This is just so wrong on so many levels. I don't know which is more disturbing, the image or my finding it topical. There's just something "not right" about the whole situation. All the things I expect to hold society together are absent from this story. Lacking any inner moral compass where are the externals checks and balances?
Okay, we are seeing some personal crisis intervention but where were they six months ago? It's just not right.
N.B. Duane 2.1 later this afternoon.
The backstory to the sculpture pictured is here.
Update: This is what I'm talking about. From IAFF and posted in the comments this is thread.
131. Casey Serin
May 18th, 2007 at 9:47 pm
What’s really crazy is that I put myself against the wall with this agreement with my wife. All of you are witnesses. No way to wiggle out of this one… I don’t think.
Listen up you lying cheating sack. You can't live up to this promise. It is your nature to do anything EXCEPT the right thing.
......that's a 2fer!
Dude's got his game back.
ummm..rob..what the hell is that a picture of?
AP 5/19/07 12:30 EST:
Salt Lake City, Utah:
An aspiring web journalist and award winning blogger has been missing since late Tuesday, authorities say.
Nigel Swaby's whereabouts remain a mystery and no one has come forward with any leads that could aide the search. Divers were brought in Friday morning to search a massive koi pond on Swaby's property but they turned up nothing other than koi (which are fish). A large, indoor pool was also being drained but it could take a several days to remove the water due to the unusually large size of the pool.
There was no sign of struggle in the home but sources close to the investigation say that someone may have stolen parts of his blogs.
"It's like he evaporated" a neighbor said as she watched police remove computer equipment, Olympic Pins and a door size Backstreet Boys poster from the Swaby home. "He was always a little bit different. I don't think he had any friends. Whenever anyone spoke to him he never had a comment" said a neighbor who watched the scene from her driveway.
Investigator's seek to interview several persons of interest. The Jamaican Bobsled team has been contacted, as well as several Celebrity entertainers who Swaby had spent time with.
Authorities are not ruling out foul play. A police investigator, who spoke on the condition of anonymity was quoted a saying, "It will be difficult to pin this on anyone. At this point we have 2759 possible suspects and it will be hard to make any charges stick. There are just so many links in this case and none of them appear to amount to anything."
Swaby's wife had no comments.
@anon 10:18
Genius man pure genius! Actual lol!
The part about door sized BSB poster..lol.
Classic. BTW was that a paid announcement?
Intervention? Does that mean he is going to be hospitalized?
@ 10:18
That's funny as hell! The policeman quote is masterful. AN AWARD WINNING COMMENTERIST IS YOU!
@ NoDebt
The Caseypedia is funny as hell too.
Damn....that picture is DISTURBING
Okay, Dude, listened to the pod cast from your link, but it cut off after the CNET guy came on - you have the rest?
How much does it cost to do a PR Newswire release? I would love to plant one about how award winning blogger Nigel Swaby has shut down comments and neglected his blog for the better part of a week without announcing a blogcation. And that suspiciously, his blog-abandonment occurred at just about the same time that his ass was skewered in ways never before seen.
We have ammo against Casey now..so add it to your favorites.
Don't forget the true story behind the Nouveau Riche University MLM scam that Casey says is great way to make money.
Take A Look
Anon...got the note on the cutoff...let me check. I grabbed the Talkshow file, but there could have been a glitch in upload.
...will get back to everyone.
@ 10:24 AM, Rob Dawg:
I couldn't bring myself to pay for anything that might help bring Nigel back.
@anon 10:42
ALready perused the site at my leisure (I hate people who say that). The sad thing is that for some of the people who don't know any better, they may listen to Casey and actually get suckered into that thing. Think about it, don't need an education, don't need to work hard, you'll make a ton of money, and if you don't, hey, it's because YOU are the problem. Listen on the talkcast how much Casey plugged this thing..I am sure he is hoping one or two of his listeners asks him about it so he can finally start making money with his referrals.
Anonymous said...
@ 10:24 AM, Rob Dawg:
I couldn't bring myself to pay for anything that might help bring Nigel back.
I wouldn't mind paying to keep him away...
By the way Rob dawg..how much did we raise for H and H last night? Do you need a copy of my receipt?
Heh, I just realized NGB has a Casey "Countdown to Success" counter at the top of his blog.
Yeah, I checked the file on Talkshoe vs the saved file on my HD vs the file I uploaded and.....it's all there.
The "cutoff" was the three hour limit set by Talkshoe....once again, Snowflake can't manage properly.
