Donate to HfH at Habitat here> and either straight donate or donate in the name of the Ventura County Cooper Road" handicapped access project or any project of your choice. The idea is to do something good for people in trouble but take any personal issues out of the equation. Duane tells me he will match the first $1000. That's awesome. I'm not so rich but $100 to HfH is something that needs to be done. Other haterz™ have pledged more. Put Exurban Nation in your comments section and then tell Casey what you've done. See if he is willing to take the credit. [Full IRS deductions apply at HfH.]
Housing Bubble, credit bubble, public planning, land use, zoning and transportation in the exurban environment. Specific criticism of smart growth, neotradtional, forms based, new urbanism and other top down planner schemes to increase urban extent and density. Ventura County, California specific examples.
Friday, May 18, 2007
Donate to HfH at Habitat here> and either straight donate or donate in the name of the Ventura County Cooper Road" handicapped access project or any project of your choice. The idea is to do something good for people in trouble but take any personal issues out of the equation. Duane tells me he will match the first $1000. That's awesome. I'm not so rich but $100 to HfH is something that needs to be done. Other haterz™ have pledged more. Put Exurban Nation in your comments section and then tell Casey what you've done. See if he is willing to take the credit. [Full IRS deductions apply at HfH.]
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Friday first!
Murst to say Murst! that is.
I was so close...
This is going to be an interesting podcast. Its going to get very nasty.
Would someone who gives a flaming one and is listening to the talkcast please post the highlights here...there's no way in hell I'd listen to the celebutard wannabe live. Not even if he promised to prove he's really frugal and eat that Top Ramen he bought preferably with a nice crunchy cockroach topping.
Got a wife in and kin in Sacramo' Jack
I went out for a Jamba and I never went back
Like a REO that don't know where it's going
I flipped eight sweet deals and I just kept going
All those Haterz have an evil heart
Lay down your money and I act my part
My boy Nigel's got a mursty fart
All those Haterz have an evil heart
I met her in a Church Bazaar
We fell in love I knew I went too far
Galina's clipboard made her look a star
Now here I am in a Sacro' Wheatgrass bar
All those Haterz have an evil heart
Lay down your money and I act my part
My boy Nigel's got a mursty fart
All those Haterz have an evil heart
The Jetta's become my place to rest
Yulia's Sturgeon was the very best
No Jamba, no sweet deals , that's my test
I miss my laptop, cell phone and all the rest
All those Haterz have an evil heart
Lay down your money and I act my part
My boy Nigel's got a mursty fart
All those Haterz have an evil heart
I can't hear anything. Can anyone else?
Dang it! first line should have been:
"Got a wife and kin in Sacramo' Jack"
I can hear the audio. CHJTS is on now.
Yeah, I'm hearing it...he's having trouble getting people to ask questions. CHJTS is on right now.
I am in for a H4H donation but need to get home & doublecheck with the spouse before I pull out the credit card.
Oh and can someone PLEASE ask him why in hell we should believe a word he says when he's admitted to being a troll?
Nigel sent Casey the Duane posts...Casey is pissed at LeGate.
I really want to help them out with labor. Rob, do you know if they accept volunteer folks with no really appreciable construction skills?
"Nigel doesn't usually delete stuff"
- Casey
Please ask about the stock!
I just put in $100, guess I can wait on that PS3 for another week(yeah, right, if tonight gets boring I'm outta here). By the way, I didn't see no comments section.
Only one text ad has been sold.
CHJTS is off now.
Just put in $50 for Habitat's New Orleans section. Did it thru my company so that they could match it. =]
If there was a comments section I would have said
"Oh, and by the way, FUCK Casey Serin!"
The moron is discussing his roulette strategy.
He just asked some guy for a free meal.
please ask where he went and why after the cashcall begathon during his anniversary!
Please ask about the Utah trip!
Dan is he getting paid to have people listen to him?
Somebody is telling Snowflake not to give ANYBODY advice since he is not a licensed anything. Snowflake is saying that he "needs to check into it". He thinks that it's alright because he's just "sharing his experience...not giving advice".
He just asked a guy from San Fran if he likes "In 'n Out"! LAWLZ
He thinks that it's alright because he's just "sharing his experience...not giving advice".
Yeah people do that at a bar all the time shithead..and they don't charge for it. What a moron.
I dunno if people are paying to talk to him, but I'm not paying shite to listen to this drivel.
I like the guy that's talking now...he's telling KC how it is.
Do you guys want to keep giving updates, or stop clogging the comments? I'll keep going if you want me to.
keep going! I'm about to drive home.
He's getting called on being a troll. He's still denying it, but this guy isn't backing down.
Definitely keep up the're way more interesting than celebutard wannabe
keep going dan:-)
someotherguyaltogether said...
I really want to help them out with labor. Rob, do you know if they accept volunteer folks with no really appreciable construction skills?
SOGA, they want -you- more than the people who "think" they know how to build a house. I'm one of the most cynical guys around. You might even guess parts as to why. Habitat says what it does, does more than it says and has no skeletons. They "do good." If you get technical it can be said they do the exact opposite of what flippers and Casey try to do. Best of all, I really don't see any downside to their model.
