Housing Bubble, credit bubble, public planning, land use, zoning and transportation in the exurban environment. Specific criticism of smart growth, neotradtional, forms based, new urbanism and other top down planner schemes to increase urban extent and density. Ventura County, California specific examples.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
How Does He Do It?
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Dang, murst again. Always a bridesmaid.
Prosecutors.....Depending on what's on their plate, he could be "next" or simply slide under the radar. Feds move very, very slowly until they have everything they want and then bury their target with every charge in the book. I seriously doubt he meets the Fed criteria of "bang for the buck" prosecution, so it's going to be up to local authorities.
Just my two and a half cents worth.
Argh! Mifth already!
Having his name smeared acrossed the internet, never getting anyone to really back him in any future venture, living in someone's spare room while he blogs about his murse... This is a form of justice. It may not be what people want (ie, jail), but think of how crappy a life that has to be.
Lenders will be primarily interested in getting their money back.
Some may treat it as an economic matter - if they obtain a judgement against Serin, they may find it has cost them more in legal fees than they can collect. And therefore they write off the debt.
Others, (and I can only hope there will be more than one) will want to make an example of Casey to discourage others from attempting this type of behaviour. After all, what mortgagor wants to be seen as allowing themselves to be ripped off, and the fraudster getting away scot free.
The Feds, on the other hand, don't have an economic incentive to put Casey in the slammer. It's all about "do we have sufficient evidence" (yes, they do) and "can we make an example of him?" (yes, they can) and "is this politically a good move?" (I don't know).
So hopefully Casey will be slammed from two sides - the Feds, who won't get mad, just get even, and disgruntled lenders, who will be very mad.
Murses, KC is already leading a crappy life. Wife ignores him, Brother hates him, family are upset, he's looking forward to living in his car.
Does he seem remorseful? Is he truly sorry for his misdeeds? I don't see it. He's blogging crap about murses and plotting ways to borrow even more money.
So it may well be a crappy life he leads, but if it doesn't lead to remorse then no justice has been done. Furthermore, no matter how sorry Casey may become in the future, that doesn't rectify the damage done to his victims. Justice also requires recompense.
Agreed, Milton's Ghost, but Casey will never be sorry for what he has done. Jail does not equate remorse. He will still feel entitled. The only remorse he'll feel is that he was caught.
Now living in his Vdubs like he dreams... that might be exactly the shatter to his dreams that he needs. Who knows though. He might never feel sorry and he probably will not ever repay a dirty penny.
I'm going to vote that he goes a little crazy and his marriage/living arrangements end shortly.
What suffering? He leaves behid a trail of tears but he himself lives the life of Reilly. What about his lifestyle even remotely resembles suffering? He oesn't work, he has cash in his pocket, he takes vacations, has a roof over his head, a loyal wife who does work, owns a car, a cel, a laptop. He eats out a lot and is endlessly "treating" himself. Even emotionally he is gtting everything he wants. There's no suffering here.
Casey is exactly like my brother inlaw. All talk, no action ~ forever looking at how to make a quick, very passive buck. The bucks are slowing. His avenues to get those bucks are slowing. Then where is he going to be? In a van, down by the river. Or a Vdubs.
If I was a lender I would have already obtained judgement against Casey.
Somebody tried to rip me off for a few thousand a couple of years ago. I took them to court, twice, and obtained judgement against them. When they tried to hide I tracked them down. I was able to collect part of the money by court order to the debtor's bank. I had a Sheriff sent around to their place to seize their property (unfortunately it didn't work out). I was about to haul them into court again to garnishee their wages but we settled instead, as I had collected the bulk of what they owed me.
It took a long time (lot of effort on my part) but I learned a lot doing it. I learned a lot about law, and legal processes, and what will and won't work legally. And it was a lot of fun. I'd do it again.
(*) note ... it's only fun if you have a strong case. If you don't have a strong case, don't even start down the legal path. Hire a debt collector instead, and accept whatever they can get.
So hopefully Casey will be slammed from two sides - the Feds, who won't get mad, just get even, and disgruntled lenders, who will be very mad.
Sorry, I must respectfully disagree. The lenders sold the loans they made with money that wasn't theirs to begin with. They sliced, diced, and resecuritized those loans and sold them to foreign investors, pension funds, insurance funds, hedge funds, etc., etc. The loan portfolios are so huge that defaults are just a statistic. The feds don't care unless it is over a certain amount and they can collect fines too. Nobody cares, that's what pi$$e$ me off the most. Nobody cares. I should have been a straw buyer and cash back fraudster like everyone else. Nobody cares about the fraud, and nobody cares about the dollar. We are friggin' doomed up in here.
I don't understand why the lenders waited until Casey's properties were 6+ months in arrears before acting. Is there some kind of legal delay requirement before a lender can take MASSIVE FOCUSED AUCTION against a delinquent borrower?
mort ... I suppose the loss does get buried, but presumably these lenders have corporate standards for how they should treat delinquent borrowers - and if they don't follow the process then they can be punished.
Ultimately if they let too many loans default, the supply of money will dry up and the business will die (as I understand has happened to some recently).
Comment posted in Open Discussion on NJREREPORT.COM
With each new story I read about some hapless soul who bought more house (or houses) than they could afford, I squirm in my seat noting the absolute absence of any sense of personal responsibility.
No doubt there were some fragile people who were taken advantage of by lenders, but when I read some expert’s estimate that “more than 60% of stated-income loans had income exaggerated by at least 50%”, I have to conclude that the borrowers themselves did a fair share of the “exaggerating.” Which brings me to the case of Casey Serin.
One only needs to read the Casey Serin saga at “IamFacingForeclosure.com”, the “Casey Serin” entry at Wikipedia, or perhaps, the anti-Casey “ExurbanNation.com” site, to see how out of whack things are. Young Casey admittedly bought 6 or more houses, within weeks of each other. Many of the houses had inflated purchase prices, with part of the deal being that Casey would get cash back under the table and un-beknownst to the lender. Because each deal was done with a different lender (and sometimes in a different state), and so close in time, each lender was unaware (and Casey, of course, felt no need to disclose) that he was buying more than one house. Additionally, on each loan application, Casey over-stated his income (rationalizing same by putting down the income he thought he was capable of making flipping houses), and he also represented that he would live in each house. Most of Casey’s houses have now been foreclosed on and each taken back by the respective lender, presumably to be re-sold for far less than what is owed to that lender.