Did you notice how Casey stuttered when the C/net dude forced the question about whether he'd made money between the time of contract signing and talkcast?.....Hmmmmm...he would know something THAT important without have to pause and think about it.
The more I think about it, I believe Flailing has it right....he's squirreled away a grand and will have a "Ta-Da" moment on the blog. Either that or the whole contract thing is a sham...like everything else he does.
Thanks for the effort Dude - listening to that pod cast, as hard as it was to hear his slacker-voice, made me appreciate how great life is for... well, for just about everyone else.
Life's too short to transcribe the whole thing, but I do plan to put the Duane and Declan encounters up on Caseypedia over the weekend.
I've started on Duane - there's about a sixth of it here.
Casey's already got the first week in the bank. We know there's $700 in Yahoo ads and 4 $100 a month sponsors.
He already made the point that "in hand" might mean Galina looking at the account balances online.
I have never seen such a hard head in my life. His blog is like a cross between Ringling Bros and the Special Olympics. (No offense to either.) Join Stephanie and give up this train wreck watching. Only bad can come of it. I got more meaning out of The Big Lebowski than this marathon of babbling. Move along people!
@TK -- how much a PR Newswire release costs depends on how long the release is and which bundle of journalists you want to send it to, but it starts around $400 and goes up from there.
And yes, it's expensive on purpose. If it only cost $100 to send a release, the tsunami of crap releases would utterly overwhelm any useful ones. As it is, the flood of boring corporate releases is bad enough.
Lost Cause sez: "I got more meaning out of The Big Lebowski"
Exclusive review: $350* I will wrote an entire post reviewing your product or service with several quality links. Great organic SEO and exposure. (Add an extra $150 to be interviewed on the next Foreclosure Friday Talkcast.)
* Improper verb tense and nonsensical adjectives extra
I'd seen that picture a while back, but in light of its context here, the face of the main figure seriously resembles Casey. The eyes, the forlorn look, etc.
Anyway, I signed up for CaseyPedia™ but I'm somewhat busy today. I'll start writing snarky™ stuf over there soon enough :)
I'm only seeing two $100 links, one for a shitty software site (they say the "E" is for Easy, but they're lying. The E is for Exotic, just ask JJ Fad) and the other is for a wrestling promoter guru (I'm not making that up). Both of these will of course be vital sources of help for folks facing foreclosure.
Oh yeah, Casey's put up a new IAFF Sponsors page which will help him reach his $1000 goal. pfft. So if there's enough oney in the tip jar here, theoretically we could get Ex-Hooper Nation (™ Casey) listed as a link :-)
Anyway, I signed up for CaseyPedia™ but I'm somewhat busy today. I'll start writing snarky™ stuf over there soon enough :)
I can't wait! And I mean that most sincerely.
Friday afternoon about 3PM Casey realises he ain't gonna make it so he quickly whips up 4-5 fake sponsors. Come Satuday night; "Honey, the bank is closed so I couldn't get you the 10 benjamins I was going wave in your face but if you look here on the blog sponors page... WHAP! SLAP! Hotel V-Dubs.
I just had to put up this stuff I saw at NGB, very foretelling....
Death Pool
I've occassionally thought who will be the first to go? Casey or Nigel? Although Casey doesn't really seem to have those IT skills he boasted once paid him a cool $30k (or was that $50k) long ago, I really think Nigel will be the first one to mysteriously disappear.
Casey is a small-time scammer who got spanked at the higher-stakes table. Back to Amway and bird-dogging future failures. He can probably eek out another half year living on a few hundred bucks a month the ads will bring him. His big win in life was selling a condo his parents helped him buy (right?). Whoa, a mogul in the making. Everything from that point on has been failure. So he'll draft up his pamphlet and maybe scrape in a another few hundred.
Now Nigel, who's always been a more interesting character to me, is in for a more rapid descent here. Timed entry into the housing bubble pretty well, probably made some nice money in a short amount of time. But Nigel wants more. Aspiring web journalist, wanna be entrepreneur, failed partner of Casey. Nigel does seem to think he's superior in most ways to most people. Regardless of how many people point out the flaws in his economic arguments, etc. etc. Nigel is unaffected. He's taking link-whoring and free blog-site entrepreneurship to the extreme.
The mortgage, and all of housing, business is undergoing changes that will be around for years. When the .com bubble burst, sure there were some people telling you to buy, buy, buy the NASDAQ at 3500, 3000, 2500... same with Nigel, keep pitching for that falling knife.
