Housing Bubble, credit bubble, public planning, land use, zoning and transportation in the exurban environment. Specific criticism of smart growth, neotradtional, forms based, new urbanism and other top down planner schemes to increase urban extent and density. Ventura County, California specific examples.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Personally I Prefer Blue Cheese Dressing
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F I R S T :)
Even caveman can do something Casey cannot.
Lawnmower Man™ told Nigel on DHC that he still had one trump card to play -- the identity of "Money Man G" who financed both Casey's Utah Trip and Casey and Nigel's homoerotic dinner at Macaroni Grill...
I alleged the benefactor to be Byron Goates, Nigel's boss. If and when Nigel deletes the post, it's a safe bet to assume that's exactly who it is. If I'm wrong, I'm sure Nigel will be more than happy to post "Wrong again!" and leave it at that... :-p
Maybe dandelion should start buying houses in Spain...
Apparently it takes 6 years to foreclose there. I can just imagine some buyer walking into their new house and seeing KZ's mumified body sitting on the couch, murse firmly attached, dried up Jamba Juice in his hand, wheat grass growing where the carpet used to be, and unopened mail dating back several months before he came to his untimely end.
Byron Goates, Nigel's boss
Let's get to the important stuff.
1. What kind of car do you drive?
2. Do you have any awards?
3. What celebrities have you hung out with?
4. Do you have a pool?
5. Is it inside?
6. How many gallons is you pool?
7. I understand you have gone "across the pond" are there koi (which are fish) there?
8. Have you ever been associated with an international event such as The Olympic Games?
9. How many unique visitors do you have?
10. Do you know how to golf?
Please answer. These are the kinds of issues that determine a man's value.
I alleged the benefactor to be Byron Goates, Nigel's boss. If and when Nigel deletes the post, it's a safe bet to assume that's exactly who it is.
Benoit, you glorious devious bugger. Well played.
To me the interesting question is what will G do? Too bad she has the good sense to not post anything (at least not as herself :) Seems to me like she has finally woken up to the fact that they are going down in flames and Casey is still pouring gasoline on the fire.
@ Benoit:
Even if you're correct, "I'm sure Nigel will be more than happy to post "Wrong again!" and leave it at that... :-p"
aaaw...paper cones! now i'm nostalgic!
1. What kind of car do you drive?
2. Do you have any awards?
3. What celebrities have you hung out with?
4. Do you have a pool?
5. Is it inside?
6. How many gallons is you pool?
7. I understand you have gone "across the pond" are there koi (which are fish) there?
I actually did go to the Berlin Aquarium, they have a lot of koi (huge gold fish that resemble carp, right?)
8. Have you ever been associated with an international event such as The Olympic Games?
No, but I am hopeful Chicago gets the games in 2016
9. How many unique visitors do you have?
not many
10. Do you know how to golf?
not really
Good recovery from getting ou firsted by Ogg. Unfortunately I don't think it will work. Nigel will moist cointenly delete any refernce to his employer regardless of any affiliation with the Dandelion. Second you know he comes here first and reads before doing anything derivative on his turd-o-blog DHC so he might just mess with us instead.
Darn. So many suspect, so many crimes, so many shiny objects.
@ samk: Touché... but I really see only two possibilities: it's either Goates, who was trying to broker and/or profit from some cockamamie scheme between Nigel and Casey.
Or the "money man" is a fictitious character designed to disguise the fact that Nigel himself (or Casey himself) bankrolled the whole thing, again likely in pursuit of more fraudulent schemes...
Carp? You've seen carp? Well then there's an award winning blogger who wants you to know carp are a type of fish. Koi are a closely related type of fish which he owns. In a pond. A koi pond which is a place to keep fish much like a garage is a place to keep your BMW unless it is a golf course parking lot which is another place to keep your BMW which is a brand of automobile.
It was a typo that Casey got stuck with... he meant to type "money mom"
I have a question for Mr Zewg:
Do you know heem? Do you really know heeem?