Casey takes the position that the lenders are big boys, can take care of themselves, and have in fact already taken into account, as a cost of doing business, that some borrowers will default. Despite having clearly committed mortgage fraud, young Casey blatantly blogs about his exploits, seeming unconcerned with possible legal ramifications while admitting his culpability (lately rationalizing it by stating “I didn’t think it was illegal, I just thought it was a ‘gray area’”, that “everybody did it”, and “I didn’t have any intent to defraud.”) Instead, Casey worries mostly about the effect the foreclosures will have on his FICO score, and how this might impair his ability to do more real estate deals in the future.
While the Casey “haters” (critics) speculate as to what particular alleged mental illness causes Casey to think the way he does, and wait for the day when Casey is hauled away to prison for his misdeeds, there remains a disturbing possibility that Casey Serin might never be prosecuted. Some law enforcement-knowledgeable types have suggested that unless the lender cooperates and pushes for prosecution, it is unlikely that criminal charges will be brought against Casey. And because the lenders have their own problems, Casey just might not be a big enough fish for them to fry. In fact, because Casey is, was, and for the foreseeable future probably will be, insolvent, the lenders might not even pursue civil litigation to obtain deficiency judgments against Casey for the remainder of the money that Casey borrowed that wasn’t repaid by the value in the repossessed houses. Which means, Casey could escape unscathed. Which would seem to indicate that Casey was very sane, and very slick, gambling with other people’s money. To my mind – and I do not take the thought of such things lightly – Casey Serin needs to be prosecuted, and Casey Serin needs to do a modicum of jail time. And he is not the only one. (remember the 60% estimate above)
In fact, if the post-boom housing world is to ever be set back on its axis and spinning correctly again, the Feds (as in FBI) ought to gear-up and investigate/review the loan documentation for each and every stated-income loan made in the last three or four years. Certainly such an investigation should be a prerequisite to any notion of a borrower/lender “bailout.” Sound like a daunting, expensive task? Maybe, but think about it. Certainly the documentation is there, and probably easily accessible electronically in the computer-scanned files of the title insurance companies. And after the first few weeks of reviewing these things, a dedicated department of reviewers should be able to speedily spot and classify the particular type of fraud so that further action could be taken. (How hard could it be for the govm’t to concurrently compare a borrower’s loan application with his last couple of years of 1040’s, and when the numbers are different conclude the borrower lied on one or other, either way resulting in criminal culpability). And where the wrongdoers caught happen to have deep pockets (probably not the borrowers, but some of these mortgage brokers got fat during the boom, while being less than forthright about mortgage terms), make them reimburse the cost of prosecution.
The USA is a country of laws, and to an ever-increasing extent, a country of law-breakers. It is extremely unfair to the rest of us, who either instinctively tell the truth, or alternately, are too scared to lie on an application that advises in bold print that it is a crime to do so, to have to bailout a bunch of irresponsible liars. This is a golden opportunity to demonstrate that you have to tell the truth in filling out loan applications, that there are consequences if you don’t, that you are personally responsible for the actions that you take, and the excuse “everybody does it” just isn’t going to fly anymore.
@Mort, Milton, et al.
You are right in that noone (prosecutor or lender) is likely to do anything.
The steady breakdown of the West is one of the many reasons why I moved to a former Soviet country. I like it here.
You'd think at least the IRS would care about Casey Serin committing tax fraud.
@ Milton:
One reason lenders do nothing is because of job mobility. The average manager at LendCorp will be somewhere else in a few years, so LendCorp's long-term fate isn't really important to management and doesn't increase the value of their stock options.
From the PoV of LendCorp management, what matters is meeting quarterly guidance. That will have a much more immediate effect on management's pocketbooks.
The irs will care. Not instantly though, it may take a few years.
I forget the Statute of Limitations on tax fraud. Five years, I think.
@ Joe: the way to force tighter lending standards would be through the Federal bank regulators, especially the FDIC (as almost every bank is federally insured).
The problem is that the lenders' (banks, mortgage brokers, etc.) lobbyists would scream bloody murder. So would the NAR and fifty dozen congreemen.
No regulator wants to be painted as opposing the "American Dream". Noone has ever explained to me how the American Dream got re-defined as home ownership. I naively thought it had something to do with political freedom, not prosperity.
I am posting this if you havent read it on Debtkid.com I think that THIS is what we are all trying to help Casey realize...
Until Jan. of this year, I never considered myself “in debt”. Sure, I was losing $10,000 in a single day. But I wasn’t “in debt”. I didn’t have a “debt” problem. My problem was that I wasn’t having enough winning trades!
How delusional.
Debt is personal. It’s a 24/7 shadow that infects every aspect of your life. social. physical. spiritual.
I’ve never dealt with something like this before. It’s not tangible, yet its effects are.
I can beat it. I have to beat it.
I don’t have a choice to succeed or not. I have to succeed. To have any chance of a “normal” life (wife, kids, ect), my business has to succeed. I’ve promised to pay my mother back (I owe her over 100K). I have to succeed.
I’ve felt bored with my life lately, and the pace with which it moves. How can that be? I’m losing a house, working crazy at my business, have a decent social life again…how can I be bored?
Because I’m not trading.
It’s the only explanation. When I’m looking at business options now, my plans look months into the future. My old “business options” (aka, trades) used to be executed and see results within days, hours, minutes even.
And now I have to wait to see if I will succeed or not. I won’t know tomorrow. I won’t even know a month from now.
I’m purely talking about my business success here. I don’t equate my life worth, or self-worth with how much money I make. But at the moment…my life completely hinges on my business income and how I manage my debt. How abhorred a thing.
murses ... ah yes, the IRS. I forgot about them. Hoping for three sides now.
sid_finster ... home ownership is the Australian Dream. I think we don't see the same kind of individual excess in AU; things are probably more regulated. Although we have seen some spectacular corporate failures - one.tel (spent and spent, hid losses, tried to prop up a failing business, didn't collect money from its customers), Westpoint, and more recently Fincorp (promised high returns, lent the money to itself to develop some dodgy shopping centres) and just today, "Australian Capital Reserve" has collapsed.
I can sympathise with mort that the industry seems to be running amok and nobody takes personal responsibility.
Has anyone ever asked Casey if he had any friends? I've never heard him mention anyone else.
Guys, guys, guys.
Just because he has'nt been prosecuted, does not mean it will *never* happen.
Until the banks state publically they will not press charges, that's on the table.
Until the DA says they will not press charges, that's on the table.
Until the Feds say they will not press charges, it's on the table.
I know, it's frustrating, but your sentiments are exactly WHY they will go after him. If the public's perception becomes "mortgage fraud is okay", all hell breaks loose.