There are serious affordability issues in the housing market and the jobs that were created (like in the .com bubble) are going away. Soon that pressure and reality will catch up with Nigel and when it does, I predict he will finally push that delete key.
So what's the predictions? I'm asking my loyal viewer (that's right Akubi, i mean you). I think Nigel delete's himself sometime around August. Though what Mr. LeGate reveals has to be causing Nigel the tremors, so it coud happen much quicker, but i'll stick with August. Casey will keep trying for sweet media for much longer.
The above was posted on May 17th by the way.
Man I love that countdown to Casey Success thing by the way.
Miguel said...
Life's too short to transcribe the whole thing, but I do plan to put the Duane and Declan encounters up on Caseypedia over the weekend.
I've started on Duane - there's about a sixth of it here.
What no love for benoit and I.
Well f-you too and the blue ball you bounced in on.
lol @CHJTS
"What no love for benoit and I.
Well f-you too and the blue ball you bounced in on."
It has been postulated with absolutely no hard evidence that Mr. Nigel may have used his trusted position to pull up confidential information that was not directly related to any applications he was processing at the time. This was roughly the same time DHC and RCS went silent. These totally unrelated coincidences are startling.
He's probably low level formatting his hard drives as we speak Rob Dawg. Nah..he wouldn't no the meaning of that, he's probably just deleting and thinks it is gone from his drive.
Well f-you too and the blue ball you bounced in on.
You two are next on the list - but it's a busy weekend, so I'm grabbing what opportunities I can.
(I'm a blindingly fast transcriber, but between paragraphs I usually have to do half an hour of family/domestic chores. Which sounds like a typical Casey excuse, only I am actually delivering!)
Rob I would like to see a new post discussing what wasnt said or should have been asked in the podcast.
A couple of the things I didnt get too were references to Koi Shaped Olympic pins and The mercedes parts flipping Noveou Riche Headmaster.
I was also going to tell casey that Galina might as well die her hair read because in 2 months he will be the Al Bundy of Uzbekistan but instead of talking about scoring 4 touchdowns in a single high school football game...he will talk about the time he had a infamous blog and 8 houses.
Other Questions I did not get too but had written down:
1-What family members including your inlaws read your blog and do they actively post on it? Also what do they thing about it?
2-Did you spend the money you made from nacho to go on your Secret Tahoe trick?
3-You have stated before that your sex life was unnafected by this, how is it now since the intimacy level has plummeted with Galina? How often are you hittin' it?
4-Did you have a bisexual experience with Chris record or Nigel Swaby? This would explain why you get highlights, drink fruity health drinks, carry a murse, and are very effeminate.
I'm thinking that the countdown clocks might just be adding to Casey's pageview totals.
'JavaScript' src='http://iamfacingforeclosure.com/scripts/countdown.js'
Okay I listened to the whole 3 hour tour in to the shipwreck that is Casey's mind. Thanks to The Dude I didn't have to go to Talkshoe to download the file!
Duane was especially awesome getting Snowflake to babble on nonsensically about their failed putatuve business relationship.
CHJTS and Benoit held their own admirably. It is hard after to argue logically with a deranged idiot.
Jackie Treehorn provided some amusement by baiting Casey into thinking of considering the single life. I bet G beats him to the courthouse on this one.
And bummer/deja vu that Declan got cut off just as he asked Casey 'So how are you going to raise the $1000?...that felt like the diss T/Nacho got although I suspect Declan's diss was courtesy of Talkshoe and not the celebutard wannabe.
I am quite surprised at Snowflakes's obsession with his blog and SEO crap. I would however love for Duane to teach us all something about what he knows about the subject...in that area it was clear that Casey is a mere murse-toting poseur.
It is fun to make light of the ambiguity and strange interpersonal relationships but I really don't want to know and something there or not he's gonna say the same thing no matter what, just a waste of time and effort IMO.
Real questions I'd have liked to hear:
Why no update to the spreadsheet?
How much money have you made this year?
Followed by, no, not how much have you -spent- or -borrowed-, how much have you made? No, not how much is accumulating in your AdSense or Adbrite accounts, how much in your hands? No, not how much have you and G made combined, how much have you made?
Who are the funniest haterz™?
What thingz have the haterz™ done that you consider fair?
Why when you constantly harp on honesty do so many people not belive your motives?
