Housing Bubble, credit bubble, public planning, land use, zoning and transportation in the exurban environment. Specific criticism of smart growth, neotradtional, forms based, new urbanism and other top down planner schemes to increase urban extent and density. Ventura County, California specific examples.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Snowflake vs. MSN
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FIRST.....read it and weep you bunch of loosers!
Murst? :>
You got a RSS feed to your beeper or something Dude?
Wordpress can probably cope with that kind of load if the proper measures are taken (a big enough server, maybe a little caching, not getting shut off for going over 20% of the CPU, and not doing anything blatantly inefficient).
That assumes that the site owner knows what they're doing and spends a little money on hosting though.
what msn article? what are you talking about?
Once again, Snowflake manages to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
So tempted to make some Nigel jokes, but won't.
Is this the c-net article or a new MSN article...If new, can someone please link.
Same article as the other day, just reposted.
By the way, did I mention how great it is to be an early riser™?
Just more fodder for the "Get a job" crowd.
Would you want shithead's incompetence running your website?
Would you even want him to handle the lunch/commute crowd of a retail eatery? "Serin! There's a crowd a mile long at the register!" "Um...just a minute, I have to update my blog..."
Just like everything in his life, shithead dabbles just enough to make it look like he knows what he's doing - real estate, webtech, marriage, getting up on time.
But when the shit hits the fan - and with lazy, arrogant pieces of shit like Casey, it often does - he flails and freaks out at the slighest pressure.
It's times like this that boycott of his site should be lifted, as long as you're running Firefox and have all ads turned off - that way we can kill his blog faster. If we're anything here at EN, we're efficient. (Cheshire Cat Grin™)
Oh, by the way, Casey, as for your cute little video of the guru snake oil salesman giving us the finger, right back atcha, ya piece of shit. Go cry to mommy...oh, wait, you won't be able to much longer, when you fuck HER credit, too.
I'm just wondering what the new hosts are going to do when he hits a limit. My guess is either cut him off at the limit or let him overrun and charge him for it on his card. He'll be wondering in a few weeks why his $20 server cost him $200 with all the extra resources it used.
They're using Snowflake's angst photo from the blog when it runs on the main page.
Arthur - it's not like he's going to pay that credit card bill or anything.
Worst case (for him) is maybe his mom has to foot the bill. Happy Mother's Day!
What's RSS? I see it online but have no idea what it is....have to Google and check it out. If I get a beeper and subscribe to the RSS thingy, will I get FASTER at FIRST?!
RSS: Really Simple Syndication.
Basically a way to get informed when something gets updated... basically.
From the MSN article:
"Someone even paid Serin $250 for the opportunity to rant to him for an hour about financial responsibility."
THAT WAS ME! I'm anonofamous...and FIRST.
Arthur - it's not like he's going to pay that credit card bill or anything.
Maybe not but it will max out quicker.
You forget he's about to broker that casion deal.
From that bastion of accuracy known as Wikipedia:
RSS is a family of web feed formats used to publish frequently updated digital content, such as blogs, news feeds or podcasts.
Users of RSS content use software programs called "feed readers" or "feed aggregators". The user subscribes to a feed by entering a link of the feed into the reader program. The reader can then check the user's subscribed feeds to see if any of those feeds have new content since the last time it was checked, and, if so, retrieve that content and present it to the user.
Now, is it just me that believes that the begathon (and the public countdown to it) is not at all about raising money, but about drawing hits: from the newcomers just being introduced to his fraud, and from the haterz(tm) trying to warn the newbies away....
In SnowShit's eyes, it's a traffic win-win.
Casino deal.
Well, hell, maybe he did mean a "casion" deal for all I know.
"Arthur - it's not like he's going to pay that credit card bill or anything.
Maybe not but it will max out quicker."
The crux here is that he's frittering away his dope^^^^ corporate credit (that mommy is on the hook for) on servers.
As usual, anyone involved with Shitflake gets fucked, sooner or later.
I've done some less than savory things in my life, but I never fucked my Mom over.
Just when I thought my loathing could'nt go any lower...