Where else could Nigel get 10K for Casey's site? Mr. G, that's who.
"Byron Goates, Nigel's boss"
So does Nigel...
a) Blow Goates;
b) Blow goats; or
c) All of the above
Aspeth said...
aaaw...paper cones! now i'm nostalgic!
Careful Aspeth you know this bunch. Pretty soon you'll have guys wearing paper cone hats promising to cover themselves in mayonaise.
I dont have an indoor pool, but I do have a 125 gallon fish tank INSIDE my house.
I have had two Koi in the tank but they got beat to hell by my Pacu (another type of fish).
Do you think an over sized amazon creature, who lives inside my 125 gallon tank, which is inside my house, could qualify me for some type of award?
Please advise.
Ogg discovers fire AND first.
Mr. Zweg-
Can you tell us anything about why Nigel has a zweg search box on donthatecasey? Nigel previously addressed this stating it was part of a 'link exchange'.
You say at 3:47 today "I am not really involved with the Nigel and Casey beyond helping with the IAFF site." Do you have a comment about Nigel's statement that you, he, and Casey brainstormed ideas to rile up the 'Haterz'? Can you tell us if any ideas from that brainstorm have been or are currently being executed?
Does Nigel have a Sooper Sekrit Sooper Identity?
Our Hero
I do not consider indoor aquariums impressive because they tend to grow algae (which is mostly caused by the sun).
As for Pacu, I will need more data before I can determine if they are, indeed, fish. Can you provide a link?
Awards must be granted for meritorious achievement only. It would be unfair for you to receive such an honor without even entering a carnival of some sort. Unfortunately, without pool ownership, I know of no carnivals who would allow you entry.
Mr. Zweg,
Unfortunately I have a 250 gallon tank inside my house. Gallons being a measure of liquids and 250 being larger than 125 they best you can hope for a a "Silver Award" in the Carnival of Residential Tankage.
P.S. I have a pleco that is almost two feet long.
@At 5:32 PM, Zewg said...
2. Do you have any awards?
3. What celebrities have you hung out with?
Untrue. You have numerous POTDs. By the way, spong will be crushed that you didn't consider him a celebrity.
Around March 28th I sent an email to Nigel and Casey suggesting we come up with a good April fools post for the blog.
Nigel had some funny ideas, including making a post about getting kicked out of the house and taking a pic of packed boxes in the Jetta.
I thought this would be an amusing joke but Casey wasnt feeling it.
I am not really sure to what extent Casey's posts are even the truth, who knows, G may be in on the whole thing.
A part of me almost wants this ordeal to turn out to be one huge elaborate hoax.
Dawg...about that cone and mayo thing, I'm torn between a hearty, if somewhat squeamish "Eeeeew!" and posting an RFP on my blog for photo submissions.
That would really change up the tone of things, eh?
I don't know about the tank, but the Porsche sure beats the hell out of ol' scalp beacon's '92 BMW. (Of course, only when accompanied by a pleather Members Only)
250 may be larger than 125, however a two foot Pleco is certain to impact overall tank and algae suckage.
A 125 gallon aquarium with two 5 inch Pleco's may be deemed more desireable by the International Association of Award Winning Fish Keepers.
Heekee...is Holland in your future? I miss the dutchies. Ik wil graag een biertje astublieft!
NGB, your comments just got Nigelled over at IAFF. Casey's feeling uppity.
Since Casey's Nigellin'
Casey, now that you’ve come out and said you’re trolling for comments (and ad revenue), we can dispense with the formalities of the haterz/hateez relationship. Perhaps now we can make this more of a collaborative blog. You can poll us (haterz) as to what are some things that you can do that will really piss us off. Then we can all vote on which is the most irritating, and you can write a post about doing it. Maybe we can even help! Then we’ll all act really mad and do our haterz thing and then look at ads and stuff. Meanwhile, you can sit around and think of new ways to screw up the server.
I’ll start you off with some post suggestions.