Instead of venting here, write more letters and e-mails to the DA, to the Feds, to the iRS. Pressure will crack anything, given enough time.
There's other things Casey needs to be very worried about - and isn't, of course. Abuse of his corporate credit - especially if he racks up a bunch of debt and walks away from it. Just by failing to do proper paperwork alone could be a HUGE deal down the road. We don't know if 1099's are on their way to Sacramento, and the fallout if he fails to pay the taxes. The unpaid taxes on the $2500 from begging.
Casey will get caught. It may be later, rather than sooner, because he's a greedy pig and doesnt think things out, and acts under impulse.
Just because the dust has settled down and the fool is trolling for hits does not mean *nothing* is happening. I have a sneaking suspicion there things afoot...and more fireworks in store later this week for the next talkcast. (But lets not go there, I love surprises...if there is one...which i don't know, I'm just hopeful...)
Patience is the key. We're used to regular bouts of stupidity and outrage to post about, and when it slows down then it all becomes "why is he still walking the streets!" and eating our own.
Patience. IAFF may be on it's last legs, but like Casey said, there's plenty more coming...I just don't think it's what he would prefer.
You know who to write, e-mail and call if you're outraged that he might slide - which is conjecture in the first place. Call the lenders, call the da, call the feds, call the IRS. Pressure.
sid_finster said...
I forget the Statute of Limitations on tax fraud. Five years, I think.
More than that. There's the 3-year limit for the IRS asking you to justify (most) deductions, 7-years if they think you're off by more more than 25% of your income (hmmm... THEY decide how much they think you are off?), but if I remember correctly, there is no limitation in the event that the avoidance was due to outright fraud instead of a basic mistake or oversight.
If the little hobbit is not even declaring any of his blog income, that might fall in the latter category; however, in reality if they're interested they'll catch him in about three years or less.
Note to newbies: This tax stuff applies to (Galina's) wages and any blog profit and odd-job income he generates. Lender 1099's will have no effect, so long as he goes through the motions to demonstrate insolvency. That would be easy for any of us in his financial situation, but given his track record, it might be a daunting task for him to actually document that simple fact in a timely manner.
you are right in that if anything gets KC prosecuted, it will be because the public raises enough of a stink.
That said, the IRS is not going to pursue criminal charges over a failure to pay income tax on $2500 unreported income. Not gone happen.
Casey has mentioned "freinds", like Chris, who is a business/scam associate, and Ramit, who he went to High School with, and only was in contact with when Casey send out that scam 24% profit e-mail.
I tend to think he's something of a loner, or considers his fellow scammers like LossMitPro and Nigel to be "freinds", but we all can see he's inept at interpersonal relationships - god knows I've had freinds almost as bad as he is, and I've had to walk away from them lest I be dragged down into their turmoil.
But, i could be wrong - and SO like Casey that he'll drag his issues with Galina all over the web, but protect the privacy of friends.
My hunch is that he may have had a lot of friends at one point, but they'v all drifted away over the course of his insanity. That's usually how it happens. I'll bet that scam e-mail he sent out killed off a good number of freindships.
If you want to experience it yourself, go join Amway, and then hit up every friend you have. You'll find out how tenuous a lot of your friendships are then.
KC said...
Has anyone ever asked Casey if he had any friends? I've never heard him mention anyone else.
Friends!?! Look at the way he treats family. Look at the way he treats his possesions. Look at the way he treats well intentioned strangers. Anybody who would stand beside a turd like Casey isn't thinking friendship. Besides, who needs friends in caseyworld where the "hate" is well and truly just masked jealousy and secret admiration.
Its funny that Galina dropped out of school months ago to "get a job" and still doesn't have one. I'm not going to believe the bullshit about cleaning houses.
Casey's friendships are short-lived.
True, true...so let's say then the unreported taxes of his all year (he's claiming to have been making money off web gigs, advertising, Duane's money, who knows what else), and most likely Galina's as well, as I don't see her filing single, *if* Casey files you know he wants that sweet married deduction.
He's already as much as scoffed at paying taxes on time, as "everyone does it" and "you just pay a fine".
they won't let me join Scamway.
probably best for all concerned.
@MaP: most of the time, Casey is correct. If you are obviously making an effort to follow the rules, pay timely and in full, (or owe a relatively small amount of money) the delinquent taxpayer gets off with a penalty.
Criminal prosecutions are reserved for those who flout the tax laws and owe the government large sums of money.
Sacto DA Special Investigations:
The Special Investigations Division prosecutes financial crimes with losses in excess of $100,000.00, real estate fraud and specialized cases including misconduct by public officials, political corruption and election fraud.
The Division is comprised of four attorneys, three criminal investigators, an investigative assistant and a paralegal. One attorney, a paralegal and two criminal investigators are exclusively dedicated to the prosecution of real estate related crimes. Real estate cases are investigated by members of the unit in combination with special investigators of local, state and federal law enforcement agencies.
The Special Investigations Division can be reached at (916) 874-5897. Direct contact can be made with the Real Estate Fraud Unit by calling (916) 874-9045
Last time DA Scully ran unopposed. I'll pay the next filing fee for someone to just yell "Casey!" at every opportunity if they refuse to act.
I'm not ready to start attacking Galina yet. Why?
It's time to repeat - what we know of Galina is what Casey has told us. Rob and Duane might know more, as they've talked to Steven Serin.
We don't know that she's still cleaning houses.
We don't know if she's gotten a job.
Verify she's not working, and then I'll comment.
Hell, he may not be allowing her to find a job, in his passive aggresive ways. "I need the car, for an interview" "You can't *I* need the gas thats left for a sweet meeting!"
Off to my loser cube...
At 7:54 AM, sid_finster said...
"they won't let me join Scamway."
I thought Scamway was real big in Russia at the moment...
@ UD. You seem Scamway and clones/takeoffs around, but I can't say that it is really popular. Stuff like that was more popular maybe five-seven years ago, but now you see more Kiyosaki ripoffs.
Interestingly enough, Scamway/Kiyosaki seemed to take off most among converts to (American-style) evangelical protestantism.
Fortunately, we do not have so many of those as the evangelists might claim.
Mouse and Pencil,
I did e-mail the DA, months ago, they don't care. If they locked up every mortgage fraudster in California they'd have to lock up half the citizenry. They aren't going to do that. To whoever asked why didn't lenders foreclose sooner the answer is twofold. First, there is a tangled web of who owns the mortgages. Second, corporations delay booking losses as long as possibly. Witness CFC booking neg am nonpayments as profits. That's right, as long as they don't foreclose non-payments are booked as profit. The gubmint will not prosecute all the players because they are corrupt too. They loved the revenue from the housing bubble, and they will miss it when it's gone. No way they are killing the fatted calf unless forced to. Everyone is corrupt, right down to the dog catcher.