The crux here is that he's frittering away his dope^^^^ corporate credit (that mommy is on the hook for) on servers.
Nothing new there then. Though I agree putting mum's credit on the line is pretty disgusting.
How big is Nigel's boner right now?
^ That was a hypothetical question for obvious reasons.
That was a hypothetical question for obvious reasons.
Damn, we all thought you'd lost your micrometer.
Speaking of Nigel and his boner.....
Aha, a new error message:
Error establishing a sweet database connection (error type: itsallbad)
This either means that the username and password information in your murse-config.php file is incorrect or our server is out of wheatgrass shots. This could also mean your host's database server has been foreclosed on.
* Are you sure you have the correct color of ball?
* Are you sure that you are using corporate and not personal credit?
* Are you sure that you have the faintest idea about what you're doing, fucktard?
If you're unsure what these terms mean you should probably contact your Salt Lake City realtor. If you still need help you can always visit your local mental health facility.
We all know if Nigey Poo bought IAFF, which Snowflake won't sell, this hits would go from 15K - 1K in a matter of a week.
Said the Dawg: The MSN article is diving his visits ballistic. 6k in the 5AM hour alone. No way the Wordpress software can serve up any page requests at that rate.
Sure it could. If you know what you're doing, that is, and maybe have a spare dedicated server or two and / or have heard about caching proxies and the like. Hell, even putting up a static copy of the front page (and losing a few of the graphics) would deal with a large proportion of the traffic.
I saw the new front page, before it went all server error on me. It looks like warmed-over ass. Way, way amateur.
There's a shot of Dipwad drinking a wheatgrass shot looking like a serial killer.
It's also clear he's totally panicking over the whole 'being outted trolling' thing. The first post is about how he doesn't troll! Really! The guy just wrote it, but it's not true!
There's also A COUNTDOWN CLOCK TO THE NEXT BEG-A-THON. He makes me want to beat the shit out of him with blunt objects. NO ONE give him money.
He's at 26k visitors so far today, and it's taking several tries just to get a page at all. Imagine what his stats would be like if he had a functioning server. He goes off of MSN in about an hour.
Is the MSN article the same as the CNN one?
@ Arthur Wankspittle,
I had the same question as you, so had a quick look at MT's site:
Each (gs) Grid-Service hosting plan includes a large number of GPUs which have been carefully calculated to provide 99.7% of all customers with enough resources to never exceed the GPU allocation.
So - the GPU allocation is intended to cover the average blog, not one like KC's.
If you should exceed your GPU allocation you will simply be billed at the end of the month for the overage that your server incurred at the rate of $0.10 per GPU.
So - it's not "only" $20/mo. It's variable pricing based on usage.
Each (gs) Grid-Service service plan is given 1000 GPUs monthly, which is equivalent to continuously using 10% of a processor core for one month. This breaks down to 1.4 GPUs per hour.
If your server grows to use 100% continuous use of a processor core, your server will effectively use 13.4 GPU per hour.
So - KC is likely to significantly exceed the $20 plan.
Is it possible for my service to be shut down because of the GPU use and overages?
Yes. We have seen a very rare number of circumstances in which some customers have reached such "severe resource demands" that their ending monthly bill would greatly exceed a majority of hosting budgets. In most of these situations, the "severe resource demands" stemmed not from organic traffic patterns and usage, but rather from malformed software, hacked scripts, or highly inefficient programming techniques.
"malformed"? "inefficient"? Sounds like KC. So - downtime will probably happen, given KC's mad IT skillz.
endgame thanks for finding that. Casey gets suckered again for not reading the small print.
Hi Kids...I'm back from a nice vacation.
I am also lol at the fact that Declan (who is a graduate of my university and a friend of my best friend from college) did such a nice hatchet job on the celebutard wannabe. I must call my friend today and have him send much love to Declan for the CNET article!
2 questions...how are all y'all monitoring the former fliptard's traiifc. I too cannot get to IAFF
Also have we heard from Homey DA Clown lately?
Yes, please pass along thanks to Declan for doing a proper job of investigative reporting.
Far superior to the fluff pieces that Suze Orman, Nightline, USA Today and all the others wrote.
