire him if something is not finish by today.
Oh yeah, 6PM EST/9PM PST on TLC. Sorry, I'm an ideas guy, not a details guy. ;)
I called it back in January. I don't have anywhere near Wine Country Dude's understanding of or (thank God) personal experience with the disorder, and in fact I'm more persuaded of it now that I've read his words in the other thread.
I don't mean to steal anyone's thunder or anything, I just wanted to point out that I'm pretty sure I called it murst.
Yup, you called it. It means that everyone's been wasting their breath trying to change him. The best thing to do would be *ignore his blog*.
Uh-oh. I have four of these traits.
What does that make me? (Besides wonderful)
...decimal longitude
Didn't think of that. USGS topo and Aviation maps all use DMS notation, and as a result so do I.
I note that you can change the settings in Google Earth, not sure about my little Garmin.
The whole NPD thing should have been obvious from his cat comment.
He can't stand anything that takes the attention off him.
If she gets pregnant it's going to be a disaster. He'll end up in jail for spousal abuse when he can't deal with her giving the kid attention he isn't getting, or the kid giving her more attention than him.
And if the kid likes cats, WATCH OUT!
Incorporated some comments into Caseypedia.
@Ogg: I'm not so sure you were murst -- the first mention of NPD on IAFF is November 2006 -- but I don't have more time at the moment to dig further...
I’ve thought Casey had NPD. I’d also check the lacking empathy symptom. Casey exhibits a total lack of empathy for others in everything he does, from borrowing money he can and will never pay back, to not bothering to chase up that missing Utah payment, with no concern for the new buyers.
NPD is pretty much incurable. There’s going to be no big revelation whereby Casey sees the light and suddenly behaves responsibly. But, like most narcissists, Casey can be charming and seem sincere. So he’ll probably suck new people into his fantasy world, and they’ll try to help him until they too see what he’s really like and become a Hater. (Labelling any critic or realist as a hater is classic NPD behaviour too.)
Galina needs to leave him, but I think her own values keep her tied to the marriage. She is probably desperate to find a diagnosis for him (and she won’t like NPD simply because it is incurable) that she can help him to overcome so they can save their marriage. She may give him ultimatums, but until she can deal with her own guilt and values about leaving, I think she’ll inch back that threshold he keeps crossing and stay.
I feel very sorry for her. Casey is callously manipulating her more than anyone else. If she has a child with him it will simply be another thing to use, and it will tie her to him, more than any joint debt, forever.
arthur wank @ 3.25pm
dont you guys find it ironic that you get really good traffic only when its related to casey and that all the haterz were desperately pluggin EN during the last talkcast? oh you dont agree than how much traffic did you guys get when the discussion was on say, hi speed rail? since you guys respect duane please remember he also said you casey is prob more intelligent than you guys here at EN. and no i am not nigel (IP
And, Casey's symptoms are severe. He is not just unemployed, he is unemployable. His marriage is almost over. Look how he treats his family (Steve). This broke 24 yr old honestly thinks he is one deal away from being Donald Trump (or at worst Robert Kiyosaki).
Hey man, screw you! Go have sex with your neighbors dog!
**flips the bird**
I think antisocial personality disorder is a better fit. The adolescent email ponzi scheme could fulfill the criteria for conduct disorder.
That's unusual. IP yellow water. Are you a robot?
dont you guys find it ironic that you get really good traffic only when its related to casey and that all the haterz were desperately pluggin EN during the last talkcast? oh you dont agree than how much traffic did you guys get when the discussion was on say, hi speed rail? since you guys respect duane please remember he also said you casey is prob more intelligent than you guys here at EN. and no i am not nigel (IP
I don't care what the volume of traffic is here. I found it when I started looking into IAFF and joined in.
And my IQ is good enough to join MENSA if I was bothered.
And I wouldn't have thought you were Nigel anyway.
i have a qeustion for you... i read in somewhere (guess? :) that you mentioned you are divorced. I listened to the talkcast but dont remember you saying that, and my impression was that you were still single. Also that you would 'follow your husband anywhere' since you love him. with that kind of selfless attidute how come you are divorced (if indeed you are) ?
@ swee,
All true. I have adapted like the borg.
FMW said...
@ swee,
All true. I have adapted like the borg.
huh? ok so you are divorced. I hope you aren't wishing the same to casey just because of your experience with it. And also i felt you sounded very 'hoighty toighty' self rightuos on the talkcast, a lot like the other haters.
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