Last time DA Scully ran unopposed. I'll pay the next filing fee for someone to just yell "Casey!" at every opportunity if they refuse to act.
That'll work! Have them wear a murse , store sweet campaign buttons in it, and pass them out on the campaign trail. Oh, make sure the colors are blue (shirt and ball) and pink (shirt).
The slogan..."It's all good".
I expect if anything really serious goes down, like KC being charged with a crime, or dragged into court, that we won't read about it on IAFF.
I dunno... in Novosibirsk there are a lot of Amway billboards, advertising on the sides of buses and metro cars, etc.
Somebody is spending a fair amount of money on reklama...
They advertise, sure, but anyone who has ever done business in Russia knows that advertising does not necessarily translate to revenue.
That'll work! Have them wear a murse , store sweet campaign buttons in it, and pass them out on the campaign trail. Oh, make sure the colors are blue (shirt and ball) and pink (shirt).
"Scully knew and Casey flew!" - Turk 182
Pass out big blue balloons at every opportunity, election or no. Can you see her trying to give a speech at Grange while the audience bats big blue balls around over their heads. Shame her, annoy her into doing her job.
Federal prosecutors are too busy running prayer breakfasts to be concerned with the Federal Casey. Take a look at who is in charge of the Justice Department, and what happens to competent US Attorneys. It is all you need to know.
@lost cause: breaking the law and getting away with it has long been easier than most of us think. Or at least we are risk-adverse or have some moral inculcation.
The problem didn't start with the Bush administration, although it is incompetent.
Okay, fine points all. Mebbe he will walk away. I'm not ready to admit defeat yet.
Again, if it becomes public perception that "mortgage fraud is okay", all hell breaks loose. There are people going to jail for it right now - just yesterday there was a story of a guy who lied about his income to buy a BMW. He's going to jail.
Also, look at the context of whats going on in housing in general. The Feds are fat and happy from the extra taxes the housing boom generated, but that's ending, and they *will* start going after people, and it'll happen at the State level too.
Look at it from the point of view of the DA. If the public thinks he's ineffective and is not prosecuting crime, he knows he'll lose the next election. heat will come from above. When it becomes time to move, who do you thnk he'll go after? The big dawgs, the guys running the big scams, with whole subdivisions, that'll take time. While that's going on, they have an idiot admitting several time on the internet that he broke the law.
Slam dunk. Easy case, big win, now the DA can issue a press release and prove he's doing something.
Pressure. The DA needs to know that it's becoming public perception that mortgage fraud is okay in Sacramento county. He needs to know that his office is seen as weak.
At 8:18 AM, Lost Cause said...
Federal prosecutors are too busy running prayer breakfasts to be concerned with the Federal Casey. Take a look at who is in charge of the Justice Department, and what happens to competent US Attorneys. It is all you need to know.
This has been around since the founding of the Republic. It only looks worse because of a compliant media and Democrat congress. BTW, to a very great extent this is how it is supposed to happen.
@M&P: you are right, public pressure is the only thing that will get law enforcement off its collective tuchus.
As housing prices tank, it will be interesting to watch the indolence of law enforcement pitted against the outrage of solid citizens demanding scapegoats.
Care to use a different word than scapegoat? I for one do not wish Casey to pay for the sins of others, just his own.
Perhaps "scapegrace?"
The IRS stated that they're really not interested in tax fraud unless it's for $1,000,000+.
Casey is small potatoes to the IRS.
The end is near.
The IRS has improved ALOT in tracking people down. It's NOT true that they only go after $1M+ fraud, they go after cases where there is a high probability they are owed money. In Snowflake's case it will take a year or two of him being late to show up on the radar, but they'll get him especially if he ever files a tax return in the future.
As an ex-IRS employee I want to assure everyone Casey is on their radar right now. A minor blip but on their radar nonetheless. If no other law enforcement agency gets Casey they will. It will take them awhile but it will happen. Then he'll know pain.
Another thing in case Snowflake reads this: I know their techniques without divulging them. Your admitted actions on your blog put you on their radar. This would have happened even if IAFF was never created and no haterz ever existed. When the IRS comes you can say that you did this to yourself truly. I doubt you will but you could. Count on the IRS in your future KC.
The best entry here so far is this:\
"Mouse and Pencil,
I did e-mail the DA, months ago, they don't care. If they locked up every mortgage fraudster in California they'd have to lock up half the citizenry. They aren't going to do that. To whoever asked why didn't lenders foreclose sooner the answer is twofold. First, there is a tangled web of who owns the mortgages. Second, corporations delay booking losses as long as possibly. Witness CFC booking neg am nonpayments as profits. That's right, as long as they don't foreclose non-payments are booked as profit. The gubmint will not prosecute all the players because they are corrupt too. They loved the revenue from the housing bubble, and they will miss it when it's gone. No way they are killing the fatted calf unless forced to. Everyone is corrupt, right down to the dog catcher."
Will citizens care enough to put excessive preasure on the DA? Time will tell.
Couple of observations,
Dawg is right on the question of friends. Look at how he talks to ANYBODY who disagrees with him? I had a friend like him once. Suffice to say I was his only friend and supporter and he took advantage of me regularly. It was all about him and not about the two of us. I stopped talking to him when he tried to get me to go in on a questionable investment. He was mad I didn't "trust" him.
So far, he is making my prediction look good. I told him how I thought he'd fail at getting anymore "supporterz" for "sweet links" once the low lying fruit was used up. He tried that typical b.s. on me with "you're saying I'll fail" and I said NO - it's not sustainable.
I have a question for the advertisers on his site: What are you getting for $100? Gee, a bunch of people clicking through who most likely won't buy your product? His SEO skillz are NOT that good. You can get more bang for your buck elsewhere.
Also, advertisers, what are you going to do if the site continues to drop because the Casey story alone is over and cannot sustain the large hits with dumb topics about the contents of his purse and such.
I also have a feeling all these supporterz who have been posting are plants and the same 5-6 people. It's too bogus to be real.
The dude,
You also need to have buttons that say "SWEET! I just made $100 this week and I'm going to Jamba Juice!"
Anon @ 9:13,
I think it's possible he could be used to show others that if you publicly thumb your nose at the law, you will get busted. It takes time and I believe somebody will use him for an example. True, not everybody will get prosecuted, but if you run around publicizing that you can get away with blatant fraud, it will come back to haunt you.