The Utah wrap. No the missing payment is old news, put that behind you, time to move on. How much longer before the whole sale goes through and you are no longer involved? How are the new owners getting the mortgage interest deduction?
I wonder if one of the "witnesses" to Casey's agreements is Casey's Marine brother. Frankly, I'm astonished that he already hasn't beaten the ^%$& out of KC for humiliating the family (not to mention all the Cash Call-type creditor phone calls KC's family must be getting).
I'm sure that by the end of the week, KC will have decided that there is a loophole in the agreement he can exploit, so he really doesn't have to earn the $1000.
I don't think it can contribute to the pageviews. I'm no SEO guru, but my understanding is that sitemeter, google analytics and other traffic analysis things that don't rely on the actual server logs (like webtrends) rely on their own javascript file to report traffic to the site.
These scripts are usually contained in the HTML templates, so the page itself has to be hit (and the traffic scripts be activated to count as a hit) vs. the external files (otherwise things like images etc, would be contributing as well).
I want to be a contributor on caseypedia.com (I cant type or read DOT COM without singing going on in my head about the hotwire.com...Dooooooooot coooooom-ugh).
But I dont know jack about programming...html codes....I can type though and sometimes not mispell words too.
and rob...listen to the podcast..he elaborated on the utah wrap and gave the status of it....the people are facing foreclosure on it because they stopped making payments...and he also talked about how much money he has in his adrevenue account (700 bucks).
Dawg sez: "Who are the funniest haterz™?"
My vote(s) go to:
Timeline Guy
Flailing Forward
Timeline is CLASSIC and Flailing digs Snowflake at every turn. :O)
Real questions I'd like to hear answers to:
1. You're always going on about opportunities so give one example of an opportunity from some time back, outline what it was, who you ran it by and why you rejected it.
2. Would you let your family / Haterz pay to get a medical and psychology assessment of you?
3. Are you concerned that a creditor might take action to seize assets from you to recover money?
Of course Casey will wriggle free of his chidishly-scrawled contract with his wife. To minimize his involvement with the distasteful document, he obviously dictated it to his little sister, who must be upset and confused by all the troubles her wispy older brother is bringing to the family. This agreement has no more power - or legal standing - than the one Casey signed with the No Litmus Ladies. He trashed that, and he will trash this, and soon he will be free of Galina, free of the oppressive "living in an an actual house" business, free to throw himself into the giggly underworld of the Y, the blind thrusting in the trucks down by the docks, the costumed, ritualistic brutality of the downstairs clubs with no external signage in the warehouse district. It's been a long, strange, scenic trip to Casey's destiny, but he's almost home, and soon his waxen, disease-ridden corpse and its tragically distended anus will grace an expensive, tear-stained box and he will be lowered to greet his true peers, the worms.
Don't forget the original Anon, who posted a load of beautifully-written and wonderfully sarcastic comments, and then more or less vanished.
And M.SINGH is a truly glorious creation.
I'm sure that by the end of the week, KC will have decided that there is a loophole in the agreement he can exploit, so he really doesn't have to earn the $1000.
He already has: he's renamed "Donate" to "Sponsor Me".
Since fliptard considers "critics" as a possible alternative to haterz, we need to give "critics" our special EN touch and trademark.
How about..
criticz (obvious choice)
kritikz (homage to fliptard's motherland)
I favor the first one.
@LM: He already has: he's renamed "Donate" to "Sponsor Me".
Heh.. and bad math rears its ugly head once again. He's got ten spots, "sponsors" at a C-note each, on a per-month basis. He obviously figures that if he can sell all ten spots this week, boom, there's his thousand and the wife will shut up. Of course, next week doesn't exist on Casey's calendar.. and even if he *could* sell 40 ads a month, value drops with each one. It's going to be a lot harder to sell ads 5-10 than ads 1-5.
On a side note, I've had a comment deleted! I very politely asked Casey if his wife knew that he was "very, very tempted" to divorce her and blog about it - and that he said so twice on this last blog-o-beg-a-talk-a-whatever. Guess not. :)
rob...listen to the podcast..he elaborated on the utah wrap and gave the status of it....the people are facing foreclosure on it because they stopped making payments.
Ooops, sorry. Thought I heard all the important stuff.
Of course this is great newz™ for us haterz™. That means CASEY is facing another foreclosure. The adventure continues!
