Notice anything? Brand new bills six months ago, never been folded all the same. Now nearlt new bills, no creases just a simple fold and soft curl, all the same. He folded them over, stuffed them in a jar and only took them out for a photo op.
Housing Bubble, credit bubble, public planning, land use, zoning and transportation in the exurban environment. Specific criticism of smart growth, neotradtional, forms based, new urbanism and other top down planner schemes to increase urban extent and density. Ventura County, California specific examples.
First, looooosers!
Too bad you can't check the serial numbers.
Getting caught up on my EN reading since I've been out of town and one thing is evident......I'd hate to have Benoit after my ass. Great detective work...outstanding.
BTW, I can be FIRST any time I want....just so you bunch of loosers know who is still King of FIRST.
Rob, I actually had the same thought last night and found both pictures in his Flickr account, hoping to compare serial numbers. That Gaysey is pretty crafty to leave only one number showing.
On a side note, Lawnmower Man thought that the $1000 looked like more money. It's not -- you can barely make it out, but after the eighth hundred-dollar bill, ten $20's follow it. :)
the question then becomes, does dear little snowflake have the self control not to spend that kind of jack for several months?
from all that we've gleaned from his writing, my guess is no.
one thing is evident......I'd hate to have Benoit after my ass. Great detective work...outstanding.
Thanks Dude ... lucky this took place on a Friday, because "I can't out people on Saturday -- I'm Shomer Shabbos" (sp?). One of my favorite parts of the movie ;-)
Dawg -
I'm starting to think that you might have gotten some info from Steve - can you drop some more hints??
Caption Pic One:
"Money to burn - I will blow this money on crap."
Caption Pic Two:
"Money I begged on a table that isn't mine in a kitchen that isn't mine in a house that isn't mine."
Or he took that money outta his poor mother's cookie jar.
To be fair to Casey, he *did* post a view of his PayPal account with over $2000 in it. A complete view, with the recent transactions and all. Faking that via Photoshop is probably out of the question for him...
In any case, I suppose we'll find out tomorrow on Foreclosure Friday™ whether the blog is dead or not. Can't you just imagine the start of the Talkshoe program: "This is Nigel Swaby filling in for Casey Serin... there's been some bad news for Casey..." ;-p
How sad that there isn't a joint checking account the money could be PayPaled to, no way I'd have a girlfriend or wife carry a K around in cash - especially in Sac - especially when it's on the web she'll have 1k in cash every Friday.
Of course, the money is going to a divorce fund, so it's all good.
I love that kind of irony - he made an ass out of himself online to beg the money that will be used to ream him up the ass in court when divorced.
I love karma, she's such a bitch.
Any more updates on Koi?...that's a type of fish for all you loosers with W-2 jobs. I read, on EN, where they have to remain moist.
It's my goal in life to have a 25,000 gallon pond with koi and stuff.
Also, without rehashing old comments, can somebody fill me in on WTF is the obsession about Big Brother 8? Jeez....it seems like she should set her goals a lot higher like I did.
Dawg....about your choice of pics. Damn, some of them are DISTURBING. An intervention, or a bottle of Herradura Tequila Silver, is the answer.
Ah, my copy of "The Big Lebowski" arrives in the mail today, according to Amazon. Why didn't I buy it sooner?
Gotta love the edited version: "They peed on your valued rug, Dude" "They peed on my valued rug!"
Speaking of koi...I went to school at Long Beach State University (Los Angeles). They have a gorgeous traditional japanese garden, with tea house, and a HUGE koi pond with enormous, beautiful koi.
If you're in the area, worth the trip. It's a little known spot, so it tends to be quiet and serene, and it's a back yard one can only dream of...it's on the road the dorms are, very easy to get to.
[ring... ring]
Mom: "Hello?"
Casey: "Hi, mom."
Mom: "[sigh] Oh, it's you. How much do you need?"
Casey: "Mommmm, don't be like that. I told you and the congregration and the rest all that was in the past. I meant it."
Mom: "[resigned] Yes, I was there remember?"
Casey: "[nervous] Uhh yeah, I remember. I'm just not a details guy you know that. Anyway why I'm calling..."
Mom: "How much do you need?"
Casey: "Well, ummm, yeah I guess you know your own son. It was like this, I did what everyone wanted and took down the blog but now the advertisers want my money..."
And so it goes.
Rob, you did a good job at that, it's actually quite amusing. The sad thing is, it's so close to reality.
I suppose we'll find out tomorrow on Foreclosure Friday™
I was wondering about that: the Agreement said nothing about talkcasts, which gives him a little wriggle room.
Although if he's under penalty of the Agreement, he also now has no laptop or phone...
Nigel's been deleting posts again.
Nice spot, anonymous; he certainly has.
I guess he noticed CaseyPedia snarking on the solar algae posts...
Someone should e-mail Declan. It's been what, 2 weeks, since the CNet article?
New statement at IAFF:
IamFacingForeclosure.com is over. It will never return.
Advertisers: Feel free to cancel your PayPal subscription. I will be issuing pro-rated refunds this week.
Ok, so it wasn't the mad IT skillz. Does anyone have any info? I assume he's just drama queening.
Isn't it FRIDAY night at midnight that Casey has to have the kitchen-table cash? If so, its too early, so the speculation that this has to do with wifey or family calling on him to pull the site is pretty much moot, right? Or am I missing something?
Casey could have pulled it all in a fit of pique. Or there could be some tech trouble. Or he could be sitting in a jail cell. Or he could be crossing the border into Mexico or on a flight to some other shady destination. That pretty much covers the major basic possibilities, right?
Did snowflake just throw in the towel?