Maybe he won't be prosecuted but this and other blogs plus the Caseypedia and various archives will only hurt him when he needs to finally find a real job. THAT kind of notoriety could be his prison over the years to come.
If y'all really want the hobbit prosecuted, y'all are going to have to make a stink to your elected representatives.
Lessee...we have Federal, both FBI and IRS.
States...California, New Mexico, Utah and Texas.
(Jeeze...can you imagine Snowfake in a Texas prison? He'll be "bitched" before he even gets out of Receiving).
The puppet is jail-bait for an entire salad bar of state LE agencies...all it takes is finding the right ambitious bureaucrat to push the buttons on him.
I'm with Dolph, if this were someone who was working behind the scenes, not making a public spectacle of themselves, and thumbing their nose at the lenders and the Fed and the DA in public...they might get away with it.
I don't care who it is, but institutions like the IRS, the DA's office, and the Fed care about public perception very much. They need to foster and prop up the idea that taxes need to be paid, fraud is a bad thing, and people get punished. Yes, people get away with it, but not the way Casey is doing it.
The wheels of justice turn slowly. Patience and pressure are needed. If enough people complain, and point out in black and white that the public perception is that "fraud is okay" and "not paying taxes' is okay, they WILL act.
@El Gabo
I'm just telling you guys what the IRS person told me.
Anytime Casey does antyhing crazy, stupid or whatever it is, I ask my self:
- Will he profit from it?
- Will his family "name" be protect?
- Will his Wife look as the innocent good soul, Christian wife who stood by her man and did not know a single bad thing was happening?
Every time I read Casey's posts, even this talk shows like last Friday, I have to put a "CHECK - YES" mark on all of them.
Even with Steve Serin on last week talk show, I have to put a BIG CHECK "YES" on all of these.
Now, I don't know if Steve Serin was planted or not, maybe Casey lured Steve into this, but that Steve Serin talk sure put the family into such a wonderful and shinning light with Galina in front leading the pack.
Oh, did I forget to mention how many more HITS Casey got with his last talk show?
You guys are so gulliable, it's nausiating at times.
Casey, Galine AND Family (most) are all frausters. They enable Casey.
Sorry, Anon 9:57. You are waaay late to this party. You got all the indicators and associations and who prompted Steve and everything else absolutely wrong and his hits plummeted at the time of the talkcast. You do recieve a consolation prise. "Lamest Troll of the Week Award." Don't let the door hit you on the way out pleather boi.
Gullable, LOL. Doubt that friend.
If Steve was a plant (and trust me the thought DID cross my mind a few times) why go through all the trouble contacting the very people that Casey sees as a threat?
Please answer that without an insult please.
I'd like to respond to some comments from last night that Casey's traffic is doing great and EN is now 'just' 1/3rd of Casey's. With both Sitemeters open as of the time this is posted:
Casey's average visit length is about a third the length of EN's. Casey does have maybe 30% more page views this week than EN. The average visitor views more pages at EN than Casey's per visit. Casey's page views are a third again more than EN's today.
In my opinion, EN's readership is VERY strong in comparison to Casey's, considering the nature of EN.
Good response Dawg. I thought that Casey's ratings were dropping fast.
You guys are so gulliable, it's nausiating at times.
Not gullible (or "gulliable") at all. Just rightly suspicious of anonymous trolls whose arguments are based overwhelmingly on supposition and wishful thinking.
You don't have to identify yourself - just post independently verifiable evidence. Then we'll start taking you seriously.
Further proof that Casey will find getting bigger fish to advertise very tough. He's writing fluff pieces now about purses and his advertising (boring). Add on that he only seems to be approving the same 5-6 sock puppets to root him on. Why pay for that?
EN on the other hand would be a marketers dream...educated participants, #1 site for all things Casey, etc. I am by no means advocating Dawg add advertising, but Casey thinks having 4000 visitors a day is a great thing, problem is they won't stay long and that is bad for Casey.
I am not a troll. I honestly like the fact that you have put this web site together to bring some justice to Casey.
I felt so frustrated thinking that nobody was paying attention. I will get a user name soon, I am not trying to "hide" as anonymous and I can send you my email if you like (you should be able to verify it).
As for the points I brought earlier, I still stand by them. Especially, that I do NOT see Galina as innocent as some want to believe.
Just a lurker who enjoys the site wanting to add a little info.: There is a statute of limitations for some actions with the IRS ( and if memory serves thats in cases of disputed deductions )but no such time constrictions for fraud (as pointed out by NoVa Sideliner)It would take minimal effort for their agency to prove fraud in this case
Anonymous said...
I am not a troll. I honestly like the fact that you have put this web site together to bring some justice to Casey.
Hey, this is big tent blogging. No problems. Just to keep things clear, no registration or even signing up for a blogger name. Just click "other" and type in any old name. Maybe you are new but Steve was in contact with some of us before he called in and Casey was audibly shaken when he called. Alternate (alternative?) views are encouraged but understand the learning curve is getting steeper as the drama plays out and you might be going over settled territory.
"Please answer that without an insult please."
No insults will come from me. I honestly think that Steve was lured into it by Casey. It serverd Casey well.
You guys keep missing the point that Casey thrives and SURVIVES from negative posts and actions taken against him. It's disgusting, but he has found that this can make him $money$.
Casey will sell out the entire family if he could make a buck - minus his wife.
You know why not his wife, becuase that is his second change at Fraud. If he can restore or semi-restore her credit, he will use her seven days til Sunday and THEN dump her.
For those of you saying that his web site is decreasing in views, can someone please explain this to me:
It sure looks like it's going UP.
Cool, I see your point but he IS NOT making all that much money. I said it on his talkcast and will say it over and over...he will shoot his wad on the advertising. It IS NOT that easy and he should be using that money to settle some of his more problematic debts because the ads won't last.
As for Steve, Rob's right...if Steve were a plant, why contact Rob, Duane, Steph? A plant would not risk the potential for being exposed via emails. Casey DID sound shaken by his call. I believe he was never the same once Steve got done with him.
There is no way in hell Casey can LEGALLY restore his wife's credit within the next few years. No way.
He can't/won't negotiate.
Her FICO will be stuck in the 4s with such high levels of debt and charge offs.
The best they might get is a toy card ($500 limit or less) from a sub prime, high interest lender like HSBC or First Premier.
He screwed up on her credit when he should have done everything he could to preserve it. Oh well, I do agree that he will use her as much as he can before shunning her aside. Problem with letting her go is that she could make his life pretty miserable and THAT might be worth a book deal!