We're not haters or critics. More like first class passengers on the Titanic with reserved lifeboat seats. Or, if you prefer The Mothman Chronicles. There was an x-files episode and the excreable Millenium and another movie that all dealt with people/things from the future/elsewhere that popped in at the scenes of disasters. Neil, pass the popcorn.
what was that book that HungryBear recommended during the podcast? It was written something like 50 years ago and he said it's one of the best.
On another note - Rob, how about starting a thread for people who really DO want advice (and will listen to it, unlike Casey) about investing in RE the right way? Like me - I am thinking maybe in a couple years when the market bottoms out that I would like to pick up an investment property (NOT a fix n' flip but to rent) but I don't know anything about it.
just a thought
Please cease and desist from using my voice on future audio. Consider this a formal notification.
p.s. Funniest Haterz of all time?
Hands down: Nigel Swaby
Mothman... Richard Gere... Nigel... Casey...
Thanks to the MurseMaster, I'm busy adding to the CaseyPedia project. What fun! Thanks MurseMaster!
Thus far I've added Overdraft and Jamba Juice. Still writing. Lemme know what you think, etc.
I've just read the Jamba Juice entry - it's superb: keep it up!
Seriously, this is totally addictive, and if it's this good after less than 36 hours (most of that with just three writers), what will it be like by Casey's ultimatum deadline next Friday?
Someone should call cashcall and have them waiting at Casey's house every Friday night, starting this coming Friday.....
Casey is to have "cash on the table" according to his contract with Galina. It is when he has the cash that cashcall (and all other lenders and creditors) should be at his house, standing in line, waiting for their peice of the pie.
what was that book that HungryBear recommended during the podcast? It was written something like 50 years ago and he said it's one of the best.
Bill Nickerson(?) "How I turned $1000 into $5000000 in real estate in my spare time" Only available used and $130+ when I checked. John T Reed mentions it IIRC.
Clebrity Lender Smackdown!
Join us this and every Friday night at the Snapdragon Arena for the best in entertainment! This week featuring Paul "Cashcall" Reddam Vs. Frank "Tan Man" Mozillo.
Rob Dawg @ 1:49 PM:
”We're not haters or critics. More like first class passengers on the Titanic with reserved lifeboat seats. Or, if you prefer The Mothman Chronicles.”
Now that is funny!
Thanks for the chuckle, Rob. Glad to see a sense of humor hasn’t been lost throughout all the banter concerning the Casey episodes.
PS ...Where do you find such interesting headline photos?
I see you're bragging over on IAFF about never losing a case you prosecuted.
You know what they say about lawyers who never lost a case, don't you?
They're trying the wrong cases.
I am assuming you're some type of lawyer, though I can't imagine what type would do anything other than advice [sic] Casey to shut the blog down. Or what type would make himself subject to becoming a witness in his client's case(s)
BTW: I agree with you on that stupid PRBLinkBZ contract. That is beyond a joke.
Thanks, people are always asking. Taint no thang.
twisted psyche + google safe search off + large vocabulary = mind bleach visuals.
BTW: I agree with you on that stupid PRBLinkBZ contract. That is beyond a joke.
Just in time the narrative portion of the PRBLink is up as a new post.
From Lost Mitts Poof on another blog:
Having been in the (mortgage) asset recovery business for over 20 years (in Executive Management now), I am compelled to comment on the ‘Casey go to jail’ sentiment.
....lenders concerned in the Serin saga, are not entirely blameless.
...I, frankly speaking, look with more distain upon those whom cast stones at Mr. Serin for doing what they’ve either done themselves or wish they had the guts to.
BTW, Lost Mitts is not showing as a licensed attorney via a search of attorneys using the California Bar search page under his real name, so he should probably stay focused on whatever dog of a case he may have in queueueue. Never lost, huh?
Wow, I am impressed, Internet Tuff Guy™
On another note - Rob, how about starting a thread for people who really DO want advice (and will listen to it, unlike Casey) about investing in RE the right way? Like me - I am thinking maybe in a couple years when the market bottoms out that I would like to pick up an investment property (NOT a fix n' flip but to rent) but I don't know anything about it.
Oh, that would be fabulous! Sweet irony.
@ Anon 4:05 -- I was surprised that a big time lawyer would not know how to spell a lot (= allot). Normally I don't mind misspellings, but that one really stuck out at me amongst the big words.
BTW, I give Benoit the award for Best Overall Writer. Anyone who can churn out a classic limerick a minute gets a big gold star from me.
Hey, ENers, I hope you don't mind if I make a long post on a variety of topics that have been brewing in my skull.