My sweetie tells me the only problem they sometimes have is too many directors and not enough actors. Go to an event, do what they tell you. Eat the lunch, feel so good about yourself for so long afterwards you'll feel bad about not doing more. I've yet to talk to anyone who claims they didn't get more out of the experience than they put in.
KC: "What do you like about my blog"
Talker: "Sheer entertainment"
KC: "So you don't think I can help people in foreclosure?"
Talker: "I don't see how you can possibly help anybody"
KC: " I have experience...just because I failed doesn't mean I can't help."
Talker: "No."
I loved that "No." response.
He just wrote down a "to do item" to get more foreclosure experts on his blog to make it more useful.
If I go to a HfH event, I'll bring my own lunch. :) Thanks for the info.
And yes...I fucked up my own user name on that post. LOL
Someone call in and ask this oaf any of the following:
1) When are you planning to get a haircut?
3) Was your marriage arranged by a third party?
4) Are you a closeted homosexual? Your appearance and mannerisms strongly suggest so.
5) What did you tell your mom to get her to back the shell corporation?
BTW, Casey pronounced "Hammar" with the accent on the second syllable (huh-MARR). Thought it was semi-weird.
"I don't want to put anybody up there who can't perform"
Umm does that mean you're outta there shithead?
He won't bring people on unless they "Perform" defined as "do what they say". The talker just laughs.
I'm not talking to this moron, so don't expect me to pass your questions along to him. I'm just listening and posting the dumber comments.
Who is this fucking asshole on now kissing his ass?
Since I refuse to line Snowflake's pockets, someone ask him:
1. About his taxes
2. About Hammar
3. About money man G
4. About the missing Utah wrap money
5.About his coffee cans of money
6. About his mother cosigning on the corp credit card
7. About the illegal cash backs at closing
8. His trolling
There are only 8 people on that are asking live questions.
This caller is boring...he's lobbing easily avoidable questions at Fliptard.
i'm recording this and will post it up when it's done if anyone wants to listen. I didn't get the beginning but most of it.
Duane is on!
OMG Duane is on!!!
It's Duane!!
Set him straight Duane Man!
ooo the bipolar ruse...
Got popcorn?
Duane is telling him he is bipolar. HAHA
Just called him bi-polar. He's basically just saying what he said on here...but to Casey directly.
Casey said "Exuber Nation."
Duane's 12-year-old is a better investor than Casey.
heh heh, Duane's 12 ye old has a net worth that smokes Casey's...hee hee
Duane wants to shake Casey like an unwanted baby.
You guys just need to wait until you can download this mp3...this is freakin' awesome.
New post header! Go there.
ooo casey win win bullshit torn apart by Casey cashback win, banks lose with foreclosure.
Ironic how there are more people at EN following the podcast HERE than those listening to Snowflake.
BTW, LOVE the MAD IT SKILLZ... IAFF latest post.. not working ... AGAIN.
Name one success in the last 6 months, and I will pay you $500.
-Duane to Casey
go duane!
duane is handing his ass to him..daaaaaaammmm
Is the connection breaking up for everyone or just me? I think I missed some good stuff!
"ex-UUU-bern nation"
wrong! please try again.
Duane is a good guy.
Duane you totally rock! I've volunteered and donated with them before. They're are one of my favorite charities. Also, everyone, if you are looking at remodeling or have extra good materials to donate, go to their restore stores. or
Anyways, my husband is out working so I'll have to double check with him before I donate any money.
Duane is killing Casey. It's really embarrassing. Casey is so defensive and, apparently, really hurt by Duane's revelations here.
Just put in my HfH volunteer app, too. I called (it's 8 30ish here) and someone answered the phone. I can't even get Verizon to do that.
My jaw dropped when I logged on and realized it was Duane talking with Casey.
i only wish there was video of this conversation.
Running out to dinner but in for $200...great cause.
conversation commentary is going on in the other thread...
He keeps saying $1,000 a month! Not a week! His first attempt at backing out!? LOL
Crap... I'll be glad to get the MP3 when it comes out, but I'm running Ubuntu Linux over here, and it doesn't like me trying to install Java Runtime Environment whenever I try to download/install. Any suggestions? Can't wait to hear Duane hand Snowflake his scrawny little pale ass! W00t!
this is taking for godamn ever to get back around to me.
and benoit asked allot of my questions.
I have a poem I am going to read too.
HfH is a great cause.
Sadly, I won't be donating here tonight, but only because I professional organization whose board I have served on is sponsoring one of their projects in the LA area over the summer, and my support for them is already focused there.
Agree on the sentiment that there are often too many chiefs and too few Indians. Not sure that sponsorship by a project management organization will necessarily correct that, but I'm good with my hands and for me it'll be a welcome opportunity to just do stuff and not be bothered with the planning and administration.
Just finished up over there,
I'm in for some wallboards.
Check it.
Date: Sat, 19 May 2007 16:39:16 -0400
From: Habitat for Humanity
Subject: Habitat Online Donation Received (214780)
Thank you for your gift to Habitat for Humanity International. You will
also be mailed a receipt for tax purposes.
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