Page views seem to be going up for the beginning of the month but it trends down as the month goes on.
You are correct, Casey did sound shaken.
I will agree that given the number of people who talked to Steve, that Steve was probably was not a plant.
However, I still think that Casey may have lured Steve into it. Not that Casey knew what the outcome would be and yes, Casey WAS surprised by Steve's call, but at the end of the day, it served Casey well.
It's the way twisted people like Casey think. I know them very well. I have one in the family. That is why I tend to procced with caution.
A good con-man like Casey can take you all the way to Hell and you wont even know it until it's too late.
As for the points I brought earlier, I still stand by them. Especially, that I do NOT see Galina as innocent as some want to believe.
Fine. That's your opinion. Produce some hard evidence that convinces other people and it might become an accepted fact.
But until that happens it remains an opinion.
Having Steve contact people and build up suspense before hand certainly increases the audience. Rob even suggested listening to the broadcast. I suspect (and hope) the family is disgusted with Casey, but I am not positive. If Galina is on vacation with Casey right now it would tend to say she is not that disgusted with him.
I have heard they are on vacation, but I did not see any source for the statement. Since I am 75% successfull in my ignoring IAFF and do not feel like going there right now can someone confirm that they are on vacation or Casey has said they are on vacation?
But Dolph,
Overall, month-to-month, they are going up.
"Produce some hard evidence that convinces other people and it might become an accepted fact."
Galina appears on several public records showing title being transfered out of her name. Galina appears "working" and attending RE seminars.
Galina, as of this day, has not come forward to the authorities given the MASSIVE Fraud her husband has committed. No, she is currently on Vacation with hubby with the fradulant money they BOTH received.
This reminds me of Gotti's dauther defending her father to this day. Forget about all the people who were murdered by Gotti - my father is so inocent. Makes me want to puke.
First, Casey is not on vacation. It started out with Casey basically saying that the extra money he earned last week covers this week, vis a vis the contract he signed with his wife. Then we made comments that he'd take it easy this week, ie. a "vacation". There is NOTHING to suggest C &G went anywhere.
Second, all we know of Galina is what Casey has told us. Casey is a liar. We have no idea what she's done, how much she knows, or how much she's going to. She *could* be scared shitless to turn him in, because since he involved her, she could be liable too.
Third, the "fraudulent" money was gone last year, by Casey's admission. The current money he has is from begging online and selling ads.
Rob said that there's a learning curve here. You need to discover what we know as a fact, and what Casey has told us, and learn that Casey is a liar and cannot be trusted.
Yes, I am behind the learning curve, but I have been reading Casey's BS for a while.
Also, I have a different eye on this because I can smell BS a mile away. Again, I have a KC in the family. Amazingly nice brother in law who almost caused his own mother to lose her house becase of a shinanogan he and his wife did.
Some hard facts: Galina was involved in the RE fraud. How much? Nobody knows yet.
Fact: Galina has not come clear given her husband MASSIVE Fraudulant activities. One thing is to support your husband, another is to support criminal behavior. Period.
Galina and Casey's Family have enabled Casey this long because they were waiting AND hoping that Casey would make it $BIG$.
Now that the family is begining to see reality, as in NO MONEY and that they themselfs may be implicated in the Fraud, they are slowly turning around. Let's spank Casey in the hand, lightly - you bad boy.
It's disgusting in my personal view.
Like I said days ago, if I would have done 1/100th of what Casey has done, my mother would have taken me to the back and shot me on the spot. I kid you not and I love my mother for that and for keeping the family honest.
You know some folks that post here are DOJ...and we're good folks =)
Overall, month-to-month, they are going up.
May's stats are skewed by the huge, but very transient, spikes that the C|NET and MSN links brought him.
This month's stats tell more of the story; his traffic for the last few days is down by about a third compared to weekday traffic at the beginning of the month.
But yes, overall, I agree: rumours of IAFF's traffic losses are almost always exaggerated. He's not hurting much for traffic.
Ok, I will bite. What is DOJ?
Anon, in the end WHO CARES if it's going up month to month? The real measure of a website is how LONG people stay and read. You pointed out that he does not retain the average visitor all that long.
If he continues with his present course, mark my words...he will see a drop and it will take the ultimate troll post to get those eyes back.
Oh and if his day-day, week-week numbers hold, next month will see a decline.
One has to wonder how a site devoted to the contents of a fracking purse and how cool it is to advertise with him is going to retain visitors. Even if his traffic stays up, it will be because of his notoriety and he won't really be able to monetize the way he'd hoped for (foreclosure advice).
"One has to wonder how a site devoted to the contents of a fracking purse and how cool it is to advertise with him is going to retain visitors."
it is not casey's post that kept me going back. it was the fracking comments.
i do not go there anymore.
Galina appears on several public records showing title being transfered out of her name.
Do you have proof that she was responsible for initiating this transfer? Or was it merely a case of signing on the dotted line because her husband talked her into it?
Galina, as of this day, has not come forward to the authorities given the MASSIVE Fraud her husband has committed.
Why would she need to, given the fact that Casey has publicized and effectively confessed to said fraud(s) on numerous occasions going right back to last September? The authorities are already well aware of Casey's activities.
This reminds me of Gotti's dauther defending her father to this day. Forget about all the people who were murdered by Gotti - my father is so inocent. Makes me want to puke.
I'm not saying Galina is innocent - I'm saying I haven't seen enough evidence either way to reach an informed opinion that I'd be comfortable with defending.
(This defense doesn't apply to Casey, of course, as he's already confessed to numerous crimes.)
He'll float away from all this with nothing more than a bad FICO score, while patting himself on the back endlessly. He'll find someone, somewhere, who will lend him money and the cycle will begin anew.
It'd be nice if his next Power Nap™ was in the Big House, but I just don't feel it happening. There's no point for anyone to sue him, as he has no assets. The only one that might just send him some discomfort is the IRS.
On a completely unrelated subject, how much does he owe his corporation? I work it out to the neighborhood of ten grand -- a loan to repay the seed money ($4500) and another loan to pay the rent and fix the car ($5000 or so). Does anyone know differently?
Oh, and nice collection of plastic, there, KC. Do any of 'em work?
To add to Miguel's comments, it's probably worth noting that both Galina and Casey appear to come from families with very traditional views on marriage. (For example, Galina's father stating that her college tuition became Casey's responsibility on marriage; Steve's "provide and protect" priorities.)
Galina was certainly _involved_ in the purchases, the rehabs, the seminars. But what we don't know is whether she _instigated_ any of it. Was it her idea? Or did she go along with Casey's dreams out of love, support, and duty?