I read this when accessing his site this morning:
"IamFacingForeclosure.com is over. It will never return.
Advertisers: Feel free to cancel your PayPal subscription. I will be issuing pro-rated refunds this week.
You may contact me here.
-- Casey Serin"
I was just about to paste that. That's not tech trouble, heh. Even Casey-level tech trouble.
Anyway, the 'farewell, cruel world,' msg is what I was referring to.
So if he had two premium sponsors plus ten "sweet links" sponsors plus 5 supporterz then he had somewhere around $2250. (Not counting his "blog consulting" which probably never happened.) He'll have to refund about $1700 of that.
So, let's start checking Google News for Casey Serin.
Also, hopefully the site has been thoroughly cached enough and scraped by LE and haterz so that he doesn't manage to get rid of the proof. I'm sure there's plenty floating around out there.
So this is it...the end...
Finals words, everyone?
*corks pop*
*confetti flitters*
*crowds cheer*
Sounds like THE MAN came knocking on Snowflake's door - something bad has happened.
Mad detective skillz are needed!
ratlab? Up for a stake out? I'd do it myself were it not for the 2k mile drive...
I was RIGHT!! Somebody give me fishy-treats!! Where am I supposed to go for entertainment now??
Anyone know of any other dumb-ass blogger whose life is a train wreck??
Will LossMitPro continue to help poor widdle Casey now?
or will he sue Casey?
ENquiring minds want to know!
I think we should pony up some cash and offer Galina the money to do a no holds barred, Casey nowhere near interview to clear her name and reputation.
After all, divorce lawyers are expensive.
Ablebuyer is up but untouched and still linking to IAFF. Buyingaptbldgs is pointing to ablebuyer.
Ding dong, the murse is dead! The buzzer sounds and the game is over.
(500 Haterz and 5 supporterz line up on opposite sides of the field.)
Good game, good game, good game, good game, itsallmostlygood.
(Least valuable player LMP is balled up on the sidelines weeping...)
Kitty, kitty,
Don't be like that. There's plenty left to play with. Experience tells me that when things go wrong in these kinds of situations, they go way wrong. If one lender forces involuntary bk the scramble at the courthouse will look like the OJ trial. You can bet Declan is getting an advance voucher approved as we speak. All those hundreds of 0:00 visitors to IAFF are now RSS and bot mailing MSM across the globe and dawg knows how many LE tech crime labs. This is the part where everyone gets to say like you "I knew it!" as we find out the truth underneath the scams.
Casey just added:
"Everybody: I'm very sorry to end like this."
Suicide note?
@ dm
nah, not suicide. i think casey's variety of religion frowns on that.
i bet he keeps slowly adding one sentence at a time, so we keep reloading page.
wow, that was quick, someone already updated wiki about the end of the blog!
The grand guignol here is too fast and furious to follow. I check back in just in time to find out Casey has been nail-gunned upside-down to a garage door, and a masked, lisping superpsycho posing as Casey has posted a new IAFF page announcing the site is closed.
From behind the porcelain face, crafted in a clumsy likeness of a clownpainted Matthew McConaughey, a bemused voice hisses, "Too bad you weren't aware that the disparition inexpliquée clause, after foreclosure, is twisted sideways and applied to...YOU!" Casey is suffocated as his murse is pulled over his head, and zipped tight. The muffled screams of Galina are heard from another room. "I'll be with you in a minute, dearest", cajoles the bloodstained harlequin as he reloads his nail gun. "Just keep reading that copy of Dean R. Koontz's INTENSITY I left for you. The first five pages are particularly interesting".
I don't care how bad it gets for KC. I work my whole life and I'll never have a place as nice as that house he "bought" in NM. The worst part is it cost him nothing, nothing, worse, the house paid him. He never had any intention of putting so much as a month's salary into that place. Debtors prison is too good for him and the millions like him. This country is toast. What an asshole.
If so, its too early, so the speculation that this has to do with wifey or family calling on him to pull the site is pretty much moot, right? Or am I missing something?
Yep, anon: the $1000-on-the-table was only part of the Agreement. He was also not allowed to borrow any more, not allowed to discuss his wife, and agreed not to pressure or manipulate her -- and I'm betting that last one was the final straw.
Sputnik_the_Cat said...
I was RIGHT!! Somebody give me fishy-treats!! Where am I supposed to go for entertainment now??
Anyone know of any other dumb-ass blogger whose life is a train wreck??
Have at Gregg Swan Megga Loozer IMO
Keith @ HP calls
Bloodhound: "Unsensored Realtor Lies and BS"
@Benoit: On a side note, Lawnmower Man thought that the $1000 looked like more money. It's not -- you can barely make it out, but after the eighth hundred-dollar bill, ten $20's follow it. :)
Well spotted; you have better eyes than me...
This is what you idiots wanted, and now you have it. Casey is a reatrd, butgeez you are oBSESSED, now you will have no more IAFF, an no more murse and furst. Who are the losers?????lol
Casey is the loser, of course.
And to a lesser extent, so are Nigel, LossMitPro, Snowflake's recent sponsors and indeed anybody who tried to help him or do business with him.
Of course the haterz win. Casey created the haterz by being such a lazy, greedy, fraudulent asshole and then blogging all about it to the world. If a mosquito bites you, you slap it away. Casey was like a mosquito which kept on biting, biting, and the "irritation" he caused resulted in his eventual online demise.
You cannot let itgo, you have a mental hard on for Casey. He occupies so much space in your head. He OWNS the HATERZ thats the irony/ LOL. What oh whatwill you hater do now? How will you get your fix? AWWWWW I find it amusing how depenndant you are on little old Casey. Now the Haterz have nothing to do waaaaaaa
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