Yes - Homey posted a day or two ago. Some vague dramatic stuff.
Do yourself a favor - read the "Shut Down the [IAFF] Blog?" post. Both Duane LeGate and HeeKee chime in - not to be missed!!
Any idea where Homey's latest message to us is?
I gotta lot of catching up to do...looks like the Jetta is a little more broken than when I last visited here :)
re: $250 podcast...
so "The Dude" is Stanley? Ahaaaa...that explains the Firsts !!!
@ TV
IAFF sitemeter stats
Hey guys don't let anger about the beg-a-thon countdown overwrite the fact that that timer has replaced the forclosure.com affiliate ad link that used to be in that spot.
Has he been thrown out of the program already? Or did he have to disable the script due to processor overload?
WordPress can handle that kind of load. CrooksandLiars.com, which runs under WP, gets 150,000+ visits a day, and has few if any performance problems.
But they have truly dedicated servers and techies who actually know what they're doing.
It's kind of astounding watching Snowflake make idiot mistake after idiot mistake with his continually moving from server to server.
A quick fix would be to make a WordPress.com blog, import from the existing blog, then redirect to the .com blog, at least until the furor dies down.
WordPress.com servers can handle any load. And it's free.
IAFF sitemeter stats.
Can I have a 20,000 July 2007 put please? That should be cheap enough now but will be worth a fortune in a couple of weeks.
Hey guys don't let anger about the beg-a-thon countdown overwrite the fact that that timer has replaced the forclosure.com affiliate ad link that used to be in that spot.
Has he been thrown out of the program already? Or did he have to disable the script due to processor overload?
I bet it's still there but overwritten with the Beg-a-thon counter.
PS For those with WP blogs, wp-cache will cache the home page and other pages as well, greatly reducing server load.
Any idea where Homey's latest message to us is?
I did a quick page search in the last 15 posts for the phrase "Homey" - it's here:
Snowflake's on an MT shared server now? I thought he was on his own dedicated box, or his 20% slice of Hekee's box, or somesuch.
I'm only a caveman. I can't keep track of Snowflake's hosting drama.
Thanks for the Homey post location
Quoth Homey
"PS. Do not think for one minute Serin is off the hook. The wheels grind slowly, but finely. I hear that some of the institutions he defrauded and various government agencies may be talking amongst each other as how to best proceed."
OMG...if they're all talking to each other Snowflake is in serious shit...I'm sure they're trying to figure out how to get possession of as much as they can (maybe including his mortal soul)!
@ TV
Casey's mortal soul is the junk bond of the eternal damnation market. Unless you combine a whole bunch of them into some kind of failed flipper fund, they're not worth CashCall's trouble. They're better off taking the broken Godaddy server.
That is a mortal soul that even Faust would take a pass on
Speaking of souls, I'm about due for a preachy/pissy email from the Mormons. Someone from the LDS in SLC is currently poring over every Galina Serin-related word I've typed...it can't be too long before the fundies heave their god up my arse.
Tell the complaining moron-mons that Galina is part of the real estate bubble butt problem, and is thus attackable with impunity
Casey will never be Tron. Ever.
anon...here's a funny comment about Galina from this morning:
Anonymous said...
come on and leave her alone. our govornment has been lying and scamming for years and we pay them! isn't it enough that they tried to beat the system and lost? at least they haven't apllied for welfare yet. you want to save our economy, do something about the illegal immigrants that are slowly but surely destroying our financial institution.
May 16, 2007 8:59 AM
Aspeth said...
So let me get this straight, anon...you're one of those folks who thinks that financial crimes are "victimless" (which, in my experience implies you've got a pretty wide grey area in your own life with theft/fraud) so you want to shift to the topic to immigration?
Would it sufficiently feed your ire to know that both Casey and Galina Serin are immigrants?
Strange, that...I'm not attacking who they are, I'm saying they should be held accountable for what they've done.
If my house takes a dump value wise I will be pointing to Casey Serin as the reason for this.
He's the face of the fliptard.
I will take a dump in my house, and mail it to Casey Serin.
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