We don't know; we only have the picture that Casey paints.
Whenever I think of Casey living his sweet "no consequences for my stuipidity" life, I get creative and start thinking about "old west justice." I also think about a citizen's arrest.
Here's my (warped) little dream: I fly to Sacramento, purchase a gun, blindfold and handcuffs. I go to the SIL home and perform a citizen's arrest for fraud, etc. Once handcuffe, I take him into custody, blindfold him, and drive out to a medicad funded nursing home.
At the nursing home Casey is "jailed" for sixty days while he awaits a trial of his peers. At this "jail" he is expected to perform hard labor that includes giving people sponge baths, cleaning bed pans, changing diapers, etc. When he is not doing these activities, he is scrubbing toilets, washing dishes, doing laundry.
There are "guards" at this location to assure he does his sentence and does not escape. He is provided with a simple room with a cot and blanket. He starts his day at 4:30 a.m. and he works until 9:30 p.m. His only breaks are for breakfast, lunch and dinner (30 min each) and he eats the same food as that prepared for the elderly.
There are no computers, no internet, no television, no cell phones, etc.
Once the sixty days is done, Casey is picked up for a "trial of his peers." He is found guilty of all charges and is sentenced back to the nursing home "jail" for no less than three to five years.
There are none of the comforts of home and he is forced to "pay off" his debt to society.
DOJ: Department of Justice
Casey is many things, but he's not an actor, and he does not hide his emotions very well. He was quite 'visibly' (or audibly) shaken when his brother called. You could hear him scrambling for his responses, you could hear the hurt and the betrayal in his voice, anyone could sense the defensiveness that is very difficult to fake.
I don't think he's that good, frankly, unless he's been shamming from the beginning, and is the best actor on earth.
He's not even subtle with his trolls, how can you believe him capable of more?
Oh, I let that comment sit too long. Sorry.
I believe it was on his tape before the community college, but he mentioned how he first got interested in attending real estate seminars.
He mentioned that Galina saw some get-rich-quick scaminar infomercial on late night TV and suggested that they attend.
She deserves the same punishment that Casey does.
Her thoughts
I would like to quote some brief comments at the end of Casey's Talkshoe with Nacho (mp3), recorded a mere two months ago.
If you would please scan to the point at 1:20:40....
Casey responds to an inaudible voice with these remarks:
"Yeah I know"
"Oh well"
"Yeah I was actually... for once defending myself"
To whom was SERCASEY responding? Was this his wife? GALINA SERIN, fists clinched at each of Nacho's questions (assaults!), readying a slap from one cat to another (meow!), then after the call, patting her husband's knee lovingly (that's my little entrepreneur!) and saying,
'Wow Casey, you really stood up for yourself, she was a bitch'
'Yeah, I know. Oh well.'
'Hey honey, those losers WANT you to fail but you gave great answers!'
'Yeah, I was actually for once defending myself!'
'Uh... is that red icon of any significance?'
[indicates with her manicured finger the Talkshoe is still being recorded]
And be aware, if you haven't heard this audio recording once before, you may find portions of the material uncomfortable, and let us keep a part of Nacho in our hearts always.
As ever,
Galina was certainly _involved_ in the purchases, the rehabs, the seminars. But what we don't know is whether she _instigated_ any of it. Was it her idea? Or did she go along with Casey's dreams out of love, support, and duty?
This is absolutely the point I've been trying to make. In the past fortnight, compelling evidence has emerged from several sources which has turned the popular perception of Galina on its head - which is why I'm extremely suspicious of any further claims about her that aren't backed by evidence of similar strength (i.e. the equivalent of her brother-in-law ringing in to defend her against his own flesh and blood, or a scan of her own handwriting effectively complaining about Casey's manipulative tendencies).
We don't know; we only have the picture that Casey paints.
Completely correct. She may be guilty as hell, and I'm more than happy to admit that possibility. Or she may be genuinely innocent - at least in terms of motivation if not deed. But at the moment, on the basis of the available evidence, we simply can't be certain.
Today's wire story about the TB idiot:
"I'm a very well-educated, successful, intelligent person," he told the paper. "This is insane to me that I have an armed guard outside my door when I've cooperated with everything other than the whole solitary-confinement-in-Italy thing."
And the getting-on-planes-thing and going-through-multiple-countries thing.
Is this guy Snowflake's germy cousin?
NPR had a story this morning about Gen Y kids in the workforce requiring constant praise or they will be unhappy and a 'virus' to their workplace.
They said (not an exact quote): "They like to be treated like each one is as unique as a snowflake".
My brother is no good, and I've had enough!
He's in and out of jail, he hardly works, and he always gets thrown out of where he's staying.
By Cary Tennis
May. 30, 2007 | Dear Cary,
I need some advice. I have a 30-year-old brother who has been in and out of jail and constantly needs my help. My mother and father are divorced and are alcoholics and cannot help him at all.
I have built a life with my husband and two kids. My brother constantly needs help with money and he only works two hours a day because his job has now cut his hours. He lies all the time -- I don't even know what to believe anymore. He is constantly moving because he has no money to pay rent so he gets kicked out.
He is living with my aunt at this time and has ruined that because they are going to kick him out soon. For some reason I always help him. I am even paying for a rental car for him at this time. I feel responsible to help him but it's killing me. My husband is always upset at me and I constantly have anxiety due to his problems.
Please help, what can I do.
Fed Up
Dear Fed Up,
What you have to do is sit your brother down and tell him that what he's doing is no longer tolerable to you, and that you are cutting him out of your life. Tell him that you will no longer take his phone calls, or welcome him into your home, or pay his bills, or lend him money or help him in any way.
This might be done in a group, or it might be done privately, depending on many factors, including whether he is a physical threat. It might be done with the help of a counselor or facilitator. You may want strong, capable persons in the room so that he cannot threaten you physically. Or you may want to ask your police or sheriff for a "civil standby." Often used where property must be recovered by one party in a dispute -- say, a husband has been kicked out of the house and wants his clothes back -- it might be available to you in this case, if it's something you feel is necessary.
However you arrange it, you have to tell him that this situation is over.
If you think he has mental problems or if you know of someone in the community that can help him, do not hesitate to give him information about the help that is available to him. And be willing to speak to others who you think might be able to help him -- for instance, if he needs job training, or education, or therapy. But beware of making promises that if he does such and such, all will be fine. If you want to put conditions on him, make them concrete and make sure they are things that would really make a difference for you. Don't sell yourself short, that is. Don't make it easy on him. For instance, if he has a drug problem, then maybe you say he has to demonstrate that he has been clean for one year, or, if drugs are not his problem, he has to demonstrate that he can hold a regular job and pay his own rent for one year. If there are conditions, make them tough.