1. OMG, FBI agents are so MEAN!!
2. Heekee broke my server!!
3. Hey Duane Legate, wanna buy my website? PSYCHE!! NO DEAL!!!
4. Hey Haterz, I’m taking a nap on my blue ball while wearing my murse in a Jamba Juice in Las Vegas
5. My doctor says I need a new kidney! What a hater! Please donate money.
6. I’m living my dream of sleeping in a Salvation Army drop box
7. Nigel wants to trade me his koi pond for my website! Should I do it??
8. I’m thinking about shutting this site down. I’m serious this time! You better start looking at ads!!
Flailing...that duane comment is going to freak him out. He probably doesn't know what went on here yet :)
Not on this trip, I have some business in Brussels and then I will be coming back.
I did pass through the Netherlands last summer. I love Amsterdam, I have never seen so many beautiful women packed into one city before.
Mr Zweg-
Was buying penny stocks one of the pranks discussed? Do you know if Casey actually bought the stocks or not?
No, he came up with the penny stocks on his own.
I doubt he was able to find the funds to buy that stock.
I think it's pretty clear casey bought those stocks. He is waiting for the price to rise so he can show all of us how smart he is. Ha!
Notice how he was spewing all that BS about the company and the importance of investing in mining? He totally bought it.
he borrowed from his corporate account
nigel's boss is quite famous. he has his picture all over the internet.
Integrity First Financial, Inc. Byron Goates Salt Lake City, Utah 84106 (801) 474-3333
perhaps bob dawg should give him a jingle ... or at least email him the link to a certain blog that nigel perhaps created on company time? making Integrity First Financial a possible accessory to stalking / harassment?
Ja, dat is juist. I worked in Holland for a while...Dutch women are beautiful. Of course, I'm assuming that we're talking about the ones in the neighborhoods, not the windows.
Correct, I am referring to those classy well dressed women who ride around on bicycles ;)
Flailing...that duane comment is going to freak him out. He probably doesn't know what went on here yet :)
I can about guarantee he's reading over here right now.
flailing...no doubt he dropped everything to zoom over here and figure it out. now he can blame you for all of the things that didn't get done today! i can see it now:
"I was all set to finalize my tax returns for 2006, gather my paperwork, and head to the FBI office in Sacramento to turn myself in for mortgage fraud. But then I read a looser comment on my blog that told me that Duane was conspiring against me with the Haterz!
So I called Galina into the living room and we read scripture to try to find meaning in it. Well, we were going to read scripture, but the couch looked really comfortable, and the remote control was sitting right there, so we turned it on and there was this really amazing show on fix n' flips.
We spent the next nine hours watching a marathon of the show, and I feel so much better now! Good things will happen! We are going to be rich beyond belief, and have $10,000/mo in passive income by my magically round 25th birthday!"
Ha, I could see him doing some stuff like that later tonight. Right now I bet he's emailing Duane and Heekee. (Maybe Nigel too.) Right now IAFF is headed for imminent CPU coma, check out the stats.
I've only been able to get on to IAFF sporadically today, and the last time I was able to get on, the latest post about taking the blog down has disappeared. Anybody else see this?
okay, is it just me or does that look like spooge on the french fries?
Nigel had some funny ideas, including making a post about getting kicked out of the house and taking a pic of packed boxes in the Jetta.
I call bullshit, everybody on the blogosphere KNOWS Nigey isn't funny. fun to make fun of, and easy, but sense of humor? Nah....
I thought this would be an amusing joke but Casey wasnt feeling it.
That's because it hits too close to the truth.
I am not really sure to what extent Casey's posts are even the truth, who knows, G may be in on the whole thing.
We know she is, if she thinks it can net her an extra nickel.
A part of me almost wants this ordeal to turn out to be one huge elaborate hoax.
No perp walk? Shit.
I'm too lazy to go dig up the reference, but I am nearly certain that Homey posted shortly after Casey's trip to Utah that Casey's "money man" was named Gary.
Shortly afterwards, G-money was cropped out of the picture with the BMW and the $2M house. I know, that in itself doesn't mean anything...
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