You don't mind? Great, thanks.
Short sales AFAIK, Snowflake never definitively found out whether his out-of-Cali short sales could go after him for the difference (there's a name for that but I forgot). What would they have to do to put him on the hook for it? Do they have to sue him or is it a little easier than that (I realize collecting is another thing entirely).
Galina She's been looking for a job for a few weeks now. Has she found a f/t job yet, and if not, why not? What is she doing all day? We know cleaning houses is just a side thing.
Salary The sad thing is, if C&S didn't have all that debt, with their low rent they could both survive on 1 p/t job each or one low-paying f/t job between them. Think about it: Using the age-old rule of thumb to make (gross) in a week what you pay in rent for a month, they only need to gross $550/week, or less than $30K per year for the both of them.
Exubernation If Casey is so intelligent, how come he can't even pronounce exurbannation? It's not a tricky spelling, no silent letters. I have a theory about this: He thinks this site is all about him, and it's a reference to him being overly exuberant, as he's described himself before.
The latest "contract" He said something about having some money in the pipeline at least for the first week. Any ideas on why he's got $1,000 coming to him? If it's coming via Paypal, he'd better allow enough time to credit his acct. Ya know, the fact that he's gonna shut IAFF down "permanently" AND keep the domain indefinitely just tell me he's thinking he will just start it up again later.
advertising Traffic, schmaffic: Would you advertise for a month on a site that blatantly threatens to go down any second? Maybe the $100/month option, easy come easy go, but $500 and up would be harder to lose. Snowflake would return the money? Ha!
reviews What a hare-brained scheme! Paid reviews are worthless (to legit companies). He's not even claiming that it will be an unbiased review. He's gonna let people pushing shoddy products be on his site/show? Does he even think these things through? This is just a way for him to scam the guru products he craves but can no longer put on the charge card.
Debt contract How sad is it that he has to sign that he won't pressure or manipulate his wife!?
Handwriting Apparently a prof'l graphology analysis costs less than $100. Would anybody want to chip in to get the latest handwriting sample (i.e., the contract) and signature analyzed?
Utah wrap I thought he was saying it could go to foreclosure if the wrappees stop paying, not that it's actually happening. Either way, now that he's learned so much on how to avoid foreclosure, he'd be able to stop it, right? I wonder how much in late fees and penalties that lost payment is accruing.
Declan I e-mailed him with 2 questions and I just e-mailed him back to ask if I can post his reply here. I imagine he'll say yes.
Baiting Jackie Treehorn is a master baiter!
@5:16 joanthearch
Normally, I would not even gnaw this tasteless little bone any further, but given Lost Mitten's threats of making a literal Federal Case out of some perceived blog slight (WTF?), I looked up the president's credentials for his company, also. Huh. The company is listed with the BBB as providing "Financial Counseling", but in other on line directories bills itself as a "Finance & Legal Arbitration And Conciliation Service."
Anyhoo, *neither* 'Mark' would appear to be a licensed practicing attorney in the state of California. That is, unless the president still also moonlights at a major electronics firm, as well. The only lawyer with that name shows an email linking to a huge electronics firm we would all recognize instantly.
If I was wanting legal advice, I would kinda like it to be from a licensed practicing attorney.
Jus' sayin'...
Excellent questions. I'll just field a quick one.
how come he can't even pronounce exurbannation? It's not a tricky spelling, no silent letters.
Exactly. I pondered long and hard about the name for precisely those reasons and more. I have a better name but it is so obscure even I barely know it. Exurban by itself gets this blog as #3 on google. Not bad. nothing kills a meme like alternatives. Casey did one thing absolutely brilliant: iamfacingforeclosure AND iamfacingforclosure (with no 'e').
And my reject perfect word? Predialian. No one knows what it means and the root, predial, is almost common in some romance languages.
Anon @ 5:16 PM:
HA! My first heckler... Hope you’ve had a great day in Salt Lake! :)
Gee Swabman, hadn’t you learned a lesson through the Duane incident about exposing inside information that gives yourself away? But then again, I suppose that entails a degree of smarts fools lack. Oh well, guess you can’t help yourself no more than The Hair Club could offer free trims.
>>Predialian. No one knows what it means and the root, predial<<
Rawb, your high-quality genius is undeniable, but you got that word all wrong. It's actually PREDALIEN, and it refers to the offspring of a Predator and an Alien, and I thought everybody knew that, gah.
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