You know what you want to see. You want to see him living up to his word, working hard, caring for himself, paying his own way, being dependable and truthful. But he may be skilled at fooling people. He may do well in the short term, but you will still be walking on eggshells, wondering if he's fooling you and if he can make it long-term.
The bottom line is, just tell him the truth. If you don't know what it will take for him to get back in your life, tell him that. It's enough that you're honest with your brother, painful as it may be for everyone.
There are many ways this can be done, but the essentials are the same: A difficult, painful but necessary message has to be conveyed to someone who doesn't really want to hear it, is not completely trustworthy or predictable, and whose reactions may be extreme and unpleasant.
After that, you just have to stick to it.
Good luck.
Yep. I work around a young business and I can say they get all weird if you don't tell them how great they are every chance you see them.
I like M.Singh...
When Casey put me on last week I heard him say, in the form of a question, "Should we talk to this guy Dolph." It sounded as if he was asking somebody in the room.
I thought that was a weird thing to say but if he didn't want to talk to me he could have ended the call right there.
Well that is another reason he can't keep readers there for long periods. His new Nigel-esque helper is doing a good "job" weeding out the realists and haterz to the point of dooming his sweet traffic to a point where his advertisers will be screwed.
Talking of Nigel, his Caseypedia entry is now number ten on a Google search for "Nigel Swaby".
I should feel sorry for him...
...but somehow I don't.
How dare you put "feel sorry" an "Nigel" in the same sentence.
For shame!
Or the same comment, at least.
Casey, what a worthless POS.
According to this Casey could have to pay taxes on his short sales.
Maybe the IRS will throw his a$$ in jail. If you read to far you will see people that flippers like Casey hurt due to thier greed in driving the housing market bubble.
How dare you put "feel sorry" an "Nigel" in the same sentence.
I think you'll find only one of us has actually done that, and it wasn't me!
'Nigel' was in the previous sentence to the one with 'feel sorry' in it...
...oh, crap.
This may seem too obvious, and way over done to a lot of jaded eyes here, but I really do have to say it, anyway:
As I was reading this, it burned me up. It burned me up to realize that any bored highschooler who breaks a car window to grab a CD case, ghetto kid who gets caught selling baking soda as a rock, housewife who gets caught pocketing a compact in the Walmart, are all going to get more law enforcement attention and legal system involvement than Casey.
You know, Casey: the guy who used a pen to fraudulently dip into the cookie jar, putting the dream of a home just a little further out of reach of Joeseph & Josephine J. Anyone, bring blight multiple neighborhoods and help himself to $2.2 MM of someone else's capital, all while thumbing his nose at law, societal norms, responsibility, and the hard work of everyone who is trying to do it the LEGAL and upright way.
To: Dolph of Caseyland USA
Thank you for your addition to my comments. Although I did not explicitly say this, the point I was trying to draw was that if the person Casey was speaking to was his wife, her disapproval or ignorance as portrayed by him would seem to be in question. If the individual you heard him speaking with (though one imagines typically he is speaking to) was her, and she is participating in this production a scant week or two after 'the contract', I believe she may fairly be viewed in a more critical light.
A possible hybrid explanation: Casey's brother's comments regarding hurting Galina were genuine. Casey's sister-in-law's protection of her sister is genuine. However, Galina herself is indifferent at best or at worst even still supportive of Casey's efforts to achieve riches through real estate.
It could be his helper/moderator in the room.
A real mind fuck would be if the new moderator is Galina herself.
I'm not cheerleading her, I'm just not going to accuse anyone unless there's proof.
I Like M.Singh,
Love your posts. Never meant to imply that, but you pointed something out that I noticed myself.
You rock!
2 posts from moron
140. Casey Serin
May 30th, 2007 at 2:37 pm
Some crazy things have been happening. I wish I could say more.
Thanks to everybody for your comments. I read them but don’t have time to respond to every single one. I will make my responses as I can either in comments or in future posts or on the next Foreclosure Fridays show.
As for posting frequency, I never said I will post every single day. My goal has been one post in 24-48 hours and I have been pretty good about sticking to it these past 9 months. There has only been a couple of extended absenses and there was always a good reason behind it.
I’m busy taking care of some very serious and urgent issues…
I’m also going through and cleaning up mentions of you know who… I want to show respect so I’m gonna be very ruthless in deleting those comments. Its not my style (as I like to keep it organic) but I have to take extreme measures. This will be the last thing you will hear about this particular issue from me unless things change.
It’s all (mostly) good.
141. Casey Serin
May 30th, 2007 at 2:54 pm
Someone said, it’s kind of like “putting the cat in the bag”… I agreed. Hard but not impossible.
re: Gen Y'ers needing constant praise...
That's not the case with all of us. I'm perfectly content to do my work and collect my paycheck. I like hearing that I've done a good job, but it doesn't affect my work if I don't get praise. I have a job to do in exchange for a paycheck, end of story...
That being said, I think I tend to fit into the "underground" Gen Y'ers that actually have a solid work ethic (deliver the best you can, work your @$$ off 60-80 hours a week). Note that I say "underground" because I think there are a lot of us like that, but we don't get the same attention as KC "poster boy snowflake" Serin. (Which is perfectly fine by us, except that it lumps all us early-twenty-somethings into his category...)
It actually kind of worries me that my generation has this attitude because in 20 years, I'm quite likely to be running a large business that I've put a lot of my heart, soul, blood, sweat and tears into and I will at some point need to hire people for various positions. Then I'm in a bind: In the preceding 20 years, has my generation outgrown their "snowflake" years? Or is it going to be nearly impossible to find someone competent enough to manage a team or an entire company without needing constant praise and expecting to get something for nothing at every turn?
I worry about that. I see older generations essentially running the world today (corporations, government, non-profits and charities, etc.) and I wonder if my generation is going to ever step up or if everything is going to go straight to the crapper as soon as the older generation begins to retire... (Gen X? don't know what's between gen x and baby boomers... I know many of the boomers are getting close to retirement, though, right?)
Eh, end rant...
"Someone said, it’s kind of like “putting the cat in the bag”… I agreed. Hard but not impossible."
Someone obviously has never put a cat in a bag. Grab it by the scruff and lower it in. I do it thrice every time we have to go out of town...
Fliptard's site (iamfacing...) appears to be down right now. I just get a blank page.
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